Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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[No title]





MONTHLY MEETING OF THE LOCAL BOARD. The meeting of the Council was followed as usual by a meeting of the Local Hoard, the first business of which had refeience to THE COUNTY ROADS. The Town Clerk informed the Board that there was a deputation waiting to present a memorial on this sub- ject. After reading the minutes of the last highway committee, the memorial was read, which represented that the hundred yards on each side of Ruabon bridge was in a very bad and filthy state, while the memorialists paid highway rates to the amount of 2117 10s., and in justice they thought they were entitled to have the road kept as good and as clean as their neighbours. Alderman M'Coy asked whether there was no means of compelling the County Surveyor to do his work ? The deputation was then admitted, and consisted of Mr J P Hughes, Mr Thomas Williams, Mr John Beirne, and Mr Thomas Roberts. The Mayor said he would tell them what the council had done in the matter. Mr Williams, the county sur- veyor, had asked them to name a sum for which they would undertake to keep the three portions of the county roads within the borough in repair. The council con- sulted Mr Gummow, and he fixad £ 36. But, the council feeling anxious to meet the county surveyor, and think- ing it very desirable that the management of these roads should be in their hands, said they could take them for JE30 per annum. The county surveyor said he was not prepared to give that sum, and slid he should advertise them forthwith. Mr. T Williams asked if they could not have them cleaned-the memorialists represented property on the ltegis and the Abbot the rateable value of which amounted to £ 940, and he thought they ought to have something in return for the rates they paid. The deputation then retiicd, and the subject was dis- cussed at some length in their absence. From what was stated it appeared that the county surveyor was at pres- ent repairing these roads with cinders. The deputation were then called in and informed that it had been resolved to refer the matter to the highways committee, but their memorial in the meantime should be forwarded to the county surveyor. With regard to cleaning them they had consulted the Town CJerk, and it was considered unwise to interfere with them in any way at present, further thau having the cobs of dirt re- moved from the side. PURCHASE OF THE MARKET-HALL. I From the report of the committee appointed to nego- tiate for the purchase of the Market Hall, it appeared that they agreed to offer E5000 for the purchase of the Market Hall and tolls. Mr Edgworth asked whether they had it on their records what Mr Gummow had valued the Market Hall a11 The Town Clerk said they had in Mr Gummow's rev port, but he had not the report by him then. Mr Overton said the sum offered was about the same price per yard as the Provincial Insurance Company had given for ground on the other side of the street without any building at all. The Town Clerk said the Market Hall Company had declined the offer, as they considered it much below the real value of the property. Mr Rogers There's an end oi it then. Mr Manuel Jones: Yes, we will bury it a natural death. Mr Beale said he should move that the committee be reappointed. It was a great shame that the corporation had no property. Mr Edgworth spoke in favour of the purchase on the grounds of a great public improvement, which they as a public body were bound to carry out. He would say then as he had said before, that he was prepared to give any interest he possessed in the Marker, Hall to some other public object, and there were others who would do the same. Mr Daniel Jones expressed himself in favour of the purchase on the ground that the corporation could make more of the Market Hall than the Market Hall Company ever can. Mr Manuel Jones thought they ought not to buy be- cause there was no one pressing ta sell. The Mayor said the Maiket Hall directors were quite ready to admit that. But the Market Hall Company was a monopoly and prevented the council from taking the management of the markets into their own hands. It was a sort of imperium imperio, which so long as it existed the council could not interfere at all. Mr T. Rowland, as one of the committee, informed the ex-mayor that the sum at which Mr Gummow valued the Market Halt was £ 7,000. Mr Rogers said he supposed it was themselves they Bought to benefit when they built it, and not the public. Mr Edgworth said he had more to do with the girket Hall than any other person present, and he could say distinctly that nine-tenths of the shareholders had no such object. Sir Robert Cunliffo, who was ready at al times to take part in anything for the good of the town took a number of shares wr.hout any expectation profit and induced Sir AVatkin, Mr Thompson, an.1 others to do the same. Mr. G. Bayley said he should be very sorry to SH these negotiations brought to a conclusion at the prèscr, stage. It was admitted by every gentleman who sat,! that board that it was most desirable b have the c -Titrol o' the markets and tolls in the hands of the corporation They could only get this by purchase, aid they mint re- member that it was simply a question of property They could not in justice expect the sh irebolders in the Market Hill to sell their property for less than it was \\orth. He was nllt prepared himself to say what was the value of it. Their own survevor ha(i valued it at £ 7,000. The committee thought that £ 3,000 was a sufficient sum. He was in favour of the reappointment of the co.ainittoe, as he was convinced the development of the tr.:de of tne town was impossible as lev g ,s ih" council had no control over the market and tails MrT. Rowland expressed himself in f-tv-mr of the purchase of the Market Hall, but otjeefm to t'm to iitr being done haslily, and he would nnt say that, tlty ouht not to give a little more than £ 5,000 lor r. T "y had heard that some of the shareholders were prepared I to meet them on liberal terms. Mr Eligworth, if he understood him aright prom.sing to give iiis inte iest to the town. Mr Edgworth explained that he waa prepared to give them to some other public improvement, say baths and washhousei, or a Smithfidd (several voice?, or a park.) It was agreed to reappointtrte committee. i WATtK SUPPLY. The Town Clerk reported that he had received so many applications in reply to the advertisement for tenders fur a survey that it was one clerk's work to reply to them. In reply to seven or eight letters which he had written asking for intormation with regard to water- works, he had only received two replies. One was from Penzince and was exceedingly appiicable to our case. It was a town of 10,000 inhabitants, with two thousand dwellings. The cost of their water-works was £ -1,200, and EI,000 irore about to be lail out on a second reser- voir. Annual working expenditure about £40. Annual revenue derived from the water rate-do not levy water rates, but have a schedule of waier rents-there are about 1700 tenements out of the 2,000 supplied, aud the re- mainder are being gradually done concurrently with the drainage. The rental is now about L- f'OO and will probably reach JESOO. No compulsory rates-the oc- cupiers being generally anxious to have the water at the charges laid down. Cost of private works to con- nest with main pipes--a uniform charge of £ 1. The income from water rates not only keeps down the in. terest upon money borrowed and the annutl amount re- quired to repay principal but also on £ 5,300 borrowed lor drainage. Mr Manuel Jones asked in what part of Europe Penzancc was situate ? TRAP DOORS. Miss Davies applied to be allowed three feet instead of two for her trap doors in Queen-street. Granted. FIUVIES AND CESSPOOLS. It was agreed that notice should be given that on and after the 1st ot March next, the cleaning of all privies, ash-pits, and cesspools should be lot by contract by the Local Board, and that tenders for the sam9 should be advertised for. MANURE. it was also agreed that Mr Edward Jones should sell by auction the street sweepings and clearings of privies, Cesspools and ash-pita now in the yard of the Board. LAMPS IN SHOS DDU. A motion for placing one or more lamps between the end of King-street and Grove-road was lose by nine to seven. A NEW BOAD. A motion of Mr Daniel Jones's to the following effect was agreed to—" That it is expedient to construct a street, or road, to connect Regsnt-street with the south- ern part of the town so as to relieve the thoroughfare along the Town-hill, and that it be referred to a com- mittee to report thereon."


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Family Notices
