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IMPERIAL PARLUMM.1 I M,!A_}f!iT. I w (rniiSS ASSOCIATION TBUtaitAM.i I HOUSE OF COMMONS.—-Thtibsdat. I The Speaker took the chair at four o'olook. I STOCK EXCHANGK PRACTICES. I Sir E. WATKIN (Hythe) gavo notice that on Thursday he will ask if the attention of the Attorney-General had been called to the state- ment reported in the Times to have been made by the Lord Chief Justice during the hearing of the the case of Twyoross Y. Grant as to praotieos prevailing on the Stock Exchange. 1 THE ARCTIC EXPEDITION. I Alderman ri.&YtAUt (St. Androw b Univer- sity) notified that on Monday ho will ask tha First Lord of the Admiralty a question with ro- ferenco to the outbreak of scurvy during the last Arctic expedition, and what steps had been taken to prevent similar calamities in futuro. THE CHANNEL ISLANDS. I Mr. COW EN (Newcatle) gave notice that on I Monday he would ask the Homo Soorctary if lie will place on the table a detailod list of the privi. leges referred to in his speoch of tho 4th of May I as being enjoyed by the inhabitants of the Channel islands. THE ANNEXATION OK THE TRANSVAAL. I -1?.-?. ?. 1, Mr, umiltltt II OrK), in repiy w> air. K iiaitchbull-tiugeswn (Sandwich), statod that the papers relative to the annexation of the Trans- vaal would, he hoped, be laid on the table Oil that day week. They would include the commis- sion given to Sir Theopliilus Shopatone, and the report received from him a few days ago. OMISSIONS FROM BLUE BOOKS. I Mr, SANDFOKD (Maldon) called attention to the omission from Blue Book No. 2 on Turkey of all mention of the conversation between Lord Salisbury and the Due Decades at Paris, and be. tween Lord Salisbury and Prince Bismarck at Berlin, as to tho proceedings of tho conference at ''I1inop:o Jdc;ef; production i copies of any minnto of the aforesaid conversations ut Paris and Berlin. Sir. BOURKE (King's Lynn), in replying to the hon. gentloman, thought it would be injudicious to follow him into all the points to whioh he had alluded. When the qncsHon of peaoe came to be disu68ed, that, no doubt, would be ona whioh would concern Europe, and the European Powers would have a right to share in those deliberations respecting tho future. With reference t:> the despatches relating to the conver. sations between Lord Salisbury and Prince Bismarck, and Lord Salisbury and the Duo Decazes, all he had to say was that those conver- sations were of the most confidential charaoter, and, like all conversations between foreign Ministers and Ambassadors, the despatches had to be considered and discussed by her Majesty's Government in accordance with the naturo of the subject matter, and they had deemed these con. versations of such a charaoter that they would have been greatly to blame if they had made them public. Of this he was certain, that they wore never intended to be communicated to others. With regard to the question whether Russia had made communications to her Majesty's Government as to tho localisation of tho war, e could only reply (hat he know of no oommunioations from tho Russian Governmeut of that character that had been dedincd by her Majesty's Government. Lord ELCHO (Haddingtonshire) expressed the gratification he felt at hearing Mr. Bourke say that the terms of peace would be made a matter of European arrangement, and was proceeding to enter upon the more general aspect of the ques- tion, when Tho O'DONOGHUE (Tralee) rose to order, and The SPEAKER ruled that this was not a fitting occasion for a speech, dealing with the general question. The motion was then withdrawn. Lord ELCHO, continuing tho remarks he had been interrupted in making upon the Eastern Question, strongly urged her Majesty's Government should be prompt in making e?,?ry necessary preparation for such eventua ities as might be anticipated in reg?rd to the present war, and eprcilsed a hopo that the House wonld receive an assurance to this effeot. After some remarks from Sir U. CAMPBELL (Kiikouldy), Mr. HARDY (Oxford University), said he thought it would havo been wisor if the noble lord had abstained from putting the question ad- dressed to him, but as it had been put he had only to state that he rested on the responsibility belonging to his position. It was his duty to be ready for any emergjney, and, although he was maintaining the forces on a peace footing, he had not overlooked what might he-but ho hoped not -11 probable contingency. TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION WITH LUNDY ISLAND. Mr, DILLWYN (Swansea), in calling attention to the importance of establishing telegTaphio com. muniealion between Lundy Island and the main- land, said it was of extreme importance that such communication should be established in order to enablo owners of vessels to communicate with them in case they'ran into, or took refuge in, the harbour at Lundy Island. This matter had largely engaged the attention of the chambers of commerce, which had endeavoured to obtain from the Government the establishment of the telegraphic line whioh he was advocating. He understood that the answer of the Postmaster General, to whom the application had been addressed, was that this could not be done at the national expense, but that it must be done, if at all, at the cost of the neighbouring ports. Now he (Mr. DiUwyn) did not see why the expense of what is really a matter of national interest should be thrown on the neighbouring ports, because, in point of fact, these ports were less interested in tha subject than other ports at a distance, seeing that vcsRds belonging to neighbouring ports would naturally make for those rts instead of ta?-in? refuge off Lundy Ixud. He thought that the Government hanng the tele. graphic service of the country in their hande should provide this communication with Lnndy Island, in which the chambers of commerce took a lively interest, as was manifest from the nume- rous communications he had received on the sub- jcct from various ports. He did hope, though, that this appeal, which would be made to the Govern- ment in no hostile spirit, would receive from them a favourable reply, and that he should at all events on that occasion receive the support of rhe President of the Board of Trade. The hUll. member concluded by moving a resolution declaring that, in the opinion of that House, it was of national importance that telegraphic com- munication between Lundy Island and the main- land should be established. After some discussion, in which Mr. D. Jenkins, Mr. Stephenson, Mr. Whitwell, Mr. Hassey Viviai), and Sir H. Havelock took part, Lord J. MANNERS said that it was his duty to truard the post-office revenue against unremune- rative telegraph extensions, and he regarded this uw one, but if an application were made to the Treasury on the subject he would throw no ob. smcle in the way. PETITIONS. Jlr. CORDES (Monmouth) presented a petition from the Baptist Congregation, Newport (Mon.), agu int opening museums on Sundays. Petitions were presented by Mr. DILLWYX, from Swansea (1), against the Burials Auts Con. solidation Bill, (2) against opening the national museums and galleries 011 Snnday, and (3) agaiust the Bill to amend the Modical Act of ISO*. I SUPPLY. ¡ The House then went into Committee of Supply I on the Civil Service Estimates, .md several votes were passed. I INLAND REVENUE AND SAVINGS BANKS BILL. On the motion for the consideration of the Customs, Inland Revenue, and Savings Banks Bill, Mr. BUCKLEY moved the iuscttionof a clause exempting from licence duty guns used by farmers, or persons employed by them, exclu- sively for the protection of their crops. On a division, the amendment wm negatived I by 92 against 20. The Bill was then considered. I CANAL BOATS BILL. Mr. SCLATER-BOOTH moved the second read. ? ing f the Canal Boats Bill, remarking that the voii it aci: :id r:1:nxo:f:\v\h in committee. After a brief discussion, the motion was atnreed to. MISCELLANEOUS. Tho Colonial Fortifications Bill was road a second time. The other business waB disposed of, and J lie House adjourned at 1,30.



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