Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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Mr. T. H. Evans's Announcements. THOS. H. EVANS, Auctioneer and Valuer, CARDIFF CASTLE, BUTE-STREET, ABERDARE. j RENTS AND DEBTS COLLECTED!! 1 4gtnt to the Consols Insurance Association!! T At i ( I ) Te 1)e( Wi r for at I s On gar :£al Sij, i i i A.1, flit( J T mi Iter 1 1 Cor q .I Bl !<. G( s iC C ( c k~ Péll J A 3 6, 1\1 ■ C 1: ^0 ( J, > Vi Of ( J^isi totl rl0111 Vi p ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. 0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY JIR. T. II EVANS, the CARDIFF CASTLE IXN, BUTE-STREET, ABER- DARE. on FRIDAY, APRIL the 26th, 1861, at 7 3'clock in the evening, subject to such condi- tions of sale as shall be then produced, lLL that COTTAGE and Premises adjoining, jL situate and being No. 5, Drying Tir rrace, near the Shepherd's Arms, on the Cwm- il estate, Cwmaman, the property of Mr. George lliair.s. rhe said property will he held under a lease 99 years, to be computed from the day of sale, the very low ground rent of lis. 6d. per annum. ALE BY AUCTION. Mr. T. H. EVANS 'WILL SELL BY AUCTION, MONDAY n"xt, the 22nd inst., at the SALE ROOM, CAllDIFF-STRLET, ABERDARE, QUANTITY of HOUSEHOLD FURNI- L TURK, consisting of Feather and Millpuff Is, Iron and other Bedsteads, Tables, Maho- ly Chairs, Chest of Drawers, a quantity of fthen-ware, Wnter (a-ks, Jars, a splendid ver Watch, &c., &c. 'ale to commence at 3 o'clock.— Ni Reserve. luctioaeer s Oriice, CarAiff Castle, Butj-street, erdare. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. [T ANTED,-A YOUTH, as an APPRENTICE to the Ironmongery business. ^pply to J. R. LLOYD, Ironmonger, Commercial- -et, Mountain Ash. ^pril 5th, 1861. ABERDARE. 10 BE LET, a FIVE-STALL STABLE also a STORE-ROOM, 40 feet in length by 14 feet breadth, together with the use of a large Yard. it low. 'or further particulars apply at the Eagle Inn, fiittercial-street. ABEKDAHE. ,u i<:Bwir~ci:or]r el,, FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL POSTING HOUSE. ROBERT ATKINSON, Proprietor. r,ip A Porter attends every Train. ipril, 1861. UTE ARMS, ABERDARE, BY LEWIS JENKINS, (Late Swan Hotel, Aberaman.) Well Aired Beds. THOMAS THOMAS, EW I MM, At&rtioii-gtreet, ABERDAKE Well aired Beds. IF YOU WANT ) 0 D ISOME-MiilS FURNITURE, AT A LOW PRICE, GO TO I, i-i I- T- s CARDIFF-STREET, ABERDARE. TRY 10PELAND for COATS! < j 10PELAND for TROUSERS! I 1QPELAND for VESTS! ) 10PELAND for BOYS' CLOTHING! I OUTFITTER, Co M ME ItCIAL- PL AC E, ABERDARE. RPO RIFLEMEN. Have vou seen WARD & CO.'S •WLY INVENTED RIFLE GLOVE CLIP L ionised by H. R. H. the DuKE'of CAMBRIDGE. The neatest and most useful article out. Completion of the Outfit of the Volunteer. Price Is. Each. pply to Mr. HODGES, Outfitter, Aherdare. Wholesale Depot:— PERSHORE-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. H. EDWARD LAWRANCE, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, MERTHYIl, r°»i the Conservatoriwm of Music, Leipzig,) to announce that he visits ABKRDAKE, Professionally, every TuESDAV. Terms, 'RNp' ''e ^nown otl aPP^'c'at'ou t0 M' SIIER- Wine & Spirit Vaults, RTON ALES AND DUBLIN PORTER STORES, ^NON-STREET, &BS&SABE. COWELL desires respectfully to thank his Friends and the Public: for the patronage owed on him at the "IÛWAIN GLYNDWR," Ittnorlais, and to inform i them that he has led the above premises witLh a Choice selection ^oods from the most celebrated Breweries, -1 leries, &c., and trusts, r by cafeful attention requirements of his sup>porters, to merit a Alliance of the many favours he has received lng his residence in this neighbourhood. alnilies supplied on the^l&il^est possible terms for Cai/h. » 1 1 l "='h GHKERAL PRINTING OJTJCE, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. J. T. JONES, PROPRIETOR AND PUBLISHER OF THE "ABERDARE TIMES," RESPECTFULLY informs the Public of Aberdare, and South Wales generally, that he possesses JLi every facility for executing orders to any extent in LETTER-PRESS PRINTING in all its departments with elegance, accuracy, and despatch, at the lowest rate of charges. Public Companies, Colliery Proprietors, Iron Masters, Auctioneers, Benefit Societies, Authors, and Tradesmen requiring a large amount of Printing will find considerable advantages at this Establishment. Ledgers and Account Books Ruled and Bound to pattern in the most accurate and superior manner, at the lowest remunerative prices. Extraordinary MERIT JLJ must belong: to that which PLEASES EVERY ONE, And such is the case with the GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH. cn T f, (ml ■fir ~S\ "n^ Xs 'n eri the 6ift-AT 5\o)vels eD HEALTH, HAPPINESS, & LONG LIFE And within the reach of nU. Every one may be his own PbyniriaTj, by the use ot DK. T3UCHAN'S VEGETABLE DOMESTIC MEDI- CINES, prepared troni the Prescriptions of the late Dr. Buchan. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, &e &c. They are entirely vegetable, perfectly innocent, and cures are daily made which surpass belief. Their effi- cacv has been proved in thousands of cases, attested before, and signed by the presiding Aldevman at Guildhall, within the jurisdiction of The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London, and also Mefore the Magistrates sitting- in, and for the Counties of Middlesex. Surrey, ,c., &(. at the following- Courts, viz Marlborough Street, Westminster, Worship Street, How Street, Sec. They are used by the most cele- brated Medical Alt-nin their private and hospital practice; also by Clergymen and others who -have voluntarily given their names, to certify to the Public as to the reliability 01 these remedies. DR. BUCHAN'S The process of coating llie pills with sugar, has compelled the I'i'opriet.iis tu take out ).tte. latent of iireat Hrit.iin, in order to protect them from imitation, their sacciiaiii.e covering, which is coteur rle rose (pink), distinauishicu; them from all others. They are pleasant to the taste, and may be taken by the most delicate female or child, without fear ot nausea or discomfort, gliding down imperceptibly like a simar plum. HEALTH DEPENDS UPON PURE BLOOD. Our race subject to un overflow of-vitiated bile, which is loth pievatent and dangerous; but Pills afford an invaluable and ( ilicu nt protection. Their use prevents the collection of Ihllse impurities, which cause so much danger to the tine organs ol the stomach and bowels. They soon cure liver complaints dyspepsia, rheumatism, flatulence, wind "IHi gripIng in the stomach and bowels, diarlioea, loss of appetite, hea,I"che, heartburn, pain in the chest, sudden faiotness and coativeness, scorbotic affections, skin erup- tions, deep-seated ulcers, al,so acting most visibly 011 the complexion .preserving, improving, softening, auù beautify- ing the skin, tuereby giving that blooming and charming- appearance so desirable, yet so vainly sought for by all. In brief, these Pills work their way to the very roots of each, disease, cleansing in their passage, removing every 110- healthy accumulation, till the blood is purified, the whole system renovated, and all the (unctions acting according to nature, the duties of lile become a pleasure, where, before they had been sad and weary burdens. They Puree out the Humours which breed and generate distemper, stimulate sluggish or disordered organs into their natural actions, and impurt health, strength, and cheerfulness to the sick, weak, and nervous; not only do they cure the daily coinplniuts of everybody but also those formidable and dangerous dis- eases, that have baffled the most skilful of the medical profession. Price Is. 1^ or by post, Is. -id. „ 2s. 9d. » -2d. „ 4s. tid. 5s. 2d. lls, Us.Cd. DR. BUCHAN'S This is the only Ointment yet discoverer) that cures with ease the most inveterate sores, no matter of how long stand- ing. ltsetlects are indeed wonderful, giving as it does instant relief to the gnfferer. I he many thousands who have used it declare it to be THE; BEST OINTMENT IN THE WOULD. The proprietors are daily receiving numerous tes- timonials from persons of the highest respectability and standing;, testifying to the rapidity with which cures are performed from its use. Many having mffered for years,- ha,1 tried numerous would-be remedies,—and despaired of ever finding relief, when after using this celebrated Oint- ment for a few weeks have been at once restored to their long lost health. It is a most Invaluable Remedy for all kinds of sores, skin eruptions, and no family or person shold be without a certain quantity. The advantage possessed by this "intment over all others is, that it will not close up the surface of a Wound leaving tr full of matter; but it will first bring all to the surface, and finally heal without bieaking out again. The Pills should aid the Ointment in the following cases namely: — Piles, Hoils, 3ruiseS, Excoriations blotches on the Face Ulcers, Ring-worms, Sore Heads, EycIJ, and Lips, Baldness. Chapped Hands. chatad and blistered Feet, Corns, Kuiiions, Chilblains. Frost Hites Scalds, Cuts, Bites, Stings, Scrofula, King's Kyi I Bad Le.s. Bad Hre<ll!ts, Contracted and Stiff Joints Fistulas, Gout, Swelled (Hands, l.umbagu, hheumatisui, Scalds, Whitlow, Sore Nippies, Sore lhroats, Scurvy, Sore Heads, Hash, Tumors, Old and deep-seated Ulcers, Wounds, orms, Price Is. Igd. per pot j or, by Post, Is. 8d. 11 2s.9d „ » 4s. DR. BUCHAN'S -TABLE' This invigorating medicine restores the wasted and im- paired functions Hudpowerso. lite, and «hen exhausted by s jouru in hot climates, excesses of various kinds, brought on in early youth, and old a^e. It if* a certain cure lor indigestion, lowness of spirits, hypochondri- asis, ueuraliiirt, sciatica, tic doloreuK' chronic nerv- 011, debility ana premature decay, nervo-oerebrai affections, rt'Uttl patns, inlfammation, with tlieir dan- gerous consequent deposits, such as gravel, stone, etc chronic and .spasmodic stricture, enlargement of the pros- trate, weaknt*s» of the bladder, retention and ron-retention, soitning of the kidneys.a"d all teuitle complaints. The propyl ties of this luvaluahie remedy possess the power of enriching, increasing, and puritwu^ tacb particular vital tiu.d. rendering them prolific, so as to enjoy health and vigour. When the nervous system becomes relaxed, from causes sc.c so slight that the mind can scarcely cive credence to the truth, (u hich, however, torces itst If to view by langour, list essness, disturbed steep. «N;c.) the Strengthening Essence acts at once I u a manner visible to the most careless observer, and when the constitution may be satd to be on the eve of C. V, when the sells,,8 become blunted, and nature seems to call for the debt all mankind must cancel, the ^tren-th- eiiiiii, Kasence delays the payment; and the fresh vigour imparted £ ives a New Lease of Life. In short, it would he superfluous to mention its advantages as a tome stimulant, alteiative, reviving, active, and strengthening aj;ent. if is also a jNever-failing Remedy for loss of appetite, inward wastin^s, trembling or shaking of the hands, muscular and nervous maladies, gout, rheu- matism, "1111 many other diseases originating in the heart, luiifrs, and nerves, 4c. It is a ciuretic and laxative, aud nets mos* powerfully on the internal nincoos membrane of the bowels, windpipe, <vc heing acknowledged by all as the sole" NXTUaAU STR UN ii iH liN ER OF THE HU- MAN FRAME. Per Kottle, 4s. 6d., Us" orOlle containing four times that quantity, Agents Wanted. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, THE LADIES are respectfully informed JL that this STARCH is EXCLUSIVELY USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, and HER MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS says, that although she has tried WHEATEN, RICE, and other Powder STARCHES, she has found none of them equal to the GLENFIELD, which is the FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. WOTHERSPOON Ol. Co., GLASGOW & LONDON. THE GREATEST BOON OF THE AGE! TEA DOUBLED IN STRENGTH! REDUCED HALF IN PRICE SEA SICKNESS AND THE ILL EFFECTS OF DRINK PREVENTED, AND HEALTH INSURED, BY USING Magnum promotdm, OR THE INDIAN TEA IMPROVER. Tea, which alone is simply a refreshing beverage, by the admixture of this IVALUABLE COMPOUND, is made so strengthening and nutritious, so beneficial to the nerves, that no emigrant or family should be with- out it. It effectually Prevents Sea Sickness, and not only imparts a rich taste and more strength to the Tea, which it so resembles as to show no trace of its pre- sence. but, acting as a tonic on the stomach, strength- ens the whole system, rendering it equally as desirable to the man of business or pleasure as to the most delicate female. Havin- been professionally analysed, used in pri- vate families for the past ten years, and found to con- tain the beneficial prpoerties stated, the Tea Im- prover is daily becoming a necessary article of- family use. One Penny Packet will last a week in most families, and will Save Half the Tea. Sold in Packets, at Id., 3d., fid., and is. each, with full directions for use, at the Office of this Paper, and by various Tradesmen in Swansea, Cardin, Newport, Gloucester. Bath, Liverpool, and London. Wholesale Orders to be addressed to Mr. GgORGE MAGGS. Sole Agent to the Manufacturers, 12, Dean- street, Portland-square, Bristol. CERTAIN DEATH TO VERMIN. THE LARCE DEMAND FOR HARPER TYVELVF TREES' INFALLIBLE. MICE AND RAT KILLER! HAS gained for this article an unsurpassed reputation in the home and export markets. A 6d. Packet is sufficient to kill 100 Mice, and more than 60 Rats! 1 have found your Vermin Killer ro be the best thing I have ever tried for the destruction of Mice Please send by Monday next, a S'nall assorted case for shipment to the East Indies."—CAPTAIN ANDREWS, "Lioyds." Mav 2. 1860. Sold in Packets at 3d., 6d., and Is. each, by Grocers and Urugg-ists everywhere. HARPER TWELVETREES' POiSONED WHEAT Kills Mice and Sparrows on the Spot. As there is no risk or danger to human life, nor to Cats or Dogs, it is invaluable to Housekeepers for p iisonimr Mice A penny P cket will kill hundreds of Mice and Sparrows! Farmers and Gardeners may entirely protect their crops by scattering this Poisoned Wheat over tueir seed-beds Sold in Packets atild. and 2d., and Canisters at tid. and Is. Beware ot spurious and useless imitations. Patentee,- HARPER TWELVETKEES," The WOIks" Uromley-by- Bow, London, E. Harper Twelvetrees5 BLACKING. This unrivalled Blacking enjoys a renowned celebrity, based upon its extreme softness, duarahility, and brilliancy, and for its close assimilation to the original tanning pro- peities introduced in the manufacture of leather Patentfe:—Harpc-)' fweivetrefs Bromley hy-Bow, Lon- don, E. Sold in tid. and Is Bottles, and in Penny and Half- penny Paste Packets, by Grocers and Druggists. ARE YOU IN .àGONY?! A WELL SPRING OF HOPE FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY"S OINTMENT. To the very CORE and CENTRE of all diseases which j afflict the surface of the body, this remarkable prepa- ration penetrates. It disappears under the friction of the hand, as if it were literally drawn inward by some internal force, and performs its healing errand rapidly, safely, and without pain. Simple eruptions, open sores, hard tumours, scrofulous developments of all kinds, abscesses, cancers, old wounds, and in one word every species of inflammation and suppuration, whether in the skin, the flesh, the gland, or among the muscles, can be arrested and permanently cured without danger by rubbing in anJ using as a dressing this inestimable Ointment. Diseases of the Skin. Their name is legion, but for the worst form, this preparation may be relied on as a specific. Erysipelas, ringworm, scald bead, tetter, and all discolorations, scabious eruptions, and other unnatural and inflamed conditions of the skin are relieved with surprising facility by the Ointment. It is desirable iu all cases, that the surface to which it is applied should be previously fomented with warm water. Piles and Fistulas. This valuable Ointment extinguishes the causes of these complaints, removing them with perfect safety, when all other means have failed. Old Wounds, Sore Legs, &c. When, from any cause, an old wound re-opens, and begins to discharge, it may always be healed by th.s Unguent, and cases of sore legs which have been a continual source of torment for twenty years, have been radically cured in six weeks by the same process. Sold at the Establishment of PROFESSOR HOLLO- WAY, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London atso by all respectabte Druggists and Healers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following prices :-18. ljd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lie., 22s., and 33s. each Pot. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B. — Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. AN ADVICE TO MOTHERS "CHIL nREN are generally troubled with worms. VV M. D. M. JENKINS, Chemist, Medical Hali, Newcastle Emlyn, South Wales, has invented a very simple, certain, and effectual remedy. They are small sweet cakes the children will eat them with as much pleasure as they eat a biscuit. A little girl of mine, two years of age, took one of them, and in less than five hours, was delivered of 21 long worms. I made a trial of them upon two others of my children, and they had the most astonishing effect. .1 wish all the world to know of this valuable remedy." J. WILLIAMS. "Independent Minister, Newcastle Emlyn." Sold in Packets at 71d. and Is. IM. each, by post IOJ. and Is. 8d. each, stating age. Prepared only by D. M. Jenkins, Chemist, Medical Hall, Newcastle Emlyn, South Wales, and to be had of all respectable Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the United Kingdom. Sold in Aberaman, by Mr. Sims, chemist; Aber- dare, Mr. Orchard, chemist; Bridgend, Mr. Price, chemist; Cardiff, Messrs. James and Williams, and Mr. J. Cross, and Mr. Kernick, chemists; Chepstow, Messrs. Holtham. Dunn, and Williams, chemists; Carmarthen, Mr. J. W. White Guildhall-square, and Mr. R. M. Davies, King-street; Dowlais, Mr. Han- cock, chemist; Hirwain, Mr. Sims, chemist; Llan- elly, Mr. Hughes, chemist; Llandilo, Mr F. Francis, chemist; Merthyr, Messrs. Smyth, Rees Thomas, and J. D. Weir, chemists; Mountain Ash, Mr. Goulstone, chemist; Neath, Mr. Hibber, chemist; Newport, Mr. H. L. Williams, chemist; Pontypool and Abersychan, Messrs. W. & E. Wood, chemists; Pontypridd and Trefforest, Mr. Bassett, chemist; Swansea, Messrs. Dawe and Son; Pontlotyn, Rhymney, Mr. Evans, chemist; Tredegar, Mr. Evans, chemist; Tremadoc, Mr. Jones, chemist. LLYFRAU CYMREIG, CYHOEDDEDIG AC AR WERTH GAN J. T. Jones, Swyddfa'r "Aberdare Times." AM BRISOEDD GOSTYNGOL. I s. d. "VTODAU EGLURHAOL. gyda svlwadau JJTI ymarferol ar De-tament Newydd ein Harglwydd a'n Iachawdwr lesu Grist, yn yr hwn y tnae v Testun Cysegredig wedi ei are graffu yn gyflawn yr ystyr hefyd yn cael ei egluro, ac esiampl addysgiadol y bendigedig lesu, yn nghyd a'i apostoliori santaidd, yn cael ei chymeradwvo er ein hefelychiad; v cyfan wedi ei fwriadu er anog darlleniad o'r Yscrythyrau mewn teuluoedd, ac i wneuthur y darlleniad o honynt vn fuddiol ac yn hyf. ryd. Gan y Parch. W. Burkitt; yn rhwym, am 1 7 0 GEIRIADUR DUWINYDDOL. yn cyn- wys svlwadau eglurhaol, beirniadol, ac ymar- ferol ar bt-if eiriau, erthyglau, gosodiadau, a dyledswyddau crefydd, ac ar boll rasau a rhinweddau v fuchedd Gristionogol, yn nghyd a'r pechodau gwrthwynebol iddynt. Hefyd, darluniad tea- 0 egwyddorinn ac ymarferion yr amrywiol bleidiau erefyddol a fu yn y byd o amser Crist hyd y dyddiau hyn, yn nghyd a hanes fer o fuchedfi yr ysgrifenwyr mwyaf enwog a yrrddangosasant yn yr oesoedd a aelhant, heibio ar faes duwinvddiaeth. Gan y Parch. W. Jones, Penybont; yn rhwvm, N'd oes ond ychydig gyfrolau o'r llyfr hwn ar law anfoner am dano yn ddioen 1 7 0 DAEARYDDIAETH YSGUYTHYROL, neu egluriadau o'r Ysgrythyrau santaidd, mewn pedwar o raniadau sef, 1. Daearydd- jaetb y Bihl. 2. Bywgraffiaeth y Bibl. 3. Aoianycdiaeth y Bibl. 4. Defodau ac arfer- ion gwahanol genedlaethau hen a diweddar guledydd y Dwyrain. Addurnedig a gwa- hanol Arluniau; yn rhwym, 0 15 0 HANES Y NEF A'R DDAEAR, sef. Daearyddiaeth gyfFrediuol, dull a threfn y ser alr planedati, &c., &c.; yn rhwym, 0 15 0 CRYNODEB 0 EIRIADUR YSGR Y- THYROL A DUWINYDDOL, mewn rhafau, 0 6 0 Eto, y» rhwym, o 7 6 ESBONIAD y Parch. Christmas Evans ar Lyfr y Datguddiad. Mae y llyfr bwn yn brin. 0 2 6 SYLWADAU y Parch. Peter Williams ar y Bibl; yn rhwym, 0 6 0 CYHOEDDWYD YN DDIWEDDAR, PRIS 3c., ANERCHIAD Y PARCH. G. LEGGE, LLJX, ar GENADAETH YR EGLWYS AR RAN CRIST- IONOGAETH Y BYD." Cynwysiad .—I. Cynllun Duw yn ei ragluniaeth. II. Y cyfryngau a ddefnyddir i'w ddwyn yn mlaen. III. Y niweidian a'i bygythiant yn yr oes bresenol. IV. Ein dyledswydd ni yn ngwy. neb yr amgylchiad. Perbynicdd yr Anerchiad uchod y fath gymeradwy- aeth ddigyffel vb ar amser ei thraddodiad yn Nghyfar. fodydd yr Undeb Cynnulleidfaol yn Aberdar, fel y gellid dysgwyl y byddai i filoedd lawer £ o honi gael eu gwerthu yn yr iaith Gymreig. Telir y cludiad, a rhoddir 14 i'r neb a anfono werth 3s. o stamps trwy y Llythyrdy. Y mac yn llyfr cymwys iawa i'w roddi yn wobr yn yr Ysgol Sabbathol. Ci/fiwynedig i Aelodau ?/r Urdd Alfredaidd. NEWYDD El GYHOEDDI, PRIS SWLLT, HANES ALFKED FAWR; WEUI EI DDETHOL 0 WELTHIAU YR AWUURON MWY- AF CREDADWY. GAN JOSIAH THOMAS JONES. CYNWYSA y Llyfr Bedair Penod ar ddeg, y rhai C ydynt fel y canlyn :—1. Y Rrytaniaid, o'r flwydd- yn 800 cyn Crist, i'r flwyddyn 449 ar ol Crist. 2. Yr Anglo-Sacsoniaid, o'r fill yddyn 449, i'r flwyddyn 850. 3. Y Daniaid, o'r flwyddyn 850, i'r flwyddyn 855. 4. Bly- nyddoedd boreuol Alfred, o'r flwyddyn 855, i'r flwydd- yn 860. 5. Sefyllfa Lloegr, o'r flwyddyn 860, i'r flwyddyn 171. 6. Dyrchafiad Alfred i'r OrsedJ, 871. 7. Gwrthwynebiadau, o'r flwyddyn 871, i'r flwyddyn 878. 8. Ei ddarguddiad, o'r fl.878. 9, Ad-gysylltiad y fyddin, o'r flwyddyn 878. 10. Yr oruchafiaeth ar v Daniaid, o'r flwyddyn 878, i'r flwyddyn 880. 11. Nodwedd teyrnasiad Alfred, o'r flwyddyn 880, i'r flwyddyn 890. 12. Terfyn ei fywyd, o'r flwyddyn 890, i'r flwyddyn 902. 13. Ewyllys Alfred, gyda chrynhoad byr o'i gymeriad. 14. At.ddodiad. — — .— 66, QpEEN STREET, LONDON, 23rd August, I860. Messrs. R. WOTHERSPOON & Co., 46, Dunlop-street, Glasgow. DEAR SIRS,—I hav- as requested, to-day visited the Royal Laundry, with reference to the Advertise- OIent of the Nottingham firm, who state that their Starch has been used for many years in the Royal Laundry, and have been assured by Mr. Thonpson, the Superintendent, that none but yourselves have any right to state that they supply Starch to her Ma- jesty's Laundry, as no other Starch is there used, nor has been used for soaie years, but the Glenfield Pa- tent Starch. I have been further assured that your Starch con- tinues to give complete satisfaction, and that though trial has bee" made of samples of various Starches none ot these have been found nearly equal in quality io the Glenfield. I am, Dear Sirs, your obedient Servant, WM. BLACK. ALL Persons indebted to the ESTATE of the late LEWIS GABRIEL, butcher, Aberda-re. deceased, are requested to pay the same to Mr. THOMAS EVANS, Brynhyfryd, Aberdare, and all persons having any claim upon the said Estate to forward the same without delay. Brynhyfryd, April lIth, 1861. BRYNHYFRYD, ABERDARE. TO BE LET, with immediate possession, a RESIDENCE, suitable for a small genteel- family. It is situate on rising ground near the town, commanding an extensive view of the valley and surrounding hills. The house consists of two parlours, kitchen, a good cellar, four bedrooms, and outoffices complete. Rent, £ 25. Application to be made to Mr. THOMAS EVANS, House Agent. Brynhyfryd, Aberdare. Brynhyfryd, April lIth, 1861. TAILORING AND DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, (JSext door to the FothergilVs Arms,) COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. REES EVANS respectfully informs his Friends and the Public generally that he has recently commenced business in the above branches, and assures them that all orders entrusted to him will be executed with promtitude, despatch, and at the most moderate prices. LORD RAGLAN li\N, MERTHYR. T) EES GABE desires respectfully to inform JLV his Friends and the Public generally that he has removed to the above house, where he hopes to receive a continuance of their patronage and support. Horses Let on Hire on the most reasonable terms. LAMB INN, PONTYPRIDD, (Within one minute's walk of the Railway Station.) DAVID LLEWELLYN BEGS to announce that he has lately taken the above Premises, and that no exertion on his part will be spared to secure the comfort of all who may favour him -with their patronage. Well aired Beds. Good Stabling. CLEAN BREAD. C. F. QUINTIN, HOLE Inventor and Patentee of the Royal Bread O Making Machine, used in all the Sovereign Courts of Europe For Cleanliness, Economy, and Expedition it can- not be equalled. 1000 Testimonials can be produced. Made in sizes to suit Families, Schools, Unions, and large Bakeries. Manufactory—1, St. James's Square, Cheltenham. ESTABLISHED 7 YEARS. Recommended by the Principal Physicians and Surgeons in Cardiff'. MR. RICHARD B. BOULTON, SXJRG-EOTsT DENTIST, 24, CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF, CONTINUES to supply the loss of Teeth with his usual success, without the Extraction of roots or giving the slightest pain. Teeth Set in vulcanized Indian- rubber, an excellent substitute for gold at half the cost. Extracting. Stopping, with gold or white cement. Children's Teeth regulated, and all operations of the mouth periormed with ease and safety. Attendance daily from 10 to 5.-Single Tooth from fts., complete set from E5. The Nobility and Public generally of- Aberdare and neigh- bourhood are respectfully informed that they can be supplied with Teeth of surpassing beauty at very moderate charges, which will douhly compensate them for the trouble of a journey to Cardiff. SCOTTISH WIDOWS' FUND LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. FOUNDED A.D. 1815, UPON THE PRINCIPLES OF PURELY MUTUAL ASSURANCE. Head Office: St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. THE Accumulated Capital is about TH1IEE MILLIONS, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS, and the Annual Revenue is FOUR HUN- HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS. COURT OF DIRECTION, 1859-60. PRESIDENT. The Right Hon. the Earl of Rosebery, K.T. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Sir William Gibson Craig, Bart. The Most Noble the Marquis of Dalhousie, K.T. The Most Noble the Marquis of Tweeddale, K.T. James Moncreiff, Esq., M.P. EXTRAORDINARY DIRECTORS. Frederick Thynne, Esq., Land Agent, George-street, Westminster. James Bristow, Esq., Northern Bank, Belfast. Sir Archibald Alison, Bart. The Venerable John C. Martin, D.D.. Killyshandra, County Cavan, Archdeacon of Ardagli. William George Anderson, Esq., II.M. Treasury, Whitehall, London. Sir John Stuart Forbes of Pitsligd, Bart. The Right Hon. Lord Panmure, K.T. The Hon. Bouverie F. Primrose. The Hon. Lord Ivory. The Hon. Lord Neaves. The Very Rev. Thos. Barclay, Prin. of the University of Glasgow. Theodore Walrond, Esq. of Calder Bank. Alexander Goodsir, Esq., Banker, Edinburgh. George Brown, Esq., of Messrs. Morrison, Dillon, & Co., Merchants, London. Anth. Murray, Esq. of Dollerie. The Hon. Lord Jerviswoode. Archibald Davidson, Esq., Sheriff of Aberdeenshire. John Garford, Esq., Russell Square, London. The Rev. Dr. Guthrie, Edinburgh. u T) „ John Mackenzie, Esq., Treasurer of the Bank ot Scotland. ORDINARY DIRECTORS. Isaac Bavley, Esq. of Manuel. Sir Adam Hay, Bart.. John Cadell, Esq. of Tranent. James Tytler, Esq. of Woodhouselee. Thomas Leburn, Esq., S.S.C. Geo. Bell, Esq., Merchant, Leith. William Wilson, Esq., C.S. Wm. E. Aytoun, Esq., Professor, Edinburgh Univer. isity. Henry Clieyne, Esq., W.S. Alex. Thomson, Esq., W.S. Thomas Constable, Esq., Publisher, Alexander Shank, Cook Esq., Advocate. Thomas G. Mackay, Esq., W.S. Lewis A. Wallace, Esq., Architect, Edinburgh. Archibald D. Cockburn, Esq., Wine Merchant, Edin- burgh. William James Duncan, T,,sq., Banker, Edinburgh. SAMUEL RALEIGH, Manager. WM. LINDSAY, Sa rrtary. Agent for Cheater, JAMES SMITH, Old Bank. I QUEEN'S HOTEL, ABERDARE. TO BE RAFFLED FOR, AT THE ABOVE HOTEL, On WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st, 1851, A MINIATURE PANORAMA, 21 feet long bv 14 inches in breadth, consisting of views from Chatham Dockyard to Pembroke Castle, with moving figures and set pieces complete. 120 Members required, at Is. er Vi ember; the jnner to'apend 5s., and the putter up 10s. To be viewed at LYON & HYAM'S, Pawn- brokers, Aberdare. C. GRIMSHAW & CO.'S "BLACK STAR" LINE OF PACKET SHIPS. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. Sailing Weekly throughout the Year. Tom Tons Ships. Captains. Register. Burthen, WVBSTEB J- J- Lawrenee 1727 3000 ELLM AUSTIN W. H. Garrick 1«9S 2S00 HEVRY CLAY D. Caulkins 1207 2040 OKITNT G. S. Hill 1560 2700 CALHOUN D.H.Truman 1749 3000 EXCELSIOE J.Q.A. Swift 1163 2000 Sns OI THE Wssr H.Morrison 1191 LUCY THOMPSON Q. Crocker 1490 2o00 •ThRiiMiAH THOMPSON G. H. Blake 18^0 3400 CITY OF NEW YORK C. H. Salter 1830 3400 TYPHOON J- S. Salter 1611 2/60 AMEKICA H. F. Salter 11B0 2020 EMPIKE STATE. I/. J• Briggs 1323 2290 LADY FRANKLIN J. Jordan 13/4 INVINCIBLE H. L. Hepburn 176S' 3000 They are all first-class Ships, NEAHLY ALL NEW, built of the very best materials, and are remarkably fast sailers. Their Commanders are men of experience and nautical judg- ment, and are well acquainted with the Trade. The First Cabins are fitted up in a most elegant and com- mndious style, where Passengers have every possible comfort and accommodation, at a very reasonable rate. The Second Cabins and Steerages are lofty and airy, and are in every way adapted to promote the comfort and health of passengers, who can thus have a passage at a cheap rate. Every information will be given on application by letter. In conformity with recent acts of the British and American Legislature, each adult Passenger will be provided with the following weekly allowance of provisions. Children under eight years rroeiving half sach allowance, viz.:— ,3 £ lbs. Bread 2 lbs. Potatoes Î 1 Flour 1 „ Sugar 1 1 £ „ Oatmeal 2 oz. Tea f 1J „ Peas ± „ Mustard > 3 quarts Water daily. l| Eice | „ Pepper i j „ Salt Beef „ Salt 1 „ Salt Pork J pint Vinegar J The appointed days of sailing are strictly adhered to. Sums of money received in Liverpool, either by post-officei order cr otherwise, will he paid in New York on demand Apply to C GBIMSH4W & Co., 10, ttoree Piazzas, aud 50, Waterloo-road, Liverpool; or to THOS. H. EVA N S, 9, Bute- street, Aberdare. Agent in New York, George W. Rider, 275, Pearl-street. ABERDARE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH nx<3-i3;W-A."3rs- PERSONS desirous to CONTRACT for the JL supply of Quarry, River, Field, or Lime Stone, Iron Cinders, &c., from the 3rd day of May next, up to and until the 25th of March, 1862, for either one or more of the undermentioned Divisions of the Hiifhway Roads, are requested to send sealed Tenders (post paid) on or before the 1st day of M >y next, to Mr. H. J. HOLLIER, Aberdare, Clerk to this Board, stating the number of jthe District for which they wish to Tender, and the price per cubic yard at which they are willing to supply the same and any person offering for more than One Division must send tor each a separate Tender :— N„. Name of I),vision Mature of Material Required. 1 The Town Div.sion to include all the Highways between the Trap Biidge nnd the Bla. k Lion (Limestone ijOO Crossing of the l)are and A man Railway, and J Cinders 100 between the Upper and Lower Village Toll G*tes, and Quarry or Field Stone 200 the Footpjths within the Town, and on Hifwain ( Red Ashes 100 the Footpjths within the Town, and on Hifwain ( Red Ashes lOO. Common as far as theBHarInn. 2 The Cefnpennar Division to comprise the Nantwen- nllt Itoud from the top of ti.e Meitliyr Hill to the I Quarry Stone 400 Trap Bridge, and the Cefnpennar Roads from the f Cinders 160 Trap Bridge to Mountain Ash Bridge J 3 The Ff'orrhaman Division to comprise the whole of") the Highways within the Hamlet of Fforrhaman, I Field St'-ne. •, 200 excepting those wit.iin the Town Division J i 4 The Cwmdarc Division to comprise the whole of the ) j j Highways* within the Ilimlet, excepting those I Field Stone j 180 j within the Town Division j } | 5, [The Llwydcoed Division to cons'st of (he whole of ( Field Stone j 20fr I the Highways within the II nslet, excepting the -(Limestone | 200 I Nantwenallt Road (Cinders 50 I i The M iterial to be broken sufficiently small to pass by its largest dimensions through a two-and-a-quarter ( inch gauge, and to be perfectly free from dirt. It is to be delivered in such quantities as may he directed by the Surveyor to the Aberdare Board of Health, and piled in the Depots or other places 011 the Roadside, pointed out by the Surveyor, in readiness for measure- ment by the time named for its delivery on such Sur- veyor's order, "which order shall always be sent to th3 Contractor at least a Fortnight before the day named for the delivery of such Material. Each Contractor will be nquired to takeaway, with- out charge, any Road Dirt that rn"y have accumulated from Scraping, Cleaning Ditches or Drains, &c., in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Divisions. The Board does not bind itself to accept the lowest cr any Tender. The iI/lIoe of a Person prepared to become Security for the due performance of the Contract to accompany each Tender. For further particulars apply to Mr. ROD DAM C. HALL, Survevur t.) tlie 8 ard. By Order of the Boaid, H. J. HOLLIER, Clerk. Abeidare. Apri! 4th, 1SGI,