Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

8 erthygl ar y dudalen hon









Rhestrau Manwl, Canlyniadau a Chanllawiau

■reputed t-o belong to the JbWl of Dun- "n and now In the occupation of Wil- Iim Morgin, and partly 00 mountain posture iand immediately adjoiuing the at-ove-mentioned enclour to the north- -rd thereof, also belonging to Lord Dun- and in the occupation of W 111:"111 Mor^u. The Hd reoervoirs will each have an area f12,500 square feet, .1d a capacity together of 1,500,000 gallons ) An aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes 1). stuiite wholly in the s*.d parish ot Vrfradyfodwg, to commence in tho Cwm Fforch Strey.m. at 3 point distant 308\ards Cf thereabout*, measured up and ;Uong the course of thai stream from the sheepi'old near to Tar^n Kiddow, and terminating at or in aqueduct. tunnel, conduit, or lines oi pipes (VVo:k No. 2) iyt or near the point of termination of the *am*. (51 An aqueduct, conduit, or line of pil, o. 2), situate wholly in the .id parish 4Ji YSlfaUyiüù\\&" to COIUIU&1lce 111 the .nt.y.SeI";g Brook at a point distant 570 yards or thereabout*, measured up and rtlcmg 'he stream from the Yfl-ad Gas aU41 "ater Company's weir and intake on that stream, and terminating at or in the iKjue«lucJ, tUUlH:1, conduit, or lines of })i}Jtt.) (Work -No. 2) lienmuefore described, at o. near die jjoint of termination of the same, fli An aqueduct, conduIt or line P:I>&; Io. 3), situate whollv the ,<11(1 parish of Ystradyfcdwg. to commence ID or at the termination of the aqueuuct. tunnel, conduit, nr hut's of pipes (Work No. 2). hereinbefore descr bed, and terminating at or near the \\e.t j-iiie o 1 lite filter UhU and *erviie reservoirs tWork o. 3) hereinbefore ue-cribed. {D An aqueduct, conduit or line ef pipes (No. 4), s i tuale wholly i, the snid parish of Y*trady" fodwg. to commence at or near the west side of -the filter bfd" and sHVce reservoirs (Work Jio. 3). hereinbefore described, and ter. minating at tilE. northern corner of the north-1*-™ boundary of the Ystrad 0as and Water Company's property at 'fyoywain. and io a junction 'vith their ?.Pply ma,? at or near that point. (8) An aqueduct, condu.t or line of p, iN-. 5), equate wholly m he ,,?d of Y,?t.d f,,d?g, to commence at hf\ förvice reservoirs (Work No. 3), hereinbefore de,cLbed, t t he west .ide and ter m?n.t?,,? the public ,1 1, di?,g ;r.? B,-? :onl t,? T:h1erbrIf a :;¡ d;l 400 y«rcU or ll,,?,?.bo.t, from the Blan ,4C tZ? Hoeei. iiil?ured along Br?k. Biaen Rhondda, in a 80Utherly direc- tion. (9) An aqueduct, conJllit or line iSo. 61, situate in the Faoid parish [ of Ystradyfo;lwg, to commence a-t a junction with the aqueduct conduit or IlIle of pipes (No. 5), hereinbefore described. at a point distant 300 yard. or thneakout* from the ceutre of the arch of the F«rnhill Colliery's siding of the T:11f Vale Raiiwav. at the eastern end of Brook- jt.-eet aforesaid mea. tired in an easterly direction, and terminating at or near the northern end of Fernhill-cottage*: together wIth .111 Cllts, channels, adits, C:1toh. rn. aqueducts, cu]vt>rtB. tunnels, drams, uncuoos. sluict<s, bewa..hes, weas. gauges, auk*, welU, iflter-beds, filters, embankments. Jams, retaining walls, bridges, road diversions, old approaches, and other roads and communi- ■atioos, eng i ne*, ?.9i??-hous., mains, pi p es, t< :1d1tereD1ab::y:: ;i Ipcliane nec?»3iry or convenient in connec- tion with the before-mentioned works, or for he effectual construction. mainreaam a, and use if the said work* or incidental thereto, and for atleetins- impounding, conveying, and distri- wwg water. 11. The Bill will authorise the Dist-rioi Otrncil to f'xere;e the powers and effeet the wrocees following, or some of them (that is to Ii'):- p) To take. intercept, divert, collect, im- Fund. appropriate, and me, by and in the intenUd ,)rk,. or anv enlargement thereof, or anv waterworks for the time being !o¿n;a:n:ksDí{ie\he CiI. be: w.ter. of 1,?k? Llyn'awr. "nd all >tr?am» and -prinim, fee-lers, and tributaries of or which now flow into the said Lake, and ll ULh streams, springs and water, 2,? will or may be taken or intercepted -or the intended works, or a?? may ?,d on, in. cr under any of the lanti, II :• h, t me b?i.g belonging to or which l!v he acquired by the District CounciL or over or :n respect of which the. have or mav acquire easements and esrianv the following streams and waters, namely: —Cwm ftelsig, Nafit.-v Selsdg, Nant Sair, Naot-y- Gwair. Nant-yr- Y c h a i n, ant-Uuht, Nant^berw-Wion, N-t- Melya, Xant-carn-Mosyn, Nan^garogr- Iwyrl, Nant-ynys-feio Nant- • XanT-coedcee-tyle-fTore^t, Nant- •4d-t?tTno^, Nant-v-bwlch. and Na-nk- Y:Tcg. aM of which IHk. storeams, '"ng'3, and wat?,? B. as follows —the str?, springs, and waters other than the wo'm of the -id L?k? and it. f-d?r. and *n&urar;es, into h, Rivr RI??.dd?, the.- into the River Taff, and thence into the estuary 01 tlie Taff, and so on to the sea, and the waters of the eaid Lake and iU feeders and tributaries into the Nant- Gwercloch Brook, thence into the River Neath, and so on to the sea. (b: To deviate laterally from the lines of the -nte"ded ?-k,.? ?h.- upon the pI"uR thereof, to be deposited as hereinafter men- ti?n?(i to such extent m may be indica^d on those plsn" and to deviate vertically fro-n the levels of those works as shown upon the deposited sections thereof, to be deposited as hereinafter mentioned to such exceit a* the Bill may prescribe. It) To cro, alter, divert, or stop up, tem- porarily or permanently, or otherwise inter- fere with roads, highways, footmths, brige, railways, trRmways rew?,ri, draln, streams, b..k,, w3+"rcourse., pipes, tube*, and telegraphs,,i, 3"d wire" within the before-mentioned parishes and pi- o f-r may be necessary or con- =nt'f,:rt1: :p'8n:fs;h:Yi!;eJd works or other purpoes of the Bill, (d) To purchase and take or acquire by com- puls'on or agreement, or to t,ke ,). lease :Dh:fd ilou?, an d hered;t?imenti, and rigat? and ea^ments in, vL"r, under, or connected with lands, streams, spriiig?, waten, Houses, and hereditaments In the parishes ?nd ptam?; hereinbefore mentioned for Ih. p.rp. fthe -id in-I t,nded works or for other purpoSM of the Bill, to empower the District Council to purchase so much only of any property as tiiey may require for the purposes of the "ill without being subject to the liability imposed by Section 92 of the Lard? Clau? ??liidation Act, 1845, and for any of the purposes aforesaid to acquire by com- pulsion easements over, through, or under Hudn without being required to purchase the surface. *-■ Co authorise the temporary occupation of lands, houses, buildings, easements, j hereditaments for obtaining materials for C<1n,tructlOn of the -id intended embank tr ervoirt3, and lines of pipes or :.t¡:t;:tr f the intended Act. i.nco?r rate, wit, su:h variations an d •wmw*rn,4a-ment* w may I. proper or ?q.i,,it., all me ot th-*» provisionH of the Railways iiZ ConMtidation Act, 1845, with respect "M< temporary occupation of lands near the Iii"y d.i-i.g the thr,f, and to "I @ther provf.?ion? with th?rt?. ? 'o Mthnri?? thf 1)i?triet Council for the P?'M'' t?lir w&terw.? k to hold any hh o:h:r:a)w:¿rd ? tIut;'  '? "'t<'?'? Act free from the provi- a of .th,e L3nds C;au? Consolidation Act, lth r?p.f.t to super Hu(.u9 In d ?, and to F^er the Di,trict Council to acquire by tomp.thion or a?reeme?t any niii?? or minelH Y ncLf pr.p,?ed t?? be taken not,nth- «tiT* *h, e provisions of the Waterworks 0* A,t 1841, ??th rMp?t to mines. .? T. ? w?; the District Council to :Iti¡ ..d by?-I.w-, .Ie" •nd w> X ""? ?'? ''?'-?nceto and to rr? Krh* strength, "?. ? n.atori'ais. -?ttinw?I and apparatus for or c<?- *ct»d with the supply of water, and with t<t.?. the fixing thereof, and for pre. till? the ?'?' miw,e, and ?"?"S of the ^ter pen?- for ♦L'"iCa'V'0^' <?!W. and to impose penal- ?d «*uUtior i_ any 8UC h bye'laws- rulee- •"<1 Toauthori,e the r'154"1 Couneil to levy ????-?.?d rh?esforthe "'ply and ?' and residual products, ""d for '"? th?ir?? u,'f meterp, lamps, stoves, ^^chinpp?w 'e"!i,"es' and fittings, to alter ex;st- g Tate., '??" ^n<1 charts. aTd to confer, '? or ."?" ?''?P"ona from payment *M« r.?. ??''S?, to !tUow rebates or :nt. i„j the District C.,uncit ? ? m? empower the District Council supply W"to p?r,?-ori,.? quitting .ii .h? "payi.g th"i r9- -?d ter 16, To^lH °J1S9 t!le ?'?''? Oonncilt< Jpiy tKeir f ,n ?? any ??'°? bc!o"f!.)?to ?- wh?.???  ??"d ? raise for ? ? ??" ? ? in?nded raise for J"y of the nu™ P" uhe mten d e d Ac«, and ,w the -6 D„ to grant ''f°. terminaMe. *r PWpetial annU,t,eS' and ? m?'?' funher bv hor '"f on or bond an d ? n: ':r;wd'eu%kr :'dd ab U"¡es, and '° h.rg?, ? ?' the under- and property ??nM?v?'?  '"tended i'L and construot Tinder S* 1 ot h er fche Mtate- rat«'. Cou"«>i. anT and T)r!,P,rty of th- .Une.1, and the d:stl'iot ??' or any of th?n. ? '"?y P? ?n ?? ?f r?p?tivejy with *Ry paa oLr r1v^*5 11,ereof respectively with M swur'31l1 1°r ar,5r P9rt of 8ucf> or s, of money t.o bp bM'oWed a. ?'??. ? or °'?'M Ih- I be P.-ibed «i> B,ll, 17,  .?t1hli?e and ''?"? the Di?tri? ?-' ????? '? Jœou"t. of the ?' an? p f the and, eX})'dlhtre of gM and undê<'tak,n, and enable them when 116ry or a:tJl<t<i,ont ple-men; the ?? o< t,? .„. ? '"? ""???in? bv P°"f'k>n of t;> £ i "Tfni,e the th, ""?''r- f"? so a, ?  ?? the ?Meney tb. ?0 th(' deficiency kha» £ ;v •* found revenue of either UDder- M7 otiher loo»i authority, body, oompany, or per. sons, with 1 u or beyond the district, from tmlt to tiuu- to enler into carry into etftci OOlJJtr""t aud armngtiiientw for the auppiy of gas and water m bui-k by th« District Council to any ,uch lo?,?l authority, body, company, oi partOMior.sufhperiods.' and {pecuniary and otlierwise) and coniiitions as the lhatriot Council and suodi locHt authority, body, company, or persons may agree upon. 19. To amend, repeal, vary, or enlarge, so far us it may b. ntcessury r ::]:t je or h trhro:I;f th Miomngko.?.tMtp?uuatAct? o?l'arIia- m<;M and Ortfc? (1I¡,t is to My):—The Y.trad Gas and Water Acts, 1868 1874 and 1890 and Ih,- Y.t??-d (?6. Ol'<lu>; 1872' 18'i'!),andl8M,and?nyu:)?t'Act()!'Aoh reUting (lir??,tty or indirwtly to the Comp"), or to the supi>ly of gajj and water within the Il1I1i18 to be dthued by the Aot, 20. The Bill will vary and vxtiu^uUh all such rights and privileges as would in anywise interfere ,ith its Objld< and will may incorporate and exWud and rnukt àU ?, some ,f the powers ..d provisions of tht Lands Clauses Acts, the Gasworks Clauses Act, 1847, the Gasworks Clauses Act, 1871, the Waterworks Clauses Acts, 1847 al,d 18&\ tilie 1)¡'Ovi,,¡olls of tlhe Railways Clau,;e3 Con. solidation Act, 1845, wi-th inject to the tem- porary occupation of lands near t-he railways, th Public Hiulth Act, the Looal Loans Act, 1875, and :<HAe?a?neu<.iinsthcst Aot«. An ,v lit)ti? is hereb' given that d,?PI .t? plane and tactions cf the ^evtral works to be authorised by the intended Act, and of the. lands, houses,- and other property to be taken for the purposes theieof, togetlie/ an i h a book of reference to ud, plans, aud a copy of this Notice, t).. published in the. "London Gazette," will on 01' before the 30th day of ^November instant, be deposited for pubjo inspection with the Clerk of the I, for the county of Uia- morgan. at his office at Cardiff, and that on or before the same day a copy of so much of ihc said plans, st'ûtlOI\8. and book of reference as relates to each parish or extra-parochial place in or through which the said intended works are proposed to be made, or any lands ann houc" proposed to he taken are situate, anr1 also a copv of this Notice, as published in the "London (Gazette," will be doposited for publie inspection in the case of each such parish w»ih the Parish Clerk thoireof at, his residence, and in the case of each such extra-parochial place with the Parish Clerk of some parish imme. diately adjoining thereto at hie r<>.irlence, and as regards any of the leforenwnt oned Fari,h, or places which is a rural parish for whilh a. Parish Council has been elected alio with tin C'Mk (if any) of the Parsh Council of every such parih, and if in any such parish there be no Cltrk of such Council then with the Char- man of that Council at his residence. On or before thf 21st day of I>ecemœr next printed copies of the Act or Bill wil be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the IIm1st of Commons, Dated this 18th d:iv of November, 1895. WALTKR MORGAN, RHYS, and BRTTCE, Pontypridd, Solicitors for the Bill. TORR and CO., 19, Parliament-street. Westminster, S.W., Parliamentary Agents.