Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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ROYAL ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL. ANNUAL MEETING.. The annual meeting of the subscribers and donor3 to the Royal Alexandra (Children a) jtmr -Hpapital, Rhyl, was held at Mprfa hall on ■>11 Monday. His Grace the Duke of Westminster, ■y'f K G., presided, and among those present were the Very Rev. the Dean of St. Asaph, Col. Mesham, Col Mainwaring, Capt Howard, Dr. Tumour, Rev. J. O Evans (Towyn) Rev. Wat- kin Williams, Bodelwyddan), Drs. A E Lloyd, and W. T. Girdlestone, J.R, Messrs P. H. :G Chambres, JP.WJ Kent, 8. Perks, J P., W. Wynne, J P., T LI Murray Browne, J.P., R M Preston, Gold Edwards, E. P Jones, John Profit, Mrs Main waring, Mrs William Wynne, Mrs Bamford Hesketh, viiss Perkins &c. The Dean of St. Asaph read the following r eport:— Your Committee are happy to be again able to pi e-iput a favourable Report of the work of the Hospital during the pact year. The nnmbr of patients admitted has been 689, a slight increase over the numbers of any previous year- Of these, 185 have been Hospital cases 110 ladies requiring- chinizo-, or tiurning; 34 children of professional men 360 convalescents, of whom 46 have been members of th". (i. P. S. It is calcul- ated that the average cost for food has been 9d. a. dity each person. It will be remembered that the Nursing Associa- tion of Rhyl last year "ked the Lady Superin- te' dent to undertake the nursinsr of si<k poor in i'Viii the parte. The aesoci tioa itself has since then t: t'll been hroken up. Hut the members propose, before :ir.J) SKt inif up the affairs, to hand over the sura of £ 3 c sh, wbioh w 11 enahe the Lady ftuperin tendt-nt t<« continue the work f -T th,, present. The cases of nnrsiuir m private faiiiilie8 have b, et, 36 iu number. In every iustmoe cOlIlpl t sati>f-cti>n has b^en expressed. The sum of L62 hu. been received from this branch of the wrk Salisbury Hou«e," which the Committee last jear d teru ned to keep iu their own haDI. h > b-oti ronnected by means of p-m-ige-4 with the J „v,l ">nt, H use. The convalescent b>ys are now removed f ooi the H»spi al to the bwmei.1 fl »or of that house, whe e they hnv« b -d KO>I. tp, "11 'tlld nnvomi, with ei)arar-- enframe. M my letters, f>xpr,ssi''g sri-ett Hppreriati -a of th t' e.-e t unan jements of the Cmv 1 s^ent H >tn hvve boeei- received. Nor. "uly has h- iucreas* aciMni'iio Utioii prtvofi the ^rear^t addi i,-), »j<>mfirt-t to nit itmi ites but. the --iirt r,),) its htLv 11 "r 1 MD inir-' asM in the tm nber of ¡lid pupiL—18 havi iir been reoeiv d iurii r the ye W,1 p y .etatri 0 ive far more than c uut h tin*, d t' M of "pnt f1' -m what wm form^rl „ cale I -1 Sali.b try Hou-e,' In is now one w ■< *y. it tn Co. v leern. ut Home. The ent ire co-i o alttra- tjQ s ,11|(1 furui8hin* wasdeffayrd by a friend. !t!1 If i The dec rations ot (he children's playrollm i. <*■*&th • Hospitai, which the Musses Birch, of Ma Eiw, had last year most kiudiy pr .mised to do h, ve not been carried out, as there hive not bee sufficient funds in haud to wainscot and prepay waiim but in the meantime they have done 801m. -,Tq,ttv, painnnir in the U Qqrtrute Ward," which has beeu much admire. It i,. vTalif, in to, he able to sav that, there ar now 8 F.eeCots. In the Rep rt tlr 186 speci mH-utiOTi w>s male of the value of the-e cms, whirh enab^ c' illrwn fri.m the must needy home to Tllak,, a prnli>n>red stay in the Hospital. I orddition t.o the 6 there-, alluded to, there is now one to be c dlo.d JD»rt»thy Iot," after a lit 1 jt-irl wh<> has speut onA anit a qu-titer vear in th Huspital, wh. se mother most kindly iiiteuds to a', pp,wrt, this cot f »r the next five years, at least, a tt(,-knowledwment of the benpfit her child hal- ct-rived. And the "St. Barnabas Cot,' which it is hoped, will also be continued. A Sale of Work held in vuffust realized 9100, of which sum the Hospit il actually received only JE60, the remacining X40 having been the prwee-l- of work sent bv the readers of t e m tierziue for- meily clld II The Everv Girl's Magazine (but now entitled the "At,laiit,&' ). for the specia purpowe of providing a fund to endow a 110t sup ported bv them, about wamh a nioutblv notice appears in the magazine. It is much hoped that this Sa e of Work will become an annual event, since this material help is of great assist tnoe t. the Ho!»pi?al. The funds of the Hospital have been further erriched by the kindntss ot the trustees and exe u- tois <4 the Lite Mr W. >. Lewis (T. H. Slsoey, St. Johu Tipton, and R Mi liutfton. E-qrs ), win have selected the Children's Hospital at Riyl al- one of tl,e eharit-iblc- institutions to be benefited under his will, ind by their xift of S160 have eonr Btitured tht-msnlvej. Life Governors. The committee have almo aw -in to acknowledge a donation of £ 100 fr)ta II Gold Edwards and M ..j..r Hollins, itS executors of the late Mr Griffith, of Cterhun for both these very substantial gifi,, they desire to expre88 their sincere thanks. lhey have with great regret to allnie to tht death of Miss W itkins, daughter of the late Veil Archdeacon Watkina, wh." with the exception of Miss Vizard and Miss Graham, had beeu associated with tbe Hoapit-tll uger than any of the prese t workers having been on the staff for the pas si-zht years. II, had always been felt that a mor- tuary chapel was much needed A fnead aui; fellow-worker has now offered to build cne to b. memory; and it is pioposed to do HO in that part of the Hospital propeity which lies between ttlt building and the sea. A memorial wiudow an the internal fittings will be given by her friend*, in the Hospital. they are happy to be able to say that mis. Cuni rj^hame r;ihdm has so far been res ored t. health that ahe is able to return to the tf uspitai, uiifl t<■ resume some of her former duties. They ttcktmwfe-lge with special thanks the wit of a Bnth ci.-iir frum ttie fa uily of the lite Mi G di v a most tt-eful nu sery chtit- on CiiStO'" fr m M s Bt llvse tu ►qu-ill iisetul irift- of a beu- tb trom Mis Thoui of Park Moityti, 1.iI, and ;t sp^cuil bed, with the li est itupriv, me w, from M ss Cuui luuhame G- anaui, tor it. 'Muv Cot," m tie Mary VVard. wiauh is th ce de-t c..uifort to the present occupant. Their w irm st thank- are also due to the Duke • f \Vmtmin.ter, Mis Bamford tiesketh. Mrs T-"Ji-n<heiid Vlainw iriiiiT, Heywool Lonsd ile, E-q. Col Menh .m Mrs Luxuio re, Mrs Willi titab W v n to f Mrs Gods.l, Mrs Bri-coe, Mrs Evans, Mrs Sareon, Ms 1.1.t, Mrs Robert-, the Kev. T. Hughe. J M'-s • urteis, Mi,,3 and Miss FMD<«8 S.m^s -N, Mr 1et,r Hrowue, Miss K*uv"ti, Mi8 Purdon, I Mr Alii- Miss Law Mi"s Ellis, Mr Thomas M AikAfiifht. Miss Butterrou, Mrs Venables, Mr.. Waluifley, Mrs Fori. Miss Poultry Mlsc Ch< piKll, Miss Gertrude Eiinobetiffe, M, s Wrizht Mrs Bu. tol., Mrs Wilding Jones. To Miss Viz ro alill lhe with her iu the W"l k. u, of tbe Hos ital, the Committee feel that no mere expr asinii of thanks cau at lilt convey their deep sense of latitude for their self sacrificing labours: but thev know that to such labours the work itselt is its owu &I exetwding gi-eat reward." They desire 1 stlv to express their obligation to the Hon. Chaplain, the Medic il Officers, and the Auditor-, for oootiuuiusr. their kind w.rvi(-em; Mrs Belly-* (the editor of 4* Litile F .Iks "), Nurse Williamson, and others, for their welcome gifts of flowers fruit, game, vegetabl s. toys, books, 011 linen scrap book-i, &c., and to the church ut Holy Triu- iiv, Shrewsbury, for sending flowers from flower i service. Tue Jubilee was celebrated in a most loyal man- ner at the Hospital. Mr Peter Browne kindly gave a uumber of flags, and further decorations ot lamps and hunting were chiefly due to the kind- ness of Mrs Arthur Anson, who sent a large con- signment of things, in addition to the many gif It continually being received from her, for all or which the Committee beg to express their best thanks. To Mrs Watkin Williams, Mrs Evans, and Mrs Huttou many thanks are due for inviting the child- ren into the country, giving them tea, and sending them back with presents of flowers, aptdes, & Mrs Townshend Main waring al,o kindly invited a party of laay patients from the Convalescent Home, who greatly enjoyed an aitel noon at GaUtfaenan. The Committee canoot close the notice of gifts, &c., without speoiatiy thanking the tradespeople of Rhyl, who came forward moat liberally, not only at Christmas with presents of turkeys, cakes, oranges, &c., but at the time of the sale of work contributed largely from their stock in trade, to which, in a great measure, the success of the sale was due. Gifts of scarlet flannel jacketh are always most valuable. Patterns of them, and of the navy-blue frocks and red and. white pinafores worn by the chiluren, can always be obtaiued from the Lady Superintendent. Old linen, vegetables, and oranges, for the use of the children, will be most thankfully received The statement of accounts showed the total eceipts to be X3735 188 10d., of which £240 9s. lid was balance from last year a account, and the total expenditure L'J 195 14s. 2d., leav- ing a balance of £ 540 4s. 8d. in the treasurer 8 J hands (applause). ms urttce said he had very great pleasure in moving the adoption of the report so kindly rt»d by the Dean of St. Asaph (hear, hear) TUty wers an very glad to tind a satisfactory account in regard to that adn ir ible hospital (applause), and that it was going on increasing in its beneficent work, and in offmimm; j • there were possible—and so much so that there was very little to be said except to con-> gratulate all those concerned in the work, and those who had derived such benefits from that admirable hospital (applause). He did not uite mderstand the report with regard tb district nursing. He would like to know whfether the hospital did the nursing for the town bf Rhyl. The Dean I think that nurses ard sent out from the hospital His Grace But there is no systematic nurs- ing ? Dr. Eyton Lloyd The nurses are supplied froth the hospital when asked tor. They did a great deal of work last year His Grace Did they then covered all the ground ] Dr Eyton Lloyd: They cover all the neces sary ground. His Grace: My duty, without making any speech, is to move the adoption of the report (applause). The Dean of St. Asaph: I have great plea-i sure in seconding the mi tion. The motion was then put to the meeting and unanimously carried. Dr Tumour said it gave him great pleasure in moving that the grateful thanks of that meeting be given to Miss Vizard,the lady super- intendent and the ladies associated wit her, for their valuable services in connection with the Alexandra Hospital He was quite sure they would all agree with the resolution He could say that for his own part he had never visited that Hospital without coming away impressed with its efficient state, and the charming way in which the nursing was managed there (ap plause.) Mr Gold Edwards had great pleasure in seconding the resolution He was quite cer- tain that they all felt extremely obliged to Miss Vizard and the other ladies associated with her for the interest they have taken in the welfare of the children. His Grace also sxpressed the pleasure it gave him to support that resolution. The I-adies heartily deserved all that had been said ap- plause. The motion was put to the maeting and un aniraously carried The Rev. Watkin Williams moved that the best thanks of the meeting be accorded to the Dean of St. Asaph the Medical Officers the Finance Committee, the Auditor and chaplain, for thpir valuable services in connection with the hospital during the past year (applause). They were all aware that ro carry on an institu- tion of that kind it was necessary that a great many different people should contribute their sbiare to the work (hear. aear) As regards his friend, thf Dean whom they were all glad to see amongst them be could only say that when he (the speaker) was in his place he found it to be most pleasant work, and he trusted that Major Mainwaring,who was to succeed the Dean in the office of treasurer would also find it the same (applause). As regards the medical officers who performed a very necessary part of the hospital work, he was in a position to speak on the authority of Miss Vizard. that nothing could exceed the attention they paid to all per- sons placed under their charge (applause) As to his friend the Chaplain, he could only say that in one sense, the spiritual charge of the in- mates of the hospital was a very large increase on his work, ani he believed him to be one of the hardest worked officers in connection with the hospital (applause). He bad great pleasure in moving that the best thanks ef the meeting be given to the officers named (cheers). Col Mesham had great pleasure in seconding the resolution which was put to the meeting and carried with acclamation The Dean thanked them very much for the kind vote of thanks passed- As far as he was concerned his duties had been extremely light and pleasant He was very glad indeed that he had been able to secure the services of Col. Main waring as his successor whom he was sure I would carry out the work with extreme effici- ency (applause.) Dr A. Eyton Lloyd, as one of the medical officers, also thanked them for their kind ex pression of thanks. He had always very great pleasure in serving the hospital and doctors believed they there came in contact with sufer ing humanity in a form in which they did not come in contact with generally. He would only say that practise in hospitals wasjone of the most pleasant features in the profession because of the efficiency of the nursing work in hospitals, and that was especially so in Rhyl (cheers. In I fact good nursing was halfthe battle With re gard to the nurses supplied by the hospital for i private work they could not speak too highly of, the work done by them. When he bad occasion 1 to meet them as a medical man they had given him complete satisfaction (applause). He had been per fitted to distribute in the room a cir- cular, embodying a letter addressed to a local j p .per ( Rhyl lieeord as Advertiser) with the ob ject of having an accident ward attached to the hospital and the hospital authorities had' kindly placed a room at his disposal (hear hear). They had, at Rhyl. in the summer bathing fa- talities. and they bad nowhere whatever to take the persons to. If these persons could be taken to a ward in the hospitaf he believed it would be the rtieans of saving life as the sand and the cold shingle was not the proper place to put anyone on He merely mentioned the matter, aLd hoped it would meet with their ap- proval (cheers). The Rev. J 0. Evans was much obliged for their kind vote of thanks. It w is to him a peculiar pleasure to feel that he had been of some little use. .Ur Murray Browne said that they ought not to separate without passing a vote of thanks to the Chairman He had taken great interest in the work in more than one way and had given rau h time and put himself to much trouble in attending these annual meetings applause). Tue motion was un mimously carried, and his Grace in reply said I have very great pleasure, especially in this weather in making a journey to Rhyl as it is such a cheerful place (laughter and cheers).



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