Papurau Newydd Cymru

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IR JABEZ EVANS AND THE COUNTY COUNCIL PUBLIC MEETING AT LLANTWIT FARDRE. SHARP PASSAGES OF ARMS. A public meeting in support of the candidature of Mr Jabez Evans, of the Cottage, Llantwit, the independent candidate for the rural division of Llanfabon and Llantwit Fardre, was held on Thursday night at the Board Schoolroom, Llan- twit Fardre. The building was crowded. On the motion of the Rev J. Jenkins (the vicar), seconded by someone in the audience, Sir Morgan Morgan, of Hendre Scythan, was voted to the chair. Before the re^llon was put, Mr W. Thomas, platelayer, asked if Sir M. Morgan was the man they had heard so much of in connection with the Cardiff Bank ? If so he did not know what to say of their chairman. (Hisses.) The Vicar That sentiment was quite uncalled for, Mr Thomas. (Hear, hear.) Sir Morgan Morgan, on taking the chair, was enthusiastically cheered. He expressed great pleasure at being present, and at seeing such a large assembly of the electors of Llantwit Fardre. f (Applause.) With regard to the remark just .made by some man in the crowd, he (Sir Morgan) had nothing at all to be ashamed of in connection with anything he had done with the bank. (Hear, hear.) There was nothing dishonourable or wrong about it, and he challenged that man to say that his (Sir Morgan's) character was not as good as -his. (Applause.) Mr Jabez Evans Aye, and better to. Sir Morgan, continuing, said he became one of the bank directors in 1885, and had been trustee only for -three years, but the bank had been in existence since 1819, and doubtless some of the frauds were committed when he was a very small Jboy indeed. Would that man there say that he (the speaker) was responsible for those frauds ? (Cheers.) Sir Morgan then went on to speak of the Local Government Act, and, in conclusion, said that reference had been made by the vicar to the fact that that was his first appearance at a public meeting at Llantwit, and to the prospects of the coal trade of that neighbourhood. Well, all he could say was that he would De very nappy to come amongst them if they would only ask him to come, and to do anything that lay in his power to help them. (Great cheering.) Now, with regard to the business of the evening, he was glad to find that they had such an able and intelligent candidate as Mr Jab.ez Evans; They wanted honourable and honest men as members of the county council-men with the grasp of public business and finance, and the other im- portant matters which it would be the province of the council to deal with. Personally, he fully concurred with the views of Lord Aberdare as to the necesity of electing the best men, irrespective of party, and he was glad to find men of position In that division, and who were acquainted with 3Ir Evans, declare that he was a gool all-rouud man. (Applause.) Mr Jabez Evans then rose to address the meet- ing, and at the outset expressed regret at the unfortunate incident which occurred at the; open- ing. He was reminded of it by the familiar story in an old book, of which the majority of them had heard, concerning a serious charge made against -a certain woman, and the declaration made Let him who is without sin amongst you first .cast a stone at her." (Applause and a voice- "What has that to do with the county council ?) He would come to the county council presently. He would say no more about the incident just mentioned, except to hope that the man would take the hint. (Applause.) Now, he (the speaker) was here to offer his services to represent them on the county council, and, if elected, it would be his duty to carry out the Local Government Act, which he would do thoroughly and in order that they might judge to some extent whether he was fit to represent them or not he would endea- vour to explain the duties of the council. The county of Glamorgan was a most important one, and he could not help calling it the Metropolitan county of Wales. Quoting statistics to show the magnitude of the affairs of the county, he remarked that the man to represent them on the county council must not be of the small fry sort, but a man with some grasp of public business. (Applause.) Proceeding to deal with the financial aspect, be remarked that during last year no less than £ 32287 was sent up to London,and in addition to that about £ 4,000 of probate duty. Then there was returned to them E14,000 to £15,000 as grants in aid towards schools, and for' other objects, less than they had sent up. There was an old adage about Robbing Peter to pay Paul." He had found out who Peter was, but had not discovered who Paul was. (Laughter.) The ratepayers were Peter—(laughter)—and one thing was certain, Peter intended taking care of his own money box in future, whatever became of Paul. (Great laughter and cheers.) At all events, they would have the £ 10,000 which were saved. (Applause.) After referring to the immense expenditure connected with the County Lunatic Asylum, the Reformatories and Industrial Schools questions, he went on to say that he fully con- curred with the demand for economy, provided it was continued with efficiency. Some people constantly cried economy," and preferred los- ing a ship to spending a penny for tar, and he declared that there had been false economy in the tlealina with the county ro$c]sf which were in many parts in a disgraceful condition. 'inej had heard the old story about having a right to .call the tune if one paid the piper. Well, that had not been so in the past in the manage- ment of county affairs, but, under this new Act, if they returned him to the council, he would be there as a sort of piper under them, and they would certainly have some voice in choosing the tune and if he did not do his duty properly they would have a right, at the end of three years, to re-call him. (Applause.) Dealing with the power of the council to look after the purity of food, he declared that if retunred, and he heard of any rascals at the other end of the county putting sand in sugar—(laughter)—or by any such means robbing the poor, he would not rest until such people were brought before their betters, and dealt with as they had dealt with others, without asking that justice should be ■tempered with mercy. (Applause.) He believed in the truth of the Welsh saying '• Esmwyth yw cwsg cawl erfin." Having touched upon the main -features of the bill, Mr Evans said he had been in the district about ntty-seven years, and he contended that, having graduated from a door boy to a good position as a butter merchant and a good deal of public man, he was Al at Lloyd's on the question of being in touch with the people. (Laughter and applause.) In conclusion, lie said he was prepared to answer any questions con- tained within the four points of the Local Govern- ment Act. Don't ask me about Church and State." he said, or the Sunday Closing Act, or anything not in this book. If you do ask an irrelevant question ol tnai J. snaii asK you to say in what clause of the Act you find it, and then it would be my pleasure to answer it." They had heard his opponent (Mr E. Edwards), and if they thought Mr Edwards was a wiser and a filter mam to represent them than he was,let them elect him. He would go further. If ^hej had any doubt about it, let them give Mr Edwards the benefit of the doubt. (Laughter and applause.) He (the speaker) was sorry he had to appeal to them for their votes. There was a better man twenty times than either of them in that division in Mr William Jones, of Navigation, and he (the speaker) would withdraw at the eleventh hour- even if he knew that three-fourths of the voters were in his favour—in favour of that gentleman. But either through his own stupidity, or through his friends pushing him forward, Mr Edwards refused to wite draw. Therefore, lie (the speaker) came out in opposition to Mr Edwards. (Ap-! I plause.) An old Welsh bard had written 4 Goleu anwyl yw goleu haulf, Ond gwell na thywyll Yw goleu canwyll. (Great laughter.) It was in the spirit of those words that he came out as a candidate, because some sort of a candidate was better than nothing Wall. (Great laughter and applause.) The Chairman expressed pleasure at having heard such an interesting address from the can- didate, and now invited questions. In reply to a question put by Mr John Cal- vert, Mr Evans stated that he was in favour of the reduction of taxation as far as possible consis- tently with efficiency, and he weuld attend to the duties to the best of his ability. Mr E.Millward asked whether Mr Evans would be in favour of transferring the sole control of the police to the county council. Mr Jabez Evans Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof, (Laughter.) Mr L. Williams: Would you vote for a committee wholly of councillors ? Mr Evans I don't know as it stands now I will not. The Chairman said that neither Mr Evans nor the county council would have power to decide such a matter. That was amatter for Parliament. (Applause.) Mr Millward still pressed his question. The Chairman said when their representative in Parliment came round it would be pertinent to put it to him, but Mr Evans had nothing to do with it. Mr Williams said Mr Evans had protested against want of fair play, and he hoped that would be thought when it came to voting. Were all the strangers present to vote ? The Chairman Would you like us to shut the door on anyone ? Is that your notion of fair play ? Mr Williams Supposing I want to get the feeling of the meeting, is it right that those who have no vote in this district should vote, or are they to leave the matter between us in Llantwit- fardre and Mr Evans ? The Chairman But surely, although you may reside here, and have a greater interest than others, wherever a public meeting is called, people often come from a distance, and it shows they take an interest in it. You should be the last to say the door should be shut in the face of anybody. Mr Williams You are misconstruing my meaning. If I want to get the feeling of the meeting, it is not right that any voters outside this district should vote at all. The Chairman Would you suggest that I order everybody out of the room, except you who live in the neighbourhood ? Mr Jabez Evans There are fourteen of my committee, which is over 40 strong in Nelson, which is in this division, and they have been manly enough to come here to-night. A Voice And everyone electors. (Ap- plause.) Rev Mr Rees, Baptist Minister, Ynysybwl, said the greatest supporter of religion they had at Ynysybwl as Welsh and English Baptists was Mr Jabez Evans. The other day Mr Evans gave his breaks to take the Sunday School children down to the school ticat, and bring them back. The Welsh Baptists had had a room free to worship in, and now the English Baptists had the same thing, and could testify to the generosity of Mr Evans. An old man in Jamaica told him (the speaker) that he intended dividing his house between two sons, giving the inside to one, and the outside to the other. He could only advise the electors of this division to follow the old man's example, and give the inside to the best man. (Laughter and applause.) Rev J. Jenkins (vicar) proposed a vote of confi- dence in Mr Evans, and this was seconded by Mr Matthew Coleman (Llantwit), and supported by Mr Peters, of Nelson, who declared that three- quarters of the largest ratepayers of Nelson—the metropolis of the division—were on Mr Elans' committee, and that out of twenty cott^g&s at Nelson seventeen were pledged to support him. (Great cheering.) The resolution was then put, when a numbar of hands were held up against it. Mr John Calvert 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-carried unanimously. (Great laughter.) The Chairman declared the resolution carried by an overwhelming majority. Mr T. Edwards (Pontypridd) in an eloquent speech proposed a vote of thanks to Sir Morgan Morgan for presiding. Mr D. Leyshon seconded, the Vicar supported, and the vote was carried with acclamation, three cheers being given for Sir Morgan Morgan, fol- lowed by musical honours-" For he's a jolly good fellow."

Rhondda Police Court.





