Papurau Newydd Cymru

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fttomuoutUSlure. MON\10UTHSHlIlE COUNTY ELECTION. The following speeches were delivered by Lord G. Somerset and O. Morgan, after their election Gentlemen, Electors of the county of Moninouih Although I cannot plead inexperience in return ing you my grateful thanks for the honour Noij have now done me, having previously received at your hands a similar honour oil Fo very in.iny occasions yet I can truly assure you that oil no former occasion did 1 rise with more diffidence or distrust of my I feelings in being able to properly make you my acknowledgments (cheers) Gentlemen, a great number of years have elapsed since I wa < first intro- duced to you as a candidate for your suffrages. At that time, comparatively unknown to you as I was. YOII received me with thp greatest kindness at thai time yoti trusted in my professions, and did me the honour of ejecting me as your member (hear) and I hope I am not vain glorious in saying (flat, I trust I have done my duty since to your satislaction (cheers, "You have.") Gentlemen, I have been mixed up with politics during troublous times, ami I am free to confess that at some periods Imay have differed from many of you —perhaps from a majority of you; yet it has been to me a source of great I satisfaction, that never, on any such occasion have I been accused by any, even those most opposed to we, with the having acted dishonestly; but you have fell that, even in differing fioin you, I have only taken the course which, according to my con science, I have believed to be the correct one (cheers.) Surely, then, the way in which you have always treated me will compel me (if I only p the feelings of common gratitude) to be at all times, to the best of my endeavours, your sincere and faithful servant (grea t cheering ) Cientlemen.there are in this country a great variety of opinions, as will ever be the case in a free country; and if I jKMJgUt, therefore, to do as voii all wished, I am sure you would feel that I should part with my own sense of right, for yo i would not have me court popularity at the expense of honour and probity (hear.) And, gentlemen, while I say this, permit me to say that I most willingly concede to the gen tleinen who are opposed to me the same measure of honesty (olieeri.) And while I admit havingd:ffered from some of you on several occasions, I think I ail) not wrong ifl saying that, I believe that the great body of the county approve of my political princi pies, and view my attachment to the Conservative cause with favour and approbation (great cheering :) for, gentlemon, I believe there is a strong feeling in the county of Monmouth of attachment to the throne, reverence to the church, and sincere love for the moral and reiigious education of the people, and that they think that in our liscal regulations there should not be a sacrifice of one great interest to another (cheers.) Gentlemen, I am, as you all know, principally connected with agriculture; yet, I assure you, that I would not for a moment do ought which I thought would injure the manufacturing and commercial interests (cheers ) Gentlemen, they talk of free trade, but to my mind there is more of free trade now than there would be by the pro- posed measure of 8s per quarter duty, which would levy a tax of X 1,600,000 on coi n. It iseasy to call persons monopolists but are the men of Notting- ham, who have returned two tree trade advocate*, Bjrttiopo'ists, because they seek a protection for their ribboil- against the importation 01 those of foreiga manufacture ? or, are the artisans of Wor ecster monopolists, because they seek a protection for their gloves against foreign ones? or, do the governaient measures propose to abolish either of those protective dtitk*es ? No, they do not. Then, gentlemen, neither are "e monopolists solely to benefit the agricultural interests (hear, and cheers ) I believe them to be bound together in one c romo n bond, and that you may as well cut off the right haad and then say that the body remains uninjured, as you may sacrifice either one of those great interests to the other (cheers) and, gentlemen, believing so, 1 ask, ought I to be called upon to ruin the agricultural interest for the fancied pur- pose of supporting manufactures and commerce? Gentlemen, in saying Likis, ldo not wish to be catted a monopolist; and I believe that the Conservative geatleuieti with whom I act in the House of Com- moos are not monopolists, but would preserve all the great interests of the country. If you break nlVn the landlord be assured you will break dovii the tenant, and if yoti Oreaw uo-mi me leuatit, jmi wtict break down the labourer, and what will the Manufacturing artizan say then, when, in addition to the surplus labourers in manufactures, they have m large inlfux of agricnl tural labourers, whose agri- cultural employment having been destroyed, will rush to the manufactories to endeavour to obtain support? Geatlemen. some of these advocates say that the agricultural interest would not be at all injured, while manufactures w ould bp improved, and then in another instance they show the fallacy of their owa argument by staling that a much larger quantity of manufactured goods would be sold abroad, because cf their being enabled to manu- facture them at so much lower a rate, and that the foreigner would send in his corn and take our goods in exchange. This, however, gentlemen, I do not believe would be the case; while i am certain that wages protect the agricultural interest against the ruinous consequences of the abolition of the corn laws (cheers.) But gentlemen, I must at the same time guard tnyseif from saying, that perhaps no alteration could be made for the better; that an alteration in the graduated scale may not be advan- tageously inade; but I a ia convinced t ha t a graduated gcale of duty will be the best for this country, for in times of scarcity the 8s fixed dllty could not be maintained, and when corn is very low, I cannot but feel that it will not yield an adequate protec- tion. Gentlemen, it has been said that the corn law is a mere landlord's question. This, however, is not the cail,, for it is equally a question to the cultivator, tio has heavy demands on him in the shape of county, parochial, and other rates, and, if he i4 not protected, how is he to meet those demands'? J feel, gentlemen, that he could not do 40. and I will not therefore swerve from those principles which protect the cultivators of the soil in their just rights. I will but add one word more, gentlemen, on this subject, and that i-4, that 1 cannot but express my deep regret that men high in autho rity-tije niioi,,ters of the Crown-should, instead or quietly und calmly discussing (his exciting ques- tion with the representatives of the people, have endeavoured to excite the passions at the multitude by calling fortli large mobs, and placing before the ministerial candidates a large and small loaf, and telling them that if they vote for him they shall have a large loaf, without onep iulorining them ol the low wages which will accompany it, and he its necessary consequence (hear, hear.) Such conduct, gentlemen, is not right such conduct is unconsti- tutional. Again, I would ask them if the repeal of the corn laws was to produce a slate of such com- plete beatitude as they make out, why in 18119 and 1840, wlien corn was so much higher than at present, the first minister of the Crown opposed a preposition entirely similar to the one now made by them ? Gentlemen, I think, therefore, I am Dot wrong in saying that 1 believe the ministry have introduced it for mere party purposes, and as a convenient clap trap to endeavour to support their waning popu- larity (hear.) Gentlemen, 1 will now say a few w.ords as to my conduct with regard to the sugar duties and on this subject, when it was introduced hy the Government, I could not but recollect that a medture of a similar character was proposed in I 1839-40 by a gentleman attached to the government party at a tint when sugar was much dearer, and that that proposition was met by the president of the Board of Trade, and I believe by Lord John Russell, with arguments precisely similar to those now used by Sir It. Peel. Yet this sdine Govern- ment have now introduced the same measure, the only difference being that sugar is now more than 20 per cent. cheaper than it was when they resisted Mr Ewart's motion and that since that period much greater facilities have been given to the introduc- tion of East India sugars. The noble lord then went iato an argument as regarded the timber duties, and having expressed himself favourable to the exten- sion of moral &nd religious education, continued i have trespassed oil you too lon^r, I fear, gentle. men; but there is or.e topic which I feel strongly, and cannot but allude to, vi, the present Pcor Law (hear, hear.) 1 am perfectly frea to admit the many evils which existed in the old law. But I have looked with considerable distrust on many portions of the new law, and have used my best exertions to oppose them. I have locked with disgust — it is a strong term, but I can use no less a one—on many clauses of the new law, particularly that portion which provides that tlie poor should be buried apart from others. I have also opposed the largedis-irici unions by which the poor man, his wife, and his children may be each o miles from tiie other, and where they would thus for the crime of poverty in all probability be eternally separated from each other. Gentlemen, I selmy face against that clause, and I rejoice that the feelings of the House of Com- lu"s ivere so sifOiig against it that Loid J. Ilussell warcompelled to withdraw it. After expressing his opposition to the arbitrary rules of the commis ,gieners, his lordship concluded a very excellent apeech by again expressing the very great obliga itions which he felt for the kindness they had done iiini (gveat cheering) Octav, ius Morgan, Esq, then rose amidst great .cheering, and said—Mr High Sheriff, Electors, and Gent le,iien -W lien in the month of February last MM did ine ilie lioaour of electing we ope of jour LA* mpresen1 atives, 1 had but little thought that! should so soon return to you to solicit a renewal of your confi lence. Gentlemen, the honour then :onrerred upon nie was one of which I shall lie protid io the last day of my life. I liopl-, getitleinen, itiai confidence has not been misplaced (tremendous •heering, and cries of No") indeed, I augur as nuch from the reception you have been so kind a< to give ine this dav Gentlemen, my career in Parliainent has lieerl b!it a Slil)rtOTle -onlv fi,e months have elapsed since you sent me theie but, gentlemen, during those live months i nportant and interesting questions have been brought before the consideration of the House; and I trust you who sent ine there have been satisfied with my conduct .'great cheering ) I were to go 1 hrough those various subjects, I shollld labollr under considerable disadvantage, the noble lord, my ,ollea-.tie, liavin,l, so iblyplltided totliet-n; liovever, [ will give you some account of my conduct in Parliament since yois did me the honour of sending m;? there (cheers.) Gentlemen, the first question ol importance on which I voted was that relating to the Irish Parliamentary voters. The government, gentlemen, proposed an alteration of the conditions of the franchise, and if their proposition had been larried Ollt to the extent they desired and ardently wished, what would have been the result ? Why, ipntlemen, the voters would be under the controul of M r Daniel O'Con ne 11, the a rch-agi i a tor of I re1 ,i ml (cheers and laughter.) A separation of Ireland from England, which is O Council's object, might have followed, and, gentlemen, I need not tell you i hat such a separation would have been a serious injury to this coijntry indeed, the sta'o of Ireland, were it separated from England, would he far worse than it now is (cheers.) Gentlemen, the second question of importance was the New Poor Law liill. I hardly knoty in iviiat high terins to cliarac- lerise tIle exertions of my noble colleagllp. on the bringing forward this question (cheers.) Forseven long ni-,I,tq, fro,n seven o'clock till t%velve, lie ,va.-t actively engllged with myself in carefully consider. ing the matter before the Motive, and I had great pleasure in assisting him in expungingclauses which were most obnoxious (great cheering.) Gentlemen, afier those seven IOIl nights the ministry were beaten (great cheeting.) On the question of the Irish Parliamentary Voters Bill, ministers were signally defeated by a majority of twenty-one. Then, gentlemen, a budget is brought forward, and a curious and precious budget it is. Knowing that their days were numbered they tried to get up a false exciteinent-si ttit-btilent storm, over which they hoped to ride in triumph (laughter ;) but, gen- tlemen, the feeling of England is different (great cheering.) The hon member then entered into an able exposition of the corn law, sugar, and timber fallacies; and, after having lashed the Merlin injood style for its assertion that lan I, which corn might no longer be grown upon, would make good pasture land, concluded an eloquent appeal in favour of religious as well as moral education. rr 1, t, lion member sat dovn ainids- universal applause.





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