Papurau Newydd Cymru

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imperial parliament. )

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[No title]




GREAT MEETING AT THE BBLL INN, MONMOUTH. On Wednesday evening last, a numerous and respectable meeting was held at the Bell Inn, Monmouth, to welcome the popular candidate for these boroughs, R. J. Blewitt, Esq., We missed several of our old and staunch friends, who were prevented attending from attacks of the prevailing epidemic. The meeting was, nevertheless, unusually thronged, there being certainly not less than 300 persons present. On the motion of Mr. Thackwell, J. G. George, Esq., was called to the Chair, in the absence of the Mayor, who was detained by illness. Shortly afterwards, Mr. Blewitt, attended by several gentlemen, entered the room and was received by the company standing, and saluted with three rounds of hearty cheers; he was con- ducted to a scat at the left of the Chairman. Mr. George then rose and said Gentlemen-Having been placed, by your kindness, in the situation of Chair- man, it becomes my duty to introduce to you the object of this meeting, who appears here, for the first time, as a candidate for your suffrages. (Loud Cheers.) Gen- tlemen, I meet you this evening with feelings far diffe- rent from those which we entertained upon the occasion of our last assembling in this room, consequent upon the deelared re- solution of Mr. Hall to resign his trust at the next dissolution of Parliament. We then almost feared, as our opponents fondly hoped, that we were again sinking into the thraldom of Tory domination. But no, gentlemen.—in the hour of need, Mr. Blewitt, being solicited to leave his retirement, and to come forwarrl as our Champion, fleeing the situation in which we v/crv, placed, resolved, after mature deliberation, to forego |Jiis own feelings and taste, and to accede to the calls which were made ttpon him. "Mr. JBcwitt mme into tho /loltl 40 satisfy no youthful vanity, to seek no ambitious post of honour, but to save the Reform interest of these boroughs from being swamped by the Tories. I shall not dwell upon the principles of our candidate: they are before you; and, with regard to one great question, that of the vote by' ballot (great cheering), you have his distinct assurance. For my own purt, I confess, that when I first came amongst you in a public capacity, I was averse to that principle, but my experience in electioneering has convinced me of the absolute necessity of the measure, to ensure perfœt freedom to the voter. 1 wili not longer detain you but propose the health of Reginald James Blewitt, Esq." This toast was received with three times three, and reiterated cheering. When silence was restored, Mr. Blewitt rose and was again greeted with plaudits. Hespoketothefottowing effect Gentlemen-or, as a more enobling title, I would call you, Men of Monmouth—It is with feelings of the deepest gratitude tllnt I risc to thank you for the manner in whieh you have received me. Even as an individual, I should want words to express how much I feel at the reception you have this night given me: but when I reflect on the manner in which you have called me forth from'private life to the politicvl world, to become a candidate to represent you in Parliament, I can only say, from the bottom of my soul, I thank you. Gentlemen, I am no stranger amongst you I can almost say I know, and am known to you all. I can look back with feel- ings of proud gratification to the cause of my former introduc- tion amongst you as a public man, when, for the first time in your county the banners were unfurled of an independent Press. (Cheers.) In my connection with your county paper, I was indeed but an humble instrument; but I rejoice in having introduced to you one as my successor, who long has been, and is, a distinguished, talented, and powerful advocate of freedom in every branch. (Much cheering). I cannot regard the origin of that paper without recognising it as the main cause of reviving that spirit, of patriotism which had been comparatively latent .since the period of your memorable struggle a struggle which was provoked hy your opponents, by the most revolting acts of oppression, the weight and indignities of which pro- duced that. resistance from mv friend on the left (Mr. Thaek- well), and other kindred spirits around me, that at length en- kindled that dormant spirit of freedom, the exercise of which, when called into action, returned two members to Parliament. (Vehement cheers). Gentlemen—I hold in my hand the very flattering requisition which I received from Monmouth, request- ing- me to offer myself as a candidate. It has teen the custom of some to affect to sneer at the respectability and station of such as those whose names I have he fore me; but the names of men who have ever resisted bribes, intimidation, and threats, in the performance of their political duties, must, carry respeetahility with them..Mr. Blewitt then recounted the names of the lead- ing Reformers who had signed the requisition. Let me have respectability such as this for my support, and I defy any com- parisons of my political opponents nay, if respectability is not to hc found here, there is none in any body of Tories in the. kingdom. T repeat it., I havc m01'e cause to he satisfied with the respectability of my supporters than my opponents would wish me 1.0 have. (Cheers.) Gentlemen, 1 was thi" day look- ing over a file of past. Merlins, and I met with the record of those county meeting*, Ihe first of wfib*Ti wMtcM on th^'STSt" December, 1830, and the other in March following, and which wCre the preludes to the election of Mr. Williams, as our coun- ty member, and of Mr. Hall, your justly esteemed borough re- presentative. I am lIIost happy to state to you that the same sentiments which, at that period, animated the leading patriots of our county, stilllwevaiLs in their hearts. (Hear, awl Cheers.) es, I alii proud to state, that the present Lord Lieutenant of the, county, who, upon one of the occasions to which 1 have alluded, in consequence of being absent from illness, IItldressed a letter to the chairman, the terms and spirit of which were worthy of his character and patriotism, is still the uncompro- mising Reformer he ever was (cheers) affording a brilliant contrast to the conduct of Sir F. Burdett, who has become faithless to those principles of liberty which once hallowed his name. (Cheers.) 1 am happy to say, that gentlemen, emi- nent for public principle and esteemed for private worth, felt deeply interested in the success of that cause to which the honest Reformers of the boroughs were so true and that many who before stood apart from the field of action, n.ow manifested the best impulses. (Cheers.) Gentlemen,—You have seen the addresses which I have issued through the county paper—from them you can judge of my political principles. 1 avow myself the stern and unbending advocate of every liberal institution, which is consonant with the dictates of civil and religious liberty, and which is really conducive to the happiness of my country. 1 have not lately been accustomed to address meet- ings of this magnitude and character, and will therefore only further add, that if I should be returned as your representative in Parliament, I will do all in my power to merit that opinion which you have so kindly entertained of me. I again thank you, from my heart, for the honour you have done me, in se- lecting me to rescue the boroughs from the thraldom with which they were threatened. The Chairman gave W. A. Williams, Esq., Member for the County and took the opportunity of expatiating, in com- plimentary terms, upon the hearty, voluntary, and invaluable assistance that gentleman afforded the horoughs at the last elec- tion, in the absence of Mr. Hall, and also at the scrutiny in Lontlon. Three times three. Mr. Thackwell felt. great pleasure in witnessing the enthusi- astic applause with which the health of the Good Old Eng- lish Gentleman" had been received. It was impossible to think too highly or feel too much respect for the object of that toast. Mr. Williams came manfully forward, and assisted in the great cause with his honest zeal and all his influence and he, Mr. T., was glad to see. that his fellow Reformers appre- ciated that gentleman's exertions. (Cheers.) He was sure the meeting coincided with him in the pleasure he felt at the .manly exposition which Mr. l!le«itt hi»d given of his senti- ment^; and he was much. mistaken, too, if they would not fully and fearlessly perform the duty they owed him. He UIl- derstood that the requisition from Monmouth had been signed by upwards of 70 electors, but thenumla r wonld have exceeded their hitherto victorious 94 even,-had time permitted the depu- tation calling on them. These names contained those who had lcclared and fought for that liberty for which no man ought to je called upon to conter.d—names of those who were good Jiies," and who would fulfil the expectations they had given Mr. B. reason to form. It was not the mere signatures on that paper, which Mr. Blewitt had so triumphantly held in his hand, that would of themselves avail. No! it depended on the exertions which each man would make on the day of trial ['or ultimate success. Let every m«n net as though the issue depended upon his individual e*$rtio,tiS and let him use every fair and honourable means wit^i liis friends also. He was sure the brave 94 would be again at their pofitS, and he more than expected to see some fresh recruits. (Cheferfc.) Let us (said Mr. T.) sheW btif opponents that we are like iron, the more we are struck the harder We btybrri^. (Laughter.) During Tory administrations we thought and hcfti" I-,f ♦vothitig but constant additions to taxation. In his own pefshii, io$iyf a Solitary example of the good we have derived from A Julfn'j aistration, he .would observe that, under the Torlvfi, ne usect to pay £ 4. 1 *itidpw-^x, and £ 2 house-tax, per aiihiitfi; but under an economical go?e^"hM^t ^he onlv paid £ 1. Is per annum window-tax, and nothing lot ncu^'e-'fitity; In ponclu- sion, he was sure that the brave boys with wlioi'ri fl hitherto fought, would nobly perform their duty, and laugh the efforts which would be made against them. He would re- mind the meeting that they must not lose sight of an old friend, one who had come forward in the hour of need, and had beei* the first to rescue the boroughs from that tyranny which they had so long endured. He would propose the health of their much-respected representative, B. Hall, Esq. Three times three, and great cheering. Mr. Blewitt observed, that some toasts required what Witll called palaver"—others needed but the mention of the name to ensure for them a deserved reception. He should much wonder if the toast he should name did not excite a hearty throb in the bosom of every honest man. He would propose the health of Harry Hughes, of Monmouth, their worthy Mayor. Three times three. Mr. George begged to invite the attention of the meeting to a toast which he should propose; it was that of a gentleman who for many years had, with others, been debarred the exer- cise of civil privileges, because of a conscientious adherence to their religious principles. He, Mr. G., Was happy to say, that that gentleman was with us, heart and soul; he had promised Mr. Blewitt the whole of his legitimate influence—he had Jea- lously and effectively canvassed for us,—and would use e"etr exertion in his power to secure his success. He begged to givil Mr. P. Jones, and the house of Lanartli." Three times three, and one cheer more." Mr. Blewitt would commit a great injustice to his feelings, after hearing the honour which had been paid to Mr. Philp Jones, if he did not rise and assure that meeting that he was indeed every way deserving their esteem. From his close con- nection with that gentleman he knew him to be the very soul of honour, and he would emphatically state his belief, that a uaore excellent man did not exist in any relation of life. (Checrs.) He would tell the meeting one fact, which would enable them to judge. When he (Mr. Blewitt) was invited to offer himself to the electors, many personal inconveniences, which if was unnecessary to recount, of course suggested themselves to Mr. Jones's mind but, after giving them a pass- ing thought, lie at once observed, "Why should tradesmen and persons not possessed of independent property, sacrifice so much as they do, election after election, to the cause of in- dependence, and we also not sacrifice something ? Yes, what- ever detriment it may cause us, you shall, conic forward, and all our influence shall be exerted to serve the popular inter- ests." (Loud cheering.) He (Mr. B.) would therefore fepeat that Mr. Jones was worthy of the honour which had been paid him. The Chairman gave Tlie Independent Electors of Newport and Lsk;" and_ observed that the Tories exercised so much influence in this borough, that without the assistance of the other boroughs, the independent interest would be swamped, lie was happy, however, to state, that, from the most minute calculation he could make, and from the great success Mr. B. had met with in those boroughs, that he felt quite certain of victory. (Reiterated cheering.) He (Mr. G.) had frequently made similar assurances—he had hitherto always augured cor- rectly—and he would not now repeat it, but' that in perfect truth he was thoroughly convinced of the fact. Mr. Blewitt, although not at liberty to state the details of his canvass, wonld yet emphatically declare, that he felt quite certain of success from the reception he had met with else- where, and from the earnest which the electors of Monmouth had afforded him of their intentions. (Enthusiastic cheering.) He could not avoid relating one circumstance relative to a voter at Newport, as it was somewhat unique it its way. The elector had been called upon by the Tories, and he had refilled to promise his vote. I also called upon him, and he refused to promise me. The Blues again attempted him, and, after a good deal of teasing, one of the canvassers observed. Oh! you may as well promise us your vote it will save you being annoyed again, and save us the trouble of calling." The elec- tor, however, still refused, and soon after, upon meeting me in Newport, he saluted me, and said, Sir, I am come to promise you my vote, to save the Blues the trouble of catling on me again." (Laughter.) The Chairman gave T. G. Phillpotts, Esq."—Mr. Phill- potts, jun., returned thanks. Mr. Blewitt proposed the health of Honest Tom Thack- well," one of the staunehest reformers in the kingdom, and one of that devoted band, who had sacrificed so much in strug- gling for the independence of the boroughs.—Mr. Thackwell replied with much feeling, and with characteristic jocularity. In the course of his observations, he declared that he had always acted from principle alone, and that principle should still be the rule of his actions through life. He was not a Whig because of the foolish term-he was not opposed to Mr. Bailey from any personal motives, nor did he give his support to Mr. Blewitt from any feelings of friendship. But he op- posed Mr. Bailey because he considered the politics of that gentleman subversive of the liberties of the country; and he would vote for Mr. Blewitt because his principles would en- hance the happiness of the nation. (Much applause.) Mr. T. concluded by proposing the health of Mr. Evans, a gentleman uf independent principles, and one who had accompanied Mr. Blewitt on the present occasion.—Mr. Evan^ replied in a speech eloquently delivered, and which, we regret, want of space alone prevents us giving. It drew forth repeated applause. The Chairman gave The Lord Lieutenant of the County," three times three. -Mr, lilowitt proposed the health of their Chairman whom, he characterised as a true patriot, above any thing like fee or retainer, and as pure a professional man as ever lived. He had known him for some years, and he was sure the meeting would do justice to the toast.—Mr. G. returned thanks in a speech replete with taste and fervour, and in the course of which he urgently pressed the electors to use individual «rxeN tions, acting upon the ennobling motto of, he who would be frre himself must strike the blow." With regard to the etisa' miums which Mr. Blewitt had too kindly passed on him, he would only say, that whilst he witnessed the sacrifices which persons of a more dependent station so willingly made at the shrine of public good, he would ever scorn personal advantages, and pursue the path he had hitherto trodden. (Cheers.) • Mr. Blewitt would once more intrude on the attention of the meeting, and he was sure that, considering the task he had on the morrow to perform, his friends would excuse his longer re.J maining with them. He and Mr. Bailey were both before them, and it was for the electors to choose for themselves. lie would say nothing disparagingly of Mr. Bailey; he was a young man, and, therefore, to a certain extent, must be inex- perienced; but from what knowledge he (Mr. Blewitt) pos- sessed of him, he knew nothing derogatory to his character. For his own part. he stood before them as no stranger, as one wholll they had long known, and, he repeated, it was for the electors themselves to decide between the principles and re- spective claims of himself and Mr. Bailey, jun. and for his own part, he had not a single doubt of ultimate success. (Bravo, you will win the day.) He could not help stating to the meeting, that soon after he publicly announced his inten- tion of becoming a candidate, Mr. Bailey, jun. called on him in his sanctuary, Newport, and expressed a. hope, that in the ensuing contest nothing would transpire which should in any way affect their private friendship and that, on his own part, he 1I"l/tltllWf!1ellt the repetition of those scenes 1L'hich had charac- terised the former elections. He (Mr. Blewitt) hoped that such would be the case. As far as he was concerned, he would tempt no man; he would bribe no man; he would scorn to win an election by any such degrading means (great cheer- ing) and he was sure that he should not have the sanction of those brave men of Monmouth if he did. No! he left the matter to the unbiassed choice of the electors; and if the other party pursued a similar course, he felt certain of success. Let them act differently, and again he felt that there was enough of patriotism and public spirit left in the boroughs to place him m that situation which the electors had themselves made an object of ambition to him, viz., their rcpresesentative in Parlia- ment. (Cheers.) He would only add, that he should to- morrow wait upon every elector in the town, and it would re- Inain with the liberal voters to fulfil the voluntary pledges of support which they had so kindly tendered him. (Loud and continued cheering.) He would sit down with drinking to the Independent Electors of Monmouth. (Great cheering.)—Mr. B. immediately after left the room, the whole company rising and saluting him with loud checrs and clapping of hands. Two or three good songs were sung by some gentlemen pre- sent, and the last toast having been given, Our next meeting, and may it be as happy a one as the present," the large and respectable assembly separated in the most perfect order and good feeling.