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EPITOME OF NEWS. 3RITISH AND FOREIGN. During the first nine months 171,200 persons visited the Free Public Library and News-rooms, Richmond, Sur- rey, and the daily average is increasing. II We are authorized to state that there is no truth in the statement which has appeared in several papers to the effect that a marriage has been arranged between Princess Beatrice and Prince William of Hesse."—Times, May 27th. It is said that preparations for a gigantic strike are being made at Pittsburg, the employers of a hundred thou- sand ironworkers having refused a demand for increased wages Herr Krupp's factory at Essen now occupies 15,700 workmen, and turns out annually 180,000 tons of steel and 26,000 tons of iron. The total number of visitors to the State apart- ments of Windsor Castle on Whit Monday was 9374-the admissions exceeding those of any single day since the Great Exibition of 1851. A large central railway terminus, estimated to cost from CO to 70 lakhs of rupees, is to be erected at Calcutta. Mr. Bradlaugh, speaking on Monday evening at a meeting of miners at Silverdale, urged trade unionists to make their organisations more political, so as largely to in- crease the representation of labour in Parliament. He blamed the Liberals for not dealing with the question of ex- tension of the suffrage and the redistribution of seats, and attributed their inactiou to the fear of damaging the power of the great Whig Houses. Referring to himself, Mr. Brad- laugh said be believed that before many months were over he should be m his place in Parliament, and exercising his right as freely as any member of the House. Sportsmen and all interested in the grouse moors will (a Scotch correspondent says) be disappointed to learn that dIsease. is making dreadful havoc among the grouse this year. Unmistakable evidence of this has been forthcoming during the past few days from the chief counties in Scotland, and with the open character of the winter and spring ex- perienced sportsmen and keepers are at a loss to account fer the disease. The directors of the Midland Railway, it is stated, contemplate adopting a plan for turning to account the vast quantity ot land now lying 1rile in the form of railway em- bankments on their system It;3 stated that the company iuttmtsat first t. ;rillg expeiimtlits with fruit trees, maize. aud potatoes On many Scotch etiibiiikmeuts potatoes and cabbages are moH successfully cultivated. The Engineer states that at Manvers Main and Oaks collieries the telephone is now in use, and is found a valuable addition to the other appliances for the efficient working of their pits. Conversation can now be carried on with great clearness between the offices on the surface and the workings, which are more than a mile apart. Experiments 'have recently been made with steam tramways at Calcutta, with a view to their introduction into that city. The French primary education returns for last year show an agregate attendance of 5,049.363, being an increase of 100.000 over the previous return. The absentees are re- ported as 170,000 in number; but this figure is thought to be one-third under the mark. The schools have increased from 73,764 to 74,441. Intelligence from the island of Fayal, one of the Azores, states that a violent earthquake occurred there on the 3rd inst. The shock continued during an hour, in which time churches, public buildings, and several houses were destroyed. The Municipal Committee of Public Health in St. Petersburg has ordered all dogs, without exception, to be provided with a metallic muzzle and collar bearing the name of the ownsr. All dogs fouud In the streets without muzzles are to be killed. Here is an illustration of the wonderful power of the electric light. In a letter from the commander of an Argentine war vessel, it. was stated that while she was 1)Ï1H: six milt's off bhore, it was at a cuttage two mile., mland possible to read small print by the light of the electric beam from the ship. A New York street car company now clean their horses by steam. The brushes turn at the rate of 1.000 revolutions a minute, a man on each side of the animal hold- ing them against the parts to be brushed. A cloud «f dust arises in the air and in two minutes the horse looks like a different creature. One passage of the brush is equal to 400 by the ordinary process. A hundred horses can be cleaned in nine or ten hours. The Clyde shipjoiners, who at present are receiving wages at the rate of 7d. per hour, have asked their em- ployers for an advance of a halfpenny per hour. A grand procession of over five thousand horses took place at Sunderland on Monday morning. The mayor and other officials, with the secretaries, Messrs. Wilson and Roger Errington, headed the procession, which was of a very attractive description, the horses being ornamented with ribbons, rosettes, &c. Over one hundred pounds was awarded in prizes, which were presented in the evening to the successful competitors. Last week's receipts of cotton at all United States ports were 14.000 bales; since 1st September. 4,603,000 bales. Week's exports to Great Britain, 19.000 bales: week's exports to the Continent, 6,000 bales. Total since let September, 3,189,400 bales. Stock at all ports, 471,000 bales. A singular and elegant effect was produced the other evening by a gentleman in the stalls slapping his bald head Instead of clapping his hands. It sounded very loud. No doubt it will become the fashion, as so many ot our gilt youth have a great deficiency in this part (of course of hair). —Court Journal. A Congress of Spanish School-teachers was opened on Sunday in Madrid, in the presence of the King and the whole of the Diplomatic Body. His Majesty delivered a speech, in the course of which he said that ignorance was worse than slavery. The new palace which has recently been erected at a cost of over a million dollars, for the Kuig of Siam, Is com- pleted, and 400 tons of furniture, valued at half a million dollars, have arrived to be placed in it. A New York telegram says that the visible supply of wheat on May 26 was 9,900,000 bushels, as against 10,200,000 bushels the previous week. Visible supply of Indian corn, t,200,000 bushels, as against 8,600.000 bushels the previous week The export clearances of wheat for Europe during last week amounted to 670.000 bushels; the export clearances of Indian com tor Europe during last week amounted to 180,000 bushels. The old Roman advice to let the world take care of Itself when you want to be jolly, seems to be taken very literally by the Berlin people (says the &Ub*) So rigidly do they observe the Whitsuntide holiday, that they are content to do without newspapers from Saturday morning to Tuee- day night. Twenty thousand one hundred and ninety-one emigrants arrived in New Terk last week. making 1101. for May thus far. The demands for labour are reported te remain unabated, especially from the southern States. The approach of warm weather and the heliday season renders peculiarly appropriate just now the annual report of the Swimming Association of Great Britain, which has made great progress during its twelve years of existence. Jl large number of provincial and suburban swimming club8 are now connected with the Association, and several im- portant swimming contests were held during the past year, while this Society has rendered good service to useful exercise by circulating gratuitously copies of the laws of swimming, and by giving advice 8n all branches of the subject. A pleasure boat, containing three girls and a young man, was upset on Monday night In Bristol Harbour, and one of the girls and the young man were drowned. The others were rescued by means of a ferry boat, brought up Just in time by the ferryman on hearing the screams of the drowing party. The summer season in Paris has brought out. variety of novel fans. There are the "poetic fan," on which are inscribed two verses by some fashionable poet; the "flower fan," in the shape of the owner's favourite blossom; the "memorial fan," which bears the portrait of some dear absent friend and relative; and the "emblem fan," orna- mented with some device emblematic of the character of the wearer. Carefully-prepared statistics disclose that the num- ber of emigrants from the province of Munster, filtered through Queenstown to America during the four and a half months of the present emigration season, amounts to 19,780, showing an increase of 6,960 over the corresponding period of last year. The transatlantic steamship companies carrying powers are tested to the utmost, and it is said there are at present over 1,000 emigrants awaiting embarkation. There are signs that one of the results of a mild winter will be a superabundance of insect pests. Already the hop-growers are raising the cry that their bines are at- tacked by prodigious armies of plant lice the roses in the villa garden8 round London are blighted to an unusual ex- tent, and the spring shoots of many ot the elder and other trees are black with these scourges of the horticulturists On the 25th Feb., at midnight, drowned, off the Cape of Good Hope, during somnambulism, in the imaginary but gallant attempt to save life, John Rodd Childs, Lieu- tenant of H.M. ship Espiegle, beloved and lamented by all who knew him."—Obituary of The Times, May 29. An inquest has been held at Alvanley, near Chester on the body of William Ainsworth, aged fifteen years, em- ployed by a farmer. On Friday afternoon, while engaged with another servant weeding turnips, a flash of lightning enveloped them both. The survivor, who gave evidence, and whose face was burnt by the lightning, said that when he looked pround he found Ainsworth lying dead. Deceased's hair was singed, and his countenance much discoloured. The jury returned a verdict of Accidental death." Canon Wilberforce, who has been appointed the first Bishop of Newcastle, is the third son of the late Bishop of Winchester, and was born in 1839. He was educated at Exeter College, Oxford, and graduated B.A. in 1884, and M.A. in 1865. In the first-named year he took holy orders, and in 1873 was presented to the vicarage of Seaferth, in Cheshire, being appointed Canon of Winchester in 1878. The new prelate, who is warden of the Wilberforce Memorial Missionary College at Winchester, was married in June, 1868, to Frances Mary, third daughter of Sir Charles Anderson. On and after June 1 the trains on all sections of the Great Western Railway, with the exception of the Flying Dutchman and the limited mail trains, will carry passengers at third-class or parliamentary fares between all stations at which the trains stop. Mr. Longfellow is to be commemorated at Cam- bridge, U.S., by a public monument. He has left a large fortune, thanks to his having been one of the most popular of contemporary poets, judging from the enormous sale of his works. Probably also few other poets have been so widely translated, his poems having been rendered even into Hebrew, Sanskrit, and Chinese. Prince Bismarck is but slowly recovering from his ailment (says the Berlin Correspondent of The Times) which has never before attacked him in such an obstinate and serious form, and forces him to maintain a recumbent atti- tude, mostly in his bed. The Chancellor means to go to Kissengen as usual about the beginning of July. It is stated that the Roman Catholic clergy of the metropolis, acting under high ecclesiastical authority are about to commence a preaching crusade amongst the Irish members of their flocks against the connection of the latter in any way, however indirectly, with Fenianism or other secret political organisations. The widow of a collier employed in Lord Dudley's oollieries recovered a hundred and fifty pounds in the county oourt from his Lordship under the Employers' Liability Act. The deceased was a member of a colliery club, to which Lord Dudley subscribed largely, one of the rules of which was that its members should look to its funds alone tor com- pensation for aceident. Fhe county court Judge decided that this did not bind the widew of one of its members, and the Queen's Bench Division has granted a rule to show cause why there should not be a new trial. The Bishop of St. Alban's last week admitted fomr ladies as the first sisters ef the newly-established community of the Name of Jesus at Mapiestead. The oommunity has been formed on the model aiforded by the Beguimes, er Ursulines, abroad. The sisters make no vows for life, but only of poverty, ohastity, and obedience revocable from time to time. Their primary, but by so means their only work te inpenitontiariN. Government have ofered a reward of 42,000 fer information leading to the arrest ef the murderers of Mrs. H. Smythe in co. Weitmeath on April Z. Replying to an address presented to fcua in Dubllsi, Card is si M'Cabe denounced in the strongest possible terns the PhcMiix Park murders. He believed, he said, they had been planned abroad, and earned out by imported stncsslns but the fact was that they were still at large, and it mirht b* were still in Dublin. Advices reoeived in Berlin frem St. Petersburg state that the Czar, being desirous of entering upon apollcw of conciliation, has determined to organise a series 01 reforms. Three commissions are to be appointed, at the head of which Count Loris Melikoff is to be placed. An Imperial manifesto will, it is said, shortly be issued, declaring that his Majesty desires to celebrate the day of his coronation by granting reforms. Owing, however, to the impossibility of completing the necessary preparations before next May, the ceremony will be postponed until that date. A sad accident occurred at Accrington on Monday afternoon. The Baptist scholars were marching in proces- sion to a field, and were followed by a horse and ea rt laden with forms for the use of the scholars, and when in a narrow lane the horse took fright. Two children in the rear of the procession were knocked down; one of them, a girl, had the calf of her leg taken off, and the other, a boy, had his shoulder dislocated. Several others had a narrow escape. The Archbishop of Canterbury, replying to an appeal for and made on behalf of the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution, writes:—"I have, on more than one occasion, had the pleasure of contributing to the funds of the Associa- tion by means of an offertory in my parish church. It seema to me in every way appropriate that such collections should from time to time, be made in connection with the minimi harvest-thanksgiving services, especially in rural parishes. The agricultural distress of the last few years is well known to the clergy of the Church of England, and is brought home to many of them by bitter personal experience. I cannot doubt that the claims of your association willftnd advocates in many parishes, and I am willing that you should make known that it meets with my cordial support." Messrs. Cook and Son have received advices from Jerusalem stating that the French catholic pilgrims, number- ing 1,004 persons, after visiting Mount Carmel, Jerusalem, Nazareth, and many places of sacred interest in the Holy Land, were to leave on Monday on their return to Mar. seilles. An exceptionally large number of excursionists visited Brighton on Monday. The front of the town was thronged thronghout the day. Nineteen special trains ran into the terminus during the morning, and it is estimated that they together conveyed over fifteen thousand people to the town. Last Saturday an extraordinary rumour was cur- rent in Leicester to the effect that Mr. Gladstone had been assassinated, and created great excitement. How the report originated is not known, but it spread like wildfire, and the greatest anxiety was displayed to learn the truth of the matter, which fortunately was found to be entirely false. Jumbo is now claimed by the Americans as of American origin, as it is stated by some ingenious Transat- lantic naturalist that the famous elephant belongs to the Mastodon family, and is a remnant of that extinct animal tribe. Scientific experts are accordingly to meet at Wash- ington to examine him. After the arrival of Michael Davitt at Gaiway on Monday a band of musicians paraded the town, and a depu- tation from the Land League as well as one from the Ladies Land League waited upon him. Da"itt spoke to them britny, and then proceeded to Oughferard .where he arrived at about ten o'clock. The news of his arrival spread raD'dly aud a band of musicians v-rc toon ,t his hotel, accom-' panied by a large crovrri w„0 refused to leave until he had spoken to them, ^avitt thanked hii friends in a few words, and said he brought to them a message of peace and charity-not of war. He had come to Ireland to see how the people actually were, and not to make speeches. There had been a time, and there would be a time again, when it would be neccessary to make speeches; they would then find him ready to do his duty. At present hejwould merely thank them and ask them to go to their homes. The crowii gav« three cheers, and then quietly left. x



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