Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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"CARDIGAN"QUARTER SESSIONS. I The January Sessions were opened at the Court-house, Aberayron, on Tuesday. There were presentMr C. M Griffith, Llwynderris (chairman); Colonel Lewes, Llanlear; Mr T. J. Hughes, Castell-dil; Air L. P. Ptlgh, Abermade; Mr J. Boultbee, Plas-y-gwernant; Captain Vaughan, Brynog; Major Lloyd Philip (is, Mahws; Mr C. E. Longcroft, Llanina; Air J. G. P. Hughes, Alltlwycl; and Captain Jordan, Pigeonsford. THE COUNTY GAOL. The first business of the court was to lake into con- sideration a presentment made at the last sessions by the Visiting Justices, that it is necessary that two large doors be erected in the south-western boundary wall of the county gaol at Cardigan. Mr' BOULTBEE explained the necessity which there was for the doors, and moved that they be provided, at a cost not exceeding R30. Major PHILIPPS seconded the motion, which was earned. APPLICATION FROM THE GAOLER. The Governor of the Counts7 Prison, Mr Elliott, having applied that he be paid 12s. per week, in lieu of rations to himself and wife, the court proceeded to discuss the mat- ter. Eventually, Mr BOULTBEE said the Visiting Justices had considered the matter carefully, and they strongly recommended that the governor's application be acceded to. He begged to move that the governor of the county gaol at Cardigan be paid 12s. per week in lieu of rations to himself and Wife. Major PHILIPPS seconded the motion. Carried. M"ve PAYMENT Of MAGISTRATES' CLERKS BY SALARY INSTEAD OF FEES. It will be in the remembrance of our rcadets that the question of the desirability of paying magistrates clerks by salary instead of fees as at present, has occupied the attention of a (oixmittee of magistrates for some time. It will also be recollected that at the last sessions a report from the committee was read, but not discussed, Colonel Lewes wishing that it might be printed ana circulated, s as to be taken into consideration at these sessions. Air PUGH, who acted as chairman of the committee, mcved the adoption of the report. The CHAIRMAN said he thought Ml Pi-igh could not propose that resolution. The one that stood 01# paper in'his name was—" That it be rccommen of her Majesty's principal Secretaries of Sta paper be taken after the other one had been passed, ana then' the report could be discussed, The CHAIRMAN said he was ^nte m the hands of the court, and it was for them tc decide what course should ^AfS^a'short discussion, the court decided that Mr P-di must adhere to the »ction on the notice paper. Mr Pnrw siid the matter-tow stood in this way. Aj !■ ferat the committee, with great trouble and great pams an. I considerable inquiry, arnveu^ certain conclu.Y'H s. wI thev embodied in a report, which he presented at the last sessions. If bis memory did not fail him, he moved that it should he adopted, and then Colonel Lewes proposed, M an amendment, that the consideration of the subject snoula J3 adjourned, and that, in accordance with the st&noirig orders of the court, the report should be printed. ims had been done, and he 'thought it due to the committee that there should be an expression on the report, naa f:dled to obtain an expression, and lie felt that feis on y alternative was to withdraw his motion. The CHAIRMAN said his opinion was that it woUd be utterly impossible that the motion, as it stood on the agenda paper, should be disposed of without discnssin-, report. He hoped Mr Pugh would reconsider his deter- mination to withdraw the motion. v Colonel LEWEE said that, as his name had boen men- tioned in connection with this matter, lie could only again, as he had before, assure Mr Pugh and the court that when he asked that the report should be printed according to the rules of the court, he did not do so from any adv eise spin to it. He was sorry Mr Pugh had withdrawn it, because he thought it was a pity. Mr PUGH persisted in letting the matter drop, and the next business <w as taken. APPOINTMENTS. The retiring'members of the Visiting Committee of the gaol were re-appointed.. It is usual at this sessions to appoint members of the Visiting Committee of the Joint Counties Asylum, and the court named the Dean of St. David's, Captain oJ ordan, Mr Harford, and Mr Tyler. THE LUNATIC ASYLUM. The anpusl report of the Visiting Committee was then read to the -court. It stated that the committee caused advertisements to be inserted in several and pro- vincial newspapers, inviting tenders for the erection of the retiring win^s. Nine tenders were sent in, arid they accepted that of Messrs Barnsley and Son, who laad c.vecuted a con- tract for thedue performance of the work. The contractors had already c ommenced the work, and had made consider- able progress ithey had "been paid a small sum on account of this contract, and as they would soon be entitled to further cerftrlcates for considerable amounts, the committee requested that each court will instruct its treasurer, im- mediately on being applied to, to forward to the treasurer of the asylum the amount of calls made upon tliein for the purpose of 'meeting the certificates, the contract stipu- lating that the works shall be completed by the 29th day of September, 1871. The farm buildings were nearly com- pleted, and the committee had purchased nine cows for the use of the asylum, whereby they anticipated a considerable saving would be effected in the annual expenditure of the establishment. The number of patients in the asylum was 247—120 males and 127 females. The Itev. J, Marsden had been appointed chaplain, at a_s3.iarv of £ lo0 per annum, vice the Ven. Archdeacon Williams resigned. The weekly charge for the maintenance of the patients had been redccsd from lls. Id. to 9s. lid. per head, and the committee hoped to make a still further reduction during the ensning year. The annual statement of the receipts and expenditure, &c., with the usual tables, would be pre- pared and published before the 1st of March next. The committee complained that some Boards of Guardians had not been punctual in their payments, much to the annoyance and inconvenience of the committee and their officers. A MATTER OF ROUTINE. The CHAIRMAN said all were aware that it was the cus- tom to read the statement of accounts in open court to- ;3, wards the end of the business, when there were few magis- trates present. Now it would be much better, as it appeared to him, if the finence committee would kindly j undertake to audit the accounts. fie had taken the trouble to inquire, and found tho. Ike system he pro- posed was carried out in a large LJ: !ounty, and he hoped this court would adopt it. After some little discussion, the chairman's suggestion was ordered to be carried out. 0:> r THE GAOL. The OtiiiiniAN said the court would remember that at the last sessions a letter was read from the Home-office, threatening, owing to the condition of the county gaol, to discontinue the Government grant towards the mainte- nance 01 -piisoners. They would recslicct that when the letter was read, it caused some little astonishment, be- Cause the I-lome-ofrice had previously granted a, request th nothing should be done towards erecting a new gaol until the judicature committee had reported, and until it was knewn whether a consolidation of Cardiganshire with other Welsh counties was to take place. At the request of the court, he (the chairman) wrote a letter to the Home-office, reminding the Home Secetary of these facts, and, in reply, he had received a communication, dated October 2Sth, 1870, stating that under all the circum- stance of the case the Parliamentary grant for the main- tenance of prisoners will be continued tc the county of Cardigan." MAGISTRATES' CI.KRKS' PEES AND THE POLICE. The Chair, AN said the court would recollect the magis- trates' clerk for the borough of Cardigan laying claim° to certain fees for summonses taken out by the county police. The court refused to entertain the claim, and since then Mr Mitchell had summoned the-chief constable in the county-court. Captain Freeman (the chief onstable) did him the honour to consult him on the .subject, and al- though it was h:s opinion that, strictly according to law, Mr Mitchell was entitled to the money, he (the chairman) thought it right, as Captain Freeman was a public officer, to advise him to employ a solicitor. This was done, and their friend Mr Fitzwilliams, acting as deputy for the judge, heard the case, and after great deliberation, gave it against the pcliee. This being so, he (the chairman) supposed the court would have no hesitation in allowing the amount of the lees and the chief constable's expenses. Then came another and a more serious question. It was true the court had no control over Mr Mitchell, but he (the chairman) thought they should send a communication to the Mayor of Cardigan stating that it was \e-ry preju- dicial to the interests-of the police that such an occurrence should have taken place. Mr BOULTBEE thouglrt the ourt could not eKpress too strong an opinion on sucJs conduct. The court ordered that the money should be refunded -to the chief constable. NOTICE OF MOTION. Colonel LEWES gave notice that at the next sessions he should introduce the subject of the incidence of loe&ltaxa- tien, and ask the court to iign a petition to Parliament 011 thn subject. V aiious reports were then read and adopted.

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