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TENBY. Towrt RALL.-On March the 5th before the Mayor. Catherine, wife of Thomas Parcell was charged by P.C. John Beynon, with being drunk and disorderly fined f.1ø and 2a Od costs. Amount paid. CHARITY THWSTEES.—At a special meeting on Tuesday last, fresent,—The Archdeacon of St David's, in the chair, Rev J. Pholps, N. J. Dunn, H. Sanders, F. Smyth, and T. Stokes, IJsqrs, the following gentlemen were nominated to fill the vacant Trusteeships •—W. S. Hamilton, W. H. Richards, and G. White. Esqrs. SAIWDERSFOOT.—One day last week an accident occurred at Saundersfoot. An elderly lady named James fell from the top to the bottom of a flight of stairs. She fell with her fread down, and but for being rescued from her perilous positron she would undoubtedly have been suffocated, she having bfoSsen her arm and been stunned by the violence of the fall. On Monday last the Telegraph office was opened to the public for the transmision of messages; a great boon has thus been secured to the public. Tenby » 1'l'() longer singular by its isolation from the populous centres1 of the empire. Whether the Electric Telegraph ? a real unmixed benefit or not may be doubted, and it is noS our province to enquire, but one thing is certain. Other towns being in possession of the Telegraph makes it absolutely necessary that a place like Tenby should have one also. We have heard of persons who wishing thoroughly to cast off the trammels and cares of busy life during- their seaside holidays have sought an Utopia' out of reach c< Telegraphs, letters, subscription balls, circulating libaries and German bands. But we think most ordinary people aite willing to accept these little inconveniences, bar the German bands, and as these form the great majority of the visitors to Tenby the Telegraph may be looked upon as an additional convenience. PEMBROKE AND TENBY RAILWAY. The 17th half-yearly meeting of shareholders of the Pembroke and Tenby Railway Company, was held at the Town Hall, Tenby, on Friday last, when the company was well represented, a large number of shareholders being present. After the advertise- ment calling the! meeting had been read, the Chairman requested the Secretary to read the fol- lowing report REPOW. The Directors beg to inform the shareholders that from the return3 received, the rceeipts- of the half- year ending the 31st December, 1867, arawranted to £10,142, being £ 3,117 in excess of the previous six months. No further issue of Share Capital has been roadie during the past half-year, and the amount remaining unissued on the 31st December last was £ 61,672- There has been no issue under the borrowing powers of the Company during the past half-year. The Directors expect to congratulate the share- holders at their next half-yearly meeting on the opening of the Extension of the narrow guage from Whitland to Carmarthen. The Manchester and Milford Railway Company have now completed their narrow gnage line to Carmarthen, thus opening a direct and unbroken communication via Aberystwith to all parts of Eng- land and the whole of North Wales. In a few weeks the London and North Western Company will also be at Carmarthen by means of their Central Wales Railway and the Llanelly Railway. In making this announcement the Directors wish to draw your attention to the great importance of the junction with the narrow guage system of the great manufacturing districts of the North and the Midland Counties, with the shores of Milford Haven, a link long required, and of incalculable advantage to your property. The great difficulty hitherto has been that our terminus was at Whitland, where we joined the broad guage. The transfer from one guage to the other was a serious drawback upon all the traffic, but to an important branch of the traffic, viz, the lime, it was fatal. When the narrow guage is completed this will be a most valuable source of revenue, as there is an abun- dant supply of the best limestone on the side of the line, while the demands for it in Cardiganshire and Carmarthenare almostunlimited with the completion of the narrow guage we shall have every facility for cultivating this revenue to the utmost, and in this as in any other ways, the advantages, great as they will be to your property, will be shared by all South Wales. The Directors beg to propose a dividend for the past half-year at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum upon the ordinary and preference shares of the Com- pany, and the same to be payable on the 28th of March next, at the London and County Bank in London, and at the Bnnk of the Bank of the Provincial Banking Corporation in Pembroke. Signed on behalf of the Board, WILLIAM OWEN, Chairman. T. STOKF.8, Secretary. Pembroke & Tenby Railway Company's Offices, 26th February, 1868. William Owen, Esq, the chairman, said in pro- posing the adoption of the report, which in itself was very copious and explicit, it might, however, be desirable to give the meeting some further explana- tion, and thought it might be well to call their atten- tion to the provisions of the Act of Parliament, which they had autborised the Directors to obtain about two years ago; that was the Act of 1866, which gave powers to remedy certain defects in the former Acts. First.—Under the provisions of the first Act of Parliament, it was intended to run a railway to a deep water pier near Hobb's Point, but that would have been only suitable for passenger traffic across the ferry for boats such as those used by Capt. Jack- son, but since then they had enlarged their views, and had obtained powers for accomodating a large commercial trade, as would be seen by clause No 4, which was as follows:— To make all necessary wharfs and machinery at termination of Railway No. 1. and in connection therewith, on the shores of Milford Haven, for the landing and shipping of minerals and goods, and the excavating, deepening, and improving such part of the Haven fronting that railway as may be necessary for securing access by vessels to the railway, wharfs, and the works connected'therewith.' The next alteration would be a deviation at Pem- broke, between the mill pond and the present station for the better accommodation of passenger traffic. When they were in committee on the bill they found to their very great surprise, that the Admiralty had lodged a direction to the house of Commons, not to grant any of the powers applied for, unless the Com- pany would take power to continue the line into the dockyard. The Company would have been very happy to have made the railway to the dockyard, if the Admiralty had only given timely notice, so that the Company might have given the necessary notice to the householders that they intended to apply to Parliament, to pull down their dwellings. The Directors then formed a deputation and waited upon the Duke of Somerset, the first Lord of the Admi- ralty, to complain of the difficulty in which they had placed the Company, and after several interviews with the authorities, the deputation induced them to abandon their opposition on condition that tie Com- pany would, when called upon by the Admiralty, make an application to Parliament for powers to construct the line to the dockyard-this they had done. After having perfected their line from Pem- broke-dock to Whitiand, then they were quite blocked up by the Great Western, and could go no further; every passenger had to turn out, and all goods had to be shifted into other carriages, which was a great inconvenience to the public, and detrimental to the interests of the Company; they had made several overtures to the Great Western, to lay down a narrow guage on the line from Whitland to Car- marthen, but without any effect; the demands they made were so extravagant, that it would have been ruinous to the interests of the Company to accept them, so they had nothing else to do but to apply to Parliament for powers to make an independent line; they carried their Bill through the Commons, but the Great Western again fought them in the Lords, but finding that the Pembroke and Tenby Company tvould again succeed, the Great Western offered a ,ompi-omise, and agreed to lay down a narrow guage 'rom Whitland to Carmarthen, at less than half the :ost that they before demanded. That Company 1a.d taken advantage of the Pembroke and Tenny Company as much as they could they would have -uined this Company just as they have their own shareholders, to whom they were now paying a divi- lend of 11 per cent. The terms contained in the heads of agreements' were that the Pembroke and l'enby Company were to pay to the Great Western :he sum of £20,000 on or before the 26th day of February, 1868. and that that Company were to lay lown the narrow yuage litis U-ota Whitland to Car" wtftjisu U» thfy? woyihs after tAA payejeftt of the money. He was happy to announce" a great fact to the meeting, that the Pembroke antll Tenby Company had been enabled to find the money.. and that it had been paid on the last day to the: bankers of the Great Western Company. (Great- applause.) He thought that one of the most im-- portant events in the era of the Company as they had now insured a direct line from Milford Haven I to Manchester, by an unbroken guage, which could be reached from Milford Haven in about six hours. That was what the county of Pembroke had been labouring for for nearly thirty years, and it was thus accomplished, so that the noble port of Milford, des- tined by nature for the trade of the wwld, would soon become of great national advantages When they arrived at Carmarthen, they would have two strings to their bow, the Manchester and Milford through Aberystwyth to the north, and the central Wales to Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, and the otker j manufacturing districts. The Great Western line was continued from Gloucester to Milford Haven forr the South of Ireland traffic, and carried on a larger Irish trade. It was a great boon to South Wile# j for which they in Pembrokeshire could not be too thankful for the every day accommodation it afforèidl them. He was a large shareholder in the line, audi had no wish to injure its traffic at the same timat i he knew that it did not pass through a district to. bring a large commercial trade to Milford Haven,, and that we must look to the manufacturing districts. of the north for that. The Pembroke and Tenby J line, was a good feeder to the Great Western, and' j yet they had opposed them with all their might happily they were now quite independent of them. j He had great pleasure in proposing the adoption of the report, which was seconded by Mr Clarke. No objection being made, the proposition that the- j report be adopted was put to the meeting and carried unanimously. j The Chairman then proposed that a dividend of 5 per 1 cent should be paid on the preference and ordaarf <' shares, which was carried with acclamation. Dr. Chatel asked the Chairman if the engineering er- < penses from Whitland to Carmarthen were included in j Che £ 20,000. Tfie- Chairman, in reply, said that the whole of the j 120,0OU was paid to the Great Western for laying oWm J the narrow X-eage to Carmarthen. The engineering ax- j penses would have to be paid in addition, but it did mft J form any part of the business of the day. I Captain Wells thought the j620,000 which tbeo Directors had succeeded in getting, would not go further" than to pay the Great Western Company for laying down: the rails, which he understood would be done in three months; but he wished to know whether the Pembroke and Tenby Railway would get the short loop line com- pleted within the same period. The Chairman thought the question put by Captain Wells was very important; that without tbe loop line into Carmarthen, the narrow guage from Whitlaad would j not be worth making. He said that he had some eon- versation with Mr Roberts on the subject, who told hiia they would make it by the time the narrow guage is laiJ down. Mr. Roberts, who was present could answer foir j himself.. ] Mr Roberts then confirmed the chairman's statement j with respect to the completion of the loop line. J Dr Mansel enquired whether the loop line would go> 'a on simultaneously with the work to be done by the- Great Western Company. 1 The Chairman replied that he had also corresponded with Mr David Davies on the subject, who was in London seeing that the deposit of the £ 20,000 was paid in time, or he would have been present that day to arrange about the loop line, as well as, be hoped, the completion of the line to the deep water pier at Milford Haven. He was expeoted in the county very shortly. It was then ordered that the seal of the Company should be aSxed to the register of shareholders, to mate the transferred shares legal. Mr Dawkins wished to know when it was likely thet telegraph would be extended from Tenby to Pembroke, Dock. The Chairman said that was the first application he- had heard respecting it. Mr Robertson of Hazel Hill, said that it must be very gratifying to the proprietors of the railway to find their interests had been so well attended to by the Directors. Aa the Chairman had drawn their attention to the negociations which had taken place with tLe Admiralty, as to running a line into the dockyard, he hoped no ob- stacles would intervene in carrying out these views. Ifl the late debates in the House of Commons, the first { Lord (Mr Corry) had stated that the Admiralty intendell3 building iron ships only at Pembroke and Chatham dock- j yards, and consequently any economical arrangements io j the transit of heavy platee or other iron used in ship-- ) bnilding, could be so convoyed much cheaper than by barges across the haven, from tbe terminus on the op~ | posite shore and the contiguity of this place to the irom ,■ and ojal districts would probably draw thefurther attention j of the Government to its great superiority. He had 1 written some remarks on the capabilities of Milford 1 Haven, which would have been in circulation some j months ago, but from unavoidable detention in printing. In this pamphlet he had drawn attention to the great magnitude and wonderful capabilities it con- tained for the construction of docks, piers, aad other 1 requirements for commercihl purposes. Some may le ef j opinion that Milford Haven was already sufficiently known, and that the reason why it had been so long j neglected, was from our having no back freights to offer j ships which may come here. He differed with thosef | who entertained such views. Having formerly been » j shipowner himself, bis ships have often been kept wait» 1 ing even at London or Liverpool for days and week# j together for iron from Cardiff or Newport, and other 4 goods from the manufacturing towns, to fill up their ] cargoes. The anticipated opening in a few montW | hence, of an unbroken narrow guage line of railway, t9 1 the great northern sod western manufacturing district*, 4 will throw the balance considerably in favour of Milford i Haven. It is also well known that these ports are getting ] insufficient for the increasing trade of the country, and ships are often kept an nndne time waiting for dock j accommodation. He had often seen in crossing over | Bristol as many as 200 or 300 vessels waiting at Penartb | roads for entrance into Cardiff with probably 300 or 40ff 1 vessels already in dock loading. Suppose a portion of the shipping trade of this country, could be diverted to Milford, the interchange of the commodities of the United States, the ootton, corn, rico, tar, and other article* (! landed here, would open the door to enterprise of every 1 description, warehouses would spiing up, and The agricultural tenants would on their part have a beneticiw. trade for their farm product; their sons or dependantf would find occupation in the warehouses and offices of the mercantile establishments, and the prosperity which commerce with foreign countries always produces, would soon develope itself. With regard to the postal ad- vantages it must be a matter of astonishment that Milford Haven has been so long unnoticed in this respect. He had made a calculation which will shew a saving to any j Mail Steam Packet Company, that should adopt Milford Haven, of £ 139,000 per year, over the route via Liverpool to New York, and of 35 hours in time. The items corn- J prising these calculations are given in detail, and fe* jj would be very glad if any one versed in these matters* "j would scrutinize them in the strictest manner; the full ] ventilation of these matters can do no harm, but will ) elucidate the truth. He had made these calculation# | after consulting the best and most reliable authorities | and when suoh facts are properly brought to the notfe» J of the Government, they will doubtless, under the repre« | sentations and pressure of the great manufacturing | districts, adopt that line which affurds such advantage# -j both in monev and time. Inferior Dorts have hitherto monopolized the mail and passenger trade through par- liamentary interest. The effect of these observationt will of course depend on the views mercantile men and capitalists take of them, and as in two or three months hence, we shall be brought within five or six hours rail- | way transit to Manchester, Birmingham, and other of the northern districts, the time appears opportune and the prospects bright. He also drew attention to the peculiar capabilities Pembroke dockyard possessed for shipbuilding as well as for refitting and manufacturing purposes in time of war. Stores for naval purposes to the extent of | some millions, had passed through his hands into thi. dockyard, and which, with other affairs in connection with government contracts, had given him much insight A into these matters. He would, however, on the present oocasion, only briefly allude to matters connected with j Pembroke dockyatd and Milford Haven, which had ] lately been discussed in the House of Commons and else- j where, and he was sorry to observe that in his opinion, and which he believed was pretty generally concurred in by others, that our representatives in parliament had not devoted that attention to these subjects, which not only the interests of their constituents, but that of the nation at large, and the British Taxpayer demanded. They observe that the House of Commons view with suapioion any remarks made by members with reference to their own localities. Such excuses appear untenable, and a totally different line appears to have been adopted by the members for other naval ports, attended with very favourable results to their localities, but very expensive and unfavourable ones to the nation. Only some few years ago, an official of high position, told the House that Cbatham was to he made one of the Wonders of the world." A short time afterwards, a relative and political partisan, became the representative of this borough. Another member of the House no less than k three times in one night's debate, recommended the a three times in one night's debate, recommended the abolition and sale of Pembroke dockyard. This gentleman i was formerly the bead of a great shipbuilding firm, which $ is now carried on by his sons; and who had just before proposed that the governmcpt should buy all the docke at Birkenhead which had cost three millions, and estab- lish a naval arsenal there. Another party has suggested that Southampton was a most eligible place for dock accommodation, and in order to carry out such views, J which would have cost the country a few more millions to clear away the mud or other obstacles which abound > there, stated that Milford Haven was too far from the probable scene of action, and was subjeot to dense fogs. One of our Directors now present, gave a most effectual reply to such absurd, and unfounded remarks, which were withdrawn, wilh a statement that they were made on the authority of others. Even if such as to where future naval actions may take place, i turn out true ones, a reference to the charts will shew that a fleet at Milford Haven, 100 miles from the Lands End or tho entranoe of the English Channel, would reach there eight hours before a fleet from Southampton J or Poftaoiouth, which are 150 oilea distant, could, Hw | WiDiII4 ttOVr qqi1c!ude 414 f'§Wuk# ty QWgrfttflkljajj fof j