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fonbaii Ctirrpsjjoitknf. We deem it right to state that we do not at all times identify ourselves with our Correspondent's opinions.] Whilst the nation was waiting in anxious expecta- tion for impdrtant news from South Africa, a steamer, was making her way over the ocean, by day and by night, bearing a terrible message. Arrived at Madeira the intelligence was flashed over Europe that Eugene Louis Jean Joseph, the only son of the Emperor Napoleon-looked upon ten years ago as the most powerful Sovereign of his time—had been assegaied by savages. The Prince had gone out with a recon. noitring party, who had dismounted and unsaddled, and were unsuspectingly refreshing themselves amid the heat of an African sun, when a few fox-like Zulus, concealed by the long grass, craftily approached, and before their presence was perceived, had time to kill three of the small band of soldiers. Two of these were troopers the third was the Child of France, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow." The sa- vages, as they did their deadly work, swiftly moved away, little dreaming, as they left the stripped and reeking bodies upon the open field, that their momentary act would cause a sensation throughout Europe. Onlyaday or two before, riding out from Mogwechana oamp, with Capt. Harrison, of the Engineers, and other officers, accompained by mounted Basutos, the Prince had a brush at a kraal held by about 60 Zulus, The native cavalry cut away, and the Prince was for some time in danger. On the following day he and others were surrounded and narrowly escaped being cut off. The Prince got clear by jumping his horse over a broad krantz in the veldt. On the 1st of June, however, as all the world now knows, he was not so fortunate, and perished at the hands of a wily and merciless foe. English visitors to Paris, and their name is now legion, never fail to spend a short time in the Hospital des Invalides. Underneath its gilded dome is the grave of the great Napoleon, one of the most splendid shrines ever raised by a nation to the memory of a military coaqueror. You go to the square of the Palais Royal, where omnibuses start for all quarters of the French capital, tell the conductor you wish to see the tomb of Napoleon, and he puts you down at the main entrance to the Invalides, in the Place Vauban. Now, the Invalides answers to some extent to our own Chelsea Hospital, for it is a residence for old and pensioned soldiers; but the associations which sur- round it strike far more deeply into the minds of Frenchmen than any reminiscences of Chelsea Hos- pital could upon the hearts of Englishmen. On 16th of March, 1856, the booming of canaon from the Invalides proclaimed to the people of Paris the fact that a son had been born to the Empress of the French, whose style and title were to be the Prince Imperial. The event was celebrated with extraordinary re- joicings the city was magnificently illuminated; and the Emperor proclaimed an amnesty to a thousand political exiles. At that time his Maj esty was in the front rank of Continental sovereigns; he had, in conjunction with England, just concluded a successful war with Russia, and at that very time the Plenipotentiaries of the great Powers were sitting in Paris and negotiating that Treaty of Peace which was called after the name of the city.,The pen with which the Treaty was signed was mounted in gold and presented to the Empress. Everything locked bright and prosperous with the Empire then, and the hopes of Napoleon for the birth of a son had been realised; thereby, to all human appearance, consolidating the dynasty by securing a direct successor to the throne. That the father should die in exile after a disastrous war, and that the son should be stabbed to death by a savage in South Africa, was a dream which never could have entered into the imagination of man to conceive. Queen Victoria, in immediately telegraphing to the Empress Eugenie as expression of her deepest sym- pathy in the awful trial which has fallen upon the Imperial exile, has again shown how much she can feel for the sorrows of those upon whom great troubles descend. It seems difficult to believe that her Ma- jesty has been reigning over Great Britain nearly twenty years before the Prince Imperial was born all her old counsellors have passed away. It is like re-opening the chapter of a long past age now to read the account of the Queen's Coronation on the 28th June, 1838—now forty-one years ago (a long time to look back on)-when the young sovereign, then only 19 years years of age, went from Backingham Palace to Westminster Abbey, amid the indescribable enthusiasm of the people. Up Constitution Hill, along Piccadilly, through St. James'a-street and Pall Mall, past Charing Cross and down Parliament-street, the cavalcade passed to the venerable cathedral church of St. Peter at Weetminster, between living walls of cheering crowds. The great officers of State, the Archbishop and the other prelates, the choir, the clergy, the multitude itself, have all gone; but the Qaeen remains still the ruler of a mighty empire. When the Dean of Westminster took the crown from the altar, and passed it to the Archbishep, who reverently placed it on the Queen's head, from every part of the crowded edifice there arose the enthusiastic cry, God save the Qaeen I" The peers and peeresses put on their coronets, the bishops their caps, and the kinga-of-arms their crowns; trumpets sounded, drums rolled, and the Tower and Park guns thundered forth a royal salute. It was about a quarter to four in the afternoon when the royal procession passed through the nave at the close of the ceremony; and in returning to the Palace the Queen wore her crown and the royal and noble personages their coronets. Among many foreigners of distinction present, Marshal Soult, the French Ambassador, was particularly noticed and applauded. In the evening the Queen enter- tained a dinner party, and witnessed from the palace the discharge of fireworks in the Green Park. The Duke of Wellington also gave a grand ball at Apaley House. The theatres and nearly all the other places of amusement were, by Her Majesty's command, open gratuitously for the evening. A chronicler of that time assures us that the immense concourse of people which filled London during the day conducted themselves with the greatest order, and no accident of any moment occurred. The report of the Select Committee on Electric Lighting bears testimony to the value of electricity an an illuminating power. The Committee, after refer- ring to the evidence given before them by eminent scientific men, and noticing some of the practical ex- periments already made, arrived at the conclusion that, compared with gas, the economy of the electric light for equal illumination has not been conclusively established. In some oases the electric light had the advantage butifor the ordinary purpose of domestic supply it has not made sufficient progress to enable it to enter into competition with gas. The system of electric lighting is, however, developing with remark. able rapidity, and the Committee are of opinion that upon that development no legislative restrictions should be placed. At the same time extensive establish- ments such as theatres, balls, or workshops re- quire no legislative powers to enable them to generate electricity for their own use. But if under existing statutes, corporations and other local authori- ties have not power to take up streets for the laying down of wires for lighting—a point as to which there is some difference of opinion-ample authority should be given them for that purpose. It is recommended that local bodies should be fully empowered to use the electric light for purposes of public illumination, and that the Legislative should show its willingness, when the demand arises, to give all reasonable powers for the full development of electricity as a source of power and light. According to the conclusions of the com- mittee, the power of supplying the light should rest with the elected representatives of the people who desire the supply—a principle which is the very root and basis of our system of self-government. Economists have frequently asserted that the food supply of Great Britain is unduly and unnecessarily limited owing to the large quantity of waste land which is allowed to go uncultivated year after year. Be this as it may, there are in other directions supplies of food easily obtainable of which we neglect to avail ourselves. An abundant harvest may be gathered from the sea without sowing of seed or care in culti- vation. Fish abound around our coasts; there is a plentiful variety, and their capture is attended by comparatively little difficulty. As articles of food, fish are in high favour, and markets for them are readily to be procured. If they were to be supplied in greater abundance, and could be offered at reasonable prices, they would more frequently appear on the table of the less wealthy classes. Unfortunately, but little attention has been paid to the question of how best to utilise the fish harvest. Even as matters stand, the occupation of a fisherman is at times re- munerative enough; and, with the exercise of but little study, care, and attention might be made even more profitable. In the report of the Inspectors of Fisheries, which has just been issued, it is stated that off the western coasts there are large and productive banks which abound with valuable fish. Amongst these are several kinds which are not generally looked for, and are but little known, but would prove a useful addition to our store of food. The Com- missioners suggest that the question is one well worthy the consideration of the Government, and ask that they shall be tarnished with the means of making the neces- sary investigations. The request is a reasonable one, and there appears such a probability that researches in this direction are likely to prove profitable, that it will in all likelihood be at once complied with. The return of the French Chambers to Paris is an event of great interest in France. When early in 1871, the National Assembly met at Versailles to con- clude a peace with Germany, which ceded Alsace and a considerable portion of Lorraine, Paris had under- gone a four months' siege, and was ill prepared to receive its legislature. The Assembly, remembering how the riaJa. of Parliament had time after time bees invaded by Parisian mobs, decided to fix the aeat of government at Versailles, about twelve miles from the oapital-a distance the traversing of which would cool the courage of the most sanguinary crowd. But the British Parliament might as well meet at Windsor as the French at Versailles; and it is not to be wondered at that the inhabitants of the French capital have never been content with the new arrangement. Precautions will be taken against such attacks of lawless multitudes from Belleville and Montmartre in those Btormy times of revolution, as during the past ninety years have so often visited Paris. The French capital has no such stately building as our own Palace of Westminster for the reception of the country's elected representatives. In London theJtwo chambers sit under one roof, but in Paris the occupation of separate buildings will be necessary. The longest day has passed, without that material improvement in the weather for which we have so long waited. A careful study of the almanacs will show that for some considerable time towards the end of June there is no appreciable difference in the time of the sun's setting in the latitude of London. The dif. ference is to be found in its rising; still there is the solid substantial fact that each week now will find the sun a shorter time above the horizon, and pouring less heat upon the earth. So far as the metropolis was concerned, the longest day was thoroughly autumnal in its character, quite in accord with this strange and broken season. Torrents of rain, a cloud-banked sky, and a howling wind-it was the old story just when the days were at their longest and should be at their hottest and brightest. There has been but little sunshine to bring on the bay har- vest and, as to the wheat, the farmer sees first the blade and then the ear; but the time when after that the full corn in the ear shall gladden his vision seems at present a long way in the distance. It is just twelve months since, in the closing days of June, a wave of tropical heat passed over the land a week or two of it now would be worth millions of money to the agricultural interest.



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