Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

23 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

- Tregaron County School.f


Tregaron County School. f ANNUAL PRIZE DISTRIBUTION. Tlo annual "prize distributicci of the Tre- «&T<n County School took pace on Friday at Bwlchgwynt Schoolroom. Thoso present 'inaladerj Mrg, Morgan, Llanddewi (chairman of the Governors) who presided. Mrs. Dr. Lloyd, Mie- Jonk ns (Trecefel), Professor E. Edward.* "(miyor ctf Aberystwyth), the Rev. J. N. Evtns (rect-cr of Cellan), the Rev. T. Jones (yita.T of Tregaron), Mr Thomas Jones (Post Oflce), Mr. D. D. Eva;ns, J.P., Mr. Rees Joaes, Mr J. T. Rees, Mus. Bac., Mr. Morgan Morgans (clerk to the Governors), Mr. Jenkin Lfyd, Mr. T. M. Griffiths (L'anfair), Mr. Dd. 'Dos (Cambrian House), together with the hers and the Headmaster. Mrs. Morgan, in her opening address, said although twenty-two years had passed sftce the first, amnual meeting, yet there were. -8»De present that day who were a.t the first meeting. Since then a. great, many changes I )ad taken place and the school had pros- jered beyond their expectation. The stall of lie school had been changed so much that •jow only the Headmaster remained of the old itafi. Wheal the school started the boys were greatly in the majority, but now things had altered and the girls predominated. A won. ierful increase had taken place in tho girls department and some day one of the girls might become a member of Par'iomfnt. (Applause.) It was as important to give a good schooling as to give boys. It was the girls who would have charge of the chi dren of the future, and bv having good education they Would be able toO- teach ther children when they became mothers. Girls also needed edu- cating more than boys because they were weaker and not so well equipped. Whatever the future held for them in the way of hon- ors or success, th-y should always remember the motto" watch and pray." In the race of life there was a. lot of petty jealousy, but I that could be overcome to a great extent by «u ti^ating sweet- humble hearts to go with plessant faces. They should cheer their fellow beings even though they beat them in the e of life. "Look up, laugh, and bo merry, I and the road cf life will be so much easier." ate concluded. (Applause.) I The Headmaster (Mr. J. T. Lewis, M.A.), refcd his annual report as follows: Jtrs. Morgan, our very respected lady the ehtir; Piofessor Edwards and Mr Evans, our worthy visitors. Ladies, and Gentlemen, This is the twenty-third annual report of the Tre- garon County School. Last session was prob- ably the severest test of the stability and grit of the staff and pupils ever experienced by us, as owing to the influenza epidemic we were dosed for over "ght weeks during the first term and this when we were only just started seriously -with the work of the year, so we htd to practically do three terms' work in However, I am glad to that the school oamo out of the ordeal very satisfac- torily, as the results wtich I shal presently r,ad, will prove. Owinp to the closing of the .411001 we failed to giv, our amnual dramatic performance and enteriainment, but we have tJiis year made up the Ids'5 by performing two e"1ta.tas and a Welsh drama, composed by the (grf'ior pupils of the sthoo1, an achievement of me rarity amongst counitf schools. Somo I you who saw the performance last night irill agree with me that it went off extremely ffell. Our annual Dewi Eisteddfod took place as usual, and it. is interesting to see that the eisteddfod at Tregaron County School has -nry strong hold on the affections of both staff and pupi's. Another pleasing f ature is the fact that our old pupils keep up t-ae cisteddfodie. spirit f-fter leaving school. At the the fact that our old pupils keep up the cisteddfodie. spirit f-fter leaving school. At the last U.C.W. (Aberystwyth) eisteddfod several of them were found among the prize winners. Again, at the Corwcm National Eisteddfod, Griffith John Williams, M.A., cf Ccl-an, an illifctrious old boy took three prizes in open eompetition for poetry, whereas his brother, Datfd Mathew Williams, took the prize for a. poem written by a person under twenty. The latter only left school in July, 1918. after gaining the fit* place in Wales in the C-W B. examination and gaining the senior MholarshiD a.t øe C.W.B. entrance examina- tion. ConsiderPg the prominence given to the Welsh drama and the eisteddfod, and by means of the latter, to poetry, mus'.c, etc,, ma wo not moderately claim that our school initiate) into its pupils a patriotism which is the vfy best <J*Pr ? 9«i' Literary and Debating Socfty, as well as thc fortnightly concerts held luring the Lent term proved as successful as ever, and they were well pat- ronised, a "fe large percentage of the pupils taking part. Our footba'l and hockey have once more into their own, and this year we have really very good teams. Both the girls and bojj have scored victories over neighbouring Clunty school teams. During the past session were fortunate in being f "reoogn'sed by the Board of Education for gher gr3.nt6. We tliv TYVsr 1Ictfoot. io the county lelected, anj we feel justly proud of the 11onotr. There are grants of S400 per annum givttf to a school to pursue hipher I' etudics. Thfro are a. dozen purr Is attending ibis higher course at the present time. and seem* to be doing well, and one happy resu't j of their efl>rts is the composition of a Welsh drama—previously mentioned—dealing with the period cohering the Welsh and history they are specially studying. Another im- Dortant fsult. a the fart that Mr/ J tr. ipts, Mus. Bse, now put on to take tree extra classes in the theory of music, so a pupil attending school for a ■period, sai of four years, should acquire a very I sound knowledge of music-a. source of great refinement In connection with the hi<rh»r course w0 appointed a new teacher—Mr. John Lloyd, itfA, of Barmouth. 1!r. Lloyd fame j to us wif a big reputation for the excellent work ho Jàd done at Barmouth County School and we fel certain he will prove a great acquisit-io) to us at Tregaron County School. I am Rtnl we ",1} extend to him our heartiest welcome. On the whole we think this school is in ai healthy state in every respect. There obinf; a beautiful sprit of loyalty throughoi^- The statY and ounils thoroughly understaif' each other, and good fellowship abounds, fucecss must inevitably follow. With twrnty-ty^ years' at Tregaron, I think I safely say I havo never felt happer r'Ka.rding the school. The public also veaJise good name we hold, and they send is pupils ill increased numbers. There are now close Upal 160 scholars on the school roll. It «onc]usiotf I wish to publicly thank my col- leagues, and all, for their most loyal co- oporat on at all times, also toh. Governors and Clerk for>their continual kindness aad sym- pathy. Ilun also glad of th opportunity thank lh Powell, Nanteoa, for kindly giving us tho loP of vury valuable clotlies for perforrnaW0 of tha drajna. as well as 01ny other friths too numerous to mention, who liave tssisP^ t13. Professd Edward Edwards «aid it wm t1.r;¡ first tilDe haí. ho had had the privilege of addressingthe school children whon a lady was tin the chr, He was always very 5h1- (laughter)^but that day he leit extremely nervous, tllcl especially a/ter hearing ih* splendid sfecch given by the ladj in opening. It was thf third time be had attended tb. annual -distribution, but it ths first time hat hie appearance- had been attended by wither. (Laughter.) lie was sur- prised lo licar Hie Headmaster say that it was his tw>nty-thi:d annual report because he looked so young; but no doubt the praise for it was due to s wife. (T/xughtar.) He was sllrprised to hear that the girls had dons t'lO well; Th06(' wlP were at the meeting twenty- two yuan; ago viould hardly have be ieved it possible for thl school to do so wen and he re^yvod to Ba1 that, no on present that day could predict the state of the sciiont iw ten years time. H< was particularly pl«ass<| to Jarkw that th» s'hool had won higher grafts and lie liopel that the boys and girls -wOTi'd prove worthy J the honour. This would onb he possible by bad work. It; was good to know that so many had won honours for music and also cookey. He was not sura -whether he heard that one of the boys had won a certifica-e for cipkery. (Laughter.) It •woidd be nice, sometirrf* when the w fe was ill, to know that the hu £ *nd haj won a certi- ficate for cookery. He lad. food dtal to do with old pupils from fregaron who came to Alirvstwyth College. He^e'ieved there wero hundreds there. In fact, wherever he turned he met children from tho Tregaron school. The Tregaron Governors t.he best iv th country to do cveryth?? for promotiof the success and prosperity of the school. It was a Tregaron boy who d been elected Principal of the College—(cheJ^—and he could sty that it was thp best poss' appointment; -a man imbued with the spilt of the Cardi- ganshire mountains, giftej w'fh foresight and tn the backbone. lIe k'4s the right man in the right place—a rni who loved to sec children of poor parents gating into ths College. (Clieers.) He (the spa^er) was glad to see Mr Lloyd from BarmofJ1 one of the best and *n authority on the language. A secondary school resembled a,gold tuine or a fscto-v where work was beingJon. because it was the place whrE) the kachfs pulled out the treasures from the minds children. It was not n. m'nc into which put their *noney and log in the sinking. TtWas a. minis that was going-to pay. The "best. refllure i. Wates was f.he treasure of the mill. v:a3 pi much treasury in those couties which ran down to the sea' as in any Ovhr district. ev v.-pj-e ('or 11 fvcnrnd in the uoentary school and then sent to tbeadaTy school to the teachers who knew how to education which was the hope of the future for Wales. Knowledge was tihe keynote of success, but it was not the knowledge which they ga ned by reading books. They certainly read books to gain knowledge and by so dfling earned distinction in the school; but there was a much more important treasure. It did not follow that a person with a B.A. or B.Sc. behind his name knew everything. It often proved the -intrary. To be successful they 7-iad to find out things outside the books. Whilst at the Aberayron School the other day he not ccd a great difference between those puni's and the pupi s at Tregaron. Why the difference? They were of the satme family and spoke the same language. The difference was due to one being bred in the heart of the mountain and the others bred by the sea. They were not learned if they knew more about the places abroad than the places in their neighbourhood. The man who said he knew everything knew nothing, whilst the man who thought he knew everything "9fM not much better. The man who said he didn't know anything was the man who knew most. There was a. lot to be learned from the beautiful mountains and flowers. It was necessary to use the heart as well as the head when work- ing. Nobody knew a boy so well as his school chums. If he cheated in school, he cheated outside, and if he was a sham in school he would be a. sham outside. If they won distinc- tions and possessed bad hearts, the dist nctions were won in vain. They should cultivate Godly habits, for the "Fer of the Lord is tho be- ginning of wisdom." According to the life they led in school so they would be in the future. In orler to grow up strong boys and girls they would have to meet great diffi- culties, but it would be better to meet them and conquer them than seek assistance from someone else. They would gain strength by fighting difficulties. To his mind the faults of the educational system was that th", way was made too easy. To-day the children knew nothing of the old time fight for education when students sat up until three and four o'clock in the morning trying to solve problems by themselves. Those were the men who won through at last. They looked to the boys and girls, with their many advantages, to carry on th work. The'r work should be made a pleasure by carrying the same spirit into it as they did when they played. By so doing they would keep true to themselves. As Welshmen and Welshwomen whatever success they attained in the world and wherever they went they should keep true to nature—the nature cf their country—and follow the lead of the great Wfh'Tiion who had possr-d away years before. The 1!vfn1wv wn« the only river in Wales to run east, but even that rive- turned back be- re-tching England, so whenever tliey went to England or France, or anywhere cut of the country, they should turn back occasionally from the smoke of the large, towns to Wales, the land of their birth. (Loud applause). The Rev. J. N. Evans he was glad to have the opportunity of meeting old faccs whom he had not secn for a long time. Among them was their distinguished friend, Professor Edwards, who since they last saw him had attained a position of honour and dignity in the town whore he lived. In spite of that, however, Le rema ned as unassuming as ever. Some men in such a position went up like a balloon and came down like a stone. Pro- fessor Edwards was not that type of diau j but the proper type of man who should be called upon to take part in the life and welfare of the community. Nothing was so much needed at present as wise and sane guidance in civic affafrs. He (tho speaker) was pleased to see tho pupils, as he had a grea.t interest in the school at the present in one particular pupil, and the highest he could pay to the school and its excellent staff was by saying he was particularly pleased with the training and progress of that pupil. The pupils ought to consider t a great privilege to have such a school in which they be trained. Three things he would like to m- press upon them. The first was the import- ance of work. They went to the school lirst and foremost to work to lav the foundation of their life's work. A sound foundation was most essential in building their future. The present was the sprngtimc of their opportuni- ties, if tho springtime was neglected the summer would be disappointing. They lived in peculiar times when work by llantl (1' brain was never more necessary. The future cf the country depended upon it. It was necessary to love work for its "Wn sake. Carole in one of his books said that the two men he honoured most was the workmen by hand and brain. If He was worth living, it was worth working for. Work wcu, part of their discipline, a,thou for. Work was part of their discipline, although perhaps they did not think so when sitting at their desks with all their trials and difficulties. An old Welsh poet had sa;d: Gosod eroesau ysgafn byntd Ar fy ysgwydd i'echaji way I'ru.hadÀys:pu i gytartoA- Crocsau trymach yn J man He (uie sneaker) would tell them the two happiest men be ever met. About tiiiity years ago, when the turnpike gates were in existence, he went into one of the turnpiko houses and there found the tollgate keeper diligent!,• read- iug Georgic's Virgo. That was one cf the happy men, and the ether was a tinker, at one tim0 head boy at Friar's School Bangor, who was reading "Homer," and revelled in the classics, after n, hard day's work mending pota and pans. Those two men loved learning for its own sake and were made extremely happy in their humble circles. The next point v") emphasse was to cultivate good manners. Manners made the man and also the woman. If their manners fail them they worw handi- capped in tho race of life. The Headmaster of the school was trying to turn out gentlemen and gentlewomen in the heart of Cardigan- shire. The third point was to train their powers of observation by keeping their eyes open to the historic features v. d clôp acter- istics of their own district. There was scarcely a parish in Wales without mounds, cairns. pis ties, or other relics of historical interest. If they found out about such things life would become, more inte.i-eKf ng to them. They would not only live in the present, but also the past, like a vast panorama, would unfold itself be- fore them with its lessons of patience, en- couragement and hope, helping them "over the top." This would make it possible for them to become a. credit to the school, a. blessing to tho home, and a strength to their country. (Applause) Vr, Thomas Jones proposed a vote of thanks to tbe speakers and this was seconded by the Headmaster, who referred in happy terms to the interest taken by Professor Edwards and the Rev. J. N. Evans n the school. The following prize-winners were uiTested by Professor Edwards and tho Rev. J. N. Evans:—Form V.: Form, William David Edwards; English, William David Edwards: languages, leuan Jones; mathematics and science, John Morgan. Form IV.: Form, Khys Evans; English, Jdwa.1 Ceredig Evans; lan- guages, Sibyl H'rst; mathematice nnd science, David Maldwyn Jenkyns. Form III. Form and languages, Mary Anne Evans; English mathematics and science, Mary Anna Evans; second languages, Nancy Williams; sectnd mathematics and science, John Fiohard Jenkyns. Form II.: Form and English, Ssrah Helen Dav'.es; languages, mathematics, and science, Sarah Helen Davies; second English, Annie Jones; second mathem-t c* v-vl soence, Eleanor M. Jones. Form lib., Tom Henry Jones. Form JIa., new pupils; Girls, Irene Ceinwen Evans: boys, Evan David Jones Form lib., new pupils: Girls, Lizzie Jane Jones; boys, Timothy Williams. Music: A.L.C.M., Blsic Anne Davi; senior Mary Anna Evans: junior, En d Lewis. Art: Senior, Rhys Evans; junior, Emrys Davies. Needlework and cook- ery: Senior, Annie Evans; junior. Mary Lisaie Jones; form? Ill and II, Lizzie Williams: form IITb., Lizzie Mai Davies. Woodwork, J Richard Jenkyns. The fol owing are ttie successes of the pre- vious session:—University of Wales, fleeted to a Fellowship, Griffith John Williams, M.A., Cellan. Dregree of B.A.. Castie Davies, Ghn. rafon, Blaencaroh (2nd honours English); John A N. Thomas. Wern Villa. T'-egaron (2nd class honours history); D. II. Jenk ns. i Gwynfil Shoo. L'angcitho (3rd class honours Welsh): Nellie Rowlands, London House. Pont- rhydfendigaid). Degree of B.Sc., John Davies, Brynlioewnant, Tregaron. Research student- ships of C65 per annum, W. A. Bebb, Cauner, Tregaron: and D. Lloyd Jenkins. Cefngr.rth, Llanddewibrefi. Cent-al Welsh Board (senior certificate) James Kitchener Davies, Llajn, Tregaron ynvies, Bryn Stores, Ram, Lampeter: Nellie Davies, Glanrafon, Hbn- earon; William David Edwards. Glanprois, Tre- sraron; Annie Evans, Cross Inn, Llanddeivibrefi; Magdalen Hughes, Laundry. Derrv Ornioud; John Samuel Jenkins. Trccefel. T-egavon; Dr. Jnmes Jones, Green View, Llan.tde^;hre*i: Dd. Llovd Jones, Gorwen, Tregaron; David Jones, Panteg, Bronant: Idris Tom JCJnt, Wern 3>1.1:, Tregaron; leuan Jones. Pend'e House, Trecrnron; Lizzie Anne Jones, LTwTn- celyn, Llanddcwi; Owen Elnnrd Jones, Poire Station, Trcgaroin; Stephen James Jones, Mnes- plas, Tregaron: David Gwdym Morgan, Ns>vy Hall, Bronnnt;. Jack Morgan. Wvrtie Tregaron. Central WHsh Board 'Minnl'meni- ory ccrtffieate) David Arthur Davies, Lone House, Rwlchyllan: Elsie Ellen Davies, driw, Llonddewibrefi: G adys Megan Jones, Delfryn. Tregaron: Tboma< Jonas, Tyngr3:g, Pemnvch; "Pelor Honkin Jonn". Tymelyn. Lhn. "o'tho; Henry Mills. Tynbonbrcn. VsM'tty Ystwyth. Junior certificate: T.e'itin Davies, Llain. Tregaron; Massie Mary van3 Cress Inn, Llanddewi; Elizabeth Myfanwj

Lampeter Sessions. )

Machynlleth Governors.


- -- - ----.I---.1.--Football.








If "Atora" Were a Sovereign…

I Aberystwyth Poultry Show


Christmas—Old and New.




Aberayron Memorial.


[No title]

- Tregaron County School.f