Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

25 erthygl ar y dudalen hon








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...... I LONDON MARKETS, fee.

Rhestrau Manwl, Canlyniadau a Chanllawiau

LONDON MARKETS, fee. MARK LANE, Monday AFTERNOON, Nov. 18, 1850. Most of ti e country markets held on Saturday were film for wheat, the prices of which had an upward tendency. Fine malt- ing barley was Is per quarter higher; whilst grlhdiult and dls- tultnK sorts were quite as dear. The oat trade ruled mm but beans, peas, and flour were a slow sale. Letters frum New York, to the 5th instant, state that only a modeiaie business was doing in Hour for shipment, at previous currencies. Tbegiain trnde was slow. In most of the continental markets the corn trade has ruled dull but large parcels of flour continue to change hands for shipment to England. Ihe quantity of English wheat received fresh up 10 this morn. inp s market, coastwise, was moderate. By land carriage and sample the receipts were comparatively small, and of very mid. dling quality. The stands being rather scantily iflled, and the attendance of buyers on the increase, the demand for all kinds of home produce ruled steady, at an advance in the quotations of Monday last of h per quarter, at which amount of improvement a good clearance was readily effected. ihe number of oflers at band fiom the east coast to ship wheat, was small yet the millers did not appear disposed to opeiate to any extent loi forward delivery. \Vuhfo.c.nn wheats we were but moderately supplied, and most of the samples w.r. ex-granary. Fine parcels moved off freely, and were considered the turn dearer. Middling and inferior qualities commanded rather more attention at late rates. We had a very small show of really good English barley. Malting qualities, therefore, sold lreely at Is per quarter more money. Giiodine and distilling sorts were quite as dear. The foreign barleys on arriving are much out of condition. Tile supply of mOllt w^s large for the time of year. As the dealers generally were not in want of stock, the malt trade was in ft vciy inactive state at last week's quotations. With oats, boili English and foieign, the market was scantily supplied. A pood many foreign beans were brought forward, but the supply of English was very moderate. The sale lor peas ruled inactive. A lull average business was doing both in English and foreign flour. Shillings per quarter. Old. New. Wnr at, Essex & Kent, white 40 50 Ditto red Norfolk and Lincoln, red 36 42 Ditto, white 38 42 '^vF 26 27 — — Larley, Grinding 20 23 — Maltiug 26 28 — — Chevalier 29 31 — — MALT, Norfolk and Suffolk 43 48 — — £ rown 40 42 — — Kingston and Ware 47 51 47 61 Chevalier. 52 55 Oats Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, iccd. 17 18 — — lJitto, I oland and potato. 18 22 — Northumberland, Berwick, and Scotch teed 20 2-3 Devonshire, and West Country "feed*or sack 14 16 Dundalk, Newry, and Belfast, potato.. 16 18 — — Limerick, Sligo, and Weslport, potato 17 19 Dilto, teed 16 17 Cork, Watei/onl, Dublin, Youghal, and Clonmel, black 14 16 Cork, while 15 17 Scotch, feed |g 22 — Beans, Ticks 29 24 3)9 ri 1 'P'?ns 27 3S — — I EAS, boileis 27 31 Hog and grey 25 29 — — t louii, town made (per sack of 2801bs.). 35 40 — Norfolk and Suffolk, hou-ehold (ditto).. 29 34 — — SMITHFIELD CATTLE MARKET, Monday, Nov. 18. A llhe norlhern oulporls only about 800 head of beasts, sheep slicep, calvts, and pigs have been received. The arrivals from Ireland, ducci by sea, for this market, have been confined to 11 will'be perceived °f lm|'or'8 1,1,0 London it us fiom Tonnington. Tbis is'chiefly attnbu^od^o the" stale of things in Schleswig-Holstcin. Whilst it J.n! shall doubtless have extensive importations, alt hough coV," ol the Jutland beams is still very inferior.' Judging from advices Iron, most parts of Holland, there does not af.peaMo b« any scarcty of stock in thai country but the skippeis state that p n Sums of ,none.y are being lost weekly by ihe shipments u" average time of year supplies of foreign stock were on sale y 8 ma'l(et, but their quality was inferior. Ihere was a slight increase in the arrivals of home-fed beasts fresh ,,p this morning. Their condition, however, wasbyno me mis en" 1 i p""lt st Scots' and shoit horns ommaiided a steady sale at fully last week's quotations, the fUlmer breed selling al 43 per Sibs. 10 most oilier kinds only a limited business was transacted, at unnltered currencies. lie supply ()f sheep, though not to say extensive, was fully equate to the wants of the butchers. On tbe whole, the ran p^ce^nf m SS a. slu^«is'' st;Ue' yct 1,10 'proveiiient in tl e Prices of Monday last was supported. L it Tht 'I6!0 we" suPPl'ed with calves, which moved off slowlv, •» anout stationary prices. the un^f'j11 P'BS we,e scarcc. and a-< dear. Otherwise. I Irade was heavy. 1 he supply offering was not large. Per 8lbs. to sink the offal. Coarse and Inferior Prime coarse wool- Wa?,s 2 6 2 8 led Sheep 3 8 3 10 'd quality ()0 a 10 3 2 Prime South Downs t rime large Oxen.3 4 3 8 ditto 4 0 4 2 1!o'i?LSC "n' r&C"3 10 4 0 large coarse Calves2 8 3 10 eaud Inferior Prime small ditto..3 6 3 8 J 10 3 2 Large Hogs 3 0 3 6 second quality do.3 4 3 6 Neat small Porkers.3 lo 4 2 c [Lambs. 0 0 0 0 to'23s elclfalVCS' 18S* l° 26S"' and q,,ar,er"olci Stor« Pigs. 17f. LONDON PROVISION MAUKET~Mon day, Nov. 18 C-irlnw xa'8" BU1TER- 6" s- CHKE8E. „ d si Ncw 8«)t0- £ °"hle Gloucester. JSfi to «« Banbru'uV 8 hinRle ditto 46 56 fnn V ~I — t'beshire h ii T Derliv Watetford Amem-a;™ M Edam and Ctouda 40 4S r..?™1 pcr^r- M D0 J" Middle 50 60 Prim „F"R|EK;1W-P" cwt. Irish ..1?. i i imc Fries and « Oft n* •••• Prime Kiel *.? yeslmoreland SO Hi !,b 90 ork 84 q0 Frt*b Butter, 8s. Od. to 10s. 6d. per dozen. SEED MARKET. We have still to noticc a fair demand lor canary, linked and tapped, at very full griccs. In all other seeds scarcely'anv business is doing. Linseed cakcs rule heavy. y Cow Grass Linseed (per qr.) .sowing 54s"to 56s! "crushiVe 40s to 43« Linseed Cakes (perl,OOO 01 3Ibs.cach) E8 5R. 10 C9 I'rcloil (perewt.) Hapcseed, new (per last) l0s (0 £ 2~s Pitto Cake (per ton) £ 4 5s. to £ 4 15s Mustard (per bushel) whites. 6s Od to 7» Od brown. 8s. to 10# ii A it K m Per load of 45 cwt. English, Tree £ 13 0 0 to £14 0 0 Coppice. 14 0 0 16 0 0 pja-a- Dutch Oak, per lon, X4. to £5.; German, E3. IOs. to C6. PIUCES CUltltl,'Nl' OF AT r m tr-1 Ib-Ib- s- (1- Crop Hides per lb. 30 85- 7 10 8 Kips, Petersburg « » d> d" 40 4 8— 8* 11 icrsourgh. 6 R—14 in P 50 (!0—U 14 iv, 3 '0—13 14 *■ » »- ,;i '1 »i'i e»«ii.I. buh, ™ u IS ™ 22 26—10 13 Basils LiU'Se » 12 p (Kxtra)32 lfi Fo™BeVlieV !i! 4 '2 JJ "m^m.SSSIr JJ 28 V>— <)1 -t Shoulders 6 8 35 40 -10 n 2re6se(i Kll> Butts 13 ifi Jjngine riutts ? Dresse<l Shoe Butts 12 15 Sadlers* 37'VoHlii 10 ^V1|ite Sheep Skirn, per ;J8 \{ dozen 5s to 10* "•'St Shaved IS2S— 1 74 RAW GOODS. f ommon diUo 22 s iil Mar CCt lhlles pcr lb' '4 21 Shoe Hides ..Jn ,T Market Skins 2 4 c«mmon 7>1~~ H Salted K.A., M.V., and wehh :>«: I 4«^V.undK:a: 3i 4 Hull Hides 5 ^0,nmon Bull Salted North American. 1| 2 ^lishHorse'HIdV; «S Ci,e 2 :,4 ^e,sh ditto "'1 2 ',eavy halted Irish 1} 8 Jfcrmnn ditto I-ight Salted Irish U 2 t'anish ditt •• ■' J2 Salted Spanish Horse per "o-,shaved without™Hidc 5sto6sfid ,r (i-aeht butts Dry Gerinan ditto ."isOdlotis Horses' Butts 7sr',d Salted Irish ditto 4s Od to 5s t3«Sltins best "Vr-"7o f>ry Peters. Kips per lb.. 8 94 "est.. 0() C3_17 East India 3 7 Common 4.- r. 2". Drysalted Kast tndia 4A to 45 5a—1.{ |(j Salted Irish -j. ,1 fa 17 Irish Veal Skins. 4* 51 inn !o 10 f"a" Skins 2 ''A too 120—12 13 Newfnd. Seal Skins none. Irish,. 30 'M~12 14 l?ark, (long rind) £ 1 0 to £ a Wel"h.J" 27 I/, <hafched; £ « 0 to Jgfi |0 • z/ 3,)—10 n £ Valonia, ditto £ |2 0 a 40 f'lu,I,a.c. P" fWt- Ms 0d lo 15s 0d Ac Glue Pieces (llcshed) 18s to 24. K. 5.f rl~\L \r (unfleshed).. 12s lfi» n^E^andWebT\L \L goVlfor^1'1" 'T l'R1?:S OF PETALS, London, Nov. 15. *\r>l>olt,& square Lon pir to" sh e^ulisii coppeh. ti don 4 are, Lon- Sheets, sheath inn. and/ Nail rods £ 2 G~5 7 6 bolts ver ^B\ £ 0 0 ShcT 7-7 !i: In Si 0 0 <Bles) *7 |9 « s n! .0 u 0 Retti'icd lff& Newport 4 V e '"°1>per* P™ lb. 8d J°' Chili 'Bsi in Waies 0 D. English leab.^t d"-no.i,Ch,!e!rr* rr' •• I Blewitt'sl'aicntR/ 2 2 0 Red 1. ad f,, f. Iron for lmrs raiJg'iv^l White ditto **■" oj 0 w nore,rboard»S:r 3 10 0 3hut(pat»e,,t) io io o n 7 •••- I o *ORErG<» lead, h Do., do., for tin-plat* Spanish. bond 5 boilor-p|att.s & 1 M 4 10 „ American, ditto Stir]iiis sPat0111 > j'"J ENGLISH TIK. v.7."•'r: • piSr-duu- "> •«" Rail's 4* ia°r « o '),Uo'u>r Export only" RaiJs .1 12 6-5 () Straits. :3 18-3 III 6 Chairs (Clyde) 4 "0 0 3 '8-3 18 6 iontiG.N IRON IC rnt. 1 K" J'-l. ic Safe ••' m" r. s,x ».t is S Guorieir 4 .„ spkltkr. m roUEiGN st/vV", es,warehensed;f0«lfi 10.I6 i2r, s»«ll.l,k" .f'iV HMl ,5 '6- (I i, I i 14 10-11 15 ZINC. 11 rw, tiUlCKKILVEHO. I>I r th 5U. QUWKØIt.lI:l\n. 'rio'" ii, !lA. IW J'1 6 months, or 2A per cent. dis. b, ditto; c, ditto; 1, 6 rt\ ,ri!'Cr.c'nt dls- 0 months, or 84 per cent. dis.; f, ditto di to, A, ditto; j, ditto; A, net cash ti months, or 3 per cent dis -m net cash », 3 months, or lj per cent. dis.; ditto, lj discount t Cold blast, tree on board in Wales. ti vv i i REMARKS. lie \v elsh iron market continues without alteration Prion* r^om"«» large oideis are in course of execuUon^'TirV311'08'1 U°D'*i?d latter circumstance, shares in thf imnL j 1' ow,n8 'othe sidei ihle i|uantity has chanced hanH^ [|c,nari<'» a°d 8 C0l»- lias a more Ilea 11hy lon^and; 'he w,,ole',he trade gradual improvement. PPtarances are in favour of a In Scoilaod the actual stork crease, which has arisen in a errn n 8~ r8s ^en on 'n ,rs of the makers' scrip into iron T,, om the tliis week, aod no transactions wlriu,6' ,S beeD1very n016* hut the latest intelligence from ° 'Ce taken place demaod theie at present piic«« an.i aa' re^°'ling the article in Irom the continent, is likely to'l,av„ .n?"fe favourable account article. e a beneficial effect on ihis In Staffordshire, makers are also anticir>ai;„ u. orders are refused, unless lor early deli* better prices, and increased demand for pig iron. or' > 'liefe is also an Speller ou the spot has been without spiinp delivery, belween 600 and 7(J0 inn. ,ovemen'i f°r £ 16 5s per ton. haVe b«en at C011 mon in is quiet. Refined in erpaf > tons ol E. 1. siraits sold at £ 78. In Bnnca m,ih?n' slockI. on the 1st instaut was 872 ions n8ne». The Lead has beeu iu large demand, and the nrirp t..„ 5s to 10s pei ton. pnce h*8 ""Proved Tin plates sell readily, with an easier market