Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

7 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

JMF.RJCJ, --,""


JMF.RJCJ, IfOtJSE bF 1 ? E P R K S EXT AT IV ES, DECEMBER 4. Mr. Tronp submitted a number ofresolu- tions, whose object was the vindication am1 protection of our commercial rights against the hostile aggressions of the belligerent* of Europe. He remarked, that the commerce, the small remnant of commerce, which we were suffered to enjoy on the ocean, it was jiof difficult to asccrtain-so little was there of it It was but rifcht thatwe should discover upoiv-whal principle it was, that England and France had issued their Orders and Decrees against neutral commerce. It was not a bel- ligerent right; because, if we submitted to the mere paper proclamations ol blockade and c unmercial exclusion, in time of war, we must Ukcwtsesubo'ittothem in time of peace,-r— Tiley were equally illegal at all times, t hey were not founded upon any one right what- ever grov/ing out of a-state ofwur. What. ,aul h,was to prohibit us from doing to Egnhnd and France what they do to us ? If England gave out licences to our vess'-is^ to trade to the Continent, let too levy duties and grant licences to her ships to trade to the frazils tuid the Spanish Main; a trade which was almost wholly engrossed by her, and to which she had no more claim than we have.—■ If France and England seize our vessels, and detain and copfiscaLe the property of our' mer- chants, we have the same right to do so to them. These resoltitiotis Nk-otild not lead to hostility more than any other measure whose object was similar to that which they wei-e i(i- tended Io effectuate, the maintenance of our commercial rights. In regard to France, they would approach nearer to war than to England its the difference in their application to those two uationswill shew. France had little or no commerce noon the ocean and these riiet. sures -would seem to indicate lowardsher a more unequivocal hostility than tur,vards Great Britain. 1. Resolved, That it is expedient to nulho rise the President by law to instruct the com- manders of armed vessels of the United State to slop and bring into the ports of the saii-c all vessels, with iheir cargoes, the property < f the subjects oflhe King of Great Britain or the Emperor of France, bound to other ports than those within the dominions or colonies of either. 2. Resolved, That it is expedient further to allthorlse, by law. the detention of all ships or vessels, with their cargoes, Hhe property of the subjects of ihe Kmg of Great Britain, until the duties, to be regulated and ascer- Li tained by law, shall be first levied and collect- ed upon the goods and merchandize whereof the said ships sball be laden, or tarif therein prescribed", and untit the said ships* r vessels shall have received due licence io depart. 3. Resolved, That it is expedient fnrther to authorise by law the detention of all si-iips or vessels, with their cargoes, the property of the subjects of I he Emperor of France; brought within tl>e p'ort«iof!lie United States, there to abide the.iinai-decision or order of the Go- jternment. 4 it < -.olvtJ, That an ad va'orem duty of •be leVied and collected on all goods, ■wares, and mercivandiztf, of British produce or I, ire. 5. Resolved', That if expedient to autho- rise the President, on payment of the duties authorised to be levied and collected on the goods laden on board the vessels, the property of the subjects of the. King of Great Britain, forthwith to grant licence to such vessels (o depart, and to proceed to (heir original ports of d ,S ina l iO\l, .wi! hout t urlher h Hldrauce or molestation. The were ..per willed to lie on the In t ie for consideration, and ordered to be printed Dec. 5 —Mr. Giles, from the Committee appointed on the 1st instant, reported in part the loll owing resolution, which was read the first time, and passed to the second reading Kesolved, by the Senate and House of representatives of the United States of America, 111 Congress assembled, that the expressions contained in the official lettei .of Fiancis James .Jackson, Minister t'tenipotentiary of his Britannic Majesty to thelliiifed States, dat- ed October *3," 1809, and addressed to Mr. Smith. Secretary of State, conveying the idea, that ihe executive Government of the United Slates bad a knowledge that the ar- rangement lately made by Mr. Frskine, his. predecessor, on behalf ol,his Government, with the Government ol the United States, was eftWreif'mto- without competent -powers on he part .or Mr. Erskine for that purpose, were hi""b!y ^decorous undjusolen't that'the rqwl itioIl <.I,f I ',t' same intimation in his offi- cii ettei, I dated November 4, IS09, after fee was ai»p|is d, by the asseveration of the Secretary off-tale, that the Executive Govern- ment had ni» such knowledge, and .that if it. b;id poSsessId such knowledge, such-arrange- ment wouktl ivot have been entered into. on the part off the United tates, and aTler also brintf officii 11} apprised that sue!). intimation v-\s mrfdari?sH>le, was still more inwientand vij.n 1 g aiwi'lirHt, in refns-.n^ to jccct• c any fprthdr communications from him in conse<fuen]e of these outrageous and preme- ditated nniiilU, the Executive Government has nmiiTested a just regard to its.owa dignity and honour, as welt as to the character" and iuteresl ofjthe, A merican people. That- the letter siglied Fr-tlicl-i- James Jackafui, headed Circular,* dated the .1 3th; of November, 1809, and published and circu lated through the country, is a stili more dU r" and aggravated insult and affront to the /trerkau people and their Government, as it is evidently an insidious attempt to excite their leseutments and districts agaittsttherr 6wn Government, -by to- them, through false or fallacious disguises, against s ,me of its acts; and to excite resentments dirersions amongst tht people themselves, W v« b can only be dishonourable to their own ch ac er, and ruinous to their own interests; ftttd .h « egress of the United Slates do here .cC"mlJ\ pled;e tlHmlielve. to the Amen- r n -jt-o le aid tiie world, to stand by and t the Executive Government in its re- to remvc any further communication r he said Francis James Jackson, and t(i .,etott the whoie force of the nation. Sifn* & i Cccok« accessary, in couserjueuu of the conduct of the Executive Government in this respect, to repel such insults, and to assert and maintain the rights, the honour, t'. I and the interests of the United States." Mr. Giles, from the same Committee,'also reported the following Bill, which was read, and passed to a second reading :— M A Bill to prevent the abuse of the prlvi- leges and immunities enjoyed by Foreign NI i- nisku" within the United States.itse it ^enacted, &c. That if any Foreign Ambassa- dor, Minister, or other person, entitled to, enjoy within the United States the privileges rand Immullilies of a Foreign Minister, shall I be committed, or may hereafter commit anYi such ttei its, by the laws and Usages of nations would justify the President, of the United States in ordering such offending Ambassador, Minister, or other person as aforesaid, out of the district ofCotumbia, or out ot the ter- ritories of tho United States or in sending him home to hit Sovereign, or to some place I' or territorv within bis Sovereign's jurisdic-s tion m'every soch case where the President, of, the UUltcthSlales shall deem it proper and, expedient to exercise jiis;c<Mistitufit«jiisl autho- rity in either of these respects, he shall bé, and lie is hereby authorised and empowered Hi cause a wrràÎlt to;be issued aud signed by the Secretary to ally/civil dfficer of'Hi'e United States authcirised to serve process;, or -any Lmil itary otlic iinder the authority of the United St-ates, i»g him trt pi ovide for'and' enforce: liwt de- parture of such Ambassador, Minister., or other person offending as aforesaid,- taking due precautibiis to avoid improper or unne- cessary vioiiince in executing-such warratit." Dee, 7.-i-Tbfefoliowitig 'KeSotutioiis, moved by Mr. Van Horn, were -()rdere(ir to, lie oil the table:— "1. I. Resolved, That merce and Manufactures be instructed to in quire into the wxpedieiicy of prohibiting the exportation from ports or places, under jurisdiction States,, (if (]fly arli lie, of the growth, produce, or•^manufacture, of the United States, except in sliijis or vesselr owned and wholly navigated by citizens.^ th United States. • 2. Kesolved, That th? same Comn i'fte he instructed :0 inquire, into ihe exped■e,u>y o! proi'lviting thejrvo orl.ation. from ]io o- palces under tiie jurisdiction oftl e United Slates ■ i snips or Vessel* belonging to the CllJICcI tates, of any article which is not of 1hz growth, produce, orluallufurillfc of tlu Jnied Stales. 4. Kesolved, That the same Committee b. iistrucled to* inquire into the expediency of .ii-otuliiting Americas! Ships and vessels from carrying articiesof the growlh, produce or. manufacture of any foreign port or place, to .mother foreign j)t)rt or place. 5- Hesolved, That the same Committee be insfrucfed to inquire iuto-theexpediency of iijt)- d J lying or repealing the laws allowing draw- \),uk"



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SHIPPING. - 1J -,..