Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

21 erthygl ar y dudalen hon






[No title]





CHESTER GUARDIANS. Mr. Rowe Morris presided over the fortnightly meeting of this Board yesterday (Tuesday) morning. VACCINATION AT THE WORKHOUSE, ANOTHER LIVELY DISCUSSION. Mr. W. Vernon explained that a resolution was proposed at the last meeting by Pastor Dobson, and seconded by Mr. Hallmark. "That the city and neighbourhood being now free from the epi- demic of small-pox, there is no further need for vaccination." An amendment had been moved by the Rev. F. Edwards "That considering the loath- some nature of the disease of small-pox, and that it is spread in a great measure by tramps passing from one union to another, the committee feel that the time has not yet arrived for re-vaccina- tion to be stopped altogether, but that the doctor use- discretion." On a vote the amendment was defeated by five votes to tour, and the matter was reieired to the House Committee ior further consideration. Mr. Vernon, as chairman of the committee, now reported tiiat they had gone very tuiiy into the question, and after strict inquiry the committee leit that umortunateiy the ooctor una not been quite as discreet in some cases of re- vaccination as he mignt have been. They thought there were certain cases ot re-vaccination whicn mignt have been better left alone on account of age or other circumstances, and by a majority of one the committee recommended the Board for tne present not to go on with re-vaccination, That did not prevent anyone who wished to be re- vaccinated from making application. They still had, the same rignt ot being vaccinated tree 01 cnaige as ujtoro. l'he only difference would be that tHe doctor would not. be permitted to go round, especially among the tramps, and compel them to De re-vaccinated. It would be a serious matter shouid a case of small-pox occur at the Vvoikhouse, and it might oe considered some re- flection on the Boaid. no. ') Stilt, he did not think tney siiould be called upon as a Hoard to vaceinaw all tne tramps in the country. if otner iioaras weve not taking the same means as Unesuer, It means uiat they were not doing their share, while Cnester was doing more than her snare. That Was tne point that influenced tne committee. He moved tne adoption of their recommendation. Air. sutler: Has tne doctor been vaccinating wholesale? A ciMardian: Y (IS, practically. Mr. K I'. Hallmark seoonded the motion. He considered that uuiing tne small-pox scare con- siderable injury w-s uone by the publication 01 the laei that tney nud a case or two in Chester. He wantoa it to yo out now with equal publicity that Uneste>r was iree frolil srnaii-pox. The Kiev. F. iLuwaias read a letter from the principal medical oul,er ot Dublin, in the "Irish times,' to tne on,cc, tuat as smdl-pox: now exists in Uiasgow and aeveiai places adjaoeiit, and that as persons irom inose piaces came irequently to Uuoun, th&re was a. possibility of the danger 01 its spreading, it was uijjed upon persons whtt had not been vaccinated w nave that valuable opera- tion peri-cumed. tie aiso gave it as his opinion that it was better to bt> re-vaccmated when small- pox was not prevuienc. Air. tiutier: H ud.t is the date of that? The lWv. F. Edwards: uanuary 22, Ib04. The Kev. E. (J. >vndes: There are 24 cases of smaii-pox in x' cstou. The Cnairman. nua were are several at St. Helens and v» anui^wu. Mr. Lowndes moved as an amendment that the doctor continue to vaccinate tramps. |vi r Nixon saia uiat while he did not believe in vaccination niinsett, he d.d not take the re- sponsibility 01 &ay nig tnat there should be no vaccination. VY uat tue committee wanted was tnat people in tue nouse should please tnemselves whether tney would De vaccinated or not. People over 60 years 01 age had been conipuisorny vac- cinated, and he objected to an old woman, per- haps put teinpoittiuy m tile house, being com- pelled to be re-vacoiiiated. Vaccination was a punishment to people ot that age. in one quar- ter the doctor had leelved. over £ 30 in vaccina- tion fees, while ms visits had only averaged an hour and twenty minutes. The Kev. F. XL.dwai.ds seconded Mr. Lowndes's amendment. Mr. Sutler: Has the doctor compelled anyone to be re-vaccinated against his will? The Chairman: INO, not in a single case, so far as we understand. Mr. Butler: i uu appear to have no power over the doctor at an it ne can earn £.30 a quarter in vaccination fees besides what we pay him. 1 think it is a great shame that he should vaccinate everyone who COUILS tnrough the tramp waid. In reply to tne .Ji.ev. w. Jones, the Master said there were 26b le-vaccmations during the quarter. Mr. H. Crowder said he knew of one case where an aged man suneimg iiom rheumatism had been vaocinated contrary to his wish. Mr. Cox tnougnt a was a great shame that the doctor should be attacked in this manner in his absenoe. Statements nad been made which he very much oouoted couid be proved. Mr. Hallmark objected to Mr. Cox's expression. Personally, he did not, tuink any of the guardians had attacked the aodor. They had attacked the system of vaccinating everybody who came into tii e house. Several members also denied having made an attaok upon the doctor. The Rev. T. P. JJimcnd Hogg asked if it was a fact, that most outbreaks of smail-pox almost in- variably came trom tne tramp wards of the work- house, and wnetner there was not a special reason wny re-vaccination might not be more necessary in their case than in others. Mr. Butler: Have we had a case of small-pox at all in the house? The Clerk replied that there had been two. Mr. Crowder considered the remarks of Mr. Cox uncalled for. The case he had quoted he could bring a man to prove. The Rev. W. Jones said he, would' vote for the vaccination and re-vaccination of tramps, say for the next three months. Mr. Dobson contended that small-pox ras an epidemic had d,êd out, and the guardians had power to determine when re-vaccination should cease. He believed that a good many guardians in that room thought the time had arrived when the enormous expenditure of L230 should cease. Whether they were justified in wasting E230 a yoar in sustaining a theory remained for the Board to decide. They were all very anxious that tbe character and the purse of the doctors should not suffer, but how about the poor ratepayers and the poor people in the house who had practically boeii coerced into vaccination? I After further discussion the question was put to the vote, and the amendment was defeated' by 14 votes to 10. The committee's recommenda- tion was therefore carried. The Chairman: I am not in sympathy with the resolution, and if it had come to my casting vote, ib would have gone c'n. the other side. I A FOSTER-MOTHER'S RESIGNATION. The Visiting Committee reported the resigna- tion of Mis-s A. E. Tickle as foster-mother of the Saughall Home, owing to her intention to join a friend going to Canada. GUARDIANS' ATTENDANCES. Saughall Home, owing to her intention to join a friend going to Canada. GUARDIANS' ATyENDANCES. In the absence cf Mr. Preston, Mr. Dobson moved' that the Clerk prepare a return of the attendane-es of guard.ans at board and committee meetings, during their three years' tenure of office. Mr. Hallmark, in seoonding, said he did not t'hink the return wcuid have any effect on the public, because if he remembered aright, at the last election the man who had put in the fewest attendances was at the top of the poll. (Laugh- ter.) ° Xfter some discussion the resolution was car- ried. THE VAGRANCY PROBLEM. The Clerk reported that the Vagrancy Com- mittee 'had considered the vagrancy question, and' recommended the Board to adopt a memorial to be sent to the Local Government Board. The memorial which the committee had drawn up stated that in the opinion of the guardians the laws and regulations with respect to vagrants had altogether failed to accomplish their purpose in preventing vagrancy and the dangerous conse- quences therof, that by far the greatest number of vagrants were professional tramps who passed from one workhouse to another and were maintained at the. expense of the ratepayers, spreading infectious dnease throughout the country and being a source ot great.danger to the public at lartre. esnanialK- during the small-pox opidemic. A great number of tramps while, on the road could beg sufficient rn j, to pay for a night's lodgings, and go to the lowest c-. tsi of common lodging-house, so causing further miscmef in spreading disease. In the opinion of the guardians a remedy for vagrancy mio-ht be found in. the establishment of labour colonies in rural districts where professional vagrants could b-j detained and compelled to work. They, there- f°r^» pray&d that the- Local Government Board would take into consideration the whole subject of vagrancy, particularly the treatment of the pro- fessional tramp, and introduce with the least pos- sit) delay such legislation as would meet the evils.—The Clerk informed the Board that this is memorial had been forwarded to the Local Government Board. and Mr. Vernon said that authority had now the subject of vagrancy under consideration.




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MILK SUPPLY. -_..----