Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

7 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

General News. - - - - '- -…


Rhestrau Manwl, Canlyniadau a Chanllawiau

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE VISITORS OF THE NORTH WALES LUNATIC ASYLUM. The annual meeting of the Visitors of thin Institution took place on Tuesday in the board- room at the Asylum. There were present the following gentlemen Revs. W. Hicks Owen, and Edward Smart, Messrs Richard Williams, Philip Henry Chambres, John R. Heaton, Thomas Gold Edwards, Thomas Hughes, Brownlow Wynne Wynne, W. D. Wynne Griffith, Oliver Burton, Rev. Richard Henry Howard, Messrs Thomas Unifies Dixon, Captain Mesham, Rev. Henry Wynne Jones, Captain Verney, R.N., I Captain F. M. Morgan, Rev. John Morgan, Messrs R. Mascie Taylor, and Owen Richard. ELECTION Of CHAIRMAN. I Captain Verney on rising said the first duty of the Visitors was to elect a chairman, and he had no didrjulty in proposing the re-election of Mr Hughes of Ystrad (hear, hear). His name had 1 lon_c been united with this institution. He saw the tirst stone laid, ,md with Mr John Robinson 1¡IU'I watched the asylum up to this day, and they owed a debt of gratitude to Mr Hughes. The younger men who were Visitors felt that the Ii Imowlell,£d and experience of older men was in- valuable, they may entert?iu views differing from Mr Hughes, and sometimes express them strongly, but the strong feelings of respect they all entertaineil for the chairman enabled them to carry 011 their meetings in peace and harmony, (hear, hear). Mr R. Heaton said if anythiH? could add weight to the words which had fallen from Captain Verney it might be that as a member of th? house committee he had had pleasure in see- ing the work that Air Hu?hM of Ystrad h?J done, and he be-?d to second his re-election as the Chairman of the Visitors. Mr Hughes on assuming the chair said he had heard and received the word? which had been said of him with a great deal of diffidence as he felt he did not deserve half of what they had ¡ been pleased to say. (Gries ()f "no, no "). He felt that the period was coming when he hoped to give way for a younger man he felt his duties were really insignificant, for he was so ably sup- ported by the house committee. As he had wit- nessed the building of the asylum and the additions made some few ago he fel t interested in the new proposed extension and wished to see it carried out, and for that reason he had consented to re- main in o-fici for another year. The time had come when they must face the diffi julty of want of room, and that matter would, lie hoped, be dealt with at once. He had only to propose and to request them to re-elect Mr Robinson the able clerk and steward, which he had no doubt they would do unanimously. The Rev. H. Wynne Jones had great pleasure in seconding the re-election of Sir Robinson, which was carried unanimou dy. HOUSE COMMITTEE. lne f?il?win? :;<mthnn were then unanimously re-elected (mthj 1[011-;<) C;¡,1l.1 e:-Atr Thomas Hu?hc?, ChMrmnn; iv-v W. Hicks Owen and Edward Smart, Messrs Kie'aard Williams, W. 1). Wynne Griffith, P. H. ] C 1 laibres, John R. Heaton, Philip Pennant Pennant, P. Gold Edwards, Thomas G. Dixon, Oliver Burton, Rev. R. H. Howard, and Captain I Medium. AUDITING THE ACCOUNTS. The report of the official auditor (Mr M. R. I Partington) was as follow.; (ii:NTL,'Ml- -I beg leave to report that I have hold and caninleted the four i|iiart?rly audits of the booxs and acvonuti of your institution for March, June, September, and December respectively, aIlll every ; of;)ts anil exjieiuliiare has been collected :},l cheeked, and every voucher examined and coin- pared and cancelled by uie. All boo'is and auc.niut-s relating to the cash transactions of the Asylum have o .en cercili-d by me to be corve.-t. With regard to the Aldcct fund account, f note th-itthe legacy of i'5'Jlf le-'t by the late Mr (Jri.fitiis, of (Jaerhun, li is been in- vested in the purchase of t'.j (ii in C.lklluuLm C"n. solid ited S:o -k, v, au-ii will reaiixo nearly oil par cent, per annum 0n the sum invested. A Capit ;1 account lias been prepared, wiiieh will lie found useful in showing the different purchases, mortgages, and other !iit\?!n'u!:s. T!tedi?n"-e'.a?)tt-}hyy()m'firkin I giiH to discii.ivged patients, (luring the year amounted i. le,tviii4 :i t his hands of £ Is 7d. j In i- inclusion. 1 ii.ive the pleasure to state that tiie !<?.?)'n',i?'t'pu)'?)it.')t-))'rtt'?\'u<))()?k-<:m(l vo)u- | ni'noiis ai-i-.iiints 01* large establishment veile-.a.s 1' "rL;,Lt CI'O,Iit fill ?li- Votir ('1?,,rk ittiti .\I;srr,< X OI- t s. d. Kecoipt-s Kt.ti id 2 H hc("Jpt.U,t,,O /o! ",I:u",ats .I:I,:LJ I:J -l Excess Receipts 314 3 4 j j .J )."J"a:lC !r}"t!!1 Cnxt of Pa'ieatn. !44. 11 lid. Sljd. j JitiVnir awl Expcn-Iitarc. s. II, IT;) Expenditure (U>b' 12 4 Excels ¡nellme. 722 4 11 Liabilities. 4,533 11 8 Liabilities 1,424 13 2 o,140 1 i (J The £ 1,0<I) a lv-need t > reduce the wort.gags on I Air P. H. Chambres moved the thanks of the meeting to the Revs Hicks Owen and Edward Smart for the trouble and care they took in auditing the accounts of the asylum, and in going through th st.)r?? and tracing every item, it was pleasing to know that the cost of maintaining the asylum in its present state of efficiency was so low, it being lower than 40 other puhlic asylums and only higher than Air W. D. \V. Griffith cordially seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. The Rev. Hicks Owen in return- ing thanks, said that the accounts were so ad- mirably kept and everything was so clear and so odedy that it was a pleasure t,) go through-1 th'i'U. Mr Smart abo said it was the same with the -tores; it was possible to trace everything to i a yard of calico in the large and valuable stock. THE .MEDICAL REPORT. Afr ö- .l.L.1=-_1 .?tLjjerin- ten lent, then read his report as follows :— (IF.MI.EMEN. -I have the honour of submitting to voti ziie 24"1 ;Liiiiii-tl report, together with the usual tables and medical statistics. The number of patients remaining under tre itiuent from tiie year LS7fi was j 4^, consisting of (4 private and li>4 j)aupr male; with 13 private mid 1*2 pauper females. The nam- her of those admitted during the past year amounted to 11)4, vi; 2 private and 51 pauper males, with lj private an 1 47 pauper t'emdes of these S miles ;en ,I M females had previously been in this asylum. The discharges have been (!:) (-S males and 41 females), and the deaths have been 47 (30 riiitlcs I n, 1 17 fe- j males), leaviiil- at the end of the year :3;16, of whom 2 Ware males (12 private and m-t pauper patients— on trie!), and 1"0 females (¡:! private— including 2 absent on trial, and 177 paupers); 2S of those a liiiitte(I had suffered from previous atta-ks 2 patients were sent in by order of the Ct)liiiyiiiii( )nei, i of bunacy from one of thc workhouses they visited. Of the disehtrged patients :»(i (i 4 males, 22 females) h:t!lt :.),'j (11) lll:Lle-1, 15 ¡wI heen re- lieved and s (4 of ench sex! left nnhuproved. The recoveries were in the proportion of :;5'i? percent, to i the admission, a rate of 2'5 per cent, higher than in the pi1 rvi-ius year. The difference in the proportion of th' recoveries of the males and females re- speetivf-ly is very Ufrked that of the former being st-rcely more than one-half that of the latte,-15 per cent, compared with 4" S per cent. A male cviiii 111 al who hail been committed to prison for an at- tempt at suicide, h iving recovered, the Home See- retary, oil receiving a representation of the case, con- sented to his discharge from the asylum, instead of his ))fin? returned to K?ot in the ordinary course of I hw. Five private pat¡ent were (U? tcticved, 4 -f these removals took place by the direction of the lsitmg < oinmittee, who were compelled to reduce -i nuui'-> ,-r froai want of accommodation and the same cause lias also prevented the possibility of com plying with several requests for the admission of yther private patients. Of :tl patients who were re- lieve- or who left unimproved, 5 were consigned to of ea<*h sex, to workhouses. N'«me of them have hitherto been re- admitted, but of 7 patient* seat out on trial i men have been returned. At present there were patients absent on trial. Two women were ilis- charged by order of thf; Comi-iiisioiiers in Lunac" v on .L(.C.Ill!lt6i itle, invalidity of the orders for their ad- j mission, one of them being considered tit was en- trusted to the care of her friends, and the other was I re-admitted. The deaths (47), I males and 17 fe. j males, were at the rate of 5'1 per cent, on the total n?m?'er under treatment, ? J¡htly smaller per cent ige than that of the previous ye?r. The dif- ference in the ntf?'t?Hty of the sexes is as striking as th? in the recoveries, but in an inverted ratio, since 728 per cent. of the males under treatment died in contrast witli iiiit i .3.) per rent, of the females. No accident has happened nor has there been any case of infectious disease. On several occasions, and for .1ays at a time, the whole of the 212 m:de beds h?ve been occupied, an event ¡hitherto unprecedented. Partial relief was (¡CCil'/ si ?)'tHv "twined )? removing harmless and incurable cases to the workhouses, but this cannot he expected to continue, as there are none such patients now re- maining in the asylum there is consequently the most urgent necessity for the enlargement of the asylum 011 the male side as .soon as possible. The I Commissioners in Lunacy oil their visit directed attention to tiie need of at once taking steps to pro- cure further accommodation. nepnt?tion from Carnarvon, Holyhead, and Holy- well Boards of Guardians visited the asylum and | insp* ected the patients belonging to their Unions, wit, I the view of removing as many as were suitable to become inmates of the workhouse. Our usual weeklv dance at times interspersed with music lias been held throughout the year. < )ur atten- dants, with assistance from friends, have given us concerts, and \arious other amusements have been supplied. We th mkfully acknowledge the kindness of one off our visitors, Mr Douglas Griffith, in present- ing us with a billiard table, for the use of which C'apt. Wvinie Price, another visitor, has also given a chandelier, thm; afhrlling an immense amount of amu w.nent to the patients. Mr )!. Jones, the head r.ttendanl, lias, as usual, diligently discharged his and the conduct of the attendants generally has bciui s-itisfaetorv. To Mr Miles, Miss I'ugll, and Mr KoUinson, I am indebted for their willing co-opera- tion. In conclusion, 1 h ive but to express my thanks for the continued support and consideration you have shown tome.—Signed, B., Medical Superintendent. TIIE CHAPLAIN" s REPORT was as follows ;— In presenting this my first report, I have the satis- faction to state that the religious services and duties have been performed without any omission during the past year. On each Sunday tiiere have been two services with a sermon at each —one in Welsh at nine p.m. Prayers bil l been read in ch-pel eve:-v Wednesday anil Friday. Morning services with a sermon were held oil flood i-'i'id .y and Christmas Day. On the 2-:th of October, a special thanksgiving service, for the harvest, with a sermon was held, which was apparently much appreciated. Toe decoration of tbe chapel, kindlv undertaken by the m itro'i and the Misses Gold Edwards, gave much pleasure to the patients, Tiie services are well attended, especially on Sundays, when the chapel is entirely oc -upied. The orderly and devout behaviour of the patients is most striking, many of them join audabjv in the responses, also in the ehantinJr amI sinking with earnestness. Some of them take special interest in the sermons, and converse intelli- gently upon them in the course of the week. The wards and day rooms have been visited twice a week the sick and feeble especially attended to by reading, prayer, and conversation. Instances have occurred of peculiar interest, when prior to death reason has resumed her lost power, und the mind recovering its I healthy tone, the patient has realised the comfort of the promises of God's word, and died in the enjoyment of hope and peace. The musical part of the services has been very creditably performed, and has tended much to render the service of God's house a delight and a joy to those privileged to attend.—Signed, ED- WARD SMART, Chaplain. Mr Brownlow Wynne then moved that the account of the receipts and payments now sub- mitted, together with the reports' of the officers be printed and circulated as heretofore. I THE ENLARGEMENT, The Chairman rose and said the most impor- tant question of the day was now to be considered: that was the overcrowding of the house, they had done all they could in the matter and now it was absolutely necessary to face the question. The Visitors had sent circulars round to all the Unions which contributed, asking if they could accom- modate any of the patients in the workhouse, but answers had been received that it was im- possible it therefore, became necessary to en- large the Asylum, but the question was how was that to be accomplished ? The Commissioners in Lunacy had more than once reminded them that it was necessary to enlarge, and they had power to compel them to provide accommodation for all the lunatics in the five counties, of whom there were many at home who ought to be and might be sent there. The House Committee had given very serious attention to the matter and at their meeting that morning when 11 out of the whole 12 were present they had unanimously agreed to recommend an enlargement after the pattern of that which was made in 1862, and provision made for a limited period only, and they thought they could now provide all necessary accommodation by an enlargement on the mal e side so as to pro- vide 120 more beds, which would be enough for the next 10 years at the rate they had gone on heretofore. they went on from the foundation of the Asylum to 18G2 and then they added two wings, one on each side, now 14 years afterwards they asked for a further enlargement and believed this would do for the next 10 years, thus they would lighten the burdens of the counties, and the cost of this new extension they had cilculated to be about £ 7,090. The proportion of the cost would be Anglesea A!i)25 6" 3d, (Carnarvonshire 1, 933 Os 5d, Denbi,Ii,,hire iCl, His Sd, Flint- shire £1,385 and Merionethshire £860 8s 4d. The Visitors had unanimously agreed to the reso- lution which he would now propose— That the House Committee be requested to procure plans for the enlargement of the Asylum by the erec- tion of a separate building at the rear of the wing on the mlle shIe for the accommodation of 120 patients, and a special meetins: of the Committee of Visitors be convened to consider and approve of such plans prior to their being submitted to the justices of the several counties in union at their Quarter Sessions. He hoped that the resolution would meet with their unanimous approval that day, for they saw no other way to effect the necessary enlarge- ment. (sip tain Verney asked what number of lunatics and imbecile persons there were in the 5 counties inside and out of the house? Mr Hughes in- formed him that there were a total of S5t pauper lunatics and imbeciles, of whom 370 were in the asylum and 484 in workhouses and at their own homes. Mr Robinson also presented a return by which it was shown that there were 103 more persons (70 males, 32 females) more in the house than in lq62, or 13 years ago. The Rev. H. Wynne Jones seconded the reso- lution. He was glad to find that there was not likely to be any serious opposition, as the House Committee had so plainly laid the scheme before them, to which they had all agreed, and there were 11 out of the 19 present. He felt sure the proposition would pass. Captain Verney rose, not to propose an amend- ment, but to notice that a very important law had lately been passed which allowed -Is for the keep of every pauper lunatic in the house, and he asked them if it was not worth while considering what security they had, that the whole S.'iQ might not be sent into the house within the next 12 months ?—especially when they knew they could be repaid out of the consolidated fund. These would be chie'iy idiots and old imbecile people, who w-uiid want a different class of assistants awl (liferent kind of medical aid, and he was in favour of a different sort of an asylum in another part "f Wales where all those kind of people and the idiot children might be kept with the harm- less old people. Mr Hughes said they based their position on I the fact that the addition would be as heretofore, gradual. The law alluded to was not a new one, it had been in operation some 3 years, so that they had experience of it. Mr Massie T?ylor also thought that the ad- ditum now proposed was not largeenongh,heknew surHei?ut id?ts already wandering about to nil the 120 new beds and it would be a mercy to many of them to have them there. Only the other day a iiiait came to the Corwen union, and he put his hands in the fire to catch hold of the grate Mr P. H. Chambres pointed out that another wing might easily be built on the women's side, to hold 120 more, which would make 240 in all. Captain Verney asked if it would not be cheaper to build the two wings together, but Mr W. D. W. Griffith said it would make no dif- ference. The increase had been going on gradually, and the provision for it should be gradual too. Mr T. Cold Edwards pointed out that the in- crease since the new law was passed had only been from 345 to 370 in the three years. Captain Verney asked Dr. Williams how many of the then inmates could be transferred, if another asylum were opened for idiots and harm- less lunatics only. Dr. Williams Not more than 50. Mr Brownlow Wynne begged to express his entire concurrence with the recommendation of the committee, but he thought there might be room for improvement in the direction of classi- fication of the lunatics. The motion was then put. Fifteen hands were held up for it, and the rest did not v ote. It was declared to be carried unanimously. This ended the business. j 'Hie following is the return prenave l by Mr Robinson Persons of unsound mind chargeable to unions in the live counties on Jan. 1, from IStio to Is77. Male- Female. Total. Ist Jitn. :H HI. 77ti 1(;}j :)' 132 7^1; lfstii; 3ï1 no 7*1 J"I:7 37o Hi 1.21 isitt 431 w.. KI!) Ism 3H1 454 S45 tsro 37o 4::1 s:ii Iil :1":) .11;4 k.f7 1S72 :¡. 47. 1873 :r.¡1 471 1-1 1S74 3W Jt> S7*» 175 3^4 4t-4 N48 1S7 r; 4lj,j 54 1-77 41) 32 7S increase in 12 yrs. Pauper patients in asylum on Jan. 1 in same years. Male. Female. Total. 1st Jan. lis 144 2«2 1S(!5 131". 151 2S7 JH05 141 150 303 I 147 154 301 155 150 314 listfil i lot! l'!7 323 Is7,') n 170 ?2 1?1 15q 170 32s 1S72 Hi4 17« 340 ]S73 171 174 ;)45 1*74 171-; 1S2 3t;o 1S75 'J ) ';j 175 3titi lS7fi 371 1S77 1:H 176 So 1X78 íJ 1 70 32 10S increase in 13 yrs. Table showing the saving of fuel (luring the last two years compared with the two previous years 1S74—73 ) tons of fuel, sav at 12s per ton 440 X 0 <M 7?15 2 ?I? :1 2 | lfTd—^lO tons-of fuel, say :n 12s obi ;i 2 per ton 48ij (I 0 Gas oil tE 5 3 54S 5 3 101)7 X 5 1«7(>—7C.I0 tons of fuel, say at 12s per ton 473 11; 0 (;ao; oil nil 1,S77 -5110 tons of fuel, s:ty ,t 12s per ton 354 0 0 Gas oil nil ————— S29 M 0 237 12 5 I On comparing the above tables it will be seen that owing to the employment of water power there has heen a savin on the average of the last two years of the sum of X]18 per annum. We append the report of the Commissioners in Lunacy To-'iay we inspected this Asylum, and sawall the patients on its books, both those of the private and those of the pauper class. The former are 27, and consist of 13 males and 14 females. The latter are and are represented by 107 men and 171 women. The weekly rate of maintenance charged for the pan per class is, we are told, Ss Oil; and the actual I cost its td. the difference being met by profit made out of the private patients admitted under agree- ment with the Trustees of a fund procured by chari- tabh: llhscription. The chargeability of the paupers under (-are and treat] eiit may be thus stated -—107 to Oenbigli, Mi to Mint, 12 to Anjjlesev, SO to Carnar- von, -Id to Meironethshire, and there is one out- county ease too feeble for removal. There are about 20 vacant hetli; for females, but the male side is full; and to make room for recent cases, something should he done, and without delay. We would recommend tint the medical superintendent should be instructed by tile Committee to select patients who mav be sent to workhouses under proper stipulations as to diet, and that these should be transferred thither, either temporarily under a leave of absence, or permanently. Time may thus lie obtained for consideration as to the enlargement of this Asylum, or providing accom- modation elsewhere. The admissions since the Com- missioners'visit in June, 1-S7II, have been 14G among the paupers, viz., 72 of men, 74 of women. To the j list of private patients, 1* have been added. The discharges have been (If iiiil]e ;in(] -j Ii female paupers, and of 0 private cases. The recoveries I show a total of 41 persons. The mortality has been been below the usual rate—the registry setting forth 3S deaths in the male, 23 in the rem lIe division. The causes of death were j ordinary disease, general debility, and senile decay. Xo scrams casualty has occurred. There does not appear to have been any epidemic. At present, there is no proper provision for isolating patients jufferin- i from infectious or contagious malady. Such should he made in some way not very expensive. There has been no inquest, the post-mortem examinations have been 11. Under medical treatment are 37 patients—2 of e :i'h sex only were in bed. We were informed hv Dr. Williams that the epileptics are 2S males and eight females. The suicidally-disposerl patients are 15 men and 10 women. We pointed out to the medical superintendent mode hv which the present supervision by night of the epileptic and suicidal patients might he readily im- proved in the male division, viz., by cnttins: away a partition, and providing a tell-tale clock. We think some similar precaution* s liuud he taken :«i- the women of that class; anil if a dormitory c mid lie arranged near the female infirmary, a nurse might sit up and give her attention to them, and also the infir- mary. In the male infirmary, we advise the employ- I ment of a married couple to look aft3r the sick, The attendants comprise 13 men, and as many women for the day time; but the latter are two below their complement. These vacancies ought to be filled up as soon as possible, especially as one of the vacancies is that of the head attendant on the female side. The night watch and nursing are given to two men in the male, and to one woman in the female division. The Infirmaries, we think, require better night supervision. We learn that the attendants who have not been in the Asylum service more than one year are one male and four females. The wages of the men commence at £ 26 per annum: the women receive from S14 to L16. These wages include beer mnnev. The males have one suit of uniform vearly, the females get two dresses annually. We found the wards quiet, and the clothing of the patients of good quality, and in proper condition. About 100 men have Sunday suits:-we should be glad if the visitors could increase the supply. The women, we understand, are to have for the coming winter gowns of woollen material. No patient was to-day under restraint; but a reduction in number of strong ticking dresses among the female patients is desirable. We saw a large number of women engaged in needle work others unable to be so employed might, we think, be induced to pick hair. The supply of indoor amusement is scarcely what it should be. More illustrated papers would be well in the pauper wards; and a billiard table, which might be got second hand for a small sum, is wanted for the patients of the private class. The dietary is the same as at last visit. The arrangements for the men's dinner, in No. 10, are bow- ever open to much improvement. This could he carried out by throwing together the small rooms in which the men are now inconveniently crowded. The employment returns informs us that 10 men work as artizans, 3 in the laundry, 50 in the garden, and 40 in the wards. Of the women, 26 assist in the wards, 8 in the kitchen, 13 in the laundry, 5 in the pantry, and 50 employ themselves in the workroom. Out-door exercise in walking beyond the _wr,)undq iq iven to 50 males and lID females. Too many of each sex are, however, confined to the airing courts. These courts on the male side have been improved by plant- in. Similar work on the female side is desirable. A shelter has been put up in the large male airing court, and a summer house is in course of erection for the women. The attendance at church is crippled by the size of the chapel. We have suggested to the medical super- intendent a course which would palliate this defect. The interior of the Asylum is creditable to the authorities; but coloring is required in several direc- tions, and increased decoration in an inexpensive manner. The bedding was throughout clean and in good order, and suffirient in quantity. The Shed" used for the accommodation of male patients is about to he plastered. We recommend the addition of some windows in the blank wall, and that the means of warming the ward should be increased. We are glad to report that the security of the Asylum against an outbreak of fire is now assured by a good system of hydrants within and without, and an almost unlimited supply of water. We must not close our report, without an allusion to the fact that only 0 males and 7 females have been secluded ;-the former on 20 occasions, and for a total duration of 148 hours; the latter I 11 times, altogether 7Q, hours. There is a marked im- provement in the female wards in regard to the be- haviour of the patients, and generally we consider that the Asylum is in a very creditable and satisfac- tory state. Signed, CHARI.F.S PALMER PHILLIPS, ) COMINISZIOIWI JAMES WILKES, f i,i litna,!y. September 19th, 1877.

I The War. I._............_-_.........-""""-"""""'-""'¡


Imperial Parliament. -r-...........…


Correspondence. -.......-,..-...............-".....1'........"-,,,'-'""""-.."""j.......