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ALL SATISFIED. I -0. j I Generous Tribute ¡ to  j to Premie I MASS MEETINGIN I LONDON. "An Honourable Settle- ment. The settlement that I submit to you to-Right is in my judgment an honourable settlement, and a credit to bath sides. However much we may have disagreed, we are unanimously of opinion that it was due to the Prime Minister's c-alcels, and not to some of his c&Heagues, that a settlement was reached." This was the magnificent tribute paid to the Premier by sir. J. H. Thomas at 1 a great mass meeting of railwaymen at j the Albert Hall, London, on Sunday niRL-t. CONGRATULATORY. I The demonstration took the form of a congratulatory celebration. Proces- sions, accompanied by bands, marelied to the hall from all parts of London, each coritingent being received with cheers. The building was packed from floor to ceiling, and. there were scenes of great enthusiasm. The interval of waiting the arrival of the speakers was filled by the singing of Are We Downhearted and The Red Flag. During a lull in the singing a voice from the rear of the platform shouted, 1914 heroes, 1919 Bolshevists." Another exclamation was, "What about the Anarchists?"! Both cries were received with much laughter. 1r. C. T. Cramp, president of the' National Union of Mailwaynien, was in the chair, supported by Mr. J. H. Thomas, the general secretary, Mr. W. W. Cooke, president, and iNir J. Brom- ley, secretary of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, and other well-known Trade Union leaders. Hundreds were unable to ob- tain admission, and an overflow meeting took place outside the hall. GREATEST FIGHT IN HISTORY. i The Chairman sai-d the strike had been I the greatest fight of the organised workers in history. It ever there was a moment when he feh proud of being a railwayman it was at t&at moment. The firjsfc great strike which took place on British railways in 1911 was a mere flea- bite compared with what had happened I during the past week. Thev had voted loyal, peaceable, and orderly, and had I given an example of how a trade dispute should be carried on. (Cheers.) After they had heard the terms of settlement they would realise that they had won a battle, not merely for themselves, but I for organised workers throughout the country. The X.TJ.R. were the first body of workers to bear the attack which was being made on the standard of life I of the worker?, and they stood four I square and had broken it. (Loud Ij cheers.) j PURELY ECONOMIC QUESTION. I Mr. Thomas, who had a great reception, said that when the strike was called hp knew there could he nothing more danger- ous or more calculated to imperil the life I of the State than to enter into a conflict in which one fec-tion of the community Tiaa at war with the community as a whole. He recognised that in a challenge to the State, whichever sido won disaster must follow. If those who challenged won the only alternative would be the end of constitutional government. It, -,u the other hand, the State won, then there must follow bitterness and ill-feeling which would be a danger to the community. lie recognised that citizenship wa* greater than sectional interest, and, therefore, when the tight began he determined to make it a struggle on a purely econolilio. I question. HAD BEHAVED WEI-L. The failwaymen had no quarrel with the 1 constitution of the country, and although they were nominally servants of t'ue Gov- ernment they were as entitled to demand from the Government the same fair con- ditions of labour as workers were entitled to demand from any private employer. After a week's struggle, when the nun had been tested, misrepresented, and libelled a3 no men had ever been before, it was a proud moment for him to stand before them and say that they were as strong. solid, determined, l'nd loyal as when the struggle commenced nino days ago, « struggle which over one minion workei- had directlv or indirectly been affected, and in participated. Buring the whnle of the nine days they h«(l conducted themselves well and set an ex- ample to the world. Their Trade Union colleagues felt the rail way-men were not ( anlv fighting their own battle, but the battle of the Trade Unions of the country. ALWAYS LEFT THE DOOR OPEN. I I Mr- Thomas explained that ne h~.a a. ?avs left the door open fcr np?otiations, not because he was afraid of weakening, j or of the &olidanty and loyahy cf the men. The Executive Committee of the N.U.R. 'erf ready ai? vilHn? at A)i>* moment <o accept an honourable sc?tlc- ment. and '?"r& determined they w?nid not állaw pride, dignity, or evti, the I strength of the forces to blind them to the duty of making a settlement if Hiev could. The terJns offered by the Government ¡ at th first interview arranged the I mediators were tantamount to uncondi- tional surrender We know," declared j Mr. Thomas. there could be no settle- ment on those terms." He gave details of j the subsequent interviews at Downing- I street, and pointed out that the Executive j were prepared to iiialc,, a truce to draw up I terms. Throughout, the justice of tlioir j cause had never been challenged, but only their method of strikinsr. PEACE WiTH HONOUR. I Mr. Thomas read the terms of the settle- ¡ ment, and on leaching the paragraph in whin the railwaymen agreed to work j harmoniously with the railway servants! who had remained at. or returned to work there was some protest in the audience, mRuy ahcmting ?No/' and "?Ve cannot l do that." Mr. Thomas retorted by saying, 1f yon demand there shall be no victimisation you must be equaHy prepared to say there shall be no victimisation on your part" (Cheers). ¡ Standardisation (h9 addedjl is to be imm?diateiy revisoo: ot ön any definitive basis, but absolutely and oompIct?lT, as if there !?d 1wen no discussion at a?. To charge me witlj having sold the men or to accuse the Prime Minister of "apitulating to Labour leaders wouM the worst thing that could happen to the country." JM0 DESIRE TO DEFEAT GOVERN- I MENT. Proceeding, he aid he had b?a at-, tacked because he was the mt Privy j BACK TO THE FOOTPLATE 0. —L Councillor to lead a railway strike, but j he was mistaken of it? function if Privy councj110rShiPcarried with it any obliga- tion to desert the peopip who had placed him in the position he occupied amongst them. (Loud cheers). He A-" attacked also because he was a member of Parlia- i ment. He would answer in Parliament for his action, and if there'was any doubt about his position as a Parliamentary re- presentative he would take the judgment of his constituents eft. his action in this I matter. He added :— We have not got a victory in the sense that the Germans were beaten. We did not want to defeat the Government. We have got a settlement which justifies J your action, whic-h is honourable, and vindicates your Executive. Prolonged cheers were given when Mr. Thomas resumed his seat. Mr. Bromley declared that the railway- men had gained a line victory, not only I for themselves, but for all trade unionists who were threatened with possible reduc- tion of wages. Incidentally, they had found work for people who had never worked before. Lord Muttonhead had had to step in and attempt some work for the first time in hie life. Ho did not know if the work had been done satisfactorily, but in the open market it would not com- mand 40s. a week. A resolution was carried to loyally ac- cept the settlement and await further ne- gotiations. The feeling of satisfaction was voiced by members of the Conciliation Committee, who were interviewed after the meeting. The views of some of the principal media- tors aro given below :— ADMIRABLE SPEECH. Mr. C. W. Bowerman, Ihe spirit I in which we finished was admirable. Nothing could be better. I think it ¡ speaks well for the future of peace in in- dustrial affairs. Mr. J. It. Clynes, M.P.: I am very ?!a I a settlement has been reached. While neither side can daim a victory, I am sure that the men ?i!l And in t11e et- tkm<mt that they will Veceive 8ub8tan- tial concessions. I did not approve of I the sudden stopDage of the railways, but the men, I think, Vere provoked b>' the long delays, and other circumstances which occurred in the last days of the negotiations. LESSONS OF THE STRIKE. I The lesson of till:" stoppage is that the heads of the Government, and the heads of great bodies cf organised woric- j men, should, in future, act constitu- j tionally, and should always he will- 1 ing, if asked to give a little more time I for deliberation, especially 4r]iere the in- terests aaid convenience of millions of people may be m\?otv?d. Mr. Frank Hod? x: Th? railway men's executive appear to be sa.t?fied. I bave no business to interfere or to criticise their view about it. The only lessons I draw from the strike relate to any future action. When a ftrike of thig magni- tnia is embarked upon, the whole TJ<ùe J Union moTement will han to be con- suited, and much more compr?honshe plans mad? in adVa1IC before any such movement is undertaken. Mr. Harry Gosling: If the railwayman ar? sdtisned" we are equally satisfied. Mr. J. R. Bromley The sett?meat is, in my opinion, pmmMitiy satisfactory, I and bears more benefit to tibo railway- men than appears on the surface. I am confident that that will be abundantly proved in the near future. I




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