Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

25 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



Cjrrm [ALt. RIGHTS RPSERVED.) lYE AND CHAPTER XXIV. Eda Wa]wPALSE AND TEUE FRIENDS. *ld ^entlemanrthJ^Se }° g0 with the kind lady, the and ne' 7ho been reading a morning J" notice of th« look towards, or take ^a^"ds them. c°U0quists, also arose and advanced y0%S^Chouse il'?^1 youPleasetote11 me where of a an<^ ^er *ace indicated the forth- v changed a^gry reply, but her expression sud- v°iCes_ u, and shQ said iQ th0 most bknd Oh, hop, for th inly, Sir it is in-Street. May I arders e Pleasure of counting you among my I "ear here. 'pu '11A^now- I thought you said it was A mile is :?(,s a.m'le off." nappy to ° ar in the city, you know, sir. I shall •' you. Good morning Come, my w ^adam i T) J1' 01 afrald—I'm—rm afraid that Oh ?* Perliarlq6 ^rai'^ ^at I'm too far off, you would eVer nain/j T would be rather too long a walk. 0^iag." not Urge you, sir. Good J^aving ttie o] 1Wotnan walked off with her new friends, a 2ttle rm ^.en^eman gazing after her, and looking Pect»cies f I? e^- # But -when he had encased his l ayihe-vraii f newspaper, and put them I? so decide S wl»7 after the trio who seemed to dim ^"ere awakened his interest. "lenity jn i °. ?°'ng very fast, and he had no v^ng a ePln& them in view but as they were i 'J" take a oroughfare, where they would pro- ng. °nv<-yance, he could not expect to do so Before 5?^' enter1?"' observed them, as he had antici- hi ?e ^as no fC°nve^ance' which was driving off. st after it 'me 'ose' and the old gentleman Pping u and with much difficulty succeeded in Mis3 Yaiand ^tting in. c^ress. w°rth moved closer to her seeming pro- As ^on as^l 111 a,n made no attempt to speak to her. J8 seat t0 rin16^- recovered his voice, he changed ea l^aninr, fS lrectly opposite the stent woman, and heard .0rwar^> said in a voice which was dis- rea'ci1y r.'da, but which did not seem intended °«ier passengers- °Wwav m ^ill you leave this lady to go W},6 ?" y> °r shall I expose you before all these aM* 'lr>ar^ these words, and saw the resolute -tigth vm 'i' ^lem_ force, the dreadful truth dawned 0t*i her T,if?n er mind and recoiling with horror j^eant sen*-e benefactress, she fairly sprang to v a?ginjj ilrj_ ,on tlie opposite side of the conveyance, Jj* sPeechle<i uCr ?fter her'and lookin £ tremblingly *2 had y back upon the discomfited woman latw r y Pntr Wd her. l .^less v' fee'no that further persistence would i the Vf4rKintly ierked the strap overhead, and ier trvje 0,lc e lri great wrath, no longer disguising PUrsnpt.;ira^er' but shaking her clenched fist at °^y- S^6 denounced as a meddling old ^ttied to ljUr"1°r noticing her, the exulting old man j, "Y0ll ha and said sorry jV° llad a narrow escape, young lady, and i a'n J'ou °fa"not do something more for you than to t I ] an £ er- I am a poor man, as you may ? ei" assis/aVe 110 home to offer you, nor, indeed, any E requ;r A!)CE' which I am very much afraid that s^ranger^t'f'1 ,rn"'h confusion, assured the benevolent f^^ices f '10 bad rendered her the greatest of or which she could not sufficiently thank hands cordially with him as they parted, ant; ,.fl. him that she believed she should not ^jth l,er heart failed her as she alighted and, j^'lliQer'o n brother, made her way back to tho ^elp J" to learn that business was light, and ^°Ssiblv r and that Miss Burch could not ^pleSr efflp^ent 0lJt a clip n.ot in despair, Eda at once sought Sa^e and r,a'-) arthn(?-house, where she might have a the onDrJ.Ule.t home for a -few days, while awaiting i 'rc'h's ],Unity of earning nn honest living. Miss her>nSelAf- Gdge of the city enabled her to assist ci°Uslv e ,g SUch a place' which she did ungra- 8tarched MUg o and Under Pr°test to the prim and °f the a i- S arle5"' that she knew nothing whatever for her PPhcant's character, or of her ability to pay d0]] codgers being scarce, and Eda having a few de •rS to a<3vance> and a large trunk at the railroad P't, which was immediately to be sent for, she was j^'iously accepted, and was duly installed in a small, ■Urd-story room, which her hostess said commanded capital view of the sky. ftt3ih\firSt thin £ to bo d°ne was to send for her trunk, VOr-Y S°°n had a Porter engaged for this is. cl°se by the depot," said Eda, unsuspectingly. only to mention my name to a stout tb'aJ,thw'with bi" black whiskers, and fine ^orar, e'n hand it right out to you. He has a Very of it" h!!et hee^e11; 111 S°> mum" said the porter but I d°v*v kept t^f.such a thing before. I thought every- ^ered r own checks until the baggage was *he jjj' ^broth'1 w°nt, and while he was gone Eda and hie}j. breakfasted, or dined, she scarcely knew aft ceurgp I, W a lonp-' k Por^er's errand was fruitless, and J?17! HothS,abRence h0 returned to say that he could 0f had sn t'le check, or of the stout gentleman mom- mdl>' taken charge of it. The baggage of he rath^^train had a" been delivered, he said; ja faoax. r lntimated that he had been the victim Miss Walworth called for Miss xtV^ous „°n,su^e^ her but the landlady looked fr 0 ^id thaM? exchanged glances with the porter, J tL t 'lad heard before of people looking Pay for'^T- bad never lost, and that he must WJ °°r Eda 0 'S ^me and trouble. him f\pVe ^e impudent fellow a ring to get v. said she 1SS had all her money in pledge), jf °Perty( go herself and look for her lost c, did not r1 s'le believed would yet come to light, hr of 6 Was utterly destitute, not having a other rn[ient of any kind for herself or her It • "an a long walk for you," said the prim h Cotlle k.i 1 ^"e whole, I think it best for you not 0a^,ng-house'' Fe ^°U easily find another b(,r te Very -ell," said Eda, with difficulty restraining ^Vhe Worv, u, y°u have my money." °h Miss -ii- an^ed her one of the three dollars Ves_r a'worth had given her, and said hen Edn 6 KiVe ^hat will make us about square." ^'l,v exP°stulated, she replied sharply: dinner fU ,lave had the best room in the house, ln?le nieak °T ^°' course we charge extra for have fi,'ari besides I have reason to believe that I'Uld be—a G17ed me7 that you are not what you °U.5e ^ii *} that, in short, the character of my go at 0 I suffer by your stopping here. If you will ^liceman »WGVer' and PeaceabIy-1—1 will not call VeritabKrf5'uappalled' incredulous of her ears, and ^r''ve jir IS ln& that the earth would open and re- airly ln \ts profoundest depths, Eda Walworth Vh iggeredJfTthe door of the heartless creature, wounded her woman's heart more by her r e words than all "the slings and arrows of jageous fortune" could otherwise have done f«?}°f np with nervous e^asp the hand of her the ne(^ brother, but neither hearing nor answering her T?any questions which he put to her, she made stin l a* after a weary walk, to the railway station, a iittJ°PGlui of finding her lost property. But, alas crue,]! '"Quiry soon convinced her that she had been a\fay) a (,lauded. The baggage had all been taken ^as abu .^he officer who superintended its delivery a Person "T^^ctly to remember, among the claimants uSs Walu-U answering to the description which c"pQue. °rth §ave of the man who had taken her CI I fmlys there no remedy P" asked Eda, most mourn- t a" HT!H<LUTYTbu'^TtlK> comPaTiy, miss. We have done -r,See if'anvfi ■W'" &° with you to the chief of police, tr,t,le Sood-nilt!'ng can be done." ■v^iti e chief's r<:(' baggage-master accompanied her invuattenti0ri ce' where her story was listened to l'hof«d ^to thn II P°hteness, and where she was she co^i^hs tiie ro^ue's gallery" (a collection of hf-r U d tU^ an 'ncipient institution) to see if p v'sagG of the man who robbed tertv °u'^ be ij,' e Was informed that diligent t° i •' ~,ut that the r, 0r the recovery of her pro- °lap.w *y any San P.r°spect of success was too slight ^ce its i.fUlne hopes. So many hours had It J°0(1 his eso SS' ^lat the thief had undoubtedly <fcickl as aftem,1^ °ut of the city with his booty, but d/fde°ide on ? "°w> and Eda knew that she must "Witv, tl! -er course, if she would do anything Wj a'.onp tlde disasters which seemed to be P aiut; t' are x*. n r e S°'ng now, sister ?" said Frank, Cr-'t." VeH arn tired, and it is so cold." 0Vrs> my dear boy; I certainly do areIered the memory of one fair slight P call a fyUrr?d to her—one whom she scarcely if«K °f Wli'e their acquaintance had been so I-ife_ e had sePn°s,e 8°°dness she felt as well assured er 1X8,1116 emblazoned in the Book of §r: „ had ^as blanchedTG SjbbaJd fi,rBt in the hour when priv dhf beautiful cheeks, and when it her ^ent J ul f • admmister consolation and en- yoUt> Counten l,rffair Stya"pr ^ho was so nearly tho h- I'heyhad I Kn ,6 cha,rms and graces of ^th, quamtam i subsequently exchanged calls, and into^0 congenial h had thuS begun between ^atniK acv bnf 7 W,ould' doubtless, have ripened *7 from t ° V°r the removal cf Mr. Walworth's r-<3a at city. ^^off °f hr?dSS!led 10 go to Grace' to tell her and to an 4 ?n' an<i the causes which had cept from her the temnorarv shelter and assistance which she was certain would be gladly offered her. It was a great relief to her to decide upon this course, for she would thus escape the pity and contumely of her old neighbours, whose charity, if ac- corded at all, she believed would have been alloyed by censure and distrust. A walk of twenty minutes brought her in view of the well-remembered residence of theSibbaIds— a small cottage-house in a pleasant street; yet she found herself agitated with new fears as she drew near it, and conjectured the changes which Time might have wrought in the humble fortunes of her friend. But while the tinkling of the door-bell yet vibrated on her ears, a light tripping step was heard in the hall, and the door was opened by Grace herself, who instantly recognised her friend, and manifested the most genuine delight at meeting her. Nor was this delight abated, excepting by com- miseration for Eda, when, seated at her side in the little parlour, she listened with bated breath to the story of distress and destitution which Miss Walworth hastily related, keeping back nothing of all the wrongs and indignities she had suffered. It would be difficult to say whether the tears flowed most freely down the cheeks of the narrator or of the listener to this pitiful tale but ere it was closed Eda's neck was encircled by the arm of Grace, who seemed unable to express in words the extent of her tender sympathy for the sufferer. Oh, how glad I am that you have come to us she said and sister Sally will be so glad, too We are also poor, as you see (it had needed but a glance at the scanty and faded furniture of the one little parlour to convince Eda of this fact), but we have at least a comfortable home, and we want for none of the necessaries of life. Sister Sally is a wonderful manager she does it all, somehow, for I am still at school, which she will not hear of my leaving. But we are only two, and we have two gentlemen boarders, who take breakfast and tea with us; and now you and that dear little boy have come, oh! it will be so pleasant, if you will but stay with us all winter. As to clothes, we will all set to work, and we will soon have you both supplied, and then my own dresses will exactly fit you, and you can wear any of them for the present." Eda checked her enthusiastic friend by reminding her that she could not consent to be a burden upon people whose energies were already fully tasked for their own support. Oh, I know how you feel about that," was the response; but you shall not be an expense to us. Sister will find abundance of work for you and Frank both to do, and you shall fully earn your living." I can churn exclaimed Frank, proudly; I'll churn all 3ay for you Will you, dear ?" said Grace, laughing. But we have no churning here." Well, but I can dig potatoes for you, and pick up chips, and feed the pigs Grace and Eda both laughed heartily at Franky's list of accomplishments, so valueless in city life; and Miss Sibbald said that he was a dear, good boy, and that they would find something for him to do, and that she was sure his sister would send him to school too. Eda seemed startled by her own laughter, for it was the first genuine note of merrriment which had escaped her lips for many long weeks butherfrie- d's blissful picture of rest and comfort in this quiet home had produced such a joyous reaction in her lately tortured heart, that it was impossible to resist its influence. If you will only stay said Grace, as if thehome- less and persecuted girl would be conferring the greatest of favours by accepting her hospitality. You may think it strange," she continued, that I take so much upon me, in the absence of my sister but when she comes you will see that I have not gone beyond my powers, nor mistaken her wishes. I ought to have called her sooner, and will do so now." When, after many minutes, the masculine step of the elder Miss Sibbald was heard in the hall Eda felt some misgivings as to the reception which awaited her from this acknowledged head of the family," whose riper years could scarcely be expected to be marked by the same ingenuous and eonfidingspirit which gleamed through all the features of the gentle Grace. But it required only a glance at the kind face of Sally, homely though it was, to reassure Miss Walworth; and her welcome was so quick and earnest, that it seemed as if she had anticipated Eda's fears, and made haste to dispel them. Grace has told me all!" she said, when she had cordially shaken hands with Eda and had kissed her and we have had a little crying spell together over your misfortunes, but don't cry, now, dear. It was so good of you to think of us, and to come here I only wish you had come sooner. We are so lonesome here, and you will not make us the least trouble. We have plenty of room. This is our own house, you know, although it is a poor one." And so Miss Sibbald rattled forth her assurances of welcome, quite forgetting to mention that their own house was mortgaged for nearly all that it was worth, and that she was slaving night and day, not with any hope of discharging the large debt, but to pay the interest and the taxes, and to earn the necessaries of life for herself and sister. Eda had not failed to notice that no mention had been made c f Thomas Sibbald; and when Grace had said, We are only two," she feared to ask about her brother, lest she should touch some chord of grief. But when, at last, she felt compelled to make some inquiry about so near a relative of her friends, the sisters exchanged glances, and the elder, with a look of pain, replied-- Tom has gone to Illinois; he did not get on here, and he thought transplanting would do him good. But I am afraid he wants something besides new soil/' Grace replied quickly— He says his prospects are very good out Yes, but he says a great deal more about the pros- pects of fishing and hunting and, in short, I think it will be about the old story. Success waits upon application and industry in the West, as well as here, I believe, and that is what Tom has not." He said we might depend upon him to pay off the mortgage on the house in a few years." Oh, yes, his will is good enough, and his hope is large but I shall be disappointed if I do not have to send him mono}', instead of receiving it from him." "Perhaps," said Eda, "you will be agreeably surprised, one of these days, by a different result/* Very true we will hope for the best of course," said the elder Miss Sibbald; and the subject was thereupon dismissed. (To be continued.)










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lltisallaimras Intelligence