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Family Notices

8-1 1'U17])-1 Y, PEn. !¡,…


8-1 1'U17])-1 Y, PEn. !¡, lS,'2. SWANSEA AND THE NEW COLLEGE. TUr: mcei'ng held in the Albert-hall, Swansl' ye,-j''c''da.y afternoon suppled all that was needed to enable one to form a judgmenb as to the chiplS of the two rival sitea ..he proposed Cambrjan Univers.ity College. The assembly w:s large and en- According to the advertisement gtvi]' notice 01 the meeting, it wa.s intended to h? a "t() discuss and con'jider t'ro li)(-=:-t¡(Jil of the college, and all persons interested in education were invited to at- tend. b'lt pra'tieally it W,lS a meeting got up in favour of S'.v:n:aea. Every speaker to be in favour or \1¡J:"2;t as th.3 site of the college, P.U'l not AYOI'd ,,as Spo!<c'U in favour of any other locality. We :<]cntiou iL3 as f,n act of justice due to Ca.rdm. The P12Cl;¡lg held iu the To'wii-hRn of C'Kr- d:ft' \v.i.s in favour of the Cartllft' :itl, ;u)d uonsequently every spenher a.dvo- it as superior to every other, whereaa in the c-n.?e of Swanscn, it wn,3 tnidn turned that the people there had set an example of disinterested unselnahness by leaving' the question of the ph'.ce Nrli",re Cjuite open. This is the form which the advertisement I &nurned but, aa we have already said, no one spoke vrhe was nob pledged to hnnself, if rif.t to others, i'i favour of the most convenient to himself and ins ncighboul's. \Ve do not, hovrever, l'L'rl't thu on tho contrary, we tiunk there is rea'on to be satisned that the advocates of the two rival f'itc-; Iiave had a good opportunity of pleading their cause, stating thefr claims. making knovfn their resources, and giving expression to their enthusiasm. It cannot be paid thai either t'o-n'n is izidiffer,it or that either i.< unprepared. Whether Swansea, or CardifFbe selected thero \viU, apparently, be little or no difHeulty in getting hold of the needful. Mr YiviAN'? chief point, yester- day, v.'a? that the commissioners having al- ready suggested the conversion of the Swansea Cramma.r School into a nMt-grade school in which the sciences should be taught have shown what site they flunk the best of all for such a school. They had by so doing, he maintained, clearly indicated the very spot where the South Wales Science Scliool ought to be planted. From this, he argued that Swansea was in- ferentially the eite to winch they inclined for the proposed college. Are you to separate your science school, he asked, from your science college ? Are you to break the institution into two distinct parts, or will you not rather have them side by side ? Now, it must be admitted that this is an ingenious way of putting the casa before the public, and it hit the mark with capital eilect at the Swansea C-onfereilee but will this interpre- tation of the vicwa of the Departmental Com- niittee 1)e accepted at Car(lilf? The advocates of the Cardin site will not see the matter in the same light. It is clear that Mr ViviAN is not much in favour of making classics a prominent subject in the new university college, though he is far from denying the importance of the culture which one acquires through such instruction. He believes in mathematica as a discipline necessary to form habits of close reasoning, but the first duty is, in Ilia opinion, to teach foreign languages and applied sciences, and for such a. purpose Swansea is, according to his con- tention, tlie best place in the world. This may or may not be so, but it may not be amiss to remind, thoae who are advocating one site or another that the great colleges and universities now in exist- ence find no difficulty in imparting instruction m the applt'jd sciences, though they have no copper, tin-plate, or iron works at hand. In fact, the proximity of a. college to such works is of no practical advantage whatever. The owners of the works would not care to have students coming about them all day long to witness the various operations carried on upon a large scale. The College laboratory is, after all, the student's scat of learning and observation, even where applied sciences are concerned. But while arguing In favour of Swansea on the grounds alref-dy mentioned, Mr VIVIAN was very careful to remind his hearers that the ques- tion muat bo examined ?lao from a money pcint of view. He reminded them of Str H\TGll OWE'8 county rating ( proposal, and of the large sum of money which might be raised by a very small rate. He contended that his resolution pledged the people to find the money, and that if they were not prepared to do that they must not vote for his resolution. Tins is not exactly the place to discuss the views ex- pressed by Mr ViviA-N on the question of rating, and espeei&IIy the incidence of rates, but he stated very clearly as his opinion that the rate ought not, in any case, to be paid by the tenant who paid the rent, but by the landlord who received it. How far this would make any dinerence in the long run those v.'ho are acquainted with the compound- ing system may judge. The rate would, aHer all, be added to the rent, and the tenant would have to pay it under another j name. Mr DiLLWYN )Yas exceedingly bitter against Cardiu, as indeed were most of the speakers. In fact, the chief object some of till on who addressed the meeting seemed to have in view was to drive Cardiff out of court,, and one speaker, whom we need not mention, oven went 30 far aa to blacken its refutation by making it out to be morally the worst place in Wales. We need not say fhat the speaker in question is not a Cardiff man. Mr DILLWY,-I is opposed apparently to rates and taxes being employed for the purposes of higher education, but if they are to be used for such a purpose, ho contends that the Government will never consent to give a grant, nor the people of Wales to pay a rate, in favour of a college if Cardiff be selected as the site. The hon. gentleman, of course, spoke his own mind only. With all due deference to him, we think that whatever site is ultimately de- cided upon will receive due consideration at the hands of the Government. Besides, it is the Government—or at least the Educa- tion Department—winch will have the selec- tion of the site after the two towns named in the report have had a fair opportunity of stating their claims but that Cardiff is hardly to be called Wales is an assertion which, though it may amuse a good-humoured Swansea audience, was hardly fitting for the occasion, because it must be remembered that the question before us is the selection of a site not for Wales only, but also for Monmouthshire. The Venerable Archdeacon of LLANDAFF elevated the tone of the discussion when he deprecated the internecine warfare about sites, and the whole tone of his speech, though to a considerable extent retrospec- tive, was in the best ch&racter. Mr JoNES JENMNS, M,P., dealt mainly with the cir- cular recently issued by the Mayor of CARDIFF, and both he and Mr YEO proceeded to tear it to pieces. Those who are respon- sible for the statements embodied in that circular will, no doubt, be able to furnish a reply, and we leave it in their hands. The Rev. A. G. EDWARDS, of LIandovery, de- livered a short but pithy speech, which we commend to the considera.tion of those who are struggling in the effort to form an im- partial opinion, but, of course, he, like all the others, Archdeacon GRIFFITHS excepted, was thoroughly pronounced in favour of Swansea. As we have already said, and not for the hrst time iu this article, the two rival sites have each a powerful statement to make in its own favour. We do not con- sider, however, that it devolves upon us to assume the functions of an arbiter. Ours it is to publish the arguments stated on both s!des. It appears to us, however, perfectly clear that in order to know which is the better of the two sites one must not go either to Cardie or to Swansea. TIic people of CardifF are in favour of Cardie' all their statistics favour Cardie. But when we turn to Swansea we nnd the same state of aflair.s. WhM we have to do is, therefore, to urge upon both parf.ies to go on with the scheme. They are rivals, it is true, but jn a noble cause. It is just possible that they may both require, and be prepared to found and, with no more assistance from Government than the Government may fairly be asked to give, to maintain a coHego. In any C:8l', it 13 a hopeful and pleasing sign of the times that both towns are striving to the utmost of their ability to win the laurel. We ou]v hope that much time will not be lost in the mere discussing of sites, but that on some convenient spot a noble edifice will soon be raised, and tliat South Wales will soon have a College of which its people may well be proud.


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