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gftaJ anir ^istritl ffefe*. Tunis or MRS GRoBot OWIS.—We are glad to state that Mre>0weo, the wife of Mr GeorgeOwen, the Conservative agent, Who is dangerously ill, ia reported a lit-t'e better to-day (Friday). BANOOB ttasaroN*.—Tuesday next being a general holiday, the fipeoial-Sessions for Bangor Division, holiien on that day., will be formally adjourned to the followfogidav, Wednesday. at 11 a.m.. when all the business of the stations will be gone into. DiL RoBRtT Asylum, son of the Bav. 'Thomas Jones, fiiateddfa. has been seleeted lby go London Coorrty <!iunoll to the mopt import- 3 .an$ post of Mperiotendene Ito the new Lunatio1 Asylum at Olaytiury. BANGOR Y.W.C.A,Tiis shown association are vmaing preparations for tbe visit of the Z ila Christian eheir whom they have invited to North M'rtea for tbebeneftt of tho Y.M.O.A.. movement in tbis/dislriot. They WIN give a series of performances aborty. -c.VOMPIln. ANII AwoLlou IHVIBIUBT.— WAakly report. December 'Mth, 1892:— In-patient*, M j total number of out patients admitted ainoe Oetober 25th. 1893, 479; total nimiiwr of out- patients admitted daring the past week. 56 home pad. SO. Visitors for the ensuiot week: Mr* Edwards and the Canon io Re-idenes. Hon. nhyaioia* for ensuing week, Dr. Laagtord Jones. Ron. s or neon for ensuing week Dr. Lloyd.—J. 2. TamAe. M.B., bouse sargeon. LoKNII COILKQB or Mo«e.—An examination in connection with this college waa held in Bangor on the 16th inut. The examiner was Mr Alfred Caldi- eott, Mua. Use., Cantab. The following pupils of Mr Edward Breeme, organist and oboirmaater of 1k. Mary's Ctwmeli passed ameasedell -v,-Piao,,Ierte Ptaylnj (etameotary): HIIIII Lottie Ircaon (winaer of dlvw medal at Stngor Church Festal); Miss Alberta Willeoeks, Vriars-road and Matter Willie Jonas, Olanadda. Intermediate Miat Nellie WilteaelM (holder et Trinity College Musical Certificate), Master Ban Watson (ditto), and Master 308 Marti*. Organ playiai, theory, and organ coastraotiea (Senior) Mr Brereton. North W.. nktitutjt Of&&. &W sub-organof tt Milt 3. W. PunR". lanr,, on Taetdav awarded the annnal priz-4 to the children of the Natlooll1 School* at Amlwch. GBK»T preparstiona FOE Ohristmaa are VI«IBL< everywhere at Amiact), the nhons are ta-tetoJl,! decorated, aodmuoh Dovel,y ba-i been iocroduoed in the matter. IMPORTANT TO TJ*MNI—Madame Worth's cele- brated Guinea Corsatq (blaolt, 25sl mav be obtained fm ber Role Aspentfor Bangor, Mrs Evans, Regent House. 254, High-street. ADVT DIOOBSB OF WAVOIR -A t Womfin'R Ralp Union" has been established in the Diocet;, of Bingv, und»r the aanetion of the Lord Biehop. bFidyP,-orhiubaa accepted tbe post of Lady President. THE COMPLTHBNTS OF THR gak,;C"M -knV peonle after enjoying the goo1! thioR" of Hf". this festive aeaaon, are SOhj801 ti much after suffariog from the inability of tha Storaioh to perform I" duties. A timely n'e of Gwilym Evens' Bitters would strengthen the dieestiva orcans, and serve to remedy the evil. Sae advt. on P"!lll 3. DBSBIOB TOWN Cocsoit.—The MWl)r (Mr -T. Howel Gee) presided nveT a meeting of this body on ToeR(isy.-The Surveyor presented bifl report nn the beat means of remedyitie the defeot, at, the Heullan water Bupply reservoir which had been damaged by thw recent floods and storm. After considerable di-ousai-n it was resolved that the Surveyor shonld carry out the work.—It was resolved that the question of providing a footpath in front of the Drill Hall he referred to the High- way Committee with power to sot.-A, letter was read from the Secretary of the Denbigh Water Company, sayine tb..t the directors ha-i faken steps to prevent the pollution of the water at Tstrad, Dsiraov DB. S D. DARBISHTBK AT PBNBARSHIWS. —We regret to snnonnoe the døtlth, whioh tooV plme on Friday a* Penma^nmawr, of Tlr. S. D. Dirbishire a celebrated Oxford o»r»roan, who was three tirade in eoooes'ion stroke oar for Oxford in the inter- University 'boat nee. He also M'ad in that oipaeity in the memorable race alzainpt Harvard University when Ibe En«'i»h crew won. Th\ l>arbi shire acted for m,nv years as o~aoh to the Oxford orews. ana his name was well known in srma'ic oir«'*g. He gradn«t?d at B Hiol C-11-&,A M D. in 1883, MI L W08 pbvei»ian to the R»dolifFe Tnfirmary, and also held the office of oormer to the Un:v»r»itv for several years, hut failing health c-mo-Ilel "im to resign the office last year. He was the brother of Mr R D. Darbithirm, of MiLneheate- oin3 "46 "R old. lTis death will he deeply deplored ft Oxford an'' in all sqoetic oin-le" CKtvpBsitr CoLtsoK '1411100', G.811 Exoerimento Aber.A publio mee^ne w.. held in the •ohoolreora, Aber, on the evening of Hi1* IEtb inR. when a large nomber of farmers end others interested ■trended to hear a leotnre by Mr D. A. Gilchrist. R.Ro on the resnlts of the experimlirt4 that have been osrried ont diirinir the p-st two war" ne»r ■ Aber. The ohair was taken t.y the Rev. Pierc" J""p, the Reotor of A b-r. The leo^nrer explained that 34 plots had been sown with differMU pasture plan's ,,d that .))ilp a few of them had failed. m--t, of them were now in he»lthy a ndition. Restated that of the more important wrasse* perennial rve em-a Ttslian rye grass. Cocksfoot on" Timothy had m«dethe mOil; rapid progress. He also exjihinefl 1 that 121 plots hud been sown with diffiv-en* mixtures «T Crap" aoU clover seeds, end thrtmesft snmmpr it vcvjltl be-poswbia-to oomp re 'he res"l'» on th-se. plotll-Mr Th.vnas "Rober's, Aher, ",I,lrø.1I the mMIÍ"1! in Wo-I lb on the objeoto and TTOirregs of tti-, experiment. Mr Roberts, on whoee f- (he exo-'i-1 moots are being oarried oat, is assooiated with the College leoturen in the conduct of the experimento,, and has taken great pains in canning out. the praotioail part. These experiments see heinaoarriod out -as part of the soheme of Agrianltnral'Edncation In cnnection with the Carnarvonshire County Council. PBHIMASOHBV IT ANOIU'KV.—The IIftnntl' festival of the Anglesey Loltae of Freemasons (No. 1113), was held at Me"a; Biicfs on Monday, when Bra. Dr. W. Franc's Jones was installed W.M. for the ensntng year. The lod-re is one of the moat flourish- jog-in the prnvinoe. Brother Captain E. Laogtry, the retiring W.M. who was in the chair, was sup- ported bv the following offioers and members R W Brothers Dr. W. Francis Jones, James Wells, P.M. j R. H. Hnghes, P.M.. P.P.G.8.B W. A. Foster, S.D F. Barlow, J.D.: R. G. Tbomas. P.M., secretary, P.P.G.P. A. F. Haslam. oroanift; T. Wifliems, Dr. Prytheroh. P.M. G. D. Dew. P M. G. Williams, T G., J. W. Fendiok, S.8 W. T. WiI. liams, tyler; J. Edwards. R. Alceo. J. A. Hornhv, Walter R Jones, D. Owen, J. Parry, T. W. Eddowes. W. Morris, J. Broomo, E. Broome. &0. The "visitors ioolnded Brother! T. Mills. P.M., P.G.R.1J., 384 H. Hardoiin, P.M.. 606 P.G.A.S. J. James, P.M.. 597, P.P G.8.B.; T. G. Hnehes, .T.W.597, P.P.G.S.; T. Jervis. P M.. 1488 and 384, P.P.G.P.: E. W Th-ma-. P.M., 384, P P G 0. W. Jones, P.M., 1488 Ti, Willi,,n)., W.M, 1488 Dr. T. E. Jones. B.W.. 1488 J. Hall, P.M 597 R. P. Thomas. R.W.. 384; W. Guest. S.D., -597 R. lismin, :J.8., 11188; W. H. Evans 606; Ac. Brother J. Wollo, as the installing master, oonductefl the installation ceremony ia a masterly manner. Brother Dr. W. Franois Jones, the newly installed W.M., Sfterwarde appointed his offioers all follows •; —Brothers E. Xangtry, T.P M.; R. Ross, S.W W. A. Foster, J.W,; J. Wells, P.M., treamrer R, G. Thom". P.M., Pecreiftry F. llarlow, 8.D.: G. Wil. liam«, J.D. R. R. Haghes. p m., OJ. of Oer. R. Broome, organist J. W. F. ndiok, I.G.; W. R. Jones. S.S. A 'F. Haslam, J.B. W, T. Williams, tyler, Ac. The members and vioitinp brethren sub- sequently enjmyed a hanqnet at the Viotoria Hotel. Brother H. flardman, P, O.A H responded to "the toast of the health of the W.D.G P.M, Colonel Platt, and the health of the W.M. of the Anglesey tiodge was proposed by Brother Captain Lanstry, I.P.M. The W.M. suititbly responded. Other toasts followed, and a programme of music was gone through, the oontribators beine Brothers T. T. Hushes, R. Lewin, E. Brooms, E. W. Thomas, and others. MOCRT Boo. SCHOOL, BANOIB—A laTge and fashionable aedienoe at the Penrhyo Hall, on Tuis- day even in it, expressed itself highlv fleased with the programme Mr and Mrs Hurren Harding provided for signs'lial-n? the advent of the Christmas holidays. Mmlnt House School has made suoh strides within the last "three years, and tbe pupils1 have become so numerous, thai, to give an enter- tainment in tbe sehAnlroom is new out of the question. Hence it was found neoesgary to secure; tbe Penrbvn Hall, wher" there is amnte aoeom- modation for performers and aud ienci". Theourtain rose upon a neatly arraneed group of ohildreo, who sing with mueh sweetness the oborus" When the morning," <to. This was followed by < oreditably performed pianoforte duet, by the Mispes Maggie Huehes and Graham. The next item on the pro- gramme was an exceedingly amusing one. The whole of the Boys* Class appeared In the role of shoemak»rs. and gave th» action song. The ëo;e;,re:t' t'Kr 1I::iD:a'¥h' b;: aoquitted themselves admirably, and oalled forth muoh lauehter. The solo, A Winter Lillabv," was then rung by Miss Vary Edward*, who was loudly applauded. ■" 0 lovely peace" was epjoysd. The sight-singiac test thr eveh the senior olasaas were nit bv Mr Harding was demonstrated the thoroughness of the musiesl education imnarteil. Litttle Miss Harding recited SA Keeping His Word with oorrectoess and pathos, and her dear enun- ciation was remarkable In one who bas only seen eight summers. The Maypole Danoe by tbe junior classes was well arranged and carried out with muoh muott spirit by the performers. Misses Bicknell and Rowlands and MuterT. Lewis cava a violin trio," See the oonquering hero nomas," which secured for them the plaudits of fb- audience. Next which om" a solp Legend of tfw Lily,"hy Kiss M. Hughes. We csnnot speak In terms too high of tbe violin and pianoforte dnet by the Misses Hewitt. It was superb, and had time allowed its repetition would have been warmly welooaied. There were two other items in the first part of the programme: An action sang by the Kindergarten olasa, and a pianoforte dust hv Misses M. Hewitt and Gladys Hughes. After an interval, "The tale of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp" was unfolded by Miss Olwen Rowlands, of whose capabilities we have had the pleasure on seveeal occasions of speaking In laudatory terms. The tableaux were nsrvelbusly well Arranged, and the perfnrmanoe redounds to the credit of all the members of tbe sebool. Tbe scenes were: -1, Telling the Tale; 2 The Descent to the Cave: 3. In the Cave 4 The Prinoaas going to the HiLtik 5,New Lampe for Old 6, The Enohsnted Cagile 7, The Coronation Procession, lntrodocing the hietorioel periods of British history. The closing seene was arranged and carried out with precision and taste, and general astonishment WM aroused at the correct- neea nf the en8tomllll, and tha way in which each performer did hia and her part. Matter Willie Dew impersonated the chargeaw of Aladdin in suoti a way as to leave nothinc to bs desired.—Ou the motion of Councillor Matthews, a vote of thanks was accorded to Mr Horren Harding for providing so thoroughly enjoyable 511 entertainment.—After the prices bad been distributed to the sucoessful scholars, the proceedings, whioh lasted over three hours, terminated. LUNDOVBBT CoLiaaa,—Mrp J. Morgan, the sen af Dr. Morgan. puVfa analyst, gwanm% &M a pupil at tile above sobool, has jast bean elected to an open foualation scholarship In natural aaiaaQf at St. Join's Ocllage. Cambridge, Igo holds,* feMwa uMaqfbJp of S36 a yaar »t As aaboeL Oif Sunday at Chri., Chnrah. Carnarvon, raterenoes were made to the late Mr.T. P. DeWintoi, who h'id boen a worshipper at that cbnreh. Cardinal virtues are rarely to hi met with, but good tea can always be obtained at Birkstt's Srtwres. Send for free samples and oompaie them. 441t LUNBRBLKI CaOBCH REATORATION FOND. Miss Edwards, Rock Cottage, Twtbill, :111 Bob»cribed £\0 towards the restoration of the Parish Church sod ohurohyard at Carnarvon. RENT Ricxi-SION.-Sir George Meyiick, Bart., of Bodorgan, Anclesey, has promised a remission cf 20 per cent. to his tenants on the full year's rent, aa well as oonsiderate treatment in the future. W. O. Witii Ails' balf-yearly Sale will take place early in January, 1893. Then for Bargains. Hav- ing a beavv stock on band must clear. Particulars of Sale will be sect to all residences. 7860B BBACMARIS HABBOCB AND Tows I)Lzs.-At a. meet- ing of the Town Council on Fridayonder the presidency of Colonel Hampton Lewis, tenderll were reoeived for the farming of the town dues for a term of five years, vis;—Mr James Perev, Shepherd's Bush, London, £ 287 peranunm MrE. Davison, B. atimiarif;, 2280 p-r annom Mr J. Hull, Lincoln, 2273 per annum. The tender o' Mr Percy was accepted. The market tolls were let to Mr Richard Stanley, fruiterer, Beaumaris. OBBINATIOH AT BANOOR —The Lord Bishop of Bangor (Dr. Lewie Lloyd) held an ordination at the Cathedral, Bangor, on Sunday, when the following were prevented Deacons John Edwin Davies. b.A.. Jesus College, Oxford, and Bangor School of Divinity John Reos Joues.B.A .Oxford University; Thomas Edwin Owen. B.A., Durham University, and Bangor Sohool of Divinity; Oliver Hariine. B.A.. St. David's College, Lampeter, and Ringor Bohool of Divinity Thomas Parry, Bangor School of Divinitv. Priests William Goodman Edwards Itoe%. B.A.. Jesus Collere. Glasgow, and M.A. of the Unv-rFity of Glasgow; Wi:liam Bankes WiI. liams, B.A.. St. David's. Lampeter David Thomas Davie. B.A Jesus College, Oxford David Herbert Williams, B.A.. ft. David'n College. Lampeter. After the ordination the following licences were issued Rev. John Edwin Davies. B.A., to ulan- pefni the Rev. J. B. Jones, to Llanberis the O. Harding, to DvfTryn Ardudwy the Rev. T, E. Owen, to Blaenau Feetiniog and the Rev Thomas Parry, to Upper Llandwrog. The R-iv. David Thomas Huehes. Queen's Colleen, Birmingham, and the Rpv. W; B. Williams were licensed to Llangefni "nd Birmonth respectively. The Rev. Cotnoa Thomas presented the candidates, the Rev. John Kees Jones read the gospel.and the Rev.BankesWil- liams the epistle. Tli, sermon was preached by Rllv. R. Edmunds Jones, M.A. ST. Mun's CBOROB.—A successful sale of work was held in connection with the above church on Saturday, December 17th, in ths National School- room, Garth-road. The sale opened at two o'clock. The following Is a list of stall holders Mrs John Lloyd. assisted by Messrs Lloyd and Harry Lloyd, and Miss Morris the Misses McKinstry, assisted hy Miss Whatmoagh Mrs Langford Jones assisted by the Misses Lansford Jones Mrs Greig Hughes and Mrs Arridge. assisted by Miss Emily Lewis, The Deanery, and Mr Tom Jonoa, Gambier-terraoe; Mrs Benjamin Thomas and Miss Devonald assisted by Miss Roberts. The promoters of the sale are indebted to Mrs 0<ven, City Hotel, for supplying all the ohina for the refreshment stall, and to Mrs Parry., ironmonger, for kindly lending fountains for making the tea and also to Mr John Pritohard. Bodhyfryd, for the humorous and highly amusing manner in which be disposed by auotlon of the few remaining artioles which the stall holders bad not been able to sell during the day. Messrs F. R. Barber, Harry Lloyd, and Tom Jones provided various shows in an adjoining room, and the Misses Thomas, the Csnonry, kindly gave assistance. Mr Willie Morgan's magio lantern entanainmellt in the Infants' Schoolroom proved a great attraction. The remarkable success which attended the sale is attested by the fact that a sum of 929 was realised. During the day the sale was visited by his Lordship the Bishop of Bangor and members of the Penrhyn Family. The clergy of of St. Mary's were alpo present. PBOTESSOB RHYA AT BANGft.-Profesmnr Rhys, of Oxford, has recently been staying in Bangor, and on Monday evening last addressed a joint meeting of the Bangor Stndents' National Society, and the Antiquarian Society of the University College. The meeting was held in the Physica Leotnre Theatre of the University, which was filled to overflowing by fhe members of the two sooieties and their friends. Had the public been admitted, a room of several times the capacity of the Physics Leotnre Theatre would no doubt have been required. Pro. fessor Arnold, M.A., presided, and after a short humorous speech, oalled upon Professor Rbya to deliver his leoture on Welsh Folk-lore. Professor Rhye, who was reoeived with repeated rounds of obeering was in his beet moods, and his hearers were treated to a oharaoteristic address. He treated the subjeot. which Is a favourite one with him, with bis usual brillianoe, interspersing bis remarks with splendid humorous touches which were Cheered to the eobo by a sympathetic audieuce. He spoke of the reluctance of the Welsh people to repeat these old. world tales nowadays, and !1J1)el"d tQ hia audience to help him to make a oomplele ooflection of them before they are forgotten.—A vote of thanks to the leoturer, proposed bv Mr J. E. Llovil, M.A., and seended by Mr W. Jenkyn Thomas, B.A., seoretary of the national Society, and oarried with acclama- tion, terminated a most successful meeting. OABSABTOK PRIWROS* LBAOCS—Tbe annual general meetins wss held at, the assembly hall of the Con- servative i Irb on Friday, Ruling ConnciHor Captain Wynn Griffith presiding. Mr Assheton Smith (Vavnol), was re-elected president^ Mrs Wynn Griffith (I.'anfair Hall), dame president; and Captain Wynn Griffith, ruling councillor. The otbereftloers elected were Mr Georpe Owen, seore- tary; Miss Rees (Old Bank) and Miss Bowen, assistant secretaries; Mr G. D. Humphreys, treasurer; Mr :1. H. Raes and Mr (J. Carter, auditors; eleoted Executive Councillors Mrs Jones. Vlinsfon Mrs Jones, St. HelenV-terrace Mrs Net;, C-LAtle-strg-t; Mies Roberts, Glandwr Mies Owen. Tycoch: Mrs Lloyd Carter. Bryneiod; Misa Newton, Bunnycliffe; and Miss Jones. Bron Msnai. The wardens for the previous year were re-elected with a few attergtionp. The annual report showed that the Habitation bad assisted in organising several politiosl meetings, and particularly in the distribution of political literature. The report and financial statement were unanimously adopted. Upoo the motion of the Ratine: Conooillor a vote of oondolence with the members of the family of the late Aldermm Os Winton was unanimously adopted. After the meeting Mr R. Williams (lata editor of the Ctmilm) gave a pictorial entertainment to the members of the league and Conservative Club, the first part being an exhibition of very good slides, I The laud we live in, past and present," which was very muoh appreciated. Afterwards Mr Wiifi-tme exhibited and factored npox a, nrmber of Irish views. -inoliding Mr Balfour's tour through Ireland. This was followed by a number of interesting views in North Wales, and the portraits of several of the leldingsupportera of the Unionist oause in the northern portion of the PrinMpality; at the termination of whioh a cordial vote of thank. was, upon the motion of Mr Richa-d Thomas, seconded by Mr EL Lloyd Carter, aocorded to Mr Williams. OROINATIOH AT ST A-arm CATHEDRAL.—At a general ordination by the Bishop of St. Asaph in his Cathedral Chnrch on Sunday, the following gentle- men were ordainedDeacons: William Thomas Davies, B.A., St. David's College, L%mpeter: James Buchanan Sea ton, 8 A., Christ Cborob, Oxford; William Williams. B.A.. Jesus College, Oxford Guy Wittanoom Hockley, B.A Balliol and Cuddes- don Colleges; David Lloyd. B.A., 81. David's College, Lampeter, and St. Michael's Clergy School. Aber. dare; Owen Jenkyn Daving, B A., Dorbam Univer- sity, and S'. Michael's Clergy Sohool, Aberdare; Tyryl Herbert Thompson. B.A,, Trinity College, Dublin, and r>uddesdon College, Oxford; Charles Hayward Phillips, B.A;, Clare College, Cambridge William Beavsn, Queen's College, Birmingham; James Owen Davies, Literate; Jamei Bowen, Licentiate io Divinity, St.David's College, Lampeter; lid win Tudor Mo-eg Evans. B.A., fit. David's College, Lampeter; William Tbomas Williams, B.A., 1M. David's College, Lampeter, and St. Mary's Hall, Oxford. Priests: Rev. John Jones, B.A.. Bt. David's College, Lampeter- Rev. David Howell Griffith, B.A.. Hatfield Hall College, Durham Rev. Jobo Bevan Jones, 86. Bees College, Cumberland; Rev. Msnrice Obarles Dasent, Cambridge Univer- sity. The ordination sermon was preached hy tbe Rev. Prebendsrv David Lewis, AI.A" Jtaotor of Trefuiot, from 17tle Rt. Jabn. verse 21. The Gos- pel Was ffal ki the Rey. W. Williams. The Bishop afterwards licensed the Rev. William T. Davies to tbbcurw of Bistro; The Rev. J. B, Beaton to the ouraov of Oswestry; the Rev. William Williams to the curacy of Mostyn the Rev. W. ffticklev. to the earaov of Hawarden the Rtlv, David Lloyd to the ouraey of Penycse. Roabon the Rev. O. J. Davies, to the earaov of Rhvl the Rev. C. H. Thompson to the euracy of Wrexham the Rev. C. H. Phillips to the euracy of Chirk the Rev. William Beavsn to too curacy of Holy Trinity, Oswestry she Rev, J. O Davies, to the aaraoy of Minera; the Rev. John Bowen to the e iraer of Ifineta; the Rev. B. T, M. Evans to the onracy of Afcsrbafasp; the Bar. MIQ. Uavlfeoow inUUatWikfffurMyafj&iVMtai THB M-rqu;o of Ang'esey has left Plas Newjdd Manit Bridge. for Pa,is. Ma TuomAs LSWM, M.P.. is rapidly regaining Itreoctb and Is able to take open air exercise. COMCBBTS AT LLTSFAVV.-Ofl the 16th inst., two cnoerts were held at the National Sobools, in aid of the Church expenses, under tbe patronage of Mr and Mrs Hetketb, Gwryph Cas'le; General and Mrs Wynne, Coed Coch. and others. Ssveral well. known amateurs took part, assisted by the Llyefaen Cburoh Choir. CHRISTMAS AT ABBBOKLB.—The usual Christmas distribution of beef to the emplojfo and cottagers on the Kiiimel Estate took plaoe at the Home Farm, Llwyni, on Thursday, 22nd inaf. Two magnifioent beasts (fed by Mr Kerfoot, Vaeaull, had been slaughtered for the ocoowon. The Lady Florentia Hughes, of Kinmel, assisted bv the Hon. Mary Hughes, were present, and distributed tbe meat to over 200 recipients. OTTlB HUNT IN ANOLBSK.— A flue specimen of dog otter was killed last week by Mr Wattar Ash- worth, of Moss Let, Lancashire, in the Gri-ill river, Maelog Lake, length 4ft. 5 inches, weight 241bp. A bitch otter was also killed by Mr Mathew Rowlands. Tanymarian, Brynsiencyn, Anglesey, in the river Braint,, on the 6th intt., length 4ft. 3in., weight 23lks. The above have been forwarded to Professor Francis and Son, naturalists and ornith- ologists, High-street;, Bangor, to be preserved and mounted. BAHOOS CATRBDRAD SUNDAY SCHon.At a meet- ing held on Sunday afternoon for the purpose of electing officers for tbe ensuing year, it was pro- posed by Mr Llew. D. Jones, seoonded by Mr W. D. Jones, and carried unanimously, that Mr W. Dixon be asked to act as SprerintendW, and that gentleman, who was present at the' meeting, acoepted the office, remarking that he would do bis utmost to ensure the future success of the school, -It was proposed by MrJchri Jones (Berllan-bacb), Beoonded bv Mr Hughes, and carried nrianimouply, tbst, Mr LIe". D. Jones be appointed bon. secretary. -Mr John Jones, Lobpobty. wee uoaoimously re-elected Librarian —The retiring officers were Mr John Pngh and Mr T. Hl. Clayton. • AKGLESET AN]) CAItNAnvoxpHmic AGRICULTURAL SOCIBTV.—At. the annual meeting held at the British Hotel, Bansor, on Friday, December 16th. nnder the presidency of Mr 0. F. Priestley, Mr J. E. Greaves, the Lord-lieutenaut of the county, was unanimously selected as president for the ensuing year, and Mr Edward Humphreys, of the Viotoria Hotel, Llanberis, vice. president. Both gentlemen bave, we understand, signified their intention to act- From the report of tbe auditors presented to the meeting we were sorry to And that the funds of tbe society were praotioally exhausted owing to the unusually heavy sums given in stallion prizes and tbe receipts at) the gate being about one- third less than usnsl. The members present felt oonfident, however, of suffioietot support to enable the society to regain its position. After transacting considerable business the meeting was aljourned to Friday, Maroh 3rd, 1893. Coollit. FSBVICB AT BANGOR CATBBDBAL.—" The Christmas Story will, on Tuesdav week, be inter- estingly unfolded at the Bangor Cathedral, when what is known as a Carol 8ervice will he given on the evening of that day. The story will be divided into four parts, riz. (1) The angel appears to the shepherds; (2) the Wise Men (3) the first Nowell (4) Venite adoremus; Mr Westlake Morgan will preside at the orean, the carols will be snng by the ohoir. the sacred sonize by Mr Frank Barlow, Mr Humphrey Jones, Mr W. H. Williams, and Master Seth Hughes and the hymns by the ohoir snIJ con gregatisn. It may be anticipated that the carols will be brightly and effectively rendered aod as the Story is a really fine musical internretation of the perennial theme of the Nativity. a deligbtfol evening is in Btore for those who may find their way on Tuesday to the Cathedral. OAMN RBOITAL AT B&Naoit.-A novelty was intro- duced st Bangor Cathedral, on Monday evening iu the form of a Christmas organ recital given by the Cathedral organist, an additional feature of interest being the singing of fonr oarols by the choir. The following was the programme :-F.antasla oo Ancient Noels Carol," The Manger Throne," Tbe Cathedral Choir: Andante Pastoraloffrom Sattivn's oratorio The Light of the World "); Carol ",The holly and the ivy" Offertoire sur deur Noels (intro- ducing Adeste fideles"); Evening Hymn, The day is gently sink'ng" Offertory Hymn,60 A. & M. Hark I the herald angels sine" Christmas Post- lude (introducing "Gend King WencfBlas") Sepherds* Nstivity Hymn. "Bethlehem": Lani Deo. We understand that, the next reoitat will be eiven on Thursday the -28th of January next, by Mr John Willfatns, organist of Christ Churcb, Carnarvon; > i ST. DAVMSCoTLmalc, LABPBTSB.—The results of the Christmts examination are ss under:—B.A. degree (ordinary) -Cli--qs II. D. L,Thomas Class, III.: J. Robert Jones, J. Evans Davies, E. A Wesle, and J. C. Beynon. Theoloiioal certificates (3rd year specialists)—Gifts* III. Hemy Jones and James Davies. Acts orly Henry Jones. Licence in Diviinity-Olses II. Charles Roaoh and J. Watoyn Jones; Class III.: G. N. Bolderson Samuel Griffiths, and J. S. Jones. Moderations i.,dinary)-rlass III W. E JAnkinll, T D. Tbomu .Rect,)r Maclean and D. H. Williams. Theological certificate (2nd year F-T)ecialfsts)-Claso IT. J. J. Davies and J. A. Howpli Class III. D. W. Thomas, D. A. Lloycl, and H J. Stewart. Reeponsions (orilinary)-Olaa III. J. C. F. Morson, J. Llewelyn Richards, C. C. F. N. Miles, and M. E. Davies. Wei h certificate- Third year (including seooDd vear biennials)—Class I. J. Robert Jones Class II. J. Watoyn Jones Clans ITT. D. Lowis Thomas, J. Evans Davies,and J. 8. Jones. UnlGOB CATHEDRAL —There was an unusually large congregation at the Welsh servioa on Sunday evening, and the choir, which is now under the leadership of Mr W Williams, Port Penrhyn, sang with great taste throughout the servfee. After the first lesson, a carol was sweetly sung by the follow. ing Mfrs A. C. Owen, Miss Gracie Williams and Miss M. J. Evans (treble); Wiss l izzie Williams (alto) j Mass's W. Williams and John Jones (tenr), Messrs Griffiib Roberts and John Price (boar). Another carol was sung afte- the seoond le-son, the follo,.iag taking part: Miss Jones, Miss Tope and Miss Evans (trebles): Miss Lizzie Williams (alto). Me..r. W. Williams fleader), and J-bn Jones (tenors),Bnd Messrs R. H. Butler and R. E. Owen (ba-s). This carol was ereditarily rendered. The anthem wile "0 prawf a ewel (Gosa),«nd the rendering was f a most crelitable oharacher. The Rev. D. Herbert Williams necuplpdthepnlpit. Tbe service was Intoned by the Rev. J. A. Evans B.A. curate. Next 8undity evening several carols win be song in addition to .b9 anthem 11 For nnto us a child is bom." Mr William Jones has kindlv promised to render the solo entitled Be thou faithful taken from St. Paul. G.F.S. FBSTITAL (RT. Mny's BRANCB) — The annnal G.F.S. Festival of. the St. Mary's Branoh vas held on Tuesdav. There was a servioe in the. Cstbedral at five o'clock, and an appropriate sermon was preached in Welsh bV tho Rev. Evqn Davies, rector of L'anlleohid. bv the kind per- mission of the Dean. An excellent tea waa provided as the Cst6 at six o'clook. of which 80 girls partook. The following lady officials and associates were pre- sents—The Hon. Louisa Dcuglas Peonant,Mrs Lewis (Deanerv), Miss C. V. Sickville Went, Mi«s Griffith, Miss Wynne Jones, Mrs Llovd, ,s B, Thomas, Mrs James Rmith, Miss Pritohard, Mrs Whitman, and Mrs F. R. Barber.-After removing the tables, several enjoyable games were indulged in and songs inolndiog some effective part-singing, were rendered by Miss Wynne Jones and some of the members.— This brsnoh of the societv is mmh indebted to Miss 0. V. Saokville West for the kind-hearted and energetic manner in which she organised and carried out this and similar other movements con- nected with the societv.—A most hearty vote of thanks was unanimously passed as a record of the high appreciation of ber nndertaklvigs.—Votes of thanks were also passed to Mies Griffith and Miss Wynne Jones for tbelr kind assistance. The wett- ing terminated by singing the National Anthem preoeded by a special prayer of the society. BANGOR CATHEDRAL.——Saturdav (Christmas Eve), evensong at 5 p m, -Mivice. Hubert Parry in D; anthem" Behold I a Virgin (HsndAl).-Christmso Day (25th December), celebration of the Holy Euobarist at 8 a.m.: matins and seoond celebra- tion at 11-30 s.m hymns A. A M. 61 and 60; oaril, See Iml".t the winter's snoww(Goss); see- vioe, Barnby in E anthem For nnto u- < ohild (Handel); preacher, the Vary Rev. the Dean. Evensong at 4 p.m. hymns, 59 and 62, carol, A Virgin nnspottsd "servioe, Mann in A iht.; anthem." There were shepherds" (FTaudell; preacher, the Rev. the Canon in R,.sid once, -Mond#y (8t. Stephen's Day), oelebratjon of the Holy Euobarist at 8 a.m.: matins at 11.m.: servioa, Boyce in A: anthem, Jerusalem "Mendel isohn). Evensong a* 5 p.m.: servioe, Cooke G carnl." Good King Wenoeslss;" sutham. Arlso? sf-ins" (E'vey!.— Tnesday (S.. John the Evangelist Day), celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 8 a.m. matins at 11 a m servioe, flmArt in P; ant hem.: flweet is The mpro," (Barnhy): Evensong at "5 b.m. service Garrett in F í anthem. Say where He is born (Mendelssohn). CarfA service. Tbe Christmas Btory at 8 p.m.— Wav (The Holy Innocents), celebration of the Holy Euobarist at 8 a. matins and litany at 11 16.1m.: service, Sullivan I) anthem, "0 God. bilft eoarcy" (Calkin) Evensong, 5 p.m. service, Pomm iD D; astak" The anthem orpøee;" .a" "Wt ,,¡trut" (81.4"


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Family Notices





IBangor Tide TableI

IWelsh Markets.1

[No title]

Sunday Services In Bangor.

Coursing Fixtures for December.

Racing Fixtures for December.

Welsh. Fairs for December.

Bangor Trains for Dooomber.



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