Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

18 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



CHIT CHAT The po:;u'ar Ahnanack of Fr-)nc(, .?ys a pronfh Juurnu', has this ye.'r rec,-i,ed sofne ad.!i- ¡iolls to its u!1!\1 phl'Twbat the: lIIay be TOC a' e has b,e!l furd) 'r Clli:V:I>;t", :Í:.d the chdd¡ (:1 <If Sir .I 0\1\1 C.\OIpbl' I ¡ ale eltÏ Icd I he St:¡¡r!d r'lI:1 "('PI (d St:o;chmiU\ !lot 1'1 k¡jI)\ I ':()\I to \\I'ig-h "{I!i-J ¡¡ud- din a\IIIt e!1lpt pr"i, had ht' a(c,'pte a JÛle lief,,re lie pot a lic! iiiiist li(IN,! [. I!lt: B,H- his w.k is the WCll'JIlÍi1g-]JUn.- arc—Yci.n;,)!-f<t:iic ii'js— Amnng"n]0''crnyouth, "'h\) ¡ae,' ;\l'(Juild WeIr '¡¡¡ty rihs A pair of slat' fn¡¡'hl Fort?nf—?<e?'"?'?''r't??ys 'I':)D:L"c'?tr,m'?nrric!.c; ()!na:c!tt'c.'u?!?-"i'"?-<-<?tS:v'< \V,!hKivc-??''?"'—??.&c. _The Trpasui'v Department h.ts rrcem'y had a ft',l illt:rt.a,.e ur }lu!.hc \¡usiucs!\ "'¡¡'l:" t:, .cuwing rhe st(,Ilu )ii(l, iij,fl ;t i, %V;il I)e re-opcxt-d the other'Pt.)d)ht-))e.T' bc?!f-h- '!)cnt«')n?!h?bec"co???etfd. Thew.t'))tstcm! fo,.Illol-lv, al-C the itilei,ior, a, 1")w title,] itt, C.e Thf-Hoor is lowered, hiel, improves the proporfiuns of the ha')-and the unique and beaunt'Litroufi'as ',eeli iltp"ii (- and as his al!,o the grand <)Ihic wl"dow al Ihe \\est end of Ihe huil?n.On \<.di'day 'a'-t thcDnk.-?t'Su?r-x n!tai<.f<? '.i? 6.}d y: w'nch oec.ision !he trades- rtie,.i din,d to tot-ellic" -11 tile At-ni- I,Ilello),zil D,,ket,en,;Aills at the Pa ace, aj:deijoysfxcft)<t'theai'h.———Anewty-invfuted instrument, cat!€d 'he A'<Yfltl' hasju*! bee:) an- )i0un<.cd,wi<h which, to the g,-ed( dis,rliiy of the harDer. p,'nlolls may ha \.1' theln<s(.1 VC!i wi í hou ¡ the use of either razor.aj), < \V¡¡ler.The, h.:s ,ear "II of I u partake ot the appr<ci'.i'?baJ!satA![nack'<,at:d the La,ly Po\l"oae"eK a:'licipatc a t!('li!l1ful !leason. The'.e, to,eitier with a "ucees-.ion 01 roya) eiit'r- taiiiii,et,is to takc p:a,-e at the new Palace, iii(I a repetition in the kÕpl"În of the t-ptcndid parties of her Roy¡¡l Híg-h;wss the Duchesi of K'lIt. at Kpl.- "ilJton Palae,' will keep the votaries of (a"hioll ia thehi?he?t ehcip-! tn con'.tt?t monf<n————Fteschi ''Pi')? toi<t by theAM?Mier of the Hou?eof Pecra, that his triil ":I (!xed ior the 30th ill"'t,wt- Ah, Di¡uolo! he ¡¡aid, your IHiil' i" gr.'Y, .mill' .lIeer."ill b.-so."————tt.ippcarst.) be the intention of the G<jvern[nctt( to 't)<ike <) experimcnta1 issue of silvuj- tftuats.————The ta!p Dowager Uuche'-s of Hcaufort, daughter of the Hoi.Edward Boscawen, who died in t8-28, tived to see her posterity flourish hi :m fxtraordi.tit.-y mauner, bcit,- ,liel-self the parent of twetveehUdre:),feventy-oue grand.chtt- d.e)). and fourteen great ratid.cliildt-eiit a uum- her which lia!i sitice itiaterililly increased.- Sir Ffanci< ha< again etok-d. n«< 'he .¡ tu,¡cful" but the Hugeful i\il1c)" and iike the Pedagogue ot whofn we read itt our chitdhoo't, who whipt hi), teho- lar.i now and then; but, V/¡en it- whipl '<n he .na.!e 'e'n roaf That you luis&lit hear 'e.n a mile or faor< he has so laid on that the roar of O'Connell win be heard across the Channel ————-A cprtatn .-obteman cetfbrated for hia Bill trallsactiuJ\s, ha* beet) named Lord D?scout.t P——; hia oppn't'o"s are in Blmd Street————Anothfr Ca</ooM of "Raphael" has seen the tight, it has tpference to a judg.f.eut upon a convicted Liar—though not A"a's.————The Lord Gletiel-, it seriously indi"'p"sed, i" conetquet.ce of bisatfention to "me little busmen depart. itietit-woi-k, says the proverb, bi-euks the ;.He (lIow'lI arn. le- aud b-,k.-It is said that a pro] ct of marriage for Ku.g0'o 'so.. the tapis wi(haP.ineMsofA'tr)a, the daughter ofthe Arch. duk,' Ch1\rleli.-Mr ltice, be.ide. the Cambriô!:t' dillner, 011 Friday 16e'lI iht ,fou nd hi. dkeli- li\'epo'erst'¡uaJ to another dif'e'' at thet.noe phce on Sittii-dity we h(.pe the toateria) fond "uppiied to tberightHon.Gentteman was wore tóplCY than th mte)tectuat feast which he eont'ibutpd for theit- participation if not, we )nuet say that hixstofDac)) was very in used.————The Rev. John Lousdatc has been e)ected,hya)arg'e majority,<o the preach. ership of Lincoln' tnn, vacant by the re,,i,i)aijon of the Bishop of Chichester.————Lord John Rutsett, as)cadcrofthcMi"i-teriaLpartyintheHouseof Comn'ons, \Viii g-ive a grand parHafnentary dionef at his residence ill \iltoucI"Clict'lIt, 011 Weduesday, the3d</f February,at %,Iiich His 'tlajepty's speech on th,- of the -,vill I)e read. Cii-tis ot itxitatiot) on a most extetidcd scale were tMued ..?' —-—The B'eadatbane ca"t)e Wat !??f'?a????-????? the late Marqttia of Brcadatbane, watt putitted tober legilitri, which will put LordChandosinpot- eei)!iott of about X]30,000.-Ca,tdt)nian .}Vff<'«ryof Thursday.————The Bishops of \Vorceater and Rochester, the Lord Licutenunt, (Lord Li'tehou), <heLorJKedef:d.i!c,a')dtheHon.R.H Ctive, M.P. have (itGh coftributed ftCO towardt the propo.f-a\Vorc.!i)pr Ch.nch Buildillg D;oc{'san Society the meeting tor the pi-o(riotion of take ptace on Tuesday.the 26th uist.——-VALU E OF A SINGLE says he was ¡ul<.>rOJed by )ft- At-tfiui- that it dep.t.dedupu"?'<* yotc in Ihe IIuu,c of COlli III om:, whethr K'JJg- J.J.rnt' shoutd be permincd toemptoy Po;jith oncers'* arrxy. The eircuf'-tattce wa!t thii<:—A courtier, who %,its to watch every ii,.eiiber tlal hlJd allY f'mp'oynx'ntuhder the observed onewhohnd a i-egiti)etit, aiid was (,roillir to vtjle af),aitist the Court; upon the dtscoverv, he accosted him warmly, and put him in miud of hi regiment, to ".hich the "filcC'r madeftmwpr, "My brother died fast IIIhl, and left toe j(.'700 a-year."——As the tttai!.coach wa* prc'c&ed. mg from London to Bristot, on Saturday night, "ear Theate, it wa* ovfrturoed by the (.hyin? of the near )eader. The horses disclIl!qgeù then)sc)vfa t'orr) 'be coach,and teaped<'veradi'chm<oafie!d, <? the coach fasti" a batik, and fron))t-'awkward situattoft required to he dug out by sevel-al labourers who were procured fro'u the 'tcighbourhood. Al- though they were severat houts (hu!. engaged) the patise-iigers would htve been further dctayed, had out the guard arrived wt)h three .es from it farm, and thus dragged the coach from tts position. The ietter-bags were forwarded by the Hath ntai! to B<ith, and frofB thence to Brietot. by post chaise, where it arrived lIearly two bo"rsaf'er theuituatthue- The coachiiiall aiid guard were stightty bruised, but the paa-?ngers,, aud coach, were not the teast '"jured.-———An indiet- meut hM begu I)i-efiai-i-ed tlatllS( a surgeon iu westefn county, for baying 1I()wlJIly giveii a fa'se certiri- cate of the iuabttity of a pers&<t summoned on jury to atletid that duty.Olle of the thrpe directory of the Polish Bank ha« tatety arrived in this country, charged with aspf'cufat'o" for raisiuga large loall fur the Etnperor ofRuseia for quasi Pn:ish purpo'-es, on the security of the public rt-venues of Potawu. The sutn requned is 150 ntit'.ions of Polish goilders, 'md the eotttraetor'- named are Fr-tenket aud Ep'teu'. '————Ickworth Pai-k, which in now ucarty tilli:-hed, has lOllg been a great drawback 00 the income of the Marquis of Brtoto!. The tate Edri. formerty Bishop of Derry, dirveted by hit wt)hhatJEK),OOOperau- num shoutd be expended upo.t that edinpe unt)) the whn)H was coii)pietcd -I$', hate to 4titioullet the safe arrival of H .11-S. Cufc, Capt.J. C. Kosa, at Longhope Soutid ou the 19th.-Tl,,e uewt. frotu the dungeou of Ham ia very U!'h*vourab)e. Tt'e Prifice de Polignac it about to undergo a sctiou* operation. AtdePeyjount-tbasiotttbeMeot'au eye. M. de Chautet.tuze cannot quit his bed. M. de Guernon Ranvii!c atone resists the nuseriee of captivity.————A Wittshire paper states it as a prc- vatent"r, that Pau} Nleihue") Esq. of CorshttO) Home, Devizes, is about to be raised t.xhe peerage. ————Mr Edward Rutbven, M.P., has retired trotu the Dublin KiidareStrt-pt Ctub inconsequence of a noti6cat;on that U))!e:,s he did so a motif) for his ex- 0 putsion would be entertained————The Vandal of the C,lOrel bu ry cùrporat ioa ha \C commenced the workofdemotition. The rowofRnegrowM poplar trees in the Dane Jjh.t Grove, long the attrac- tion of the adnnrers of the pic!ure-q"e, have, duril¡g the past week, been uprooted. [I'he "V,%iidals" say the tr<;eswet€ rotten at the head; tht-Torie* <tay the same of those who cut the trees down.] ————We uudprstand that no person, conuned for eht, has been in Sliding jdil",i"ce the5)h inst. Thif is so rare an occurrence, thatitnever happened iu the experience of the pre-entjitHer, and very tikety never did in that of his predecc.sor .St¡diny Poptr.——It is said that .\Jr Pa' ker, olle of tha Members for Shettictd, wit) second the A<t<'ress to his Majesty, in alls:,e,' tc. the Speech front the Throne on the oveiiii)o. ot, Padian;cllt.-Globe- The cetebrat. d Pa?uujtn ? m bfen appoimed by the Duchess of Parma to the po-'totiutcndantotthp Theatre of that Conrt————The Irish p.)perM, ot yesterday mort<in;r, teem wi'h accounts (If b¡¡r- barous tuurders," and ctarillg" robberies."

---LITE1L.Jil Y llfc 1-11.


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MYFYHDO,)-\H. DiJEC¡¡{EU.-\…

"'CH.JlURJ 1 LLU81'HA 1'IONS.-No.…

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TO LOiti-P ii i,,u, c-i-1.4…

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