Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

34 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

fe\V A'- a fc. 'X



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! 'ill.:, t ¡ VVaLEB i n*…


'ill. t ¡ VVaLEB i n* t 5 v> 1..i L* i- -i-f A ii O b t1 b Si^Xuli^Q- L ,tI.) ,J' "-J U JJ.J .iJ Ù bCaLE. Io.J '»" l.. GBOSS JBHKACH OF FAITH BY A OoMMITTEE-MAK. THE MKJS'ii INTERESTS SACKIFICED. HOW THE DELEGATES tOUGHT TO BAMBOOZLE THEIR CONSTITUENTS. Ihe conduct of the men's representatives on the Slicing ;oule Committee whioh met at the kojal Hotel, Cardiff, on Wodncaday last, has been ecintithiDg worse than a blunder. The delegatfs, ulcer, as we shall prooaed to show, t acrifidug the interests of thdir coiiatituenta, wound up tho night by breaking faith with the masters A grower piece of triokary waii never popetrattd by 01 e set of men upon another than ii>at practised by these ropretientativa" calliers upon tleir colleagues, the coalowners. Tilia "at! huw it .a: dene. At tha ooaclaaioa tie puctcdiLgs between 10 and 11 o'uiock at nigbt the represtntativea of the s waitfd un Alr. Dalziel, one of tha o^cittaiifes uf the Sliding Soale Com- u.itttf, aLd at-ked him it he would famish for tut lioation an accouut of the aettlemant i.inveo at. Ihut gentleman said he could not do LV at Lbat raoa-uui, but as soon as the agrdemejit fgued hfc woula fcupyly a copy for the press. !e rt ti^rnea to the room ia which th3 meeting t,is J. fi}7f micUd-28 aftarwarda Out tad iiiforsne;i the repoitera -tlut it tAo been ceucka not to publish a copy of the Hiteinnnt rn-il Saturday noxi. Wo hiva sinoe iturnea tiut v. Leu he retnrned to the room In v* i it..h tiv.b coc n.: it.ti we: btll & £ c0iriD^ed he Was fI qUf'l!tf'à Dill 10 turtke the duoument publio, aa t o coW. r' <-•2 wore strongly opposed to nc- bivvLioia bc;Lg made known to their 0 nfcuit-eitis unul they (the delegatae) ehould i t, had «! pjonunity of esplaiuing them ■> tliu of n v .y to tno £ .e moat; deeply inte. i ttsu in t i. i, b t, I t t ii t. 1'iei'giag thjniiiolvos I) iurnith ifce information for publication, iL-i ed a >iuilar pledge fvcia the llirtstera. J &nyihLg of tho pirciauur gii'c k "tv lave bten chosen to not upon this committed will not ba surprised ). am that one of them prcoeeded straight- ;q, fioin that mestirg wU. the pledge of «tcrecy bot upoa hia lii a and prepared the t<fibted and riiidleading account whioh appeared 3 C. te, I-ey Mori, iltg. LNOW, W3 allege against tha > thgutte who were a party to this prooeeding !bat it, y are utterly unfit for the pi fcition m which they havq been placed* TLt ir motHtJ in lIledging the masters to secrecy IL (jLt eltLt r Lave been to hoodwink and bamboozle tt,eir e,bblitii;nts as to the real effeofc of the ligr(emelt to which they had pledged the colliers t l ttoutt. We I.a, or else to provide an opportunity for eer*irg a personal end in retailing a valuable piece of int oj-jnation. ILia charge ia grave enough, but so far an tiie iitereols cf the colliers of South Wtaha «re concerned we hwe a graver 1 tu bit Rgi>inat the delegates. We assert 01«^J>- that ttey hiv$coaimitted ihcir coiitsHt eiua for two years to a sliding> job i- much les3 favourable to the men ti.&n tguea to a; the Ooaaa Collierias, ftlioh lav er, they Lad been firsn, oould no donbt neve been secured at all the associated coJlieries Tic oomparativo effect of the various tiding tc-las naw before the public will be aaen at a -<oe f.:mD the table which wa publish below :— COMPARATIVE SLIDING SOA-LE. 0 d N, ''rtidi't! Ocean rod. Houae, Steam, IV, «> -•< W„K».. Wagt- 18"5, 1"80, ;83', Ctti rule iato. Wuge- Wage- W Ago- rate. rate. rate. 8fc >■ 81 8 85 100 85 807 8 85 85 100 85 8J 9 8 >6 b5 loa S;5 es-9 8 f5 85 KO 87*1 82-9 8 85 go JOI) 87-1 8 i 8 S f5 90 ico 8^2 85 8 I" K5 9r) 100 89*2 F3711 Ð 1 88-2 90 10 914 87'1 i) 2 90 10 bl'4 8V2 9 1 65 i(0 Sl't 8'"i 9 4 2 95 100 8 9 6 4 95 jtO 9J'5 91'4 9 8 9i'+ 5 30;t 95*8 fcf4 9 10 9 "1 5 It 0 9.1) 6 10 0 94 T 00 100 97 7 93 5 )u 2 9i'6 J00 100 97'7 95'3 10 4 94 « '00 JOO 99 9 95'6 :0 6 97-7 100 HO 99'9 977 ]0 8 b'r7 .00 100 lO'i 97 7 10 b 97-7 02 5 00 101 977 10 1(' 97 7 OiJ-j 1(0 102 9J9 11 0 li,09 102-5 JOO 10H 99-J 11 2 100 9 02'5 100 104-1 102 11 4 0^5 10) 106 2 103 11 6 U'4'l 105 m lO'J-2 lOfl U 8 lOi'l 105 100 1034 104*1 11 10 H.4 I K5 IOU ioli,4 10J2 )2 0 ;07 3 105 100 110-5 106 2 12 2 ,(,3 105 ico 1105 108-4 }2 3 107-3 107 5 1(0 1W5 108'4 12 i '07 « 107-5 i 00 1:2 6 103-4 12 t 110-5 107 5 100 112-6 1105 12 ti 110-5 107 5 100 112-6 1105 FreID this it will be seen that until the price of coal shall reach lis 10 per ton there is no point at which the Ocean Sliding SCiile is not better than the new scale, in ecme instances aa n uch as 7 per csnt. in favour of the men. For txample, with steam coal at lOa per ton an Ocean oolhtr would, for a certain amount of work, receive 88 4d while, for the same amount of work, a collier working under the Sliding Scale Committee's nrrargeinent would oxly receive 7s S £ d. This is a difference in favour of the Ocean workmen of nearly per cent. But, in reality, the Ocean Sliding Scale ia much more favourable to the men than even the figures printed above would lead one to suppose. Every. budy in this distriot knows that the coal prtduced by Meesis. David Davies and Company fetches the very highest price in the market, whereas the associated oollieriefl, which include such concerns as the Tredegar, the Ebbw Valo, the Rhymney, and the Blaenavoa Companies, will certainly fail on the average to realiae witbin 6d per ton of the rates obtained by the Ocean Company. Thua there will be in practice a further difference in favour of the Ocean wage rate of not less than from 5 to 10 per cent. Is it too much then for us to dcaoribe this new eliding eoale by the term bogus? Can reasonable pericn suppose for one moment that the Associated Colliers will be bound by *t eo soon as they aball have had time to find °h^ working? No delegates in 1 e world, much less the gentlemen who furnished °n last Buoh evidences of their in- suadiii^k^1^ an^ ffood faith, will suocaed in par- f a of sensible working men to bind • rinnl68 >t &d °8tef>me»t so inequitable and 1E^U *■ ia 0t they fail to recogaiae tha r msT"1' ^hich their reprea-jacativea ° + Puhlication of the actuil agrceiuen after they should have had time toto the toto the nnfoitimate colliers whoKe interests they are sup- posed to protecu. A strooff P°]nt' D°doubfc' w01 be made of tho immediate advft»ce wagoa that ia to come into fcica on the M ° ^ry. Ca cay a 5 per cent. ^afcever tho prioe cf coal may b0< J ,?er *»* as fn fact all future rises flf be oal- culated upon the nWhloh » repruellted by the figure 85, and Ilt upon the Ocean standard, which, 5 to fixed at 100. Mo.eo«r, ^•»< advance will be m^lj « wooll otheirt>J ad,.»c .01 b. m^lj « wooll otheirt>J advances which the f a rise in the obtain under the new scale ia CM wm price of coal. In other words, t 89 2, an immediate increase of wages from but after that they will get no further'^ nntil the prioe of coal shall have adv&noe per ton. Here, however, it must be stated that tbeee remarko apply only to the steam coal rate. But they are equally applicable to the house ooal rate, bearing in mind the fact that 8a instead or 8s 6d is taken ujB the standard price for that class of fnel. The allurement of an immediate 5 per cent. advance in the rate of wages will, no doubt, ba made the moat of by those who have an interest in advocating the new scale. But it is only fair to the Ocean Colliery Company to state that the one efltclive reason which prevented them from advancing their wage-rate a month ago was the fact that as their notice to withdraw from the 'Joalcwnero' Association would not expire until A arch i)txi;, tbt-y were in honour bound to make no advances which were not Banotioasd by tbe aBPcniation generally. Now, tc^erer, lint that obfcta le is rarBored ii will be 1 m n to horn in r«conf?i(H'r ih't niat^fir,-an'i- wvoie re& £ ens which prevented tilem from, j *<ivxric» ur.t:.l v i:{:;18r" r fHs-r ret fee, now pror.-cq'-yi.y ill tuduciug Ul".t"1 <c fitvp*. V e s»rt.f. auiion in thii matter aa tie ti' fcc atio tuadti-ie to In '.hat ease, what w»;l be tie reU^iv? po iMo* cf the w or It men employed uador th" t NO x;!e- f The Oce>m wculd restive 9>, ad CO):i,p,H d with 8H 2 paid to theavaoabtodcoiliara. i¡ tc nay, ssiuaii. tr tLe price of coat roilkyd at tie two tlispeea ot cuilifiiea to ba the same, with cobA et 98 3d, tho Ocean mtvj would rd. ceive 15, as compared with ths e.seooiafced coiliciies 89 2. And even at wa 61 the rate would be eon&iderafcly in their favour. Put it is unnecessary to follow the sub- ject further. The figures are there and apeak for tbecjaelvcp, and no amount of special pleading will alter tht-ir effect. Thero is just one other point we must mention. It is urged in favour of this new Eoale that the wages advance with every rise of 4d in the price of coal, wharoaa under the Ooean Scale the advances proceed by ninepenoes in the price of coal. This, however, ia an argument that cuts both ways. If the advances are fre. quent, so aleo will tbe "dropa" be. And even tho aef-ceiated coalowners cannot ensure a constant increase in the prices of ooal, or prevent those recurring fluctuations which tend downwards as well as upwards. The fact also that tho prices are ascertained under the Ocean Scale every three months, instead of every fenr months as under the new scale, will be, if fciything, in favour of the men. But here, too, tie argument cuts both ways. We bave Tokcn thua plainly because we doeai it better thtit these interested in this mitter tfcctild ba put in possession of tha facts and be taught to understand their boariag before any ratification of Wednesday's proceedings at Cardiff shall take place. Wa do nob this scale will prove satisfactory or workable in the kng run. And, therefore, whilst there ia tinio go back on it, we urge its reconaideu. tion alike by masters ard nen. We cava alweys held that a general eliding: ecale is eseei ti;il j the weL'ara of the cotl tifcde. Bus any tcala, to obLain gasorAl acrepiauce, rr utt not only be essentially eq/aibable EG far &e< regards its own basis, bet it must be as L&veviiabla to the ti eu as tha moai favouraVl!) ndù of wsgfce ofiercd by any fir a 6 colliery company in the district. In 1'-0 far as the new ecale does not comply with taiss ceaciitbri, it ccntains witnin ittelf the eleiaeuts of certain


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