Papurau Newydd Cymru

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YIS T NRSGREND JOTTINGS. The number of Congregational churches in Great Britain is reported to be 4,815 members, 404,695 Sunday scholars, 642,978. The total Congregational churches in the British Colonies are 1,032. ♦ Major YVyndham-Quin, M,P., leave Marseilles for Cairo in the P. and O. steamer Egypt" to-day (Thursday). Prevention is better than cure. The Penarth School Board has given a fortnight's extention of the Christmas holidays to the children as a pre- caution against the possible spread of diphtheria amongst the children. A defendant in a case at Barry Police Court last week said "I have a witness here, only he is working. The numbep of pupils enrolled in connection with the Barry Technical Instruction and Evening Classes this year is 911—407 in 'connection with. the former, and 504 in the latter. The special representative of the Barry Dock News who attended the international football match, England v. Wales, at Swansea laat Saturday is of opinion-and he is an Old Ebor "-that the enthusiasm with which the signal victory of the representative of the Land of the Leek" was greeted by the vast assemblage of spectators was & never-to-be-forgotten spectacle. Dr Lloyd Edwards suggested at the last meeting of the Barry School Board that a caravan should be employed for school purposes on the Island. "Hear hear," replied Mr Buzzo, I will support that." Or a 'bus," mildly interjected another member. m Official returns show that there are 2,697 churches in connection with the Baptist denomin- ation in Great Britain, and 1,951 ministers, with a membership roll of 355,218 Sunday scholars 525,533 the number baptized during the year being 16,805 the Baptiet churches throughout the world number 56,682, with a membership of 5,136,215. X The Rev J. H. Hector, the coloured temperance missioner, familiarly known as "The Black Knight," will deliver a lecture at Barry on the 20th instant on the subject of I- The Devil in White," with Alderman Walter Morgan in the chair. The Barry School Board are a go-ahead body. They have actually got in their pigeon-holes plans of a complete set of schools on Barry Island, and are only waiting the children to spring up to occupy them. At present, however, there are only about thirty children of school age within the Crusoe area. »: My husband did not use any • observe language," said the wife of a defendant at Barry Police Court at a recent sitting. Presumably she meant" obscene." fc On the 21st instant the senior team of the Barry Unionist Athletic Club will visit Wrexham to play off the fourth round for the Welsh Cup, and not on February 4th as stated last week. On this date the third round of the South Wales and Monmouth- shire Cup wil be played at Barry. W The number of accounts at the Gas and Water Offices, Barry Docks,' in 1894 was 16,412 at the present time, over 48,000. The Barry District of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows have contributed £ 1 18 towards the building fund of the Victoria Jubilee Nurses' Home, Barry Docks. '11', My sincere congratulatioosto Mr and Mrs S. S. Bedingfield of Broad-street, Barry, on the occasion of their silver wedding;' 'y ♦ it Hiu A The traffic returns oil the Barry Rail way last week amounfel to £9,809; increase compared with correspcniing week last yeø.r,£1,618. The resumed hearing of the case, The Police v. Frank Wager, maaagerof the R.A.O.B. Club and Institute, Cadoxton, will take place next Monday at Barry Police Court, and not to-day (Friday), as previously announced. mm An esteemed correspondent calls my attention to the dangerous practice of dropping orange peel on the pavement of our public streets, and says many limbs have been broken by the thoughtless habit. A correspondent states that Mr J. Ivins, who carried off the bicycle at a shooting match at Wenvoe on Boxing Day, out of 170 competitors, is a. member of the No. 11 Company 2nd G.V.A., Barry. » The TJ ester it Mail is the pioneer of all that is enterprising and up-to-date in the journalism of the Principality. Last Monday Idriswyn con- tributed a full descriptive report in the Welsh s, language of the international football match, Wales v. England, tog&tter with interesting com' ments on the game. « On Barry Island they use life-buoys to reach the other side of the street in wet weather, the streets,, according to a voluble resident, being a holy disgrace to civilisation." Still another record. There was a larger pro- portion of cases from Barry at the last Quarter Sessions than from any other police district in the county. mm The voluntary levy of one penny per week by the workmen employed at the Barry Graving Dock was commenced last week, and I learn with muck pleasure that only three men declined to contribute. And even these three I feel convinced will soon, follow the example of the majority.,