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MIS C E LL A N E O ITS. REPLY OF Iolm JOHN RUSSELL TO THE PLYMOUTH ADDRESS.- Plyrnouth, Thursday.-Tlie deputation appointed by the public meeting of the inhabitants of this borough to present the address to Lord John Russell, proceeded this day to Eudsleigli Cottage. The following gentlemen formed the deputation :—G W. Soltan, Esq. (Mayor of Plymouth), T. Gill, Esq., M.P., R. L. Gwatkin, Esq., and P. E. Lyne, Esq. They were most courteously received, and his Lord- ship appeared highly gratified at the expressions of good feeling from the people of Plymouth towards him. The address having been presented, Lord John Russell read the following reply: — GENTLEMEN — I im deeply sensible of the kindness and con- fidence which have induced the inhabitants of PUmoulh to vote the address you have just presented to ine. The late Adminis- tration endeavoured to relieve the country from those taxes which are paid to the Landowners, to the West India Planters, and ot her favoured classes, at the expense of the community at large. 1 iiej attempted, above all, to subject the admission of Foreign Coin to a known and moderate dutj, in place of a scale so curi- ously adjusted, that it baulks the farmer at one moment and starves the people at an ither, while it defrauds the revenue at all times. The whole stren<h of monopoly, however. joined with the compact forces of an adverse party, defeated our efforts, and have placed a new Ministry in power. Still, if the people are united, prohibitions and prohibitory duties will shar., the fate of civii disabilities on religions ground:), the slavery of our negro fellow-fubjects, and other works of darkness. Nor is it neces- sary for this purposee that the late Ministry should be restored to power-the men who surrendered what they deemed the essen- tial bulwarks of the Church and the Constitution to the menaces of the Roman Catholic Association of Ireland, will be sure to yield the fortresses of commercial restriction when they shall be summoned to do so bv the peaceful, but powerful, voice of the people of England and Scotland. Those who have resigned oflice have the satisfaction of thinking, that with the exception of the obstacles which self-interest opposes to the measures necessary for restoring our trade to a souitd condition, and thereby invigor- ating our finances, they have left ti eir successors an easy task. The suppression of sedition at home, without suspending the Constitution, or the odious employment of spies; the rule of Ireland in conformity with the wishes of the great majority of its inhabitants; the establishment of just priuci pIes of govern- ment in our colonies, together with a firm and pacific policy abroad, have made the empire so strong that noue hut tlH grosest incapacity can endanger its fortunes or impair its reputation. Endsleigh, Nov. 25." J. RUSSELL." SUDDEN DEATH OF THE EARL OF HAREWOOD.- We are sorry to announce the sudden death of the Right Hon. Henry Lascelles, Earl of Harewood, whilst on his return home from hunting on Wednesday.—An inquest was held on the body on Thursday at the Bay Horse Inn, Bramham, near York, and from the evidence it appeared that the hounds met at the Cross-roads on Clifford Moor, and on the fox being run to ground, his Lordship turned his horse's head towards home, and a short distance from Bramham was seen to get off his horse at a gate apparently looking into the field: shortly after the whipper-in rode up, and seeing his Lordship's horse standing without a rider, he called out, and receiving no answer, got off his horse, and then found his Noble master tying on the ground the hunts. man coming up, he called to him, and after some little time they took off his neckerchief, but he appeared dead a car- riage was sent for, and he was removed to the Inn.—Mr. Scatchard, surgeon, of Boston, deposed that on being sent tor, he found deceased dead he had no hesitation in say. ing that death was produced by the rupture of a blood. vessel at the base of the brain, most assuredly not from any violence.—Mr. F. Gibbs, surgeon, of Harewood, deposed that he had attended deceased for the last 27 years: he had been indifferent in health, but was latterly so much better as to go out and take his usual exercise: his Lordship had an affection upon him which required the use of an instru- ment. The instluments now produced are those he was accustomed to use daily, and he might have became faint after the use of them, and have fallen from exhaustion deceased was not subject to any disease calculated to pro- duce sudden death had seen the body since death, and there was no appearance whatever of any violence; there wa3 merely a slight scratch upon the face; had no doubt whatever but that his death was natural: his age was 73 years on last Christmas day.—Verdict, Died suddenly by the Visitation of God." DEATH OF SIK FRANCIS CHANTRY.-This eminent Sculptor died suddenly on Thursday evening at his resi- dence in Belgrave Place, Pimlico. He had returned the preceding day from Holkinan, where he had been on a visit erecting a fine Statue of the late Bishop of Norwich. An Inquest was held on the body on Friday.—Dr. Blight de- posed. that he had attended deceased for several months- he was labouring under severe indigestion, with a tendency of blood to the head: when he left town tor Holkhani about three weeks since, he was in his usual state of health which witness had ever since he had known him considered' very precarious, but as there were no urgent symptoms, he did not object to his journey. On Thursday evening wit. ness was called on to attend deceased at his residence without delay. On his arrival, he found him dead, and, in witness's opinion, he had been so probably fifty minutes Witness considered that he had died from a spasm of the heart, consequent on a complaint of the stomach.—Mr. J. Perry, of Eaton-square, surgeon, was also called in previ. ous to the last witness being sent for: On entering the drawing-room he discovered the deceased sitting on the sofa with a tin bottle of hot water, which he pressed on his stomach he told witness that he had had long abstinence | from food that day, having had nothing to eat since breakfast, he also mentioned that he had walked out with a friend (Mr. Jones) and had endeavoured to reach Buckingham Palace, but failed in the attempt, from an agonising pain in the stomach. Having prescribed for him, witness left the house. At a quarter to nine he was again called in, when he found deceased apparently lifeless on the couch witness endeavoured to blted him, but in vain, and also recom- meuded that mustard poultices should be applied to his stomach and feet, but they were of 110 avail, for be was dead deceased was about 60 years of age.—James Hatton Barker, the butler, stated that when his master left the house with Mr. Jones he appeared to be quite well. He returned in about twenty minutes, and while witness was taking off his cloak he complained of being very unwell, and soon afterwards medical advice was sent for.—Verdict That the deceased died from a spasm of the heart." SIR. CHARLES FELIX SMITH.—A Special Court of Common Council was held on Thursday at the Mansion- House, for the purpose of presenting Major-General Sir Charles Felix Smith with the freedom of the City, for his gallant conduct in Syria, in a gold box, the counterpart of those presented by the Corporation to Sir Robert Stopford and Commodore Sir C. Napier. The Chamberlain then read the resolution of the Court, expressive of the sense en- te.rtained by them of the impoitant services rendered by the Gallant Officer in the recent brilliant transactions on the coast of Syria, for the zed, talent, and bravery displayed by him, in conjunction with his gallant associates in arms, in that arduous service, terminating in the surrender of the important fortress of Acre, and thus affording unquestionable evidence of the undiminished bravery, skill, and heroism of the naval and military forces of the country. Sir C. Smith expressed his acknowledgments for the special mark of fa- vour confened on him by the Corporation, and entered at some length into the unparalleled obstructions and diffi- culties he had to encounter in the command of the Turkish troops at the siege, of which he had the unfortunate evi- denceofa severe wound, disabling one limb, which would remind him of Acre at every future step in life. "A fa- mily," continued the Gallant General, is one of the last things that a soldier of fortune ought to desire, but I for the fiist time in my practice, and probably the only occasion I may have dming my life, lament that I have not a son to whom might pass as an heirloom this splendid mark of dis- tinction. I have been 32 years on foreign service, for the most part contending against the climate of the Tropics, or actively engaged with the enemies of our country; I am now about to return to my station abroad, but, if ever I come back to England again, it shall be my earnest endea. vour so to quality myseif as to cultivate and improve my ac. quaintance with the Citizens of Londou. To you, my Lord iklayor, I am under peculiar obligation- not only for having convened this Special Court, but for the urbanity and marked attention I have received at your Lordship's hands." This address was frequently interrupted by cheers. The Gallant Officer then shook hands most cordially with the Lord Mayor and several of the Members of the Corpora- tion, and left the Court amidst loud acclamations.

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BANKRUPTS from Tuesday's Gazette.

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