Papurau Newydd Cymru

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WELSHPOOL. CHORAL. On Friday evening last, at tLe Council Chamber, Town Hall, the representatives of the United and Powis Choirs met to take into considera- tion the desirability of amalgamating bcth choirs. Among those present were the Rev T. Rowson, in the chair, Mr T. M. Price, Mr E. R. Hughes, Mr Robert Owen, Mr Frank H. Shayler, Mr J. Whittal, Mr A. Gardiner, Mr J. Humphreys, Mr D. P. Jones, Mr S. Price, Mr C. Williams, —- Quilliam, etc. The mem- bers of the Powis Choir were strongly in favour of amalgamation, but the representatives of the older choir objected to this form, but heartily invited the Powis Choir to join with them. One reason assigned was that their committee being elected annually in May could not until then. be altered. We are given to understand that each choir will remain as at pre- sent, and practices will commence shortly for coming concerts. SERIOUS TRAP AcCIDENT.-On Monday about mid-day a serious accident took place in Waterloo, Salop-road. Mr John Jones of Manor House, Pool Q.ay' accompanied by Mr Lodge of Northampton, was driving home in a gig. Near the Grapes Inn be was overtaken by Mr and Mrs Breeze, and Mr Breeze jun., of Birchill, Halfway House, ",ho were in a light cart, the horse attached to which took fright and dashed forward at a rapid rate. Before Mr Jones could make way for them to pass the wheel of the last trap overtook that of the first and both conveyances were overturned and the five occu- pants pitched out. Mr Jones was bruised on the arm and cut on the hand by the fall, and Mr Lodge escaped with a severe shaking. Their horse turned back for the town and trotted up for the Pheasant Inn, where his career was checked by the trap becom- ing entangled in some carts at the side of the road. The occupants of the other trap were not so fortu- nate. Mr Breeze, jun., was pitched on his head, and received a nasty wound on the side of hIS temple. His father held to the reins and was dragged along the road for some distance, but escaped with a shak- ing. Mrs Breeze fell with great force on the ruad, and was taken to Mrs Humphrey's grocer and confec- tioner, High-street. Drs. Gill and Marston were quickly in attendance, and it was found that her left thigh was broken, and that she was badly crushed on the back and wrist, and had received a xerious wound' on the side of the head. She is progressing as satis- faotorily as can be expected. ART CLASSES.—The following are the results of the examinations for 1893: 3 a.—Model drawing (Elementary Stage;—John, Timothy B. 2nd class; Humphreys, Mary E. 2nd class. One candidate fail- ed.—2 b.—Freehand Drawing (Elementary Stage)— Anderson, F. E. 2nd class; Wilkinson, W, R. 2nd Humphreys, Mary E. 2nd class. Four candidates failed.-5 b.—Drawing in Light and Shade (Elemen- tary Stage) -Payne, William 2ud class. Two candid- ates failed.-3 b.—Freehand Drawing (Advanced Stage)—Pryne, William 2nd cllis. Two candidates failed.—Science.—Subject I.—Practical flane and Solid Geometry.—Section I.-Bishop, Walter, pass Grioe, Wilred, pass.—Subject XXIV.-Principlen of Agriculture.—External Students.—Williams, T. W. Elamentary itage pass Payne, W. Advanced Stage 1st class, Moore, Joseph Advanced S age 1st class Baker James, Advanced Stage 2nd class Grice Wil- fred Elementary Stage, pass.



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