Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



<' t MOBIL sm IAI Ol"' a% aft ANDREWS & CO., Wine and Spirit Merchants, DENBIGH, desire to announce they have been appointed Sole Agents for the THREE SHELL' Brand of Non-Alcoholic Beer and • Stout in Bottles. Can be Sold during Prohibited I Hours. I APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL CONTROL BOARD. Brewed from Malt and Hops. No Restrictions. Nourishing and Digestive. THLKPHOS* N 8. 48. N + LIFE-LIKE ARTIFICIAL TEETH To be bed at Hospital Poices. — FITTED IN LIFE-LIKE MANNER. • racial Expression, Comfort, and Health stored. ALL TEETH GUARANTEED. Williams' Dental Institute, RUTHIN ROAD, DENBIGH. You are invited to ceil and see specimens of our Work and have a consuUaiKn about your personal requirements FREE OF CHARGE. PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS BY ANESTHETIC "I Or all Ttctb extracted FREE to thoss who gtt Teetb inserted. REPAIRS done in two hours' notice. .w m ,nfch MISFITS of »ny ra&fea re-modelled fron* B/" t-er loosn Q w gfft of tirflweh ./Vflfir Tha rublnfate rfq'i93,'ed thf) Brancl1 Sir^eiy • HALL SQUAHB. Hoars: 1 in o. M„»> DRyS ^EUTHIN—Attendant It Mrs. DANIELS^every Market a^ ^a^ P ^S' CORWEN—At Mr. DAVIES', Photographer, every Friday and J air L>.»ys. ST. ASAPH—At Mrs. JONES' Refresnment Rooms every Thursday. CERlilGYDRUIDION—Every Day between 10 u- R;wd every other alternate Monday between 1 ami i o clock, &u Me. IUwrd s E*sna (Tailor), Bryngol^u. av nPn.a.iai LLANFALRTA.LHA.IA. LIS—A-> Mies DAVISS, 1-jb. OIV -VE-J Tuaddaj between 1 and 4 o'clock. i Also at 10, HALL SQUARE, DENBIGH, Market D.ys ordy. FAHES ALLOWED TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. — .mi .i .I.I.ii m ii inm 1: HAND BKiijWEtiY, I 1-1, WELL STREET, BOTHIN. 9 JJ .32.i.i.. 1 g 1 B RUBBBTS, I IfSioIessIe and Ksuti* Wins and Spirit Mare&f; B,-s-por snd Mali- ter 1 fcegB to sail the attention of the (Jerstry an3 Publio to hit Ail fiLome-Erswesi ALES (purc Ext7&C 01 MnJt atid Hops), which may be supplied ill Casks of 36, 13. see 9 gallons. Prices on Application. Dublin Stoul; aud Button A'es, in Casks and Bottlea. Gnfnses's Extra Stect; Barclay acd PerStina, London Stent; and Base & Co'e Bcifeco Ale- In Cask fttd Bofcslee. Finest Sectah an3 Irish Whiles crd Poria, SfcsrtieB art OfcRrops^gaas ci weU.kscm I de. Fi õJ iSSTftSLiSHED 1S70,J M i S3 WOOLL hi¥ VI&JSGIST&I, Rnthto* Road. DenMslfce KT ANTED, Experienced and P ain Cooks VV for Ruthin, Dellb,h. and IStsighbDUr- hoed < £ 20 to £ 28. Good FarJoufmaids, II m-:einaid>t and Iicufeaiaid W&itiicpses ÍJl ithyl sod Bis. Acsph; S-20 to ;C2C). Ycucg Homeiosids,*General*, Under Nurse, Batwscn Ma!d-, arid K, ohecniitds. 31I8B WILLIAMS, )-1 .$. .1.ll.! SKBVANIS' KISOiSTlty, s Post OfBee Lane, 0EN3JOB, ri/ANTED, Experienced and Piain Cooks W Cocks Geaorals, good Goner Us, and tonog Girls for light house work Dis- crgagcd: Elderly Person as HoBsakespar In lima:ï faosily. 4 -w_- B'lXih.j fi.iJ BACiiiiL-j.liiES A i.Ttr'l S M. ;• -yi (y~> -I m C. ••••'r: i': J'i.s'n Keep your liver active and the small everyday wcr' j ries and disappointments will not trouble you. It is 1 1 the mind that makes us happy net our condition of lifc. and when I I you keep your stomach healthy, your bowels active, your blood pure 1 by the regular use of Beccham's Pills your mind will always be I clear and cheerful. Most of the hardships of life are directly due to j disordered digestion. The health of the whole body xs affected by B I I the condition of the live& § ¡ > un IR ON_ BEECHAM'S By their gentle purifying action Be^cham's Pills accomplish wonder' I ful mental and physical changes. They aid digestion ?.nd assimilation and enable you to enjoy the great benefit of the nulriment in your food. They will keep you free from illness and help you to attain success by giving the mind energy, vigour and determination, They have a direct influence upon your bodily comfort and material I welfare, and make living easy. —————— I I Sold in boxes, labelled Is-3d and 3'-d. PILLS [TOWLES sifr FOR LADIES p* Q r In boTPS. srrl ;i (The So S '8*1 Jr.jfs ( ■nt'.in tune tiraw 1 .M FS LL.J Of fill Cbfisiitu, «.r p..»i ■ o Bsfl frao fiom Sole l'topr.etors. I E. T. TOWLE & CO.. Ltd., 1 26, lONC ROW, NOTTINGHAM. r' i R;i i-.X Ai-v• •• v. 2 • I flTlHE SOClijiY sends their lecturer, X Mr. J, II. REED, I free of charge to address Bro-herhoods, teapui> M-'Ptings, L.iterarj' Societies, etc. I T r- P s 11 P p I I r 0 GRATIS. tssssssm EASTER NOVELTIES. MECHANICAL Toy NOVELTIES Jar.p v.-ritty all filltd with beat Oocil^es. j CHOCOLATE CKEMK reGS •^lain and ti jioikd. PLAIN CHOCOLATE EO-OS. CARLIJOARIJ EUl,S pretty esscr'ud dreignE, filled with b'Sf'tChoroU'es'. EASTER EGU BASKETS nica fancy coloured Wicker Bikd8 co ■ taiuiog Cbccolat.e Eggs tin- fvileè, Woobtx FGGS, TIX EGCJS, SN^KE EGGS, JMAUZU-AN and CHOCOLATE EGGS by weight, atd oatneroua other EASTER NOVELTIES, Simnal Caks.s. HOT ~X BUNS. ORDERS SOL Af LID. =.. ICT The Shops for Mavaltiesi J. POWELL JONES, CONFECTIONER, r CENTRAL CAFE, HIGH BTREET, AND CL W Y D CAFE, VALE STREET, DENBIGH. BBBaaaBasa DENTISTRY. PuDle8 Extractions, FillingB, Artificial Teeth, Me E. HANLON Rfaisnds personftliv. DENTAL ROOMS. DENBIGII, a6 MB, HELSBY'S, Photco pi a her, Vale Bbteei, every Wee. nosdly, IS to a RU'IHIN, every Fair Day and 3rd Mon lay, at Mr. Gee's, Ironaaonger, Olwyd Bbreetj 12 sc 4.50. COSWEN, First Friday and Fair Day, at Ur Samuel Jones, Confectioner, Bridge Birocfet 12 SO to 6 EOIJEWELL. AT BRADLEY'S, High Sfereet, avsrv Friday frern 2^6 pm TisriBPnnw* No 155 RW? aenaaaanBEBBMHi mi -2 SCHOLASTIC. Faivholme School. f PRINCIPAL—MISS FFOULKKS Pupils prepared for STamlnasl53J. Private given in Music F?*naJjj and PrtiTiting. Denbigh CountySchool for Boys. IIE-AD 5I4SIER I Mr. Dt H. DAVIES, B.A. I (Uo«d ). Assisted by a Stall oI wellj qualilicd Tcachcrs. l Tbcrocgb propaiation tot P, cfessioral, Scholastic, S.ier.t 1b and CcEcincrcial pnroiiif*. The School has wtil-f qaJcpai L\'f orato*i03 and Workshops, as well as riots ter A-f;lil coltura1 work. Fees X2 p3r term. Text-booss, &'0" eupplicd free. Applioatloo's fr Barsarit.8 to mooi t be expense,-j c,f maintain-, rce a!, hQ School^f.o ba eenfc tiuiing ths.firBh week in £ ep.emb;r, Jan Uirv ot Apiil to t-he Olerk, Mr. A. FOULER-ROBERTA So icibcr. Swan Chainbgrs. OiO jc RUTHN SCHOOL. I EE AD I E. W, Lovegrove. M.A. (Oxou Boznebimo Scholar of New College, First I C'ASB Honours In Mathematics. 76u, (f St. Asaph County School (Formerly Endowed Grasataar Schc-oi), I Chairman of the Governors THB RIGIIT REV. I THE LORD BISHOP OF 8T, ASAPF Vice Cbslrroan mNBY A. CLEAVER, ESQ, J.P, I HEAD MABZBB XDWIN MAINER, M.A. (St. Juba' OoUçt;, Cambridge), B.Sc. (hla DMBIOC), LOADER. Certificated and Registered Taacheri CLABSIOAL MASXSX JAMES BOYD ROBERTSON, B.A. JA.1 Class Classical Honours, Moderations, *^<3 Lit. Bam., Bt. John'e CoIIegs, 0 JyiX; j Registered. BCIFIHGB MABTKB HAROLD JACKSON, B,Bc. (Uoaou,;r.), Gat kill Scholar, Manchester Iraia (d ti c Certifioatod Teacher. FEETSOH J D GEOGRAPHY Miss GWENIJLIAN JOHNSTON. B, A. (Walee), Becoudaty Teachers DSAWJHG MASSIF AND TBACUUZ iat VOUAJKL Music T. R. JONE3, Certificated Teacher, MAROAI- INSSBUCIOH F.RNF.fiT GVVEN. RE School a m da cu dovatod ground lu I a losition which commandis a view o! he pictt restjue Vale of Clwyd, and within, 5 ci'tutc-f' walk of bhe Cathedral and Railway Station .Boo,ree,i e re oived for Private Tuitics I! BOLIDE JB. Fe I dpi bio MS apply to the Head M;1JQt or to FRED W. GRIMSLEX, Ciejk to the Givertiort, St AlA.)h, =: » I |l?Ws!!$Mng| I HFrofelemh |—Solved.—l TI ■m ill II mi mil mini n milium in ,n I. ■■ I ■* How can I increase the pur- I chasing power of every j.ound which I am about to spend on Furniture ? The solution cf that pro'o'cai will be I feed ia cur free catalogue and our SrK'vvrooms. WKilc we only supply aru'stic, itai<Ll>-buiU furniture, our pev" feet manufacturing and selLig c ^anisatioa enables us to quote prices that are much below those charged ) elsewhere for the same articles. No matter whether you furnish for Cas;1 II c),,r 40 n j-ur cnieiintL a ASP" OR PagRutSisttaf a.J- alit S, Utem SAT^C—TTB—WBM^HWBPOTATG—WBSAHBBJUM^P your money w-ii go fanhcst if you i purchase from m. Facts worth noting. W» allow 2/- in thi £ discount for Cash. Paymirnti can be arranged to suit Custoaxers' cOD".enhûcc | No objectionable agreements to slgu. 1 Every Article manufactured under ow cira I direct control and supsrvisioa. 3 I direct control and supsrvisioa. 3 I We pay carriage to all parts. &»df delivered | ;B Private Vans. I Erery Furnisfcinj Requisite supplied. I Good Va'ae and satisfied Customers account I Good Va-ie and satisfied Customers account I for the phenomena! jrowlh of our businesi. | Guarantee. I — — article that doe* not | girt absolute satisfaction. | W Wrio or call for Cat^gua. ~WK ilGLOBEl L FEsr»giisliing U I (J, R. G nANT, Proprietor). 1 Piaco? J S LIVERPOOL. | I Kovas 3 to S. 1 I Early CIOSSP^, Saturday i p.m. 1 Railway Fare Alfowedi ->- ISAAC MYDDLETON, Family Butcher, | MARKET HALL, DENBIGH. BEST QUALITY HOME-FED MEAT Supplied. Welsh Lamb & Mutton A SPECIALITY. TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED. r lOOuc David Thomas, Piasisa, Huthin, Licensed Valuer AND I Estate Agent. I Valuationi ""en^nt Paring, Mortgags Probata, lHi2.pld>¡t1,O!1.31 (fire L033 and Furniture- and annnai Valuations of FARMS 1 and other CONCERNS undortakon for private í\ld Ioocmo Tax purpoeos Rnd Balance lihaets I prepared ehowing Profit and Loss. INVENTORIES carefutly prepared and J txaixiLtd my I 1 i_ MllSiOai. Mte. W. A. LLOYD F.LG-.C.M., A, Mds. T.0,L, Organ, Piano, Singing,^ Harmony, Counterpoiufi, Musical IflBknments Supplied -it th& lding iirse-cl&ssi Firms PIANOS FOR HIRE- 4J Market Street, kUTX4IN. r- I Miss Qeeilia Anwyl. 8Å!) Devereux DiYe. Wallasey, Liverpool, Visits lhyj, PrcJtaijn, Shuddhn. St Asaph, aud Denbigh ev ry week. Ruthin ia vitiied every fcUenjate Monday, Pupils pre >ar?d fer the Roym Acadcmy I I a.ud E Commenos? at au-y Tftto. Now System of Tobias Malbhay'' taught, and special intsric'j taken in S^ht. Itssdiog and Teohaiq^c. « c. Miea G. POWNAL JONES, Teicher of Music. Crgen and I isno- For fmthc? paiMcaJarB apply The Lodgc, Nantciwyd Hallf Nr. nuthn. W HE WAY'S NOTE D FOR r5!tJ DZJ VALUE IX ,:[<EA SETS, DINNER SERVICES, TO] LET WARE, ORNAMENTS, BASKETS, BRUSHES, GALVANIZED atd ENAMELLED "NY RE. Best Qualities. Largest Selections and LoweEt Prices. NOTE ADDltESS 45, VALE STKEET, DENBIGH. — Notice to Farmers AND Agriculturalists. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, beg to inform all whom I bava had the pleasure of doing business with that I DID now called up to selve with the coloms in Ilis M!,j-,sty'r! Fo!ccLQ, aDd therefore shall ba prcveuted from attending to my bufin«88 pcreoually. But 1 am pleased to iLfcrci you that my business will be canied cn by my Wife at the earns address, iiid til eLquiries by poet will be prrraptly attended to, as regards Basic Slag, Albion FatteniDg, Cakes and Meals, Linseed Meals, Calf Meals, Binder Twine, Lubricating Oils, &c. I earnestly hope that all my Customers will be patriotic and loysl to me in my absence wbila peiforoiiog my duty for King sun Country. Tbacbicg you all for your pic-i favours, and Inl icipating your further commands. Your obedient Servant E. LLOYD WILLIAMS, GPasfiryn, Pwllglas, EUTHIN. 120u.c BROHHWYLFA,"1 the noted Establishment for WELSH LAMB & MUTTON. H. Dryhurst Roberts, FAMILY BUTCHER, BBONHWYLFA and 19 and 20, MARKET HALL, DENBIGH THE VERl nEST QUALITY ov HUMB. FED MEAT only supplied. Home-cured hi&nis and Bacon. Corned Beef, Pickied Tongues. Sausages lu Season, & £ All Orders promptly attended to. Trial Otder especially solicited 193 WHAT'S THE TIMER It is alwajs time for a good refreshing CUP OF T E A TRY OU11 FINEST Indian and Ceylon TEAS, from 2Se 8d. poillb. Groceries at Lowest Prices. R. OWEN & 30N, STAR BUILDINGS, DENBIGH. WanhoneeL, i DIAMOKD BUILODURE^ DJTKBIEV, Tel 36. THE BEST ESTABLISHMENT in the District for the choice of Drapery, Millinery, Ladles' & Gents' Tailors is at JOHN ROBERTS, 1, CASTLE STREET RUTHIN. Experienced Hands are kept in the Dresi- making and Millinery Departments. The Tailoring is a Special Feat are. Fit and Style are guaranteed. Antnmn and Winter Suitings end Orer- coatings a speciality. A Large Stock of Sheets, Blankets, Lineal, et. Just Now in :—Gents' Soft Hats, ShirtSf Ties, Hosiery, Raincoats, ete. Mourniog Orders executed at the Shortest Notice. Best Value given to Clothing Clubs at 1, Castle Street. 915.14 | Farmers' Opportunity. Lever Bros-" Palm Nut Cakes and Meals FOR ALL STOCK GIVE SPLENDID RESULTS. Far prices and further details apply J. DOWNING, DENBIGH 564ac —a^p——1——■—————■. LOST A TERRIBLE COUGH AFTER USING CHERRY COUGH BALSAM. Price, 10d. ani 1P, OJ. Per Bot le. Get a Bottle Wo.]Day and LOSE YOURS. It gets d !W!l to the reot of the trouble and set-3 it right. It is the mos^ tffacave remedy for Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Influenza, &-a. Electric Flash-Li^ht Lamps Stocked at all Prices. BENSON "EVANS & CO., B mi s Dispensing and Family Chemists, DENBIGH (Telephone No. 2û). 1129. JOHN WILLIAMS & SON, WYNNSTAY MONUMENTAL WORKS, RUTHIN. I Memorials s Granite, Marble & Stona Qnalitv ana Workmanrhip guaranteed. ^Estimatee Free andJDesigns on ftpplictcur ¡ LETTER CUTTING A SPECIALITY. Distance no object.1 t .:2 39f2J t ..H, r-