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ALLAN L I N E fHOETESf OCEAN PASSAGE TO '• *<WT A M ERICA wenty First-class Royal Mail 'I'h'uvsjjAYS rPm LiveKiool, every Tuesday •^(>day to R'v^0 ^ana"a> ari'iJ''every "-ilfamate Pa,s«>rigPrR ahfax and Baltimore, forwarding a"d the ijn-'11 ,e £ asy ,ei'ffi8 to all part* of Canada • SurKeon 'a,es° < .n3°^ Stewardesses provided 'free'for all /*a,*n/a,*Bng«»- • • ■' M -<*avii,~ l. *8 who secure their Tickets before* ^J'rpo0i "re met at"-the Railway Station'm *h° takes T an Agent-of the Coinoay, ,fr« suaZTr& < th*sn thtv go on b<iar The "n v -•< ^SAf^k^ &r*H>rt!>f!roMs ASSISTED *riea p 6f *he "ALLAN LINE" to labourers and Fernalr Dotnotie ^re'pht or Passage, a^.ply to ° Hl.hs & ^°*> Alexandra Btfi'lUhjgs, ^bErd*ri? V or to JONES & SON, .& CLOCK MAKEK -> T-MK"QUEEN AND liOri AL FAMILY. • JJ U -<2 by Special Appointments tj III THE PH1NCE 0F "WALES Wm^' THE KMPil{0R OF RUSSIA, *jj AHAHAjAHj)of BURDWAN & JOHORE. Zf! Mid-1 JtriZfO M ¡ d *—LOJSDON, DUBIJN, AND PARIS. %$g> '$ ■ty e«erv ^T°HES GOLX) and SILVER 'fo, i! F, W E r, L r,, P, 12'. '^WEBLERf. Ch'r'J*0^8?. The Latest Fashions. BRACEIF.TS, BROOCHES, *^kHSENT'4 ¥eR8» EAKR-NGS, LOCKETS, ^EpbATfbJ1on» IS u.;Ki.ACi s, Chains, %'uAri,s» ,<a>LWAY KINGSJ SiODsy •0ltKvr»>°L an(^ PINS, CK«rsEs, Etc. ^Xtra S< TchRs ALSO IN DIAMONDS strength. AMD PRECIOUS CI ONES. 3E-N80N* »!«ve, f5 5,. Km, «. ^P-NSON'S «< P yw-) *y.i.i (!», Z'Z, £ rl-i'.Silt" w"><< 55 IF Si' {Warranted.) J fe O 'SS s CLOCKS SILVER & rLEC- all kittds at 1 to 1U T? 0-PJLATE. ?{» 9u*neas. I er Presentation, lit. RC'i, TURRET, FINING SKirvicKs, A.RklM¡" (, tA Aivn BUEAKFAST ",{}) ANI) »IME, /NQ ARD Dr ^Exyiecs, » ^Oout Chuet*s BASKETS, J ALl-> Shop I>KSTANDS, CI.AS £ T -jI^R'aky R'p' il-'o*. bj'ooif/s;- 'C,C' FcfJOLs. Eig. •r OrTnT^fr, u?ariy Engli^li" Wood or decorated-with Blue China, hy ^c-» from £ 5 5s. iiad3 solely ILLUSTRATED PAM- °'' TURRET CifOQKS, -WATCHES, ^ATK, end JlEWELLEhY sent 081 to nil' StampB. Watches sent safe by ^atcj Parl8 of EWorld. r^8 r?^H'rtd by skilled woikmen. Plate, c'liant« bought and exchanged. aflh, Sbipp.,rs, and U-ubs buppli^H. J "tr an> Factory and City Show Booms— uflGATE HILL, LONDON. 2 • West-end Establishment — °LI) B01:D STIIE^T. Establislieti 1749. I, 2: X^PORXANT DISCOVERY* '1-ite 'D: More Suffering! o!"f l'lls Ointment has proved an invaluable "VVv 'Terin, :,v ,uflrerers- whin rubbed over or near the ^ren?Rrt- l'h\iv S-.r;Jre f;alsamkiproperUe^ conveyed to *i ca,H> Rii\ve, heals inward *-ountK. and-jlcets of the ^tiieT01 "«rvc,ii« °R strengthens t& spinal marrow ^Of^, vr ] ^e^kn&ss and depression, and. all di.^ases s- ^We''rvS| AND Chest. /Xu invalid need cT^Fpair ^Out 1>U ieiu can obtained. eum&tisnst, and Neuralgia. Ituly r,rrniclQble and dreaded diseases, with nocturnal l^»t k 8,1 trsite'T ?■' muscular cramps, and sciatica, will (>inIUIMA''5, 'is:/)int|c«nt. It is mcsL iraporiant *'hie(? l^»e t^q^feughly and effectually conve;/cd -skin, to ihe affected parts, upon rig influence to berir, and thus sreuvity. The Pills should,.also be ft ^°°d s to Jessen the inflammation, and to 8s> Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, *1^' *pp!i ^Cerations of all kinds. l»Cr- ^ryi?" this Omtment heals, in a remarkaM.-1 Soft), .Cau^es '< ''Ulceration, softens the stiff or.contractcd "^ar. char«*s ,r°U,d l^h to disappear,.jtud foul sr.d ioath- "^d il-» ° converted into healthy heallnj' effecta are not temporary, but are radical .^c?fUla and 01d Skin f'iitiriler r,S a remedy for all diseases of the skin, by and otherCDniphca,ed- Sc urvy, ringworm, blotches, ,0v^lual.i, 7C-utaneous disorders, are at once eradicated able^iiguenL PAlls are sold at Professor HOLI.OWAY'J 'VrirLr,.sPectai3]e' y^ferd Street, London also by nearly **4 1,1 ^jiiCp ^etlicine throughout the Civilised *Ull ">xes. at is. !id., ss. jd-, 4S. 6d., xis. 33*. affixed to each Pot and Box, and A^-v 'ai»y,uagp, ^Ce caa be obtained, free of charge, b; *i ii address, daily, between th '■«. 1? s 1 aai 4» or by latter. CAI!I>IFF AND MARKET STREETS, A-BERDARE. O.P,ENINCof AND "&ENEEAL SHOW .,IV,ALL DEPARTMENTS. '0 W. S AR V I S "7JU9 on Wednesday stud Thursday, the 9th and 10th of A jniJ, and following days, SHOW A YBBY LAKO^IND WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS In .every variety, including all the Novelties of the Season. ) SOLICITING THE FAVOUR OF A CALL. SELia SONNSNTHAL, & CO., Mamiia^kiiers and Contractors for Eailway and Engineers' Plant of Special I AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION. I—1 C l—h} Kj O l2_. O. t— '5 J Wj •( «> 2- |q- ? g. p ?L 1 ..g §* £ §■ § » 55 /& .S- "83 "1 c 5 £ tr1 ■2"'ii?ri '<) LL £ -1 20 B S CD S' O r P ^rrT'r^S 2d 5° 5- 2 OK I—' cc -■at .S » JT OJ y p g" Fixel and Portable Engines, Planing, Drilling, ^Screwin^ 'and Punching Saw Benches, Pumps, PullQy^ldcts,Lifting Jacfcs? BMSm ■ 1l .IJBI Twist Drills, Lathe r and' IDrill Chucks, Emery Wheels and Emery Grinders, and a :great vatfrety -of America-n and other Tools. J Prices on Application. ,:j Scrciccuitinci G:cp Treadle ^Ltedti, 5 inch. 5 jt. Bed, £ i2 1 ()».packed, delivered in London, LAMbETH HILL, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.G. M US I-CA L ,ST|J iig N'TS. Mr. A-praliam Nehsmiah James, [ the Royal Academy of Music, and Ac- ist of the Abeidare Choral Union, 1 desires reFpectfuHy to inform the Gentry and the Public geneially of Aberdare ar.d itfj neigh- bour4iood that he gives instructions in Harmony and Singing, and lestfons on the Pianoforte and Harmonium. Pupii Teachers prepared for .their Exumina- tions-jn Harmony. Ai-'feiance to past pupils furnished on applica- tion. Pupils waited their own residence, if desired. 111 ■Sound systema^itf teaching guarantesd. ierttis^eji'y-moderate. < r" ••- Address 38, Bute street, Aberdare. N.B Hirwain visited twice weekly. NIT. A. N. Jaeaes would also draw the atten- tion of those connected with the management of Eisteddfods, Oratorio and 1VJ rocellaneous Con- certs, Festivals, and similar "Enetrtainments that ha is open to engagements as Accompanist, 9 9. On- most reasonable terms. ■ A-IITR.I I ICI A L TELT TT| 'PAINLESS LENTISTII Y. Entablished 25 Years. With all the latest and most Modern Appliances. Messrs. G. POOLE <& SONS, 0?I;VBDON VILLA, STOKK'S C^PT ROAD, BR53TOL I PATENTED Sy sic tn cf ARTIFICIAL THRTH P surpasses aH cUuT^for economy, dura- biliiy, maftication, aryfculaUon, and tiaiural appparance, beinpi indestructible. They ntvn ^hangri- c.;lor or decav^ Evf-ry onse guaranteed. •A S^t,r«ln ~M-&- i>ky a Tooth fr*oca ga. JEtiaint 1 Stopping, 28. 6d. and 6h. Dental Operations of every Description. A VACANCY FOR A PPPJL. Attendance at the Temperance Hall, Aberdare, every Tuesday, between the hours of 12.40 and 4.30 poYlt.. UN STY O<)US:E SCMOOL (CLASSICAL Ai-vj) COMMERCIAL), HIGHLAND PLACE, ABERDARE. ESTABLISHED 186.5. CoNDUCIED 3Y R V •<} .JOS E P H G E O R G E li E Schoolroom lis New -«nd Capacious i* situated in t;ne of the heaTthiest parts ef the district. Education, ;ba8P<i on sound principles, is eminently practical and adapted to business pur^ose^ St'iarate attention is given to each pupil. TEKats MODF.BATE. STIFF'S STARCH Is warranted FREE FROM ADULTERATION. MESSRS. STIFF AND CO., however, cannot guarantee any Starch to be their manutaeture, unlchs the Box or/'l'acket bears their Tralle Mark, "QUEEN BESS." DR. ARTHpR HILL HAS- SALL has/ Analysed our StaJtb, an^ reported it to be a l^re, genuine, and well manufactured article, and equal n every respect to "the Best Stiffening Starch hie ever examined." The ac- curacy of this high testi- monial is confirmed by the steadily increasing demand for our manufacture. STIFF & COMPY, M. KEDCDFFE STREET, BRISTOL. T1 1 TT John E. Keirby, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF STKAM ■ PACKING, R. 1 1.v:E .I .i: '\i.J[ SMTON, Nt." n MAKWTE8. 't Ii 1 t ¡ ti 11 n ¡):\ 1 Hi 'it Lit. SQiiaie Piatted Elastic Steam Packing FOR.PJSTO^ RODS, RMTONH, PbMPS, &c. FR £ C H CHA LK PACKING, H V D RA U L ly'r A C K1N G, G L Y-C .E 'RNI.^ E T A C;K I N Q-, RED LEAD R () I' E PACKI N G for Man-Hcl. 8. Cylindei Covi rs, Steatn Joints, &c. WIKE GAUZE SI EAM PACKING RINGS, And ezery description -of ■ tacking, ROlIiND, ^aUAtiE, AND FLAT. -Kanaules and i'rices on Application, Under Ititroni)ge of the Biifish Admiralty. The Honourable Corporation of Trinity House, London, -ESTABLItSIiED 1864. .S T h ¡:- F OH OS h IR'E BLUE BRICKS, COPINGS, QUARRIES, RIITOES, 200FING TILES AND TERRA METALLIC PAVINGS, SUITAltj;^ TOR STABLES, FOOTBATHS, HOUSES, PIGGEIUES, VENIELS, COURTYARDS, &G. Five Gold and Silver Medals. First Class, Awards London, Paris, and Brussels Ex- hibitions, First Class A ward, SHYorMednl, Paris, 1878 JOSEPH HAMBLET, West Bromwich. -Zi'O MORE LAWYERS BILLS Now Ready, Sixteenth Edition, carefully revised and coriected,containing upwards of 3,000 state- ments on points of low, verified by the addition "of Notes .arid References to Authorities. Grown 870, price 6s. 8d. (saved at every consultation), strongly buund in cloth (postage ód,) VERY MAN'S OWN LAWYER A Handy ]J-. Book of the principles of Law and Equity. BY Comprising the Bights and Wrongs of In- dividuals, Merchantile and Commercial Law, .Criminal Laws. Parish Laws, County Court Laws, .GAME SIND Fishery Laws, Poor Men's Lawsuits, the Laws of Bankruptcy, Bets and Waggers, Bills of Exchan-gp, Contracts and Agreements, Copyright Elections and Registrations, Insurance, Libel and "lander, Marriage AND Divorce. Merchant Shipping, MO«TGAJ»«9, Settlements, Stock Exchange Practice'. Tjade Marks and Patents, Trespass, Nuisances' etc.. Transfer of Land, etc., Warranty, Wills and Agreements, etc., etc. Also, Law FOR Landlord ar,d Tenant, Master and Servant, Workman end Apprentices, Heirs, Devisees and Legatees, Husband and Wife, Executors and Trustees, Guardian and Ward, Married Women and Infants, Partners and Agents. Lender and Borrower, Debtor and Creditor, Purchaser and -Vendor, COMPANIES and Associations, Friendly Societies, Clergymen, Churchwardens, Medical Practitioners, etc., Bankers, Farmers, Contractors, Stock and Share Brokers, Sportsmen, Gamekeepers, Farriers and-Horses Dealers, Auctioneers, House Agents, Innke pers, etc., Bakers, fillers, etc., Pawnbrokers Surveyors, Railways and Carriers Constables, Seamen, Soldiers, etc,, etc. What it profess to be-a complete epitome of the laws of this-country, thoroughly intelligible to non-professional readers. The book is a handy one to have in readiness when some knotty point re- quires ready solution, "-Bell's Life. CROSBY LOCKWOOD & CO., 7 Stationers' Hall Court, London, E.C. NOVELTIES FOE SPRING, 1879. MADAM, I purpose making my FIRST SHOW of NEW SPRING GOODS, In every Department, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, APRIL 29th, APRIL 30th, MAY 1st,' A It¡.0 w 0 L IL O W I mT m U A If -4i .The display for this Season embraces "the latest and most choice pro- ¡ ductions of the ENGLISH, FRENCH, and. GASMAN MARKET^. Special care, has been given to the selecting of MILLINERY, STRAW MATS and BONNETS^ FLOWERS,WE^TIIEBS. MANTLES, FANCY I) RESS" •MATERIALS, and all other FANCY^ GOODS. Hoping you will visit my SHOW-ROOMS on one of the above days, I remain, yours most respectfully, HH N BUT L E W IB, Jim •<* 11, •Oommercial-Dlace, Aberdare. l K A N n KJ SSl. IX 9 J Whites London Cement, Plaster Paris, Mortar Hair, &c., all of the liest quality, at EVAN THOMAS & CO/S, Ironmongers, and Miner's Lamp Manufacturers, .111 si's? IS m .16 IS K P']! ICE Ofi APPLICATION WORTHY OF/NOTICE. A. W. W'll-EKLEM, 7, DEAN STREKT, ABERDARE, TN rfhirniitg thanks for past Patronage, oeÜrcR to inform the PUBLIC thnt he is prepared to X rectivt- ordt-ys. for Ll, SiXQ ..riu«! c,r Djemg tV}^ aad Boys' Clothing of t very desciption. Also Ladies ShawrUT.Dre^,s, Aiantms, Skirta, '^c, including Moreens, Damasks, and Table Covers, Carpets,'and hearthrugs. •:?iid Gloves and F"elt JFTats CletfiwU and 2)yea eqvaZ Jo I t Kg.B" ou I I ?1 See that you get its A a bad qualities are often substituted. I The Genuine is used by the Laundresses of l T z: T_„ THE PRINCESS OF WALES AND DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. J 1 A The Edinbiirgli Life Assurance Company Founded in 1823, and Incorporated by Act of Parliament. HEAD OFSlCEe 22, GEORGE STRiET, EDINBURGRo BIRMINGHAM BRANCH 16, BENNETT'S HILL. LIFE BUSINESS ONLY IS TRANSACTED ,:BY THIS COMPANY. EXPLANATION OF THE EDINBUHGH LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANRS N O N V O R F E I T (J R E 3 Y STEM. HTH1p tel^ 18 Rot Confi,le<3 to any pariicular clasa of Assurances. It applies to 'dil$e Ordinary \o* W8Ued hy ll,b Cl,rcpanJ- ai full rates, aa:w*il ,hs to Pslicifts effected by a Fixed Number, of nnu.i amounts (5, 10, 15, 20, or 25), and to Endowment-Ass-urances payable at a specified aee' orai death. Policies i^yd under this Systek.participate from their commencement in the props rf the Company (Polices ou the \,rthout Profit" 4Ca!e alone excepted), on the equitable pbm of distribution fallowed, by this Otbce. r n 1 The benefits of the System are enjoyed from the outset of each Policy, so that whether the Premiums are discontinued after One, Two, Three, or auy other number of Annual Payments, the Policyholder is equally secure ot receiving nn equivalent for the money he has paid. ine tqviil increase of the Cokfam/s htmness (hat the advantages of this System are apprtua e- ,,y ,,tc iublic Ihe Sysleui wa?r adf.jjted in its present form in the .year 18?2, and the loiiowing I able exhibits the pi-c)g New Business transacted by the Company since that time. Amount of New Assurances, During Year endhig Slat March, 1872 £31)4,100 PI 1873. 467,215 »> 1874 550,936 m 1875 632,482 i> ld7G 656,720 1 87i1 6S3,092 The Edinburgh Assurance Life Company's Bonvs Systeni. This System is peculiarly favourable to Good Lives. While all Policies on the With Profit scael share Iran: tlwr commeiicewent in toe Profits of the Company—those on Young lives receiving a fair and iquitau!e rtate of Bonus the Policies which continue long in existence, and so contribute more than 9th, s to the Suiplus Punds, riceive the Latger Share of Fronts to which tney arc entitled. -J ^GENT FOR ABERDARE: MR. T. L. JONES, "Aberdare TÍInes" Office. L-1- r .1 bLYF11Au CYM li i<;Iii, I

'bLYF11Au CYM li i<;Iii, I…
