Papurau Newydd Cymru

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ABERDARE v'Ercial AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, CONDUCTED BY THE REV. J. JOSEPH GEORGE, UNITY ROUSE, "IGIILAXD PLACE, A BEIlDARE. Established 18G5. Catlon thorough; conducted on sound prin- eiples. Parate attention is given to each Pupil. TERMS £ 1 Is. and 15s. "WHY SUFFER?" TRY ONE BOX OF EVANS'S ^LIOUS AND LIVER PILLS, illicit is the best known r?medy for and.^ Liver Complaints, the Piles, •w and Gravel. IN C°ti8equpnce of numerous private recom- T€n{lation8, the Proprietor has at length pt,jj.. ln^uced to bring these valuable Pills into ;,I feeling tiggtir-d that a,general trial stan,^ore fully prove their superiority and sub- ^ceive^ 'mPor^ant testimonials already adoi'*eSe consist of a c/reful and peculiar the 'X, °f the choicest Vegetable Aperients tioti every recommendation of mild opera- 8ut'ce-siul effectyand rt quire no restraint Sijf C-f>' "fIT,ent whilst/taking them they act y on the \iydr, and disperse morbid ac- V a^°r>s; the intestinal functions are rendered tjn ar bj" thrir use, and tliair regularity con- I'be 8 a-^ter *'le Pills have ceased to be taken. *11 foetid a most efficacious remedy "for Se»'mf''>t8 of the digestive organs, and the i Varieties of bilious and liver complains, tojv, ky more or less of thu following symp- -Frt qiietit sickneg,, acidity or heartburn, If* "8 giddiness, spasms, flatulency, tender- ln region of the liver, costivens-ss, piles yellow jaundice, drowsiness, loss of PPetite, wind, depression of the spirits, pains the loins and back, scrofula, ecurvy, }'Slp»las, impuritifs of the blood, rheumatism, Vilins in the stomach and sid-a, indigestion, in- solation, palpitation, pimples on the face, &c. I'h,-se Pilis fpcedHy remove irritation and a everish state of the Stomach, correct the morbid ^odition of the Liver and organs subservient .'o 'Station, and promute a due aud healthy secre- !|<* of bile. in Foxes, l.v. 1 *r/ and 'Is. 0d. each; hit Post, 1#. 4<J. »nd 3s., direct from the Proprietor, J. W EVANS, H.R.P.S., Dispensing Chemist 14, CoMMEtC'lAL-STKEET, ABERDARE, GLAMORGANSHIRE; I And from all respeetablo Chemists. London, IT'. Sutton 3c Co., and t^rr; Bristol. Pcarce Jf- Co.; Ackerman, drya r'^o"ard Qk Retail—A bernman. Sims, T'oifn*4 j (*a*lys, Williams; James Lewis, George Pent *r^tb'r > Brynmax'r, A. M■ Jones; lj fe' "• A. George; Ilhymnei/, F. Dixon Rugh*1111 -dbel James; Llunelly, Jacob u_- MONEY TO LEND, on fcood Freehold nr Leasehold Security.— Apply to DAVID ltlcffARns, Solicitor, 3♦, Canop-street, Aberdare. 1[.\ YE '5 WO RSDFL LIS PILLF. THE extraordinary cures effected by this old t> Vr 6^n<ng remedy are so numeious that their Publication is almost an impossibility. selection, however, accompanies each box. th^f Pro°* their efficacy is to he found in 6 tact that those who liaTe once tried them r«ful never to be without them, feeling con- nCPd that where they are to be had DOCTOR'S BILLS ARE UNNECESSABY. Chemists and other Dealers in tent Medicines at Is. l^d., 2s. 9a., and 4s. 6d. fdesale Depot, 22, Bread-street, London. CIDER FOR SALE. A QUANTITY of PURE HEREFORD- SHIRE CIDER. Delivered in any size ^A*K« over 4 £ Gallons.—Apply to EDWARD j. ,K*EY, Green Grocrr, opposite the Black Lion °tel, Aberdare. where sample and price may be cbt*ined. Coijpor^B ESSEFC* OT I.IRSTTI). for Co!ds and etirea nine olfff# out of ten. Sold by all Chemist#, impurity of the Blood.-Enfeebled Existence. This medicine etnbnws nrery nttribntc roqnired in n, preneral ?')'> doraf^ths reinedv*; it o«rertt>rn8 tha foundation of disensa hT a^fcrti-re ftvvd and impure air. In obstruction or oon- of thA liv". lnn<«..bowols, or any other organs, tlie^A 'Hs ar« especially .■wrvfro'Abto an<l eminently snooeflsfu!. Tlioy Vy'i'M be kept in' reading in every family, being n. medicine '•mpnrahle iifllrty fur yoan^ pcraoiM, particnlarly to thoso fbeble eonstitutiona. biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and. Lownegs of Spirits. Th~v> pgis effect truly Trp^derful chsnste in (iebilttatcd /^titutions. as they trente s./healthy sppetite. correct iudl- Femore oftbilp, #6d overcome giddipess, headache, *8d palpitation of th« htort// Mothers and Daughters. If ttjars 1-i one thin? more than another for which the?« *~UU are r:irri'iu<. it is their pmiMncr propertie-?, espedally their POw^r of c1oiu<irvg the hlood from all Impririties, rpmovim? dan- Pro" B^rons (vmswe-iou^. nnd r'*nf':inr ?n,5**n'^ ft^rPtion^. TTniver- ttdo^ttxl t>ie ont (r-ran remedy for fomale complaints, •o«*e Piiu never fail, rever vreakon ttve system, and alway* n°g about what ia required. lAfUgestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. Jerspns snfferins fr»m aov dtnorders of the !;v«r, stnmacft, ochor ot^aaa of dipeitl.Mi, ghonrt have imjnetUatc r0G0iir-« to k^*?PlHs, as ther« Ih no mflkme k«"Wfi that iwt«t on tUaso P^naoatar somploiats with SACH oertalu SUOOKS. ^5LL» and Ointment are ROM at Ppofesaor IlOI.L{)W-Ay'q h»<infc <Tt. Oatfcrd J»peat. London, afcw by n«itrt)' '^PortwMe Vendor of M^diniaa ttinnigboot the nivOMMt Z.*»T Boa.-m wwi PtR. nt la. ljd, U-st. 4a. M.. Boll. T2g- And *>». each. The xmojlfrt Bolt of Pills can tains foar dozen and the Hmallart, Pot at Ointment 000 oancc. d\pwi«^w m afRved to each Box and P/ it, and ■WUI ixtd la aav Uaena'9\ eren in Tartciish, Arftbiv, Xnaaolaa, v 16—4, I wor tihinet*}. HENRY LEWIS FOR MILLINERY, MANTLES, > y COSTUMES, AND FANCY DRESS MATERIALS! SliOW ROOMS ARE NOW O F E 1ST. II, Commercial Place, Aberdare. CARPETS! CARPETS!! CARPETS! Cretonnes! Cretonnes! Cretonnes! H. LEWIS, 11, COMMERCIAL-P/ACE, ABERDARE, w ILL show on FRIDAY, tWinstant, and following days, several THOUSAND YARDS OF HEMP, FELT, AND TAPESTRY CARPETS. The Largest and Cheapest Stock he has ever offered. March 27th, 1876. R 11 Y S E T N A JON E S I 1 Has just receivoct an excellent VARIETY OF WOOLLEN CLOTHS, AAdis prepared to make up GOOD MEN'S SUITS from je2 5s. Od. to J63 15s. Od. I IMPORTANT NOTICE! EVAN LLOYD, '.7 ID DR. :F> E ZR, ABERAMAN, Being about to remove to his NEW PREMISES, will offer the whole of his STOCK at an IMMENSE REDUCTION! NEW GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT 0.' ) AT ( 35, COMMERCIAL STREET, ABERDARE. D. L. PRQBEIIT, of Gwmbach, BEGS to inform his friends, and h)'" Pul'lic generally, that he has just OPENED the above PRKMIShS (formerly in the occupation of the late Mr. DAXCE), with a Large and Superior Stock of all kinds of GROCERY and PROVISIONS. -:0:- THE LOWEST Pn8=fnLE PRICRs ClIA^G EC FOR At.T, 000DIII. T. WHITSUN JONES, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AND COMMISSION AGENT, 35, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. Auction Rooms and Second-hand Furniture Stores. Taff Vale and Midland Railway Companies' Goods. I WILLIAM DAVIES, CLIFTON .STREET. Desires to inform the Tradespeople and Inhabitants of Aberdarc that he has been appointed Agent to the above Companies The most prompt attention will be given to the COLLECTION and DELIVERY of all Goods, Parcels, and Empties entrusted to liis care. Furniture removed to all paris of the towmni distiict. W. D. will most willingly render any information respecting rates, &o. Aberdare, Jnnunry 14th, 1S75. lETTER FROM THE DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH'S LAUNDRESS very much pleased with your SQUARE BLUE. BEAUTY of COLOUR and it far SURPASSES any I have hitherto used. Yours respectfully SARAH I N SQUARES. IN SQUARES. scdee Thumb and Indigo Blues, is unequalled A for Befluty of TinMor^ Economy in use, and ^^fERtOR I To be had of most respectable Grocers, Oilmen, &c. COFFINS! COFFINS!! COFFINS! SAMUEL MORRIS, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 64, BUTE STREET, ABERDARE, BEGS to inform the Public that he is prepared to supply COFFINS of all kinds, at prices as low if not low' r than can be obtained of any other person in the neighbourhood. S. M. also takes this opportunity of thanking the Public for the support he has received during the past twenty years, and trusts he may merit a continuarce of the same in the future. SAND. White's London Cement, Plaster Paris, Mortar H air, &c., all of the best quality, at E V A NTH OMAS'S, Ironmonger, and Miner's Lamp Manufacturer, '] .1 It ii It » .1« !!■ PRICE OJN A P PLICATION. 4 • I < SPRING & SUMMER FASHIONS, 1876. WILLIAM SARVIS, CARDIFF & MARKET STREETS, ABERDARE, BEGS to announce that his New and Extensive SHOW ROOMS will be Opened on SATURDAY, the 6th of MAY, when an early call will be esteemed. DEPARTMENTS. -:0:- HHLIDTEEY. MA.NTLE SHOW ROOM. Large and Choice display of jMiHinery and A Most extensive coll. ction of French and Trimmed Chip Bonnets, Plain and Trimmed Chip English Elegancies in Silk, Matelasse and Fancy and Fancy Hats in a great variety of Shapes, T-xtures, the new French Polonaise and Princess Caps, Head Dresses, Feathers, Flowers, &c., &c. Fichu some vt-ry beamiful designs in Lyontl Silk Velvet Mantles and Paletots. The Dust COSTUMES. Wrap in all Shades, &c., &c. New and Select Paris DESIGNS in Black and LADIES' OUTFITTING. Colored Silk, and also Silk and Fancy Textures Lidies* Outfitting and Children's Department, intermingled. The styles fire exccedi.iglv attnic- Fancy Petticoats, Dressing Gowns, Toild Jackets, tive and varied. Dinner, Walking, and Morning &c., &c. Children'* I)r->S3*«, Boy's Suits, and Costumes, in all the Fabrics of the Season. Infant's Millinery of all kinds. 'lTI£ EMPEKOR OF RUSSIA AND THE CITY OF LONDON. Ilia Imperial '%Iaje,;ty the Emperor of Kussia has conferred on Mr. J. W. Benson the nppointment of Goldunith to the Imperial Court, in appreciation of Mr. Benson'* artistic production of the Gold Casket prrsented to the Emperor by the Corporation of the City of London. §T \\f "DENSON, 0 TT • -E> L'o the Quren ami Royal Family To H. It. H. the Prinre of Wales (special appointment). Maker ot the Clirouo^ rapli, by winch the L)EI by and all great races are timed. I'R ze Medaliiat ot' London, DUBLM, and 1'aris. LUIXJATE HILLJ.-ION DON, E.C.; & 25, OLD BOND ST. T ^7" T>ENSON inTites attention to the unequalled ad vantages whic he i.- enib'ed to offer to purchasers by the use of stearii power AND the employment of a larsre sfnff of skilled EI^LI^H and TORPIYN workmen ihe highly satisfactory performance of his W and flocks is recognized by the PRESS ai.d the Public 1 he PRICES^CH^ED, in every INSTANCE ARE the lowext, compatible with OV ELJL F ENGLISH Clocks, far superior to foreigD, DENIGRNED by IA ENGLISH artists, manufactured on the premises and to be ob- ztained only at the above establishment Clock. Cages made to harmonize W^TH^THE architecture uf mansions, country houses, -1T/-ATCHES. From 2 to 200 Guineas. Railway Guards, Sailor* ft Soldiers, Aimers, and Workmen'* Wattlies (of ixtra ttreugth;, LOCKS. From I to I,"00 Guineas. ■J" EWELRY and Plate for Presentation,&c. Watches and Clocks repaired by skilled workmen. Old Jewelry, Silver, and Watches exchanged. 1 he r EW Pamphlets on Turi. t and Church Clocks (with testimonials), W ati B. s and C ock? Jewelry and Plate (profusely illustrated), sei-t The above sketch represents the Perpetual Calendar, P'!3T F"'E T A,'H F"R LUO -tamps. Independent Seconds, Key'ess Watch. Th-. hand«, J. W. UensonV New Woik.Tiine and Time Tellers," published by without being le-set fion time to time ftir leap year, H*rdwicke, Picc^dilU. Plain, 2s. (id.; Gilt. 3k. WR[RZLV.'B,S,ER/F8ER0,VS,NI,NVI^0'1 W I'Al'TION The Public are cautioned against misrepresentations days, weeks, months, and >eiirs; show old and NEW AIJ(, ATTEMFLM T0 8ELL Spurious Imitations sty le; phases or the moon, and variations of heat X cold. I CiAGt'i.iiTB.—Kay's best Cement for Broken Articles, 6il-, Is., 2s Sold elsewhere. Kity Bros., Stockport. HEALTH A SOURCE OF HAPPINESS. IMPORTANT MEDICAL AND SOCIAL W CRK. By HENRY SMITH, M.D. Jem.). Lnlargdd Edition, 1-10 page*, free by post, two stamps, i envelope*. EBILTTATING AND DIS EASES; their Cause, Symptoms, Consequsnees, ano. DEBILITATING AND NERVOUS DIS CUre i HIS WORK GIVER DR. SMITH'S TREATMENT (the result of Twenty-six years' spe ial piactice) for ihe Cure ol all of the Nervous System, Nervsns Detility, Mentnl im I Physical Depression, Palpitation of the heart, Noise. in the Head Rnd Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sicht and Memory, Indigestion, Loss ot Energy, Pains in the Back, Constipation, P.lnsh:ni;, Hysteria. Timuiitv, Self'diftru*t, tnzziness, Mus- cular Relaxation, He., resulting trcm F.xhausiion of Nerve Power, the effect of Over-t^Xed Energi'f-s, Enervating Habits, Brain Toil, Late Hours Over Work/tot ether abuses of the system which, it neglected, end in pVetnature decline. lUVl.s AiiVICb AND INS'IKULTION, Illustrated with Cases and Te^imorials, withtuoan3 t'sed in each ease. r.los<ary of :\Iedical Terlll! lieportant liules to lie observed by Patients 7 Free by post (:)? pagyfe), seven ttamps in envelope. WOMAN; Hel Duties, Relations, and Position. Subjects treated Girlhood Maidenhood, Courtship, Marriage, Motherhood, Female Education, Woman as a W ife, Woman as a Mother, io., Ac. It is treatise on subjects of vital importance to Woman. N.B.—A Special Edition, BXAVTIFCLLY iLLUfTBiTKD TVITK KKBRAVIMOS ON WooD. cloth gilt. One Shilling IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. Dr. -H". SMITIf, the Eminent Specialist, who has devoted twenty-six years to the treatment of NervouB and Debilitating Diseases", will, for the benefit of NervouB and Debilitating Diseases", will, for the benefit of those who cannot eonsult him personally, on receiving descrip- tion of their case, send hit opinion, free ot charge, wnh advice, lor their restoration to health. A t ouhdential form of correspondence sent free by post. Address: Dr. H. SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London, W.C. Just Published, post free 3jd. f "VTERVOUS D E'i ILITY. and HOW TO CURE IT, IN WITHOUT EXPENSIVE CONSULTATIONS and EXORBITANT MEDICAL K EES. SI owing the nef>,rioii» system ot terrorism and extortion practi ed on real or iibagiuai y jiu.erers from nervous ud other disorders by a certain class of mt dicat practitioners. This pamphlet is Hot an advertisement or preface to expensive ccimii'tatioiirf and high medical fees, but ix designed as a warning and a caution to those who sufter from nervous debility, at the saiutf time pointing out the mellOIl ot sef treatment (which can be followed without to the author) and cnntaiiiiDg the necesiary prescriptions and dietetic rules to be observed during tbir treatment; by one « ho has tuflt reil Irom mhplaced confidence in uivdical luipositiou and quackery London; H BROMI.RY, 15, Edith Villas, North End.S.W, RA.Y's CoMrotJifii ESBMCB 071 Liifslgyl), a demulcent ex- pectoraut, for ( ougby and Colds. Sold by all Chemists. 23, IRONMONGER LANE, LONDON. (THE OLD HOUSE.) .c JOHNSTON'S CORN FLOUR IS THE BEST "QUlTg FRRF FROM ADULTERATION."—Lancet. IT IS DECIDEDLY SUPERIOR."—Lancet. I have examined Johnston's Corn Flqui: and find it per- fect y purt-and moit Excellent in quality. When boiled with milk it affords i omp(ete nourishment tur Children aud per- sons of weak dige-tion." CHAtLEt A. CAMIROK, M.f) F.R.C.S.I. I'refessor of Obeniistry, Royal Cellege of Surgeons, Dnbliu. MRS. TILLEY, TEACHER OF ENGLISH AND ITALIAN SINGING, PIANOFORTE, &c., VISITS ABERDARE every Week. For further information apply to MRS. TILLEV, 22, Glo'ator- errace, Aberdare. I Pupils trained for the Profession, CHLOKO-LINSBBD LOZKNOKS. a medicated linseed extract, ed; poat free, 7d. Kay Bros., Stockport, and all Chemists. B. T. PRICE, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, CATHEILINLNBTREET, ABERDARE. (yy House Repairs ot trery description done •atiafactorilj'. MONEY TO LEND,O«^OOD FREEHOLD OR LEASEHOLD SKCUMTY. For further particulars apply to r. J. T. HOWEILS, Solicitor, Public Hail Offices, Itrelictbert.' I t' KAT'S TIC PILLS, a specific in Neuralgia, Fac«*ache, &o.' are add bj all Chemists! Kay Brothers, Stockport. —^ Select Classes for Young Ladies. THE MISSES JONES ARE open to receive Young Ladies for instruc- tion in Mjisic, Singing, French* Drawing, find I'ancing, on very advantageous terms.— For further particulars apply at 3, Gadlys Terrace, Brynhyfryd, Aberdare. Inventor of the Chiffonnier Organ. to 5 04 0 o Z H CHIPFOKNIER ORGAN. THE ABERDARE Harmonium and Chiffonnier Organ MANUFACTORY. B. H. P HIL LIPS, Harmonium Manufacturer /and Inventor of the Lhiffonniqf Organ, RESPECTFULLY T^DNKA the Profession, Clergy, Gentry, and tbA Public in general for their kind patronage' in T#E past (having sold over 400 Harmoniums (jhifJonnieR Organ*), and hopes to have a continuaWe of their favour. Trade supplied with all kinds of Fitting, Pianrs, American Organs and Harmoniums, by Alexandre and Christophe and Etienne, always in stock at makers' prices. Harmoniums repaired on the shortest notice. Harmoniums supplied to Churches, Chapels, and Good Templars OR very easy terms. Expeiienced workmen always on the premises. I:SH ùW ROOMS—6, Gadlys-road, and 5, Per- se I erance place. Testimonial—From Professor Parry, Pencerdd America— Fellow Countrymen,—I have much pleasure in recommending the Chiffonnier Organ for its mellow and pipe-like tone, aud for its external appearance. Wishing the maker all the patronage he deserves.- I am, your humble servant, JOSEPH PARRY, Mus. Bac." Catalogue and lii-t of Testimonials on application. ABERDARE BURIAL BOARD. GRAVE STOKES. TAKE NOTICE, that the Owners of nil Monuments, Tomb-«, Headstones, Palisades, and other erections at the Cemetery, which are down or out of repair, are required forthwith to :R*gJ»ce and-Repair them, otherwise they will be rel I rem'o*ed'from the ground. By Order, H. P. LINTON, Clerk to the Board. 4 Canon-ktreet, Aberdare. ABERDARE BURIAL BOARD. TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. I^OTITE IS HKKEBY GIVES' that the Muri'il B"ard invite and *re pr- pared to r.ctive TKNI) W, tor DICING Graves in their Cemetery f<-r Tw<lve MENTHA, hum the LOTH day of Mny, 1876. J 'I T NDI-RRT to blo left lit my office by 10 o'clock on THE murnintf of W on.-sduy, the third day ef May next, YDTTIEAFED to ME and endorsed Tender for DIGGING (»tavt8." The Hoard do not bind thetusilvcs to accept the iow,st or any Tender. By Order, H. P. LINTON, Clerk to the Board. 4, Canon-street, Aberdare. PUBLIC NOTICE. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT I WIN NOT be responsible for any Dtbt or Debts con- tracted by my Wtff, ELIZABETH LEWIS, from thixdate. DAVID LEWIS, Ss»o. 2, Lower-atreet, Aberaman. !thy 2nd, lb76. ABERD^aE. -7'- COMFORTABLE LODGINGS for Young Mm. with, of parlour if rrqairtd. Addrt 8*, Mrs. G.V»t Office uf this Paper. (jLENFIELD. G LENFIELD. THE QUEEN'S LAUNDRESS SAYS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE EVER USED. Q-LEEFIELD. GLENFIELD. THOB THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE."— J? See Deuteronomy, chap, xii., verse 23. iiiiiaaii WORLD FAMED Trade Mark,—" Blood Mixture." THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER SKIN DISEASES. Eruptions, Blotches, Ulcerated 0 Sore Leys, Old Sores, GlRndular Swelling. Cancerous U'cers, Spots. Pimples, Pustules B> ;ls, Carbuncles. Ringworms, Scald Heads, Sore SVPR. Rrvp'pelas, Itch. Scurfs, Discolors ations of the Skin, Humours and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally carried out of the system in a short, time by the use of this world famed Medi" cine. Thousands of Testimonial* from, all Partit. for cleansing and cloarine the blood from all impurities can- not too highly recommended For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin fligense*, and sore all kind It is a never-failing and permanent cure. TMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL. — Cleanse the vitiated BltDod whenever you find its impuri- ties bursting through the skin in eruptions, or sores, cleanse it when you fird it obstructed and sluggi«h in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. As thi" Mixture is pleasant to the tfiste and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitutian of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. pLARKE'S TVORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIX TURK is sild in Bottles, 2s. 6d. eaeh, and eases, containing six times the quantity. lis. each sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of casca, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the United Kingdom ) and the world, or sent to any address on receipt, t 30 or 132 stamps by the Proprietor, F. J. CI ARKE, Chemist, High-street, Lincoln. T. W. Evans, 14, Cemmerical.street, Aberdare i AJfD ) RICHARDS, 12 and 1.1, Cardiff-street, Aberdar 1 \R. HUNTER'S Special Lecture? to Young JLJ Men, on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY M A R RIA G-E S.— When to many, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render married life unhappy, and directions for their tpeedy removal. Should be read by all who vwlue health, strength, and manhond, and wish to attain a happy old age.-Post free on receipt o two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute o Anatomy, Birmingham. ESTABLISHED I860. SECURITY IN CREDITING. FLINT AND CO.'S BRITISH AND FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. Jlmd Qfficef.—58, Cheapside, and 1, Row Lane, E-C. Branehet—.Manchester, ii, Mes»ly-rtreet, aud 6, b, and 10, Hond-street; Blackburn, 3, XachettB-street; Leicester, I' 4-.i, UejToir-street >.dinbnrj;h, 7"i, Princes-street New- c»>-t]e, 53, Urt-y-street; Glasgow, J3. Keiitield-atreot, Ar^ylo-Etreet; Corl', 70, iioutli Jklali; .Dublin, lu Henry- street. r N the interests ef trade, and at a lieary ex- I penditure of time and capital, these Offices hove bees established. The Agents and Correspondents, both British and Foreign, have been selected with oare. Constant communication is maintained with the various Bureaux des Renseignements of the Con- tinent, the Intelligence Offices of the United States, and the British-American, Indian, Aus- tralian, and other Colonies. A trusted confidential vehicle of information; a plain answer to a plain question is givrn. Truth in the report, safety in the transaction, is the end desired and sought for. TERMS:—' R3 38., C5 ,5s., and CIO 10a. and towards, per annum. N.B.— Banks and their branches contracted for. All telegrams, Accounts lor Collection, Com- mercial Inquiries, and all other communica- tions to the London Office only. Dralts crossed National Provincial Bank of Eng- land, to FLINT & Co., London. ENTITLED To-40 Inquiries on Grent Britain:- three gtamps each Inquiry H. r- inquifv sent to three or four cor- respondents. Gazetle weekly, and index quarterly (register contains over a million names.) Any additional number of Inquiries at 1 S. 9d. each. „ Legal advice at any time, or any num- ber of times, free of charge, on any commercial question. „ Debts applied fur t'lubjt ot to the follow- ing commission :—5 per cent. from £ 2 to 1;20 2J per cent. from £20 to and It pfOr cent, beyond or subject to prior special arrange- went. I „ Monthly SETTLEMENTS. Foel, for Ifevibers rhis Office make each and fffry inquirv (no matter how closely it tollows on a previous inquiry) the subject of a fresh investigation. References to more than 10,000 firms. Our system of Debt Collecting is much approred 1. Our Registers and Reference to Correspond- ents at once show Debtors ability to pay. 2. No spending good money after bad. 3. Special facilities in County Courts. 4. Judgment against Debtor'in 12 days, Attendance to prove debt unnecessary. 6. Commission, 5 per cent. under JE:20, 2 I per cent, above. 7. Prompt Remittance. A carefully revised list of Swindlers, with their latest aliases kept at this otiioe. NOTICE.— In this offioe, a Debt, after ap- lication is made, is not left to die a natural death. Promp, efficient, and voluntary advice is given to Subscribers as to best means of recovering same. It in London, a clerk waits upon him (in the country, by post) and obtains from hint Fuch in structions as will pnablo u. to recover debt with cut any further trouble to Subscriber, and with- out any attendance of Subscrib -x being neoes- tary- TO BE LET. OKFERAL very convenient VILLAS.—Atu4v O to S. B. VICTWU HUII«e, Abet dare. V"' "• KAT'S Cownvsv FB^-nyo* or LIITSXED.—Asthm» Bronchitis arc in.lneilialelr relieved by it. IkId br 8ft. Chemists. GIVEN AWAY" for the beaefit of BerToui »uRefers who <n»r ttoemfvlrpn by tLe new HT*- lem of treatment, whioo iu:. been purce^Kjui in thousands uf raMpS "f nl'vot1A and general itehil ty, Inss of memory, fHiling sittht, epilepey, consumption. indicitiption, f^iijdin69^ headache, and tlie long list ot :earf«il diseases kDown air complaints, many of which bad been "iven np by th.. dortoi s a, quite inCuriMble. Send forrr pvnnv xtanapn to Dr. THOMSON, 55, Bartholomew-rond, KeStish Town, Liondon, and he will forward, post free, six doses of the- medicine, witn directions for irse, bv the atri of vhich one may rieover rermanent health in a very short time, thus saving thuinnelvi-s froja a life of misery, and the tortionate chames of thofie who advertise to cure lbetoe. diseases. Extads from penernl Testimonials: M y peneraJ health is an much improved tliat eveD my friend* have re- marked the chanre in my appearance. R. W." "M Y stomach is in a heatthr state, and I can erjoymy meals now. J.W." 11 1 was so nervous-before ywir rpedicine,, that I was unable t" write. J.T." 11 The trembling of the hand^ and is pone, T.J I have bad no palpitation of tbe heart or headache, since I took it. Mm. G.L." M" wife Buflered for from tkervotmoess, giddiness in the liead, pun across the forehead, and loss of appetite; I am thankful to say your medicine pnred her in a very abort time. (;.G." "My friend's consider your cure of my calle a perfect miracle. Kev. J Harcourt." BEARDLESS FACES & BALD HEADS.. A Physician who f>ir thirty years has practised in Disease* of the Hair, ha« d scovered a POMADE which be I pledges his honour will in every casa Restore the hair in baldness from any cause, and produce whiskers and mous- tachios. eyebrows. lite. For general ant toilet use, it nourishes and preserves the hair, s'renfth'.ns and prevents its falling off, checks dryness, and restores the proper colour, eradicat<s wnrf and dar-.(iriff, keeps the bead delightfully clean snd oool. and the haiT soft and glossy. Ladies will find it promotes tbe chrl and wave of tbe liair, ard that the exquisite perfume it; tin que aod not at- tainable in a-iy compound. Beinc; iree from any iii)urious mineral or othir mtmixtXre, it is need bv thousands ol Mothers ill the Nursery to beautify children'* liair, and prevent baldness, or any faiiin; in after life. The Hecipe, in plain En<rli«h, winch any One can I prepare at home, for a iew pence, will be sent free by post, on receipt 01 & directed envelope and six penny stampt., by Nir. H. ERNEST, 17, Crown Terrace Haversto k. Hill., London. ADVICE GRATIS, A Medical man up- wards of twenty-six vears in bondrm practice, bat published a work shewing tor ti ue cause of Nervous Mental, and Vhvsical Debility, lownes* of spirits, indip « tion, want of ener y, premature decline. &c with the means of cllre; wherby the foliowinr maladies are speedily and perm3nently removed and vigorous hea th restored, t very form and variety of debility, spermatorrhoea list fitnde, depression of spirits, io-s of- ei ergry and appetite, pnins in the back and iimbs, titniiitv, pelf-dirtrtist, dii- ziness, r f solitude, gr. xindlsss fears, palpitation of the he .rt, noises it, the head and ears, indecisi < b, impaired sij-ht Rnd jn,Plllo. mdicestion and bodily pimtrat,on of the wholej svsi<y»i. "Diem^st important fact that these 8Iarrr"n; complaints, niAV be easily removed is clearly demonstrate!, and the entirely new anH uniformly saocees- ful treatment as lollrtwed out by the author fullv explained, by wtiich ail sufferers are enabled to cure tlomseives per- fectly, and at the least pos«u-l* cost, without taking quack meriicine, or n.i.niiii a doctor's bill. I I." book ,1 be sent on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope, hy Dr. RUSSELL, til, CLARENCE ROM). KENTISH TOWN, LONDON. Thou^nnds of sufferers who have fallen into a bad state, have borne grateful testimony to the value and simplieity of tlie advise given, which has perfectly restored them tr health. TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATEfr. EVERY MAN HI's OWX DOCTOR, A New Work on the Self-Cure of all diseases, br a never failinc mode of Meatn-ent snccesffully practisc4 by a Hospital Physician for many years past Tbw Bo, k is a true gizirie to sufferers from depression of spirit-, loss of memory, headache, dimness of sipht, deafness, indigestion rheumatism, pains in the bark and hmhs. loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, conjjh, premaiure decline, consumption, pro-tration, lassitude, nervons de- bility, 1\1\<1 any form of mental or phyncal weakness, resulting Irom loss of vitaltv or nerve power, which, if not arrested, ends in early death ..or .Cht:C1,t-ic disease. I", huudreds of ctseli patients, have cured tbemselvM!after electricity q iac(t tnetlirines, aod ordinary tuedical Biei»s, h ive filled to give r, lief. A eopy will be sent trite. on receipt of two pensy stamps, by the Mr. Eunsst, 17, Crown Terrace, Havcrstock Hill, LnprloTT^" Tliis remarhabie Ly an accomplished Fhvsician will hring comfort to many who have Iwt'1I the victims nf quacks, impostors and incspal le Journal. "There is no qua* leery or learned mysterv in this honk., but a plain exposition -f the causes "ymptom_, and rational treatment of this perniciotis class of disease, all set forth with the clearness of a practical man. who wishes to be understood, and the e.ari»estneas of a con 0 scientious man, who only wishes iiseful. Dublin Hospital Gaxette- "11118 work is popular in every sen^ of tbe word, and its worth is lIot..I<1, to tbo e who cairns' from a feeling of shame, consult the fanjily physician.4 •—Belfast Magazine. 'I'HE MAGIC REMKD1. OSE- BOX or THK VERNON PILL inctantly iclievies Itn4t speedily cures 1,nUlIsnf'H and 7krti first dope will coiivioc-e tiie scepiic of its rnstive-lknw pewpr in any cases of IHdi<eAlion. ( spirts, rtt. fto palpit4ti<m of the Iteart, rheumatism, deafness, hr«W»<-b«, stouiach and liver onniDlaiuts, and ail forms of Mrvnm irritability It .tr..n.;lb"lI", and giv" he,ithr t -tie to the brain and nerVod* system. A brx pest tree, receipt of four penny st»n p». by 1), VEHNoN, III.R,t: Hoa<t, Keitish Town, Uiniei;, T liousands of testimonMlo from (rratefut patients attert the woftderfol efficitev rf the Vsajiox. I'ILU IVFERVOUS DISEASES amd TFFEIK SPEEDV ('LLTK. An original WRTK TM the ••• CANMG of IM I'AIRED K>'EHGT. PRKIIATC JF/F. DTCTR^F., FT IS C 1 I > NAL DRRANOKMEKTS and, the various ditordrrs of tbe This f- BNS been justly eonsidired the GREATEST MKDSCAL WORK OF THE AG E it deaeiiW the and mdcle 01 treatment to BE adopted to effect a permanent cure 0 f 811 the most danperooB Jtiahifie*. Amoopst ARE NJiRVOUS DE. IL1 I r letuiing to a thorough breaking up ot the consitution AFKE'TIONS of tbe EYKS AND I ARS, ending in TOTAI. BLIXDNKSS ang DEAFNESS MELAV. aud DEGRESSION OF SPlr.ITS. termitiatmR >« INSANTTV :PAlJiiinthe HACK and LO^NS. ioreronnerB of FATAL. AFFECTIONS- OF THE KIDNEYS, io. 1.)" Vernon his for TWENTY Y EARS devot«T himself tooo this class of diseases, SAD has ctiaoorered a most MAIKLE MKTIIOt) OF TREATING 'J'HEM, without tha use ot any deleterious drue. Ite worthy of note that until reeentijr UW9 physic an bad a delicacy iif. tr^atipg ouses of DelUJity. A MPLY because such disorders did not reccive due ATT^NTIO* and thus left to UNQUALIFIED persons, mnch to UIE pre- judice of the lIuf1(>rer. Such a state of THINGS had indueed the anthor to publish his experience for the benefit of those reqniriep aid riora ]ei;itimute scorces Sent poøt free an receipt owo penny stamp* by Dr. Yarn on, IB, RYLAND BOWK Kenhsh L'OWN, London. EHVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Resulting from errors or any o.her CANTW, not 811 treated by Quacks with mineral poison* AND coloured water, ti eflectaivlly euted by A novel and bithly successful mvde of treatment, di»coTered by the advertiser who after many years of extreme soflering was complately restored to fceilth. Preo»pt*L by feelings of humanity, be thus makes known rnssns by which every sufferer is enabled to enre himaelt R perfectly AND AT the least possible cost,. WITHOUT FAR- iog receurse to advertising empiric^, or tbetr 1"ft""tecI. nostrums. He will he happy to forward TFCE PARTICULARS to ANY, sufferer on rec ipt of a STAMPED and directed envelope.' —Address Mr. J.T., SEWELL, 7, MIW^RATE Fulham, London- LOANS and MORTGAFIRS.—MONKY to LKND in SUMS of £ 50 and upwards, wpon Personal Fecurity, at Five (>er ccnt. iuterept, REP^T-' able Irom orso to gcven yeam AI'so", (SEVERAL SUMS" upon Mortgage of freehold ftnrllÆallehold I'rope'rty. from 3J per cent- Terrrrfi, ten to twenty-one yehrø. Xo c0mmis.j¡;¡n -Apply, PERSONALLTJ"(pre- ferred,) or by letter, 1.0 MESSRS. llevan, 10, Lipco+n'» I' ll Fields, London. W.C. N.B.—Interest ID ble half-yearly, and is not required in advance. LIVFITBD LOZI!*GI!S, a aolitfifiAd t^a, ViXatrv* sruf Chemists P<>AT LW>- L4' K STREET, A.D 7? — L- A TL/\ I SIP TC-I.T.| ■' HEAIIFES A^DMOUR^I 9 COACHES ISAAC THOMAS, .• T XJISJ DERTAKER, 24 and 25, SEYMOUR-STEET.I BEGS to inform thp p.mlic that BE HAS nur- CHA^ED HIE HLIALJSES and MOL'RN^'G COACHKS IROTN MR s^.rvis, draper, AND CV>„- sequ 1,1 ly IS PREPARED U, undertake the I.tir- NMN-KEMENT of Funerals. He c;30 now N-.M-AY Coffins, Shrlll)(b, Hearses, VOWRNIN^ Cooch.-S II will AH" URIDENAKE tbe fauil.tinV OF BNC; so that relfkfivei may bo r. U' ved of oil! tiu^ respect. Hill will BE fun IL h its- tliaii any other in THR Pri'1('tl"'¡;'Y' ti- is «|g > prepared to aend HEARW, Wi-it F •'<1 Ii •••• 3-' Mourning Coaclie* to 1*1 .Y P W; O( "»V?1I to. 01' whole T.«'ing of tlie d *C4-I^U»U TIIAI CHI, bi produced. OFT^ERVIT TRFF | 2i & <5, SEkM )L- i>i/ii hg i't^ UltliUiAliF 1