Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

15 erthygl ar y dudalen hon






^SASXER AT GARTH PIT, MAESTEG. MEN KILLED. ^LEB DOWX THREE HUN- BRED YARDS. ^^CELOES ESCAPE OF F ONE MAN. oo^ieT accident occurred at the ftl(W tn^r Goiliery, uear Maesteg, oil 31111 resulted in the oeatli of in a?" -1- he disaster was due to an acci- • fading, and the names of tile men t<6tf*re as follows: — ^Jest, aged 28, 44, Llwydarth-road, VtJ, chUd- homas, boy, 22, Overt-terrace, Cwm- flowells, Maeecudlor aged 14-, 71, IL'o^Y-. p^^hii^^Vles• a«=e<* 7, Pit-street, married, f k^eAkerman, ag?d 14. Park-street, r aged 26, West-street, single. Rees, Liwynderris, 97, Gartn-road, ^ojj^ children. i^ok, yfei3i aged sixteen, eon of the above. ^or ft'hes Howells, Idlest Vach aged 31, vCtfr^. wng.e. is situated about a mile from the accident haa naturally cast a *loom over the Llynvi fact, no colliery eaias- l 1875 8 happened in tao valiey Oat when an. explosion took place at j:. ?*> ofWf°^ Colliery. This resulted in the [ l fourteen lives. The accident under ftft« at a cluarte'r past five on Fri- 2^ Or- Thomas Thomas, engineman, beo UP f°ur cages containing men who 5** 8i^ on the day shift. The fifth cage—or v^'doK ^°r there seems to exist T*" aa 10 the particular cage—was ben.g 32itj6.n P when the catastrophe occurred. The o arifl'i, *8 a thoroughly trustworthy • J148 been employed at the colliery for V** °ven» years. By gome means the cage itS? Tttw0"1^' tlle r°Pe snapped, and the cage i yairlDIplta't:e^ down the shaft—a distance of and struck the bottom with terrible ^plttely wrecking the empty cage, course, reached the sump. An of the disaster gives a graphic, account of the He says that when the rope the unfortunate men who were within the cage gave loud zind e^s- They instantly realised that V 8°ing to their death, and that out Jtek conld elapse before they would mto eternity. The terrors of that ^°° &reat for words. T}j6 of the men when recovered were th6 gled-in fact, beyond recognition. liQf- 'if^tace of the disaster spread >\dth D^j e loft,? characteristic of ill news, and stjj Bloti^ Were was a crowd of people at ihe -oprelxejision mid fvia:- were i,^ reUt^ & °L Wh° pit. Women rwi hith«r and thith™*hi tiD8rc haste, anxious to discover whether the;> Sc^'Qdt or sons were in that fatal cage. The baffles description. When the whole known wai.'s and shrieks rent the air, some instances those who had been the safety of their relatives shouted ,le^ for joy. Put the expressions of joy t,ut momentary, for a minute later those fG Ve,!7 P^^ons who were offering conso- bereaved. The bodies were rM ,to surface by the upcast. The Iftk ()f Ty ^lat reached the surfaco yma fiiW'8 lxnest, of Llwydarth-road. This °,Y' ,°nly been married about Y^onJ nonth'?. His body was mangled almost r°«U t/econnition. The last body, that of bto °^'e^-3 a single man, of Ivor-street, 0rie U° to the surface at about 9. IS Sa<i incident is reported. A r,ied ^<>mas Rees was to have been S^f-str" i.°n Saturday, whilst the poor j^ernnAwido\v is approaching her con- n tKe marvellous escape ie recorded Ni-rvJ?86, of n man named Thomas Rees, J? • was alxiut to enter the ill- • kut was told tb.ere was no room for a was pushed back by the men inside. JBY OUR SPECIAL REPORTER.] 60 ajlliery explosions, tlie accidents • ^doCreats mosi excitement in a colliery those which occasionally--and it N)Cc^y that .serious ones so seldom happen • coll ln co&neGtion with the winding gear of Such a frightful disaster as that wit • aPPened at the Garth Pit on Friday hor18' ^owever> calculated to send a thrill ror> not enly through, a mining com- JW ^ut through every class and every throughout the land. In the 3 u instance, although the death-Anil is **et j./ °ne man than was at first, feared, the ^ir ^at nine men were so sudderUy huiled to an(i that by what is hitherto, at an utterly miaocoun table accident, fiOf> sad, apart from the horrible i^e^L?0 s 80 mutilate(i and dis- t*)eir fall as to render then; almost of recognition. N visit to the scene of the disaster on W -Y moridng I found, as I generally find JP* occasions, the neighbourhood of Sin eP thronged with people anxious to ftQ'ver information they could, and n? the movements of the repairers and zJ*°rkxnen employed about the pit-top. Se. thera was a total absence cf ex- because the bodies had been reco- taken to their homes, but the sympathy was expressed with the rela- V^ed deceased, and the gossip naturally ■ftae uP°n the topic of the accident itself. 03,11 ^.e no question that, the Garth ^cci<^ent is regarded amongst cxpe- ^■>e i miners ais one of the most terrible that y ;^ncd in South Wales, and vet there few prepared to hazard even a vague S2 5? to the possible cavise of it. The if e];o,fS- *ncl nest may, of oourfje, be the means 'ng further light upon the subject, ?*!> jP '° the present it is impossible to give °f what may have led to this un- .?a PQ^oss °f valuable human lives. In h?HcMl1rse °* conversation with an expe- pUpy ^(-•hariical engineer from the Rhondda f"0 visited the colliery on Saturday, i) th; V°rT:ied that the* rope was a round one, •1i'' an<^ a"so a'- the machinery con- S?^> ami ■ tlle wa,s the b'est of its *^at, y111 perfect working order. From » gather, the rope had not xUt ^lat it had, by the force of the hel i • n i)n^e"' c'an «™t of the clip n* Ia Jt- Various surmises are put for- Qiia«w pcssibility of a fluctuation in y of steam powder between two tj§Ual's to the possibility of valves or y-'y lnff to act, but o p to the present yrl,als ^J^P'y theories put forward by indi- c» tftaii ^ave no actual knowledge of thrm»y,:°ccvrre<1- ov-!y ,na-i who Can (i ,l:Pou thisf—even if he him- »lb^ in a ° So—!s the enf^ine-driver, who is ve IIIaprce-a. ous condition owing to the 1,1,1 &d by him when the accident tW ^°. the machinery in use, it Po^nd t ^gin'e is a modern one of the v I'e pla.r.Q ^'e> H'hich wtis recently put in d^r^ed arf,^na|'er single, engine, and that it V5? *ronrd w^"k's'- adm,'rably. The ^hic^ tho rope is wound is 12ft. e ia use ccmsists of *h> ,fi4nd held in position bv an f,fr a?Plia,i **> an 18ft. fly-vvVel. {>r .cators ar° there, and thie iron tb°f irm xP" :s °-'e i-Jade of the Lw^t Low h1 the usual way with frA* iZlT iJ rir.i.s, h*PP^as in wnMwTtiao with tb« bodies of thece poor fellows ,ere frightfully imitilated by their fall of 260 yards, and the sight which presented itself at the homes of the victims of the accident was, in several instances, of a most heartrending description. Without entering into details, which could only harrow the fetlinga of your readers, I may mention that the scalp of Lewis had been completely removed by the fall, while the head of Howells had been severed from the body. One painful incident in connection with the identification of the bodies was a. mistake which was made between the mangled remains of one man and those of another. Guest, Lewis, and Howells were battered beyond recognition, and, owing to that, the body of Gl;.est was taken to the house of Howells, at 4, Ivor-street, while the body of Lewis was taken. to the house of Guest, at Llwydarth- road. The error was discovered at a late hour on Friday night or an early hoar on Saturday morning, and between three and four o'clock on Saturday morning Inspector Rutter, of Maesteg, had the bodies removed from one house to the other, and thus the error was rectified in time. Another remarkable incident in connection with the accident is the story of the tenth man who was supposed to have been in the cage. It seoms that a full complement of a descending or ascending cage, when men go to or come from work, is ten persons, and on this occasion the nine deceased men had with them, just before they ascended, another man, named Res. The hitcher is said to have ordered Rees out of the cage. because he was under the impression that there was one too many in it. Rees obeyed the order, and the hitcher re-counted the men, finding that lie had made a mistake, and that there were Poor only nine. He then told Rees to go bajk into the cage, but Rees declined, because ne was offended at being ordered out of the cage before. The cage. therefore, went up without him, and he was thus saved, as it I were, by a miracle.






