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VARIETIES. Superstition changes a man to a beast, fanaticism makes him a wild beaat, and despotism a beast of burden. The world is a looking-class, and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face. Frown at it, and it will in turn look surly upon you; laugh at it and with it, and it is a jolly, kind companion. Ambition is to the mind what the cap is to the falcon; it blinds us first, and then compels us to tower by reason of our blindness. But, alas! when we are at the summit of a vain ambition, we are also at the depth of misery. FJUENDS AND ENEMIES.—To live with our enemies as if they might one day be our friends, and to live with our friends as if they might become our enemies, is neither according to the nature of hatred, nor in accordance with the rules of friendship. It is not a moral, but really a political maxim. POLITENEss.-Unselfish people are always polite, because good manners are only the absence of selfish- ness. They are the doing unto others as we would wish to be done unto. A thoughtfulness for the com- fort of those about us, a pleasant smile, a kind word -these are the ingredients of which good manners are chiefly composed. There is no task so hard as that of blessing the chastening hand of sorrow-nothing so difficult to the natural man as to kiss the rod by which he has been ftruck, and to confess sincerely and without the affectation of formula that pain has been better for Jllm than pleasure, and sorrow a kinder master in the end than joy; yet, if life means anything for us but eating, drinking, and enjoyment, it means discipline— and this comes only through suffering. THE REFORMER.—The author of a great reforma- tion is always unpopular in his own age. He generally passes his life in disquiet and danger. It is, there- fore, for the interest of the human race that the memory of such men should be held in reverence, and that they should be supported against the scorn and hatred of their contemporaries by the hope of leaving a great and imperishable name. To go on the forlorn hope of truth is a service of peril-who will undertake it, if it be not also a service of honour P It is easy enough after the ramparts are carried to find men to plant the flag on the highest tower. The difficulty is to find men who are ready to go first to the breach.— Lord Macau lay. A MIRACULOUS CHAIR.—The following true anec- dote may not be known to all our readers, and is suffi- ciently interesting to bear re-telling. M. Gay-Lussac, in a balloon ascent in 1804, threw out a common deal chair from the height of 23,000 feet. It fell beside a country girl who was tending some sheep in a field, and as the balloon was invisible, she concluded-and so did wiser heads than hers-that the chair had fallen straight down from heaven, a gift of the Virgin to her faitful followers. No one was sceptical enough to deny it, for there was the chair, or rather its remains. The most the incredulous could venture to do was to criticise the coarse workmanship of the miraculous seat, and they were busy carping and fault- finding with what they considered celestial upholstery, when an account of M. Gay-Lussac's aerial voyage was published, and extinguished at once the discussion and the miracle. A TURKISH DINNER PARTY.—Unless you look sharp you are apt to come in for a meagre share of viands; for the good things are no sooner served than the servant almost immediately whips them off again, no culinary preparation, however excellent, being thought worthy of being partaken of more than in two successive spoonfuls. Dish follows dish, and platter follows platter in quick succession, and the Turks, who do everything in a business manner, never think of talking when they are eating. In all they appear to act up to that wholesome proverb which says there is a time for everything. The greatest compliment you can pay your neighbour at dinner is to tear some tid- bit of a fowl or a leg of mutton, and put it into his plate. During dinner water in a crystal cup was handed to such as asked for it; and as soon as dinner was over everybody rinsed his mouth and hands, when pipes were introduced. Now, for the first time, Hassan Effendi would ask what sport we had had which would lead to conversation about English guns and powder. This would be followed by a cup of coffee, and then our host would retire for the night to a separate house inhabited by his harem, and leave us master of the place. THE SEAT OF LAUGHTER. — There was an idea, in olden times, that laughter emanated from a parti- cular part of the body. Tasso, in Jerusalem De- livered," describing the death of Ardonio, who was slain by a lance, says that it Pierced him through the vein Where laughter has her fountain and her seat, So that (a dreadful bane) He laughed for pain, and laughed himself to death. This idea- probably arose from observing the spas- modic power of laughter, which was greater formerly I than now, and to the same origin we may attribute the stories of the fatal consequences it has, at times, I produced; of Zeuxis, the painter, having expired in a fit brought on by contemplating a caricature he had j made of an old woman, and of Franciscus Cosalinus, a learned logician, having thus broken a blood-vessel, which led to his dying of consumption. Wolfius relates that a country bumpkin, called Brun- sellius, by chance seeing a woman asleep at a sermon fall off her seat, was so taken that he laughed for three days, which weakened him so that he con- tinued for a long time afterwards in an infirm state." —" History of English Mumonrby Rev. A. O. I? Estrange. I? Estrange. How THEY Do IT IN SOUTH AFRICA.- When a young j Boer-i.e., a Dutchman descended of some family long!, settled in South Africa-wants a wife, he put on his best clothes, mounts his horse, sticks a feather in his cap, carries with him a bottle of sugar-plums, and a j candle, which ought to be wax, or, failing wax, the very best "composite," and hangs his bridle on the gate of the house where dwells the young woman he thinks will best answer his purpose. He enters, and his smart gear, feather, and candle are eloquent of his I errand. To make the point quite clear however, he offers the candle to the daughter of the house; and, if she takes it, it is lighted, the mother and everybody else at once retire, but not before the mother has stuck a pin into the candle to show how long the young people may remain together without interruption. It is not stated whether it is open to the latter to take out the pin and put it farther down the candle as soon as they find themselves alone; but a little salt is some- I times put in, to make the wick bum more slowly. As soon however as the pin is reached by the flame, in comes the mother, and the freying" is over. A day or two afterwards the pair are married. DRESS IN SAN FRANCISco.-The native California women of earlier days were excessively fond of dress, and for the fineries and fripperies they fancied they would pay almost any price. Years and years ago, before this coast was Americanized, and hats, ribbons, scarfs, and dress goods which the olive-complexioned senoritas wore were the ventures of Boston Yankees, who took their pay in hides and tallow, and who got rich out of their speculations. The mania for dress has never abated, and to-day the modem fashionables of San Francisco indulge in an extravagance of silks and laces and gems and gewgaws that would have crazed the head of a Spanish belle and bankrupt the I Mexican treasury. There is no city in the world where the women dress more expensively than they do in San Francisco. They seem to run to fashion I and to millionnaires, the latter, of course, being ex- pected to foot the bills without a murmur as soon as I the nuptial knot is tied. Not only are the costliest of fabrics worn, but they are instantly changed with the advent of the latest Parisian novelties, no matter how often the transition. The wardrobe of one of these I devotees of fashion costs many hundreds of pounds, while the mass of wealth in jewellery and orna- ments she wears is so enormous that its interest, at current rates, would give a sumptuous living to a large family. A San Francisco belle may be set down as the crowning triumph of the modiste's art. DR. HUTTON.—The late Dr. Hutton, well known to men of letters for his Theory of the Formation and Structure of the Globe," deserves to be remembered on account of the services performed byhim to man- kind in an art, the utility of which is not, like his theory, at all equivocal. Having, in the pursuit of science, endeavoured to study the principles of agri- culture and vegetation, and being a considerable pro- prietor of land in the county of Berwick, he began to turn his attention to practical agriculture for his own I advantage. Not being fully satisfied, however, with the practices which then existed in agriculture, valuable as they were, he thought they might stiu he improved. To obtain information on the he resolved to pay a visit to Norfolk, a county of light f dry soil, in several respects corresponding witn t a his own estate. Norfolk had at that time attained to a high degree of excellence in all the branches of agriculture, implements of- practical husbandry, &c. After residing a considerable time there, and making himself completely master of every jart of country business, he prevailed on a Norfolk ploughman to ac- company him to Scotland, taking along with him a complete set of Norfolk ploughs turnip hoes, and other husbandry implements. Furnished with all these advantages, Dr. H. now began in good earnest to improve a very wild and uncultivated piece of land. All of it was an open field; stones were to be split, fences were to be made at a great expense, the pro- perty being on the border of a sheep country, and drains innumerable were to bo dug. The tillage was all performed after the Norfolk manner. Dress- ing the land, drilling and hoeing the turnips, rolling, and all the other operations of husbandry were done with a degree of neatness and garden-like culture which, in farming, had not been seen in Berwick- shire before. Persons of every description came from all quarters to gratify their curiosity, as well as to obtain information. The profits of the under- taking aft Aid to have amounted to &c hundred, pe$ &nt. > Good Counsel breaks no man's head. The morality ot an action depends on the niotite from which we act.-Dr. Jon.mon. Young man, do you ever pause to think how your present will look when it becomes your past ? Few infirmities of character are more fatal than that of will—perhaps because it involves every other. Truth is immortal; the sword cannot pierce it, fire cannot consume it, prisons cannot incarcerate it, famine cannot starve it. Birth into this life was the death of the embryo life that preceded, and the death of this will be birth into some new mode of being.-Hedge.. MANLINESS.—It is a higher exhibition of Christian manliness to be able to bear trouble than to get rid of it.—Beccher. Let us rememter that in exact proportion as we are defiled by sin do we become unseemly vessels for the reception of God's influence, and unsuitable instru- ments for the accomplishments of his purposes. CIVILITIES AND FRIENDSHIP.—What a difference exists between mere civilities and acts of real friend- ship How easy to obtain the former, and at times how hard to get the latter! Good manners are not learned from arbitrary teach- ing so much as acquired from habit. They grow upon us by use. A coarse, rough nature at home be- gets a habit of roughness which cannot be laid aside among strangers. A\ OMAN AND MAN.—The natural position of woman with respect to man, as the softener, the cheerer, the refiner of his existence-and her own natural consti- tution, as weak in frame, but powerful in moral in- fluence-make it appear proper that man should ap- proach her with sentiments of deference and respect. ROBBER ANTS. -It is believed in Brazil that the young of the Cupim or Termite are carried off and enslaved, like West Africans, bv the fierce Plantation ant (Atta cephalotes or Sauba), which thus represents the wicked and merciless white man. But the same tale is told of the Quemquem ant, and possibly the superstition may have arisen from the different size of the workers maior and the workers minor. PEACE THE REWARD OF A GOOD LIFE.—We read (remarks Townson) that in certain climates of the world the gales that spring from the land carry a refreshing smell out to sea, and assure the watchful pilot that he is approaching to a desirable and fruit- ful coast, when as yet he cannot discern it with his eyes. And in like manner it fares with those who have steadily and religiously pursued the course which heaven pointed out to them. We shall Rome- times find, by their conversation towards the end of their days, that they are filled with hope, and peace, and joy; which, like those refreshing gales and reviving odours to the seamen, are breathed forth from Paradise upon their souls; and give them to understand with certainty that God is bringing them into their desire haven.—Noble Thoughts in Noble Language, WHAT IS TRUE POLITENBSS P-I believe it is beat to be known by description, definition not being able to comprise it. I would, however, venture to call it benevolence in trifles, or the preference of others to ourselves, in little daily, hourly occurrences in the commerce of life. A better place, a more com- modious seat, priority in being helped at table; what is it but sacrificing ourselves in such trifles to the convenience and pleasure of others? And this constitutes true politeness. It is a perpetual atten- tion (by habit it grows easy and natural to us) to the little wants of those we are with, by which we either prevent or remove them. Bowing ceremonies, formal compliments, stiff civilities, and too obtrusive atten- tions in the society of the fair sex, will never be politeness; that must be easy, natural, unstudied, manly, noble. And what will give this but a mind benevolent and perpetually attentive to exert that amiable disposition in trifles towards all you converse and live with F-Clastergeld. EARLY SICKNESS AND ITS ADVANTAGES.—Mr. Fors- ter, in his "Life of Charles Dickens," cites in "authentic confirmation" of a childish story, the opening of an essay on travelling abroad, and proceeds to say:—" The queer small boy was indeed his very self. He was a very little and a very sickly boy. He was subject to attacks of violent spasm which dis- abled him for any active exertion. He was never a good little cricket-plaver. He was never a first-rate hand at marbles, or peg-top, or prisoner's base. But he had great pleasure in watching the other boys, officers' sons for the most part, at these games, reading while they played and he had always the belief that this early sickness had brought to himself one in- estimable advantage, in the circumstance of his weak health having strongly inclined him to reading. It will not appear that he owed much to his parents, or was other than in his first letter to Washington Irving he described himself to have been—a "very small and not-over-particularly taken-care-of boy;" but he has frequently been heard to say that his first desire for knowledge, and his earliest passion for reading, were awakened by his mother, who taught him the first rudiments not only of English, but also, a little later, of Latin. She taught him regularly every day for a long time, and taught him, he was convinced, thoroughly well. J. Forster's Life qf C/Mrle* Dickens SLEiGHiNG.—" In New York, sleighing, however, is not the only sport patronised by the demizens in the smartest city in all creation' wherewith to beguile the weary winter months. Skating is another pastime, and it is far superior to anything of the kind in Eng- land. Everybody gets on the irons there and the meanest gamin or Bowery boy would eclipse the gyra- tions practised by the Serpentine Club. Of course, they have greater facilities to perfect themselves in the art on account of the longer duration of the frost; but if some speculator were but to start the American, system of skating-rinks here, we could easily have better opportunity for indulging in the graceful sport than we possess at present. These rinks' are en- closed pieces of ground on which the game of baseball is played in summer, and are somewhat of the size of Kennington-oval. When the autumn comes a slight boarding, some six inches high and water-tight, is placed round them, like the border of a flower-bed, and when the ground is sufficiently hardened by the lowering of the temperature they are flooded with water to the depth, when it freezes solid readily, with even a slight frost. At the rinks on the Capitoline Ground, Brooklyn, every one pays fifty cents for a single admission, or five dols. for a season ticket, which admits him as long as the frost lasts, and for this sum they are considered free of the place. Long enclosed wooden sheds, warmed with red-hot stoves and filled with seats, are erected all round the rink, with a single step leading on to the ice. There are also refreshment rooms where people can obtain cups of tea and coffee, soup, or that luxury par excellence on a cold day-an oyster stew while at most of the large ponds a good band plays all day, and you can waltz on your skates to the pleasing strains of Offenbach's Ihampagne music, or Godfrey's last chef d'asuvre." William Saw- yer, as usual, gives some pretty lines.-Belgravia. LORD VISCOUNT PALMMSTON.—Lord Palmerston was a man of great ability, and one of those who, hav- ing all their lives been in office, was invaluable in such a Government as ours, which chiefly failed in men accustomed to business. Palmerston have been a member of almost all Ministries since 1804, and his talents for office were of the highest order. He became from mere accident a Reformer and a Whig, having joined Canning, and continued with Huskisson when the Duke got rid of the Canning remains. I never knew a man whom it was more agreeable to act with; for he was firm, and even bold; quite steady to his friends; indifferent To abuse; full of resources; using his pen better and more quickly than almost anybody; and not punctilious or vain, or standing upon trifles and personalities. He is by far the most important accession the Whigs ever made from the Tory ranks. I highly disapprove his foreign meddling; but I speak of his general talents. Yet Melbourne was as near as possible losing him in 1835, and only on the usual Whig principle, because he was the object of a-buse, and especially of newspaper attack. I have no doubt that Holland joined in this mistaken view of the interests of our party." Melbourne confessed to me while it was going on that he had great difficul- ties and the answers Palmerston made to them I could plainly perceive were given to Melbourne through his sister, now married to Palmerston, and who fought his battle ably and stoutly with her brother. The want of such able men of business was a grievous evil to the Whigs. They had no habit of business, as Ministers of the first class. Their im- mediate subordinates were as useless as such men could well be. Then the permanent ones—under- secretaries and clerks-who really knew their trade, were all extremely hostile and on any vacancy in the latter occurring by death or superannuation, a re- tired host of adversaries was ready out of which must be taken those to fill up the blank when a pension could be saved. To such a Government a man like Palmerston was invaluable. He gave universal satis- faction to all of us except Durham, who wanted to turn him out in order to get his place. With foreign Ministers and with his official under-secretaries, I have always heard he was unpopular. But as his temper was excellent, I think this must have been accidental.-Lord Brougham's Life. ENEMIES.—They who are eminently successful in business, who achieve greatness, notoriety in any pursuit, must expect to make enemies. So prone to petty jealousy and sordid envy is poor human nature, that whoever becomes distinguished is sure to be a mark for the malicious spite of those who, not deserv- ing success themselves, are envious of the merited triumph of the more worthy. Moreover, the opposi- tion which originates in such despicable motives is sure to be of the most unscrupulous character hesitat- ing at no iniquity, descending to the shabbiest littleness. The competitor in life s struggles who is of true mettle depreciates not opposition of an honourable character, but rather rejoices in it. It is only injustice or meanness which he depreciates and it is this which the successful must meet, proportioned in bitterness; oftentimes to tha measure 9! success which eioitw it.