Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

3 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



ABERDARE C°^lTERoiAL AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, I CONDUCTED BY TflE I REV. J. JOSEPH GEORGE, UNITY MOUSE; highland plAce, abeiidare. I EsTA^ilsnED 1865. Uc8tian thorough conducted on sound prin- ciples. Separate attention is given to each Pupil. Ttitafs:— £ 1 h. and 15a. t I "WHY SUFFER?" TRY Onk BOX OF I EVANS'S I Bilious AND LIVER PILLS. Which is the best known remedy for £ il- l0Us and Liver Complaints, the Piles, and Gravel. IN consequence of numerous private recom- jj ttiem'.ations, the Proprietor has at length induced to bring thtse valuable Pills i&lo ^;i| notice, feeling assttr d that a general trial j, "tore fully prove their superiority find sub- "tiate the important teslimoijiáls alreadv celve Hieae Pills consist of a carefril and p culitir tb lIlIXture of the choict st Veritable Aper;ents "Cs' v e "i "in-" ey Unite every recommendation of niiiu optra- o°uwith successful effect, apu ri quire no restraint confinement whilst talcing tLu*m; they act Pfcifieially un ihe liver,/and disperse morbid ac- ^ulations; th^ntest/nal functions are rendered Rular by their and their regularity con- ^•'Ueg after the Pills have ceased to be taken. *<7 will be found a most efficacious remedy for derangunents of the digestive organs, and the **etal varieties of bilious and liver complains, 'ended by mere or less of the flllfowiog iymp- ^'tns:—Fr quent sickness, acidity or heartburn, giddiness, spasms, flatulency, tmder- in ihe region of the liver, costivcn<-ss, piles "d gravel, yellow jaundice, drowsiness, loss of oftppetite. wind, depression of the spirits, pains the loins and back, scrofula, scurvy, irnpuriiits of the blood, rheumatism, Iritis in the stutnuch and sidm, indigestion, in- *"»«Hnution, palpitation, pimples en the fact-, &c. I'htfge Pills speedily remove irritation and a Perish state of the Stomach, correct the morbid *ouditiuu of the Liver and organs subservient to digestion, and promote a due aud healthy stcre- lioli jf bile. "Sold in Foxes, Is. 1 ,(i and 2s. 9d. each by Puxt, Iff. 4d. wid 38., (ii, eel Ii um the Proprietor, T. EYANS, M.RP.S., Dispensing Cliemist 14, CommebcIai.-stheet, A1 K RD A R E, GLAMORGANSHIRE; I And from all reapeotnblo Chemists. 1 tale Agents—London, IF'. Sutton Sc Co., and I i father; Jir'stol, Pearce$Co.; Ack/rman, Leeward$Co, Retail—Aberaman, Ohm*, Gadlys, Williams', J ante* Lewis, George Merthyr; Brynmutcr, A. M. Jones; «nfre, B. A. George; fthymney, F. Dixon; ™~°untain ii*k, James; Llunclly, Jacob *luyht», MRS. TIL LEY, TEACHER OF umlish AND ITALIAN simik, PIANOFORTE, &c., VISITS ^BEKDARE every Week. For further,information apply to Mrs. Tiu.iy, •*2, Glo'ster- ehraee, Aberdare. Pupils trained for the Profession. I Iobsoib. » pnsdiestsd linseed extract, j post tree, 7d. Kay Bros,, Moekpcrt, and ail Chemists. B. T. PRICE, builder AND CONTRACTOR, | CATHERINE. STBEET, ABERDARE. <2> HOUUI Repunm ot every description done "•t'Blactorily. f 'KAT*i Ccmfookd Esb*nq« of LikskbU, for Coldi a*d Roughs, cures nine eases out of ten. Fold by all Chemist*. Impurity of the Blood.—Enfeebled Existence. This medicine embraces ever- Attributerequired In n (rcnpral (ltmiftfttc remortv it overturns the (onnd.ition of ifefjase l^lrl h\- defocrtir* to'A and impure air. In obstruction or con- fistjon-iof the liver, brag*, .bowels, or Ilm- other-firpans, th<:«? 1'ills are c«peciaUy servfcwible and cmiiieutlyjiScc.ossful..TI'.pt shrmid he kept in rc-i4inws in av*rr famihrn>R!n^ a modicine inonmpnrable Ktility ior j ouu pcr«ioos^^articnlttrly to tliofa 4)f feeble constitutions. 13iliousness, Loss ofAppctite, Head- ache, and Low^ess of Spirits. These PUlm fffoct a tl-u tj wondorfnl chRnorn in dphitttrctcd eonstltntioni, aaither create a healthy appetite, correct indi- W'+inn, romoTe c«*« of Ww, and overcome giddiness, hendaolie, *nd palpitation ofvthe heftrt. Mothers and Daughters. If there is one thins: more than another for which th<v?<i i'ilb are famous, it is tb«r pariCriug tie, espwdnily tiwir t )ower nf cJtufin;! tkc Wool fpln all Iiapuritiosi. r^rnoviivi dllD- } RVTMU eon-wationi. and RecrotionB. ljnivor- *a"jr adopted as tlio one gTaii'l remedy for fewala coraplnints, **>«•« IHtIs new fall, ceror weaken tbe system, and always tting about what is required. Indigestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. BenMM qdMsz from amy disorder* of, the liver, stooiach. ottjer «rgM* of digMtioa, ehoufd have ismaedtnte to > these PiHs, as then ia no medteinf! known ttrat sets on Uuwe Puticiilar QOIIIpWats with Bath certain sncQWfc Sje BOls «jb(I Qfaitmaot aw soM at Snfeaaor. HOMiOWf* "Wfcfcmiqt <23. Oxforii Btraat. Umdisn. ala» by nearly fowepttble Vendor of tbn>Q)«liont tb« l^Ufiltsed to Boms smd Pots, at I*, l+l, IfrHfcL, 61, 14s.. J3«m .&a. Us. each. The aoiaiiest "7 of PUla onntalos four doun and the ssuQhrt Pot at Ointment «m«uiio& PW1 printed 4^esti«iM are afilxel to each. Box -and Pot, and °*a ho i»»a tn even t* Taiid4. Aratstc, Arnamian, ur Sfaiaese. «•. 15—4 HENJtY L E W I S FOR MILLINERY, X ■ MANTLES, COSTUMES, AND FANCY DRESS MATERIALS SHOVT ROOMS A.RE NO"liT OPEN". 11, Commercial Place, Aberdare. CARPETS! CARPETS!! CARPETS! Cretonnes! Cretonnes Cretonnes H. LEWIS, 11, CO MMER CIA L'PLA CE. ABERDARE, 1 WILL show on FRIDAY, the 31 st instant, and following days, several THOUSAND YARDS OF HEMP, FELT, AND TAPESTRY CARPETS. The Largest and Cheapest Stock he has ever offered. 0 March 11th, 1876. R II Y S E T N A- JONES Has just received an excellent VARIETY OF WOOLLEN CLOTHS, And prepared to make up GOOD MEN'S SUITS from .£2 5s. Od. to JB3 15s. Od. I IMPORTANT NOTICE! EVAN LLOYD, DRAPER., ABER AMAN, Being about to remove to his NEW PREMISES, will offer the whole of his iSTOCK at an IMMENSE REDUCTION! NEW GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT AT 35, COMMERCIAL STREET, ABERDARE. 1 ? -.o#' D. L. PROBERT, of Cwmbach, BEGS to inform his friends, and the Public ffrnerallv, that he has just OPENED the above JLJ' PKKMISES (formt-rlv in the Occupation of the late Mr. Da^ce), with a Large and Superior Stock of all kindll of GROCERY an4'PROVISIONS. -:0:- THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PHICRs CHAfGRD FOR ALL GOODS. T. WHITS UN JONES, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AND COMMISSION Agent, 35, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. Auction Rooms \qtid Second-hand Furniture Stores. I !————Htwi—mmw—mBMwuwwM^i——1^———— LET-TEN FROM THE DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH'S LAUHDRESS I A I am Tory much pleased withjmiir SQUARE BLUE. Bl Jai^S^ i have now used it for some time, and both for ^EEAUTYjj^OOLOUR and ECONOMY it •Is U10 FINEST for the LA.UNDRY, 8uPerr/j^HL||\JB JrjPKj5fa5>^ 8 sedes Thumb and Indigo Blues, is uuequalle^'1' A ▼ am B I 1 for Beauty of Tint, for Economy in tae, and BEWARE OF B for not injuring the Clolheo. INFERIOR IMITATIONS 9 To be had of most respectable Grocera, Oilmen, &c. I !M* i! STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, PR INTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c., DESIKE »o inform the PUBLIC h?ve in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY' STATIONERY anu FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS, &c., to which they invite attention. A lar^e Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums Harmonic.')rs, Mouth Organs, &*c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety/ Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfum-ry, Ink ar.d Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. COlllbi and Brushes of the best quality. Pipes and lobncco Pouches, Cigar Case*. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &c., See. r :0:- OBSERyi: THE:ADDRESS- ¡ "ABEKDAKE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, COllH?;R€aAL-PLACE, AREltDARE.

