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-=- RANTED, an Out-door Apprentice to the Ironmon- «if,w gery Trade. Apply to D. Ambrose, St. Mary- 1483 yy ANTED, in a small family, a General Servant, who Tin.. 'ln(lerstands Cooking. Address, F. I. W., Cardiff 1()04 yy ANXED, by a respectable young man, aged 17, to lioll be placed as Apprentice in a Baker's, Confec- asto H, <lr any other respectable business. Not particular -ges. Address, T. Z., Post-office, Cardiff. 1590 111 Brewer's Clerk yy ANTED. Must be a good Accountant. Address, B., fleeted Times Office, stating age and salary ex- References required. 1583 \XTA\T Ironmongery. yy ANTED, by a young man, a Situation as Junior j| Assistant. Five years' good reference. Address, anaton, Mr. Kiell's, ironmonger, Barnstaple, Devon. 1599 itD lu Jtei 0r Salfcr. A "ial Board and Residence in Windsor Place. &N i LEMAN who dines at the Docks, requiring Pfictabi <^Jtnportable home, with partial board, in a res- '0<fice Jlamil?> may hear of the same by applying at the ^^i^aper^ 1601 ^6 LET, Aj)artments, handsomely furnished, draw- ljj„i lng-room with bedroom communicating. Apply at -~2^onier House, Duke-street, Cardiff. J 559 P? LET, a Free Double-licensed House called the. eomin h«ua,'d Arms, 283, Bute-street, Cardiff. In- I igaie^ an<i valuation (made in July last) = £ 140. There ■ fired uPon the house, 14 years of which are unex- X bp ent> ^60 per annum. Satisfactory reasons W PHttii having by the proprietor. Apply on tke I Ises. 1566 *le London Hotel, situate in Bute-street, Jampt, a. *or particuars apply to Mrs. Clode, 15, .street. 1424 j'õb; LET, a Divelling-Hotise with convenient Office to^ofV ^roun<^ floor, situate in the centre of the th» i The rent is moderate, aad all taxes paid f ^Srdiff an"l°rd. Apply to B. Pedrazzini, High-street, j 982 I ^0 v. T LLANTRISSANT. i "I 'to ^ET, at Llantrissant, near the Mwyndy Mine I ^erin (?^s' Building Land for Workmen's Cottages. *0ad years. Apply to Mr. John Williams, lioath- ^ijggiff. 11 667 i. LET, a Double-licensed House known as the site (V; Inn. eligibly situate in Bute-street, oppo- ses J°'™-street, being one of the leading thorough- Ted8on e town. In-coming moderate. Satisfactory f°r leaving. Apply to E. Stibbs, on the 1435 >j0, TOWN OF CARDIFF. ■*» on T, with immediate possession, on a lease of Allyears, -to «. "?at PIECE of LAND immediately adjoining, and §a^ Routh of the South Wales Railway, in the parish of < Mai-y. *n t'ie Town of Cardiff, containing about At SOp., late held by Mr. Jacob Matthews. tiv a PIECE of LAND on the west side of the *aid a oppcsite Temperance-town, in Cardiff afore- CoInIt 'ni g about la- lr- 34p. Abtil be let together or separately. ■or jTs.y to Lieut.-Col. Wood, Stour-hall, near Swansea, ^•Thomas Dalton, No. 6, Working-street, Cardiff. 1342 X ve .^OLD by Private Contract, all those Four well- Vsir HOUSES, brick fronts with freestone dress* Cardiff*Q Guildford-street, near the Public Baths, For IJotel j^'culars apply Mr. John Jones, builder, Sandon ^street, Cardiff. 1580 orvr George-street. JL u^O/jyPdvane 0 >rura ct, Three HOUSES, ^8tNos. 14, 15, and 16. Inquire of William Lj^ittla Frederick-street, Cardiff. 1592 T Roath. JL pe LET or SOLD, in a good situation, a well-built T'"c House, having a frontage of 30 feet. Apply r^T"-—Williams, Roath-road, Cardiff. 1581 -i nij^OLD by Private Contract, the LEASE of the ^-established Double-licensed PUBLIC HOUSE NiW and Pilot Boat," situated in St. Mary-st., #boVe j'a ?se to the South Wales Railway Station. The fljg present in the occupation of Charles Edwards, to the j) .rly rental of £ 40..Omnibuses pass regularly ^ise^ ^te Docks and Railway Stations, and the pre- Hn, e eicellently situated in the best street in the particulars apply to Mr. G. SULLY, Marine ral Auctioneer, 25, Mount Stuart-square, Car- 1439 T^OR O'. Eligible Investment. JC g^ALE fey Private Contract, Four DWELLING- ^ft8j,i, ySES, ready for occupation; and Nineteen ^ton HOUSES, all situated in Mortimer-road, mil a,.so. Two well-built VILLA CARCASES, in a The nallon 0I* the R oath-road. JeaiM. 50Und-rent will be low, and leases granted for n fn«um tilBe of sa,e* er particulars apply to Wm. Alexander, Esq., -Mr. John Williams, Roath-road. 811 -< TO v 0 OIL-CAKE FOR SALE. -p SOLD, twenty Tons of OIL-CAKE, and thirty *tock of°Ds. °f SHARPS, on reasonable terms, with a large n1 American PROVISIONS, also, French °V<e 0TATOES, ° ^ia^s) f°r seed, now a' ^°' Bute Warehouse, adjoining Messrs. ^l»nd Brown's Mills. J 1527 MR. THOMAS WEBBER, INSTITUTK C'HAMBEiiS, CXRDOV, y^state ANI) HOUSE AGENT. 4. a «ANCES elfected in First-class Offices, Life, Fire, S0ieC5^ental, Sickness, &e. tiongj p1Cenaee for Glamorgan for the National Ventila- j: *-oinpariy. ipv,]:'3'.0^ ^ropurtifts lor Sale and to Let, to [be had on <S!^ation. 1602 & J A M *Ts TN D price, fATUAliy AND STONE MASONS, TRINITY STREET, CARDIFF. (Office—Canal Wharf East.) X Q Memorials, and all kinds of Ornamental and *c Building Work, executed on the shortest. Prepared and forwarded by post, on application. liif^r tES ana r«;CE are Agents to the SUN Fire Office and also Agents for the Sale XkS01! 'H DRAINING PIPES. of Building Materials constantly on Sale, IF Vn, IMPORTANT. WANT TO BORROW MONEY at a £ *Pand easy rate, goto Mr. W. WILLIAMS, ^4 j, *-street, Newport, Moil., and Insure your Life, 8uarantee that, with a^jproved personal you can have a? y Rum frasn £ 50 to £ 1,000, t.VV0) three, four, or ft ve years, payable by fixed *r'y or quarterly insiiihnenls. 352 BOOK WITH ALMANACK & DIARY ONE SHILLING EACH by J. KUSHiJB, STATIONER and TEA u«AiEH, l(i, Angol str^et, (Cardiff. At r6l).. Prints Fr»ir«jd and Glazed, low prices, ] !> inches by 1", for One Shil- and Sixpence. I liEST AND TOBACCO. c «NT .,TR»;G TEA, Four Shillings per pound. Cassell's Cofft es. ^;nuine oHE.j Stationer, 16, Angel-street, Cardiff. 1274 v, G. SADLER, *°TOGKAFHER AND ARTIST, U9, BUTE-ROAD, CARDIFF. open from nine o'cletk til! dusk. Photo- Wl''»e8 .y practised in various styles of the art Uo a>te<* on at l'ie'r residences. N^,?h th€8e Portraits, by tbe light of Heaven made Ahj>lson they ate, will like a shadow fade, Th ^sth's S flesh in dust shall lie, U,-„ film o'er spreads this beaming eye, Portraits, mocking at decay, e fresh and vivid as the day. 2095 Nitsintss ILLUSTRATED POCKET-BOOKS and DIARIES, JL for Ladies and Gentlemen. FORGET-ME-NOTS and MEMORANDUMS, in great variety. WELSH COSTUMES on Note-paper. TINTED VIEWS of SOUTH WALES, on Cards, made up in Ninepenny Packets. CREAM-LAID NOTE PAPER, in Five Quire Packets from 6d. to 2s. 6d. each. PRIZE BOXES of WATER COLOURS, Brush, &c., from 9d. per box. PATENT SOLID RED, BLUE, and BLACK INK PENCIL CASES, from 2d. to Is. each. And a variety of other Articles, suitable for JUVENILE PRESENTS, to be had at the Cardiff Times Office. FANCY ARTICLES IN LARGE VARIETY SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS, ETC., AT JAS. T. BARRY'S, 6, DUKE-STBEET, CAEDIFF. FAMILIES furnishing will find it advantageous t) in- JT spect his STOCK of superior Electro-Plated Spoons, Forks, Coffee and Tea Services, Cruets, Liquor Stands, Vases, Urns, Toast-racks, Dessert Knives and Forks, Fish Knives, &c., &c. Best Steel Table Cutlery, at JAS. T. BARRY'S, 6, Duke-street, Cardiff. New GOLD WATCHES, from £ 4 10 0 to £ 40 0 0 New SILVER ditto „ 2 10 0 to 12 0 0 With a warrantry, and exchanged if not made to perform satisfactorily. Also, a quantity of SECOND-HAND WATCHES, cheap, at JAS. T. BARRY'S, 6, Duke-street, Cardiff. English and Foreign Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, < £ c., carefully REPAIRED, by experienced workmen on the premises. Clocks attended and wound up by the year. Estimates given for Public Clocks. Rates of Chronometers ascertained by Transit Obser- vations. JAS. T. BARRY, 6, Duke-street, Cardiff. 1394 W. WEICHERT, ROYAL OBSERVATORY, 112, ROTHSAY- TERRACE, DUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. THE MOST VALUABLE ACQUISITION TO THE SHIPPING TRADE OF CARDIFF. NUMEROUS complaints having from time been made by captains of ships, of not being abie to get a correct rate with their Chronomaters in Cardiff, Mr. W. WEICHERT, CHRONOMETER, WATCH, and NAUTICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, has re- medied the evil, by having a Telegraphic Wire conducted to his Establishment direct from the Royal Greenwich Observatory, in connection with a Ball that falls at Ten o'clock mean time daily, where master of Ships will have the privilege never 'oetore obtained of having a correct rate with their Chronometers, and in which they may place the utmost confidence. A visit to this Establish- ment will satisfy any one that all Insfruments entrusted to W. W.'s care will have the utmost skill and attention bestowed upon their repair and adjustment, as every- thing is manufactured and repaired on the premises, by workmen of first-class skill and ability. W. WEICHERT invites an inspection of his elegant and well selected STOCK of London best-made WATCHES, GOLD GUARDS, ALBERTS, &c. £ s. £ s. Silverlever London made Watches, from 4 10 to 12 12 Gold ditto ditto ditto „ 10 10 30 0 Gold pocket Chronometer 45 0 ,,55 0 Silver Geneva best made Watches, „ 1 1 „ 3 10 Gold ditto ditto ditto „ 3 10 II 12 0 Two-day Chronometer, best London made 33 0 Eight-day ditto ditto 40 0 All Watches and Chronometers sold'at this Establish- ment will be warranted for four years, and exchanged free of expense during that time, if not approved of. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS Of every description Manufactured on the Premises, also Cleaned, Repaired, and Adjusted. A large Stock of Sextants, Quadrants, Barometers, combined Barometers and Simpiesometers, Marine and Opera Glasses, Day and Night Telescopes, Compasses of every description, New and Second-hand Chronometers. No other Instruments, Watches, or Chronometers sold at this Establishment but such as will give complete satis- faction to the purchaser. Rothsay-terrace, 112, Bute Docks. 1305 DUNCAN & WARD, PROPRIETORS OF THE "CARDIFF TIMES," ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, BEG to announce, that they have on Sale an entirely NEW STOCK of STATIONERY, In its various Branches, and that they are now prepared to supply their Customers with the various Qualities (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL) of Cream Laid Note from 2s. to 8s. per ream. „ Albeit, 4s. per ream. Blue Laid Note, 4s. per ream. Large ditto, from 4s. to 7s. per ream. Large Cream fiom 5s. to 10s. Large Blue Laid Quarto Post, from 7s 6d. to 10s. 61. „ Wove ditto, from 6s. 6ii. „ Laid Quarto Post, from 7s. 6d. to 10s. 6d. Small „ from 7s. 6d. Bank Post, 8vo. 5s. per ream. Black Bordered Note, various kinds, 8s. 6d. Tinted 8vo. Amber, Lilac, Green, and Pink, 6s. Blue Wove Foolscap, ft. lines only, broad fol. 15s. „ com. and ft. „ 15s. 6d. » „ long fol. 15s. 6d. Envelopes, Cream Laid and Blue, of various kinds, from 5s. 6d. to 8s. per 1,800. German Buff Envelopes, 4s. 6d. per 1,000. Blue Laid Draft Official Envelopes, 20s. per 1,000. Black Bordered Envelopes, 3d. per dozen. Red and Black Sealing Wax, 3s. 8d. per lb. Memorandum Books, from Id. to Is. 6d. each. „ with clasp, 6d. „ with index and elastic bands, Is. 6d Bbck Lead Pencils, from 4s. to 8s. a gross. Mitehell's Selected Pens at the maker's prices. Pen-holders from 2s. to 5s. a gross. Quills and Quill Pens, from 2s. to 16s. a 100. Inkstands and Pen Trays. School Copy Books, from 2s to 4s. 6d. a dozen. Phillips's Headed Copy Books, 2s. a dozen. Cyphering Books, plain and ruled, Is. to Is. 6d. each. Black, Blue and Red Inks, in Penny Bottles. Blackwood's Improved Steel Pen Inks in 6d. Bottles Morrell's Registration Ink, at Is. and 2s. a Bottle. Tissue Papers of various colours, Is. a quire. White and Pink Blotting Paper, Is. 6d. & 2s. a quire School Slates, 4d. and 6d. each. Slate Pencils at 8d. per 100. India Rubber, Id. and 2d. each. Elastic Bands, 4d. and 5d. a dozen. New Zealand Twine, 6d, a ball. Gnm in Bottles at Id. each. Metallic Memorandum Books, from 6d. to Is. 6d. Betting Books from 2s. to 3s. 6d. each. Pockets Ledgers, soft leather covers. Copying Presses of the best makers. Blotting Books in various bindings. Manifold Letter Writers complete. Dressing, Pocket, and Small-tooth Combs. Letter-press, Copper-plate, and Lithographic PRINTING, In every variety, Neatly and Expeditiously executed. OFFICE LEDGERS and ACCOUNT BOOKS ruled and made to pattern. BOOKS and MAGAZINES supplied to order. Agreements between Landlord and Tenant,Notice to Quit Rent books, and all other THINGS necessary for the SELLING and LETTING of property. ADVERTISING AGENCY. DUNCAN and WAKD have established a Newspaper Agency, and are now prepared to receive Advertisements for all the London, Provincial, and Colonial Newspapers, lists of which, with dates of Publication, Politics, &c., may be in- spected at their office. JUtshwss gtorcsscs. FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO. FAMILY WINE, SPIRIT, ALE, AND PORTER MERCHANTS, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, BEG to inform the public that they are now Selling PORT and SHERRY WIN'ES from 26s. to 48s. per dozen; very superior OLD PORT, seven years in bottle, 54s.; CLARETS from 24s. to 72s CHAMPAGNE, 48s. to 72s.; MARSALA, 24s.; Finest Old FRENCH BRANDY (nine years'o]d) 28s. per gallon Finest Irish and Scotch WHISKEY, 19s.; GENEVA, 18s. per gallon. QUARTS. PINTS Best Dublin Porter (Guinness') per dozen 5 3 3 6 Bass's Pala Ale. 6 0 4 0 Fine Rich Burton Ale. 5 3 3 6 Alloa Pale Ale. 4 0 2 6 Sparkling Champagne Cider 5 3 3 6 A complete LIST of PRICES may be had on applica- tion. Orders per post punctually attended to. I TERMS-CASH. 1135 ACCOUNT BOOKS, LEDGERS, &c.. BEFORE purchasing inspect the stock of Account Books, Ledgers, Metalic Memorandum Books, and every description of Stationery, at DUNcAX AND WARD'S, Cardiff Times office, St. Mary-street. SCatalogues sent on receipt of one postage staroj). The trade supplied. IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCOVERY! FIR WOOL OIL. A POSITIVE and Speedy Remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, and all Pains originating from Cold guaran- teed to remove Rheumatic, Tooth, Face, or Ear-ache in five.or ten minutes, by external application. Sold in Bottles, Is. ljd., Is. 9d and 2s. 9d. each, by HENny DA.VIES, Victoria House, Gwernllwyn Bach, Dow- lais, Sole Agent for Wales. AGENTS. Cardiff—S. P. KERNICK, druggist. Pontypridd and Treforest—C. BASSETT, PostOffice. Agents required. 1111 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. CHARLES ASTON, HAT AND CAP MANUFACTURER, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, RETURNS his sincere thanks to the public generally for the very liberal support he has received during the past seven years, and assures them that he is ever mindful of the duties devolving on him in rendering goods of sterling value. C. ASTON begs to state, that the general increase in his trade enables him to make a slight reduction in the prices for the present season I is Stock wiH be found to combine every description of Hats and Caps of the newest styles, and for use, comfort, durability and economy, he cannot be surpassed by any house in or out of London. C. ASTON also begs to state, that being a thorough prac- tical hatter, and making all his own goods,he is in a posi- tion to sell cheaper and better than any other house in the town and it must be an acknowledged fact, that dealers cannot compete with the manufacturer; and he is fully satisfied that the discerning public will fully appreciate his system of business, namely-one price, small profits quick sales, and for ready money. All Goods bought, if not approved of, are exchanged N.B.-A large assortment of Umbrellas of the best London make. NOTE THE ADDRESS— CHARLES ASTON, HAT AND CAP MANUFACTURER, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 340 GREAT BARGAINS CLEARING OUT FOR TWELVE DAYS! BRISTOL BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, 10, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. F. H. PEARCE, LATE ALGAR AND COMPANY. KID ELASTIC BOOTS, Double Soles and Military Heels, 5s. lld. per Pair, Are not to be equalled for Style, Fit, or Durability. COLD F E E T PEARCE'S FELT AND SNOW BOOTS Are an undeniable Comfort at the present Season. Price 2s. 6d. per Pair. LEGGINGS, GAITERS, AND KNICKERBOCKERS. ALGAE & COMPANY have a large selection of the above useful and fashionable articles for Ladies and Gentlemen, in PATENT and ENAMELLED LEATHERS, from 3s. 9d. per Pair. TNDIA RUBBER OVERSHOES, i. LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S & CHILDREN'S. All the best stamps in Overshoes kept constantly in stock. Ladies' Seconds Quality, Is. Old. per pair. PEARCE'S CALF ELASTIC BOOTS. c (Gentlemen's.) Stout Upper Leather and Soles, for the Winter Season. 10s. 6d. per pair. Clump Soles, or Bespoke 15s. 6d. „ PEARCE'S WELLINGTON BOOTS. VV (Screwed Soles.) Extra Stout, and suitable for Country. wear 12s. 6d. per pair. P E A'R'C E 'S BRISTOL SHOE WAREHOUSE, 10, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF, ø- THE TRADE SUPPLIED. j_ 1371 MERIT ACKNOWLEDGED. INTERNATIONAL. EXHIBITION, 1862. THE Jurors of Class 3 have, after a searching series of analysis, awarded a PRIZE MEDAL for the Puritv and Excellence of Quality" of WOTHERSPOON'S VICTORIA LOZENGES, purchasers of which may rest assured that all are made of equal quality. to those exhibited. They are flavoured with Peppermint. Cinnamon, Rose, Lemon, Musk, Laven der, Clove, and Ginger, and are to be had only in packets labelled Wotherspoon's Victoria Lozenges," at Id., 2d., 4d-, 8d., and Is. 4d. each, of all respectable Grocers, Con- fectioners, Druggists, &e. WOTHERSPOON & CO., GLASGOW AND LONDON. Wholesale Agents- Cardiff, John Hibbert, Grocer, Church-street and Bute-street, Norris and Pritchard, Grocers, Duke-street and Bute-street; and Hammond and Walkey, East Wharf. 1009 PURE SWEETS. SCHOOLING AND CO.'S PRIZE MEDAL PURE SWEETS ARE perfectly Genuine, and of various delicious Flavours. Sold by all Grocers, Confectioners, &c., in Transpa- rent and other Packets, at ONE PENNY PER OUNCE. IiliWARE OF IMITATIONS. SCHOOLING & CO., Wholesale and Export Confectioners, BKTHNAL GREEN, LONDON. 1413 ¡ 12, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. D. RICHARDS, Hatter, Hosier, Glover, &c., BEGS to call attention to the following GOODS, selected with the greatest care :— HATS and CAPS of every description. Cotton, Silk, and Lambswool HOSIERY. Kid, Dog-skin, and Cloth GLOVES. Long-cloth SHIRTS, Fancy Flannel SHIRTS. COLLARS, NECKTIES, SCARFS, BELTS, BRACES, TOWELS, Silk, Cotton, and Alpaca UMBRELLAS. Waterproof COATS, Cloth OVERCOATS, Inverness CAPES. Carpet &- Leather BAGS, Portmanteaus, Railway Rugs. Welsh FLANNELS, Coloured FLANNELS, &c." D. RICHARDS, 12, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. 1388: a, B U T,E S T RE E T, NEAR THE HAYES BRIDGE, CARDIFF. THOMAS MILES BEGS to notify to his respected old friends—the public JD of Cardiff, that he has RE-OPENED his Old Estab- lishment with a most Extensive Stock of DRAPERY AND CLOTHING, MEN'S HATS, CLOTH CAPS, And a thousand other articles too numerous to mention in the limits of an advertisement. As of old it will be The Cheapest Shop in the Principality NOTE THE ADDRESS. THOMAS MILES, 2, BUTE.STHEET,ICARDrFF, (Near the Hayes Bridge.) THE SAME OLD SHOP. THE SAME OLD NAME. 915 KID GLOVES r (SPECIAL PURCHASE), AT R. STROUD'S, DUKE-STREET CARDIFF. s. d. s. d. TTTHITE KID 6 pairs for 4 9 or 0 9} per pair » „ Alpine „ 5 9 „ 1 0 „ Black „ 11 0 „ 1 11 „ „ French „ 13 0 „ 2 3 „ Coloured Kid (French) gO" 1 61 „ „ 12 6 „ 2 2 „ Coloured French, best make „ 16 9 „ 2 10 „ These are a special purchase, and the execution o orders for them can only be guaranteed for a limite period. Sample Pairs per post for two extra stamps. 1282 CHEESE, BACON, AND BUTTER. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF for the above is R. TAVERNER'S, 285, BUTE-STREET, Where you can select, from the largest stock in South Wales, the foUowing articles:—Prime old Cheddar, Glou- cester, Derby, Dutch, American, and other CHEESE Welsh, Dorset, and Itisli BUTTER; home-cured HAMS and BACON and LARD of the best quality. All at Wholesale Prices, for CASH ONLY! R. T. begs to infrom the Trade that he has constantly on Sale large consignments of Provisions, at very low prices. N.B. Money advanced to any-amount on goods con- signed for absolute sale. Observe the address :— BUTE-STREET PROVISION STORES, 285, BUTE-STRTET, CARDIFF. 1306 R. TAYERNER, Proprietor. JAMES AND WILLIAMS 281. Bute-street, and New Arcade, St. Mary-street, Agent for Herniman's Pure Tea. THIS TEA is selected from the spring gatherings aSl is therefore uniformly Good. Shipped free from all artifical colour on the surface it is uniformly PURE in strength and wholesomeness therefore excels. BRITISH NATION LIFE ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION. CHIEF OFFICES 291, Regent-street, and 38, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars, London. Incorporated by 7th and 8th Vict., Cap. 110. POLICIES Payable during Life-Indispntable-N ot liable to Forfeiture. ANNUAL INCOME £ 150,000 INVESTED FUNDS exceed £233,000 NEW BUSINESS effected in 1860 £230,4!)8 Irrespective of Capital. The new business is now progressing at the rate of £15,000 per annum. This Institution and the Companies united with k have paid mere than 3,000 claims to Policy Holders, amounting, with Bonus additions, to upwards of One Million and a Quarter sterling. HENRY LAKE, Manager. District Managers for South Wales Cardiff*—Mr.ROBERT HARDING, 173, Bute-road. Newport—Mr. GEO. WILLIAMS, 34, Commercial-street Swansea-ç". PRYCE, q. Mount-street. 2345 NOTICE. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN SOUTH WALES FOB ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PAPER HANGINGS, GOLD MOULDINGS, OILS, PAINTS, AND VARNISHES IS AT 7, BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF, (Near the Hayes Bridge.) ALWAYS 30,000 PIECES OF PAPER To select from, commencing at 3d. per Piece of 12 Yards. PAINTING, GLAZING, GILDING, AND PAPER-HANGING, EXECUTED IN ALL THEIR VARIOUS BRANCHES. OS?" EXPERIENCED WORKMEN sent to any part of the Country. JAMES MOORE, PROPRIETOR. 1221 Dusmess abbrtssts. LAMPS! LAMPS! LAMPS! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT THOMAS TRIST'S FURNISHING AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY, CUTLERY, & TOOL WAREHOUSE, DUKE STREET, CARDIFF. THE Newest Improvements in the BURNERS of BELMONTINE, PETROLENE, & PARAFINE LAMPS, from lila. upwards. Also, a new assortment of well-made MODERATOR LAMPS. CAMPHINE and Palmer's PATENT CANDLE LAMPS. Best bright BELKONTIX-E, PETEOLENE, GAZELINE, and the finest MODERATOR LAMP OIL. English's CAMPHINE. Palmer's METALLIC WICK CANDLES. LAMP GLASSES of all sorts. Every kind of Lamp REPAIRED and REFITTED. Also,. SMITHING, BELL-HANGING, TIN-PLATE, and ZINC WORK on the premises. The Latest Designs in PRIZE KITCHENERS. REGISTER GRATES. FENDERS, FIRE-IRONS, TEA TRAYS, &C. IRON BED- STEDS, 9s. and upwards. BUILDERS' IRONMONGERY at BRISTOL PRICES. THOKAS TRIST begs to state that lie has been appointed AGENT, by E. LOVSEIX, Patentee, for the sale of his newly-invented TEA and COFFEE PERCOLATORS. 1275 1, CRICHTON-STREET, CARDIFF. A. MTBLAKE, MANUFACTURER OF WIRE AND VENETIAN BLINDS, RETAIL DEALER in all kinds of Seasoned WOOD. Maple and other VENEERS, all of which may be had Cheap, and are worthy the attention of Cabinet- makers, and the Trade generally. Sashes, Frames, Doors, &c., made to order on the shortest notice, of well-seasoned Timber. Carpentery, Joinery, and Cabinet Work. Masonry and Smiths' Work done on terms that cannot fail to give satisfaction. 1436 IRON BEDSTEADS. MRS. ALICE STOTT'S LONDON BEDDING DEPOT, 213, BUlE-ROAD, CARDIFF. BED & MATTRESS MANUFACTURER, FOR HOME USE AND EXPORTATION. IRON AND WOOD BEDSTEADS, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS. WHOLESALE DEALER IN MILL PUFF. Old Mill-puff Mattresses made as good as new. CABINET WORK REPAIRED, and UPHOLSTERY of all kinds executed with neatness and despatch. 1128 CARDIFF STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S NEW AND FAST-SAILING STEAMER VELINDRA, DAVID DAVIES, Commander, IS intended to ply (with liberty to tow) between CAR DIFF and BRISTOL, with passengers and mer- chandise, during the Month of FEBRUARY, 1863. From Bute Docks, Cardiff. From BathurstBasin,Bristol FEBRUARY. JANUARY. 2 Monday oiafter 31 Saturday after 4 Wednesday ijafter FEBRUARY. 6 Friday <i morn I 3 Tuesday GJmorn 9 Monday Tjinorn 5 Thursday 8 morn 11 Wednesday 8i morn 7 Saturday Sfmorn 13 Friday IOtmorn 10 Tuesday lOJmorn 16 Monday 2!after I 12 Thursday 11 imorn 18 Wednesday 41after I 11 Saturday 21after 20 Friday 6imorn 17 Tuesday 6 morn 23 Monday 7.1111 orn 19 Thursday 7inwrn 25 Wednesday 8 jmorn 21 Saturday 9 morn 27 Friday 101morn 24 Tuesday lOimorn 20 Thursday Ilimorn 28 Saturday 2 after To-and-fro from Bristol, in conjunction with the Ely, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 17th and lBtb. Fares :—After Cabin, 3s.; Fore Cabin, Is. 6d. To-and fro, same day (provided a to-and-fro ticket be taken), After Cabin, 4s; Fore Cabin, 2s. To-and-fro tickets will also be issued oa Saturday, available for the return trip on Monday. Further information as to freight, Arc., may be obtained by applying at the Company's Office, Bute Docks, Car- diff; or to John Evered, Clare-street Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol. 1021 The Shortest and Cheapest Route to and from the West of England and South Wales, in connection with the Somerset Central Railway to London. Burnham Tidal Harbour Company—Limited. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN BURNHAM AND CARDIFF, AVERAGE PASSAGE ONE HOUR AND A QUARTER. qnHE fine, fast-sailing Steam Ship X RUBY, E. L. BARRON, Com- -JZSMi..iffittAXA mander, (or other suitable Steamer), 'JB' intended, wind and weather per- mitting, with or without a pilot, and with liberty to tow, during the month of FEBRUARY, 1863, to ply between BURNHAM and CARDIFF, with Passengers and Mer- chandise, as follows:- From, Cardiff. From Burnham. 2 Monday 3. 0 after 3 Tuesday 4. 0 after 4 Wednesday 8. 0 morn 5 Thursday 9.30 morn 6 Friday 9. 0 morn 7 Saturday 10.0 morn 9 Monday .10.30 mora 10 Tuesday .11,30 morn 11 Wednesday 12. 0 noon 12 Thursday 9.30*morn 12 Thursday 12.30 after 13 Friday 11. 0*morn 13 Friday 2. 0 after 14 Saturday .,12.30 after 16 Monday 2.30 after 17 Tuesday 3.30 after 18 Wednesday 7.45 morn 19 Thursday 9.30 morn 20 Friday 7. 0*morn 20 Friday 9.30 morn 21 Saturday 9.45 morn 23 Monday ..10.45 morn 24 Tuesday ..11.15 morn 2.3 Wednesday 12 30 after 26 Thursday.. 10 O-morn 26 Thursday. 1. 0 after 27 Friday .10,30*mom 27 Friday 2. 0 after 28 Saturday 2. 0 after To-and-fro FARES—Saloon and After Cabin, 3s.; Fore Cabin, 2s. Return Tickets (not transferable) available on the day of issue only, Saloon 4s. 6d., Fore Cabin 3s. Return Tickets issued on Saturday wiil be available on the fol- lowing Monday. First Class Passengers allowed 112 lbs of luggage; Second Class Passengers, SOibs. Four wheel Carriages, 20s.; two-wheel ditto, 10s.; Horses, 6s.; Cattle, 5s.; Calves, Dogs and Pigs, Is., Sheep, 8d. each. Shipping and landing live stock at the risk of their owners. Not accountable for any goods with- out shipping notes. Goods delivered free of haulage and dock dues at Cardiff. Goods and Carriages on deck at Shipper's risk. Refreshment will be provided on board at moderate charges. Passengers on the Bristol and Exeter Railway change at Highbridge Station, near Bridgwater, for Burnham and Cardiff. Further information as to Freight, &c., may be ob- tained by applying at the Company's Offices at Burn- ham, and Bute Docks, Cardiff. Agents—Mr. W Thomas Cardiff; Mr. J. Smith, Kiiip Chandler York House, Bridgwater; Mr. John Whitchurch, High-street,, New- port. LIEUT W. S. ROBINS,R.N 632 Superintendent .Burnham. Money Speculation Guaranteed by Government. AN Income for One Pound. Monthly Drawings. Pros- pectus gratis. Apply to Mr. J. DALTROFF, English Office, Frankfort-on-the-Maine. Letters addressed to "J. DALTROFF, 12, Langham- street, Portland-place, London, W. will be immediately forwarded to Frankfort, post-free. 1429 JUtsM Jttassfs. SCHOOL FOR DEAF AND DUMB, LLANDAFF. ODD or Second-hand Copies of the Illustrated London News, or back numbers of Illustrated Newspapers or Magazines, suitable for children, will be thankfully re- ceived as, also, objects fix the School Cabinet. School for Deaf and Dum, Llandaff, Feb. 4, 1863. 1591 CABINET, UPHOLSTERY, AND CARPET WAREROOMS, 19, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. THE above extensive SHOW-ROOMS contain the largest assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, CARPETS, DAMASKS, LOOKING-GLASSES-, etc., &c., throughout SoutN Wales. Parties about furnishing, and desirous of obtaining FIBST-CLASS GOODS, will consult their best interests by visiting 19, DUKE-STREET. DANIEL LEWIS, PROPRIETOR. Manufactory aad Timber Yard, l High-street, f 636 NEW EDITION. LAVERTON AND C 0:8 ENLARGED ILLUSTRATED GUIDE, CONTAINING THREE HUNDRED AND GIX ENGRAVINGS OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRA- PERIES, (fee., with Prices and Estimates for Furnishing the Cottage, Villa, or Mansioiu fir SENT POST Fr"- 36 and 37, Maryport-street, Bristol. 12 REGULAR STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND DIEPPE. »J*HE S0-REW STEAMER 600 Tons, J. A. DARNELL, mmander. The above named Steam Ship will make alternate Voyages (wind and weather permitting)., from Cardiff aad Swansea to Dieppe every ten days, taking Goods for PARIS, RODEN, &c., at through rates. For freight and further particulars apply to L. TESTITLAT, Agent, 163, Bute-road, Cardiff or to COIIY, lEO, & Co., Swansea. Agent at Dieppe—M. J. FABJIE. 1223 AUSTRALIA. "NEW ZEALAND, AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 49- Passengers holding Bounty Tickets for Lauaces- ton or Hobart Town, will be carried by this Line, via Melbourne. TIHE "WHITE STAR" LINE -I- Of British and Australian TOEX-ROYAL MAIL CLIPPERS Sail as below, Landing and forwarding passengers to every Pott of Aus- tralia, Tasmania, or New Zealand. The Line is composed of the following celebrated clippers; RED JACKET CHARIOT OF FAME WHITE STAR QUEEN OF THE NORTH BLUE JACKET MORNING LIGHT MERMAID GLEN DEVON SHAL1MAR ELECTRIC LORD RAGLAN TORNADO. And many others well known in the trade. FROM LIVERPOOL TO MELBOURNE. LORD RA&CAN 1881 3500 Feb. 20 WHITE STAR 233& 5880. Mar.20 The well-known magnificent Clipper Ship LORD RAGLAN," Will be despatched as above with passengers and cargo. This splendid ship has proved herself to be a very fast and comfortable vessel, having made the outward passage from Liverpool to Melbourne in 79 days, ani during her employment as a Government transport, she conveyed the large number of 1,:nO soldiers from Mauritius" to Bombay in l2! days, the fastest on record, andlMppily accomplished without sickness or mortality. The accom- modation for all classes of passengers are extensive and complete. Passengers embark on the 20th February. For freight or passage, apply to the owners, H. T. WILSON & CHAMBERS, 21, Water-street, Liverpool; or H. T. WILSON, COOKE, and Co., 27, Leadenliall-streetr London; or to ORBELL WHITEFIELD, House and Estate Agent, H, Romilly-terrace, Canton, Cardiff. N.B. — Willox's Australian and New Zealand Hand- books, sent postjfree for two staml s. 908JJ AUSTRALIA. "BLACK BALL" AND "EAGLE" LINE OF British and Australian Ex-Royal Mail Packets. TillS Line of Packets is composed of the largest and JL most modern Steam and Clipper Ships in the. world, and is the only one which has had the distin- guished honour of a visit from her Majesty the Queen. LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOURNE, ON THE 5th AXD 15th OF EVERY MONTH. Ship. Register. Burthen. Capt. Date. Eastern Empire 1751 4000 Harrison 5th Feb. Forest Rights 1131 3000 Thompson 15th Feb. Bates Family 2150 5000.Hogg 5th Mar. LONDON FOR MELBOURNE, Golden South 2000 25th Feb. FOR SYDNEY, Merry England. (from London) 10th Feb. FOR QUEENSLAND, FREE CHANTS OF LAND, VALUE 30 POUNDS. Light Brigade. (from London) 30th Jan. Golden Dream (from Liverpool) lUFeb., (Cork) IjthFeb. Persons who hold Passage Warrants or Bounty Tickets will please make immediate application to the under- signed. LIVERPOOL FOR MELBOURNE. PAGKET FOR THE 5th FEBRUARY, The magnificent new Clipper Ship, EASTERN EMPIRE," 1751 tons register, 4000 tons burthen, The splendid new A 1 Clipper Ship Eastern Empire," is a perfectly new ship, built under the supcrintenienc-e of Lloyd's surveyor; is coppered and copper-fastened, and has just come from the hands of her builders, the con- structors of the celebrated clippers Colonial Empire, Celestial Empire, &c., &c. From her very beautiful mo- del and great r ower, it is fully expected she will make one of the best passages of the season. She has passenger accommodation of a very superior class. T.M. MACK AY & Co., 1, Leadenhr.ll-street, London; GIBES, BHIGHT & Co., North John-street, or JAMES BAIXES & Co., Water-street, Liverpool; JOSEPH ELLIOTT, Bute-street. Cardiff; Rev. GRIFFITH JONES, Cefncribwr, l'yle; JOHN HOKK, Beaufort-place, Swansea. 824 GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE. MESSRS. DUNCAN & WARD, Proprietors and 1'i. Publishers of the CARDIFF TIMES, respectfully inform the Public of Cardift" and South Wales generally, thai they -execute LETTER-PRESS- PRINTING m all its departments with elegance, accuracy, and des- patch, at the lowest prices consIstent with these abso- lute conditions. Being themselves thorough practical printers, and having recently purchased an extensive and w ell-selected Plant of Jobbing and Book Type, com- bined with the most improved Machinery, they are in a position to execute all orders in a styte'of workman- ship and with a degree of facility hiitietto unknown m this part of the country Public Companies, Colliery Proprietors. Miip Brokers, Auctioneers, Benefit Societies, Authors, and Tradesmeu requiring a large amount of printing, w:il find consi- derable, advantages at this Establishment as compared with those of Bristol and other distant towns. STATIONERY FOR PUBLIC OFFICES Supplied at Wholesale Prices. LEDGERS AND ACCOUNT BOOKS Ruled and Bound to pattern in the most accurate an4 substantial manner, at tile lowest remunerative pricey