Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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[A CARD."] HUA L. MORRIS cessor to Messrs. 11. G. Price fy Co.,) EE, BUILDER, & CONTRACTOR, spared to YALUE PROPERTY for bate, PREPARE BUILDING PLANS ocal Board, and undertake CONTRACTS JDING, &c., &c. OND VILLAS, Clifton Street, Aberdare. HE SOUTTL^S LINE." CT STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CARDIFF AND THE States of America and Cardiff. South Wales Atlant c"Steam Ship Com- iy's New First-ctass full-powered Clyde imers ltGAN 2500 Tons. 500 H.P. )KE 2500 „ 500 RTHEN 3000 „ 600 „ E gularly from Cardiff to New York, Passengers at through rates to all the towns in the United States and Canada. Steamships are built expressly for this d fitted up with all the latest conveni- the comfort and convenience of all Passengers. information, apply to E. G. PRICE, Emigration Offices, Aberdare. lportant to Country Patients. rATION BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE MITH, the Eminent Specialist for the cure of all tating Diseases, will, for the benefit of Country ho cannot consult him personally, on receiving s of their Case, send his opinion, with advice and lor_the most successful restoration to health and t.-A form of correspondence containing questions it the Patient in describing his case will be sent l receiving a directed envelope. Testimonials to Dr. Henry Smith. iith has received up to date March 22nd, urteen Hundred and Eighty written als from Patients who reside in the coun- of of his successful treatment conducted sondenee enty. Ir. H. SMITH, S, Bnrtoii-Crcxcent, London, W.C' ust published, post free for Two Stamps, B TO HEALTH; or ADVICE AND ructions for the of Nervous Debility. By MITH, M.D. of the University oi Jena, Author lunteer's Manual," &c. TO HEALTH is a New Medical Work ou the atment of all Diseases of the Nervous System, sbility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpita- heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, ight, and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy ite PaiDs in the Bark, Timidity, Self-distrust, Leve of 8ol:t«de, Oroundless Fears, Weakness, Relaxation, &o., resulting from Exhaustion of er. Gives INSTRUCTIONS for the development hening the human body, how to acquire nealth h. secure long life and avoid the infirmities Thousands have been restored to health by the l ill this book. Illustrated with Testimonials tre.m ients. Sent Free by pos; to any address, on receipt ny stamps. Dr. H Smith, 8, Birrton-Crescent, London, W C PLrCENSED VICTUALLERS* PURE TEA COMPANY, BY TIIETH APPOINTED AGENTS SUPPLY TilE PUBLIC WITH HOICE, PURE, AND UNADULTERATED, At the lowest possible ericas. •boloe and pare. in amber wrappers, nt 8s. per II), "'rat crop Tonkin orange wrappers, at 211. (VI. p"r lb, Pinest Mixed Tea. in chocolate wrappers, at 3*. per lb. 'inrait Moyanp Green Tea, In light-green wrappsra, per lb. Assam Indian very fine Black Taa, in dark blue and st 3F. (Vi. pJr lb. i of lib., lib., i!h.. and 2oz.t find in canisters of glbq. ¡ oaca. Each packet bears tracte mark, name. & price, rftil to obtain the PURE Tea Company's Teas. toleenie UepAti George F. Smyth, Manager, N STREET, LONDON BRIDGE, S.E. SN MOURNING. — Messrs. JLY are provided with experienced d'reAAIWlUt:a.wd.mU- 7 to travel to any part of the kingdom. fV"n ot es- Lrchagers, when the eir.ersrencies of sudden or un- mming require the Immediate execution of mnnniint? jjy take with them dresses, bonnets, and millinery, wtals, at is. per yard and upwards from the piece, all lain ntrnre*. ana at the same mice as if purchased at ning Warehouse in Repent-street.* Reasonable e«ti- -0 (riven for household moarninit at n (freat pall families. THE LONDON C ENERAL MOURN- KHOTTSK, 215. 247, S10. and 2S1, Resrent-st, Ixradom NO H MEDICINES"; PREPARED BY GEIMAUI.T & CO., IMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS, 8, EUK VIVIBNWS, PARTS. I the MEDICINES offered to the TO for many years PRT,ST, none have been so gene- red by the Medical Profession, as those prepared Qrimaulfc and Ci. leee^prepaj-ations we may especially mention !— rimault & CO.'s Q-uarana. 7,1872. speakingof this production, asks :— you like G-uarana ? tve you tasted Guarana P es Guarana agree with you ? ineetinns will perhaps be asked idl over Fnarland rtly, Just as. in past centuries, aur ancestors each other vhat they th»n<rht of those novel II coffee and tea. Guarana grows in Brazil, and ruit of a shrub, peekd, dried,' and reduced tq powder of this rr> £ "tnhln production is smffioiont itantly the most VIOLENT RICk HTiADACHK. toot valuable remedy against diarrhtta, dysenteru, iaorders, .prooeeding from derangement of the r bowels. This p«wder is indispensable for all Price 2s. Cd. per packet. Asthma. Asthma. QRIMACLT & Co/a I Cigarettes of Cajinabis Indica. neans hitherto emi^nyed to relieve Asthma have mlliatives in vajjgd forms, based on belladonna, n, nicotiana, or opfntn. Recent experiments m;;d»> 3 Hospitals hare proved that onr Cigarettes raot of Indian Kemp possess remarkable virtues) is ermiplamt, as well as against nervous cout/ht, yrtqVin, hoarseness, lott of voice, facial neuralgia, it*. Price lø. M. per case. Lit &; Co.'s Syrup and Wine of Peruvian Bark and Iron. yhig tiaedioine presents, in an agreeable form, the active ^Tjiciples of Periivian Bark, the best, of tonics, combined -'¡tb Iron, ODe of the principal bases of the blood. It rapidly the dUlfettiiU) stomach complaint* 'oanse*l by Rtt«B(iia, weakness^, and other discomforts to which ladies are liable, and is also excellent for pale, lymphatic, and children. Lastly, it e«riU> the appetite, promoter ?*R6etipn, and ii extremely beneficial to all persons whose ™ood has been impoverished by illness, or long and d fTicult Price.- Syrup, 2s. 9d.; Wine, 4s. 64. GRIMAULT & Co/a I«yfized Syrup of Horse Rad;sh. Considertd the best substitute for Cod liver Oil. It has Vfceeo ascertained by experiments made in the principal Hns- Pital* of Paris that this Syrup has alway- produend rf suits to those obtained from the ab'ive-mentioneci Oil, Which patients find so disa^reeal^le to tnka. Not a sinprlo instance can be adduced in which pale, lym- Wiatio children, subject to swelling of the glands, (o eruption af the skin, of the head or thn faco, cr other evidences weak censtit«tion, have taken this syrup without deriv- iljf tignal benefit from its use. Price 4*. 6il. GUIMAULT & Co.'s Syrup of Hypophosphite of Lirtte. An exoellent remedy for all affections of the chest; it retteces toughs, effectually prevents nocturnal perspiration, and restores the patient's strength. Xliis syrup i« the only one nhich, ever since 1857, has invariably been attended With satisfactory results, a fact due to the purity of the hrpophosphHe employed. Bo sure to observe that it bears toe signature, Grimault and Co. Prion 2s. 9d. GRIMAULT & Co's Vegetable Matico Capsules. The EflgeDtiftl Oil of Matioo, OOIIJtuned with the Balsam of and admmustored in the form of Capsulas, couted vvith gluten, forms a very active medicament, and is superior to all capsules of copaiba, liquid or solid, rliataajy or bismuth, and to all the opiates known. These Capsules tapidly cure the most obstinate caj-es, and nover fatigue the Itomioh or bowels. Price 43. Gd. per bottle. STOLE$$CNT3 for the ENIKB JIMGBXRM— F. NEWBERY & SONS, 37, NEWGATE-STREET, LONDON. LOCAL AGENT. MR, W. J. THOMAS, Chemist, Aberdare. EVAN DAVID, PECOBATOB. PAINTER, &c., II1 GH S T R E E T, ABERDARE. \C 3J'II A large and varied Selection of ENGLISH and French Panel Decorations and Paperhangings in RENAISSANCE, POMPRIAN, and AIIAB- ESQUE Styles on view, mounted to show the side of a room as finished at from £ 2 10s. to £ 50 per room. Every description of Painter's work at Lowest Priccs. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. Q" VENETIAN AND WIRE BLINDS MADE TO ORDER. H. A. WELLSTED, BUILDER, PAINTER, PAPER HANGER, &C., Woodbine Cottage, Gljfton Street, Aherdire. -r- Jobbing of all Jcinds done expeditiously and Cheaply. PAPER HANGINGS RANGING FROM 3;D. PER PIECE. ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. THOMAS WHITSUN JONES, A U C T ION E E R, HOUSE AND COMMISSION AGENT, 35, COMMERCIAL-FLACE, ABERDARE. Auction Rooms and Seend-hand Furniture Stores. C. H. V I D A L. 1, OXFORD-ROW, GADLYS ROAD, ABERDARE, Accountant, House and Commission Age n t, 1 RENT AND DEBT COLLECTOR. Agent for the London Assurance Corporation. NEW II A T S FOR 1873. HENRY LEWIS, II, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE, HAS JUST. RECEIVED Several Crates of New Felt and Silk Hats, Also Several Cases of New CCAI?F«, TIES, COLLAHS, GLOVES, &c., for the Season. CHRISTY'S BEST HATS ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. LEWIS H. EVANS, ^OUSE^ Siga, Oinamen and Claziet-, HANGER, No.1, S TAT ION S THE E T, ABEltDARE. | | All Orders punctually attended to. Aberdare, Mountain Ash, and Hirwain 'ClTCpwitt*# Permanent Benefit Building Society. Shares, JE10 each—Entrance Fee, 6d. per Share. The Shares may be paid up in one sum, or by instalments, eilher monthly or quarterly, &c. MorrtWy instalments from Oue Shilling AND upwards, ACCORDING H» TB-E- SOMBER nf YT-ars which they run. Each Member is unlimited as to the number of Sharos he may hold, atid no liability can attnch to any investor. TRUSTEES: Mr. W. Morris, Commercial-place Mr. W. Dyke, Commercial-pi ace. DIRECTORS; Mr. W. Dyke, Commercial-plnce Mr. B. Evans, Cwmbach Mr. W. Morris, Mr. J. Hughes, Ciifton-street Mr. W. Lloyd, Canon street Mr. J. Hammett, Werfs Mr. J. W. McEwen, Station-street Mr. E. David, High-street Mr. David Davies, Canon-street Mr. D. C. U:'yn' Maendy-piace Mr. Richard Jones, Clifton-street Mr. H. A WT llstead, Clifton-street Mr. John James, Oloster-street Mr. Theophilu» Williams, Aberamah Mr. Leyshon Rhys, Bwllfa Mr. John Rees, Cwmbach. SOLICITORS: Messrs. Rosser and Phillips, Canon-street. SURVEYOR: Mr. Evan Griffiths, High street. SECRETARY: Mr. C. R. Vidal, Gadlys-road. BANKKRS Messrs. Wilkins & Co., Aberdnre. OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY.— First-For the easy, saf. and profitable investment of the savings of industrious individuals, in I ither large or small sums. Second—To lend money to its Members for the following ohjpcts: (1) To buy fr.'ehold or leasehold property. (2) To erect or improve buildings. (3) To pay oti existing Mortgages. P,) To raise money, for business or other purposes, by mortgage of property. INVESTING DEPARTMENT. — First—For individual or family provision, either for sickness or old age. Second-For apprenticing or starting children in business, &c. Third-For Securing marriage portions. Fourth—For the remunerative investment of sums of money preparatory to borrowing of the society for purchasing or building a house. Fifth—A person making a monthly payment of 13s. 4d. for ten, or 7s. 6d. for fifteen years, will receive, at the end of that time, £100 and his share of the surplus profits of the Society by way of bonus. BORROWING DEPARTMENT.— Borrowers may obtiin advances of money on mortgage of cither freehold or leasehold property, which they may use for any purpose they desire. Tables of rates for the subscriptions of either investing or borrowing members may be had on application to the Secretary. Members can be enrolled from half-past Six to Eight o'clock, every Monday and Thursday, at the Aberdare Library and Reading Room. Tttfi-WKST SUBSCRIPTION MEETING Will take place on Monday Evening, J4tb July, and the second Monday Evening in every month following. /f > y/z

