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Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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THE ItUSSO-TURKISH WAR. TilK IJECAPTUIiK OFARUAi! AN TTIiKISH SUCCESSES IN ASIA MINOR. DISMISSAL OF MOUIiIlTAH PASHA. THE HI SSIANS AT KALAFAT. I iREU'fEJi'S 'I'F:J.EIJRAMB.\ I THE CAMPALI!^ INT ASIA MINOR. I iTUKKIsn ACCOUNTS J I CONSTANTINtTl.K, MAY ,j0, EVENING— It is officially announced that Ardalian has itist Wn retakeu by the Ottoman troops. The folU>wicg was delayed in trauSIHissioll Way 2. — The left wing of tho Kufccisn* tl,,}tUpiC8 rdoch0J ten hours' distance from Van. A Ruseialt oulumn ia at l'onek. At Kars everything was quiet yesterday. Heavy rains I'fcvcnt military operations. A tsgue rumour is current, at the Ministry rf War that the station of the Poti Railway At Titlis has been occupied by a body of Cir. citisiaiirf and Turkisli Voltintee". Conntantinoplk, MAY 31.-Tlio Minister lor Foreign Affairs to-day telegraphed the following despatch to tho Turkish represen- tatives abroad ;—" Ardalian, the occupation if which by the Russian army I recently an- riouiici d to you, has just boon recapturorl by lie Ottoman troops." [KWSSIAN ACCOUNTS.] I I i tdrsrukg, May ;U.—The Ojjirial ■ i, :nw! of to-dav pub'isliet) a telegram from ho arniy of the Caucasus, datoil the 29th Lust., «tatinir that on Tu'Hday Lieut..Genoral ( )rlob"},¡o ordered his lI,l'l'l\llce guard to the left shore of the river Kiulrisch to take the ,al\1()h1\ heights, on tlio left wing of tho Turkish position. The enterprise was accom- jilishod successfully. A coluniu was sent lurthor up tlio river to cut off the population from tI, Turkish position. The Turks havo landed a largo force of jifantry and artillory at Soukhoum Kale. An dilicial de>pKt<h ro -eived hero statas 1, 1 Turks litivo been buried at Ardalian. l'ho total number ot killed and wouuded •woiig.M tho Turks amounts to ;S,(X)0. Many werl, drowned in tho river while attempting to escape. The Russian loss amounted to lt4) men. Heavy rains continuo to. impode active operations in Asia. On Saturday the Kars garrison mado a sortie against General MelikoSf'u forces, but were defeated with great loss. Official intelligent received here states that he garrison of .1\ ar on Saturday issued from t ht, walls and mt(le a sortie against General Molikoli's forces, but were defeated with great }o:$. GRAVE CHARGES AGAINST ¡ MOUKHTAR PASHA. ) ik.vna, May ,il.—Tho Tngblatl of to. I ritiy states that alumni Moukhtar Pasha has I been dismissed, and will bo tried by court martial for having represented that he had Cflu-.pjK'd an (rniy of (it',000 men, whoroa* ir appears that ho had only 30,000 men at Lis disposal. Malversation on an immense -icalo is -,xid to tiavo been discovered. THE C AMPAIGN ON THE DANUBE. TI:I:KfSH -'<:CO(;NT,Î I Con;ANTINOI'LK, MAY 30.—Telegrams from Rustchiik, received hero, report that ,"OlUjlJotl' I1Ui('tne88 Im\'I\i1R there. M .-A tacit ngrecmout exists between the Turks at Rustcliiick and tho Russians on the opposite liank, 1o suspend firing until both parties havo completed tho work they have on hand. llio Turks are engaged in unloading from t'rain ve-sels on tilo Danube, and the Rtissian-i ,ire of completing their military rtorks. Only a few desultory shots havo hitherto neon exchanged. It is oxpoctsd that :I;o (aimouado will recommence next Monday. RUSSIAN ACCOUNTS. ) isrrjia.KKST, MAY ;jl—Sixty Russian ?iego guns are expected at Kalafat to I strengthen the armament of that place, which will then bo in an excellent state of I defence. WAR PREPARATIONS IN SERVIA. HEI.t hade, MAY 31.—The war party hero is becoming so strong as to render a campnign against Turkey inevitable. It is considered certain in that case that. Austria will intervene, and Belgrade is now boing put stealthily in a state of defence to provide against such a contingency. THE CZAR AND THE EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA. Viknna, MAY 31. -The FremdcnbUtl contradicts tho rumour of a projected meet- ing between tho Emperors of Russia and Austria. ROUMANIA. bl'CHAKEST, MAY :It.-Thore has bwn no quorum in the Cliainber of Deputies for bflveral days past, in conaoquenco of which tho debate on the Currency Bill has been ;uljoun:ed. The Minister of Foreign Affairs will receive a credit of 500,000 traues on account of the preparations necessary to give a fitting reception to tho Emperor of Russia "ll his Approaching visit to Bucharest. RUSSIAN REPULSE AT BATOUM" The itu'ly T' l' jrapii correspondent at Iiatoum, writing on Wednesday, says :—Yesterday morn. ing the llrisgians advancod in great force, and at. tempted to place artillery on the heights between Konaeton and the portion of the Turkish camp commanded by AH Paaha. With the object of covering their infantry attack, the enemy openod a heavy cannonade, an artillery fight ensued, which ¡",t.d for some time. Presently the Russians bepan, in great masses, to descend tlio iace of t' e hills, with the viow of turning the Turkish fortifications by attacking onr position. Ali I'aaha, seeing the intention of the Em- siaii commander, made a forward movement, under "oyer of the firo of the Turkish batterie-i. A ■.angiiinary battle ensued. Uur guus played iurionsly and effectively upon the Russian in. tiintry ak, they descended the hill, making jjreit havoc. in their ranks. The Turkish infantry ■jiiglit admirably, their fire being very destrue- *ivo. Notwithstanding the large force which the Kussiar.* brought to the attack and the persis- n with which it was made, against the galling jre of the (ittoman artillery and infantry com- uu.^d. they were ultimately repulsed, leaving %rc-at uumbertt of dead and wounded on the <•'round. The engugemeut lasted ten hours, duro wcit-h time several, combats took place. A TURKISH SUCCESS IN ASIA MINOR. 1'\r- 1' "I" 'crolm1 °n Wednesday, th» /'o.<.t<.tx/rn;J.corrM()ondGnt states'—A most imi,tar,t engagement has t?en ptMe noM Kara- '?- A column from th? Ku?Mn left winir .tt,i?kvd the Turk?h po?ttton. The 6?htiB!r be "ame general and very severe, both sides behav" ag admirably. The Turkish artillery was sin<»a lurly well served. Meanwhile Mehemet Paaha, liaviug brought up reinforoements, took the- .Uuxsutns on the Hank, and attacked them with "licU vigour that they were utterly defeated, and were obligod to retreat to Tashliohai. The ltlls. oau right wing is at Penek. The Ottomans hold 'lti. where they are in strong force and well on. trencbed. l fie news that the Circassian and other Maho- inoaaii Irroguliira have been "rit back is con. ¡ turned both from Ibraila and Galatz. From the latter place alone some 80 waggon loads of them have been sent to KischeneS. According to one version they refused to tight, and wanted to desert. According to another it has only been their many breaches of discipline whica have caused their removal from the first liuo. We hear, says the Stamford, from Soukhoum "Kale that after much fighting the Kussiaus have been forced to abandon a fori about eight hours' distance from Soukhoum Kale, and have retired through the mountain into the interior. There is a great agitation amongst the mountaineers against the Russians. +Irom Constantinople, writes the Vienna corres- pondent of the 1 ■>, tho disoovery is announced great 1 ^na to havo aimed ,t °"?'°? le. ?' ?"? opposition, not only of ?he Scji?n, but the removal of the whole dyr?Hty All tlie announcement is more r less official, it is iict easy to say how muoh of it may be truth and now touca exaggeration. A nnmber of men, inmost all of them parti.-ans of Midhat, are said to bo impli^ted, among them baiug Ismail Boy ?uvcM?(.f TulU-ha, w h ?hM bMn aummarily .-Mild U, Prout! "lilell ?.'f?-?voatMbeen n,te.d. and 8" (tailwd in the Seraskiorate for Ksaminafonand trial. From Belgrade, says the Stamford special or- Tccponuo it telegraphing from Vienna on Wed- nesday, I hear that two Austrian monitors have krrmd at Ajin'.iii to watch Servia. The Servian lovtrr.ment pretends thatthe Tnrks haveviolated tai- Servian frontier, and massacred several ."set v:*r.s <?n the Dwina. ^rh,^lcry and infantry duel between the i, r, monitors and the Roumanian batteries at '!(jraljiii ended in the withdrawal of the monitors. the gunboats came so near the shore that the (,n board kept up a lvoly fusilado with he Jrtantry rupports of the Itoumunian batteries. "rawmont of their losses is given in the Rou. -n-inm.u dispatches.





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