Papurau Newydd Cymru

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ï;¡¡strirl!tt TtI. VinfOL IsovLta Raft Aowt.-The annaat isoto of the Diootwio and Llanberis tottants af the Vaveol Estate were r4Wved at Llanberis on Bator dav. It ttM Victoria Rotel. by Captain N. P. Stewart-, on behalf off Mr G. W. Doff Assbeton- Smittt. An abatement of 115 per vent. was allowed to all agrioultoral tenants Who pay tbeir own rafts. The audit was wboaded om the week, the rents feeing rotrved at Pwllheli om Woodsy. afCarnarron on Wednesday and Thareds-, at Bangor CD Friday, and to <Uy tSaturday) at Carnarvon. The anmerons tenant* were dinfid by Mr Asehetoa- swith,st Carnarvon. PwllWli, end Ll«nb«r.», and tinoere gratitude was fwrfy for his gym patbly and the raatorial relief he bad so goooreaely Sren bit tenant* in the Ii paroenl. abatement al a time When it 1180 much required. A 1r."UO' Î8 arranged between Lord Willoughby lie Eresby, idest eon df the Earl of Anaaiter, and JfuHelThetes, yonrgelt daughter of Mr Arthur Wilson, of Tranby Oroft, Bull. D*. HCOBM, of Abergele, was on Thursday eleoted, out of three candidates, to the poet of medical officer fortbe Abergele district of the St. Asaph Union. AT a oonoertheld in the Mission Row, in BDlI Bey, Ac):I?y. on Saturday evening, the sum of ?10 wee retU?d. which is to be devoted toward* the purchase of a new harmonium for tbe Mission Boom. A ttrmen witt be delivered at the Bangor Cathedral morning servioe on Sonday next by the Rev. A. T. ?yor(d<*tt(ot omM"n< MOMt?ry). In aid of %be Home MtMiooo of the Gbnrch of England. A collection will be made on behalf of the-wiety. Losm XasiON, the Marcbicmeee of Hastings, ths Cduntess Of Guilford, and the Hon. George Kenyon, M P., were among the large company which was present at the marriage, at Wbitcburob, Salop, of the Rev. Hugh Hanmer, vioar of Hsnmer, Flint- ablreand Margaret Maud, youngest daughter Of Mr Feel Ethelston, of Hinton, Whitohnroh. AT Conway Parish Church sermons were preached on Sunday on bebatf of the National School by the Rev. X Fairehild, principal of tbe North Wales Training College, and the Rev. J. W. Roberto, Caerbnn. The expenditure laet year was t750 2s 9d, and £164 4e 4d was railed by rolnntary contributions. Increased monetary sop- port is urgently needed to meet this year's expenses. QoARIIY AOCEDZNT AT Fanisto:i.-On Friday, at the Oakeley Middle QUlrry. a llenotll accident befell a workman named Robert Jones (Traws- lynydd). He was engaged in blasting, and had prepared two blasts which were to be fired one after the other. He fired the fuse of the first and went to a safe place. When returning to fire the MOOnd, it exploded. He was seriously hurt abont the bead and cheat, and it is feared be has lost tbe use of one wye. He was taken to the Oakeley Hospital and attended by Dre. Roberts and Jones. A meeting of the executive oommittea of"8te TJsngor Coursing Club was held on Satarday at the Oastle Hotel. Bangor, Mr Ellis presiding. It was lkfmnred that, subjeot to the approval of Lord Penrhyn and Colonel Platt, over whose estates at Aber the fixture has been heM fw n)M*y yee.M. the ?teeebontdbeUecembetllth Md 12th. Mr T. Hampshire was re-appointed seoretanr. Mr Hedley IDIl again ølectec1 a. judge. and T. Wilkinson as •upper. EIRICSION AT HOLTHXAD. —With regard to a 11wrtot an explosion of a powder magazine last week at the North Stack Fog Signal Station, Holy- bead, the faota are as follows:-The acoident was caused by the negligent firing of a gan while in the fon ? boti-e with the port-hole clofed. The disobilrl blew off the roof and part of the 8ide wall 6f tf building. injuring the gunner and two visitors who were in the gun-house at the time. The powder magazine is some little distance from the gun-house, and no explosion at all oocurred there. ST. Wnmramm's Wm.—There have heen hun- dreds upon hundreds of visitors to St. Winefride's Well, Holywell, during the past week, and there appears to be no end of tbe pilgrims, who are flocking in from all quarters. On Monday there was a large trip from Preston, and two services were held at the well. Accounts of cures are coming in daily, the names mentioned being those of Alice Woods, Ellen Park (who was dnmb), Mary Ann Murray (who is about-SO years of age, and bad 'been suffering from asthma einoe birth). &d a .woman whose name ia not given from Farawortb, Bolton, who suffered from eanoer, and bad andurea great pain for eleven years. Many other oases are -also reported. A lady from Settle, in Yorkshire. who is well-known in the distriot, and who is said to have been unable almost to move for year;, is now, after a oonple of visits to the well, reported -sot only able to move about, but to attend-to business in a vigorous manner. BAFTUM M TH* RIVSZ ELWIT AT Sr. AUPB. -On Sunday afternoon a somewhat novet eeene was wit- nessed in the River Elwy at St. Asapb. The cere- mony in question was the baptising of a young woman, a servant, and a member of the Baptist Chapel. The weather was fine, and a large oon- oourse of spectators watobed the proceedings with •oager interest from the, bridge. 'The offioiating ministers were the Revs. P. Lewis, of Tyldesley, and B. Evans, of Rhnddlan. The first portion of the service was read un the bank by the visiting -minister, and then thu Rev. B. Rvans walked into the middle of the kiver. Finding it deep enough for bi< pDrpoøe, tbe rev. <t*DtkmM returned to the bank, and, taking bold of the young woman's hand .:u. o a :i:- drem-be led her the river, and gently dipped her into the water. After her immersion the candidate hurried off to a house olosa by to obange her wet clothes, and the ceremony was over. PKiMBOssIiMMtJa imWjwDmmtemuuu. -A meet- ing of tbe Uanmdwyn Habitation wa* held last week in a large teat pitched in theibeautlf ul groundsof Llan- gwwya, %be midence of the Dow&W Lady Williams Wynn, the popular ruling oonnoulor of tbe babita- tion, whom@ 08-?WRY has greatly Increased tbe power :D:r:H:: ,:=It:=¡:It:: :i:b bourhood. A great many members were enrolled from three new district*, and it is worthy of notice that oiany travelled over 12 miles to be present at the meeting. Mr Finchim, provincial secretary for North Wales, having conducted the business part of the masting, Mr Robert Williams Wynn, Mr Wynne Edwards, Mr Finobatn, and Mr Williams addressed the meeting, the latter in Wtgleh. The greatest tnthosiam prevailed throughout the meet- ing, which was brought to a close by loud cheering for Lady WHtiama Wyon and the siBglng of the National Anthem. Amongthose present were the Dowager Lady Williams WYDn. Marchess Esther dolls Yalta di Casanova, Donna Bettina delta Valle, Mrs Marshall Dogdale, Mrs and Miss Hood, Mies Cox, and Mrs Perrott. TM WBMH CAiTIHBTfO MSTSODMTS AND THKJT SliTMnoa.—The statistics of the Welsh Calvlnistic Methodist denomination for 1893 have been issued In pamphlet form. The statistical aeomtsries (the Bevs. X Evan and T. J. Morgan) remark This 1s the twenty-fourth report in succession which has ahown an increase in tbe number of our oboroh members. The annual average for these years has been 3063, This year it has been 2316, and thu 253 above the average. The aggregate increase during this period has rmohed,49,516, or aozording to 53'5 per cent." The t increase of adherents during the twenty-four years has reached 64,566 the increase daring tbø year was 934?. Attention is called to those feats 11 in view of the persistent assevsrstious of high ecclesiastical dignitaries that of rapid retro- cr-ion- statement 80 utterly opposite to the truth." The inoreaM in tbft totalooIJeatioD8 for the year amount* to £ 37901 The total collections for all purposes in 1869 were 1104,999. This year they amount to 9216;714. The total collections during the last twenty-four years amount in the agz'e gate to £ 4,026,700. TBB DiocasAH CHOBOB Exransiow SOOMTT.— Preaohing on Sundey morniog in Bingor Cathedral on beha'f of the funds of the Diocesan Church Extension Society, the Bishop of Bangor said the aooiety bad beeu tn ecistenoe over a quarter of a oentury, and had speoial olaims nn Churchmen. It .jm;L,t,t claim with just pride to have aooornptisbed oe g, oilt anti noble work in the diooe". Tbe object rof the society was the erection and endowment of new churohes in populous districts, whereat pre Aftt there were no facilities for public worship In ooaoeotioa with the NatAOIMII OMrcb. and snpplying additional ministerial help. The responsibilities of i -Oo sodety had grown year after year, the populs- tion-had shifted, and villages bad 4opronl op neaes- sltaHag the bniiding of new places at worship and additional ministry. The inoome of As society was aot adequate to the demands made upon tt, and be 8IMret strongly appealed for generous support from the laity. He would be glad to see at the Palace on Monday morning any one desiring more Information of the work of the society. it was not a tiiaatojtaok bands, bat rather a time for burning seal, for pnMnp forth rania sd and sustained efforts in extending tile inflasnoa ol the Hational Obareb at Waist. LOORTAXF TO XAMM-MQAMO Worth's M'e brated Gainaa Ooraets (blaok 24s) m ay bs obtained fma bet- sale sawt for Baafor, Mr* JBvaas, Regeat JbMS, IM,. A Is the Houwof Commons on Tmw&y Mr Her. bPrt. Lewis viket the president ot the Board of fit dis, whether a labour oorrespoltaent had been at-pointed tor^Jorib Wale«?~Mr Bryce said that tbtl fnnd. at tbe disposal 'Of the Board of Trade bad not hlberto suffloed to enable arrangements to be saaSe for a special local correspondent m North Wales. Tt", t"ston however, was being now fcWttr ooi» dereds A MS it ma of tbe general committee of the Bath- efd. Atlrioaltaral Ind Horticultural sb<*w was Md on Friday last, Mr Brymer preeldi. The meeting dlscuesed tbe arrangements of the show. The tender of Mr 3. Roberts, Bratohmelyn, for arranging the field for the show, which he promised to look after for the aam of 49710s, was aooeptod. A t! )M the papers readattitis year's meetings of the British Association at (Word the one by the Rev. 8. Hart well Jones, M.A., attracted attention. Mr Jonss, who is the rector of Nattleld. Burrey, and a representative of the Crown on the Court of the new Welsh tlnivereity, chose for his sabject" The relations bet wsen the body and mind as expressed In asply languages, customs and myths." Loan AwttoatoH's fine steam-yacht 11 Vatiti. arrived at BetumtW* on Wedne'-d? She over 900 tons, and on? of the finest y?ohM *'M't- Sie R. Williams Bulkeley. Bart., met the yacht at Holy- head and sailed with her to Beaumaris. We may also add that Colonel Henry Platt"p fine steam-yacht, and Mr Gumming Macdona, M.P. yacht Ariel" arrived at Garth Ferry. Tal annual trip of the members ot the ohoir and Sunday School of the Llsuddona Charob took ploico on Wednesday, the 15th mat., the plaoe selected being Bethesda. Places of interest in the district were visited, and the party returned home hating enjoyed a most pleasant ontfng.—The juvenile member* of the Sunday Sohool had their annual tea party at the Ystafell on Monday, under the supervision of Mr and Mrs Jones. Rectory, assisted by the Misses Button, of Ormakirk. Tea being over, games were freely indulged in. BAHOOB RWIATTA.—A meeting of the committee of the Bangor Regatta was held on Thursday evening, Mr Evan William Rpresiding, Mr Bloom reported that Mrs Sidney Mason offered to the committee a Gap, value £5, to be raoed for by yachts not, exoeed- in. ODe rating. The committee, in accepting the cap. expressed their heartiest thanks to Mrs Maar-o for her generosity. The oommittee also decided to add another item to the programme, via., a raoe for 12ft. centre-board pantl. The secretaries reported that entries were coming In exoeadingly well in all olsom, and, if favoured with fiae weather, the regatta, which is to be held to-day (Saturday) pro- EaiMB to be ft success. Tal Buiooa Mositm AirD LnmAny.-Roterring to the correspondence whioh appeared in our list issue complaining of the delay in cataloguing and preparing the books in the library for circulation amongst readers, the librarian writes that the work has been oorap ioted, and the catalogue is being printed, go that no doubt in a few days the library will be in foil working order. In reply to tbe' complaint made by one correspondent that the illustrated papers on the library table aMsarely to be found in the respective covers intandAT to con- tain them, the librarian acknowledges the justness of th«i complaint, but maintaius that the f»ult Is attributable to the o?retcMnett of some of the frequenters of the library, who take the papers out of their covert and negleot to put them baok again. We have also been informed from another offioial soource that the library will be opened next week for the lending of books. rwwas 13How AT HoLTMLL,-On Wednesday the annual show in connection with the Mostyn and Whitford Garden Society was held at Saithaelwyd Park, Holywell, the residence of Mr H. A. Cope. The weather was fine and warm and the show attraoted a large number of visitors. The exhibits, which were fully up to the average, both in auality and in quantity, were displayed in a large marquee opposite the mansion. Some splendid displays of palms, hothouse plants, eto., were made from the conservatories of Earl Denbigh. Lord Mostyn. the Rev. T. L. Davies, Mr Adam Eyton, J.P., 4o. A variety of amusements, Including a braes band, were provided for the enjoyment of visitors. In the evenlDg the prizes were distributed on the lawn by Lady Moatyn, who wu accompanied by Lord Mostyn. TH* WSLSH RAILWAY Ustom.-Bir Edward W. Watkin, Bsrt., M.P., presided on Tuesday after- noon at the ordinary general meeting, held at Cannon-street Hotel, London, and in moving the adoption of the report said -the aocounts of the rail- way were very simple, but not satisfactory, as they gave a larger lose margin than last year, but be believed the whole arrangements for traffic on the railway were exoellent, and many improvements and new works bad been enforced on the line. Subse- quently Sir Watkin referred to the Welsh union, a measure which he had euoeeeded in gettirg through Parliament. It provided the msohinery for through bookings, and gave other advantages. The great railways had straddled over Wales, and be wished to awaken his Welsh countrymen to look to their rirhts, but be did not think they were doing them- selves any good by increasing the rates and tolls of the railway. PBSBTATTN LICENSING SSSSIONS.—The annual LICEN- sing sessions for the Prestatyn Petty Sessional Divi- sion were held in the Courthouse, Prestatyn, on Wednesday, before a full bench of magistrate". —Superintendent Unabee reported that within the district there were 26 fully-licensed houses. 3 beer houses, 1 beer house for selling off the premises,and 1 Rrooor's tioenoo, making a total of 31 lioentmd housm One innkeeper had been proceeded against and oonvioted for keeping open house during pro- hibited hours. Two innkeepers had also been pro- ceeded against and oonvioted for offences under the Food and Drugs Aot, and one person had been pro- ceeded against for dmnksnneea. The population of the division according to the last cenaus was 4857. thus giving one lioensed house for every 156 of the inhabitants. On behalf of Mr John Hughes, Stafford House, Prestatyn, Mr Alan Lloyd applied for a licence'to lell beer by retail off the promises. Mr J. A. Lloyd appeared to oppose, on behalf of Mr Smith, Holywell, proprietor of the Railway Hotel, Prestatyn, and Mr Gsmlin for the Bev. Thomas Hughes, Wealeyan minister, Prestatyn. —The Benoh stopped the caft. and said they nan unanimously of opinion that the new license was not required. They therefore refused the applica- tion. Tim CHUICH 1ft WALSS AID THS ADDITI=AL CURATES SOOWTT.—An official statement show* that the Church in Wales is considerably helped in her work by tbe co-operation of the Additional Cerates Society. Lsst year the sooiety lIave-14 r to in tbe Diocese of Bangor, to tb& *moan$ of m. in LiMdtC, 54 grants to the amount of in St. Asapb, 16 grants to tbe amount of 1030; in St. David's, 29 grants to the amount of £ 2465; total amount, £ 7535. In the same year there was raised in Wales, &ad sent to the A.C.S., X569 in Bangor, £1466 in Llandaff, 2724 in St. Asaph, and 21761 in 8t. David's; total amonnt, £4510. In the you 1883 the A.O.S. gave ROM, of which JEt774 was raised in Wales. From these firuree it will be seen that last year tllelOCietymlWle grants to Welob pariches to the value of £ 7535, a Bora exceedingtbe amount raised within the Prin- cipality by £SOI5. The sooiety Also olaims tn have helped- the Welsh people to raise more for the support of their own clergy than they wonld other- wise have done. The people ot Wales have been enooursged by the society's oo-operation to increase their own igifte fromSl774, the amount in 1883, to 94510, the sum raised in 1893. Tbe number of the olergy has been increased by means of these grants. In the ten yea", from 1683 to 1893, tberebal been an addition o! 64 clergy. TUI HOLYRND MAIL SitRvtoo.-Lord Powers. court, In a letter to the "4eJmes of Tuesday, referred to the pro god new contracts for tbeoar- ;e:r ot :aW: r;:B;r:O:nroH;b::d and Kingstown He said" In tbe new contract .the steamers running between Kingstown and Holy- bead should not only be faster than the present' ours, but also Urgdr, and superior in every way to those now on the station, so aD to ensure not only the quioker transmission of-the mails, but alas the greater convenience and oomfort of passengers passinq between Ireland and England, and also of those who in increasing numbers will pass through Ireland on their way to and "from America. The provisions to b,3 inserted inthe new oontract-should include greater speed, punctuality, and increased panenger "Comvobtion. The basts BboMd carry, say, J50 firit-olass passengers, besides second o)<M. *nd tor these parpdsw, combined with -the mail mrvfoe, the Mw steamers will have to ba of some 3000-tow barden, with increased engine power in proportim BnBci<nt time should also be allowed for the construction of the sew steamers before the removal of the existing vessels from the station; the fares to be no higher than at present, and the transfer et npails at the ports of embarka- tion and debarkation to be oarried on in a mora expeditious manner than at prount; no tenders to be considered which do not provide largely seoele- rated service* both by land and sea, and to effect these objeets ths pier at Holyhead to be rebuilt in aa improved as well as a permanent manner, and tbe passenger aooommodaUon on the London and Itorth-Western Railway sbouid cot be Inferior in any way to that afforded on other portions of their system. The grant fear is that In any contract sub arrangement* way be made as may sacrifice the of the traveling public to ths 1ØaIå." f THK ford Bhhop ot St. Asaph, wbo is the guest of 9? Wtft?a Wi'M?MW?.tt e?M?. preached at the English morning eervtoe !Mt Sun- ?y in L!?mw«t'ya Mumb, %#d in the onning at the Welsh service. Prayers were said by the 1 vioar. t OK Toeaday evening, at tbe Votty and Bowydd j slato qaarries, FettMott, Mr Henry Party, Lord- street, met with a serioos aocideot. His hand elippa into a part ot the msohinery, where a rough «aw is osed for flatting tbe slates, bill band being terribly torn. He was taken home, where he wu attended by Dr. Evans and Dr. William*. It was &amid neoessaty to amputate the iwjared por- tion. OONCBBT AT VAwmy.-On Tuesday a oonoert was held M the Board Sohool, Valley, the ebair being oooaphd by Mr W. Morria, Tymavr, and the pro- ceedings eondaoted by Maobraith Mon. The follow- log artist" took part --Mines Gardner, Mrs HIIl- gins, Miss K. G. Hughes, Misses Williams, Miss MoClement, Messrs J. Salt, W.,IDWOD, Higgins, Valley; O. Williams, Bethel), and Valley Glee Party. Mn Higgins, Mil. Gardner, and Miss Wil- liatno presided at the piano. The concert was a suoceas.—Car. BALA. GHAMKAB SCHOOL.—In the junior uxrora looal examination, this month, the following sue- cesaes were obtained by this sohool. First-claw honours: D. B. Hughes (with distinction in English and Greek). Seoond-olass honours John Roberts (with distinction iu English), and R. L1. Jones (with distinction in Kngliah and Latin). Third- olass honours: E. R. Owen. Passes: D. E. Hughes, O. A. Lloyd, R. J. B. Morgan, R. Morris, R. H. Roberts, Evan Evans, Owen Owens, H. 0. Patry, and E, T. Williams. Tsit PSUOCB Ann WILBB DIWSTAKJSHIIIK.— At the annual meeting of the South Wales Liberal Federation, at Llandrindod, on rborodsy, Mr D. A. Thomas, M.P., rerrriDg to Mr John Uorlay's reply respecting the precedence of Welsh Disestablishment over the Evicted Tenants' Bill next session, aid he bad written to Lord Rosebery, and had that morn- ing received the following reply .—" Downing- street, August 21st. My dear lir,-l liim much obliged for your letter, but unless any unforeseen oon tingency should occur (and the pledges of all governments most be ia that sense conditional) I have no modification to make in my assnranoes to Sir George Osborne Morgan." BANOOS CATHBDBAU—Saturday, August 25th, 1894-Hisi2song, 5 p.m. Servioe, Roberts in D anthem, As the bart pants (Mendelssohn). 14th 8anday after Trinity (August 26th)—Celebration of the Holy Eucharist, 8 am. mattins and Litany, 11 30 a.m. hymns A. and .,193. 174. 207 set. vice, Stainer in E flat; anthem. The wilderness (8..8. Wesley) preacher, the Rev. A. T. Fryer (on behalf of tbe Additional ourittee, Society). Even- song, 4 p.m.: hymns, 198,182, 26; service, Gadsby in 0 anthem,Seek ye the Lord (Roberts) preacher, the Rev. Canon Williams. Monday- Iwonson?, 5 p.m. I6nioe, Stainer in E dat; anthem, O. praise God (Irimnell), Taseday- Evensong, 5 p.m.: Service, Garrett in E flat (cantate) anthem, The Lord hath done great things (Smart).,Spm.: Service, Dykes in F anthem, "Hearh feel that lovo Thee" (Mendelssohn). Thariday.-Evensong. 5 p.m.: S^rviae, Stainer ia B dat anthem, Josul loolen t"llsuro (Roberts). Friday-Ivanloog, õ p.m.: Bervic., Kelw&Y in B minor; antbem, Peace I leave with Von (Vincout).-T. Wild- LAIS-MOBOAN, Cathedral Organist and Master of the Choristers. PLAS MSNAI SCHOOL, BApeon. -The following distinctions have recently been gained by pupils 0 Mrs Swan, at the above sabdol :-Higher Cam- bridge Women's Hismi nation. -.Miss Edith Owen, Meoai Bridge, auccessfally passed this examination (Liverpool oentre)in group Band arithmetic. Oxford Local Examinations (C >lwvn Bay centre). Seniors: Beta A. Jones, Bethesda Gladys Williams, Upper Bangor. Junior: Muriel Price, who also gained the only junior distinction in French at the oentre, and obtained the 15th plaoe in this subject out of all candidates (boys and girifi). Trinity College Examinations in Music (Bangor centre).—Violin playing. Junior Ada. Hughes, Dolgelley (80) Annie Cameron, Upper Bangor (60). Primary: Eliza Bayne, Upper Bangor (75). Pianoforte, Primary Maggie Lewis, Upper Bangor (97). ANOLBSIT AND CABKABVOitSStU LLCINSID VICTUAL- Lzaal ASSOCIATION.—A meeting of the executive of this Association was held on Thursday at Carnar- von, Colonel Savage (Messrs Allsopps, Limited) presiding. Mr Wray, the Cheater representative of tbe Licensed Victuallers' Association, was present. Arrangements were made in view of the ooming licensing sessions, and it was decided to hold a public meeting in defence of the trade at Carnar- von and Holyhead cr Llangefni, A vote of sym- pathy was paeeed with Captain Harwood, the honorary secretary, in bi8 prolonged illness. As regards the objections to renewals of lioenoes, a strong protest was madeagainst tbe action of tbe temperance party. It was stated that out of tbe 13 objections raised in the Carnarvon petty sessional division only two emanated from the police, and tbat the bulk were directed against the premises having baok doors, A protest was also entered against persons, lodging objections which faile-l, not being saddled with the oosts attending such failure. PEIUBOSI Ltiovg Bizua AT AMLWCH.—The grand bazaar in aid of the Primrose League Habita- tion was opened on Thursday afternoon, by the Hon. Lady Neave. who expressed the pleasure it afforded herto perform the opening ceremony. The object of the bazaar was to provide funds in order to entertain the members of the habitation during tbe summer months. In anticipation she must thaiak them for the support and patronage which she hoped would be given to the bazaar, and she trusted that the efforts of the promotera would be crowned with success. Her lsdyship was heartily cheered, -Mr-John Hugbes, Frondeg, addressed the large gathering, saying that the gradual inorease of membership in tbe Amlvrob Habitation, the untiring efforts of the Wardens, and the skilfnl taot of tbe offloer", with that, day's demonstration of substan- tial labour on the part of the promoters, called upon them to rejoice with those who had worked, and to wish them every success. The Primrose League had done good work through- ont the kingdom, and he trusted that the Amlwch Habitation would work energetically. Amongst those present .were :-Sir Thomas Noave, Bart., j Miss Neave, Mr Arundel Nsave, Mra FlnninlC Evanp, Mona Lodge Mrs and Miss Bsrry, Mr and Mrs T. Wilson. Liverpool; Mr and Mrs Holmes, St. Margaret's; Air and Mrs Hulbert. Miss Paynter. Mmmllwyn Mr T. Evans, Mona Lodge Mra Lloyd, Rectory, Llaneilian,; Miss Owene, Ty- ooch the Per. David Davis*, curate the Rev. James Smith. Rhosybol; Mrs Lloyd Jones, Mr and Mrs Peel, The Firf the Missis Hobday, Mrs and the Misses Jonee. GUn'rafoa.; Dr. and Mrs G. Jones, Brynhyfryd; and the knights and dames of the habitation, with a number ot friends and visitors. The room wal tastsfoliy decorated with fiags and evergreens,and the stalls were attractively displayed with useful,and ornamental artioles. All the work waa undertaken by the Hon. Lady and Miss Neave, Mrs and Miss Berry, and Mrs Fanning Evans, Mona Lodge. The refreshment stall wat in charge of Mrs Richard Morgan, of the Ragged j Sohool. Tat V"UIC OF TM WXLIH COLLI-OW. Mr Humphreys Owen in the House of Commons reply- ing-to suggestions to the oontrary, considered that the Welah oolleges gave full value for the monay voted by PMMtBMat. As to the &! e?Mtcn that they were not National Webb colleges, although there was a certain number of etadeuta from Rog?nd and Sootland, the great preponderance of i :tbe stadeuts were Welsh. -In Bangor Ocl age. for ^stance, out of.613 students since the college was toandect.ontyiaioame from outside the Princi- 11 ,pality. It was also shown tbat the numbers of students attending tbe colleges ware very much smaller than those attending the colleges of Eushid and Bcotttnd bat ths) excessive number in British colleges was obtained by countingiu the !evenÑ1 students, and to ,a great extent the exteo- Bior, students. f 4 compariBon was to be made the day students attending the Welsh oolleges would fcave no reason to be aahanud of tbeir num- bers aa .compared with the English callegoo. Ja England and Sootland, excluding London, the aveiage Attendance of students of this olass was 335, 111 Wales the corresponding nam bar was 227. It they took the population of England and Bcot- land and .compared it with the population of Wales they wonld find there was a larger propor- tion of daf atodents attending Welsh oolleges than English. Taking the number of students who attended more than three coursetof !ectares,or more than 125 hours in the oourse of tbe academical year, he 6>und that the uambers were-in Euglaad and Sootlaud, 197; apinst.07 in Wales. He considered that for the purposes of University higher educa- Boottaud, the ?u: roge6 rather excella ttie Englibb tion the Welsh oolleges rather excelled the EnglUh oollogem than fell short. It had been said tbat tba Welsh oolleges ware over-stated but, if anything, they were under-manned, and the proportion for the professors who bad taken degrees was large compared with the number of students. These facts clearly showed that the House got thorough value tor the grant they mads to these oolleges. SCOOBM I gooom 11 gooonu r! I What i W, O. Will lama's Sale. The establishment is crowded svary day. Another two weeks of It 348, SW SIOá, High-street, Bangor. paxp.KTN U", BAN(tolt.-On Monday and Tnea- day next Misa Maggie Morton's well.kmown dram- atic company will give a representation of the sen- sational drama, Onr NativsoHanw." Farther particulate will be found ia oar advertisement oolumns. A MAifoaasnntflrtn have acquired the old foundry works near Mostyn, and intend to ettTry on an ex- tensive manufactory of cement, Ao., there. It is stotcd thit eight or ten furnaoell will be put dowo I snd that employment will be aŒordtd to about 150 I men. lAsm four o'clock on Thursday morning the schooner John snd Jsne," of CMnM?on. during ebb tide, drifted fonl of ttM?MmtaK" Knight OtM?' anchored abreast of the Albert Dock wall, H?rpoo), ?nd Bastalned such dtmx?e that Bhe IMRk very IhorUY8rt8rward.. Her crew 'fed themselves by "UID on board tbe tug. XJIVBBPOOL AMII NORtH WALBI STBAKSSIR Co. — Visitors at Llandudno, and other places along the North Wales Coast,will be pleased to learn that, as per our advertising columns, the steamer St. Tndno will, on Satarday, the 1st of September, commence returning from Wales about one hour earlier than at pM<ent, enabling ptMpn?eM to land in LivaTwi before Devon o'clock, which, owing to the shortening of the days will be greatly appr-cisted. About 120.000 passengers have already travelled this season by the St. Tudno ani the Bonnie Princess, and now that the season is drawing to a close the last sailing being fixed for Monday, the 24tb September-th. price for first saloon contract tickets, available till end of the season, has been reduced to 25.4.whiah price is likely to largely increase the number of oontractois. The last, trip outward of the Bonnie Prinoess is advertised for Saturday. 25th instant, when large numbers of passengers are expected to patronise this old favourite steAmer.


Welsh Museums.

The Cataloguing of WelshI…


Grand Bazaar at Trefrtw-1

The Dean of Bangor and Welsh…

[No title]

Bazaar and Sale of Work; at…


[No title]

9ta MIf Salk.
