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GLISTELLAIKMS HOME, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL, THE BRITISH CAPTIVES IN ABYSSINIA.—Mr. George Percy Badger, in a letter to the Morning Herald, says:— I have received advices direct from Massowab as late as the 26th of December last. Mr. H. Rassam was still there, and up to that datfe had received no raply from King Theodorns. The rumour that two of the captives were dead, and that Mr. Rassam's messengers had been imprisoned, appears to be unfounded. The most reliable authority from the interior represents the British captives as having been placed in the hill fort of Makdala, together with 600 native prisoners, during the king's absence to repress an insurrection in Shoa. Prior to his departare Capt. Cameron had been well supplied with provisions by royal order. The mis- sionaries and other British captives shared in Cameron's rations; otherwise they subsisted on charity. Mr. Kad and the German artisans are reportad to have interceded for the release of the prisoners. Theodorus at first consented, but subsequently withdrew his promise, itatiog that he could cot relene them until he had received a reply from the Queen of England. There is something inexplicable in this statement, because the king knows full well that Mr. Rissatn has been waiting at Massowah for the last four montns with a letter from her Majesty. The upthot of the latest informa- tion leaves the ultimate fate of the British captives as un- certain as ever. Lng Theodorus may release them at any moment, or he may refuse to do so until some further at- tempts have been made to propitiate his offended dignity. NEWSPAPER STATISTICS From the" News, paper Press Directory" for 1865 we extract the fol- lowing on the present position of the newspaper press —There are now published in the United Kingdom 1,271 newspapers, distributed as follows :-England, 994 Wales, 41; Scotland, 140; Ireland, 132; British Isles, 14. Of these there are 48 daily papers published in England, 1 ditto in Wales, 11 ditto in Scotland, 12 ditto in Ireland, 1 ditto in the British Isles. On re- ference to the edition of this useful dictionary for 18i6 we find the following interesting factR-viz., that in that year there were published in the United Kingdom 799 journals of these 37 papers were issued daily— viz., 15 in London, 10 in the provinces, 7 in Scotland, and 5 in Ireland; but in 1865 there are now established and circulated 1,271 papers, of which no lew than 73 are issued daily, showing that the press of the country has largely extended in the interval, and the daily issues standing 73 against 37 in 1856. The magazines now in course of publication, including the quarterly reviews, number 554; of these 208 are of a decidedly religious character, and by which the Church of Eng. land, Wesleyans, Methodists, Baptists, Independents, and other Christian communities are duly represented. SECOND SIGHT.-The late Dr. Norman Macleod, of Glasgow, travelling in the south, happened one day to sit beside a gentleman who had just returnnd from India. Though of a Highland family, and heir to a Highland estate, this gentleman threw out some sarcasms on his own countrymen, and spoke of their superstitions (says Mr. Carruthers in his Lecture on the Hebrides"). For example," said he, there is the second sight; what can be more absurd or pre. posterous than that illiterate men should pretend to ?nd should be believed?" The old V»« 4 an<* looked grave. There are," serond .mo*f ahsurd things in the world than 1 T7 tel1 y™, in confidence, that;, IndeecP '^fea gift way myself-" E "J v. • ^stance, I never saw you before, and[you have ]ust returned from abroad; never- theless, I have a vision in which you are an actor before me at this moment." Here the doctor shut his eyes after the approved fashion of the old seers. I see you and a tall elderly gentleman, who is unfortu- nately blind, walking by the side of a Highland lake with a house and a wood near it. The blind old gentleman is delighted to meet you and to welcome you home." "That 0 is very remarkable," rejoined the other, very remarkable, indeed. My father is a tall blind old gentleman, and there is a lake close by our house, on the banks of which we were talking together." A short silence succeeded. At length the gentleman ventured to say, How, my dear doctor, did that remarkable vision come upon you?" /.1U tell you how it came upon me,* said the old minister, with a sly twiakle in his eye; "I saw your name and address on your portmanteau, and I know your father and hia property." And so the vision broke up amidst hearty laughter on both sides. A HORSE-FLESH BANQUET IN FRANCE. A Paris correspondent writes concerning the hippophagfc banquet in Paris -The dinner took place in the great Salle hemicycle. Horse soup, horse boiled aux choux, horse en boef a la mode, horse roast, horse pate de foie with truffles, were successively eaten and discussed. At dessert, M. Henri de Quatrefages, chairman of the horse-flesh committee, drank to the memory ef the illustrious Geoffroy de Saint Hilaire, who first suggested the idea of turning that noble animal to the vile use of feeding mankind. M. Gustave Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, the director of the Jardin d'Acclimatation, returned thanks for the honour done to his father. M. Jules Delbruck, next addressed the company, putting the thing in a moral point of view which struck me «« v/ngmm. iic ociis-l uuav, vvucictts uuw uursco wertj abused and made to work while breath was in them, once accepted as an article of food pains would be taken by their possessors to preserve them from injury, and a speedier end would be put to their life of tcil by the necessity of killing them before they had attained a great age. This, however, was victoriously refuted by the next speaker, the director of the Veterinary School at Alfoet, who pleasantly assured the guests that in order to prove that a horse was good for food to the last he himself had supplied the chef of the Grand Hotel for the dinner they had just eaten with pieces of (ised-up old animals, with scarcely any flesh on their bones, the youngest of the lot having attained fourteen years and others twenty, and even two-and-twenty years of age. The effect of this speech on the assembly reminded me of Alexandre Domas while travelling in Russia, who having been offered a bear steak for his dinner accepted the novelty, and after eating the whole, remarked on its excellence to the master of the hotel, who replied, "Ah, he was an awful beast, and hard to catch but our best shot killed him last night. He had eaten the young man's father, whole in the morning. How SOME FRENCHMEN EARN A LIVING.— Necessity—the mother of invention-has been fertile in expedients in the twelfth arrondisement of Paris. There is the maggot-breeder for the fishermen of the Seine the money lender who charges cent. per cent. by lending from sunrise to sunset; the poor rcveilleuse, who goes from house to house, through the winter ni^ hts, to waken sleepers who must be at the markets and there is the "guardian angel," whose business consists in seeing drunkards home from the wine-shops, at the rate of ten sous per drunkard Behind all these quaint bread-winner?, there are crowds of men and women, who depend on public or private charity. RANCID BcTTER.—The following is the copy of a letter addressed to the Scottish Farmer What Is the reason of butter not keeping ? Salt evidently won't keep it from getting rancid beyond a certain time. The vast quantities that are annually condemned by the cus. toms at Leith and elsewhere clearly demonstrate the fact. Now, why should such a larze amount of food be wasted, and why a still larger amount be eaten in an unwholesome condi lfn ? Fiom a lengthened experience in the use of butter I have no hesitation that it Is the quantity of milk left in it which spoils. I extracted some milk from some sweet butter six weeks ago, and it remains perfectly sweet yet without the use of salt. This same butter would not keep beyond ti rae days without going bad. I extracted the milk effectually by placing the dish in hot water, the butter on it; and as the butter dissolves, the milk falls to the bottom, and the pure butter remains on the top. You can separate them simply by pouring off the butter. After it is cold and has set, a very little aalt would preserve it for a length of time. I an certain h would never become rancid. SINGULAR CRITICISM.—Mr. Haiii Friswell, a well-known and most industrious author, recently com- piled and published a book under the title of Familiar Words." The work consisted of popular quotations, to which were added references to the respective authors. The Athenctum indulged in a long adverse criticism of the bojk, pointing out several verbal in- accuracies and one or two alleged omissions. Mr. Friswell replied by showing that the quotations said to have been omitted from bis book were really included in it; and that, as to the supposed errors, many of them were mere printer's mistakes, while others were not erroneous at all. Notably within the latter category was the attribution to Thomas Moore of a song entitled My Heart and Lute." TheAthenceum declared that the song was not by Moore, but part of an opera called Lodoiska," by Kemble. Mr. Fris- well referred to an edition of Moore's works in which the song was to be found. The critic contemptuously rejoined that this particular edition was spurious, and that the song was not in the authorised edition of Moore's poems revised by himself and published by him iu 1841. To crown the whole, Mr. Friswell refers to that edition, and there finds the song! PUBLIC GULLIBILITY.—In an article on an em* ployment agency case which came before a London police court a few days ago, the Daily Telegraph says:— Expose a sham insurance society, and you do not find that it ceases to issue policies, or that it misses dolts who are eager to part with a prsmium for a plecs of papkir turn a hull's eye upon the astab'Uhmem of an enameiler, and you do not see that the Regent-street Medea ceases to have imi- tators, with second hand herbs, and a rustier cauldron prove that the Cashmere shairls which widow ladlei have f r Fale are manufactured expressly for the great miUkei or dishonesty, and still they will And purchasers brand as sorry knaves the creatures who "have a go d thing" for next Derby, and there will yet be shop boys robbing the till to back a racer, which they would not knof frum a cart hors?; coucluilve!y establish the rascally character of a registry, and the doers will jet open o receive tbose whom experience cannot warn, and who almost seem to court the extortion cf which they are afterwards the victims. A DISAPPOINTMENT. —A noble Lord, high in office, recently issued invitations to his friends tor an entertainment at his country seat in shire (says the Court Journal). London coeks, London waiters, and London musicians were despatched to the noble Lord's country mansion. Everything was in readiness for the reception except "My Lord," and much anxiety was shown by the domestics at his non-arrival. At length the hour came for the visitors; Carriage after carriage drew up, when, to the disappointment of all, no host was there to reecive them, and the servants in the absence of the master, were not in a state to explain the mystery. It is said that public business detained the noble Peer in town. THE TELEGRAPHIC ALPHABET OF THE CELLS. —We have all heard of alphabets for the blind and the dumb, but few of our readers, we presume, ever heard of one for jail birds-the regular frequenters of our prison cells-where knowledge is gained by them under somewhat ingenious difficulties; but such is neverthe- less a fact, as ascertained by us from an ex-turnkey. When wanting to gain information from a brother in distress, as to name, what incarcerated for, hovr long in "jug," &c., the mode adopted is as follows :-To call the attention of his next cell neighbour, a few knocks aN given on the wall until responded to by the latter. Then commences the Alphabetagram," as we shall call it. Should the name be David, for instanee, the informer gives four distinct raps, so as to answer for A B C D. Then follows a pause, denoting that the last letter begins his Christian name; then giving anather knock, with pause as formerly, A is then found to be the second letter and so on until the con- versation is finished. SJ the schoolmaster, however much abroad, is very often to be found confined amongst very promising pupils under locks and bars at home. EXTRAORDINARY INVESTIGATION. -The follow- ing extraordinary advertisement appeared in the In- verness Courier of Thursday last To the Editor of the Inverness Courier.— I>ores Free Manse, Feb. 7, 1865 — Sir,— Two females from Lochend called on me this with a view to the Duplication (,f the accoillpanymg documeu t a3 an advertisement in the Courier. I hereby give my coneurretice to the Liresiid proposal. Have the goodness to send the document to Dr- Campbell, that he may iuaert one or two words which are wanting in his Ofertl- flcate, which must have been writteu.- Yours very truly, A. Macpherson." "A rumour having been circulated tending to affect the charncterofth. fair sex of Locbend, in reference to the body of a child lately found in Loch Ness, the inhabi- tants of the district deemed it expedient to get their character adjusted by Dr. Campbell, from Inverness, who on Monday last met all the young and unmarried temal es ot the place in the vestry et the Free Church, and certified as to their character being free from reproach. A reward of 51. is hereby offered to any pa ty who can give correct infor- mation to the Rev. Mr. Macpherson, Dores, of any one attributing the perpetration of the crime to any of the females within the bounds of Lochend.-Lochend, January 25, 1S65." I hereby certify I have examined a number of young women of Lochend, and have no reason to believe that any of them have been recently colfin ed.-W. A. Campbell." THE Loss OF AN EYE,—An action for 30,000 francs damages for the loss of an eye has been tried before the Civil Tribunal in Paris. The wife of a grocer, named Lebrasseur, at Senlia, entered a toy bazaar in the Rue de Chateau d'Eau in April last to purchase a child's percussion gun, and while the shop- man was explaining the manner in which it was used, tbe trigger fell, and the cap going off5 a portion struck Mdme Lebrasseur, who was standing six feet off, in the eye, the consequence being to render her partially blind. The tribunal, however, considering that the misfortune had been beyond the control of the shop- man, gave a verdict in his favour. IMPORTANT TO WESTERN AUSTRALIA.-The official corresponience between the Colonial Office and the Governors of the Australian colonies concerning the discontinuance of transportation to any part of the Australian continent was laid before Parliament on Wednesday. In his principal despatch on the subject Mr. Cardwell concludes by saying I have now the tatlsfactlon of acquainting you that, upon a full ar'd careful review of the question in all its hearings, her Majes'yg Government have determined not only to issue the regulatious for the disposal ot tond in the new distiict, coup'ed with a provision that no convict labour shall be Introduced into it, but also to propose to Parliament in the ensuing session measures which, if adopted, will in the short period of hne years render it unnecessary any longer to con- tinue transportation to Western Australia. RF SOURCES OF THE SOUTH,- The Confederate States have in the field to day 300,000 veteran soldiers. They have a Lee, a Beauregard, a Forrest, a Johnston, a Taylor, a Wheeler, a Smith, and scores and scores of brilliant and successful captains (says a New York correspondent.) They have ammunition, ordnance, stores, and supplies sufficient to last them 20 years. They have a brave, patient, and gallant people deter- mined on victory, and counting as gain all sacrifices for their country. They have 3,000,000 of obedient and faithful domestics, the most laborious and disciplined agricultural population on the continent. They have the most generously fertile lands which lie between the two oceans. They have inexhaustible mines of coal and iron, inexhaustible deposits of nitre and sulpher. They have the finest gun and powder factories in America. They have the experience of four years incessant and terrible war; and they have that at their hearts which nerves even cowards to action, and which in people like them is the promise of victory. VERT TALL TALK !—In a debate in the Con- federate Congress, on laying a special export duty on cotton and tobacco, Mr, Marshall said :— He would take the men of the country by the nape of the neck and put them into the army. He would rather see every city in this country in smouldering ruius, and every house in ashes, rather than yield one jot short of the inde- pendence of these States. They ought to rise to the height of this occasion, and set aside all constitutional delicacy. They must pnpare for the spring campaign. As for himself, he was just beginning to get mad. (Applause.) He would rather live on beech-nuts in the woods, and the fish of the waters, but he would never yield. (Great applause.)— Mr. Orr, of Mississippi, thanked Mr. Marshall for the noble and lofty sentiments he had uttered. A GENEROUS SOLDIER.—Captain Annequin, an old soldier of tbe First Empire, and nephew of L^^bvre, Duke de D,*ntzic, has just died in rii rf.3' marshal formerly employed his nephew in ? • lng jQact°f generosity, which is worthy of 2* one day to the Tuileries, the of an ante-chamh "J"1 8eated humbly in the corner t amber, and apparently a petitioner wait- ing for an audience. The futures of the stranger We ? wlal^l 8ad?ess' while his shabby cloth- ing trayt?d distressed circumstances. Lefebvre, moved at the sight, fixed his eyes on the old man, and then, all at once, recognised him. He rushed to the aged suitor, and exclaimed—" You here you here, captain ? How glad I am to see you again But"— Pardon me, sir," answered the old man, but who is it that speaks to me ?" Parbleu, captain, I am Francois Lefebvre, formerly sergeant in the Guard, just as you are the Marquis de Belcour, my brave cap- tain." From that day the Duke de Dantzick did not lose sight of the marquis, to whom he would never be anything but Sergeant Lefebvre. He also attached his nephew, Captain Annequin, to the person of his former officer. One day Captain Annequin brought to I the marquis an invitation from Marshal Lefebvre and j me aucness to mane a snort; stay at their country seat. 1 The journey was long, and a whole night was passed in travelling but towards the morning the travellers alighted, and were received by the marshal. Cap- tain," said he, do you know where you are ? This is the Chateau de Belcour, where you were born, and here you may peaceably end your days." Then, taking ft .obJ'ect from the hands of his nephew, he added. Here is my sergeant's knapsack; I have always kept it as a memorial. In your turn, captain, keep it for the sake of Catherine (his wife) and myself. I found in it the baton of Marshal of France you will find in t it the titles of this estate, which is now, as it formerly I was, your own." Captain Annequin, who had been charged with the negotiations relative to the purchase of the property, often related the story. PERCENTAGES TO SERVANTS.—A firm in London sends the following letter for publication, with the en- tire permission of the Duke of Sutherland Stafford House, Jan. 26. Sir,—It has come to my knowledge that the custom of giving the percentages on the amount of tradesmen's bills, or other equivalent perquisites,* very JeJlerally. prevails. I wish, fherofore, to direct your attention specially to the subject, with a view to its discontinuance, so far at least as my establishment is concerned. This practice is alike unfair to the master and to the ser- vant-unfair to the master, because to enable the tradesman to pay this tax he must add the amount to the price charged for his goods, and unfair to the servant inasmuch as it places a temptation consfantly in his way. Viewed in this light it can only be looked up n as a eus- tom which every right-minded tradesman will willingly aid in abolishing, and, therefore, I have resolved to dismiss from my service any servant who may in future be detected receiving percentiges or an equivalent. Nor will I after- wards obtain goods from the tradesman who gives tbem.-I I am, your obedient servant, SUTHERLAND. A SALUTARY PRESCRIPTION!—A rather amusing case came before the correctional police in Paris the other day. The delinquent was a sturdy rogue, who was pulled up for begging. The judge asked him how it was such a stout fellow found no employment. "The pursuits I am engaged in, M. le President, render manual labour out of the question." Indeed what are those pursuits?" 44 Why. the fact is, I am engaged in writing my memoirs." "Ciel," retorts the President, "and you hope they will afford you a Ii ving?" "You and I, M. le President, are old enough to have seen more extraordinary things than that." His smartness did not avail the sturdy beggar, and he was sent to prison, where," the President senten- tiously observed, "he might find materials for another chapter." COMMITTAL OF PRIZE FIGHTERS.—On Saturday two men, known in pugilistic circles under the eupho- nious names of Abe llicken and Bos Tyler, were charged before the Windsor magistrates with breaking the peace at Accot on the 24th of last month bv engag- ing in a prize fight. The fight was for 251, a side, be- tween the first named and a pugilist named Bob Furze, Tyler acting as second to the former. The approach of the police put an end to the encounter. Both the defendants expressed themselves sorry for what they had done, and were committed for trial at the Reading Assizes, bail being accepted, themselves in 201, each, and one other surety of lOl. each. COME TO LIFK AGAIN TOO sooN —A young lady a member of a Protectant sisterhood, who is in the habit of visiting the poorest of the poor in the parish where she resides, called recently on a family who dwelt in a filthy cellar (says the Court Journal). She found the woman and children" drowned in tears," and learnt that the husband was lying dead in a corner of the room. Seeing the body laid out, and moved by the grieJr of the afflicted family, she gave the woman a sovereign and took her leave. She bad not gone far when she remembered that she had left her handker- chief behind, and hurried back to the scene of death and misery but her disgust and indignation may be imagined, on suddenly entering the cellar, to find the "dead man" full of life and spirits, "tossing" her sovereign and laughing at the trick so successfully played on the too confiding" sister," who, however, very soon put an end to his ill-timed mirth by de- demanding back her money and leaving the house, even then more in sorrow than in anger. A PARTING !—God bless that burly guard at Euston-square, any way, (writes Sala, in his "America in the Midst of War.") who, when I had parted on a November night in '63, from all that was dear to me in the world, and had flung myself in a very limp and boneless manner in the corner of the carriage of the limited mail bound for Holyhead and Queenatown- God bless that guard who thrust his head in at the window and whispered, "Excuse me, sir but you've another three-quarters of a minute before the train starts, and you can get out and give the lady another hug." The which I did. I am sure that guard must have been a family man, and had given somebody a hug before he went on duty that night; and I hope that all his journeys may be as prosperous as mine have been. A NEW READING OF AN OLD PROVERB.— While a slater at Perth was plying his vocation the other day on the top of a house in that neighbourhood, a garrulous female took occasion to lecture him for choos- ing such a dangerous trade, adding that theleast puff of wind might send him unprepared into eternity. Oh but you do not ken, gudewife," quoth he of the house- top, "that I am fulfilling the Scriptures ?" Fulfilling the Scriptures, James that's impossible, for there's no Ie word o' a slater in the Bible that e'er I read or heard o\" I am nevertheless right, though," was the reply; did ye never read in the Bible, that it is better to dwell in a corner of the house-top than with a brawling woman in a wide house?" THE TOMB OF THE PRIJSCB CONSORT. — The Royal mausoleum of Frogmore, where the mortal re- mains of the Prince Consort lie interred, is slowly but gradually approaching completion. Over the doorway, within the portico, and facing the visitor as he ascends the noble flight of steps by which the mauaoleum is approached, is the monumental inscription in bronze. The letters are in Roman characters as follows :— "Alberti Prlncipls quod mort ale erat Hoc in ST-pulchro deponi voluit Viuda meet ens Victoria ftegina A.D. MDCCCLXII. Vale Deaideratifsime I hie demum Coiiquiescam tecum Tecum in Chris to consurgam." ENGLISH VERSION. Of Albert the Prince, here in this Sepulchre What part hath mortal been Is laid by his lamenting widow Victoria the Queen. A.D. 1S62. Farewell, most deeply mourned for, till at last In this same place she rest, Until the time she rise from it with thee, With thee In Chiistls blest. PRESIDENT LINCOLN'S RERARN TO A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS,—TWO persons named Ho^an and Pugan, detective police-officers, having been in custody in the United States for many months on a charge of robbery, writs of habeas corpus were obtained last month commanding the keeper of the old Capitol prison at Washington to bring the men into court and state the cause of their arrest. The officer, however, handed to the court a return stating that he did not produce the men by reason of the following order, en- dorsed by the President on each wnt The within- named Hogan (or Dugan) was arrested and imprisoned by my authority. This writ of habeas corpus is sus- pended, and the officer having Hogan (or Dugan) in custody is directed not to produce his body, but to hold him in custody until further orders, giving this order in return to the Court.-A. LINCOLN, Jan. 23, 1865." THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE'S WILL.-The will of the Most Noble Henry Pel ham, Duke of Newcastle, of Clumber, Notts, and of Portoaan-square, has been proved in her Majesty's Court of Probate by two of the executors and trustees-viz., the Right Hon. Wil- liam Edward Gladstone, P.C., and the Right Hon. George Warren Baron de Tabley, power being reserved to Lord Robert Clinton (the testator's brother) to prove hereafter. The personality was sworn under 250,0001. The will is of considerable length, and there are six codicils. His Grace has charged his estates with liberal annuities for his younger sons, as also for his Grace's brothers, Lord Robert and Lord Thomas Clinton, appointing his son, the present duke, residuary legatee. To each of his executors acting he has left 2001., and to his valet a legacy of 200Z. AN INTERESTING DISCUVERY-A French paper states that the grave of one of Fernand Cortez's com- panions in arms has been discovered in a convent situate between Y anhuitlan and Etla, in the State of Oajaca, Mexico, The following is a translation of the inscription in the Spanish language on the monument:— Here rests the body of Don Manoel Nuno, Captain of the Guards of his very high and very powerful lord the Marquis del Valle, Governor of Mexico, and Cjmmander of the King's forces in this part of the world, died the llùh of July, 1544. Captain Manoel Nuno was the brother of Nuno del Mercado, who founded the handsome city of Oajaca. He accompanied Fernand Cortez in all his expeditions, and died three years before him. Fernand Cortez assumed the title of Marquis del Valle, in memory of the beautiful and fertile valley situated in the State of uajaca, which he inhabited during several months, and where he recovered his health, much impaired by the iangue he had undergone in accomplishing the con- quest of Mexico. Charles V. confirmed the title of Marquis del Valle which Fernand Cortez had assumed. HEROIC DEVOTION OF MEDICAL MEN.WE have been greatly shocked to learn the mortality which has of ia e befallen the medical practitioners of Greenock, caused by a virulent epidemic of fever raging in that M V ? Lancet)- No less than four physicians, rs. Maclosky, Paton, Conway, and Dowie, have fallen victims to this disease since November last. The terrible and painful information reaches us in connection with the death of the last-named gentle- man. Dr. James Dowie, who was little more than f; Jtf!? ? the 8011 of Dr-E- T- Dowie, of Greenock, ] *?een appointed surgeon to a parochial d strict. The last day Dr. Dowie was out of the house hs saw no less than twenty-eight caies of fever. He persisted in going about to the very last. With the premonitory symptoms upon him, and after taking a warm bath, he persisted, against the advice of his friends, in going out to see one of his fever oases, because he had promised to do so. He seemed aware from the commencement-as often happens in bad fever cases, especially among medical men-of the severe nature of the attack, and remarked, as he was putting off his clothes,that "God only knew whether he should put them on again." He died on the sixteenth day of the disease, to the overwhelming grief of his family, of which he wa3 the eldest son, and the deep regret of a large circle of friends, to whom he wa!s greatly endeared by the kindly heartiness of his nature. THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH.—Passing over tauto- logies, Buch a3 44 recurring again," and other minor faults, which could easily have been avoided, let me draw attention to a few of the more gross faults which the composition exhibits (says a writer in the Illustrated Times in criticising the Queen's speech). Her Majesty remains steadily neutral between the con- tending parties, and would rejoice at a friendly recon- ciliation between them." Now what of sort of recon- ciliation could that be which was not a friendly one ? And between whom but the contending parties could a reconciliation take place? I suppose the mess made in tu jP?f^°rap^8 bating to India is to be attributed to that imperfect faculty of speech" about which Sir Charles Wood was rated by Mr. Grant Duff last session but surely Lord Palmert-t >n or Mr. Gladstone might have saved their colleague from the absurdity of saying that subscriptions collected in India had been applied to relieve the sufferings caused by the prompt t assistance -endered by the officers of Government on the occasion of the late hurricane on the coasts of Bengal and Madras. Besides, the destruction of life and property was the" calamity" that was to be re- gretted, and cannot be said to have occasioned itself. Had there been no destruction of life and property," would the late cyclone have been a calamity ? In the other paragraph about India certain outrages are com- plained of, but it is not stated by whom they were perpetrated, or against whom the measures for com- pelling redress were taken. Bhootan, it seems, is the delinquent, but that State is not even mentioned in the message. A BISHOP ON DISSENT.-At Pentrebach, the other day, the Bishop of LlandafF said be believed that had it not been for the Dissenter?, the country would now be in a state of heathenism. Still he believed that Dissent was an evil. Some Dissenters preached what he thought to be true, and others preached what he thought to be false. For instance, he would not, like the Baptists, exclude children from the ordinance of baptism. Again, he did not believe with the Unitarians, who denied the divinity of Christ and the doctrine of the atonement; of course, as a Churchman, he could not do so. He did not, again, believe in Congregationalism, because he believed the Church of England's system of government to be founded on the New Testament, and that their system of church government was that of the church universal. Yet he believed that a very great deal of good had been done by Evangelical Dissenters. Even supposing that Dissenters preached the whole truth, the fact of their being divided was itself an evil.