Papurau Newydd Cymru

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-E- M E 0 .1 E S Pre, by POst on receipt of Two Stamps to pay Postage, 244 Pages. OSHIES AND DERANGEMENTS THE GENERATIVE AND NERVOUS k()URFD BY THE POSITIVE RE- »°IES t„HE BOOK OF POSITIVE RE- L*Ll Tti^E names, NATURE, AND USE TTC^ POSITIVE MEDICINES IVHIGH BY DR. SMITH FOR THIRTY °°°K 0#« N0W PUBLISHED IN THE nThis POsitiVE MEDICINES." is invaluable to the NERVOUS and ber^JL an<i to those whose Constitutions Jve' InUr^6 Debilitated from Irregularities of I* rgitg ?PraT»ce, Climate, Over-taxed or Abused Iv1' Old i te Hours, City Life, Worry, Brain t? EN(Jt Tog,? or Disease. GIVKS THE NAME ft i 0F ALL THE MEDICINES for — pe,tY°ns Dok- of the Nervma System, fr WtatinJbl,lit;y» Mental and Phrfical Depression, ?{ Heart, Noisea u. the Head and CV ^eatinn 8T10n' Impaired Sight, and Memory, ^OSB °f Energy, Pains in the Back* r^n'.Blushing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self- v^e, \T110lzz^ne88. Love of Solitude, Groundless jv^fiti0ri tu^ar Relaxation, Loss of Sleep, Faulty* ^eijcJ t 88 of Flesh, Weakness, Pimples, It^lVge' 88 °' Nerve Power, k.c., Sec. OF THE POSITIVE eWjr S FOR THE CURE OF EACH iJ^CTtK^-I,IPlb. AND PRACTICAL IN, FOR THE CURE 0F ALL 4bia « £ 1 THE POSITIVE REMEDIES. Sro^S" QtriDE-BOOK OF POSITIVE RE- Ih fiA8Eo wiU found a LIST OF ALL c^alid and everything that a Country d kaow for SELF-TREATMENT. from the Publisher, jr. SMITH & Co., 2g o ^tive Remedy Laboratory, °uthampton Row, London, W.C. I/E PIliLi. nV 'aLHith'S FEMALE PILLS fck^RTTrS. A POSITIVE REMEDY IN ALL Th J'en, iNS AND IRREGULARITIES to bn Piiit Q-a, are subject—Headache, Depression ii. 'eh! l ne88i Sallowness, of the Skin Pimples, o bt*r Discharges. Or .t'lth Pills, the body snd nerves are restored ^Ov. ,eCu>.A\ ,f?our. Sold in Boxes (containing sufficient 9d. May be had direct from the jj »Hy S(j(^rfirece'pt of Thirty-four Stamps. Sent by Co.'« Positive Remedy Laboratory, tSouthampton How, London, W.C. ^°h.n E. Keirby, and MANUFACTURER OF PACKING, MM, NEAR MAMHESTHR. tore Platted Elastic Steam Packing PISTON RODS, PISTONS, PUMPS, &c I Hench CHALK PACKING, HYDRAULIC PACKING, GLYCERINE PACKING, L E A D ROPE PACKING A CylinderCovers, Steam Joints, &c STEAM PACKING RINGS, idescription of Packing, fVXD, SQUARE, AND FLAT, and Prices on Application 'distinguished Patronage of the Biitish tye II Admiralty. durable Corporation of Trinity House London. ^ESTABLISHED 1864. Cyonsi WR ITING AKDC, OP-YL N C M Ink "Old bV all Stationers. :=: 2)¡}jJ IQBt 2HING IN THE Ml GST £ PLACE. A,(E«1AI'S PILLS fliT" lly 111011 Bands to be wortb above « tn BOX, for bilious and nerrous 'c*>e "If.8 wind and Pain at the stomach, sick «fu '»dii £ ldd,ne»s» fullness and swellness after ,neBS and drowsiness cold chills, flushing fH^StVJ?88 u! 'PP*1*' shortness of breath, costive- u blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, «n»at: dreams, and 8,1 nervous and trembling ^•Ui^08' &c., &c. The first dose will give relief in Thjg .te8. A*9 no fiction, for they have done it in thou* ck* °btn-Ca8e8, Proprietor of these Pills have- tn lehplnedL(at Breat expense) a patent far them, he totK whole world to produce amedcine HP ^or removing the above-named com- ^h.' and restoring the patieot to sound and lasting i# earnestly invited to fry one box '8, and they will be acknowledged to be P WottTH A GUINEA A BOX. dosla0*^1 a&es these PillA are invaluable mcarry off gross humours Ho No feml?ns'.and bring about all that is re* for ► .dicine 8j10uid be without them. There s>sul?0vinir anv ^ound to equal Beecham'i Pills, If taken ruc^on or irregularity of the *gea *cl> box th«» Cc<?rdinK to the directions given anrt^^ 800,1 restore females of all health. A» » Cough Pills. f I^btness n«j"rcathin°u,lh8 in Kenera,» ^sthma, ^c*. th». ?J!d ^PDr»I Shortness in the Breath, i^nodSa ,S8tand^>'ofthe Chest» Wheezing, J*^ny of the »^riValied and anyone labour- to Provg ,u e complaints need only try r £ e Publi/ lthat they are the best ever 8n' *Joa»"sen«r Asthmatic and Consumptive reS% •' 'be Chest. „*of that sense of oppression and eRt. Ti?lng». wl»ich nightly deprive the all's >hp^os« "Ve almost instant relief and h?y. Per.^ .neRie_,J^ted with the above distressing P'aiftta tr0uKi dangerous complaints; Let n. bj with any of the above com- ^oved. ^Wi^fjHAM'S COOGH PILLS a trfal. » *acts ^ough will in a short time be re« than arguments, and to K ,'1» DSS1* Tht°Ch fact8 «a the above would be d?8t and uhirjiBf^traordinary 8ale Beecham'» af?e*Se aK^^est H?hly that they are one of the rr Ukit? slckneat n?e8 the Present day for th*8 a few ri w ?ot be f»und in any house, (T^4dftNu^heD„M-e8 of theBe«cellent Pills. i?0yerni Beerk .10 are revested to notice that 'Sfcat P"'8. St. Helens," are on the I "IS"»e" of lbe p, ff^clSt^etor. t? aod sold wholesale and retail, by boVBeecham' Chemist, St. Heleis, free V Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each! Xr^oid i proprietor for 11,15, or &6 V 8gi*U <*ni Patent Medicine Dtaltr in the «»reoUous are given with each box. ODOURLESS, SMOKELESS, PORTABLE, SAFE, CLEANLY AND ECONOMICAL. RIPPINGILLE'S PRIZE1" MEDAL OIL COOKING :F-. STOVES | R0AST' BAKE' B°Jh F^Il HEATi J|l IN FACT WILL DO THE WHOLt WORK OF KITOHEH FIRE, t CAM BE LIT OR EXTINGUISHED IN A RORIENT. W \"BAVJ1 KEEPING A FIRS IN WARM WEATHER. COMFORT AND ECONOMY IN SUMMER COOKING. Trleag from a f -w shminffs of TronmonffWB 9n1 Tj>m? Dsalera throaghont thi World. Tnll IllBStTnlefl T.tat ami name & nearert VDl bl forwarded, together with ft co>np'e'o Gnlda to Cookerr. 'ree on anpliciitlon to jfat 80S KMtttftKtOHlA, 9B PWelpt Ot (On W»i THE ALBTOS LAMP OOWVASt. irKtlHaH* Pears' Soap Fair white hanctee^ Bright clear complexion Soft healthful skin. LATEST NEWS OF THE WAR IN EGYPT. The following notices are selectod from the Thousand Newspapers which quoted and expressed most commendatory opinions of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE'S SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE SOUDAN, iMMRtnta DSSPATCHES tTBOM KORTI, QASSUL, MKRAWI, AND THE LATEST ISMIUQBSCE FROM KHAKTOTTK. THE PALL MALL GAZETTE says of the heroic THE SPORTSMAN Many people have been march to the Nile:—"The palm foe description must be struck with therivid pictures of events which succeeded given to the CorrespondSnt of the LONDON DAILY Abu Klea, and which appeared ia the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE, whose despatch is not only much the CHRONICLE." longest, bat also the most vivid in its colouring and THE DOVER STANDARDt—1"A Cdavptiment to realistio in its narrative." Journalism.—The graphic accounts ol tlie LONDON THE ST. JAMES'S QAZETTE says of the dashing DAILY CHRONICLE Corresponded with Gen«**l light before Metammeh:—"Nothing seems to have Stewart's force have attracted groajvnttention.11 escaped the attention of the Corxespondent of the THE SURREY ADVERTISBK AND COUNTY LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE and the whole story TIMES The battles of Abu iflea and of Qubai will is told with a quiet and full particularity which—to use in the hands of some future Mapior-Uke historian till a » r«y hiwkaeyed phrase—leaves nothing to b desired." glorious page in British recofiis. Fortunately the tior.y THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE of Feb. 1 complains is at hand in the columns at description telegraphed by of lord Wolseleyt I- confused despatch relating to Gen. the Special Correspondents of our daily contemporaries, Stemrt'B) brilliant success;" and adds: "Among notably by that of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE, the i>resg telegcams the next morning the LONDON which a consensus of opinion in press eireles admits DAILY CHRONICLE'S was the only good one." h»s shot at once to the front in its splendidly-written BOLTON EVENING NEWS 1—" There is news this aocount of the las*T>attle in which our little but gallant mornlrifof • most startling character regarding events at force under Stowfcrt rolled bacs the tremendous onset the seat of war <n the Soudan. The first authority for the of the Arabs/' „ m, Information of the Fall of Khartoum was the LONDON NEWCASTLE DAILY JOURNAL:- The tele- DAILY CHRONICLE, which has been conspicuous for grams of the fighting before Metammeh were through- excsBentaooounte of recent battles in the Soudan." out of the most brilliant character. The palm for des- PENNY ILLUSTRATED PAPER:—"A veteran War cription mast this time be given to the Correspondent Corespondent, Mr. Charles Williams, won the Press of the LOKDON DAILY CHRONICLE." laural for his animated account of the Battle of MANCHESTER DAILY NEWS:—" The most eon- Metammeh, in Mr. Edward Lloyd's popular newspaper, secutive narrative appears in the LONDON DAILY the JONDON DAILY CHRONICLE." CHRONICLE, from the pen of Mr. Charles Williams, NEWPORT E1CHO All authorities Are agreed and the descriptive touches in this long aocount are that the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE take. the jusf what one might have expected from sueh a prac- ]|fotammt& J description of the battle before DA^H^ONICLE ^elegrams go Co the LONDOK GRE.A.T LONDON Sixty-four Columns, One Penny. i DAILY CHRONICLE Enormous ~— GREAT SUCCESS. More Late News than any other Daily Paper. To be had of all Newsagents. -01 T5S?8I 1 1"*■ u MS 01,8 t £ A^BS byt^moB* able Mteis of Ae flay. PARLIAMENT.AWire laid on from both Houses into MARKET 8 from all puts, specially reported. the Office of this Journal. SHIPPING.—Wrecks and Casualties, Foreign Anif&Ifl, SPORTING.—Latest Racing, Betting, Cricket, Football, S0™0 Bailing, and Arrivals, Mail aaA 8teamshi» Rowing, Sailing, Athletics, &c. NOTICE8 OF TP"P T)RAMA AKricultural News from all Our last night's Telegrams from all parts of rengi<ma, parts. Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. CHEAPEST AND BEST ADVERTISING PAPER. Advertisements MUST be pre-paid. Post-Office Orders to be made payable at Ludgate Circus, te EDWABD LLOYD, Fleet Street. omCe- DAILY CHRONICLE BUILDINGS, FLEET ST..LONDON. E.G. JIW 7.1-11 1 e RENOWNED REMEDIES. 111 < 11 L'.VA1 JL-I -J I I M:L 111! RT T N! KL An Is9999999 £ 999B9S9SSSSS999SE9ES955SJ THE PilLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS, They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Compfeinta incidental to Females of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, Glandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. ——————— I The Pills ari4 Ointment are sold at THOMAS HOLLOWAT'S Establishment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON? also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at is. I id., 2s. gd., 4s. 6å., I IS., 22s. and 33s. each. The 2s. gd. size contains three times the quantity of the smallest size the 41. 6d. size six the lis. size sixteen the 22S. size thirty-three and the 33s. size fifty-two tiJDCI the quantity of the smaller Boxes and Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language. If.B.A.dvice Gratis at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter, maumammnm—MammmM—Bamamaammmammaaammmmmmmmmam STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMESc1, OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c, DESIRE to inform the PUBLIC that they have in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS &c., to which they invite attention. A large Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjoa, Tambourines, Drums Sarmonicars, Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and JOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxe IN Mously Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink And Inkstands, Conversation Cartb) &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality. Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &o., &c. -:0:- OBSERVE THE ADDRESS- ABERDABE TIMES" OFFICE 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE — 11 — ■■ T || -d;. i «iaai mi i 1 r 1 111 mwi m wmj iiuMMiiiiiiiui IWIBI 1— 11 M n A S A N i). ,■ A W Iiitf's London Cement, Plaster Paris, Mortar Hair, &c., all of the hest quality, at EVAN THOMAS & CO.'S, Ironmongers, and Miner's Lamp Manufacturers, 1': vijs S3ta» .Alt E PRICE ON APPLICATION ..Q PERFORATED TOILET PAPER AND REVOLVING HOLDER. THE PATENT PERFORATED TOILET PAPER IS Tmaqwm STRONGLY RECOMMENDED FOR USE IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. It tofisists ol a roll of raver nerfor&tfld at regular intervals, placed on B8 nmrTm nis** | handsome holder in aueh • manned that the roll can easily revolve when HcnADAIlV the paper Is gently polled. Baoh roll eontaina 1,000 sheets. The holder, H tUUNUln I. Vhieh can be had in vsriens »<jles, when once attached to the wall, will B T 1M* <ny ksgth el time, nA toQb of paper to re-fill ean always be obtained. 9 HE ALT H* Tie 0/ thi1 Paper are PHMPORT gQONOMY. HEALTH, AND NEATNESS. uUmrUiilt f| one# tried, this epodially prepared paper wiH always be afterwards ased. NFATHPQS_ ,Price: Bronze Holier, with roll of Paper containing 1,000 Sheets, com- litn I I'LUWi plete, 29.; Rolls of Paper to re-fill Holder, Is. each. Holders and Papw <ni —! are kept in stock btf Chemiste, Stationers, and Ironmonger. 7 L&thers ^atlier8 Freejy 0 si)lft ,IxtjL CLe So 'PVP4,rd,e. "Box

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