Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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-U R iSBOEEnismaEB i ypost on receipt of Two Stamps to pay |~n-r, postage, 244 Pages. U 5fITIES and derangements ^SXrVt generative and nervous X Dipo" CURED BY THE POSITIVE RE- S&lEs t^HE BOOK OF POSITIVE BE- £ AU-JHE names, nature, and use WERE lBE POSITIVE MEDICINES WHICH >EARS By DR. SMITH FOR THIRTY .S u°0 £ n» E Now PUBLISHED IN a THE This? P0siTIVE MKDICINES." nis invaluable to the NERVOUS and r^Ve be anc* those whose Constitutions ~ife, lniCOtne Debilitated from Irregularities of ^Prance, Climate, Over-taxed or Abused f°il,°OiH e Hours, City Life, Worry, Brain f,& ENOT^ge or Disease. GIVES THE NAME ve core f 0F ALL THE MEDICINES for toei>°Us n v^- Diseases of the Nervous Sy.stem, toa'pitati y' Cental and Physical Depression, t*8. In^ ?f.^e Heart, Noises in the Head and ^digest • ision> Impaired Sight, and Memory, ;;0n8l.- 'ont Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back' Hysteria, Timidity, Self- x ars. vr lzziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Relaxation, Loss of Sleep, Faulty t of Flesh' Weakness, Pimples, Gjy-p, e' ^°SS of Nerve Power, &c., &c. **DlrTxr £ FB NAMES OF TflE POSITIVE F0R THE CU|E!E OF EACH rf°CT!^8IMPLE» AND I^IACTICAL IN- 8 F0R THE (lURE OF ALL lnth|0 „ BY THE POSITIVE REMEDIES. rf £ E>IEl„ GUIDE-BOOK OF? POSITIVE 11E- T SfiASF<j WiU U found a LIST 0F ALL J^alid ,l and everything that a Country nt dii-B ^0uld know for sIlf-treatment. ect from the Publisher H. SMITH # Co., 2fi /°8itive Remedy Laboratory, Southampton Row| London, W.C. rX^fllAJLK /PDiLS, IJ SMITH'S FEMALE PILLS °BSTRrro A POSITIV& REMEDY IN ALL Tl0Ns AND IRREGULARITIES to $Spjw. are subject—Headache, Depression \acka<V knessi Sallo^ness, of the Skin Pimples, Wter all Discharges. oV^alth ^ese PiUs, die' body and nerves are restored |>\lhe Cn»«\ Vgour. Soft in Boxes (containing sutlieient %>rieior» Pnee 2s- 9d/ May be had direct from the anv i"? receipt f £ Thirty-four Stamps. Sent by \r. SLt~ ress- J •x op ? Co* Positive Remedy Laboratory, "Quthyfopton Row, London, W.C. 7I111 E. Keirjby, 4IENTEE AND 1\1 ANUPACTviiER OF V, i AJ| PACKING, SWIMON, NEAR MANtHESTEIi. Platted ElasticJBteam Packing foa piston rods, pis/ons, pumps, &c French chalk packing, French CHALX PACKING, HYDRAULIC PACKING, GLYCERINE PACKING, D LEAD ROPE PACKING CylinderCovers, Steam Joints, &c GAUZE STEAM PACKING RINGS, And ever u description of Pac\inq, t R°UMD, sdDAKE, AND FLAT. Prices on Application V e distinguished Patronage of the Biitisb Admiralty. 0 "able Corporation of Trinity House London. STAP-LISIIED 1864. tyons AND ',VRITING -COPYINC 'k Y all Stationers. 111. }; &IGI1T 1HING IJV THE RiGHT 13 PLACE. °E EC HAM'S PILLS ARE admitted hy thousands to be worth above a k^'dpi- BOX, for bilious and nervous SUC^ as wind antl pa'n attlie stomach, sick giddiness, fullness and swellness after Of ij > dizziness and drowsiness cold chills, flushin« 1e8g l» loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costive. Scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleeo 8en* u* dreams, and all nervous and trembling 2ola.tlQns, &c., &c. The first dose will give relieGin 'fi1.IJwtes. sat,d,s is n° fiction, for they have done it in ttou- iog s.of cases. The Proprietor of these Pills h|ve- «hai)Bbtained (at great expense) a patent fer theia, he equj^gea the whole world to produce a medcine Wain.-0 l^em for removing the above-named com- e^Hh an<* restoring the patient to sound and lasting t'er" thege^p?,?erer is earnestly invited to try olie box 1'»s, and they will be acknowledged to be Forfe 0RTH A GUINEA A BOX./ o? a ages these Pills are invaluable gross Rumours is Ifed* Nf>VUct'on8' an<i bring about all tia< is re- foPC° oiedicin^6 sllould be without them. There Sv to t>e found to equal Beech^m's Pills, ift«.ty ^'ruction or irregularity of the asrc, .each boi «un acco>'ding to the directions given 0 Bound n„,?y will soon restore fetaalesofall BeecV^bust health. A« S Magic Cough Pills. ln<1BrpfaM .Coushs in genefal, \sthma, 4C tuess and Onn K» Shortness in the Breath, W'i,„j8e piHs stnn5Ssior of the Chegt, Wheezing, ^Np t>er a°y of tho "0rivalied andinyone labour- to uvl above complaints need only try t0 the D5r«ye that they arqf the best ever t'hel i8' Hoarap^i10' Asthmatic anil Consumptive ro'S, and opprdssiin of the Chest. Pati^y of that sense 4f oppression and c°n»foM?frest Tulng» which nijplitly deprive the a°d, 0 those aiey ?'ve almost-instant relief and anv opVi Hlcted with thei' above distressing Points >s t?„ecJ,ed, dangerou^ complaints. Let Thp ^lyd e(l vvitl1 any; of the above com- Uioved Yin] HAM'S COUGH PILLS atrfal. Facts Cough will fn a short time be re- i'Jpe'rfl!?1 uPonFe conclusiye than arguments, and to ?*'Hs r» 8« ThSUc'1 ^acts a* the above would be °e&t 0Pr?ye tm,« e.e^traordinary sale of Beecham's safest'8 ?bly that they are one of the after ^ia?d 8iri,„med'ciPe8. at the present day for C*n~ dR a f0 s.8 be found in any house, the 0N—Th0W doses of these excellent Pills. ^ovI°rds Rp! Public are requested to notice that (Irilit,t eechamts Pills, St. Helens," are on the *>> 0n» thev p affixed to each box of the pills: the Pai"ed ?n^re a foi,Sery.>eto.- if aod so,d wholesale and retail, by Sent 8"'re, in' 1 Beecham, Chemist, St. Helens, Ma^st frp« rXes at Is. ljd, and 2s. 9d. each! the proprietor for 11,15, or 26 ni^&Zal £ yi>u and Patent Hedioine Dealer in the 'Full directions are glyea with each box, r I f SAND. White's London Cement, Plaster Paris, Mortar Hair, &c., all of the best quality, at EVAN THOMAS & CO/S, Ironmongers, and Miner's Lamp Manufacturers, i M IS JP .iM is E yP II ICE ON APPLICATION ODOURLESS, SMOKELESS, PORTABLE, SAFE, CLEANLY AND ECONOMICAL. %»§ R!PP)NGH-LES £ D ui<'i i on. CooKiNa STOVES R^kL R-L ;• ^O^WOT WILL DO THE WHOLE WORK OF KITCHEN FIRE, j t CAN BE L,T GR extinguished in a moment. V ■ SAVE KEEPING A FIRE IN WARM WEATEEB. ^V'U.V" COMFORT AND ECONOMY IN SUMMER COOKING. tV, 'r,- ,1 T .T> T>«iVra throut/hont tit- World. Full Tliuptrnted Wat and name of ncareiit Agent rvT: ■■^0! 1 on ir-n'i.iaMon to the Sols Manxifsetuier#, on receipt 01 pos* own. ¡-. r.: COi'n'\NY. Pears Sowu III Fair white hands* Bright clear compSexloii v Soft. healthftd' sMii. LATEST NEWS OF THE WAR IN EGYPT,/ The following notices are selected from the Thousand Newspapers which quoted and expressed most commemlatory opinions oX the f LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE'S SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE SOUDAN, iNOtTOiNo DESPATCHES FROM KORTI, Gakdul, MHRAWI, and THE LATEST Inteluoenck fuom KHA^tTonM. THE PALL MALL GAZETTE says of the heroic THE SPORTSMAN" Many people have been march to the Nile" The palm for description must be struck with the vivid pictures of events which succeeded given to the Correspondent of the LONDON DAILY Abu Klea, and which appeared in the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE, whose despatch is not only much the CHRONICLE." longest, but also the most vivid in its colouring "d THE DOVER STANDARD:—" A Compliment to realistic in its narrative." r Journalism.-The graphic accounts of the LONDON THE ST. JAMES'S GAZETTRsays of the clashing DAILY CHRONICLE Correspondent with General flght before Metammeli Nothing seems to" have Stewart's force have attracted great attention." escaped the attention of the Correspondent of the THE SURREY ADVERTISER AND COUNTY LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE and the whole story TIMES :—" The battles of Abu Kiea and of Guuat will is told with a quiet and full particularity which—to use in the hands of some future Napier-like historian till a a very hackneyed phrase—leaves nothing to b desired." glorious page in British records. Fortunately the story THE NEW YORK TRIBtTNE of Feb. 1 complains is at hand in the columns of description telegraphed by of Lord Wolseley's' confused despatch relating to Gen. the Special Correspondents of our daily contemporaries, Stewart sl "brilliant success;" and adds: "Among notably by that of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE, the press telegrams the next morning the LONDON which a consensus of opinion in press circles admits DAILY CHRONICLE'S was the only good one." has shot at once to the front in its sp'.endidly-wrii ton BOLTON EVENING NEWS:—" There is news this account of the last battle in which our little but gallant morningof a most startling character regarding event., at force under Stewart rolled back the tremendous onset x-ffthe seat of war in the Soudan. The first authority for the of the Arabs." information of the Fall of Khartoum was the LONDON NEWCASTLE DAILY JOURNAL:—"The tele- DAILY CHRONICLE, which has been conspicuous for grams of the fighting before Metammeh were through- excellent accounts of recent battles in the Soudan." out of the most brilliant character. The palm for des- PENNY ILLUSTRATED PAPER: A veteran War cription must this time be given to the Correspondent Correspondent, Mr. Charles Williams, won the Press of the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE." laurel for his animated account of the Battle of MANCHESTER DAILY NEWS: The most con- Metammeh, in Mr. Edward Lloyd's popular newspaper, secutive narrative appears in the LONDON DAILY the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE." CHRONICLE, from the pen of Mr. Charles Williams, NEWPORT ECHO :_U All authorities are agreed and the descriptive touches in this long account are that the LONDON DAILY CHRONICLE takes the just what one might have expected from such a prac- palm for its masterly description of the battle before tised writer, whose telegrams go to the LONDON Metammeh." DAILY CHRONICLE." aRBAT liONDON NEWSPAPER. Sixty-four Columns, One Penny, Daily CHBONIOLE FrYrrrrrrT GREAT SUCCESS. Sale, More Late News than any other Daily Paper. To be had of all Newsagents. TELEGRAMS.News and Correspondence from all LAW.—Special Reports of all Chancery and Civil parts of the world, from our Special Correspondents, Courts. „ by Wire. TRIALS from all Courts of Town and Country. LEADERS by the most able writers of the day. POLICE from all the Offices. PARLIAMENT.-Wire laid on from both Houses into MARKETS from all parts, specially reported. the Office of this Journal. SHIPPIN.G.—Wrecks and Casualties, Foreign ArrivalSi SPORTING.—Latest Racing, Betting, Cricket, Football, Sp°™e Sailings ttnd Arrivals, Mail and Steamship Rowing, Sailing, Athletics, &c. NOTICES OF THE DRAMA AGRICULTURE.-Latest Agricultural News from all Our last night's Telegrams from all parts of Englaua, parts. Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. CHEAPEST AND BEST ADVERTISING PAPER. Advertisements MUST be pre-paid. Post-Office Orders to be made payable at Ludgate Circus, to EDWABD LLOYD, Fleet Street. Offide-DAMY CHRONICLE BUILDINGS, FLEET ST..LONDON.B.O. -iq the'' j* THE PILLSR" Purify the Blood, correct all DiserSers of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS, They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in all Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, It is famous for. Gout and Rheumatism. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. FOR SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, Glandular Swellings, and all-in Diseases it has no rival; and for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. i The Pills apefOintment are sold at Thomas Hollo way's Establishment, 78, NEW 0 £ #"0RD STREET (latk 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON \also by nearly evenrrespectable Vendor of Medicine, in Boxes and Pots, at ij., i £ < 2S. gd., ^s. 6d., a 1 r 22s and each. The 2s. 9d. size contains three times the quantity of the smallest size the L. 6 f. size sixjnhe lis. size sixteen the 22J. size thirty-three and the 33^ size fifty-two times the quantity of the smaller Boxes and Pots. ^JKwtt^-inted directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language. N.B.—Advice Gratis at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letUr, THE NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD OF WALES. Under the Patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. THE ABOVE WILL BE HELD IN Aberdare, August 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th, 1885. The List of Subjects may be had from the Secretary, Price 3d., by Post 3|d. An additional Subject-English Essay, The Objects and Prospects of New University Colleges of Wales," Prizo X5 os, given by Dean Yaughan., Adjudicators —Principals Viriamu Jones and H R. Reichel. The Essays to be sent in; not later than July 18th, 1885. All persons who have Apartments Or Bed's to Let the Eisteddfod Week are requested to send their Names and Addresses to the Secretary as early as possible. A Register will be kept at the Eisteddfod Offices. 11, Canon Street, Aberdare. J. R. LEWIS, Gen. Sec. STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, "r.-0/' 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, ,/o!" PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c, DKSIKE to inform the PUBLIC that they have in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY anu FANCY GpODS, suitable for PRESENTS &c., to which they invite attention. A I;irge Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas^Tlutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums flarmonicars, Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best delected Stock in Town of HOME and FOR EIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboarda, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfurotry, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality. Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags., Purges, Albums, &c., &c. ———M):———— OBSERVE THE ADDRESS- ABEKDAKE TIMES" OFFWE 31, COMMEKCIAL-PLACE, ABEliDAKE ,.I — LLYFUAU CYJVJ R EIG, t 1 y AU WEHTIl GAN V JONES A 1 .MA B, 3 1, CO M M K if C I A L-P LACE, ABERDARE. PERFORATED TOILET PAPER AND REVOLVING HOLDER. THE PATENT PERFORATED TOILET PAPER IS fiigagggWSJ STRONGLY RECOMMENDED HSbH for use in every household.. lyBBMWHHBBk It consists of a roll of paper perforated at regular intervals,'placed on .hhhhmhmmmAi a handsome holder in such a manner that the roll can easily revolve when ^rnniiniiu the paper is gently pulled. Each roll contains 1,000 sheets. The holder, if ECONOMY* can be had in various styles, when onoe attached to the wall, will gig last any length of time, and rolls of papento re-fill can always be obtained. 1 HEALTH. The merits ctf this Paper are Hi 1 ECONOMY,^HEALTH, AND NEATNESS. oumruit I. if once tried, thi§uspe £ lally prepared paper will always be afterwards used. I NPATNCQQ Price: Brgjwe^fiolder, with roll of Paper containing 1,000 Sheets^ com- 1 I II Cn I llCOOi plete, 2&rJ"Bolls of Paper to re-fill Holder, Is. each. Holders and Paper H- [ ar*fept in stock by Chemists, Stationers, and Ironmongers. Lathers J>ee^ 0 0.- qp on 6,0 0ltv kp I Z)O 0 I ci lp por

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