Papurau Newydd Cymru

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ANNUAL SALE AT No. 9, PIER STREET, & No. 1, LITTLE DARK-GATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. HUGH DAVIES BEGS respectfulcy to announce that he has GREATLY REDUCES the prices of his B Stock of Fancy Dresses, Shawls, Mantles, &c., &c. Also, a large lot of Nicoll's Ready-made Clothing at half their value t This is a rare opportunity of getting GOOD ARTICLES at a VERY LOW PRICE. The whole must be cleared off to make room fur Spring and Summer Fashions. CLEARANCE SALE. IMJIEIIi E SAC HHFtC IE. R. EVANS, Ironmonger, No. 54, BRIDGE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, HAS resolved to offer the remains of his WINTER STOCK Petroline and other Lamps, Coal Vases, Fire-irons, Fenders, Tea Trays, Dish Covers, Metal Tea Pots, SEE &c., at an IMMENSE REDUCTION from original prices. So, those who are about refurnishing for the approaching season, this will be a rare opportunity of purchasing at greatly reduced prices, an opportunity which would be unwise not to take advantage of. The prices of all Goods offered for Sale will be marked in plain figures, from which no abatement can be made. TERMS,—CASH. Clearance Sale to commence on Monday, February 11th, and to continue throughout the present Month. M, BRIDGE STRLUET. 54:. SYDENHAM HOUSE, No. 25, GREAT DARK GATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. WILLIAlVI T. WILLIAMS, "IJESPECTFULLY announces to the Nobility, Gentry, and Inhabitants g-enerally of Aberystwyth and the neighbourhood, that he has purchased the business of MR. DANIEL JONKS and he hopes by strict attention to business, keeping none but the best articles in the trade, and moderate charges, to receive a continuance of that patronage which has been so liberally btstowed on his predecessor during the last nine years. W. T. W. has resolved upon disposing of the whole of the extensive and valuable Stock at a great sacrifice, in fact, considerably below cost pi ice, it being his intention to clear the whole off immedi- ately, in order to make room for new St ick for the coming Season. The present Stock will be arranged ready for Sale by Thursday, -ie 2lst instant, and he has no hesitation in saying that parties will find it to their advantage to accord him an early visit, the favour of 'Which he earnestly solicits. February 13th, 1867. CHARACTER OF THE STOCK TO BE DISPOSED OF Shawls — Mantles—Cloaks—Jackets — Silks — French Poulards -Fancy Dresses—Merinoes — Muslins—Cambrics—Skirtings—Crinolines—Ribbons—Flowers—Feathers—Hosiery—Gloves—Lace and Muslin Goods—Dress Caps—Stays Under-clothing—Baby Linen—Parachutes—Umbrellas—Gimp Trimmings—Straw Hats. West of England Broad Cloths—Fancy Trouserings—Ready-made Coat*—Shirt?, Scnrfs, Tim, j"ts- fre. Carpets, Floor Cloths, Sheetings. Damask, Dimities. Quilts, Counterpanes, Blankets, Table °ths,and all requsite Drapery for Furnishing. TERMS-CASH. t ROWLANDS & SON'S, WREXHAM, BEER (STOKES. TV/TESSRS. R. & SON have appointed T. CORBETT, Spirit Vaults, Princess Street, Aberystwyth, as Agent for the Sale of their Beer. j In soliciting orders, T. C. guarantees that quality and price shall not be surpassed. T. C., in returning thanks for past favors, and soliciting future support, beg to call attention to his superior Stock of WINES and SPIRITS. Li e.-7 J I DISOBDEES OF THE STOMACH H B Are the sources of the deadliest maladies. The Pills in such disorders cleanse || the bowels, regulate the liver, bring the relaxed or irritated stomach into a j £ natural and healthful condition. Changing sickness into health and strength. AILMBUTS OF FEMALES. At the two epochs in life the system undergoes the most critical changes, the Pills then become priceless in disorders to which the sex is liable and at the turn of life itre a sure safeguard against evil and dangerous consequences. THE BEST REMEDY "KZZLsTOWIsr FOE Asthma. Debility. Influenza. Stone and Gravel Bilious Complaints. Diarrhoea. Liver Complaints. Secondy. Symptoms Blotches on the Skin. Female Irregularities. Piles. Weakness from what. Constipation of the Bowels Indigestion. Retention of Urine ever cause Sold, with full directions, at the manufy. of Professor HOLLOWAY, 244, Strand, London, and by all Dealers in Medicine, in boxes at Is. lid.,2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 2 Ils., 22s., and 33s. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. TO BUILDERS &Z OTHERS. Aberystwyth and Bronygof Brick, Tile, and Vipe Company, Limited. • BRBRONYGOpING TILES' &c-> supplied on the shortest notice from the [Company's Yard, OF* Orders received at the Manager's Office,} Queen's Road, And at Mr. D. H. Davies, Office, Railway Station, Aberystwyth. COMPANIES' ACT, 1862. The Welsh Colonising & General Trading Co., LIMITED. (CWMNI YMFUDOL A MASNACKOL Y WLADVA GYMREIG GYFYNGEDIG.) CAPITAL, £ 50,00Q~"ibr 5,000 SHARES OF £10 EACH. DIRECTORS. Atierystwyth,D(c^a.>man0)Yl)E' SWP Owner, North Parade, MR. GRIFFITH WILLIAM THOMAS, Accountant, T, Abbey 5^CH(^ENDEDWARDSN wq, Bodiw*n. Bala. MR.THOMASWOOD, Estate Agent, 24, St. Werbur;li Street, » » JJiiarason Square, Liverpool. Chester, TRAVE ERS: ~THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND. „yr^lNG SECRETARY :_MR. DAVID LLOYD JONES, Festiniog. CENTRAL SECRETARY :-MR. THOMAS CADIVOR WOOD, 24, St. Werburgh Street, Chester. "Welsh n (?0mpaliy >9 established toe'iarteT.PurcnaM or build Ships for the conveyance of passengers and goods to and from the ( Colony, and for the transaction ot geneial business wilh port ju ,he v{frld informat?eCtuSeS' Arlicles of Association. Mrfor Shares, the Letters received from the Colony, and every mation, may be had from the Central Secretary, T. c. WOOD, 24, St. Werbur Ii Street, Chester. JOHN KNIGHT'S PRIMROSE SOAP. -A. ^5* *he many advantages attending the opening ot the New Railway Tea Warehouse, !■ and Sdna> least's t'ie Proprietor's obtaining the exclusive pn ge of seliing John Knight This ^°r!arned Primrose and other description ot !?oaps. between thl'p £ e.w>H not be awarded to any other tradesman > by agreement 'oprietor and this old established and distinguished £ K^nieht and Sons' Primrose Soap, 5d., or 4^. by' Jol'n Knigilt and Sons' Fine Pale Soap, 4*d., or 4d. by the Bar. T v '■ knight and Sons' Pale Soap, 4d., or 3fd. by the |>ar* ira'0nK ght and Sons' Best Mottled, 4 £ d., or 4d. by the Bar. Observe the name on each Bur,—JOHN KNIGHT & SONS. Railway TEA V/AEEHOUSE, North Parade, Aberystwyth. JOHN JAMES, PROPRIETOR. t WILLIAM THOMAS, MANAGER. T. BUBB, PLUMBER, GLAZIER, PAINTER, AND HOUEE DECORATOR, ABERYSTWYTH, BEGS respectfully to intimate that nt the insti- gation of several resident genlry to set lip here in the above line, he has taken to t!ie business of the late Mr. John Williams, Portland Street; and hopes, by strict attention to all orders be way be favoured with, combined with very moderate charges, to merit public patronage and support. ltufford's Baths; Closet* and Urinals of various descriptions, suitable for gentlemen's houses. A large stock of Paper Hangings. 200 Gold and Silver Watches to select from, At No.7, PIER STREET, Aberystwith. J. TRUSCOTT, J. TRUSCOTT, flDatcbmaktf. tilber:: 4cbocllcr, smUt. OPTICIAN, ETC. Established, 1848. Gentlemen's Patent Lever Watches, in £ I. d. £ < d ftronp-GfoHCa-es.frem 10 10 0 to 25 0 0 Ladies' ditto ditto, from 10 10 0 to 20 0 0 Pa,ientLevcrWatches,inSilverCas<"s,lrom 4 4 0 to 10 10 0 Flat Horizontal Watches,ditto, from. 2 2 0 to 3 10 0 Warranted to perform correctly, & a. Twelvemonth's trial given. The most complicated Watches repaired and ad- justed. Watch Glasses of every size and description fitted immediately. W Gold Chains, Wedding Rinas, and Plate sold according to weight. SWEEP YOUR CHIMNEYS! DAVID JENKIN JONES, OF 11, QUEEN STREET, BEGS to return bis best thanks to his friends and supporters for the patronage so largeiy be- stowed upon him. He also begs to inform the public generally, that he has engaced the services of an EXPERIENCED CHIMNEY SWEEP, who will always be ready at a moments' notice to execute any orders sent to the above address. TEAST THE Excellent TEAS of the CHINA TEA COM- PANY, DUBLIN, (Established, 1834,) made up in sealed packages, can be had of their authorized Agents throughout the United Kingdom. Agentfor Aberyslwilh-D. JENKINS, 8, Pier St. BARMOUTH, PORTMADOC, AND BACK DAILY. THE "SNOWDONIAN TOURIST" Coach will leave Barmouth daily, (Sundays excepted,) on the arrival of the Passengers from the 10.25 Train at Barmouth Ferry Station. W. CHALTON, Proprietor. IMBLE AND STC^E WORKS, SWAN HILL, SHREWSBURY. It. DODSOBT RESPECTFULLY begs 10 intimate that the Pt Show Rooms coiitui" a larae collection of Marble, Stone, & Enamelled Slate Chimnev Pieces, •* Marble &. stone riural Monuments, Cemetery & church aid Memorials, Fonts, Fountains, Vases, &c. Designs forwarded for inspection and cnmmu- nications by letter will receive immediate attention. TALBOT~ WINE &> SPIB.IT vaults, MARKET STREET, ABEHYSTWlTH. JR. JONES begs most respectfully to inform • the Inhabitants of Aberysl vvy t h and the Public jenerally that he has laid in Ii" extensive Sio< k of WINES & SPIRITS, ot rile very finest quaiiiv, di- rect outof bond A)so,a turge <.unp)v of (;URTON EAST INDIA PALE ALE; GUINNESS & Co 's EXTRA STOUT PORTER in Casks, Bottled, or on Draft; also, FRENCH WINES, at the reduced duties, at the very lowest prices. If your Hair is weak or failing off, try LEWTONPS CELEBRATED BOTANIC HAIR WASH, TESTIMONIALS from aii parts of the world. Prepared only by EDWARD LEWTON Hair Cutter and Perfumer to His Iloyal Highness Prince Arthur, and His Imperial Highness Prince Lucien Buonaparte. No. 15, Pier Street, Aberystwilh. Beg" Ar4 EXTENSIVE STOCK OF PRIME CIGARS. FANCY TOYS, &C. TEETH TEETH 11 DENTIST, (LATB OF LONDON.) 24, NORTH PARADE, ABERYSTWYTH. ARTIFICIAL TEETII, of surpassing beauty, from one to a complete set, wiihout extracting the roots, or giving nny pain, incapable of dis- colouration or corrosion, and fixed, without having any fastings seen, which renders it impossible to distinguish the artificial from the natural Teeth. Single Tooth fVom 5s. Sets from 51. 5s. All operations appertaining to Dentistry per- formed with great care and skill. Terms most moderate. Consultation free. Mr. J. E. presents his compliments to the inha- bitants of the above-named town and its vicinity, hoping to have the favour of their patronage, which will be greatly esteemed. TRY POOLE'S BREAD! 20, PIER STREET, AUERYSTWYTH, fOpposite the National Provincial Bank,) WARRANTED Genuine, and stamped "Poole" on the top of every Lo if. H. POOLE al^o professes to sell Ooods of every de- scription in PASTRY, of the very best qtialilyt-viz., SEED, GmMAN F JIT, and other CAKES, .n great variety if not on hand, will he made on the shortest notice. Also, Sovps, JELLIES, CUSTARDS, BLANC MANGE, PIES, TARTS, PUDDINGS, &c., suited for invalids and others, to order.. British Wines—Lemonade—Soda 'Water—Sherbet- Ginger Beer, Sec. Sfc. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. MR. INGLIS BERVON, ORGANIST OF ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH, BEGS to iaform the Public that ho has RE- MOVED from 13, Fier Street, to his Private Residence, 23, Portland Street, during the Winter Months, where the business will be carried on as usual. New Music half price.- Pianofortes Tuned, (fc.- Pianofortes for Hire. Teacher of the Organ, Pianoforte, and Singing. NO. 23, PORTLAND STREET. S. ALLSOPP & SON. GCARESWELL, Agent for Aberystwyth, has • now on hand a supply of Mild and Bitter Ales. Office, 9, Portland-street, Aberystwyth. IMPORTANT NOTICE. A BONA-FIDE MONEY SPECULATION of £ 12,000,000 sterling. Guaranteed by Govern- ment, is to be allotted in various sums upwards to £ 20,000. Any one, by investing £1, raiiy secure £ 20 000 sterling. For Prospectus (which will be sent, gratis), apply by letter, addressed Alr. J. A. RINK, 14, Duke-street, Adelphi, London. W.C. Just Published, Price One Penny, JENKINS'S HOUSEHOLD ALMANACK, AND YEAR-BOOK OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE For 1867, CONTAINS the rising and sfttinjf of the Sun and c Moon; a copious Calendar; Postage Ratps; Law Terms; Tables of Stamps and Taxes; Eclip- ses; Notes to the Calendar, &c.; Golden Gleaninjjs, with Plain Meanings; a few HillIS on Fault- Finding on the Early Teaching of Children to those who look on the Dark Side; Wisdom does not always speak in Greek and Latin; "Hopes and Fears chequer Human Life;" a ffood Woman, and her Influence "The Life of Men rests largely on Trifles;" Life is not to Live, but 10 be Well;" and much other valuable and important matter. ABERYSTWYTH Published by D. JENKINS, 8, Pier Street. MOCHO HOUSE, 12, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, Established 1836. JOHN MORGAN, LAPIDARY &. JEWELER, PEBBLES CUT & POLISHED. All kinds of Jewellery made and repaired on the shortest notice- ffiji The utmost value given for old gold and silver. 3E3. BTo. 1% CHURCH STREET, Opposite the Meat Market, ABERYSTWYTH, DEALER IN ANTIQUE & MODERN CURIOSITIES. Best Mandarine Chinese ;Jarli. Btc. Old Gold and Silrer bmiyht. ESTABLISIIKD 1854. 13, Great Darlt^gatt Street Aberystn-ith DAVID THOMAS, 'Vatch and Clock USaJcer, fSRt Jen-eller, Silversmith, §c. The most Improved Watches and very r"lced A's trial given if req uired. Watches c Clocks denned and re paired on the shortest notice. COLD WEDDING RINCS. LONDON SOCIETY. RICHLY ILLUSTRATED. PRICE Is. MONTHLY PROGRAMME FOR 1367. New Norel by the Author of" Dennis Donne," "Sir Victor's Choicr," Walter Goring," etc. In the January Number will commence, to be con- tinued throughout the yenr, PLAYING FOB lilt JIL STAKES. I.5y Miss Ansik THOMAS. With Illustrations. rpriE TWOPENNY PHILOSOPHER. By A. A, Author of' E very-Day Papors,' etc. These papers will appear Momnly in tii.u course of 1807. 1 Love in a Cottag-e ) 8 The Art of 'Conver- 2 The Cultivation of sation. Love. I 9 I' lii'f'Uion. 3 Bachelor's Buttons. 1" Hands and G-lnves. 4 A Path of Roses. 11 Heroes to the Valttde 5 A Bed of Thorns. I t'haw/n-e. 6 Grand Dinners. ■^•^tpi'-Dinner Ora- 7 The Luxury of Ele- tory. gance. SKETCHES J-jioh THE RKX< rr and THE BAR, Biographical and Anecdotal. Accompanied by Portraits. The Sk>(>es will appear throughout the year, and will include Sir A. Coclcburn ChpJmsford Lord Westhury Lord Justice Knight Bruce The Lord Chief Baron (late) Lord Chief justice Eric i Sir F. Kelly Mr. Justice Bvles Sir J:u,ies Wilde Mr. Justice Willes Baron tiariin; l^ai-on Bramwell; Mr. Justice Blnckburn Sir R. j>Mjincr jr 1Hnjrh Cairns Mr Rolt; Lord Advocate (lnte) Monorieff The Queen's Advocate i Ir. Justice Shee Solicitor General Hate) S'r R ^,r- Edward James; Sir W. Bovill; Mr. Aleiltsh Mr. Coleridge.; Mr. Ivarshike Mr. Vernon JIarcourt Mr. Motitngu Chambers; Afr flitl"liiiis Mr. Huddkstone- Mr. Gittard Mr Serjeant Hayes Mr. Joseph Brown Mr Thomas Jones .Mr. Serjeant Biillitntiae Mr. Serjeant Parry. ANECDOTE AND GOSSIP Anot T Ct.rns. In Four Parts. By 1 Seafield, M A., Author of The Literature and Curiosities of Dreams Ri:cor.u:c'noNS or a BACliELon, :md a Series of .IA, Papers. By uck Lusei, Esquire." Ilfus- trated by G. Du Manner. "TjIxomsh CAKICATUUB. Notes on t)u> blasters of J j Huiuoristic Art tn r.nj.],llui Wi(h I]il|M.rillions drawn from the salient, points of fuwous Caricatures. (Several Papers and numerous IlUistraiio.i.s ) Visits TO A Country II<„-sk, and other Soc.'ial V Sketches.. By lom Slender. THE OLD LONDON and the Mpn who frequented them La B. ||e s;IUVj1{rM a,!f] t he Pretty Widow Ihe Saracen's Head JtTek Straw's Castle etc., etc. LONDON Mkx A Series of Charncter Portraits. 1. Mr. Pepys. 2 Cliurles Lamb. 3. Doug- las Jerrold. ARTISTS' XOTES t*itom CHOKM; PIOTJ-rks. The Paintings rendered on W <>od by W. Ltison 'I iioinas. No. 1. Iloneywood and the Bailiffs. ATM, t:v the A fTtiott OF 111: t.i ON DIC." See "London Society" tor 18G7. (ine Shilling, ^lontli'y. ° Gt ii.i'v, on NOT ANovelotto, in Twenty short Chapters. Illustrated 1 »y \y, Bayes. ril-i- FAT.CON::JI\S LAY. Illustrated by Jiirket .L Foster. rjpnii SOKKOWS OF A Ji'BTMAN. Illustrated. rpaK PRIVATE Likk or A Puni.ic Nt ISANCI:, and 1 other Phases of Town Lile* Ly James Green- wood (the "Amateur Castial.") JTIDITORS* BOXKS. Ey Erank Senfield. M A. See jL LONDON SociKir" lor 1807. (_)ne failing, Monthly. CROSS Prnrosns. A Novelette. By the A,iithor of Mr. Arle," "Caste," etc. BEF.,»uk Tin-: or, Sl:efches of Play- house So .ny. The Heads by Charles H. Ross the Tales by Warner Sterne. 1 A Private Box at Drury Lane. 2 The Balcony at the Ad. Iphi. 3 The Stalls at Her Majesty's Theatre. 4 The Gullery at C .'ellt Garden. 0 "i he Pit at the Strand. 6 Behind the Seen's at an Amateur TOeatre Tiik. ROMANCE <»f Mi-:nn'i>:t- See "Lcndon Society," a Monthly Illustrated Magazine o Light and amusing Literature for the liours o Relaxation. Price j, Monthly. SOCll'.TV AT pl.Nanck- ^eo Loii(loi, Society," a Monthly Illu^triited Magazine of Eight smd Amusing Literature tor the Hours of Relaxation. Price Is., Monthly. A Set of London Socipty" (of which Ten V ols. are now published) is one of the Books most highly prized by English residents in the Colonies and Foreign Countries. "London Society mny he obtained by order through all Booksellers in Town "ud Country at the chief Railway Stations throughout the United Kingdom; and abroad, through the leading Book- sellers. TREGARON MONTHLY MARKET. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That a License has been granted for holding Monthly Mai kets for the Sale of Can Sheep, Pigs, &c., at Tregaron, and the sante will held regularly on the TUESDAY next preceding t. first Wednesday in every mouth. BY ORDER. FREEHOLD PROPERTY. TO BE SOLD, by Private Contract, all that FREEHOLD DWELLING-HOUSE, with a PIECE OF LAND attached, situate at BORTH, and adjoining the Railway Station. Apply to Capt. Hugh Morgan, A berdovey; or Mr. Abraham Lewis, Post Office, Borth. TEA Cheaper than ever! AT THOMAS GRIPPITHS's THE "LION" TEA SHOP, Opposite the Lion Hotel, Aberystwyth. THE quantity of Tea imported this year is unusu- ally large, amongst which are to be found some of very superior quality. The present and late pres- sure in the Money Market has enabled T. G. to se- cure a lot of Teas at extremely low prices-in some instances at a lower figure than the original cost! and he now gives that advantage to his numerous friends and customers. T. G., although only a "mere Grocer," and having no" intimate connection" with 14 Importing Houses," (except through Brokers,) challenges competition with any Establishment in the place, both as regards quality and price, as, for one reason, in respect to the latter, he has no expensive "managers" and as- sistants to pay out of his profit. N.B. One trial will convince the most sceptical. EDWARD CLOCKER, Licensed to Let HORSES & CARRIAGES FOR HIRE. 5. Terrace Road, Aberystwith.. OW Closed and Open Carriages; Basket ditto, Waggonettes, Sfc. iffev D y < WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. rpHE GREA.T SUCCESS of this 1 DELICIOUS CONDIMENT has been the signal for the appearance of many SPU- RIOUS IMITATIONS totally different in FLAVOR and destitute of the DIGESTIVE PROPERTIES of this SAUCE. Purchasers are earnestly requested to ASK FOR LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE, Prepared only by aJ I LEA & PERRINS. Worcester. Jy *•* 8old Wholesale and for Export, by CHOSSE & BI-ACKWELL, London, and all Merchants and Oilmen, IMPORTANT NOTICE. ON and after the 1st of NOVEMBER, the 4- HOHSE COACH, in connection with the Man- i bester and Millord Railway, will run »t 11 a.m., from A UERVSTWYTH to STRATA FLORIDA STATION, arriving in Lampeter at 2 45, and Car- niarihen at 4 45 p »»> in time for the express train to Tenby and M'lford Haven, and Up-Mail to Swansea and Cardiff, &<\ 1 lie Coaeh will return DAILY from Strata Florida Stniion, after the arrival of the 4 p.m. train, and reach Aberystwyth at 6.15 p.m. Fares,—INSIDE 5s- Ode OUTSIDE.3s. 6d. J. PELL, Proprietor Belle Vue ROllar Holel General Coach Office and Posting Establishment, Aberystwith. v JOHN II EES, Cabinetmaker and Upholsterer. HOME-MANUFACTIJRED and London Fur- niture of every description.— Undertaker and Appraiser. Show Rooms,- Little Dark-gate Street, Abervstwvth, TREG-A.RON MONTHLY MARKET. "TVTO Tic E TS HEREBY GIVEN. That a mONTHLY MARKET wiii be held at the above place Oil the Tuesday p "reeding the first Wednesday in <•( ck Month, For the Sale of CATTI.K, Hons: S/TEKP, PICS, Corc.v, I'-rrTKit, Cm- I'OIXTUY, &C. The first Market xv.11 be held on Tuesday, .January 1st, 1807. A great number of Butter-morehants, Butchers, te Pig-iienlers, and Corn-merch;mls. have promised to attend the nbove Market; and for the convenience of buyers fro'm 11,. distance, the day before the Car- marthen Monihly Market has been fixed for holding, the Tre:f\1'OI! ;,larl,pt. A Pri/.e of 5s. will bp given at the first Market for the best Fat Pig. and 2s. Cd. for the second best. The Dealers earnestly solicit au early attendance. Market Tickets at about a single fan. the double journey will be issued from all Stations on the Manchester and Milford Railway. X BY ORDER. Tregaron, Dec. 19th, 1866. Zi) lit golij by mutioih BY G. T. SMITH, AT THE GGa:r;DCAN ARMS & LION ROYAL HOTEL, AltEIlYSTWYTH, Oil Tuesday, the 26th of february, 1867, At i o'clock in the nfternoon. (Sub- "t 10 conditions to be then pJ-OlfHce. c.a..1Ù .au, ALL that substantially Carvel-built wooden frmnewook SCHOOLER of iho port ef Aber- vstwvth. known by the name of the Co .John and 'Margaret, veg^tor tonnage 49 '20-100, one deck, skull head, and square stern. Length, from the fore part ol the stern under the bow.-prit to the aft side ot tiie head ol the siernpost. 5J feet; main breadth lo outside ot »>lank 17 i'ect 4 tenths. I.)<-pih in hold, 1:' ra tonnage deck to ceiling at midship^, 8 feet 2 tenvhs. ° The ab< \e schooner was built at Barnstable, in October, 1F.)7. ar.d is in good condition. There is a good suit, of sails, small boat, anchors, &c., which will be tinld with the schooner. The above schooner is lying in the harbour of Aberystwyth, where she may be seen. Further particulars way be obtained at the offices qf Mr. Frederick VF. Ponton, Solicitor, Ellesmere, Salop, and of the Auctioneer, Abtry»twyth. WANTED immediately an ASSISTANT, (un- TT qualified,) to visit, dispense, and attend Midwifery. Apply lo R. Griffiths, Esq., Surgeon, Cemmaes, Montgomery, stating age and salary, with good references. Knowledge of the Welsh language indispensable. TO BE LET, A SITTING ROOM and TWO BEDROOMS, situate in a central part of the town. Apply to the publisher. "VfTAPO'Tssrj, AT Lady-day, in Aberystwyth, or within 2 miles of the Railway Station, a Small Six or Seven Room HOUSE (detached preferred). Rent from X16 to 125 per annum. Address, W. W., 3, Clif- ton Terrace, Mnindu, Newport, Mon. TO BE LET, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, On Moderate Terms, A FRONT SHOP AND PARLOUR. Also, FURNISHED APARTMENTS. For parti- culars apply at Mr. James', Tailor, 13, Pier-street, Aberystwyth. TO BE LET, APART of a House No. 24, Bridge Street, (lately occupied by the North & South Wales Banking Company,) containing Kitchen, Back ditto, Drawing Room, and 2 Bedrooms. Also, if desired, a large Garden adjoining. Apply to Alr. Thomas Howells, Grocer, Bridge Street. Pi-ice One Shilling. THE Magnetic POCKET TIME KEEPER, in hand- some Case, Gins* eharte, Steel and German silver works, compensated Balance, Rouud dial, ordinary watch size, works nay and night, shows points 01 the compass, a correct time keeper, two years warranty given with eaeh. sent post free safely packed in wood box for 18 stamps-2 for 30 stamps, or 3 for 40 stamps. Address, D. Ros" & Co., Watchmakers, 86, Denuiatk Road, Hammersmith, London. TO BUILDERS. Tendersfor New Warehouse. BUILDERS wishing to Tender for the erection of B a WAREHOUSE in Terrace Road, for Mr. John James, are requested to selld in their names to A. Wilson, E?q.. Architect, 7, East India Avenue, London. E.C. CORN STORES, TREFECHAN, A C KR YSTWYTH. G EVANS begs respectfully to inform the in- • habitants generally of Aberystwyth and its vicinity that he i.u.t" -Ii all establishment at. theatiove addr»s« for the Sale of OATS and -therAGRfCULTrRAL SEEDS. Twenty Tons of CLOVER will be Sold at piime cort. ew CRYSTAL PALACE INN, QUEEN'S ROAD, ABERYSTWITH ffia BEGS to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has just opened the above Rouse of Enter- tainment, and hopes, hy strict attention and civility, lo merit a share of their patronage and support. Accommodation for Visitors and others on moderate terms. Burton Mild and Bitttr Beers, Dublin Porter, Hereford Cider, and Spirituous Liquors. Epsom Dcby Venture, 1867. JOHN LEWIS LLOYD, Wine and Spirit Merchant, NEWPORT, MON., BEGS to announce that, »t the solicitation of many friends in all parts of rhe country, he has been induced to consent to superintend the following scheme for the Epsom Derby of 1867. FIRST S400 S KCON D £ 150 Thihd £ 100 STARTERS AND NON-STARTERS JE350 Each Non-Starter to receive One Pound. One Thousand Shares at One Guinea each. Ill ere will he a General Meeting of the Sub- scribers at Six o'clock p.m., on Wednesday, May BIll, preceding the tace, when, in their presence, the final business will he transacted. The List will then immediately be printed, and, on receipt from a Subscriber of a stamped addressed envelope, a copy will be forwarded to him th'ough post. Parties residing- Ht a distance may depend upon the strictest confidence and integriiv in the execu- tion of their comii.i.sions, bUt no reply will be made In any letter uiile-s it enclose a directed envelope, with postaue stamp. Posi-i-ffice orders made payable 10 John LEWIS Li ovi), Wine and Spirit Merchant, 23, High Street, Newport. Mon. The real name of any Subscriber need not be afitere(i in tbe S«ibscripiion List, unless retired; my assumed nallle or title may be lurwarded and will he written 011 th-j counteifoil of the script., will tie returned to, and held by the Share- holder, on receipt of Ihe Money or Post-office order. The arrangements are so systematic, that neither fraud nor mistake can possibly occur. The Money will be paid to I he respective winners on Monday, May 27th, at eicht o'clock. V. R,. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT THE ROYAL CARDIGAN DIVISION OF MILITIA WILL assemble for Twenty-seven davs Train- ing and Exercise, a: Aberv.-twyth, on 25th of April, 1867, when ad Volunteers belonging to the Regiment must report themselves at Head Quarters at 12 o'clock noon on that dnf- All Volunteers who have been enrolled since the 23rd of April, 18 AG, will be called. up for Preliminary Instruction Fourteen days iminedia,e'y preceding the I ruining. These men must, therefore, present iheui- s ivi-s at Head Guarters at o clock noon, en Thursday, the 11th of April, 1867. By Ol der of the Commanding Officer, c. BASS;;TT LEWIS, Captain and Adjutant of ihe lioy.-il Cardigan Militia,

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