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WALTER HARRIES REYNOLDS, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, A COO UNTANT, 4c Offices, 1, Picton Place, Haverfordwest. Agent to the Liverpool, London, and Globe Insurance Company. JKFFREYSTONK CHURCH FUND. CONTRIBUTIONS. Ecrlesiagtical Commissioners 250 0 0 T. H. Powell, E?q 150 0 0 Lady Catherine Allen.. 100 0 0 g-8. Allen, Esq 100 0 0 5** J. D. Paltnonr 100 0 0 jjenry Ueorge Allen, Esq.. 40 0 0 5?" &. L. Phillips (in two years) 20 0 0 *«.Maitlancl, Esq 20 0 0 £ J.W8 Allen, Cresselly 5 0 0 rj188 Allen, Heywood 5 0 0 John Rocb 5 0 0 fcH. Allen, Esq 5 0 0 JJr J°hn Smith 5 0 0 Wes 5 0 0 Da*les, Esq Ridge way 5 0 0 giw Wilson 5 0 0 "Ilh liaii 5 0 0 J. H. A. Philipps 5 0 0 Donn 3 3 0 *"W. P. Hall 3 0 0 captain Cole.. 2 0 0 R. Lewis 2 0 0 Canon Richardson 10 0 £ *r John Harvey 10 0 Richard H.Harvey 10 0 H. P. Goorle 10 0 *Wes Eaton Evans, Esq 10 0 ~J«orice Evans, Esq 10 0 Jd r L"rnes Wilson 10 0 jjjr Lewis Wilson 1 0 0 5J,M Davies 0 10 0 £ r H. Davies 0 10 0 new James Allen, an arcade of three arches. Fttrt. £ 849 3 0 the t&ntributions will be thankfully received by REV. J. D. PALMOUR, h II Vicar of Jeffrey stone -gggHy. December 17, 1867.. COUGHS, ASTHMA, and CONSUMPTION. Dr Thomson's COUGH LOZENGES are a Speedy *h»» Remedy for Coughs, Colds, asthma, sore Ve»?k br°nchUis, influenza, shortness and difficulty of ^o»r Pain» in the che8t aDd side» fPitting of bl<»od. or»«„ e8i» derangement of the voice and respiratory "Otto generally, all of which are the well known pre- of Consumption and a lingering death. They 'al?'y cause free expectoration in asthma, bring ^hieh viscid phlegm, allay tickling in the throat ttio coughing, give ease in difficulty of breath- hjjl] ^Olove spasm and tightness across the ohest, and 'he soreness felt after coughing. For singers, preach- 1^1 all poblic speakers they are most invaluable, nin* the throat and rendering it equal to any price 1« 1^. 2s 9d, and 4s6dper box. To (D|. f the Public from imitations, Her Mtyesty's Com- W(J°NER* have ordered the Name RALPH THOMSON, to be engraved in white letters on the Govern- 8*amp affixed to each package Sold by all Chemists „? *orld, or will be sent post free direct on receipt of UnVt3, °r 54 penny stamps, by DR THOMSON, 21, Har- tWi- Euston Square, London. Extracts from «Qq_lj,,0n'al», My breathing was very difficult, and my *»e niRht dreadful. Your Lozenges have quite set *hv aff*'n. Mr Lane 'Your Lozenges quite cured 5 "Pitting of blood, brought on by hard cougbine. J. jjj' plett.' « My surgeon said I was in a decided con- ttt?5tlon» but 1 ftm haPPf to y°nr Lozenges qaite 1'me. Miss Emery. 'They cured my horseness and ^wroat in seven hours. Mr Hay.' Sold by 1)0 YOU WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, toll &c? Dr Rnsgell's Lixivene, an elegantly perfumed 111 et compound. for nourishing, preserving, and restoring hair, is guaranteed to produce moustaches, whiskers, throws, &c., in two or three weeks, strengthen weak ,,Mr. prevent its falling off, check greyness m all its 'estore the original colour, dispel scurf and ""J1" and make it cleen, soft, curly, and glossy. For the "Produce of hair in baldness, from whatever cause, and it ,*r,y age, its effect8 are certain; in thousand of cases been successful when nil other preparations had nursery it is unequalled, 88 it keeps the 'luir if™ Rhd forms the basis of a beautiful head of j. • Price 2s, sent anywhere free by post, on receipt of g" Penny stamps, by Dr G. Russell, 28 Clarence Road, *ltn« To"n, London. Large bottles, containing tbree falll? l!i« quantity, 4s 6d each. 4 It stopped my hair *«»d »5 off—<L Seville.' • My wbickerl arc now abundant fromi Wm. Neale.' • My hair had gone in patches ne88» but it is now growing nicely. Miss Webb.' ^Oustache is envied by everybody* Major Birch, ^eepting the hair in curl it is the best thing I ever tHy v"Mrs Pratt.' *1 was bald for nine years, but now '8 covered with hair—J.Spence.' Sold by ''OM OBSERVE,—Every Genuine bottle has the *n<i HUSSELL'S LIXIVENE moulded in the glass, n. trapped in a pamphlet of 16 pages, on the man- IfHiB 4 of the Hair .and kin; also see that George *r«!e||'8!Trar1e Mark and Signature are on every outside Sold by ff^^TURES CURED WITHOUT TRUSSES, &c. .All Sufferers are earnestly invited to write to or •» THOMSON, as he can guarantee them relief lor J*'? ease. His Remedy has been extensively used V years past, with perfect success, and is now ad*er- the papers as a publio duty. It is applicable to ease of single or double rupture in either sex, of easy and painless in use, effecting a radical cure inconvenience or confinement, and cannot fail appreciated by those who have been obliged to .hisses or other galling supports. The remedy, Tt% !,l,l instructions for use, will be sent anywhere, post frsce'j 'Picked so that no one can know the contents,) on to tirt of 10s in stamps, or by post office order payable ^&lph Thomson, 21, Harrington Square, Euston if«# London. Consultations Daily, except Sunday, *«»ti ^«»nea) from 11 ull 1 o'clock. The following Pot'^onialg have been selected from thousands in the "°n °' the Doctor, and are published with the full of their writers. • I find myself completely t„dBai «»d have tried every means to prove it, by lifting P»i»tannin«. which, I am happy to say, I can do without hJ? using any truss—F.W.' • Many thanks for your #«» I have thrown my truss away, glad enough to CH of the torture of it—G.H.' 'Your Remedy has rupture, and I have used violent exeruon since tjij any sign of re-appearance—Miss S. A fair elapsed since 1 osed your Remedy, moreover I have '0r?/*nmined b7 our surKeon> who declares I am quite 'My rapture being 28 years old, T never ^w«ted so perfect acure-E. L-* 4lnow write to tell. '1 h« 8lller '• perlectly cured by your remedy—Mrs H. >>!«.. received a perfect cure from the remedy you sent >—• was an old rupture, and very bad indeed.H T.' EVERYBODY. A Clergyman who has Cured stestibitheelf, and hundreds of his parishioners, of indi- n°>>ea in the head, headache, loss of memory, 8 °' sight, deafness, nervousness, rheumatism, ] ^'her C*8' deplorable low spirits and debility, (with maDy ^fferi Cocnn>on complaints); adopts this unusual mode of lhe an-v sufferers, free ot charge, foil particulars of **«able herbal medicines issued by one of the most of liriag Physicians, by which these wonderful being daily effected; that all, even the poorest, the blessings of health. Send a stamped en l»° James Fraser, Esq, 26, Clarence Road, Kentish London. A CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION lhQ by tbe use of Dr KUSSFLL'S KALONICA, *0,. positive Remedy for all Skin Diseases ever dls- Plthni It permanently eradicates tan, sailowness, tonij!08' black spots, freckles, small pox marks, redness, Ughnessland all other disfigurements and discolorationa; ^hifth g and invigorating those important functions on Pfj'1 purity, softness, and beauty of the skin depend. ch 0 2, 9d 4s 6d, and lis per bottle. Sold by ail Post in the world, or will be sent anywhere free by 2k pion receipt of 33 penny stamps, by Dr RUSSELL, Q areince Road, Kentish Town, London. Many medi. "'Ithln.en adinit the folly of trying to cure skin diseases eternal medicines, and prescribe KALONICA in ^hlch £ I had pimples on my forehead for years, •barvBii a'1 tbo doctors, but two bottles of your Wetai Kslonioa cured me—J. Marr.' • It has cotn- c, y removed 17 pock marks from my face, which is W4r^?r now Rs it was before I had the small pox—Miss as silk hands and arms are now as smooth and soft WisB Lewis.' 'Nothing eases my inflammatory bef0.p8 ,0.on as your Kalonica—Mrs Burt.' 41 use it just. Cm,ti 80ing out,to impart a healthy bloom—Miss Gill e.' Bean, With every bottle is enclosed a, Pamphlet on *ord and l,w Management of the Toilet; with a few to „ on Ski" Diseases. Purchasers ase also requested **e v!e lllat Georse Russell's Trade Mark and Signature ^°n every package. Sold by M ^RVOUSNESS NO FANCY. Thousands of poor f»RU"erer* can ,ru'y 'estify that nervousness is indeed ofthft y' but a ,errible reaHty that has baffled the skill of our physicians to cure. Nervous invalids ^elan 5 */om *ow BPirit.8 ftQd debility, noises in the head, Hesj ? °*y» fear, blushing, dislike to society, sleepless- n««dache, indigestion, dimness of sight, loss o( giddiness, palpitation of the heart, neuralgia, fagjP'kpsy, or any other of the thousand forms of this 1?1 in 4dy,will find Dr THOMSON'S UNIVERSAL th0ft • most certain remedy. They have effected ,ince \h of.c,,re8 aH affections to the nervous systeiB that th '"Production to the public, and are so safe fcnd jj. V can be used by young and old, however week haye Dey may be, and so cheap that even the poorest 2* 9^ anrt'd?*^r ft Decess''y to suffer. Price Is Ijfd, iy aU Ohp Per. box» witl1 dietary rules, &c. Sold 33 «*Rr*s,or w'" l>eBent free by post on receipt ot Lln8ton So pen"y stamps, by Dr THOMSON, 21, Har- e*dache«Uare' ^u8t0" Square, Loccion. My fearful My 8(0u W1ere CoQiplutely cured by a few doses—A. R.' now*lr i8w? healiny .late, and 1 c .n enjoy mv ^'8 tfaat T I was so nervous before laktng you ot harTiWas unal>le 10 write—J.T,' 4 f he trembling ^P'tation ,^d kr'ees « gone—T.L.' I have bad no rs G 1, • J} e heart or hesitatiou since I took them— ;to.¡. Witt.. -,Le PoLin- in the back are cured, and I car r\)1Q -Ni W.' My wife suffered for year,, *2* I A^I.8?US,I, 8'ddiness in the head, and loes of ap- *4 by thankful to say your pills cured her—G, G.' DENTAL SURGERY W. J. EVÄ.NS. T1EVANE HOUSE, NEAR TENBY (Brother to the late T. Evans,) EOS most respectfully to inform the Patients of thedecease and the Inhabitants of Pembrokeshire generally, that may be consulted relative to the above Profession at his- v. dence, or at Tenby by appointment; also at the Dragon Hotiv Pembroke, the last Saturday, and at the Mariner's Hotel, Haver. fordwest, the first Saturday in every month. Trevane House, December 28th, i858. As, L DUNVILLE AND CO.'S OLD IRISH WHISKEY, BELFAST. OF same quality as that supplied to the International Exhibition of 1862, and Dublin Exhibition of 1865, and now regularly to the House of Lords, the quality of which is equal to the Finest French Brandy. May be had from the principal Spirit Merchants in the United Kingdom. Quotations on application at Belfast. PARSONS, FLETCHER, & CO.'S INDIAN RICE STARCH. (Trade Mark, an Elephant.) THIS excellent STARCH, introduced by PARSONS, FLETCHER, and Co, has met with a success unpara- lleled in the annals of the Starch Trade, and is known as the Elephant Starch. Ladies should insist on their Laundresses using this Starch, which, being manufactured by an improved process, is much purer, and consequently more glossy, requires no boiling, and is entirely free from the De- stroying Effects to the Linen, so common in other Starches now in use. 22, BREAD STREET, LONDON. Sold in Packets of ^lb., |lb„ and lib., and in 41b. papers, by all respectable Grocers. COMMERCIAL OFFICES, PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE, next the Times, E.C.. London. Messrs. P. B. HALL and Co., Adverti- sing, House, Estate, and General Business Agents, have always for disposal Hotels, Public Houses, Beef Hooses, Coffee Houses, Tobacconists, Grocery, Drapery, Millinery, Stationery, in short, business of every description in London and Country from X20 upwards, many of which must be disposed of for urgent private reasons, and capa- ble of giving good livings to those desirous of employing time and capital. Parties intending to take a Business in the Metropolis, Neighbourhood, or elsewhere, should at once communicate particulars of the class of Business desired, amount of Capital, &c.; and information for- warded on receipt of Stamp for reply. Address P. B. HALL and Co. Auctioneers, Valuers,&c Printing House Square, London, E.C. MESSRS. P. B. HALL, & Co.. OF PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE, next the Times, London, E.C., House, Estate, and Employment Agents, negociate Partnerships of every description for those requiring skill or capital, or both: Houses, Sh p and Apartments, furnished or unfurnished, to be let in every locality in London and neighbourhood, and also throughout the kingdom. Parties coming from the country or abroad can have arrangements made for their reception in town according to instructions. Money ad- vanced on Goods, Leases, and other tangible securities. Manufacturers, Tradesmen, and others having an over- stock of goods on hand, and wishing them turned into cash, can have tbem sold on commission, and in the in- terim, if desired, obtain a cash advance of two-thirds the value. Bankruptcy arrangements with creditors effected economically and without publicity. Commercial and Domestic Situations of every kind Registered and Adver- tised for in London and the provinces. Employers suited free; Accounts collected Letters-ono stamp for reply. IMPORTANT TO ALL. NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF 'THE PEO- PLE'S GUIDE TO HEALTH,' &c. DR. 8 M IT H, who has had T wenty years practical ex perience in the Treatment and Cure of and PHYSICAL DEBILITY, LOSS of APPETITE, PAINS in the BACK, INDIGESTION, ERRORS of YOUTH, SPERMATORRHEA, &c, has just published a New EDITION of 10,000 copies of the WARNING VOICE or Private Medical Friend (138 pages). This Book is ILLUSTRATED with many Cases and Testimonials, showing the means by which each patient was restored to health, and Contains full Instructions to Married and Single, for removing certain impediments which destroy happines. Sent FREE by Post, secure from observation, to any address on receipt of two postage stamps. Dr. SMi in, 8, Burton Cresent, London, W.C. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS FOR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. A SINGLE copy of a new medical work, written by one Xi. ot tbe most eminent medical men ot the present day, solely for the guidance and benefit of that class of suf- ferers whose affections are often self-inflicted, and who desire a speedy and private cure. For such suf- ferers this work is intended, showing a certain means of cure in all cases ot nervous debility, relaxation, organic or local weakness, langour, blushing, debility, and various other nervous-symptoms; also showing how all the so- called impediments to marriage may be effectually removed; with numerous illustrative cases of parties who have been restored to the blessings of health by following the advice laid down in this work. Sent free •to any address, on receipt of stamps to pre-pay postage. Address to the Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingham. CAUTION.-Parts of the above book have been copied by several quacks. Persons should be careful in whose hands they intrust their health, and read this work before applying to any one. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. ?or Thirty years the Medical Profession have approves of this pure solution as the best remedy for 1CIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN. HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDIGESTION, And as a mild Aperient for delicate constitutions, esp«j dally adapted for Ladies, Children., and Infants. When combined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP. It forms a most agreeable effervescing draught, in which Its aperient and cooling qualities are much increased. In warm seasons and warm climates, this simple pre- paration, when taken REGULARLY, has been found highly beneficial. DINNEFORD & CO., Chemists, &c, 172, New Bond Street, London; j Sold by all respectable Chemists throughout the World. CÂ. UTION.-See that 'Dinneford & Co.' ia on each bottle and red label over the cork. SIX FOUNDS PER WEEK WHILE LAID UP BY INJURY, AND £ >±0 0 0 IN CASE OF DEATH, CAUSED BY ACCIDENT OF ANY KIND, MAY BE SECURED BY AN ANNUAL PAYMENT OF FROM X3 to X6 5s TO THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY RAILWAY ACCIDENTS ALONE MAY ALSO "BE PROVIDED AGAINST BY INSURANCE TICKETS FOR SINGLE OR DOUBLE JOURNEYS. For particulars apply f;) Clerks at any Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the Offices, 64, CORNHILL, & 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON WILLIAM J. 'VIAN, Secretary. A^uL&soirsm If An. ILLUSTRATED \t IF /OATAI«OC»UBM] II Designs and Prices of 150 different articles II of Bed-room Furniture, as well a» of jl It V |50 Bedsteads, and Prices of every J II 1\ description of Bedding. jt <2\ SENT FBEE BY POST.Af L PURE AND UNADULTERATED. MPORTANT TO DAIRYMEN AND CHEESE- FACTORS. TRADE MARK. R. J. FULLWOOD & CO.'S (Late R. J. Fullwood & Bland's) HIGHLY CELEBRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF ANNATTO FOR COLOURING CHEESE AND BUTTER. THIS valuable Article is prepared from the finest quality of the true Vegetable Annatto only,warranted perfectly pure, innocuous and FREE FROM ANY ADULTERATION WHATEVER it will be found the most convenient and certain preparation for the purposes of colouring Cheese and butter produces a rich golden tint. so much esteemed in the London and other great markets, without injury to their natural flavour, or dis- colouring theWhey Butter, with half the usual trouble to use, and the certainty of colouring the whole Dairy of Cbeese or butter alike is free from sediment, and M ill immediately incorporate or mix with the Milk or Cream. It has now been introduced upwards of thirty years, and has obtained a considerable repute in the North and West of England, where it is used by the largest and most experienced Farmers, and is also in general de- mand in the Dairies of Scotland, Ireland, Holland, and Germany. IN COLOURING BUTTER it will be found by far superior and much cheaper than any other article in use for that purpose. PREPABED ONLY BY R. J, F U L L WOO D & Co., AjfNATTO "WOUKS, SOMERSET PLACE, HOXTON, LONDON, Importers, Successors and Sole Manufacturers of the Original Fullwood's Annatto. ESTABLISHED 1785. To prevent Fraud our Annattos are stamped as above and bear our Trade mark—A Stag with Olive-branch. Sold by all respectable Druggists, Grocers, and Cheese* factors throughout the kingdom in bottles of full measure, Quarts oa.; Two Quarts 10s.; Pints 2s. 9d.; Half Pints Is. 9d.; Quarter Pints le.; and Half-quarter Pints 6d. each. TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. READ THE SECRET FRIEND by DR. BARNBS, who has for fifteen years given his exclusive atten- tion to the treatment and cure or Sexual Maladies, NER- VOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. LOSS of APPE- TITE. PAINS IN THE BACK, DIMNESS of SIGHT LASSITUDE. INDICES riON. SPERMATORRHEA IMPEDIMENTS to MARRIAGE and numerous other ailments, caused by the folies of youth. which, if neglected result in consumption, insanity and an early death. Dr. Barnes's name has been before the Public notice for a considerable time, and the cures be has effected has gained him a far-famed and justly-merited repute for his skill in the treatment of the abo'\? and all Sexual diseases WITHOUT THE USE OF MERCURY. His medical work, the SECRET FRIEND, is illustrated with nume- rous Cases and Testimonials from Patients, showing the way by which they were restored to health and manly vigour, is a true guide to those who require a speedy and permanent cure. Sent post free, secure from observation, on receipt of two stamps. ijgg- Address, Dr. Barnes, 30, Thornhill Crescent, Cale- donian Road, London, N. CARSONSI P A I N T PATRONISED BY The British Government, 6,000of the Nobility&Gentry, The Indian Government, Railway & Canal Companies, TheColonialGovernment Collieries, Iron Masters, &c., For all kinds of OUT-DOOR WORK, And is proved, after a test of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. CARSONS' a is PAINT Is especially applicable to Iron Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and Wagons, Gates, &c. &c., and all exposed work, and where adopted, a Saving of more than 50 per cent. may in the end be safely reckoned upon, as not only is it cheaper in the first place when purchasing, but lasts twice as long as any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. oaw ow I I i COLOURS. JffS?ff; ^•— !T W Q A SR g V s TRADE^RK. | sr-" ■S 8 'Is S ^awiMAC^C\ S g g Stfl J s » ?? 2^ tssl [ PA,NT IPPil Z. s. 2°. :So^ ImanufacturedIQ^^H S?: c •js WnicAwoJlMf hi-fi!* 1NTH1IO AT *TATlO>iB81 UAU. ft « S* f«8«>o1§ — 5? ■ fl Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &c. CARSONS' PAINT, For Public Edifices, Mansions, Villas, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &c. 3 Cwt. FREE to all STATIONS in England and Wales, and most PORTS of Ireland and Scotland. Patterns and Testimonials sent Post Free. Walter Carson & Sons, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, Ludgate Hill, London, E C., (Three Doort East of Railway Viadwt.) No Agents. CARSONS' PAINT. GOUT and RHEUMATISM.—The excruciating pain of Gout or Rheumatism is quickly relieved and cured in a few days by that celebrated Medicine, BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS. They require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use, and are certain to prevent the disease attack- ing any vital part. Sold at Is lid and 2a 9d per box by all Medicine Vendors. DR. DE JONGH'S (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium.) LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men throughout the world as the safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for CONSUMPTION, CHRONIC BRONCHITM, ASTHMA, COUGHS, RHEUMATISM GENERAL DEBILITY, DISEASES OF THE SKIN, RICKETS, INFANTIM WASTING, AND ALL SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS DR. DR JONGH'S Oil is the most efficacious, the most palatable, and from its rapid curative enects, unquestionably the most economical of all kinds. Its immeasurable therapeutic supe- riority over av-try other variety is now universally acknowledged SELECT MEDICAL OPINION/?: DR. LETHEBY, Medical Officer of Health, and Chief Analyst to the City oj London, £ C.,$FC. In all cases I have found Dr. de Jongh's Light Brown Cod I lvev Oil possessing the same set of properties, among which the presence of cholaic compounds, and of lonine in a state of organic combination, are the most remarKahl.. It is, I believe, universally acknowledged that this_ Oil has great therapeutic power; and from my investigations, I have no doubt of its being a pure and unadulterated article. DR. LANKESTER, F.R.S., Coroner for Central Middlesex, YRC., SFC. I consider that the puvity and genuiaenes3 of this Oil ara secured in its preparation by the personal attention of so good a Chemist and intelligent a Physician as Dr De Jongh. Hence I deem the Cod Liver Oil Bold under his guarantee to be pre- ferable to any other kind as regards genuineness and uwdiciur efficacy., DB. GRANVILLE, F.R.S., Author oj the Spas of Germanyfyc., 4-C. 'Dr Granville has found that Dr de Jongh's Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil produces the desired effect in a shorter time than other kinds, and that it does not cause the nausea and indigestion too often consequent on the administration of the pale oil.' DR. DE JONGH'S LIOHT-BKOWW COD LIVER OIL is sold only in capsuled IMPKRIAL Half-pints, 2s 6a, Pints, 4s 9d; Q..arts, 9s; labelled with his stamp and signature, WITHOUT WHICH MONK CAN?) T B £ GENUINE, by respectable Chemists and brufc?ists. SOLV. CO.' 'T.GNKR8, ANSAR, HARFORD, & CO., 77, STRAND, LONDON, W CA lITIOl\Firmly resist attempts often made by un- scrupulous dealers to recommend, or substitute, with a view to an extra PROFIT, oiher preoarathns, under th» fallacious pretenoe that they are the same AS Ur, lie Jongh' « T efficacious. o*±JjLL"Q. W. & H. M. GOULDING, e. MANURE MANUFACTURERS, PATRICK STREET, WJESTMORELAND-ST. CORK. DUBLIN. Works-GLEN, CORK, #,U Guarantee all their Manures equal to their MRE Tl Published Analyses. IST.-GOULDING'S SPECIAL MANURE, Composed of Dissolved Bones, Potash, &c. For Wheat, Oats, Barley, Potatoes, Grass, &c. 2ND.—G O U L D I N G' S BONE MANURE, This Manure is specially adapted for the growth of Green Crops, and will be found invaluable for Turnips. 3RD G O U L DIN G' S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. This Manure contains if) to 28 per cent. of Soluble Phosphate. It is suitable to mix with Peruvian Guano, and will, in conjunction with it, grow a crop at half the usual cost. Prices and Analyses, giving the Composition of each Manure, with our Pamphlet and Testimonials for this year, can bo had of the undersigned, or any of our authorised Agents. W. & H. M. G. invite applications for their Agency in Districts not yet represented. HAVERFORDWEST AGENGY is vacant, and W. & H. M. Goulding invite applications from suitable parties. GLOUCESTER I. W. Hall Son, Steam Mills. CHEPSTOW R. PARNALL & Co, Steam Mia. v. R. EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY, 122, PALXj MALL, LONDON, S.W. ESTABLISHED 1858, FR the purpose of supplying the Nobility, Gentry, and Private Families with PUBS WINE# of the highest character, at a saving of at least 30 per cent, on ordinary eunat nlM» PPMIM in general demand are kept constantly in Stock by the Company's recognised Afmte, MI edt tks STAET jkinds, as enumerated in their Book List of Pricu, are supplied to order without delmy and free TF MARRIAGE* Royal Victoria Sherry 27s. per dozen. #AR jSQ •"& Stan*ar* °F EXMLLENCE.) O) This truly excellent Wine is consigned exclusively to this Company TH from a well-known firm in Spain, and is the established favourite /J, of the Wine-drinking community; being found in most fashionable establishments, it is simply necessary to state that, as a Dinner Wine, it stands unrivalled at the price. Splendid Old Port 37s. per dozen. (Eleven Tears in the Wood.) SHERRIES, CHAMPAGNE. *PDot. VSott. V Dot. VBOUI ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY 27s 2s 3d SPARKLING CHAMPAGHB 29s 2s 6d (Tbe Standard of Excellence.) CBEAMING EPEBNAY 2S 7d EXCELLENT DINNER SHEBKY 20s Is 8d SPAEKLDTG VEHZENAY ™ r8 SUPERIOR PALE OR GOLD 24s 2s Od Aÿ MOTJSSEUX 39s 3s 3d SUPERIOR SELECTED DITTO 30s 2s 6d CHAKSAHEL & Co.'s (1st quality) 45A 3S 9A FINE PALE OR GOLDEN 42s 3s 6d (Celebrated Gold Foil). EAST INDIA SHEBBY 64s 4s 6d MOBT & CHANDON'S, CLICQUOT'S, MANZANILLA 36s 3s Od &c., at equally low prices. r POSTS* SPLENDID OLD PORT 37s 3s Id GERMAN WINES. (11 years in the Wood.) KOCK (good) 15s Is 3d FINE POBT (5 Tears in Wood) 24s' 2s Od Hocx {soft and delicate) 18s Is 6d OLD POBT (7 Tears in Wood) 27s 2s 3d NIEKSTEINEB 20s Is 84 OLD POBT (9 Tears in Wood) 30s 2s 6d HOCKHEIMEB 24s 2s 0d OLD CBUSTED POBT £ 2S 3s 6d MABCOBBUNER 36s 3s 0d OLD CBUSTED POBT {very fine) ••• 4s Od SPABKLING HOCK 39s 3s 3d OU> CBUSTED POBT {high FLAVOR) SPABKLING MOSELLE 39s 8s 3d CLARETS. R A YNR OBDINAIBB 12a 0d I. SICILIAN WINES. FRA OBDINAIBB {Recommended) HA 2d VjaMALk 16s lg 4J MBDOO JW LG 8D BRONTB MABSALA 20s Is 8d BOBDBATO ^a VMAM MABSALA 24s 2s Od ST. JULIBW 24s ST. ESTEPOT 36s JJ JJ SJLUTSBOT UO OUABLIS 24. »M WSSIA.F SHERRY 14L Beaujolais, 80s. I>« FTW' POR B°TTLS" SPIRITS. (Of the Finwt Quality only and at Wholesale Prices.) mThe Wines and Spirits will all bear THOSeal or Capsule of the EuRorBAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY," &is also tftcir Trade Slatk. Book Price List of Wines from a11 Countries sent Free on application to the following Agents SOLE AGENT FOR HAVERFORDWEST, JAMES REUS, FAMILY GROCER AND TEA DEALER, AND WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, 8 0 LEA G E N T FOR NARBERTH, MORBIS P H I T. T, T P FAMILY GROCER' AND WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, HIGH STREET, NARBERTH. AGENT FOR FISHGUARD, WILLIAM VAUGHAN, CHEMIST AND WINE MERCHANT, FISHGUARD, N.B.-It is respectfully intimated that arrangemenU have been "completed by the Agents named above with the EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY for a regular supply of their an^ SPIRITS, and which are now offered to the Gentry and Inhabitants of HAVERFOBDvVB ^arbERTH, and FISHGUARD, on precisely the same terras as those of the Company, and the same system will be atriotly adhered to which has gained for the Company such unexampled prosperity. SINGLE BOTTLES ARE SUPPLIED. TI I This wonderful Ointment acts like magic in the cure of old wounds, I ulcers however inveterate. It's effect is marvellous in cases of paralysis, con I or stiff joints, and in stoppage of the water or disorders of the kidneys it is unequalled | orr,tiff ASTHKA .A-lsTD BRONCHITIS. This class of cases, including sore throats, bad coughs, and colds, may be infalli- bly cured by v ell rubbing this remedy twice a day on the breast, throat, and chest. BAD Tl:o(-S BAD BS-E-ASTS, ETC. In many hospitals in Europe this celebrated remedy is now in general use. In Spain Portugal, and in Italy, the Physicians regularly prescribe its use for sores and ulcers. Sailors, soldiers, emigrants, and miners find it most invaluable. irihiieTHM:ISIM: AND swellings. To sufferers from racking pains this Ointment is priceless. It reduces inflam- ZD OF YOTXTIEI- mations and swellings, removes all pain, and restores natural circulation. ~-f Certain old sores and swellings can be effectually cured by the joint agency of Holloway's Ointment and Pills, if used acccording to the printed directions. The Ointment and Pills should be used conjointly in most of the following cases: Asthma Eruptions Piles Sore Heads. Bad Lejja. Glauds, Enlargement of Rheumatism Tic Dolourcux f SSEts Wheels, wtbd.ffloulty of Bronchitis Lumbago Sore Throats Breathing rT CA UTION:$one are genuine unless the words Holloway,m^y B discernible as a Water-mark in every leaf of tbe book of directionsp feg_ | be plainly seen by holding it to the LIGTE— Sold at tlio manufactory « | sor HOLLOWAY, 244, Strand, London, and by all Dealers M -e_ i 1 1.. nrf., 2s. 4.. «*. 1U, 22s,. and 8&Th«. a = I facing the larger sizes.—Very copions direetiono xor use *re amxea to p H l LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILE, AND INDIGESTION CURED WITHOUT MERCURY. ONLY two Medicines really act upon the Liver; one is Mercury or Blue Pill, the other Dandelion. Thousands of constitutions have been broken down by Mercury, Blue Pill, or Calomel. The only safe remedy is DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILES, which act very gently and efficaciously upon the Liver, liberate Bile, disperae Wind, and strengthen the whole frame. Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, In boxes, at Is Jjd, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d, or for stamps, fromJ. RORKE, 47, Mortimer-street, London, W.; Haverfordwest, T. D. Meyler, chemist; Milford, W. Williams. J. Blackett; Pembroke-dock. J. Moore; Swansea, Evans, chemist; Pontypridd, Bassett; Mer- thyr Tydvil, Smyth, chemist. DELICATE AND CLEAR COMPLEXIONS, with a delightful and lasting fragrance, by msigg the celebrated UNITED SERVICE SOAP TABLETS, 4d and 6d each. Manufactured by J. C. & J. Feld, Upper Marsh Lambeth. Order of yonr Chemist, Grocer, or Chandler. A SOFT AND BRILLIANT LIGHT BY USING FIELD'S PATENT SELF-FITTING CANDLES, (SILVER MRDAL-P ARI8 EXHIBITION, 1867), From Is per lb upwards, in all sizes. a A F B, OLIAHIT, AND ECONOMICAL, No paper or scraping required. FIELD'S "PRIZE MEDAL" PARAFFINE CANDLES, (the original) as supplied to her Majesty's Government. FIELD'S MARBLE SPERM, (Registered) hard, white, and glossy as Alabaster. PAT JINX CHAMBER CANDLES, SELF-FITTING, 12 in a box, Is per box. J. C. & J. Field, Upper Marsb, Lambeth. Sold by all dealers In Candles. BUCHAN'S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. IT is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SARSAPARILLA is the greatest purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE! The Bowels regular! And BE FY the DOC- TOR ? These Pills strike at the root of each disease, they are particularly beneficial where mercury has been employed, and are for the cure of every ailment incidental to man, woman, and hild, such as all eruptions of the Skin, Indigestion, Bilious, Liver, a-id Stomach Complaints, General Weakness, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs, Headaches, Sore fhroats, and every complaint caused by irregularities of the bowels, obstructed perspiration, and deteriorated and unhealthy blood. Patent Medicine Warehouse, 19, Berners-street, Oxford- street, London. WHOLESALE AGENTS :—Barclay & Co, 75, Far- rmgdon-street; and from all Chemists. Sold in Bottles, is lid, 2s 9d, 4* 6d, and lis. DO YOU WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, &c DR. RUSSELL'S LIXIVENE, an elegantly perfumed toilet compound, for nourishing, preserving- and restoring the hiir, is guaranteed to produce moustachios, whiskers, eyebrows, &c., in two or three weeks, strengthen weak hair, prevent its falling off, greyness in all its stages, restore the original colour, dispel scurf and dandriff, and make it clean, soft, curly and glossy. For the reproduction of hair in baldness, from whatever cause and at any age, its effects are certain; in thou- sands of cases it has been successful when all other preparations had failed. In the nursery it is unequalled, as it keeps the head clean, and forms the basis of a beautiful head of hair. Price 2s, sufficient for three months' use, sent anywhere free by post on receipt of 24 penny stamps by Dr Russell, 22, Hawley Crescent, Ilampsted Road, London. Sold by—and all other Chemists. Extracts from Testimonials: I It has darkened my hair, and I can keep it in curl now.-Miss Curtiss. I had lost mv hair in patches, your Lixivene has quite restored it.-Dr James.' 4 It has produced as excellent moustache.—J. Berry, Esq. Your Lixivene restoTwl my hair after 3 years' baldness,- G. Morris.' ( It has thickened my whiskers considerably.-R. Serle.' My hair has not fallen off since I commenced usmg it.—W. Smith.' RUPTURES CURED WITHOUT TRUSSES. A LL sufferers from these distressing complaints are earnestly A- invited to communicate with Dr Thomson, as he can guarantee them i elief in every case. His celebrated remedy has been successful in curing thousands of cases; and is applicable to every variety of single or double rupture, however bad or long standing, in male or female of any age, effecting a per- fect cure in a Ghort time, without causing confinement or incon- venience, and thus doing away with any further necessity foe wearing trusses, &c. The remedy, with full directions for user is sent anywhere free by post, on receipt of 10s., in postage stamps, or a post-office order, by Dr Ralph Thomson, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. A work on the nature, causes, symptoms, and varieties of Rupture, with extracts from letters received from patients who have been cured, will be sent free by post to any one on receipt of 13 penny postage stamps. Consulta- tions (Fee, One Guinea,) daily, except Sunday, from 11 till 12 in the morning. Extracts from Testimonials: I I suffered so much previous to using your remedy, that I shall ever be thankful for the benefit I have received.'—Henry Curtis. Your remedy has been a blessing to me, for I was obliged to wear a galling truss or some other support for all the 23 years I had the rupture.'— Rev H. Martin. I find myself completely cured, and have tried every means to prove the cure, by lifting and running, which, I am happy to say, I can do without pain or using any truss.'— F.W. 'Many thanks for your remedy; I have thrown my truss away, glad enough to get rid of tha torture of it.'—G.H. Agricultural Districts. (This Company is one of the largest Farming Stock Insuring Offices AGENTS in the Kingdom.) Manufacturing Districts (Mills, Manufactories, Warehouses, &o., insured on the most moderate terms.) WANTED Seaport Towns. (Ships in coursc ">»* construction and in dock insured, Sailors' Lives assured.) IN Mining Districts. Watering Places &c., &c., &c., Where the Company Is not already represented. Persons of "ve business habits are invited to apply. LIBERAL COMMISSIONS ALLOWED. The Company is well established, and has an Annual Income upwards of £ 107,000 Life Reserve Fund upwards of fl27,000 And has paid a total in claims under Life) and Fire Policies of nearly t4UU«lJUU CHAIRMAN CF THE BOARD- THOMAS BARNES, ESQ., M.P., Farnworth, and The Quinta, Salop. ANTHONY DILLON, SECRETARY To THE COMPANY. PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Chief Offices: High St.,Wrexham; 49, ikleorgate St., London; and 77, Buchanan St., Glasgow. gpkLSAM OF. POWELL'S mm BALSAM OP AHlSJfO, COUGHS p*- SORE TIIRAT, af Breathing, and all s milar iW DifficalV„ organs. Sold by Chemists and Medj BwgSKif the World. In Bottles oniv, prVci is. each. Established neany halfCentury. SATISFACTOY.V^HPETB^ 5. OCVl ,5TANK, SIR,—SOME months back I had sn attack of left at times a tickling iu the Throat, jvitb <^srK„ j feehnps. I was advised to try the comforting so, ;vn<\ have found very greuv relief it» w t(ie voice. allaying tap irritation, and giving you think Tn'ooer You arc at liberty to ro*ke bent-fit \)y a s !anrt I eurnestly hope that 0bedient »s«yfvv* done. With many thanks i**17fc.AMrl,, r Dean's Verger, Westminster A"U> TOMA*TrOR FOWELL'S BALSAM OF AKiSEED, Dean's Verger, Westminster A"U> TOMA*TrOR FOWELL'S BALSAM OF AKiSEED, • AMENDMENT OF THE SALMON FISHERIES IN THE COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. "J LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. £ s d. W. Walters, Esq ó 0 0 John Stokes, Esq. 5 0 0 John P. Jones, Esq. 1 0 0 Rev C. H. Barham 10 0 W. Fortune, Esq, Leweston. 5 0 0 G. R. G. Rces, Esq, Penllwyn 500 i-L G. P. Lewis, D, sq (annual subscriber) t 1 0 Rev—Jones, of Llawhaden. 010 6 Col. Peel, Denant 1 0 0 M. A. Saurin, Esq 1 0 0 Mr. John Brown, Market-etreet 110 C. E. Bowen, Esq., Llanstinan 1 0 0 E. T. Massy, Esq 110 H. Leach, Esq 1 0 0 R. P. Davies, Esq 4 0 0 66 Annual Subscription 1 0 0 Ctpt. Chambers 1 1 0 Major WiHan 110 S. Harford, Esq 110 C. F. Wordsworth, Esq 110 Rev R. Lewis. Lampeter 1 0 a (subscription from 1st January) 0 10 0 J. H. Scourfield, Esq., M.P. 5 0 0 Capt. John Worthinaton 1 A 0 J. O. T. F/dwardes, Esq (annual) 10 0 Capt. Q. T. Edwardes, TVerhoa I 1 ELECTRICITY IS LIFE. HEALTH AND MANHOOD RESTORED ( Without Medicine). Care yourself by the Patent Self-Adjusting Curative and Electric Belt. SUFFERERS from Nervous Debility, Painful Dreams, kj Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Im- paired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self- Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, &o. CAN NOW CURE THEMSELVES By the only Guaranteed Remedy in Europe, proteeted by her Majesty's Great Seal. Details free for One Stamp by H. JAMKS, Medical Electrician (to the London Hos- pitals), Percy House, Bedford Square, London. N.B.-Medicine and Feesoaperaeded. In proof of the efficacy herein advocated, the Patentee will send the Remedies to be tested before payment. (References to the leading Physicians of the day.) CA UTION.—To; guard against Counterfeits I have appointed no Licensee. 44, IJORD STREET, LIVERPOOL, 1ST OCT. 1867. rpHE Ships containing tbe First Cargoes of N £ W X TEAS for the English Markets have now arrived— and although pome fault has been justly found with much of the crop, the quality, in some instances, i" found to be 'truly fine,' while the quantity shipped from China to this country, up to the latest date, is very large. We have now selected onr usual Annual Stock of Teas, which is admitted to contain some of the finest qualities imported this season. The above facts enable us to make an important reduction in the price of our finest Teas, vis Formerly. Now. Tho Choicest Eaisow Tea, 1 ,/a Very rich and full flavour J THE EXTKA FINE SOUCHONG) Choicest" a'° 3'* The qualities of the above Teas are too well known to require any comment.—The First Class Congou Rich Souchong flavour, 3/0-and the Very Fine Congou, Strong Pekoe-Souchong kind, 2/8-will be found excellent Teas. the former being the early pickings of the first crop, and the latter a good selection of the second growth, possessing great strength and flavour.—The Fine Congou, Strong Ankoi hind, 2f4-and the Strong Congou, Souchong kind, 2/0-tire well worth special attention-being very good useiul Teas. Medium and ordinary kinds very much lower. All parcels for the Town are delivered DAILY within the radius of Four Miles of our Establishment, and for the Suburbs—Cheshire, &c.—WEEKLY.—Tbe Vans are despatched at EIGHT o'clock A.M. and ONE o'clock P.K. preei«elv. fcg^Goods for the Country are despatched punc- tually on the day following the receipt of Orders. Terms:—Net Cash.-Payment on receipt and ap- proval of Goods. ELLIS DAVIES & Coxrl- 44. LORD STREET. LIVKRPQOL. HAROLDSTON WEST CHURCH RESTORATION FUN D. THE sadly dilapidated condition of the parish Church X of Haroldstone West renders it imperative that an appeal should be respectfully made to the unfailing liberality of the Christian public. Contributions already promised (or paid) £ a. A. The Right Rev the Lord Bishop of St David's 10 0 0 The Vcn. the Archdeacon Clark 5 0 0 ) The Rev Canon Thomas, Steyn'ton 5 0 0 Collections in Haroideton West Church 4 3 4i Mrs Hire, Haroldston Hall (1st subscription) 10 0 0 Mrs J. Lort Phillips, Harroldst< 550 Miss Phelps, Broad Haven 550 J. H. Scourtield, Esq, M.P 5 0 0 W. Davies, Esq, Solicitor, Spring Gardens 5 0 0 Mr Griffiths, Belmont 5 0 0 A Friend 5 0 0 Mrs Shaw, HHI-sfreet. 2 2 0 Old Bridge (1st subscription). 2 0 0 Collecting card per Miss Griffiths, Belmont. 1 10 0 Collecting card per Miss Phelps 15 0 Mrs R. F. Scale, Liverpool. i i o Mr l*. Ellis, High-street. 110 Mis Ward,CUtton 110 Colle<Hin& card per Mitis Scale, Haroldstone Hall 1 10 o t Do. per Master S. H. Williams, Bath. 0 10 6 T. W. Smith, Esq. London. 0 10 0 I Mies J. Bowco, Little Haven. 0 10 0 C. P. P 0 10 0 Messrs Greenish and Dawkins 0 10 0 Mr S. Green 0 If) 0 Sir C. M. Lampson, Bart, London 500 Ed, Bigg, Esq, Crawley 0 10 0 Mrs Barbam, Trecwa 113 Mr Ribbon 0 10 6 T. Rule Owen, Esq, Foley House 330 J. Harvey, Esq, New Bridge 110 R. H. Harvey, Esq, Victoria Place 110 I Miss Carrow, Goat-street 10 0 A Friend 0 10 0 Rev J. Tombs 0 10 0 E. Bowen. ESQ. M P.. Mwvnewair 2 2 0 Subscriptions and donations will- be thankfully re- ceived by Miss E. S. Phelps, Broad Haven, Haverford- west, and by the Treasurer, J. W. Phillips, Esq, Rock Cottage, Haverfordwest. OOMADE RKSTAURANTE" restores th# -1 Hair, prevents falling off ani premature preynesa, and is the only preparation which has a continued sale." Aak or MKYLEK'S Pomade Restaurante. told in Pots at la. apt 2s. each. MEYLER'S CHERRY PASTE, for cleansing and beautify ivi. intr the Teeth, protects the enamel from decoy, and impart,. a plea sing fragrance to the breath. In Pots at 1 a., 2a.» and 3s. 6d. cach. MEYLER'S DR. LOCOCK'S LOTION, for nourishing and giving a gloss to the Hair, without being freaay. la Bottle* at is. and 2f. each. MEYLER'S RHUBARB and GINGER PILLS are the beat .1' rwnsdy (if taken befort dinner daily) for Indigestion* Dyspepfcia, and Disordered Stomach. In boxes at Is. Pach. MEYLER'S CAMBRI*NT PECTORAL COUGH PILLS, a safe, speixly, and efficacious remedy for Bisor dertt of tho Cheat ani Lungr*, namclr, Asthma, Coughs, CoIn 1', GUatul1 Consumption, Influenza. In Boxea at i a. lid. ar.d 9d. t-ach MEYLER'S ORANGE QUININE TONIC Y ffNK. The 1'-1. m ifct aerccnMe anil efficacious Tonic Ste puujkic, com- bining the valuable tonic properties of Peruvian r MM* fQuinir A with <he stoma-hie qualities of the Bitter Orang t, Dr" to be objectionable to the most delicate invalid. 1,u3ble "° all -suffering from loea of appetite, indigestion, f pserai d'jbthty, nervous affections, tic, ague, &c. This prep*jf haa an ex* tensive 6ale and is highly recommended. nt Wine Bottlcj at aus. p er dozen. A single bottle may beV** eared. MEYLER'S CONCENTRATED^ WME JUICB SYRXJP, piepaxed from tho Fre^h Fruit. A pcrfoct luxprr f .rininf? a most delicious and iuvijrorati ^ru^c;h.t f0|- th* delicate and the invalid, and of iti .Scroftria, Severs. Gout, Rheumatism, a T^d condition of the Blood, &c., &c. In lioule* DIARAHCE V MlXTUS^v ^"7 !T f»SfkcepeT keep a\UttIyntteBed^gi_ji!gt 1R. water has been craporot^. i,, i MEYLER'S GLYCElt SAf-TI! -Kleg^ l:idA <iro«tWrfi Hop InPow