Papurau Newydd Cymru

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Rhestrau Manwl, Canlyniadau a Chanllawiau

[ MA-RKETW. I WERXHAM MARKET. -TiiuiLsl),LT. a. d a d. lvhtte Wlie,-t 1 S 7 < l-.od Wheat t 9 J J Maltin«c Barley .4 10 6 < Orindiug IJarlev 4 0 — 4 6 Oats 3 6—40 Potatoes per rueftsnr.). 3 0 — 8 I'iukes 4 0 -4 < Butter 14 1 i,L,4 7 fni, six pause Fowls, per ft OSWESTltY CO UN MAIllviir, w EDKP.SDIT. WVit, 6s4dto6s8J; barley, 4a 6d to &sua; oats 3808 to 4s 0d. ELLESMSlS CORN M ^.KET.—TUESDAY. Whit", wheat, 75.03 0s Od to Os-Od red ditto 61S 8d to 7., o-i; barley, 3 S,<.•<=, 4s Cl to 53 Od oatg, 4slbs, 31110d to -Is Gd. MA1U\ LANE.—'MOSUAT. Last weeVs arrivals of all grain were very short. Toe exports were only 20 cwts fbnr. Of English wheat the supply was 7,68-4 q urk-rs, of foreigo only 320 quarters from Emden. The mornings show from the near coun- ties was soldi, and again in bid condition. The few samples fit for miller#' use were taken at previous rates, but only a small portion of the damp lots went off at lo,v rates. The tnde in foreign was Blow, and price* much as on this day se'nnight. Of country flollr there were 16,789 sacks, of foreign 05 sacks, 3,4i 5 barrels. N orfolk were still a slow sale, at tormer prices, some being held above our quotations, Prench and American generally being held too high for the home trade. Town prices as before. Of British bar:ey there were 4,999 qn, uf foreign 4,747 quarters principally eastern, For nialt- ing sorts the demand was only moderate, at previousauo- tations, those for distillation and grinding being difficult to place. The malt trade continued, as of late, very doll but without qnotable change. The entire snpply oloata was only 7,464 quarters, including 3.782 quarters Eng- lish, 1:\65 quarters Scotch, 2,500 quarters Irish. and 1,317 quarters foreign. Good samples were in retail demand, at full prices, but dealers were generally waiting for im- proved sppplies. Of native beans there were 878 qrt 0 foreign only 22 quarters. Business was heavy (the new English being mostly soft) at former prices. Of English peaa there were 593 qrs, of foreign 22 quarters from Hol- land. Sales proceeded slowly in all descriptions, at pre- vious rates. LIVERPOOL CORN MARKET.—TUESDAT. We have experienced changeable weather here during the week, with alternate frost, snow, and heavy rain. Last night was again frosty. The market has remaineit quiet for all articles except Indian corn, which was in better request on Monday, at fully 6d per quarter over laat Tuesday's quotations. The foreign exports during the week consist of 300 quarters malt and 12 loads oatmeal to Melbourne 221 quarters oats to Barbadoes; 150 barrels flour to the Brrzils; 216 barrels flour to Gibraltar anel 49 barrels flour to Africa. At our market this day there was no alteration to note in the wheat trade, the transac- tions being limited to retail at prices of this day week. Oats were less plentiful, and brought full rates. BarI., and peas were quite as Licar. Egyptian beans were 6d per quarter higher. Indian corn was generally held at Is per quarter advance on the week. Oatmeal moved slowly at full prices. There was a fair inquiry for good freah flour at our last quotations. LEEDS COPwX MARKET.—TUEHDAT. There was a small show of wheat; fiue qualities wera scarce, and fcind a steady sale at Friday's rates. Other sorts unaltered. Best barley and beans quite as dear. Other sarts unaltered. Bost barley and beans quite as dear. Other articles as before. Arrivals of wheat, 3,160 quar- ters. GLASGOW CORN MARKET.—MONDAY. The market was very quiet, and prices the same as last week. MARK LANE COItN MARKET.—WEDNESDAY. A very limited supply of English wheat was on sale here to-day. Although the attendance of millers was far from numerous, the demand ruled steady, and Monday's prices were well fupported. In foreign wheat—the show of which was good-ottly a limited business was transacted nevertheless, supporters generally very firm. Floating cargoes commanded very little atteution. The barley trade was steady, at extreme quotations. We have again to report a slow sale for malt, at late currencies. There was a slight improvement in the oat trade. In prices, however, no change took place. Beaus and peas main- taiued tueir previous value. Flour sold to a moderate extent. LIVERPOOL CATTLE MARKET.—MONDAT. The supply of cat' b at market ï3 less than last Monday, of slice p about the same. Tea demand alovr lor each, at lower prices for Cattle sheep much lowar. Beef 5J to 6-3,1. Mutton 6d to 7d. LONDON CATTLE MAPKET.-Mo,;LiLy. c. Our market to-day was scantily supplied with eacll kind of foreign stock, which sold steadily, at very foil prices. Compared with Monday last, the supply of home fed beasts was vety moderate. The attendance or bayert was good, and all breeds ot beasts moved off steadily, as very full prices. In some instances, the best Scots and crasscs realised 5s per 81b. From the Eastern districts we received about I,UOO Scots, and crosses, &c,; from the North, 4)0 shorthorns; from other parts of ELigl&nd, 420 of various breeds; from Scotland, 500 Scott and from Irelaud, 65 Oxen and Heifers. The show of sheep was again limited. liearly all breeds were in good request, at very lull prices. The best downs and half breds produced quite 5s 6,1 per bib, and a goodcleBranoo was effected. Ci,lves-the ztipply of which was only mo- tlerate-ehanged handi steadily, at fully last week's cur- rency, Tnc best veal was worth 69 10d per 81b. Oa the whole, there was a fair sale for pigs. GLASGOW PIG IRON MARKET.—MOWDAT, The market has again been strong to dayi ö18 caM paid for a large quantity, Closing sellers; buyers 69a 941. Nos 1 and 3, G, M. B, 60s. LONDON PRODUCE MARKET.—MOKDAT, Susrar A fair buaicess dome, and tho market is in a firm position. Coffee cleau nettive Ceylon brings 688 to 62s aud plantation 678 per CIYt. Tea: Suand common Con- gou is not be bought under Is 5^1. Rice: Ealf India is wanted at previous rates, and theru are few HI- ler. Saltpetre: Market is quiet, still prices are not lower than ou Friday. Tallow A fair husiness doing, and the market is in arm positiou. On the spot P Y 0 bring 59s and last three months of the year 53s. Linseed oil wanted. HOP MARKET.—MONDAY. Our market during the past week has remained steady, fine samples fully maintaining recent quotations. There is more ihquiry tor brown Mid Kent4, of which consider- able Sties have been tlIcctcd. Mid and East Kents 811 11 Si. Weald of Kenta 62t 70s. Sussex. 60s 68s. FOREIGN.—The imports of foreign Hops into London last week were nil. LONDON WOOL MARKET.—MOWDAY. There is a fair average amount of business doing in moat kinds af English wool, at full quotations. In foreign and colonial parcels, only a limited business is doing, at late rates. ti-ist week's imports were:—490 bales from the Cape, 536 from Algoa llay, 1140 from Port Phillip, autI 30 from Natal. I LONDON SEED M ARKET.—MOKDAT. The demand for seeds continues moderate, and since Monday last the trade hit? ruled quiet. This morning there were more samples of English red Cloverseed offer iu but, with few exceptions, they were all of middling quality, aud not suited lo ttie present demand, which if limited tu choice qualities. White Seed sells readily, at a further advance o' 3s to 41 Trefoil remains steady. Can- llryscù, with good demand, was is to 2s dearer this tnorntug. I LONDON TALLOW MARKET.—MONDAT, Oor market coatiulicil fict", and compared with Monday last, prices show an upward teu lency. To-dny, P Y C, on the spot, is quolel at 52". Town Tailow, 6U 9d. Rough fat, 31 2!ci I)tr I LEADENIIALL LEATHER MARKET. The sUi'r!is of fresh Leather thu week hue somewhat increased, yet the demand contiuuo? active for nearly ?M descr!))tion?, and, in Mnn itntMeea. the quotations h". ? turt,?er advanced ?1 per lb. LONDON MANURE MARKET—MowojLt. There were no imports oi Peruvian Guano into LondoS hstwcek. PF.ICES CIMREVT OP GUANO. Peruvian Guano (per ton, tor 30 tons). 112 0 Do. do. NEWGATE AND LEADENHALT:.—MONDAY Per Slbs, by the carcase. s. d. N.d. Inferior beef 2 Bto2 10 1 ?liddlitigdo. 3 4 j Prune large do. 3 6 S10 Do. small ditto 4 0 4 41 Veal. 3 3 4 61 Inferior mutton I > I • Middling do I Prime ditto 4 4 6 Largo fork 3 6 Swall ?ork I LONDON CATTLg MARKET.—THURSDAY. Trade slow, at Monday's prices. Beef 3s 8d to 49 104 Mutton, 4s to os 6d, veal 5s 6d to 5s Sd, pork 3s 8d to 4s 81 per SIbs. Baasts, 880. cows 135 sheep and lamb* 3,570; calves 153 pigs, 210. Arrivals: Holland beasts 100 sheep 200 calves 13 Scotch boasts, 25 Norfolk and Sutfolk beasts, 300.. I LO* XDON PRODUCE MARKET.—1THURSDAT. e. 1 > It Sugar: quiet for land parcels, Dut noating cargooa, wanted, and bring fully previous terms. Refined sells slowly, but value unchanged. Coffee firm, but busi- ness only moderate. Tea not much passing, owing to auctions announced; valuo unchanged. Rice not nuiob wanted. I BIRMINGHAM CORN MARKET-Thartdnv I There was a full supply of wheat, which scarcely rea- lise list week's prices. Fine barley dearer. Other qua- iities saleable in quantity. Oats offering rather tower.

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