Papurau Newydd Cymru

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(.NOW FIRST PUBLISHED.) fon MONEY oil FOR LOVE? F.Y <•' 'RDON STABLES, MD, R.N., i- uikor of rr¡, Hg,ot of Allahdal* "The Mystery "The Haunted Alt list at I)uiiil'«ij> A I'iiousar.d )IiI., in a l'UaT¡(lI, 4kt' .te. [ALL HIGH IS RESERVE 1).J I CHAPTER XXXIV.—HORROR OF HORRORS -IT WAS STRAXSOX THE TEC Sir John Brewer's wooing of the interesting American inillioruiress—a word 1 have coined for this especial occasion—had nut prospered quite so well az Sir John could have wished. In fact nothing sho"t of ''Congress. as she I called ou: Parliament, would suit her. and it would seem that this particular Ministry would never dit^olre. But after long months the happy day came round. O. 1,0. not the wedding day nor the election day, but Parliament was dissolved at lust, and a new election was on the tapis. The millionairess was delighted, and more kind and affable to her John Bull, as she called our Lri'trht. than ever she had been. l'id ho himself, she asked, feel quite certain he wnild be eboted? There was nothing more sure, he had exclaimed, enthusiastically, except his. unalterable love for her. "Yes," sho ;aid, "you may kis« me. and if you're very good you may often have that privilege. "But," she added," I mean to introduce my-ctfj to over so many of your Toting people." Voj won't hazard——" he began somewhat timidly. ^"Bribery! she laugl ?d. "Oh, no, Sir John. Noihing aetionable, I assure y«u. The briix-ry of a smile, perhaps—perhaps half a promise. (). you excessively virtuous Sir John: not an action more than half n promise. I giye rou my word. Why. Joh- i—my .John—you're as good as elected already." j "W-dl, he said, smiling his sweetest. "We mus'u't be too sanguine 1 "lb'her, John! that is what you said about yot r illy old divorce that you took sueh legal pains to secure. All, deac 'man. they do these things better in America. Rut now mon brave,' go and face ycur foes. Come back to me victor, jny John, or—com* back on your shield." Sir John was in th, thick of the fight. He had scarcely time now to look at a newspaper. His secretary wrote most of his letters, and scanned the political news for him every morning at breakfast. But Si- John hiir.self made the speeches, here, there and everywhere, all over the county for which he was standing in the Conservative interest. Ho mad.. the speeches both in public halls and in schoolrooms, and best of all perhaps, after jolly dinners, for about this time of day he was always in the best of oratorical form. How quickly the time went round to 1*? sure, and the election day came round almost before he wns aware of it. Tix- following is something that his sec-retary noiiced in an evening paper on the very day before the polling, but thought it best not to bother Sir John bv reading, or even alluding to. THE UPTON MURDER, STARTLING DISCLOSURES. "Our representative boarded the eaih this morning before she had passed Ports- mouth. and interviewed the celebrated detective Stran^on, who. it will be remembered, for reasons of his own sailed in the Earl of Clova's beautiful yacht many months ago. The detective wa* naiutally reticient. but our representative gathered the following facts. First, particulars of the loss of the Ella Lee. The beautiful vessel broke down in one of the Reaches of the Straits of Magellan, either through foul play, it would seem, or the work of a maniac; she afterwards took fire, and was deserted by her crew. These for many months were at the mercy of those implacable savages, the natives of Tierra del Fttego, and the islands in the straits, and but for the timely arrival of the Wooloomooloo would have been all massacred. The next piece of news is stranger still, for the clever sleui'i hound, Stranson, has at last run down and bring* home with him the real murderer of the unfortunate Squire Upton, of Upton Hall, or at lp:d one of the murderers, so justice will be done at last, and this mysterious affair made as clear' as day. We know no more, at least we should say we are not at liberty to give more complete details at pre- sent. The rest will follow, and this journal will be the first to give its readers the fullest'particu- lars of the whole ghastly business." Far more depended upon Sir John's being re- turned to Parliament and subsequently married to the millionairess than anyone save himself had an idea of. .ings financial bad not gone so well with him of late. He had ventured upon large speculations, and they had failed. It is no wonder, therefore, that his election day wa« one of the most exciting ever he had passed. But victory was secured at last. Hi* hour of triumph had come. He Was con- ducted. almost led out to the balcony by his madly rejoicing friends, and there—yes there was the sea, of upturned faces he had often, so often, dreamt of. lie addressed the multitude. He did not know what he said. Neither did anyone fISf. It mattered nothing. He wa« seen to be gesticulating^ the wild huzzas would have drowned the voice of a factor* hooter. But when he waved his arms above his head the people knew he was cheering and cheered the louder, until exhausted Sir John waa glad to retire. At the top of the stair, and in the well-lighted passage, a stranger stepped from behind a curtain. Horror of horrors—it was Stranson. the tee. Sir John's head swam. He reeled, and would have fallen but for friendly support. Exceedingly sorry. Sir John Brewer, ta inter- rupt you at such a time. But I am sure your friends will excuse you. I hold here a warrant for your arrest Wii—what—1what!" gasped Sir John. "You are charged," went on the prim detective, with the wilful murder of Squire Upton, of Upton Hall." Murder!" more than one exclaimed, and friends that had stuck to him staunchly before now recoiled from the man with fear and loathing. How cold the clasp of those handcuffs! How awful the sound of their click! How more than terrible it was to be driven awav to prison through the self-same, still excited mob that had gathered there to cheer him. Yes. and many knew him. but. unacquainted with the facts, shouted yet again. "Long live Sir John!" till the welkin rang again. Fallen, fallen, fallen. Fallen from his high estate. Yes. and there was not a policeman who passed the cell door. and peeped in through the grating at the bent and crouching figure there, who did not feel something of pity for the man. He seemed to have grown old and decrepid all at once: his very face was shrunken and grey, and his eyes had in them that hunted look that tells of bodily suffering and anguish combined. Oh! that first awful night in the cell! So long, so dark, so full of a nameless terror! Would morning never, never come? It did at last, though, and he fell into aa uneasy, dreamful dose, only to start after a time and tremble to find himself shut in bv those grim, grey walls, as in a living tomb. Those walls had looked down on grief and misery many a time but perhaps never before on so utterly wretched a being as Sir John Brewer- murderer. It is not pleasant to dwell on eo black and sad a study as this. Let me have done with the tragedy as soon as may be. „ When at long last then the ship arrived off the i-vl on which accident had marooned Jake Roberts Join Brewer. Tom's joy knew neither bouiulo lIor limits, more especially when informed that his daughter in rself was on board the rescuing vessel. Th* doctor was the man who had broken the news to Tom. He had done something else—for he wae an exceedinglv practical man—he had brought on shore decent apparel for the men. for he guessed aright that thev must be clad m rags and skins, so that when the boat brought them off they pre- sented a fairly respectable appearance. 'J h» meeting of father and daughter was afleoting in the extreme. There are scenes from real life which the novelist does well to leaTe to the readers imagination. If he attempts to describe them he faih: and this was one of them. There was a meeting of another sort, however, on board that very *hip. and about the same time that I am bound to sv>eak of. Jake Rolierts had not been en the vessel an hour before lie noticed Stranson. He was standing for- •tv aid near the forecastle looking overboard at the sun- lit sea bottom as quietly as if he had not the slightest inter^t in anvthinc that was occurring. Pre-ently a hand was laid lightly on his ihoulder, and looking round beheld Jake Roberts stood be- tide him. I would speak with, ou alone, sir. Straii.-ou moved off and took a position about midships, quite apart from anyone, save Jake himself. "You are a detective ? 1 am- „ r ,r "And you hold a warrant for the arrest of Jom Brewer for the murder of Squire Upton many years ago I do—bu!— Pray do not interrupt nie. I must say what I have to say now at once, else my courage may ehb :a". Tom Brewer is as innocent of the crime as von yourS'Jf, sir, "What How do you know ?" Who should know if I did not know. Fifteen \>ars aero, sir. John Brewer, the barrister, extri- cated me from a position that might have been unfavourable to my freedom for ever. I became that clever solicitor's servant, nay, his very slave. I admired the man. his very daring captivated me. I thought it splendid then. I have had time to ihink and repent since. When he met and fell in iov* with Sheila Moore, he determined to marry kr: lie felt sure of victory from the first._ 111 ii'o.e davs few voting ladies could have resisted Joim Brewer's blandishments, lie and 1 planned ¡ the tirst meeting. I was the man whom he knocked down in the street. But things began to h»ok black fur us. Slary Venner was my sweetheart. Alas 1 was her sorrow and her ruin, but she win placed at Upton as a spy. Sou begin to see how tlr'ngs went, sir ?" I do. Proceed. Evi-n L sir. do not like to flunk of that mid- o;i;; at the luetic- bridge. But it Has nee- u Va ito our plans to rid ourselves of the poor .-q e. John Biewer loved Sheila madly, but Sheila without money ho could not afford, and that money was. about to be Milled awny from her. Then eauiy the deed. P.n",vet Mould have, been content with murder aloec. 1 vr.»s not I returned and rifled the squire's jKi,i's. I ho watch and chain are hidden now in tin- haunted )"11;11< /if the Grar»e«\v 1" But tin marked coin that Tom Brewer waI known to change lhat was what I thought at the time a liappy inspiration. 1 placed u on the ground where the tramp could find it. Tiiis is all I hare to say, pir. Stranson was silent for many minutes. At last lie seemed suddenly to louse himself. ii-tt is your object in making tiiis confession?' he asked, abruptly. Because I have some human feelings left. I am not the utter wretch 1 may seem. 1 have lived iony and all alone with poor Tom Brewer. I have fCnI° -i -"m as ft hnjiher. Think you now that 1 am going to stand between him and the happiness he deserves. J ¿{¡ok aft, sir. Behold Jlim with his daughter. Look at. her bright and happy facf and Ins. No, sir. I am your prisoner. Totd Brewer "Jlall never he tried for crime of mine." "If what you say ij true, and 1 do not doubt you for a moment, you will be admitted as Queen> evidence against the murderer. Brewer. But. I eliould ten you that before Slary Venner died shc-" "Is Mary dead?" "She is dead, and she with her la.i breath took all the guilt upon her 0, n head." Jake Roberts l>ent hjs head. "Poor Mary* Poor Slary! It was all he said or could say, u he turned awav to nide his tears. (. think, sir, said a gaoler to an inspector, there is something the matter with the prisorer Brewer. 1 cannot wake him at all this morning." "Go simmons the surgeon at once. Tell him to come with all possible speed. Juleps tlian ten minutes Dr. Gray, the prison suiyeon, was in Sir John Brewer's cell. lie bent ever him he lifted one of the Irdf- elosed eyelids. fhe t-y? was fixed and glassy, He laid his hand upon the heart. That. t'.a.s ali. '"Dfead?" It was the inspector who spoke. Ay. dead enough. And may God have mercy cn his soul." Mhen. just nine 'nonths after the gruesome end of Sir John Brewer, Tom Hamilton snd Ella Lee were made man and wife in the quaint and beauti- fill wee church of Sorning, there wasn't & happier man in all the parish than Bob his brother, ex- oepting as a matter of course the bridegroom him. self. It whs just sueh a st iiunrr morning, reader, an 1 know your marriage will take place upon. You could not 1.Ie married in a prettier little church, cor in a more charming village. The teuder spring tints were still upon the trees; t.he grass was very green in the quiet churchyard that Tom led hit bride through; the chestnuts, pink and white. wer3 all in Mooin: the thrushes sang their joy uotes in the spruce thicket; down by the river- side. where the scented Slay trees grevr, the nightingale's voice was loud and ringing, and then three was the river itself, with the wild Nowerw nodding over it. and the drooping foliage kissing its silvery surface as it wcund out and wovid ia as jf Joath to leave so sweet II scene. It Mas one uf the quickest weddings that ever WM known, but none the less joyful on that acoount. The breakfast took place on the Earl of Clova's boat- liouse. Y P<. the Earl was there himself. Some Aid the Earl wis soft. But I think that he behaved like man. and like a tru* brother to Ella from the very moment he found out that she could never be hit. There were three who said that Ella herself wax soft in preferring the hand and heart of a simple sailor to that of the rich Earl of Clova; in electing to sail the salt seas with her husband, now captain of a Greek ship, to living in a castle at home, sur- rounded by every luxury that wealth coufrT hriur- But I think that Ella was wise, and that her happin?« with her true love Tom but proves the truth of a verse in a dear old song that keeps ring- ing in my head even now, as I write these last lines. •• It ne'er Mas wealth, it ne'er v as wealth lhat ooft (brought) contentment-, peace and pleMTUVft The bonds and bliss o' mutual love, Ah! that's the chief o' world's treasure. W hat do you think, reader? The End.





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