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CASH versus LONG CREDIT. TO THE READY MONEY PUBLIC AND ALL WHO WISH TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. Why p&y the aame price as those who hare Loni Credit, and la too many instancea forget to pay at al!, when you CM porcbaae at the CASH DRAPERY AND CLOTHING STORES, who sell for Cash only, tt auch prioea aa will astonish and delight you. J. B. be8 to thank the Ready Money Public for their generous and increasing support daring the iMt Tweire Montha, in hia endeavours to supply them with the beat value to be had for Cash. J. B. haa returned from the LONDON and other Marketa. and Is now showing an immense Stock ot DRAPERY and CLOTHING to suit the various wanta of all classes of Putchasers. Come acd inspect the Stock, and if it is not cheap don't buy. NOTE THE A-DDBESS— JAMES REES, CASH DRAPERY AND CLOTHING STORES, 529 2 & 3, CASTLE SQUARE, HAVERFORDWEST HIGH STREET, OPPOSITE OLD POST OFFICE. AUTUMN AND WINTER SEASONS. MRS. BAKER Has pleasure In announcing that on THURSDAY. OCT. 19th, she will be prepared to display in her Show Rooms an extensive Stock of NEW GOODS for the AUTUMN and WINTER SEASONS, consisting of the latest novelties in Mantles. Seal Jackets, Fur Cloaks, Fur Sets, Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery, &c French and English Millinery, Artificial Flowers, Feathers, Laces, Ribbons Scarfs, Fichus, Wreaths, and Veils. WEDDING ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Mrs. B. takes this opportunity of thanking her Patrons for their liberal support during past Seasons, and begs to solicit an increasing continuance of their favours and kind recommendation, assuring them that all Orders shall have strict personal attention. Mourning Orders on the Shortest Notice. The Millinery and Dressmaking Departments are each under experienced management. A VISIT OF INSPECTION IS SOLICITED. Haverfordweat, Oct., 1882. AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS, 1882. C?T?'?'WE? (,a.. 1JM\/LnJK9?C; &JHL\J'JM -tt< *JC ?JL&' J?&'SC! BEGS to announce that her SHOWROOMS are now OpEN, with a LARGE ASSORTMENT of NEW GOODS for the present and approaching Season, in „ MILLINERY, BONNETS, AND HATS, h- FUR, CHIP, STRAW, AND SILK HATS, F Z7jR CAPES, SETTS, J[UpFS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, MILLINERY, MATERIALS, CRINOLETTES, FANCY APRONS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FRILLING AND UMBRELLAS. f ?.? All Goods at specially Low Prices. TE GROCER :DEFA:RT:M::EJSTT Is conducted under experienced management. All Goods of the best Quality at Lowest Market Prices. WELSH BACON AND HAMS, ALWAYS IN STOCK. .559 12 ?- 13, MARKET STREET, HA VERFORDWEST. ESTABLISHED 18 23. THE OLD IRISH WHISKEY & FOREIGN WINE AND .f, SPIRIT STORES, FISHGUARD. I' G EO RG E ? BE N NE T T, WHOLESALE AND RETA.IL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, BEGS to thank the Gentry, the Trade, and the Public for the kind support they have given ? to his Business for so long a period—nearly sixty years—and he hopes that by a faithful execu- tion of their orders, to merit a continuance of their patronage. In the present age of adultera- tions Md shams, when so many spurious and inferior Wines and Spirits are shipped to this country, it requires all the skill and knowledge of old and experienced Wine Merchants, in the selection of Stocks, to ensure purity and good quality, combined with buying at the places of production from nrst hands, and attending personally to all the details of the Business, and consumers should look to the respectability, and the established reputation of the Wine and Spirit Merchant with whom they do as a guarantee that what they buy is of the best quality, and at the cheapest re3. The far-famed choice G1..ll IRISH WHISKEY of special character and age, which has been so long known throughout the country for its perfect purity, and wholesomeness, as well M fbrita being &n excellent and Invaluable stimulant, is still supplied at 18s. per Gallon, or 36s. per doz. Bottles, containing two Gallons. His Stock of WINES AND SPIRITS, consisting of some very rare Old Scotch Whiskey, M&ftelFs and Hennessy's Pale and Brown Brandies, Nicholson's celebrated London Gin, J. de-Kuyper's Hollands, Old Jamaica Rums, Ports and Sherries of approved vintages, Champagne, Sparkling Moselle, Hock, Clarets, Marsala, &c., &c., is extensive, and in quality and navour, such as cannot be surpassed, and mUdt give satisfaction. ALL WINES AND SPIRITS SENT CARRIAGE PAID. PBICB LIST ON APPLICATION. Fishguard, January, 1882. 134 RET IR EM E NT F RO AtBUS I NESS. s r n c* i A I-. jsroTiOE. DANIEL LEWIS &; SON. In announcing their approaching r. RETIREMENT FROM BUSINESS, Beg to direct Public Attention to their Special Sale of ? FURN ITURE, j01? r\r?r? HOUSE DECORATIONS, cbiO?UUU CARPET s, &cxm-LUr"wU<±TrL. CURTAINS, GMLIT AND POSITIVE SA.LE OF TBIS t MM E N S E AN D MAGN)F)CEN T S TOCK. The original tickets, marked in plain ngures, remain on all the Articles, oS which 25 per cent., EQUAL TO FIVE SHILLINGS IN THE =61 WILL BE ALLOWED FOR CASH ONLY. ALL BUYERS desirous of obtaining HIGH CLASS GOODS on the above exceptionally favourable lerma, are requested to make an Early Calt, as the Premises being already let, the entire Stock must be cleared within a limited time. DANIEL LEWIS AND SON, 24, 25, & 26, High Street, CardiR'. J SALE WILL COMMENCE MONDAY; AUGUST 14. PLANTING SEASON, 1882. ? ORCHARD & FOREST TREES AND SHRUBS JOSEPH COYSH ? Begs to inform the Public that he has for Sale a choice I (' collection of the following:- Roses, a fine lot of healthy bushes. < Fruit Trees of every desciiption. rr. 'J; Grape Vines, in pots, 7 to 8ff<. canes, very strong. ? Conifers Shrubs in great variety. :r.: Larch Fir, 1,000,000, extra transplanted, v?'W') Scotch Fir, 100,000. Spruce Fir, 50,000. Ash, Oak, Elm, Sycamore, White Thorns;, and other '0' Forest Trees. Descriptive Catalogues yrec OK applicatiun <o JOSEPH COYSH, .r MOUNT HILL NURSERIES, CARMARTHEN, AND 543 THE NURSERIES, LLAXELLY DR. J. COLUS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. T:H:B ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. J:' CHLO RO D YNE l EWmitted by the Profe.R6ion w be the moet wonderful & va]uable reII1edy ever diaoovered. CF:-L H,(;1) Y"'il; tr' bp"t remd, knqv'Il for CoG;l.l!, C mupption. Br'H'allltiB., ABtè.l4l checked CHLORODYNE ad;" like a. charm in Diarrhœa, and is the only specitio in G'bolera and Dyllentery. CHLORODYNE eSeotmaUy outf short aU ttta.cks of EpUepay, Hyat<jria. PaJpita.tion &n(! Spa,Mns. CHLO:"i.GDYNE is 'he only pl,n:.ati'. em Neura.igÜ\ g,ll'umatÍ3TU. Gont,! :rooI.Tc:;th""he,J.1'Íti,ze. ¡<"rom !)p.. B. J, ijQ;TTON"" Co Horn" tie, made pretty <oxtenS1ve \le ot C, ¡')1'odyne in our pic'è iu.r",iy,!l.nd i.k HiNd I> bo'\ ..i1 ;,x"eiwllt direct Sedative and Anti"p \8lDodic. It ;;es to ",il>iY pain d Irritation in whatever oI'ga?-. a.nd from whatever ca.use. 'tl _¿;I lf à'th\ï cl;;l::f::J:C1.:y, a.nd It t,. ;)(¡eeR th. ¡:re:tt "7c1.1'l ,,<UBseU eomuun¡¡;ate.1 to he r;Jllee of P'.J.slcians he re::elved a dlf!PC1kh trüm Her ONIjT remody of !ny servi-.e wia C'H:L.OROBTNE."—3ee CAUTION.-bEWARE oi PI?-.A'JY B.nd IMITATIONS. CAUTIOY.-Yke.f'hml)l'l)or :3ir W, P.HH; 'WOG);) sh 'tnat Dr. J, COLLIS BUOWNE W,I<Ø. undiUO l3ùl, the Inventor of CHLiJRonYKE; tnat the ,ory r¡f t"e r'dendR.nt. FRE:DIAN. was deliberately untrue'. whicll. he regretted to say. had becn "om to,5e 1',mc8. 13thJuly, 11<1>4 8f!'Ur) Bottles at NoneM?enujue witihout the words Dr. J.COLLISBROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Goverun'ent tamp. iJverW:1.elnnn¡:\ Medical Testimony a.ccompanies each bottle. I 33. Street !<<:=:Lcn. SAINT THOMAS CHURCH AND SUNDAY' SCHOOL FUND. A GRAND FANCY FAIR WILL BE HELD IN THE I :hL[ASONIC HA-1-.nL, On IVediiescky, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, tlte "J2nd, 23rd, 2.1ilt, and 25th days of Xove)iibe),, 1882 (IIUNT IVE U'-NDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF LADY KENSINGTON, LADY SCOURFIELD, MRS. PHILIPPS, PicTON CASTLE, When there will be exposed for Sale a grea.t variety of USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES, TOYS, REFRESHMENTS, &c. ORIENTAL STALL. Mns.HiLBERS. JAPANESE STALL Mus. H. MATHiM and MRS. H. SroEEs. CHINA AND POTTERY. Mus. T. H. RowE a!id Mtss L. HuBBRS. FLOWER STALL E. and M. WiLLiABis. (Bouquets and Artificial Flowers may be ordered at once. )' REFRESHMENT STALL Miss M. JAMr.s. POULTRY Mus. W. REYNOLDS and MRS. D. PiiiLLirs. TOY STALL Miss M. SHErrm. By all of whom ContributioDs will be thankfully received.. VOCAL '& INSTRUMENTAL CONCERTS. THE HA VERFO RD J'V EST STII..V G lJ.A ND, conducted by },[r E. lws kindfy consented to assist. Various Amusements I)junch and Judy Show, a Fine Arts Exhibition)) &c., will be provided. The Fancy Fair will open at IS o'clock on Wednesday, November 2Snd. ADMISSION—One ShilHng each day. Two Shillings Season Ticket. Children Half Price. 571 BILLIARD PLAYERS ARE respectfully informed that a nrst-class A BILLIARD ROOM has been Opened at the CASTLE HOTEL, Haverfoi-dwcst. 559 QUN FIRE OFFICE, LONDON. Established 1710. FREDERICK HENHY NoRM.x, Esq.. Chairman and Treasurer; E. H. MA.xxEuiNG, Msq., Secretary. Total Sum insured in 18S1, ;S270,U59,97L Loss or damage by LIGHTNING pa-id for, whether the Property insured be set on Fire thereby or not. All information respecting Fire Insurances may be ob- tained from any of the undermentioned Agents of the Society. AGENTS. HAVERFORDWEST Mr. T. RULE OWEN. Milford Haven .Mr Joseph Whicher Ditto. Mr W. M. Robbins Narberth .Mr Thomas Lewis Pembroke. William James Pembroke Dock and „ Francis Trewent eybnd jt Pembroke Dock John Butter Tenby.Messrs. Lewis & Lewis Letterston (K. S.O.). M r diaries Phillips 35:) CHURNING MADE EASY The dimculty so much experienced in obtaining Good Butter is entirely overcome by using r Ir OMLINSON & Go's BUTTER POWDER, Suit- -L able for every description of Churn. Its use considerably lessens the time of Churning, improves the Quality, and greatly increases the Yield of Butter; removing all unpleasant flavour of Cake. Turnips, Mangolds, Wild Garlic, Sour Grass, Dead Leaves, &c. A little put into the milk will also greatly increase the Quantity of Cream. Butter when made with this Powder, is Sweeter Firmer, Better, and will keep longer than when made without it or with any other preparation, and will invariably take FIRST ParzE at any of the Agricultural Shows throughout the Kingdom. Sold by all Chemists and Grooera, in Boxes, 3d., Cd., Is., 2s. 6d., and 7s. 6d. each. Sole Manufacturers,— TOILTNSON & HAYWARD, LINCOLN. GRAVIES, SOUPS, HASHES, &c. To obtain the above economically, in both quantity and excellence, all Ladies should use THE "GRANULAR BROWNING." (ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS) The oldest established, and acknowledged by thousands of Housewives and Cooks to be by far the Purest, Best, and most Inexpensive, "Gravy Browning" ever intro- duced to the Culinary Department of our homes. It imparts a Rich Colour, and Superior Flavour to the Gravies of Roast Meats, Chops, Speaks, Cutlets, Chicken and Game Gravies, Hashes Stens, Beef Tea, &c No household is complete without a supply. Sold by Chemists and Grocers, in Bottles, Is: & 2s. Gd. Sole Proprietors and Inventors,— TOMLINSON & HAYWARD, LINCOLN. Agents at Haverfordwest,— GREEN & JOHN, Wholesale & Retail Grocers. 329 (Z) 1:z. lrr TT :[,IT IE In the event of a stroke of good fortune you can win 400000 marks. Th The winnings are guar- anteed by Government. You are invited to participate in the chances of winning in the grand drawings of prizes guaranteed by the State of Hamburg in which 8 millions 940,275 marks have to be won. in the course of these advantageous drawings, which contain according to the prospectus only &3,500 tickets, the following prizes will be forthcoming, viz. The highest nrixe will hf ev. 4n0.f)nn Mn,rks. Premium of 250,000 Marks 1 Prize of 150,000 Marks! I Prize of 100,000 Marks 1 Prize of 60,00) Marks 1 Prize of 50,000 Marks 2 Prizes of 40,000 Marks! 3 Prizes of 30,000 Markst 4 Prizes of 25,000 Marks 2 Prizes of 20,000 Marks 2 Prizes of 15,000 Marks 1 Prize of 12,0?0 Marks 24PrizeaoflO.OOOMM-ks 3 Prizes of 8,000 Marks 3 Prizes of 6.000 Marks -J- 54 Prizes of 5,000 M:u-k 5 Prizes of 4,000 Murks 108 Prizes of 3,000 Marks 264 PriZl' of 2,0110 ,Marks 10 Prizes of 1,500 Marks 3 Prizes of 1.200 Marks 530 Prizes of 1,000 Marks J073 Prizes of 5(10 Marks 101 Prizes of 3no Marks 25 Prizes of 250 Marks 85Priz:sof 200Marks li)0 Prizes of 150 Marks 27069 Frizps of 145 Marks etc., etc., in all 47600 prizes which W!U be sure won m < drawings wttmn toe space of a few months. The nrst prize-drawing is officially nxed and the price for a whole original ticket is only G shill.—or 6 Marks, a half original ticket is only 3shill.—or 3 Marks, a quarter original ticket is only Is 6d or U Marks, and I will forward these original tickets guaranteed by the State (not prohibited promissory notes) even to the most distant countries, in return for the amount for- warded prepaid. Every ticket holder will receive from me gratis f<.Iong with the original ticket the original prospectus provided with the arms of the State and im- mediately after the drawing, the oliicial list without any charge. The payment and forwarding of the sums won to those concerned will have my special and prompt attention, and with the most absolute secrecy. 1W All orders can be sent by the medium of a Post Office Order, or per cheque, or in English postage stamps. tWPlease address the orders before the 21st of November on account of the approaching drawings of the prizes, in all confidence directly to SAMUEL HECKSCHER sENH., Banker and exchange agent at HAMBURGH, Germany. 532 GRATIS.—Sent )'y Post to aU p.n-ts of the Wbr)d on receipt of Two Stamp-, to prepay po,.it age. A POSITIVE CUM: FOR DEBILITIES AND DERANGE- ?*- MENTS OF THE GENHRATI?E ANt) NMRVOUS SYSTEM. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND EXHAUSTION, THE RESULT OF OVER-TAXED ENERGfHM IS GIVE:V IN THE HOOK OF "POSITIVE UEMKDIKS." This Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES. Tht- names of all Medicines Mr f?u'en in Enli8h. C:1,e and Tcstimonia)- with means used in each ca:-e. IT IS A GUIDE To THE SELF. TREATMENT OF ALL DISEASES, and "]wnJd be O.)ns[j)tef! by all who rpquire medical POSI- TIVE AIEDICINES GIVE IX TUE ROOK OF "1'OSITlVt; REMEDIES" ARE THE .\ŒLJICINES USED BY DR. SM.TH FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS. Bv the aid of thi- Book Im':11id may -.ortn a 'rrect k'lOw\!(L:c 'n; their m<lladv. and !i?,(i t POSITIVE REIEDY for the Cure. Tlw are IHlblíherl POSITIVE REMEDY for theCure. The )?r.psare published THEMSELVES without consult, .t Medic. Man, making <t Written Statement of Case, or payin Scud Two Stamps for the HOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES," which nntl;n. '1 t P!{), .'n:1 ;lYI.;s C>u'e for i;i.Di.t'i.cs' Po&t LTlc (¡¡J. rl"vt "f '1- 'VO fr'.):r. H. SMITH & Co., Laboiato-y, 26, Southamptos L.cadon, W.C. t????????? .—?.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? r"?' S???,??'?'???? ttLBBLXau?*-?" A?J?J5L? .t??-tt?&?jfL.?i'i?. ? ?jJ WARRA'STEU TO CURE. ? T)LOOD PURIFYING 1'ILLH ARE A I'0.-ITIVE CURE — FOl'. AL'. DISEASES tiif Urin?y Ort.u. Rebent or 0:d Standing; Weakness, Gravel, Backaeiie, and all Di?iclii &e, all and ei-ery for which liercury ana Copabia arc uetl Soù in Boxes (c.3rc,,ining iifacie?it for t!w Cure) price 2. 9cl. M?,. g??? (&1So.? I?a?bor?ory. M?v be'iad t., -c :ece:p- P;Ilr, t??e body and nerves are rest?ored to Ilealth ind Vi;oir, I four Stamps, Sent by ost to any addi eS8. H. SMITH. & CO,} Laborf,ory. 26, Southampton B.O-r,. l,ondon, i I ANCIENT LITERATURE. VALUABLE OLD ENGLISH HISTORY FOR SALE, Tj?MBRACING a. History of Great Britain, from the JLJ nrst inhabitants thereof to the death of Cad- walladcr. By JOHN LEWIS, Esq., Barristcr-at-Law. Published in 172i). Perfect preservation and quite complete. Apply to the Proprietor of the Yelegi-aph, Haverford west. TEA DIRECT FROM LONDON. 12 LBS. AND UPWARDS, Railway Paid .¡ to any Station in England or Wales only; Is 8d PER LB. FOR SPLENDID TEA. Sold by CouxTRY GROCERS at 2s 8d per lb. TERMS NETT CASH WITH ORDERS. Amenta wanted where not already represented.— JOSHUA THOMAS, WHOLESALE TEA DEALER, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C. 436 L()RYT NELSON HOTEL MILPORD HAVEN. ?T?HIS Hotel is under Now Management, and has JL been thoroughly Redecorated and Refurnished, and offers comfortable private and commercial rooms. Cheerful Coffee Room. CARRIAGES AND HORSES ON HIRE. WHOLESALE WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT AGENT FOR ALSOPP'8 BURTON ALES. THOMAS PALMER, Proprietor. -2030 TEA AND COFFEE ESTABLISHMENT HAMILTON TERRACE, MILFORD. ?iHE MISSES DAVIE8 !)EG to announce that in addition to their jD General Grocery Bt sinc&s, they have agreed to open a Tea and Coffee Establishment, for which they have provided Convenient Rooms on the First Floor, commanding a fine view of the Harbour and. New Docks. Refreshments of every description on the most moderate terms. 886 SHORTHAND CLASSES CONDUCTED by a CERTIFICATED TEACHER \? Commenced on thc3''d inst., to continue through- out the WINTER.-Xpply for particulars to F. J. WAUUEN, St. Mary's Schoolrooms, Dew Street, Haverfordwost. 570 FRENCH CLASS FOR LADIES. TRITONS. DE BERENSHERG begs to inform the JJrj'L LADIES intending' to join this CLASS held in PRHXDERGAsT BoARD ScuooL, that a few more Pupils can be admitted. For TERMS and Further Particulars, intending Pupils arc desired, to enquire at MISS A, LLEWELLIN, PBENDERGAST HOAKD ScnoOL. [433 ARNOLD COLLEGE, SWANSEA. PRINCIPAL REV. EDGAR WILLIAMS, M.A. (Glas.); B.D. (Edin.) T?I?TE SEA VIEW, sheltered situation, healthy jL School Room, well-ventilated dormitories, separate bed for each boy, liberal and wholesome diet, disci- pline strict but kind, ample teaching power. Back- ward pupils have special attention. Twelve pupils passed various examinations in 1881. Terms Strictly MODERATE. 113 COURT liOUSE BOARDI?IG SEMSL HAVERFORDWEST. THE MISSES HUGHES T) ECEIVE Young Ladies to Educate on Moderate JL? Terms. The course of instruction includes the usual routine of an English education, with Music, Languages, and Drawing, &c. The Half Term will begin Nov. 2nd. 102 HILL HOUS E COLLEGE, HAVERFORDWEST. Principal:—Mrs. Angus, M.C.P., (wife of the Rev. Henry Augus), Assisted by emciont Governesses, and M. Victor de Berensberg, Professor of Languages. '?/? RS ANGUS has had a lengthened experience in J?jL Tuition, and possesses the highest Testimonials as to character and ability as a Teacher. The College is in Union with the College of Preceptors, and passed Seventeen Pupils at the last three Examinations. Referees :—Revs. Dr. M' Laren, Manchester J. Person, M.A., Vie-f)!' of Fleetwood; C. Williams, Accrington; J. Owen, A. J. Parry, Swansea W. Edwards, B.A., the College, Pontypooi; Dr. Davies, J. H. Lochoro. W. Davies, Euq., M.P., Bawen Row- lands, Esq., Q.C., Haverfordwest, etc. The Next Term Commences SEPT. 19th. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, lrfILFORD HA VEN, CONDUCTED HY The MISSES THOMAS, ?TRAINED at Milton Mount College, and holding JL Certsncatos from the College of Preceptors, South Kensington, &c. Domestic department under the superintendence of Mrs Thomas, (widow of the late Rev. Evan Thomas). The house recently secured for the school is com- modions and well situated in Hamilton Terrace, commanding an extensive view of the Haven, and in every way calculated to ensure the health of the pupila. The School course includes, Reading and Recitation, Scripture, Arithmetic, Euclid, Algebra, English Gramaaar and Analysis, Composition, Writing, His- tory, Geography, Ciass-singing, Elements of Physical Science. Clothing, Latin, French, Music, Drawing, and Calisthenics. Pupils prepared for public examinations. Term commences on Tuesday October 10th, 1882. 491 GO A T STREET COLLEGE. HAVERFORDWEST. (EST ABLI:)11ED 52 YEAR/-J:) PMixcirAL.s—The MISSES LLEWELLIN, have references and testimonials from VT Ladies in the first ranks of ?Society, assisted by an Efiicieuc StaiT, including a l''irst Class Certinea.ted Teacher, who ba.& obtained first prizes and, from the Kensington School of Art, and French and German reaident Governesses. The course of study History Grammar, Analysis a.nd Compositioi., Geography, Astronomy, Natural Science, Arithmetic and Aj,;(;;ra. Tiie Latin, French and Go:'n.<m Languages. Mu H;: Piauofortu, Harmonium, SingiD' Class for Part Singing and lLn"ony. DuAwiNU Free Hand ¡:nd >Ioùd, Crayons and Dauci:. ? The Fr.Ecipals can asaur.j P;r(m? ?hat the Pupils ? committed to i Ucir c?re wiL Iu.v..} tl.? ..? .ilt cf ih?t- rate instruction, Home Comforts and attention, .ind their pei'sjnal rn? co!.sta.r.t ?mo?vi-?;t. Pupds prepar?<i (???t s?cce.?fully? .?r thb Oxici'? find Cambridg'e Loca.! Ex?ml??tiocs. The ne-xt Term commeBces Sept. 14, ?? C Fa. ? ?. ? r :'?- ?? ? ,) ':2 C; i:< ??? ?? T'C'f:i?i "? ?X. ?' '?' 'u;.r' i': t?em .?'avc; 10s. 0 A?.T l 'L' /'i? ? '?"3?'. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AN EVENING CONCERT Will be given at DETHESDA CHAPEL, ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 7th, 1882. Proceeds in aid of the Chapel Building Fund. 5C7 -n Ii ÚT -Y2,UR TAYLYN. HKtis respectfully to announce to the public that. Q0 he has taken out an AUC11DiVEER'S AND APPRAISER'S IIICENSE. Surveying and Auction Onices HIGH STREET, IlAVEEFOEDWEST. 900 CERTAIN CURE FOR CANCER. if R JOHN GRIFFITHS, of Goree, Camrose ..iJ1.. Parish, IIavcrfordwest, bega to make known that he cures without surgical operation, that dread- ful destroyer of human life, the Cancer. References to Clergy men, and others of the highest respectability, and testimonials on application from persons cured. lie will attend at the Queen's Hotel, Haverford- west, on Saturday Sept. 23rd, and every Saturday p.fter. 464 JAMES VAUGHAN IIAKIN, MILFORD-HAVEN, Auctioue&r, Valuer, and General Commis- sion Agent. The prompt settlement of all claims, and the most punctual attention to the interest of those who may favour J.V. wirh their support may be implicity relied "u. iSccond-hand Furniture, &c., bougnt and sold. A large quantity of Furniture always on hand. Strictest privacy guaranteed. MILFORD HAVEN. GUILDERS and others can now have a selection of YJ SITES at moderate Ground Rents, in close proximity to the Docks, Steel Works, and Pier. The Sites will become, for Business Premises, ex- I ceedingly valuable immediately the Docks are opened for AmcricRn trauic. For Terms, Ground Rent. &c., apply to W. M. RODBINS, ESTATE SURVEYOR'S OFFICE, Milford Haven, June, 1882. 305 EMIGRATION TO NEW SOUTH WALES. THE NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERN- MENf will provide Passages to Sydney (by first- c!ass Ships) upon payment of the undermentioned rates, to persons approved by the Agent-General. To consist of j\)arried Couples not exceeding 35 years, with or with- out Children, and Single persons not exceeding 30 years of :tgc. Hate per each adult JE5., except SINGLE FEMALES, who wdl be taken at a l{EU1JCED RATE of £2 each. Children of three Mid under fourteen years JE3 10s. each. Under three years free. Farmers. Agricultural and other Labourers, Vine- dressers, Mechanics, and Female Domestics are required. Further Information may be obtained from The Emi- gration Department. New South Wales Government Omces, 5, Westminster Chambers, London. K.W., or irom the Local Agent W. LEWIS, Telegraph Omce, Bridge-street, Haverfoi'dwest. SAUL SAMUEL. 430 Agent-General for New South Wales. A RMY SERVICE.—YOUNG MEN wishing ? to JOIN HER MAJESTY'S ARMY will, on ap- plication at any f'ost office in the United Kingdom, be supplied, without charge, with a, pamphlet containing detailed information as to the Conditions of Service and Advantages of the Army, 'as to Pay, Deferred Pay, and Pensions. SERVICE OF SOLDIERS. Enlistment will be for seven years with the Colours and five in Reserve, or eight years with the Colours and four in the Reserve, if the Soldier completes his seven years while serving abroad. PROMOTION IN THE ARMY. The following positions with the Regular Army and Auxiliary Forces are held exclusively by deserving soldiers, viz:— -¡Ratesof Pay Approximate No. Nature of Appoint- in addition ofAppoiiitments. ment. tofreelodg- of Al)l)oI-litircnts. ment. ito free lod 500 Commissioned ( Quartermasters and ) 9s. to 15s. Omcers ? Riding Masters ? a day (-,COO \u t Of 1 Sergeant-majors, ) :J.rran C Ù f 5 h?OO n?\?T arrant ? ?Of f- Con d uctors of j 5s. to 6s. cerR "'t & d ficers ? Stores,&c.) aday. 33,000 Non-com- < ?-??? ) Is 3d to 5s n?ioned Pincers) ?;&.?..i ?_ 31,000 N.O-efolil cT' ers, Corporals There are besides several valuable appointments open to Soldiers in India. The Royal Engineers recei ve Special Rates of working Pay. PAY OF THE ARMY RESERVE. Soldiers transferred to the Reserve receive pay at the rate of (;d. a day. Three pounds a year. subject to deductions for miscon- duct, is placed to the credit of every soldier during his service with the Colours, and tne amount paid to him upon passing into the Reserve or being discharged. AND PENfJION On Completing 21 years of Service. Soldiers who have been Non-commissioned OfHcers, become entitled to pensions varying from Is. 3d. to 4s. 6d. a day. Men wishing to leave the Army during the 6rst three months of their service may claim d'scharge on payment of .bl0. Forms of application to enter the Army may be ? ob- tained at every Post Office. OTT THOMAS CHURCH SUBSCRIPTION 0 LIST. JE s d Rov. G. C. and Mrs Hilbers (organ,). 2GO 5 0 Rev. G. Horn, in addition to the east window. 250 0 0 Mrand MrsH. Mathiaa.lOO 0 0 Capt. and Mrs. H. Stokoa. 40 0 0 TholatoMrT.Skone 10 0 0 Mr E. Eaton Evans. M 0 0 Col. Stokes, St.Botolpha 5 0 0 Mr J. Eaton Evans. o 0 0 MrJ.Brown. 5 5 0 Mr S. Green 2 2 0 Mrs Swinburn 3 0 0 ',Nlr,s I-lu,,twick 500 ThoIateMrR. James. 10 0 C Misses Evana. GOO Mr R. T. P. Williams 2 2 0 Easter offerings for 4 years per the Rector 24 1 4 Church Building Society. SO 0 0 Mrs Chambers. SO 0 0 Miss Parry. I 0 0 The lata Mrs Lloyd Philipps. 10 0 0 Mr E. A. New 2 2 0 NationaIProvinoial Bank 5 5 0 Mr W. V. James o 5 0 Dr. Campbell. 5 00 Miss Wilaon 2 0 0 Miss Warlow. 200 Mr Lort Phmips. 100 0 Mrs Roch 1 0 0 Mra E. Roch I 0 0 Mrs Lyall 1 0 0 Mrs B. BaJcott 5 0 0 Mr Picton Evans I 0 .0 M. E. 1 0 0 Small sums p0r 1lissos Evans. 1 4 0 Mra F. Wbichcote. 5 0 0 Mr 2 0 0 Mr T. II. Rowe. 7 7 0 Mr T. Rule Owen. 5 5 0 MrsReesandMisa Stokes. 5 0 0 Mr J. Higgon. 3 0 0 Mrs Colvin. 1 0 0 VenArcMoacon Lewis 2 2 0 Sale at Flower Show 47 0 0 Misses Hughes. 200 Captain Lavie. 100 Lady Kclk. 3 0 0 M isses Roua 10 0 0 Misses Ward 3 0 0 Misses Jumes. 2 0 0 Mr J. Davies. 1 13 0 Mrs A. Lort PhilIips. 5 0 0 Mr W.DeWiuton 2 2 0 Mr T. Protheroe 2 2 0 A Friend. 5 0 0 Mi- Roberts. 1 0 0 Rev. Canon Anstie 2 2 0 Rev. T. M:assy. 300 Rev. W. P. Jones. 1 0 0 Rev. H. Angus. I 1 0 Mrs Drake 010 0 Mr C. Matbia.8 1 0 0 Mr W. E. J one5, senr. 110 0 Mrs W. E. Jones. 2 2 0 Lady Elton. 2 2 0 Hon Mrs Owen. 1 0 0 Mr R.J. H. Parkinson. 5 0 0 Colleclionsin Church. C4 7 8 Mr J. Thomas 2 2 0 Mr Philipps, Picton Castle. 10 10 0 Sir O. H. P. ScourneId 1010 0 Mr Wm. Davies, M.P. 5 0 0 Right Hon Lord Kensington M.P. Messrs Wilkins and Co. 5 5 0 Mr T. L. James. 1 0 0 Mrs Owen, Withy bush 2 0 0 Miss Owen 1 0 0 Mr Warren Harries 5 0 0 ,Late Mrs lIicks (cM-d). 118 6 Airs H. Stokes (card) 3 16 3 Kov G. C. H.ilbors (card) 411 8 Miss L.Hilbers (card). 10 5 0 MrsH Mathias. 256 M/: Jamos, Whitohart 7 0 0 Tca. P:i.ruy 12 0 0 Coaccru I;; 0 0 Stall at?10w0;: Show 16001 .'imull Smas 1 i(< 0 T??te Mrs LIjyd Pbilipps (card) 2 6 0 Mr ijowe (c>:é.; 4 7 SJ -Mi-D. PmHip s (crd) .5 00 It Mr Reynolds (card) 4 15 6 Rev. G. Horn (additional) 33 5 7 j!ev.Gr.C.Hil'Mrs do 7 4 2 Mr3 niloor.; \Ll:V} 4 0 0 I :/1a ,c.)-iRi So.'l. 7 C 0 410 0 putpib p1'c:ded by Mr W. Reynold. (lth2' were also made. KAY'S COMPOUND, a and aiolli,ne, f,)r CO'Jh ntl l\)\ci t"tnlcl }' :111 t;h(>'Ol:+; ;'n¡ J TO HH LET. A FURNISH RD HOUSE to be Let at HAMIL- A TON TERRACE. MILFORi) HAVEN.— Apply to the REV. J. BOADEN, MiLFORD HAVEN. 538 TO BE ? LET A ND Entered upon im)nodhtclv. the DOUBLE A LicExs?t) I?f cnHod the FOU?-IN-HAND, situate in Barn Street, Haverfordwe¡¡t. For Terms, apply to T. JAMES, Spring Gardens Urewery, Haver- ford west. 577 BUSl:ESS PltEJIISES TO Ll,,T. ?!THE HOUSE now used as a Wholesale Grocery T Win', bein? No. 1. J3i:rD&E STHEET, IIAVERFO¡mWEST. Apply on the premises to Mr JAMES GBIFril'H.S. 509 T'0 ? L E T A T MICHAELMAS NEXT, a. TWO-STALL A STABLE, HAY LOFT, DUNG PIT, YARD AND PIG-STYE. RENT ;C3 5; Tenant paying alt Rates.—Apply to MiciiAEL WuiTE, Dark Street. Ha.verford wcst. September 6th, 1882. 443 RENT MODERATE. ?tTO BE LET with immediate Possession, a i- DWELLING HOUSE, for many years success- fully carried on as a BAKERY, situate in PBENDER- GAST, admirably adapted for the above Business, with PROVISION STORES, or any kind of Merchandise. Apply to GEO. JoNE.s, Auctioneer, Ha,verfordwest. 557 CORN LOFT TO LET. ?tPO BE LET and Entered npon immediately, the r r ocommo(lious and Dry CO UN LOFF, situate near the Old Quay, immediately over the dwelling houses occupied by David Narbett and others. For particulars apply to DAVIES, GEORGE & Co., Solicitors, Ha.verfordwest. Spring Gardens, 14th November 1882. 576 Little Milford House, On the banks of the River Cleddau, about two miles from Haverfordwest. TO BE LET THIS GENTEEL PAMILY RESIDENCE With Kitchen and Flower Gardens, as now in the occupation of the Rev. Jackson Taylor, rector of the parish. Rent very moderate, and immediate posses- sion can be given, as the Rector is about to leave the county. For further particulars apply .to loitN HARVEY AND SONS, Estate Agents, 6, Victoria Place, IIaver- fordwest. 14th November, 1882. 578 WANTED. RANTED an APPRENTICE to the COACHBUILDING.—Apply to W JOHN, Coachbuilder and Wheels right, North Gate, Haverford- west. 562 4 GENTS WANTED for the SALE of "The A COMPLETE BUSINESS REGISTER," which is designed for keeping a Summary Record of Daily Transactions. Liberal Terms. Apply to PAMPHILON & Co., Congleton, Cheshire. [514 EVERGREEN TREES & SHRUBS FOR SALE. T?OR SALE about 20f) well-grown EVERGREEN Jf TREES and SHRUBS price Is. e?ch usually sold at from 3s. to 4s. each. Also a. lot of young Gooseberry and Currant Trees, at. 1.1,d each. Best quality. Apply to ConNKLlus DoYLK, Prendergaat, Haverford west. :C25 REWARD. Will bc,iveii to auv person who can prove, after a fair trial that Bell's Patent Life Pills and Ointment'' not clIrc the fonns of Liver veneral Debility, Indigestion, Hile, Disordered Stomach, Costiveness, alt Ffmatc CotHptaints, Ulcers. Cancers, Abscesses, t'Ucs, Cuts, Burns, Hoi!s, am) every form of Skin Disease and Euruption. When all other medicine faits this wiU positivety cure. Sold by all Chemists, in Is. lAd. and 2s. 9d. boxes an<) pots. rost free for 15 or 3(; stamps trom solc W. L'ELI, Co.. R"ading-, Berks. 11 your Chemist docs not keep them he can get them iu a few hours.. ')54 The Haverfordwest and Milford Haven Telegraph fS now on SALE, directiv after Publication at Messrs. W. 11. SMtTE ,¡, SONS. New Milford And Pembroke Dnck, and at E. J. WR1GHTS', 2, Dimond- it! "tit, l'm hrokedo(k. GREAT lVESTERlV RAIL JV AY LAUNCH OF H.M.S. "COLLINGWOOD." ?\N WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22ND, an ?J' EXCURSION TRAIN for NEW MILFORD, will leave Whitland at 11.15 a.m., Clynderwen, 11.25, n()f!i! I i .a Johnston 12.5 p.m., retnrnmg stl-lo day at G p.m. For fares sae 'SpooMd Billa. 575 J. GRIERSON, Genoral Manager. COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. JUSTICES' CLERKS' FEES AND FINES. A CCOUNT of FEES and FINES received by the County Treasurer, between Midsummer Quarter Sessions, 1882, and Michaelmas Quarter Sessions following, viz HUNDRED OF ROOSE. For Fees 62 8 4,, Ficoa 14 19 3" ————77 7 n HUNDRED OF DEWSLAND. For Fees. 24 1.5 0 Finoa 3 10 9 —————28 5 9 HUNDRED OF DUNGLEDDY. For Fees 22 1 C Fines 7 9 2} -29 108ft HUNDRED OF KEMES. For Fe! s' 54 18 9 Fines 3 14 1 O —————58 13 n DIVISION OF NARHEBTH. For Fees 60 11 C „ Fines 7 10 0 —————6S 1 0 HUNDRED OF CASTLEMARTIN. For Fees. 2517 4 „ Fines 10 11 2 —————36 8 6 HUNDRED OF KILGERRAN. For Fees ll 7 C Fines 0 2 6 -11 10 0 BOROUGH OF TENDY. For Flues 6 1 9 J6315 18 112 HENRY MATHIAS, Treasurer of the County of Pembroke. Havcrfordweat, November 6th, 1882. 572 Mr. HENRY IIELYAR, SURGEON DENTIST, No.7, VICTORIA PLA C-El, llA VERI/ORDWEST ='=-2.2:t=:¡:o: ¡-' NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Wo beg to urge our contributors to send letters and replies to letters as early as possible. To insure insertion lengthy reports and other communications should reach us not later than Tuesday morning. Advertisers would also oblige by taking the same hint.



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