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MR. J. COLLINS He«|»ect6Uly announces that he has been favoured with instructions to Submit for Sale fcfi auction, Otf TUESDAY ANb WEDNESDAY June 15th aftd 16th, 1852, AT HEAN CASTLE, NEAR TENBY, Superior and Valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, China, Glass, Books, Pictures, Prints, 4c. DRAUGHT HORSES, CARRIAGES & DOG CART, Colts, Cows, Pigs, Sheep, and Young Cattle, Imple- i ments of Husbandry, &c. rjlHE Modern and valuable Household Furniture com- I prises mahogany dining, loo, sofa, and card tables, Mahogany sideboard, chairs, sofas, Brussels and Kidder- minster carpets, dmggets, rosewood chiffonnier with mar- ble slab, passage lamp, bronzed and brass fenders, curious bamboo sofa, pair of large globes, quantity of glaas dinner, tea, and breakfast ware, old china; maho- Igany four-post, tent, and balf-tester bedsteads and fumi- tUre, palliasses, feather-beds, bolsters, and pillows, blankets, quilts, and counterpanes, mahogany chests of drawers, wardrobes, &c. All the kitchen, dairy, and brewing requisites, excellent mangle, &c. The LIVE STOCK comprises pure Ayrshire, Durham, Castlemartin: and Kerry Cows, one young bull of the Castlemartin breed, two yearling Ayrshire heifers, one excellent draught horse, one grey mare in foal by Amphion, one bay mare (a good hack) with a foal at her feet, one handsome pony in foal by Merioneth, one fine yearling colt, one handsome yearling filly by Merioneth, trhee years old steers, ewes and lambs, pigs, &c. Ploughs, harrows, carts, rollers, malt-mill, turnip cut- ter, chaff cutter, ladders, and a quantity of three-inch oak plank, cart felloes, spokes, &c. The Household Furniture will be sold on the 15th and the Live Stoek, Implements of Husbandry, &c, on the 16th. The sale to commence each day at 11 o'clock. Six Months Credit will be given on approved securty sut^ect to the conditions of sale. Catalogues may be had at the principal Inns at Tenby, Narbprth, Pembroke, Haverfordwest, and at the Office of Ihe Auctioneer at Narberth, on and after the 7th of June. Narberth, 17th of May, 1852, DECAYED TEETH & TOOTH ACHE. Patronised by Her Majesty the Queen, His Royal Htyhness Prince Albert, Her Royal Highness the DwIteW Kent. MR. HOWARD'S WHITE SUCCEDANEUM for filling Decayed Teeth, however large th« cavity It ig placed in the tooth in a soft state, without any pres- or pain, and in a short time HARDENS INTO A J^HITE ENAMEL, and it is superior to anything ever before used, as it will NEVER BECOME DIS- COLOURED in the teeth; remaining white tor many years. It arrests all further progress of decay, a™1^ HLn" protraction unnecessary. All persons use the WH I IK 8UCCEDANEUM THEMSELVES WITH EASE 38 full directions are enclosed. Prepared only by Thomas Howard, Surgeon dentist to 1;8 Grace the Achbishop of Canterbury, 17, George.street Haitover-square, London, who will send the White Suc- aheum free by POST to any part of the Kingdom, r.:lte ?s. Sd,—Observe; it resold in seated packets, with direction? for the use enclosed, and the signature, Thorna* Howard, in red ink on the outside of the wrapper. °ld by the following agent, KIt. HOWARD'S TOOTH POWDER. to This Tooth Powder will be found a valuable appendage 'o the toilet. Being perfectly free from any injurious sub- *»i *r preserves the teeth—imparts a delici- fragrance to the breath—gives a beautiful redness to the KUnts— imparts to them a healthy firmness of texture, and V events the loosening of the teeth.—Price 2s. fctl, per box sen* free by post. X.OSS 01* TEETH, « and very curiousinvention connected with Denta- tr"P?er^ been introduced by Mr Howard, it is the in, ouQctton of aT» entirely new description of artificial teetn aim self adhesion, combining capillary attraction and nio»pheric pressure, without springs, wires or ligatures. .• eT. so perfectly resemble natural teeth as not to be cis- "Rtjlishe from the originals by the closest observer. They change colour or decay, and will be found very *iJ?eri°r-*0 any teeth ever before used. This method does n • 'eSuire the extraction of any tooth or roots, or any tli«? operation, and will support and preserve the teeth and is guaranteed to restore articulation and sonB1*"3 J°4* invention is of importance to many per- ■ *and those who are interested in it should avail them- mar k l- ,ls. new discovery, and that his improvements oowin *"h,n l'1e reach of the Most economical, he will ued th« sums moderate charges. „ .;Howard. Surgeon Dentist, 17, George-street, Hano- quare, London. At home from 10 till 5. "THe: ROAD TO HEALTH. IILLDW A Y'S PILLS. 0 Copy 0P A DISORDERED UVBR AND BAD DIGESTION. y 0/ ° Letter from Mr. R. W. Kirkus, Chemist 7, Prescot I To P 'ree', Liverpool, dated 6th Jane, 1851. SlRr° HOLLOWAY, 8„ie i- Your PiUg and Ointment have stood highest on pur ta iuli" Proprietary Medicine for some years. A customer i I cau refer tor any inquiries, de*ires me to let you the particulars of her case. She had been, troubled for Tears with a disordered liver, »nd bad digestion. On the "a»t occasion, however, the virulence of the attack was so •farming, and the inflamation set in-so severely, that doubts were entertained of her not being able to bear up under it fortunately she was, induced to try your Pills, and she in- forms me that after the first, and each succeeding dose, she had great relief. She continued to take them, and although she used only three Boxes, she is now in the enjoyment of perfect health. I could have sent you many more cases, but the above, from the severity of the attack, and the speedy cure, «htak, .p«k. »«eh » fa.o^.1 AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF RHEJJMATtC FEVER, IN 7AN DIEMEN'S LAND. Copy of a Letter inserted in the Hobart Town Courier, of the 1!t March, 1851, by Major J. Walch. Margaret M 'Connigan. nineteen years ot age, residing ? Ne* Town, had been suffering from a violent rheumatic fe- *er for upwards of two months, which had entirely deprived 5e«-of the use of her limbs during this period she was un- der the care of the mo6t eminent medical men in Hobart !°.wn, and by them her case was considered hopeless. A ,rjend prevailed upon ber to try Holloway's celebrated fills, she consented to do, and in an increditable short space -of tiuie they effected a perfect cure. ùUR. OP A PAIN AND TIGHTNESS IN THE CHEST AND 8TO MACH OF A PERSON 84 YEA-RS OF AGE. Prom Messrs. Thaw$■ Son, Proprietors of the Lynn Advertiser *p vouch for the following statement. —Aug. 2, 1851. 10 Professor HOLLOWAY, „ F P iiR'~•' desire to bear testimony to the good effects ot olio way's Pills. Por so-ne years I suffered severely from and tightness in the stomach, which was also ac- ^npanied by a shortness of breath, that prevented me from panting about. I am 84 years of age, and notwithstanding advanced state of life, these Pills have so relieved «ne, tlajij desirous that others should be made acquainted h their virtues. I am not rendered, by their means, com- paratively active, and take exercise without inconvenience or ain> which I could not do before. HENRY COE, North-street, Lynn, Norfolk. A,'q EXTRAORDINARY CITRE OF THE GRAVEL AND A MOST BANGKROUS LlVllR COMPLAINT. Copy °J « Letter addressed to J. K. Ileydon, Esq., Sydney, 8 Aeto South Wutcs, dated February 25th, 1851. s R, Mr. Thomas Clark, a setler, at Lake George was th time seriously afflicted with a complaint ot rf tl,Ver» together with the Gravel. His medical attendants w £ rktryi,ng ail their 8kil,« candidly told him that his case tion ess> a,,d any further efforts useless. In this situa- • »'*od when expecting every day would terminate his ex- anaDCe' a ^riend recommended him to try Holloway's Pills sid "V? 'or^orn hope he did so, the first dose gave him con- jn~e[ vf re\'e'» he therefore preserved in taking them aecord- 11 ii 6 directions, and is now restored to perfect health ev» /ee' great pleasure in confirming this statement, or n •" an affidavit to the same effect, should it be re- Huirea. Win. JONES, Proprietor of the Goulbourn Herald, New South Wales. WONDERFUL EFFICACY OF HOLLOWAY'S PILLS IN CASES OF p DROPSY. 0 suffering from Dropsy, either about the turn oflife Pilb er times, should immediately have recourse to these of th? ^dreds of persons are annually cured, by their use tiis direful complaint in its different stages, when all other n^iis had failed. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the-follow- ing complaints. Females Irregnlari- Scrofula, or King's sthma ties Evil 'nous Complaints Fevers of all kinds Sore Throats 0 the Fits Stone and Gravel ^'n Gout Secondary Symp- °wel Complaints Head-ache toms p° Indigestion Tic Douloureux of the Inflammation Tumours p Bowels Jaundice Ulcers consumption Liver Complaints Venereal Affe- "ebihty Lumbago tions ropsy Piles Worms of all kinds ysentory Rheumatism Weakrjeas, from ^rysipeiH# Retention of Urine whatever cause &c. Sold at the Establishment of Professor HOLLOWAY, 244, tiand, (near Temple Bar) London, and by all respectable rnggists, and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized at the following prices—Is. l £ d., 2s. 9d., lis 22s. na 33s. each box. There is a considerable saving by taking V ger *'zes- —rections for the guidance of Patients in every Ptuer are affixed to each Box. • Not ICE.—Return Cabin Tickets available for FOUR TEF.N DAYS in these Steamers, may be had from the Undermentisned Agents. Liverpool to Milford, Swansea, or Bristol, and back, JÎ8. Milford to Bristol, and back, 17s. DEDUCED FARES. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, AND BRISTOL, For the MO NTH of JfA Y, 1852, THE STEAM POWERFUL SHIPS TROUBADOUR (CAPT.JOHN ANDERSON) G L E N DOWER, (CAPT. WM. JAMES BECKKTT), OR some other suitable Vessel, is intended to sai with goods and passengers, {unless prevented by any unforeseen occurrence) as follows :-(with or without pilots, and liberty to tow /essels From TRAFALGAR DOCK, LIVERPOOL, to MILFORD & BRISTOL, Landing passengers for Swansea (weather and time per- mitting) at the Mumbles. Satuiday ..1 8 morn Satprday 22..1Hmorn Saturday ..8 1 after Saturday 29.. 7 morn Saturday ..15. 81 morn | The Steamer sails for Bristol (weatherpermitting) im npdiately after her arrival at Milford, which is seldom under 22 hours after sailing from Liverpool FROM CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, TO SWANSEA AND LIVERPOOL. Tuesday 4.. 6 morn | Tuesday ..18.. 5§morn Tuesday ..11.. llmorn Tuesday ..25.. 9|morn FROM SWANSEA TO LIVERPOOL, CALLING AT MILFORD. Wednesday 5. 5 morn Wednesday 19.. 4J.norn Wednesday 12. 12 noon Wednesday 26.. 9 morn The Steamer sails for Liverpool (weather Dermiturig) immediately after her arrival at Milford (which is seldom under six or seven hours after leaving Swansea). All transit ot Goods from the Steamer to shore, whether by lighter or otherwise, and whether at the steamers ex- pense or not, is at the risk of the consignee or owner o the goods. FARES: Cabin. Dec ft. Liverpool to or from Bristoi.SwanMa, or Milford '2s. 6d 5s Od. Milford to Bristol 12s. 6d 5s Od. Miliord to Swansea Od. 3s Od. Apply to Edwin Edwards, Swansea; Fitz- simoris, Applebee, and Co. 20, Water-street, Liverpool H. G. Evans, Bristol, or Mr. C. H. N. HILL, Agent, MJfortl. The Juverna is intended to sail from Bristol to Cork on Wednesdays during the Summer instead of Tuesdays. N OTIC E.-The Old Company's Steam Packets Dart and Usk for Newport daily, and the Swift for Cardiff, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, will in future start from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, calling at the Hotwells, where a W aUtnR- room for Passengers is provided opposite the Landing- place, and they are taken on board about twenty minutes after the time stated in the bills for sailing from Bathurst Basin, and landed free of charge. f„mr« Goods for Newport, Chepstow, and Cardiff, will in future be received by W. and H. Hartnell, corner of St. Stephen s Avenue on the Quay, instead ofCtate-etreet Hall. BRISTOL vi. GENERAL STEAM RA^ATIOM COMPANY OFFICE, QUA Y, BRISTOL. rMHE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to _L Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL,—Dublin, ROSE; Cork, JUVERNA and SABUIN A: Waterford, VIC- TORY; Tenby, STAR and PHOINIX; Milford, Pater, and Haverfordwest, STAR; Carmarthen, PHCEKIX; Cardiff, SWIFT • Newport, DART and USK or other suitable packet, —and asunder-mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liberty to tow Vessels, during MAY, 18-W. N.B.—AU Gooils for Shipment must be alongsitle before 4 o'clock in the afternoon. FROM BRISTOL. h w t? c £ # u >1 "O HN 2 Gu 5 £ -e £ z Saturday 1 • • • • 3ia Monday 3 5m 5n; 5 b Wednes. S "7m .l.V. 0*m 6i<» 6 a 6| m 6|a Frid^y.^ 7 7jm 7im7im7$m 7im 8m Saturday 8 8Jm Monday 10 9.jn. 9Jm Hm 9|ni. W&Jnw. 12 I" 12,1 12" '2" i2|a Thursday 13 ••••• ••• Friday. 14 2JK 2Ja 2m 2J-. 2|a Saturday 15 3 a 3ia 16 -11- Monday 17 5,» 4i" Tuesday 18 ts Wednes. 19 6™ °im 5im 5iao|ni 5^a Thursday 20 ~r" £ Ci" rt'" ri" Friday 21 *iim 6Jm 6.^m 6Jm 6Jm 6fm b}a Saturday 22 l7i*> 7 a Monday" 24 5Jm 8im j8jin Tuesday 25 9^m VV-ednes. 2(j Mm 10in 10ni 10m lUm Thursday 27 II m Friday 28 la la Ini J m 12J« la Saturday 29 2 2 a 3rt — Mondny 31 3J» 4 a 4Jm 4 a -30- Mondny 31 .3"" 3J» 4 a 4im 4 a T 0 BRISTOL. i a ? T3 j £ > J • o "2 fl* S < O 5 — a. S5 Saturday 1 5m 2 SS P" Wednes. 5 7m .fm ,» rhuisday C Friday.. 7 7m.9im 6Jn.. bm Saturday 8 J" — Monday 10 8|m 10m' .8 m. Tuesday 11 9m 12 ;••• 9m 9m Wednes. 12 2* llm 10m Thursday 13 llm 1211 Friday.. 14 la .lj.n 3i«n » Saturday 15 5m 2<r. lja. l^a — Monday 17 •••• • Tuesday 18 3 a 7m. 5 a 7 a. d|a 4m ThSSSlV|i9» •••• -l" S' 15X1 Monday 24 U™ 9^ •••• .••• Tuesday 25 8m Um 7}m /*m Wednes. |20 12n •' — Thursday 127 llm"" Friday 28 11 in 12,1 2 -.X' llro JJi: Saturday '29 4^m _•>" J2n 12Ja — ~r— ij? 2J m 2{ a Monday 31 j Passengers can book themselves at the Padd.ngton Ter- minS for conveyance to Cork per Great Western Rail way w Bristol with liberty to remain there two days, and from thence per the undermentioned Steamers at the following "is't Class Rail and Cabin of Steam Ship £ 2 J 0 2nd Do. do. Q jg Q Palseng^s'prorceding from ^OQ^o^'k'o^uhe^a^ne the Cork Steam-ship Company s Othte, Cork, terms. ,e™.e whole ot the above Vwel^e ug(toth. conveyance ol Passengers and Goods. on Board.-Carnages and Horses pupped witti care Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before SaAfi^NTS.-Mr. Joseph Morgan Tenby; Mr. J. Rees, Haverfordwest; Mr. Palmer, AWford; Mr. Mr. John N. Smart and Mr. J. W. W. R. Harvey and Mr. C. H. Reran, C^d,ttR' f1 Ilfracombe; Mr.Thomas Baker, Lynton; Mr. Robert btacej, Carmarthen; and Mr. R. Jones, Newpor the Bristol Particulars may Iw obtained by Brist0|. where Steam Navigation Company s Office, I^ dd d._ all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &c., should be ad<jres»ea. lor Cardiff to W. and H. Hartnell, Corner of baint Stephens \veuue, Quay; and for Cardiff and Swansea, to K. T. fnr 1^: Quay-streetand for Newport, to VV and H Hartnell Corner of Saint Stephen's Avenue, Qimj,and.. .Sines, Bownham Wharf, Hotwells. (See also Bradshaw s G'NOTICE.—Tbe Proprietors of the above Steam Packets will be not accountable for any C^bin Passenger s. Luggage (if lost or damaged )ahove the value of live Pounds nor tor any Dcck Passenjers Lugage (if lost or .a.naged) above tha value of Twenty Shilling unless .n each case «"»«ed ?s Midland freight in proportion paid for the same at .«s time of delivery nor will they be answerable for au.y other par- cel above the ulue of Forty Slid ings (if lost or damaged ) unless enterc « i s such, and freight in proportion paid for the sainei ll.time of oelivery.Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Note. At) tetters seeking information be post paid. (3 SEA? JFTRN I TTJRB. rpHE FURNISHING BUSINESS of this Neighbourhood having suffered from no other cause than that of the JL inability of Provincial Manufacturers to compete with English Houses, MESSRS. CODD & JAMES BeR to inform the Public, that having recently made with their London Merchants respecting the importation of their BEST Timber, they are now in a position to offer Furniture at Prices which upon comparison will be found THE CHEAPEST IN THE PRINCIPALITY. Th* following List of a few articles is therefore published to give Parties about to Furnish an idea of the Immense Reduction which has been made, and the Saving they will effect by Purchasing at this Establishment PRICES:- „ a 8. d. | r n Mahog&ny Chairs, French Polished, with Stuffed 6 I Sofas^* 1! l ]5 0 2 01 Chiffioniers „ 210 0 sSLds!! o oiFour-PoSt Bedstead „ 300 'Although the above Prices are ^uite Twenty per cent, ower than that of any other maker in Wales, C. and J. guarantee hat in point of workmanship and materials every article they manufacture is equal to any in the Kingdom. FUNERALS. The inaptitude of Persons to transact business when mourning over the loss of deceased Friends, and the apparent. incM> cacy of attempting to reduce the Undertaker's Charges have too often ocow.oned Expenditure at Funerals both and er.8t nous. In order to prevent as much as lies in their power a continuance of this pernicious system, Conn & JAMES have determined upon advertising the following List of Prices. gllia^SS'iia Pi»« I»~ribrf Shilling. Ditto, ditto, covered with Cloth •• Vin» Pm.nrl# Ten Shilline Polished Oak Coffin, with Shell and Lead Coffins ^Ine Pounds len Shilling OONTRAOTS GIVEN FOR BUILDINGS OF ALL DESORIPTONS. PT INS WITH SPECIFICATIONS, SUPPLIED, & ALL ARCHITECTURAL BUSINESS TRANSACTED PLANS, W11H bfi^iiriOAJ. equally BEASONABLE TERMS. PA p e R-H ANGINO, PAINTING, ETC. Address, Quay-Street, Haverfordwest. WILLIAM LEWIS, TIMBER MERCHANT, CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, UNDERTAKER, BUILDER, ETC. PICTON-PLACE, HAVERFORDWEST, P selected ^BKR, and FPLL0W PINE> 0AK and B]RCH TIMBER, will be found of the besfquality, and'his PINE'sPRUCE, MEM EL DEAL, and OAK STAVES cannot be surpassed all of which he is determined to offer at the lowest possible remunerative figure. BRICKS, TILES, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC., Considerably under the prices now asked. Wll tum T FWIS hasiust returned from the London and other Markets, where he has purchased several thousand IJJIJIAI J •,}, a]j the New and Modern Designs emanating from the researches of English, French, JSp.1*.EES, »A.l.iS fam .he hi.b.rt. of price, of 4H. p„ pi™ a„d »p™rd.. The DECORATING DEPARTMENT will be found replete with the most chaste, recherche, and refined im- RPET ROOMS are fully stocked with every modern pattern out, with the addition ol rich VELVET PILE CARPETTING, now reduced to 5s. 4d. per yard, more than 50 per cent. under the usual price. N B SOLE AGENT for the VICTORIA CARPETTING, which for economy, durability, and elegance of appear- ance stands Unrivalled, and equally patronised by every grade of society. The CABINET SUITE OF ROOMS contain the largest and most gorgeous collection of FURNITURE in Wales, embracing the most graphic designs in every article, the quality of which he will not here dilate on, as twenty years' expe- rience loudly testifies the superiority of the manufacture and materials pC his establishment. The BEST HOUSES in the BEST MARKETS have been selected for his purchases, and as the great majority of his selections have been made without credit, he is determined NO HOUSE SHALL UNDERSELL HIS. All snrtn of Paintine executed at a moment's notice by first-rate workmen, and ornamental painting done with a trothful- ^vn bui o e negg (o natlire unsurpassed. Picton-Place, Match 25th, 1852. MODERN FURNISHINC, FAR M I N C AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSE, (NEXT THE TOWN-HALL) HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. ttni mat BEM '?« tSEN a STEP HEM 5EE3 1T^ IM returning his crateful thanks to his Customers and the public in general, for the extensive and increasing patronage which he has received from them since his commencement m business, would beg most respectfully to assure them that he still continues to offer for sale articles, which will be found of the best possible workmanship, made of the best materials, and at the lowest remunerating prices. In his extensive Stock will be found a large assortment f Stoves, Fenders, Fire Irons, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Table and Chamber Lamps, Kitchen Ranges, Roasting Apparatus, Kitchen l' urnni"-c, I Kettles Saucepans, &c., Japanned, Papier, a"d Iron Trays, Britannia Metal Tea and Coffee Pots, Patent W ater I .Iters, ,re Work,, &c. Tln "girork, with Plumbing, Bell-Banging, a ad Smiths' Work in all their Branches. CARPENTERS', SMITHS', AND COOPERS' TOOLS, OF THE BEST MAKE AND QUALITY THE MISCELLANEOUS AND BUiLDINC STOCK rnnaists of Laths, Bricks, Tiles, Creases, Locks, Nails, Hinges, Screws, Latches, Draining Pipes, Paints, Oils, Rope Sweeoine and other Brushes, Pattens, Clogs, &c., Bar and Sheet Iron, Steel, Sheet Lead and Pipes, Share and Plough PnttttnffS Traces, Spades, Shovels, Draining Tools, Ploughs, Harrows, Corn Crushers, lurnip and Mangle Machines, Furze Mills, Lead, Zinc, and Tin Milk Paus, with Improved Plugs. ENGLISH'S PATEN; CAMPHINE, AND PALMER'S PATENT METALLIC CANDLES. N.B—ARTICLES OF PATENT MANUFACTURE OBTAINED AT THE PATENTEES' PRICES. April 28th, 1852. AGRICULTURAL GENERAL IMPLEMENT IRONMONGERY MANUFACTORY ESTABLISHMENT TURNIP AND MANURE DRILL. N addition to and other Drills of a ell -e.'Per description, which have hitherto tis6d iti this county I e(i against the ;ipproaching Season the Celebrated J. MARYCHUPCII has NORTHUMBERLAND PRIZE DRILL, To which he respectfully invites the attention of Agriculturists. The principal advantages of this Drill are the following:- It sows two rows at a time, I ',asf 'ei*8 Placed before and behind the Coulters, It will deposit the Seed at any requisite depth, I 1 ,s 0 construction, and r.ot at all liable to be I Put 0l« of repair. IRON CORN-RICK STANDS Manufactured under the NBW SCHEME for reducing the Price of Agricultural Implements. 10 feet diameter, £ 2 10s. The saving effected by the use of these Stands, in completely preserving the Grain from the attack of Verniine, and improving its quality by thorough ventilation, will more than compensate Jor the out-lay in the first season. The Subscribers list for FIVE HUNDRED at the reduced price, having commenced, parties are requested to favour T M. with the number and description of Sets they will require, immediately, that there may be no difficulty in combine tl»d«li«rT of ,l,e whole number .p.™. ,b.So.og H.tom, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKS, HAVERFORDWEST. ILLUSTRATIONS OF FREE TRADE. We re- marked in our last on the statement made by the Cheltenham Examiner, wi h reference to the state of pauperism in the Cheltenham Union at this moment, under Free Trade: and we observe that ThTrlnes, enamoured with our contemporary- ««facts has d'6ne him the honour to copy the paragraph twice. The Cheltenham Chromcle has taken the pains to analyse the statement, and inquire into the true position of the union in relation to its position under the higher prices of Protection, and we quote his results As our contemporary has thought proper to state that the present inmates of the workhouse 93 old and infirm men 105 old and infirm women, and six women with illegitimate children the remainder being children and adults suffering from accidents or sickness,' it is right we should inform our readers that I the remainder here spoken ot amounts to upwards of 260 This, of itself, ap- pears to be a tolerably fair allowance of pauperism for an union not including within it a single ma- nufacturing parish; yet this is not all, tor the total of inmates of the workhouse in the wedk ending May 8th (which would seem, from the numbers quoted, to be the period selected for our contemporarv's illustration), was 466 !—while the out-door relief extended to 1101 heads of families in the Union, which, taking each head as the representative of a family of five persons- rather less than the accepted average-would, adding the workhouse inmates, give a pauper population of very nearly 6000 souls. So much then for Ütcts, and the argument in proof of the healthy state of affairs under Free Trade. "Compare this now with the state of affairs at the corresponding period ot the last year of I ro- tection. On the 6th of May, 1846, the official returns of the Board of Guardians give—inmates of the workhouse, 322, and in receipt ofout-do6r relief, 658, which dealt with as in the foregoing instance, would furnish a total of 3612, or about five eights of the number of paupers in the union at the vresent time I And, lest it should be sup- posed that our Free Trade period has any advant- age whatever over that of Protection in regard to the description of persons reduced to a pauper condition, we may here mention that the number of able-bodied inmates were in each instance alike, and consisted of seven persons, not a single able- bodied pauper, male or female, having been ad- mitted into the workhouse in the particular week of 1846, with which the camparison is here insti- tuted," A The Glomnel Chronicle makes the following ex- traordinary statement on the authority of a corres- pondent on whom "every reliance must be placed." A terrier of mine fell into an old coal shaft sixty teet deep, and at the end of eighteen days, I inspected the place, and had a man let down by the rope, who after spending a length of time below in exploring the bottom, found the animal lying at a distance of one hundred yards from the shaft, not having food of any kind, or even water, during the whole time. She was quite blind for a few hours, and was not able to lap milk for an hour or better after being placed at the fire; but in two days she was quite recovered, and is now as lively as ever. Two individuals named Prach, husband and wife, were tried in Paris on Saturday, par conPwnace, hav- ing fled from justice, for having seduced a young English woman to deliver her up to prostitution. They were found guilty, and sentenced to imprison- ment for two years and a fine of 500f. An Italian named Zucatte, who is in custody, and who prac- rised as dentist at the Rue St. Honore, was convicted as an accessory, and sentenced to imprisonment for 12 months and a fine of 500f. SEWAGE MANURE.— A chemist writing in the' Times, says—" England is the only country within my knowledge where the sewage of large towns is allowed to run waste. The French laugh at us and say,' John Bull is too fastidious to collect human ex- crement and apply it to the manuring of his land and the production of corn and other food, but prefers having it carried into the rivers from which he is supplied with water, that he may take it au naturel The Belgians, the Swiss, and the Germans not only ridicule us, but taunt the English agriculturists with the folly of spending hundreds of thousands annually upon foreign fertilisers while they have an inexhaus- tible supply of a more valuable article at home." which they not only allow to be wasted, but to vitiate the air by its deletorious exhalations From analyses I have myself made and compared with those of Professor Johnson, Miller, and others, I feel myself perfectly justified in giving the following as the comparative values of the fertilisers now in gen- eral useAssuming 1001b. of the best fermented farm-yard dung as a standard, it is found to be equal to 1251b. solid excrement of the cow, 731b. solid exc. of the horse, 9lib. liquid exc. of the cow, 161b liquid exc. of the horse, 98lb. mixed exc. of the cow, 451b. mixed exc. of the horse, 361b. mixed exc. of the sheep, 64lb. mixed exc. of the pig, 12lb. human exc., 91b. human urine, 14 £ lb. solid London sewage, 171b mixe i London sewage, 191b. Peruvian guano, at X8 10s. ^ei ton, 271b. Ichaboe guano, at £ 6 pT ton.


[No title]