Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



'Leader' Classified Leader' Classified Advertisements. fAUVCi HS??iidt?S* APARTMENTS, StTUATtONS VACANT OR WANTED. TO BE LET, LOST AND FOUMO One Three Six insertion, inserttoas Ltwertions ?) Worde.. 1 0 2 0 3 0 30 Words. 1 6 3 0 4 0 40 WordN. 2 & 4 0 5 0 Oae Three 81-1 taaeruon. inaerttons IWlertJolli:' 20 Words. 1 6 2 6 3 6 30 Words. 2 0 3 0 < & 40 Word. 2 (. S 6 6 6 ttRYHS. DEATHS. IN MEMOR)AM. AND MARRIACES. Ooe Three 8ii toeerttoa. Inaertions. iu6ert:oc<- 2U Worda. 1 6 3 6 6 0 39 Words. 2 0 6 0 < 0 40 Worda. 5 0 7 0 12 0 EOUCATtOMAL. One Three 8tx ttMernon insertions. IW3ertiow; a) Words.. Z 0 3 0 < t 30 Worde. 2 6 4 0 5 6 40 Worda.. 3 0 5 6 7 6 MOMEY.-6d. per hoe. M!SCELLAMEOUS SITUATIONS VACANT. *ATiiOKOUGHLY i?perien?d Shorthand ?nL Typist (male or female) 'e?uired for I Chartered Accountants Gwce; cxpei'ien<.e ÜI tYIJJDJC bal<tI1Ce-sllL't't. ¡alJUlar "la.tL- nients etc.. cLlÜal.Yrite, stat. Ii", Quaiincations anu ba,ary reouired. Box i' Y. leader Oince. 149A11-21 t??A?TEJ?. ?aj! Man or-Womap for Bre?d W Delivery: one u?ed to tra4e preferred: rafererhces.—Jefford Oxford-street Bakery. &wan<*ea. j &OA.11-&' WOMEN AND GIRLS. I Uomesttc Servants. I ?'V?NERAL). able to cook. wanted at once.— ?J? tVauams. b. uwydr-terrace, Ul)lai3d-s,I ,vansea. lazAll-?,j l\.T LA'l tl.-Ûa.ble General Servant liberal qLllIgS.I.1JPIY j\imtMe. Kock- H:atll. ?L.UL<i.?m' ?a.d :et) mred for ?eam anH J3 Uas lùt-:beA: a ntaius in kitchen.—Apniy 1'u iii;d 16 o: 6 o cio<;k. M-atroh. t;tvnno0f<. <jf8uera.i Hosu.tal. ;i \1'< ÙD a. {.'?3d General: good home.- VT Anoiy Star ?'ut. istra?isynia?. la.)A?l.? ?r?7A?KTEI?. Strong Gu'l for HoaeewoL?.- W Auciy Mr?. iiatL tobacconist, uppo?n.e RcMpitai &waa'sea. ?5ZA11-24 I 'A?TED a Koo? Ge!l€ra? Servatjt— V' Auulv Eva,iM. t.'tlifton Rouse. Gower- road. sucny. R.S.O. 152A11-?4 '?%?Aj\'ibD. immediately, experienced I .Vt. Ueneral; refeLen?e rcauired.—Apply kr,s. Davic!). 15 St. HeleaÙ,road Swausea I ]52.11- I V\U:-fOr-WiIld$or-Lt- Cai,, Vt r\eatcl, U.cner<ti; to asiiisl I:i b<.r vvncn reqllireù.-Àpply. w'in(lsor Casti?-, ? eath. ? 150Atl-? t. A?i?jD immeJja?y. Ueueia.i .Servan. V" to a<4sist in Bat- L?enuigb; ?tuat. inn, .te.L ? 150All.U 'i\( A.l'.c.D,' nxperieoeed Coo&Gen?rai; tt another ?a-id ?eptt.—Apply, ?ii'k. Va.ugdfn t." W aras, Cefnooed. L'piar.ds. any eveninc 6 to_7?. 14SA:1-?) ALN I LD crien (i Cook-Gene;?. tt amaii family: nurse kept; s<?od wahl'At)ply Ajrs. ilenry ThompM)n. 6. rark View. fSwaf'sea. I46A11-2'J t??A?TRD an Experienced Cook-Uenern?: TT nocd wage?.—Appiy. with referent-e; to grei Bell. Mile-end House Lsccdore. 146AII-2il Mitiinery and Taitoring. ?/'riI/)E S?-Co at" M a ke r? Wano.ed.—AppIv T111. C Palmer, 19. Creen?treat C" '¡) i£' XfËD:ln-xDerieï)éCd]h,Nsrua¿- I T must be capable of Cutting and Tak- ing Charge of Workroom.—Mathews. Uav,ic i aud Co. Aberdeen House_ 152j\24 I WANTED, a Resi)ectable Girl Clerk ?T about 17; must be accurate and quick at figures.—Apply, in owu handwritinK sta.tinK wages required, to Box F 1, Cam- bria Daily Leader Omcc ???ANTED a Youn? Girt for Omce Work ?? fresh from school: must be a Kood writer. H:tol:igent. and obJiging.1pul" Box B 2. Cambria Daily Leadei Office # 148All-29 MisecUsneous. 1 ?'ibOD L?.undreM ??.nt€d to take Family ?jr Weekly ?ashinK.-Apply Airs. F. BratL jfcrd. Lil?e?hail. Uplands. 154A?-?1 TLtO?KKEEPER Wamcd by Widowcr J'i \?;king Man; M to 45; Uood iiom.' Cu'ered to suitable person; Widow ntL cbjected t.o.—K. E. Phillip. Llandiio-roa?. Brynamman. ? _?? i?-' 'ir?ORTERLSS"rcnuir"d daily; must be J <?rone and capab'e- good reference essenttn.i: v-'a?ea ?2 weekly.—Apply between 10 a.nft 1 o.' after &. M.atron general U<?- ptta.1. ?waneea C??-Z') SCRUBBER. reauired daily: Rood refere:;<-e3 tj e&c&ntial: waxes. 1&3 weekly and three mals.I)ply between 10 and 1 or after 5 to'lln.trnn General Ko?pital. Swanaea. CI1-2) Smsrt Young Lady Traveller Yt for .Ladies' Wear; Swanbea and Dis- trict- wages and commisaion to suitab.e per.>¿n.-Write. Lady Traveller." "Leader SY. a n s c a. 15311-21 MEN AND YOUTHS. COLLIERY Pronrietors rpquire Junior Clerk with soBie previo't.s expenence: k';owle')Ke of Shorthand and Typewr!tinE a rccommendntion.—Apply P 0 Box 14 Port Talbct. C11.21 D-' RIVER for Britiah F W.A. Wanted; Pre- Jt?' ference given to one who drove these Excellent Vehicles in. Frajice.—Apply. Sole Agents, Commercia.1 Carrier Co.. Ltd., Swan- e t C11-Z1 '\TAVV1ES Wanted !tt Messrs. GUbertson'& ? Steelworks. Pontardawe.—T. Walker Owti-axtor. 152A 12,1 TYBUE:flL\ WAITED-50' Studentpto <J Uuu.!ify for Exi.,t,iilL- Vaca-t'c.ea Tht" i? a aptendid opportumtt fo: a Youin be- tween the agp of 17 a.nd 24 to ec,.ire a per macent liverativv bertn to*' life UuPO! ployed Ueotohoittifd Service 'nen with e knowtedce of \V Ifeletos of the above ?e. ehouid wrtM or call fH cnce.- Wire)et'. TraintUK (JolteKe. Ltd. &t Mary-street Car j dttf. or Oa.atte.street. Swant-ea_ 'A¡.\TED ImIPediateíYBricki-;r TY Mt?oas.—Appty. Williams Broe.. Con- tractoMi. Ponta.rda.we. 153.k I 1115 '\7t/'A .N T ED a Gardener a) Mumbles: a;ood f reforences.-Ai)olv, etatihe experience and wagoe required Boi< L 1. Leader Ofnce. 153A11-25 "ANTED Fitter and Lathe Man for Co). T* ticry work: district rate of wage's ptud—Anply Killan Collieries DuBvant. 151AH!-20 UTA1ETwo Competent WaCon He- t V pairers; oonetant emptoyoaent.—ADply Mr. Evana. Kilian Coiltery. Dunvant 1S2AH-20 -NTED. thoroughly experienced Shorts v < hand Typiat Apply, stating ase. ex- perience. etc.. to Box No C 1. Leader t!æ.. Sw?nI; -TQ! OFPtCE AND ERRAND BOYS. I ?'? ROCERY.—Strooz Lad wtt.nted. ahout 181 ?J to helo in stores and drive out: o?,,? used to horEea preferred.—Jones Boro St-ores. Keath. 150A11-24 I- ?FFICE Boy'wanted for?CoHiery OSice: ?? <food projpecta for a weH-e?luoated Lcad P.O. Box 14. Poit Talbot. Cll-M ¡ ??Ft'mH Boy wanted for Auctioneer :t[M) ?? Eatate Agents O?ce.—Apply statint! a?e ?nd ?ata.ry required, to Estøtt- Leader Omce. Swansea. CII-21? 1 P- t>.U, \1" I' ¡iJY Wanted -IHllv'1 t HMt inEtance. in writing. John Oliver W?tkins. F A.I. P A S I Auctioneer. !0 and ll_ §t He!en's.road. Swanaea. I48A11 ?0 tA'AXTED ? Strong Errand Boy.—Apply. ¡ t? Uichard Lewis. DrKper High-street. I 8wa.n3e& ??/'A?TED. Sharp Omce QUJ'ck at I 'Scures.—Apply John GIaebrook SorM a.fdCo..Ltd. 162AU 20 ¡ LOST AND FOUMD, I QTRAYEDTNoYember' IMhr from' Wsniny? t k? ?ellv Cross Hands Red Yearling 1 .H<"lcr: <;hort horna sii?htly nptur)t!n{?. F;rder rewarded.—Jenkins. Croee Hands Inn 1MAH-21 1 MISCELLANEOUS SITUATION;S WAMTED. j .4 LADX?Clerk. Typist and Shorthand. re-I ?IL auired for three months' work in Swan- sea: must be enicient. —Apply. by letter. >BtatJn to and Co., Burrows. Swansea.. \-YOÜG Man. a Discharged tidier, de 1 "in: a !05itioll as a Porter; willing to d« anylhit'K and Liia.,ie tnHo:eclf asalui: ex- cellent Leader Onice. Swa-nsea. —U-2C T?ISCHARGED Soldier Seeks Potion ?6 -L' out-door Foreman or simitar lig?ht em- ployment: tirst-ciass discbarce and refer- ?ence. W. Y- 49 Oakland-road. M.'mble.j. ? _? __15?A1:-24 I)EWBBED Soldier e?eks Situation ss Ctiiiiifeur; heavv or light ?ai,: anv make: pre-war experience andth'ee years with M.T.R. A.S.C.—Apply L. H- 35. Pen- ?t,eguinea-roa(l, St Thomas. Swansea. -A11.2, TRADE APDNOUNCEMENTS. A MMANFORD.—ShOD FuH of Useful Chnsl- ?. mas Uifts Qnzzlina Display of i'latcd Gouds—Dessert Spoons. Knives. Forks; Stai: ?'GInit?"—Harries'. kinds. ]five ti?ied I" Gluit:Harries'. Noted Furnishers and Irol1moneN>L Cll-Z5 ALI?-WOOL BIankete.—We have ?T Fine ?- Stock to select from at Moderate I i/r:c<-K.—John Richards. Drapers 2, CradCtk- street. Swansea. 150A11-22 A-FINE- Var;ety of Boys' and Girls' An- ?-A nuals. Pictore Booka reward Books bibles (Shofield and Teachers'). FountajQ Pens. Stylos PuTsce and WsUets. for Sale at Enoch's 17 Jl¡h-treet Arcade, Swanfiea } Real Barcaine in Bible. 150-A 11-22 ? TDRUSHLD Woo! Braid for Ladies' ar.d J[-) Children's Miilinery: all shades in stock: moderate pri<;e.-Jphn Kichard-. Dracar. Cral reel, Swanaea. 148A11-21 F OR Real Good Value in Footwear. W r M. Thomas, the H-ehaitle ttoot btot'CL. KiBs c DAMAGE. MANREL SALOON, for i \3r meter Soatp i'reatment for Falling- H:ir ,ld Bald Patches on Scaip. Sreeiality in Hair-dyeing and Hair-tintingr. Tounet. and Transfo: mat ions: Ladies' Own Comb iC:16 mad-P to crder Address: Manc-el Saloon j MaD6{'l-street (3 minutes from Albert Ha!).. Swansea. 150A It-2.2 1. ,'[E..SSllS. D&Ic. For-ty and Co.. Ltd .Piano t lV_t Mrehr.n's. 30. King Edward'e-road. j SwanMa. Write for Sale List of Pianoa ar.d j Orzans. 15'2A1'-?.-) RA1_ëoATS.-We are ehowing an exten- sive range cf Smart Raincoats for Boys and \XirIs. Prices nioderat& at Johr, RicharUs. Raincoat St2ecÜ.lil3t Cradock- street Swansea. 152A11-24 DAIN?DATS and Canes for Ladies' ?Ves". i? Wet hold an e?eius!Ye range of Hich- crra-de B&incoats and Capes for Ladies I Moderate prices a;6 John Richards Raincoat Su<-ci.alistt Cradock?street Swansea. 152A? 1 -'j4 IUN.bY 'mer's, the Noted Cafe forLu:)- t.3 cheons and Teas: value and quality LaiKe Stock of Bride Cabas. Try our Mince Óøs and s Cate luPpü"t' Empire) and Branches. 15GAll-L2 Is MAI'T Overcoats &nd Valour Hats, ct. 0 at Cost Prices; Cata.o-ae on Applt- cztion.-L,,nct-)xi Clothing Co.. Bay-strpe'L. I Port Teiottipt. 15.3A 11-21 U RlH C ¡\ AppHances.—Trusses Siravq. f ttiew.,e. Sur.,eoi)s' Kohher titoves .cd SurKica: Kuht'e; (.fcda cf .verY des<Tipt{on W l'it. fu" sem po«t free.— Lef ErKsom' Sm-c-t af Co.. I,td 1-)el,t D V ). 90 at A M Worcegttt.r-street BirminBam. T.C. f7 Let NU a Xice .-Present for JL we iavite you to caR s.nd inspect onr Attractive and Lateat Styles of Ladies' Crepc-de-Chine Blouses. etc.—Ixtndon Cloth- i-ng C..l, Port Tennant t53An-2') rj\()):8.-Wholo only.—We ha\e ti.e JL fillt seh;tion of aH kinds of Toys in Wa!eR. chiefly J'apane:;e make. You are earnestly invited to visit out Showrooms. Ruck. 68 Swansea 14911121 '\7'OtJ cet Reliabt<- School Boots at the Kt -i- R.G. Shoe Stpre Goat-street. Try a j Pair this week. 1MA11-23 uoa"-we still have a t, 'H stock of Ladies' Heavy Coats in 2.¡! eizea, at very moderate prises.—Job!, j Richards. Draper. Cradock-street wan'"e: i MOTOR CARS, CYCLES, &c. A LBMN Chassis—D<'livery of 50 cwt. ajid ,it. M owt. Chassis trom Stock, aohject t'j I beintf auco!d; ca6ii or easy ternt.s.—R. h. Junes. Ltd.. Jlotor Depot.. Dillwyntree" I SMansea.. i JlL ?OR SALE?ZFord Vana. i918. Ford 1.-1 .r eeater, 1917: also, 0\erHnJ 5-<5eater; ZoBtith carbLnei-Kr. Bosch maKnet<? hMpntv w lree. and all aH in perfecT. I coI¥ltion: open any trial.—Aiexa.t'dra, Ua! Swansea. 149All-¿ L'Iu.rllJ 'iwo-Se?ter with hngush btiitL uon. 1' painted green, upholstered leathe.. doubn' windscreen. khaki hood. dicky seaL. right-itand driv?, ?een little us;Kt; can ? f.een 4 at;t;c'nittnent. Puice including spare wheel with complete tyre and all acccc- t sortes. £J55.AJ.!íJly, Box No. FiS. c/u j Leader OBce. Swansea. 'Ie I T HE foilt)winic Cars are'in Stock reacly fo I Deli yy IMP Roter 4-cylinder Van for loads 10 to 15.t: buck tyres rubberine aHed; any Trial and examination. ,Iwo-ton 'Lacre Chasfis. ntted with en- cioaed Oab: brand hew ,.4 toa Daimler Chassis thoroughly oveT hauted: n?w tyre? all round: fruarante<jd aa Dew. tVe have been apt?ointed Sole Agents for Albert Lig ht Car. Orders now booked for Rotational Dc l liverits ccaniifencinK February. Let us sen i you pai'ticulua's. J Voll\Iuel'cial Carrier Co.. Ltd.. 59-62 Sc HLelene)-road Swansaa. Phone: Central 776 CH-24 ?QI?Sl?.GMR 2? h.p.. Motor Cyc-!?: JLt?jL-± Ba&ch mag. Sturmey Archer ThrCt>pead gear; i,n excoJ.Jcnt con,it.ion-: Three-,4T)eod ?Briidge House. Duavant. i50An-? ? A.E C t ROAD TRANSPORT EXHIBITION. I ROYA7. AGRICULTL-RAI, RALL. LONDO,N. OVEMB;l. ZOtb. 1919. SEE OUR EXHIBIT, J NEW A.E.C CH.M81 SUPPLIED DIRECT BY US TO USERS ARE EXAMINED ¡. }tEE '1 W ICE A Y 1' :n'tT\YOYf;A); We can givo gockd deliverv to the foUow inx: j y and 36 seater Charabancs, with taper i-treaTQtme. boanet. and da6h; t Alao 32-afater ga.I(A)n 4-toc Lorries [ wit'! hydrautic tippinfr scar t Terms?-Cash or Df\fertcd Pavme,?? NOTR.—A)! A.E.C C?a9Qi< now supplied by I as have th<' tmproveft tvue 5C h.p Tvtor en 1ne titt,1 Don'% hii.-i Ar/v disposal A.E.C t.ut the nfw and na.YOantooJ ChaM)'s frorr 'r[:oma.a Whrte and Co Barry (Tct 3Z1). the} S<'Ie Soc)t I W.-tl,s Di6tt''ihnttB6' for A.B.O Commerciat V'ebi<')e<' Cll 20 SDUCATtCMAL. IpBtVATE TUITION for London Matrif' t and ai' the Profet<i'ional rretim Ex- i amf- Shorthand a.nd Boo!: ke<'K)ne rap;d!v 'auKht at L!shma'a Coaching (1{)Jfee. O,41 l ?orceftar-Dface tonnn?itp Castte 40-411 Swansea. TC I FOR SALE. A REAL Bargain.—1 have a Second-hard ?. ?*td Silver English Lever, by Kendu.1 aiid Uent: nearly new: worth ;t,5 5s.; only one: jE.X 106. Kew 15 years guaraJlte Watches 26&.—A. Joseph. Watchmaker and Jeweler Heatnneld.atreet (next to Bullies ) Swa,n.:ea. ,I 14SAU 20 D02, "E This! Good Cooking or Ea.- ing Apples, 28 ib& tor 6f. carriage paid. package free. Caoh witn order.—ii tkt?arda Fruit (brewer Wellington, ?01" 146A1J-26 large Quantity of New and JL ,e,oiid-lia,ii-d liails of various weig-h.s altd sections, togetil"r w üh all acce",ories for &an:e. For pr-cc and farther paitiou- iars apply to Mosaic. hoimee and Howcii. 2, Gloucester-place; telephone numbe Sj.I Cen. tral: teleK.ama, "direct Swan.£a." C11.6 L'OK SALE. Coach-built. Pram, as good a-s 1- new.—Write Pram." Leader Oi6ce. 154A11-21 I. OR SALE, Dairyman's Turn-out; ;E60 tht. JL lot.—Apply J. H. Jones Windsor Dairy. 50. Ed\vai'td-rca.d. Swansea. 156AH-2a )??R SA?E. ?te? Cider. In. Id. per gal. it) JL purcoascr'd ea?ks; f.o.r.; cash with order.—Mills. Tyrbrsn. Talgarth, Breco!)- siiire. 153?" I-)5 L?OH SALE CoHcer Geyser; perfect cot'- -r aitiou.—Apply Edwin Rali. 'l'pbaccom",t opnosite H.csp)tai, Swansea. 16_f1'4 t?f'?E. Alagnincent Blackce," j; JL Shoulder Wrap. and lo\ciy Pillow MuM?. co?t £14 14s. lato fast season: not. -vcrn: ac- cept A:< 15s., bargain.—108 St. Hflen's-ros.d. Swansea. IS?All-'? t?lREWOODBun?luieMachuiea.' 75/d.. .I:' with Stand 100/-d. One sent on apm'o. terms. Firc'.vood, Broken Boxee, ba:dwpod Branches tong or crosscut, froin 39/ d iA,n stored various parts UK—C. Jt>mings frtf) Co.. Ltd.. Bri6tol. C1I-20 ? IREWOOD Branehea. 10/4 t{)n in woof!- j t ile-sohen. Price on latiJ or crosscut en apptieation to Green. CrTsrau W<'ods, RERI- yen near Neath.. Cll-20 Tj?REWOOD. cbieuy ?ryTsoft.'Broken Box. Fkt,ff. for ehopRinK. 29/-d. ton on near L.aneily. cash this ween only Bu- d- ting for stick chopucrs. L-3 l5s. or with :t'5¡-nd. £S on approval. Barron Chup- Ltd.. pinx Machines.—C. Jennin? <'B<! Cf.. Ltrl.. Bristol. Cl-20 QALE. WoodGn OSlce. lin?cl ALE, W b Dd c n Cj suitable for bunsaiow: 30 cwt. Derrick! Crane, hew condition: Smith's Anvil.—Write H. J.? Leader Ofnce. Swaneea. 150A11 20 SAJÆ. Dynamo 30 h.p. Compton? 10 k-3 Gas Groasi€y'6. cair 14in. Mil] Enginee. pair 18in. Winders. Saw Bench. Mortar- Mil!. 4-ton 5tcau] Lorry-Davin M. Darics. Imperia! Chambers Caer-street. Swansea, C11-21 s T"" f. 7,e ,l r?O JAM MAKERS—Jam Apples TMtxet] JL Sweets and Scours'. J35 Mr ton in buy. ers' bass. P.O.R. Cash with otder.—F F:d wards. Fruit Merchant Wellington. Som Som MUStCAL !NSTnUMENT5. L on SALE. American 'Organ; elevezietoi)-: J)' };ericct.—Appiy Edwin aail. Tobacco' jt-.t orJDosÏte 1108Dital Sv-,nsezL HiAl1-Z4 I'01¿ SALE, Ili?.no iron*frame. overstrung- JL in perfect condition: can be seen fmy evening between;) and 8 p.m.—7. Junes-tfr- raoe. Old Babell, near Mile End. 150All-tS GRAMOPHONE. maKn incest :nlaidhorn- less Cabinpt. standing 4ft h'igu: re- cently new; perfect tone and condition throughout: quantity Eecorda aacrinee .€3 17s. 6u.: Kenuine harKain: must St Helen s-road Swansea. 150AH-2;' GODf-'REV and On Ltd —S?cia) Rq.rcainR ?< m Second-hand Pianos and Orgat't* t-ncee from ZSgns Kew Pianot. by al) lo )ead!n:<?Rkt)s. includine Coitard' and Co) iard. Witter and Witton Semea and C(- R.n'smead Crame' etc.. etc Pricng from 56iz-,i3 casfi Terms arrauned if desired Write for free )fat or egli and make a per. Ronal i;c;'eet ion. -Golf rev an.) Co.. Ltd 22. ,,t Hetens-road. Swanaea.. 155A11-S4 ? ? ¡ G(Ü)F-B-:E;-aJd 'Co" Ltd Pianoforte Manu? ?J' tac?urers. have now R?Opened tbt-ir !u:))B'; an't Rfpairtnn Department Pja):08 and 0)'an, Hftiovntpd ana le- nnired Esttnrates civen Expert Tune.s VisjtaU Part<jof Wa)es Piano)a and P)av(r t-tanon a 8).ie'-)a!ity -Godfrey and Co.. Lt'* 22. St. ilelen's-road Swansea. I53A11-24 Tj ARP.—Pof Sale. 8ebastiaj' Errard &inE:;<' ?-! action Harp: Rood con-dttion: ?6 l?a room wa.nted.-22. Gower-strect. Swati3e. 148AH2'' P-fASand-6iä-n$-tllëd by Fxi)elt ?- Resident Tunet.—For terma apply Dale Forty and Co.. Ltd.. 20, Kinx Edwr!l.roI, Swaueea. ¡46Al1-J SECOND HAND Pianog byConard ;I,ti Cê_ k3 tard. Spencer 'Monineton. and West0:-J and pther well-known makers, Inf'j)o()¡!on invjted. GrarnQphones from 14 4X StK DoubIed-Sided Records from t.s tarh- iarRc etrx-k. Lists Free.—D. J. Snel) 21-23, HiqL street Arcade. 150A11-22 '?7'IOLIK Outnts for PresentsVio!ine Vtola?, o?('?llos Basses. Bought. Ro!d. fr Exchanged. Bows. String Fittjt.ts Mu?c.—Sims. 2. Wa]tere-road. Swanpea. 148A!¿[1 Thompson and Shackell's Announcements ('RlCAHO Organ. 4 aetf of ree,(Is, 8 top ? knee 6,ve 116.verv fine tore, rhomD:.on'<ind ShackeH. Ltd., 39 Cactip street. Swa.naea. pIA.\(fFOBTE 'by*RJph' Allison. filll corr. 1 pass. Ivor" keys: 50 UJDe¡u¡ rai=h < 1Y ternMi.-Thompson and ShackeiL Ltd 3, Ct},tlf'"f;treet. SwanFea. A I,EXA,NDRA Pari?. Harmonium: 12 stop"- ?-? 4 sets of reedf; t-jrgc powerful in'tD) ment. (.mtaMe for place of worship ?3S- Thompson and SbackelL Ltd. 39 Ca?e ? tre(\t. Swansea. Piano Exchange Announcements. A ????? n?'?"? Barcair.e—L 24. 29 38 "?' ? ? 69 giiineas. eto. Oa&h oniy.- rExtha?e. ?9 P.? ark.street.?wanapa ?3A?-M ?'RAMpPHO\ER.-Don't buy ?8 irritatioL G cabinet. Get the real 30 guinea article for 18 putneaa a?t 19./ Park-street. _I48A11-2Q SwanseGaA.INS ? r) An 7L- ?ew a?n d n d ?l U (.ramophones and Records from ?4: Rcco'-d?. le.—Pt?nn E?chafce 19 Part-. street (ops. Mond BuUdincs). Swansea. MONEY. E LA W 12 London-roa.i. Neath Makfs Eo La:'b Advances from C5 and upwards Stricti-i Private Etahlihe(¡ H76 TC TF YOU are in Temporary Financial Dim JL culttps. doTt't worry, consult M Foner, 9. Oiriton-terrc.,Le Swall4a, and vou wi!: not be sorry. 14SAII 28 TP yo.t rptiuire a f?an. app!y to G?' JL Thoma." Church-etrep (oppoKitc S? 'fa.r:v'a Church). Swansea Private and Cor Nif)NEY to [RrHI to Rf!.Df-ctab!e Mouae- It'l hn rler; P"¡Vl'ltf> and'- fr vor D Thomae. 6. Watprtoo-itt.. swan-sea ADVANCES, 5:15 TO t5.090 O.t wr'tte') t'romise to rep'1, or anv seciir;tv Princlpa' remains or can b rep?d bv :5 o? M m?t.t !iy tn?tafmpnts. no charge of an:. kind un!f9s bustnet? done: prnmptnesf anf! nrtvacy; avoid exp<M)ng your refonrcments n'd?t Company etietinf: ]ocaHy-Wr)tL? AWRENCE, )LTD.. E. Don Chambers, W'ne.street, Bristo). SMALL ADVERTISEMENT ORDER FORM. .« '———————H ) i Please publish the above for trhich I ) <BcIoac.a.d. II Name and Addreast ? 'I 'r desired. replies waT Of' Mrt to Box NRmbeM at the "Cambria DaMv LetMier OSlce. Thia form ahotdd be ?ddr?M? tA A"vortiHmnt Ul"ipan1Mnt. Oambria Daily Le %der." Swaneea l HOUSES AND SHOPS FOR SALE AMD TO LET. T?OR SALM, two Cos.modiou.j Leasehold -t- Housea situate riear Durvant Station and easily adaptable for shops.—Apply Coe. Bridce Honõ>p, Dunvant. 15JAl1-25 l-'o SALE, two Dwelling-houses. SO and 32 1 Whittingt.on-etroet.—Appi.v for particu- lars. Payne. 42 Crythan-road. Keath. Cll-24 Freehold Karden- hack enrance: close to train and bug.—J James Ravancwood. Fforc?faci). ?MA11-2? Sh -f ..nd Pni-si-.cs: 4 bedrooms; si:)e and I' ¡,ack entraiiee; socd portion.—Apply J. James. Ravon.wocft.' lt)OAH-2'. ¡ I:1FOHE3TFAŒL For Sa'e Dweilir. -1 4 reborns. ?enflcry: ton?' ]eaf<- Itot,>e. 4 l'"cQIi1,c. "cl.Lc.r. lonL- ]Ut.(, Kood "'i.'den; bu'lc <-ix years a?o.—Apply J. J<tm?.. "Ra\cns?oo'j.' Fforestfacb ? i50An-24 T?OU Sale. ExoeUcnt House in Coedg?eson- S,u:t1:y; bix Rooms a,nii Bath rcom; Gardeii Fr<,ut. and Back; Long IÆ"c; Low Ground Rent. Pr'cc, £4¿J.PI)ly, JeIJ. kins. 6. M¡nse1J strr-et, Cock<t.t. 150A U-22 Tj''UR &ALE. 2 IIousep situated at Port' -i- terrtioe; well buiit: lonsr Jcaae: low ground reut.—Apply 17. Pinewood-road SwanBe.a._ 15tJAl1-2:; Il'\)tt SALE. by Private Treaty. 23. t wick-street Wttb vacsnt (X)i'sf:sFioD on completion.—App!y Edward Kob-erts ard Son. LIanfair Buildings. Swansea. I' }}OäT Taibot.—SaJe now vaeattt, 6?oomc.c J! Hou'-f.—tVrjLte Cify?ha." Leader Ontce. Swansea.. 146A11-M Mr. John Otiver Watkins's Announce ments. T?OR SALE. 3 Lcasehoid Houses in GIa 4i. ?T'orpati-i.?rrace. Pi-ice..E220 t'aoh. I N- œ->. 25. S6. and 28. i'rir.C€ o< Wales-roac ?1? for Sale freehold. Good sta-bHn? o stprage with each. Price. JB4M. Mortgag, at 5 per cent. if required. Two in St. Helen'a-<n'enue: Ion: lCl:>e..lll.ortgae .6200 at 5 per cent. i. dc-sired. QEVLRAL Sume from ?100 to ?000 read? ?3 to advance on mortgage at 5 per cent on f:nit.a.b!e prnnert?s. ft7'A?TED,yunMr Draftsman or l!a W provcr; Keat Tra,cer and knowledg. of Building Construction essential. 'F OR Further h Particulars of the abcv; J' anp'v John Oliver Watkins. F.A!. P.A.S.I.. Auctioneer and Valuer, 10 and r St. H?en'?-Mad SwanRea. C??-2. John M. Laeder <tnd Son's Announce n?pntt. 11I3A'fHFŒLD. Swan?e&WeH-buiIt Free jL.i. iioid Rc&id&nM tor SaJe. with early po ss ess i o n. AL'rj'it-ROAD.—tVc!I-arranKedLea?c Tf hold Hcsidenfe: 8 bedrooms, bath Ir<XIill. w.c.. usual domestic accommodation. v-eUbuilt hack premises (stable or garaee). excellent dry-room overhead. itYNYIIOR-CRESCENT.-For Sale. wei -Lt built Freehold Residence: 3 reception rooms 5 bedrooms. bath-rot)m. kitchen, ecul. lery. etc. W ITHIN five miiea ofSwanse!\ occu!,>vi:¡: Yt a deiig'ntfuUy open position. Freehf'd Residence: otitbuildiaiW8. and three acrea of giound. ?RJ'FFJ TB S-TERRACE. ?ketty.-Free!)o. GDwiling-hoiiee for Sale: 2 citting-roor's 4 bedrooms, u<?ua) domestic ac- comntodation. t LANDR1NDODWELLS.-FreehoId— D? -LJ tached Residence for Sate; posseeEion March 25th 132<): 6 rejection t9 oedrnoms. bath-room 4 !ayatories: eminently suitable fop boarding hO¡h')C of nurgins nc.'me H?UMBLES.-For Sale. Detached Freehold ii'J? Residence. Langland-road; haH. 3 re- j cetMion. 7 bedrooms. bath,room. w.c., u&ua! doin?.?tic accommodation ) TfONES-Ti'iRRACESwaMea —Severa,!41 < rocmed Houses for Pate: we!) tet: low figure; may be curchased separ- ateiy if desired. I ??RI;BUETH,-For 8a!o 4 Freehold Hou?-?. -? Ur./nsin-terraoe. Trcb<?th: well iet- picderate price. I L- RASE of EnildinK Site. in centra: )'?. JLJ tion. for Sale: euitab?e for garage ot stores. I T EASEof weU-builtRuil?n? ontht- L Strand: !0 bedrooms, large store-roon'. 2 kitchens. iarKe About 28ft x :¿oft.); cuitabie for lodging-house or stores 11'IŒEHÕLDDweiîill1-use -for $aÏeln JL' G!anmor-cre"cent Uplands. QUITE of Omj€& to Let Templp?trept. ?J i?wanGc a_. LA.NG\NPBA Y over'ookuTp ?ne C?ar. JLJneI: .onou6 outlook, moet comfdr'- ab'y l\I'<, ng-ed: Hctachcd House all con- veniences- freehotd: for Sate. w'tb pnsAcs- r:!iOlJ.-AT)Ply John 7J. Leeder and Son sea. C11-24 furthe.- Ptrticularl; ()t the above, ap. ;t- ply to John M. Leader a.t)d Son. 46 ,atc7-1,no.slreet Swaridei APARTMEMTS AND LODGtNOS TO LET AND WAKTED. BL-:P-S¡TTING Room or TwOR(}(Im. wanted with Breakfast for one ort an fÎólY. St. Thomas-Write "Gent." Leader Office, ]54A11.2I T? ANTED. Unfurniehed Ap?rtmenta (U?- W l&nda or Br?nmiM?: 2T)edr<M?a a.nd 2 livirg rooms preferably.—Wttie Box M 1 Leader OEBce. Swaneea. 13A11-21 \t'.AHTED. Tiv<rFurnjphed R<poms b\" mai: If. riett co;,p!e. no ehiidren.—Reply to Lhe&j. carder. Swansea.. 1.53A11-20 1'WO or Three Room? (Unfurnished) re ? auired by Workman: oo chUdren- Civ fach clats. Yiyotawe. or district -Write HoxHI.IjeaderOSice. 152U124 I HOUSES WANTED. ?yA?T?D. by J u ne. I93C. M Kent or Pur- vf chase, a S'x-room&d iiouse, C'&n trally situated in nice toca.hty; Must be in 'J-ooct and Ready for Occupation bv Married Couple.—Write, fullest particulars. A H," Leader Omoe. 8;. atieea. (STl)¡ -R?n OFFERED for Key of House: any X20,ii7e: west end.—" Maxwell," Leader Office. 154A]:.21 ?-' ? Given for Possession of a 5 or 6-foou) ?? Mouse; any part of Swansea or Mumbles.—VfDte. Mantle "Oambrw Da.ily Leader," Swan&ea.. 150A11 22 PREMISES TO LET & WANTED REQUIRED Roora weekly on ? Wednesday I JLt. at Yetniyfcra or ïl3tra(t-ynÜ¡.i8: in main street, suitable for Soh?itor's Onice —Particulars Vaughan Edwarda Jonee, Mor "ston. 152AU-20 ?,A?TED to. Rent Premiacc' dmtabi4 01 adaucablf for a Ladies' Private School: St. Hern's or Uulands district— AddreftS ouice of this I)al)c,. 163A1J-24 HOUSE PUf:CHAS!NG. jUjO?hb? Purcaased on easy terms- Any dts?r?t; you wtij beueat bv having Lhe iow<.?t rep.?yment in iiouse Purchase— rite, "Owj.e:suip." 'Dauy Leader" O'dee. Swansea. -ECUHI(yourUöuse; i)remiuin LZ 1213 g)er ¡J JSHM: baiance by arranKement- any hstrict.—Box k; 2, Leader ONice. Swansea. 146AII-10 IIIE IAadore Perma-aeat Buildtn? Society he)ps those' who heiu tliemselves. Only tuosc who are -bic to save can succeed. Be- s_'n wit.h sma,]i amounta and participate in the nrofits of tho Society. Call at 61. \V ind- I street Swansea, a-nd be ehown How Cll-22 ?'\?RY uot Buy your HouM With tt'<T Rc? Wnte now and let me help you to save money, .immediate Advancef. a.txt Houses fcund any ctistrictt. Write now fo7- flarticulars.-Gilbert. Kvans. Shelty J55A']-2< 71ty Pay Rent.? IK).OOO liou,.es ,Iread3! f Purchased through our system. For Prospectus and Balance-sheet writ<' Box D 1. Leader Onice. 148Atl-22 WEFKI,T will Purchase f450 House *i' anv cjstrtct: by arrar):e n!cnt.- Landlord." Leader. SwaMea. T U MISCELLANEOUS WANTS, A SCARIFIER wanted for RoUnr? atpo A Living Van and Wat?r Cart. Reply J I." Cambria Datiy Leader Swansea. C11-21 A PIA-NO Wanted; <Ln old-fashioned one ZI not obj.cted to :f good tone.—Box Kl. "I,e.ider Cmoe, Swausea. _.153\!1 T BUY Furniture. New and Second-ha-nd— L S€rh:a. 219 High-ctio*. Swansea. 15CAH-27 IADYw{shËi-Š-tõ-Parcb!1,se a pood. ttr?np'. -J? Piano, auitable fcr befnnc€r—Wnt< n.ox 4. Leader_ OS:ce. 8waMe& 153An-20 "1"' R EÈ. Wanted over Pitwood fize.—en- r R nF,iFiigs, Ltd. Woodworkers. PennywpH mart. B7'to' Branch at Porthcaw! 8TC. TT7'ANTED. Piano, in sood condition i' 'f able for learner.—Reply, with toweet Drice. to Music." Dsnty Leader Om''e. ? 152AII-24 PERSONAL. TN "Cnele Bpi-t's" 'Bcftpo Shop there is -t- "Slar.diTu; Room On)' Uncle Bert Hnd I Ms Men thank you for your help. You &re <'o?ax 'Yo't: Bit" tM we did cure Tbanks, I 6wau&m Thankoll t FINAL VISIT to Swansea Mrs. Slater's* visits are Bow almost I closed. If you require herhe!pyou must consult her on Friday—it is ycur I last chance. Ruptures, Women's Internal Weakness 'V!)sp)acsments, etc., cured and relieved I without operations or Internal Instrumflots. Spoo'at treatraont far Ftcatina Kidney atd ¡ Varicose Veins Mrs. CLARA E. SLATER Vi&its SWANSEA on FRtDAY NEXT, Nov. 21, at the CENTRAL HALL, Orchard Street. Houra: 1 to 4. *so Visits I Cardiff, Thursday, Nov. 20th, Cory Hall. Poritypridd, Saturday, Nov. 22nd, Kiosk I' Restaurant. Aberdare, Monday, Nov. 24th, Black Lion Hotel. Merthyr, Tuesday, Nov. 35th, Angel ¡ Buildings. ALLAOVtCE FREE. Write, enclosing 24d stamps for postage, for KewHIustrated Booklet. WHY ETERNAL )N THUMENT8 8HOUIJ) :OT BE WORN.=' to Mrs. 0&ra,E. Slater. DcptC?. "romweH House. H:gh Jolborn. London. W.C.I '<V" NOTICES, CONTINUED 8u<:ce<;3.?-Mad!m FIetcher. ?MB.P.S.: Test Re?dinsr Frpe Sen?i birth date and stamped onvejope.—5. Ar- cade. Pontypridd. Glam. 15CA11-22 T ORRY.-Ha?f.ton Lcrrv for Hire' L?f?.t -L< Haulage any deacription.—Kn. jiriea ?, A Le?!. &H. Ox?ord?trect. TelephoM 431 Central. DROP. Afictl¡, C1ebyated Astrolor, j. AyMha Psychic Medium Rolling Stones of W'IeG. Post birth date. Is ?.- ScriptoriuIp Victoria Buiidince. Tudor-road Cardiff. 153A11-25 a ?RE Gorseinon and District Master. JL Ha.u!iers' Union beg to announce that afcer December 1st 1919, the charge for haulage will be 43. per hour.—G. H. Uordon Secretary. l&!An-21 ?0 Tailors and (hitSttere.—WG are pre- J? pared to Cut, Make. and Trim for the Trade and will quote you pricee on appli- cation. Firat-class Cutting and Style.— Joseph and Parry. 8. Dvnevor-place. Swan- Ra. 154AH-21 Foner's Announcements. F ONER.'S Guineq. Pocket Watch Records Jt the Time. Tells the Time: always the K)<?ht Time: 216.—High-street Arcade. Swan- r?ON'T I?oae Time. Carry ? Foner Guinea ?ea. lo,3,- Time. Carry a Poner Guinea DWat,ch. 21s.—HiKh-stt-eet Atoade. ?wa.n sea. D-&T-GUes6¡Get th?Ri?rTime? ? Fop?a Guinea Watch Zls.-Hich- ?t:eet Arcade? ?wansca.. P?fi1.1 i,?F?1) to Mafr? me dome time in ?- ""?' ? wish you would Ruy a FonM-'s Guinea Watch, and Il;v t the Right I at ? tH7h-6treet Arcade. Swansea. TJ1GH-STREET" Arcade is -th-Watd JLJL Market. Get Foner'f, Guinea Pocket watch, and get the time of your tife. FURN!TURE. pURK)TtiRE-Heet Priu? ?ven by me Ffor Sec,, nti-haiid P'llf-i?ituro and Aatimte ??)ture of any de?-ri?i;u) nrop me a. ?????"??- ??. 8. Fabi? street 8t Thoma« CT c H ?? We areAHain! You haven't heai(! ,f .? ?? ?? ?st 4 Years. We have ???? ?"? ? ??? the I. r? stock of ?orhtng Clothes in Wa;es. 1!)?- ?igPohce and Army Trousers. 78. Ud.; C?t?. 7s M.; Waistcoats Ie. 6d.; Working '? ?' ??- Dra?rs. 16. 6d.; Overcoate. i )?s. M.; Boots. 6a. 6d.; Breeches. 6s. lid. Mack!ntosh"s. Pa. 6d.; Sleeve 6.s ild.; 3s. .lid. Special Str<n'K Heavy Ka?ed Hoots. suit Farmers. CoUiere. etc. Write for prices. it wilj pay you to oome and Me cur targe %to<;k_ Our Sale is on Now, There ie onl? One Place in Swansea.. Make Sure and Con'c to the Right Shop. Look out for No. 57 -]'ne Army. Naq'. :¡¡Jr! Railway qtore, 57. Alexandra-road. Swanaea.. 152A11.30 LIVE STOCK, 4c. OR SALE, weU-fa.ttened young Christmea i Turkcyd.-Apply. Jumes. Taiardd Lian- ?- 153A1]-21 F-OR SALE. cheap. Pay Horec, a!6o BJn Fltorse. 15 h.h.; both s-wx! \vorkeM.—Ac- ply Wayt:ood 51. Vi-noont-stireet Swaneea. 1MAU-M SALE. Pony. her Harueec. and ? .I.' Moat.—Apply uynevor Dairy. Uansam- 'st: .E150A11-22 lIEN <1singwaste from boti-.1-s for PI! t V Kive Kardwood Pig Powders twice wcekiy to prevent indiEestion or crop "I. c'- k- nesa. 'Yw(-'IN e powdera H.-Tho3oas Obmi",t (4-or-seiiion, and old BanJt PbtumMv. Uan. elly. 14SA11-20 Don't Forget the SEMt.NATtONAL CHAIR EISTEDDFOD at the MARKET HALL. LLANELLY, on XMAS DAY, DEC. 2Sth, 1919. Chief Cojnpetitiona: Ma!<t Voiec Party, Martyrs of the I Arena," £20. Children's Choir, Over <;ha Ftetds of Clover, j'8. SoJos. £1 5s Also Literary, Rp<-)tatione, Art and Needlework Competitions. ProRrammeB. by post 3d., from the ecs. -F. J. Saunders. Rhoslwyn, Robinson terrace, LIaMity; tvor H. Watters, 10, G la.lUllor-place, HaneHy. j SALES BY AUCTtOM. BRECONSHIRE. CRAIG.Y-NOS, SWANSEA VALLEY. Sale of a DRPTRABLE FREEHOLD rAR:kf, MESSRS. Stephenson and Alexander F.A.I.. Are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the CASTLE HOTEL, NEATH, on WEDNESDAY, the 26th Day of NOVEM- BER, 1919, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the Desirable Freehold Fann, tnown as PWLLCOEDWG FAEM, -situate near to the Village of Dderi, in ch& Parish of Uiantawe, Breconshire, an(i containing a total area of 123 A. 0 R. 35 P. (or thereabouts). There ts a good Stone and S!ate Farm- house, with ample Buildings, in xood re pair, and the whole is let to Mr. J. T. Catkins, upon an a.nnual 2uth March ten- ancy. The Shooting and Fishing Rights, which form a considerable atttuctton, are let to a separate tenant, and the whole of the Timber and Underwood, which is of con -iderablo value, and the minerals, wiU be .ncluded m the Sale. The Farm lies close to Craig-y-Nos (Pen- wyUt Station), on the Neath and Brecon Railway, has Valuable Grazing Rights on CMyntawe Mountain, and is adjacent to AbM-crave, Ystradgynlais, Pontardawe. and other important industrial centres. Particulars and Conditions of Sale, with Plan. may be obtained upon application to Messrs. Smith, Rundell, Dods, and Bocbett. Solicitors. 9. John-street, Bed- ford-row. London. W.C.I: or from the Auctioneers. 5. Righistreet, CardiS. SALES BY AUCTtON. UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOB INVESTORS. Sale at Low Upset Price to Close Estate David Roberts and Son Will oifer for by AUCTION, Lt the HOTEL CAMERON, SWANSEA, 01 MONDAY, 34th NOVEMBER, 1919, at 3 p.m., the Leasehold Dwelling-houses: Nos. 21 to 28, LYNN STREET, 12 to 47, and 54 to 57, FERN STREET, CWMBWRLA. All the Lots will be Sold by w_, c.f Lease to be granted for a term of 500 years from 29th September, 1919, at the annual Ground Rent of g3 each. For detailed information see Posters. Further particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained and Form of Lease may be inspected at the OiEces of Messrs. Fi-ank,%Tlioinas and Andrews, Solicitors. {! Lianfa-ir Buildings, or of the Auctioacers, 61, Wind-street, Swansea. SW ANSEA. David Roberts and Son Wil! offer for SALE by AUCTION at the HOTEL CAMERON, Swaase&, on MONDAY, 24th NOVEMBER, 1919, at 3 p.m., the Leasehold Shop & Dwetting- housesr Lot l.—Tbe SHOP and PREMISES 33 KING EDWARD ROAD. Lot 2.—33, WESTERN STREET Lot 3.—28, FABIAN STREET Lot 5.-14, SEBASTOPOL STREET. Lot 6.—27, SEBASTOPOL STREET. For details see Posters. Further particulars and Conditions of Sale may be obtained at the Offices of W. G. Christians, Esq.. Solicitor. 20, Fieber- street, or of the Auctioneers, 61, Wind- street, Swansea. HIGH PENNARD, GOWEH. An Additional Outlying Portion of THE KILVEOUGH ESTATE. comprising an area of 762 ACRES OR THEREABOUTS. MESSRS. James and James, F.A.L Are favoured with instructions from Lieut.-Commander Lyons. D.S.O., to OFFER for SALE, at the HOTEL CAMERON, SWANSEA, on WEDNES- DAY. DECEMBER 3rd, 1919. the fol- I lowing Valuabia Freehold Farms and Choice Building Sites, (being portions of the above Estate), viz.} HIGHWAY, GREEN LANE" GREAT SOUTHGATE," LITTLE SOUT HGA TE," H HAEL," HUNTS," WIDEGATE," HIGH PENNARD" SUNDRY SMALL HOLDINGS. MARKET GARDEN FIELDS. COTTAGES AND GARDENS, aad 36 of the CHOICEST BUILDING SITES in Gower. bordering the PENNARD GOLF LINKS and facin the sea Dpt:uled particular and Pianc are in course of preparation, and may be had from the Auotioneere, 7, Goat-street, Swansea; Mr. T. E. Jenkins, FAstate Agent, Kilvrousrh Estate OSica, Porkmill, or from Messrs.Nicholson, Pattereon and. Freeland, solicitors. Queen 4Jle'. Gatf, Westminster. SWANSEA. Sale of a DeIightfully-Situate commanding Vtews of the Bay &nd within a few minutes of the TRMI. John M. Leeder and Son Have received instructions to offer for SALE by AUCTION, at the HOTLL METROPOLE. SWANSEA, on WED- NESDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1919, .t '.30 p.m., the Freehold Semi-Detached Residence, Known <m 'i'HE HENPRE." 96, EATON GROVE, SWANSEA, with possession on completion of the purchase. The accommodation comprise: Dining- room, Drawing-room. BreAkfa4-rooni, Chna Pantry, Cloakroom. KitcbeB, JBaek Kitchen, Larder, Lean-to Laundry an'! w.c. On the First Floor-Bathroom, ..c. &nd 5 Bedrooms. On the Second Floor-2 Bedrooms. Gas Fires, Electric Light And Tele- phone are installed. There is a WeM-laid-out Garden, with Terrace; Fowls-house. Chicken Coop, and a Portable Tool-house. Particulars and Conditions of Sale and Orders to View may be obtained of Ed- ward Harris, Esq., Solicitor, 9, Fisher- street, Swansea; or of the Auctioneers. 46, Waterloo-street, Swansea. (3201) DOLYGARREQ MANSION, Distant 3 Miles from Ll&ndovery and I Miles from Liangsdock, oa the Mail. Eottd from one Town to the other. MESSRS. Wm. & Waiter James, F.AJ. Are favoured with instructions from Mr<. Betty, who is giving up residence, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premises as above, on FRIDAY. NOVBM- BER 21, 1919, the following Valuable Household Furniture, the Principal Items of which comprise:— Fine Welsh Oak Bookshelves with massive Carved Pillafa. Welsh Oatf Library Table, Hadnsome Carved Welsh Oak Sideboard. Oak Knoe- hole Desk, Walnut Library Table, 1, Large Oriental Carpet <Mid 1 Velvet Pile do., 2 Finely-Carved Hall Tab tea and a Very Handsome Carved. Oak Dining Table, Oak Corner Cupboard. Antique Gitt-frajne Mirror, Handaoma Cbin Cabinet, Old Handsome Carved Oak Knee-hole Desk, Oak Cetera, Antique Oak Chest-upon-Chest. WARE AND CHINA, including a Valuable Assortment of Old China and Ware. LIVE STOCK.—Oae Jersey Dairy Cow: One Bay Collier Mare, 6 years old, 14.3 h.h.; 9 Goats; Poultry; 11 Fine Belgian Hares. CHOPS. IMPLEMENTS, etc. S&te to Commence promptly at !9 noon. Terms: Three Months' Credit on Con- ditions on the Live Si-ock, Crops and Im. plements. A uctioneers' Omces: Sirmcsoa and Ltan- g'adock. AUCTION MART, 3, 4 and 5, GOAT STREET. SWANSEA. To CHINA DEALERS, HOTEL PRO- PRIETORS, CATERERS -It, th. GENERAL PUBLIC. MESSRS. John F. Harvey and Sons Have b ceo instructed to remove from 10, PORTLAND STREET .SWANSEA, the whote of the remaining Stock of Mr. BAN FIELD (who is retirtng from busi- ness) and to Sell same by PUBLIC AUCTION, on TUESDAY, WEDNES. DAY, THURSDAY, and FMDAY, NOV. 25th, 26tb, 37th. and 28th, 1919. The Stock consists of a large number of Dinner Services, Tea. Servicea, Toilet and Trinket Sets, Glass Goods, Earthenware Goods, Glass and China Vsses and Orna- ments, etc. The Goods are from the following Srrna: Wedgewood, Foley, Copeland, etc. Several Choice Lots of Art Ornaments, etc., will be offered on Tuesday, 25th November. Sales Each DJly at 2.30 p.m prompt. Private Sales Each Day from 1C a.m. TarDM—Catii. <'