Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

14 erthygl ar y dudalen hon





[No title]

| dforrigtt EntflUgmre.




HOUSE OF COMMO INS-MON DAY. On the motion of Sir G. Clerk, a ney writ was ordered for Abingdon, vacant by the acceptance If office as Attorney- General by Sir F. Thesiger. OUTRAGES IN IKELAND.—In reply o a question from Sir E. Hayes, Sir J. Graham said that her Majaty's government had viewed with the greatest anxiety aod regret the spread of outrages in certain parts of Ireland, in he counties of Leitrim and Cavan, and the adjacent counties He was in constant communication with the Lord-I.ieuten^t on the subject, and every effort had been and would cOlliune to be made by government according to law to repns those outrages A lar^e increase of the military force aj a large increase of police ÍcHce had been alieady made au placed at the disposal of the local authorities in aid of theejvil power, He was happy to concur with the lion. m<mLr in saving that there was nothing of a political or of a relig,us character iu these outrages; and on Wednesday next thee was to be a meetin" in the county of Cavan of the gentry "d clergy without dis- tinction of creed, to address him for the lurpose of suppressing these outrages according to law. HI repeated that every effort would he made for their supp-ssioa. He did not despair that the powers of the exist ill: Jaw would be found efficient. It was the fixed resolulioiyof the government to enforce every means to that end, and t present lie was not prepared to announce any other iDtentm on the part of the government. COLLEGES (IRELANDJPWILL.—The muse went into Com- mittee on this Bill. Considerable discussion took place q the first clause em- powering the Commissioners of the Trasury to pay from the Consolidated Fund such sum of moneys shall be needed for purchasing lands, tenements, and herjjtaments, for the use of these new colleges, and for the nuegsary buildings with the appurtenances thereof," and for esthlisaing & furnish ing the same, not exceeding £ 33,333 6s. 8cforeach such college, and not exceeding £ 100,000 in the whole; but which' clause was evenlllally ordered to form Prt of the bill. The first clause was then agreed to, lid the committee pro- ceeded with the discussion of the sam clauses, up to clause 13, after which, the house resumed. The Dog Stealing Bill was read a tl,d time and passed. On the motion to go into committee u Lunacy (the salaries and expenses resolutions), Mr. T. Duncombe objected to the Ilge amount that was to be paid to the Commissioners in Lumy. The bill had been too much hurried. It was read a secoq time before it was dry. It would not correct many of the evs that were complained of, and the expense to be incurredfor commissioners and other officers under the bill was enoiih of itself to drive any one mad—(a laugh). After a few words from Mr. Suljn the resolutions were agreed to, and were ordered to be reoned the IIvxt day. The house then adjourned, at haupast I o'clock. TUESDAY THE BOARD OF ADMIRALTY AND TBEgoUTH WALES RAILWAY. Captain Berkeley moved, "That p private Bill for the con- struction of railways, or other pulic works, to which the consent of the Admiralty is required will be committed, until the decision of the Admirafty sltaU ><} communicated to the House," be made a standing order.; Lord Granville Somerset thought he House ought not to agree to this proposition, because, itwas, in fact, askin- the House to suspend its proceedings untili Government board -ave its opinion on the railway schemes bright before it. This was the most extraordinary proposition he ad ever heard. (Hear, hear). Certainly the Committees hadhe means of arriving at a more correct estimate of the value ( the Bills before them than the Board of Admiralty could pssibly have. He was quite m opposition to the motion o the Hon. and -allant Member. Mr. Warburton did not see why the hiJSe should be precluded from going into the evidence on any nhvay project until they had received the consent of the Board o. Admiralty. Mr. J. S. Wortley opposed the motion. Captain Berkeley replied. His arjment was that the Admiralty should have the power of prating the public, and individuals also; and he would give thfIouse an illustration. Supposing an individual had a right to ferry over a navigable river, and that a projected bridge would stroy his interests as well as the navigation of that river. H was too poor to pro- secute an opposition before that Housebnt he memorialised the Board of Admiralty, and they took rective measures for that purpose. He should take the scnse)f the House on the subject. After a few words from Sir G. Clerk, The House divided, when there appeare-, For the motion 22 Against it 70 Majority 48 After the disposal of a great deal of priate business, Captain Layard called the attention othe house to the necessity of limiting the duration of servi. in the army. and moved that an humble address be presend to her Majesty, praying that she will be graciously pleased I direct inquiry to be made how far the reduction of the perlo of service in the army, from the present unlimited term tojo years would tend to procure a better class of recruits, dninish desertion and thus add to the efficiency of the service ueserl,on. Mr. S. Herbert said that great improveients had been effected in the army within the last few ye s to an extent which had caused the service to become IIOAopular with the community. The attention now paid to the elings comfort and respectability of the men, rendered thetervice superior to the military service of other nationt. Su, being the case he thought the motion altogether unnecessary After some observations from Mr. Hume, ;r JJ. Douglas and Mr. Williams, the motion was event,ny negatived' without a division. An Don. Member then moved that the h<fce be countcd and there not being a sufficient numbej of Wabets present! the Jwu#? forthwith adjQUWtd, r


general gctUattg.



[No title]