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SlisttKaittros lirfriitgcmc, HOME, FOREIGN. AND COLONIAL, THIRTY SHOTS IN A MINUT*—jx > neYf rifle, superior to any of those recently invented," says the Nell) p¡'c,ss of Vienna, <( submitted to the Emperor f rands Joseph on his arrival at Pesth. The inventor lHd Hungarian-M. Mersits de Roob. This weapon, !t. breech-loader, is said to be of very simple construc- tion. It is charged by two motions, so that 30 shots can be fired in a minute. The envelope of the car- touche costs only l.j kreiizers (4 centimes) instead of 8, the price of those recently adopted for the Austrian army." SEVERAL INDUCEMENTS.—The prospectus of the Credit Foncier of America, of which Mr. George n-1?. 18 ^res, ent» offers inducements to investors which are rather beyond the scope of ordinary com- mercial speculation, but which may perhaps have their attractions for some of that gentleman's Irish admirers. me advantage of holding a share in this great enter- prise are summed up as follows :— ^'rst,—It is worth fifty dollars to a young man to be asso- ciated with such a powerful company Second,—By buying 111 Columbus, you lJUrchase the reference right to be in- terested in the next town mapped out by the Credit Foncier and, as we dip; through the mountains, that town may be a sold mine. Third,—Owning 5,000 feet of land 1,700 miles off by rail extends one's geographical knowledge, and suggests that Massachusetts, South Carolina. and Virginia do not compose the entire American Republic. A RUSSIAN NIGHT FETE.—The St. Petersburg journals contain accounts of a brilliant night fete given 1>11 the Neva by the Skating Club of that city on the 14th. The large space reserved for the recreation was enclosed with masts bearing torches and united by festoons of coloured lamps. A pavilion for the Emperor had been erected facing the entrance, and on each side was a platform for mllitary. bands,. which played alternately throughout the evening. Five jets of electric light illuminated the scene and caused pyramids of ice placed at each end to sparkle like diamonds. His Majesty arrived at"about eleven and was received with a display of fireworks, while the music played the national hymn. The pyramids of ice were at the same moment lit up with coloured fire, and rockets were discharged in the air. The buffet was well supplied with refreshments and stimulants, which were by no means unnecessary, as the ther- mometer marked 15 deg. Reaumer (nearly 2 deg. below zero Fahr.). THE LAST STATE BALL.—The last State ball took place last night (says the Paris correspondent of the Morning Star, writing on Feb. 20). To give an idea of the crowd is simply impossible, but the ball- room was kept the whole evening clear for dancing, to the great rejoicing of those addicted to Terpsichorean pursuits, and much to the disgust of the rest of the guests, who evidently considered themselves aggrieved because they could not inconvenience their younger brethren as has hitherto been allowed. However, last night the chamberlains and vice-chamberlains, and other deputies in mulberry coats and much gold embroidery, were inexorable. Her Majesty's dress was of tulle, shot with gold, the upper part of the cor- dage fastened with a band of emeralds and diamonds. A crescent and aigrette of the same stones formed her coiffure, which was pronounced the most becoming worn this season by the Empress. Princess Metter- nich's dress was picturesque and peculiar, evidently suggested by Nattier's portraits of the Court beauties of Louis XV.'s time—the skirt of lace over white satin, the upper dress a tunic of green satin, furred with sable, the sable crossing the skirt and bodice, where it appeared to be fastened by a magnificent emerald and diamond clasp. Several English uni- forms were remarked. WIFE MURDER BY A STREET SINGER.—A street singer named Callot was tried a few days ago by the Court of Assizes of Paris for the murder of his wife. The accused, a one-legged man, was of a violent and drunken- character, and was accustomed to ill-use the woman in a- brutal manner, besides spending in drink all her earnings. On the evening of the 1st of January, on returning home, she remarked to a neighbour that she had only earned one franc during the day, anu was afraid her husband would beat her. She was not mistaken, as, during a great part of the night the persons who slept in the adjoining rooms could hear the man repeatedly strike her with his crutch, and throwing her out of bed OR the floor. Such scenes being, however, habitual, no attention was paid. to the quarrel. On the following morning the man called in one of the neighbours, and showed nun the woman lying on the bed in a dying state, and she 02xpired shortly after. A medical examination proved that the immediate cause of death was strangulation, the body also being covered with bruises. The man was sentenced to fifteen years' hard labour. The BIRMINGHAM MURDER.—On Friday, at the Public-office, Birmingham, before Mr. Kynnersly ^stipendiary) .and,other magistrates, Thomas Beesley, alias Marlow; Joseph Beesley, William Beesley, Thorns Bee, alias Grayson; and Elizabeth Bee were again brought up on remand charged with being con- cerned m the murder of Miss Mary Millbourne, on the 21st of January. As before, Mr. Elers, of the Mid- land Circuit, prosecuted. Further evidence, incul- pating the prisoners, having been adduced, William Beesfley, Thomas Beesley, and Louis Bee were com- mitted for trial at the Aisizes on the charge of mur- der all the prisoners were committed on the charge of feloniously breaking into the house of the deceased and stealing money. THE CHEAPENING MANIA !—The following is from the Court Journal:— A correspondent Bays the other day Lady was seen K1 ™u"on afc a co-operative store, and tak- we know nor hnt teh«.n Icarriage How true this may bo we Know not, but this week we ourselves saw in Kin^-RtrAPf ^r gK 6D,iatltle(l her daughter in the carl cheapening a pair of very suspicious-lookin* fowls from a dirty street hawker, who stood on tino ofJrJ ACTION FOR ^IBEL.—An action for libel, in which Mr. George Potter, of the Beehive, was the plaintiff, and Mr. Pollard, of the Herts Guardvan, the defendant, was tried in the Court of Queen''a^Jfih on Friday. An article in the Herts Guardian made Mr. Potter responsible for the misery now prevailing at the East lid of London. Mr. Potter denied that he had in any way interested himself m the wage disputes of that district. Mr. '5T ,"e defence, urged that the article was bot a fair criticism in a matter of public interesty:and the jury returned a verdict for the -defendant. Has AMERICA A Quarrel WITH ENGLAND ? —rtie New York Trihun e of February 7, in an editorial arti«i« entitled Have we a quarrel with England ? answers that question in the negative. It says, Eng- land's recognition of belligerent rights' is mere moon- shine. It says further, we have as yet seen no evidence of wanton interference with peaceable Americans. The arrest of Mr. Train was invited and sought. Train is a Plere adventurer, who lives on a Cheap Jack reputa- tioq, and his arrest is money in his pocket. He wouldn't have missed it for a good deal of money. We would have done the same thing during the rebellion. If any Englishman had landed in New York as Train did at Cork-an envoy to the rebels, and their loud. .mouthed fnond-he would have been in Fort Lafayette in two hours. J DISTURBED AT SUPPER !—The other night the Paris police made a descent on the abandoned noar- rietfof La Villette, and arrested ten vagrants just as they were feasting on a monster harlequin, or stew composed of fragments of victuals of all kinds. Bach hadbrought his quota of fish, poultry, meat, vegetables, &c., all of which had been cooked together in an im- mense earthen pot, around which they were all squatting down. They appeared to feel keenly the aggravation of their misfortune in being interrupted just at the commencement of their repast, and the more so that a request for the police to wait a little until they had finished could not bo acceded to. During the two preceding nights fifty-five other indi- viduals, without homes or any avowable means of existence, were also removed to prison from the same haunt. REWARDING THE BRAVE.—The United States Consul at Liverpool has been instructed by his Govern- ment to pay to John Williams, a pilot at Duffryn, and James M'Cartney, one of the crew of the Liverpool steam-tug Reliance, the sum of 100 dols. each as a re- ward for their noble conduct on the occasion of the wreck' of the American ship F. J. Southard, near Duffryn, on the 5th of December last, when at great peul to themselves they managed to get the end of a line ashore and establish communication with the vessel, and thus were mainly instrumental in saving the lives of the crew. A -GAMBLING OFFER. A communication from Geneva says :— Now that the term for closing the gambling-saloons at Wiesbaden and Homburg has been fixed by the Prussian 1 government, the proprietors of those establishments are looktng out for new quarters in which to pursue their lucra- tive profession. It is said that they have already, with that object, made a brilliant offer to the municipality of Geneva. They propose, in return for the privilege of building'a gam- i V.1(g tlonse in Geneva, to pay the whole of the municipal e if' conJplete the construction of the quay on the lake, and i street >n the lower part of the town. The ] hnt Counell has not as yet given a reply to this j offer, but there is no doubt that it will be declined. BmQVERMQ his SCALP !—The Momteur re- ] lates a curious case of an Englishman, who, after being ] iiit by a b ocked ^own, and then stabbed by j an Indian i "ear (Jmaka, was scalped and left tor; dead on the ground. The Ked Indian, in 1 galloping away, lost his trophy; the Englishman, < recovering the use of his senses, got hold of his scalp 1 again, and is still alive, ine operation of scalpin" in so -painful that it is scarcely possible for a man° to > survive it. Nevertheless, when this is the case the 1 wound heals rapidty but. the head is horrible to'see and the patient must make up Ills mind to wear a wig for the rest of his days. "Cl'T IT SnORT !—A great deal of gossip has 4 been occasioned in a village near Bristol, inconsequence of :ftn amusing episode that occurred in a 1' °f warship in the neighbourhood the other Sunday evening. It appears that the minister of the chapel ) was holding forth to a respectable congregation, and being rather long in his sermon some of his hearers began to get impatient, when, to the great surprise of all present, an elderly matron sitting in the body of the chapel called out in a clear shrill voice, "Cut it snort, Mr. it only wants five minutes to eight." xrea difficulty was experienced by those present in ri8lble.faculties in subjection, while the .effect on the oratorical powers of the preacher was inagieal^ m fact it proved to be "quite a settler," for he unwed y gave out the Doxology, and the meeting was brought to a speedy termination. A. MELANCHOLY WARNING !-The London Scotsman says that the sanguine promises of plenty of work ana high wages in America held out to mem- bers of the beottisli Ironmoulders' Society a few months ago have not been realized. Three members of the union who went to the United States last November in the hope of finding plenty of work have sent home ;v melancholy warning to their comrades 'i? which tliey. ''• that they have been ten weeks in Pennsylvania, and "Imve not yet found an hour's W«T Th«y complain in vay severe tt.-rnss of the of 1,0111 Scottish and English societies for withholding information relating to trade in America." The members at home," they say, "have been con- tinually kept in the dark. All kinds of work are equally scarce we see nothing but starvation before us, and hundreds of our fellow-moulders who have come here, as we did, are in a like, or even worse, condition." The president of aulronmoulders Union in Philadelphia corroborates the statement of the unfortunate Scottish emigrants. of' the fourths of the entire labouring population of the States are now out of work, he says, and theie seems to be no prospect of better. LEGAL PATRONAGE.—The legal Lord Derby's third Government is represented by the following nominations: In Englan Plvmcerv the offic*. oKS and once to the post of CmetJ'ust1 Vice-Chan- Sol^/JcLaceUor a^a»«to a.rt cellor, and of Judges in the Queen s Bench, Common Pleas and Bankruptcy Court. In Scotland-Once to the post of Lord Justice-General, and once to that of Lord Justice-Clerk. The offices of Queen's Advocate and of Attorney and Solicitor-General for England and Ireland and of Lord-Advocate and Solicitor- General for Scotland have been filled and refilled twenty times. Thirteen of Lord Derby's Parlia- mentary supporters have been rewarded with seats on the Bench, and there is a chance of the 14th now taking the vacant place in the Court of Queen's Bench. The fortunate thirteen are Sir W. Bovill, Sir Hugh Cairns, Sir F. Kelly, Sir II. Malins, Sir John Rolt, Sir C. Selwyn, and Messrs. Chatterton, George, Miller, Morris, Patton, W alsh, and Whiteside. The only instances in which professional standing has been recognised as being superior to party fidelity were in the cases of Sir llobert Pliillimore and Sir Travers Twiss. THE END OF THE OLD FLEET PRISON.—On Friday, by instructions of the directors of the London, Chatham," and Dover Railway Company, the materials of several houses and other property at the corner of Ludgate-hill and Farringdon-street, in London, in- cluding the boundary wall of the old Fleet prison, were disposed of by auction, in order to carry out the long- contemplated improvements in that locality, and in a few days not a vestige will remain of that celebrated place of incarceration for unfortunate debtors. The prison was burnt in the great fire of 1666 built anew, and again destroyed in the riots of 1780; rebuilt, and finally pulled down in April, 1844, when the site was purchased by the Corporation of the city of London tor £ 29,000. MAKING ALL USEFUL — A German vine- grower in California certainly must have the credit of discovering a new method of ridding a vineyard of various evils infesting it, and at the same time enrich- ing the soil. He writes to a local paper, with regard to the hares that visit his vines I poison with strychnine, and in tha morning, when I find the dead hares, I bury them under the vines for manure. And the next night the cayotes comes and digs up the hares and eats them, and they get poisoned and die, and I buries them under some other vines. And the next night the skunks come and dig up the cayotes and eats them, and they get poisoned and die, and I buries them all, to manure the grape vines. A SELF-SACBIFICS !-On Wednesday in last week died Agnes Elizabeth, daughter of Colonel Jones, of Fahan, near Londonderry, aged :54, lady superin- tendent of the Nightingale nurses and probationers at the Liverpool Workhouse Hospital. She died at the hospital from typhus fever, brought on by her exer- tions and anxiety in nursing the sick. She was remarkable for her ability and self-sacrificing Christian spirit. LORD H. SEYMOUR'S WILL.-I. London, on Saturday, a number of solicitors connected with the London charities attended before Mr. Marshall, the Chief Clerk at the Rolls Chambers, to make claims to share in the large bequest of Lord Henry Seymour to the London charities. # Out of 172 claims by hospital and other institutions only thirty-one were admitted by the Master of the Rolls under the term hospice mentioned in the will. The hospitals had appealed to the Lords Justices, and their Lordships held that all places where patients were admitted to reside would come within the denomination of hos- pice." The case was sent back to the Rolls for the certificate to be varied, and the first sitting took place on the present occasion. Some cases were re- served for further consideration. _Mr. Greatorex appeared for the charities admitted in the first sche- .The Chief Clerk gave directions on the matter to facilitate the distribution. There would be no ap- peal to the House of Lords. ,4^MC^t INCREDIBLE !—An inquest has been held by Dr. Lankester on the body of an infant found in the canal m the Regent's Park, London. The doctor who examined the body said that it was very much buwit. Round the neck a piece of cord had been tied tigntiy. The right arm had been chopped off at the elbow; the left arm at the shoulder. The lungs and all the internal organs were thoroughly cooked as if the child had been put in an oven and baked. The jury returned a verdict of Wilful murder" against some person or persons unknown. A boy who picked up the body and who was really the cause of the in- quiry being held, said that when he pulled the parcel in which it was contained out of the water he called to a man who came and looked at the child, and said, Oh, that's nothing, you may as well throw it back. I pulled one out a few weeks ago and got nothing for it." The boy declined to take this advice, and gave the parcel to a policeman. A RIDDLE.-All old man having three sons, made his will thus One-half to eldest, one-third to second, one-ninth to youngest son (g, A 1-9.) He died possessed of nothing but seventeen fine healthy camels. The sons failed to manage the division in the terms of the will; they went, therefore, to the Cadi, who promised to settle the matter. After consideration, he propounded a scheme of distribution which more than satisfied each claimant, and disposed of the whole estate. What did he do ? AN UNFRIENDLY DIAGNOSIS.—Canon Girdle- stone in a recent sermon in Bristol Cathedral said :— Ritualist customs and priests are nothing more nor less thau the external symptoms of a deep-seated disease. You may call it typhus fever, smallpox, chicken-pox, or what you like. What would you say of a medical man who merely tried to get rid of an eruption on the surface when he knew that the disease was within? If he were a skilful man he would go to the root of the disease which produced these eruptions. So with Ritualism—we must not be content till we get rid of the disease. I do not believe that much will come eut of the Ritual Commission; it is exceedingly mild. The Legislature must deal with the matter in a substantial manner. THE POOR POSTMAN !-A correspondent sends the following :-If the writers of letters knew the trouble that they give these worthy labourers they would be more careful in addressing their correspond- ents. The following is a verbatim copy of an address on a letter sent through the Leeds post-office last week :—" Mary Hibson, Crompton." After passing into the hands of several letter-carriers, and none of them being able to give a clue to the place intended by the writer, a wide-awake clerk wrote on it Try Arm- ley," which was accordingly done, when it turned out to be for "Miss Maria Ibberson, Crompton-street, Armley." A SINGULAR DUEL !—A singular duel took place at the Bois de Vincennes a few days ago. A young lady had two lovers, both equally eligible. She inclined to Charles if Henry could be got out of the way. The gentlemen quarrelled; a duel was ar- ranged. Charles fired his pistol, and so did Henry- the first in his life. Charles fell, motionless. Henry seeing the terrible consequences of his fire, and a prey to the feelings akin to a murderer, fled to Brussels. Hardly had he left the field when Charles rose up, laughing heartily. The seconds, aware of the state of affairs, charged the pistols with a piece of old linen. Charles hurried to his Juliet, related the story, and, the other dear charmer being away, the young lady bestowed her hand upon her deliverer, and they were united on Saturday last. A LITTLE MISTAKE !—A dirty old London thief made an unfortunate mistake the other day. She stole a dress from inside a pawnbroker's in Whitecross Street, and straightway offered it in pledge at another shop, belonging to the same pro- prietor, in the same street. The son of the pawn- broker missed the gown almost as soon as it was taken, and, judging that it would be "spouted again, directly went to the shop just in time to catch the thief offering the garment. Finding herself thus trapped, she pleaded to be let off, saying that if it had not been for the mistake she had made in going to the wrong shop, they would neither have got her nor the property." The pawnbroker did not take this view of it and the issue of a brief conference with the magistrate as to the case is that the prisoner has been provided with furnished apartments in the House of Correction for two months. A RESULT OF COMMERCIAL DEPRESSION.— The financial collapse of 1866 is having deeper effects than has been imagined (remarks the Globe). the public has been made acquainted with several great failures following close upon it, but the cases of hundreds who have suffered severely will, perhaps, never come to light. A striking fact, however, in con- nexion with Her Majesty's Customs clearly proves how great the devastation has been among private individuals in consequence of that panic. In the In- land Revenue Department at Somerset House, as the public are aware, is kept a register of all those persons paying duty on carriages and horses, and at this office notice has been received, since the 31st of December last, that 1,600 private persons intend to discontinue keeping their carriages, and claim, therefore, to be exempt from duty in the financial year 1868-9. This will cause a notable deduction in the balance which the Chancellor of the Exchequer will next have to exhibit. The loss to the revenue by these withdrawals will not be less than jS10,000 per annum. COST OF PAINTING A CEILTNG.-Among the most sumptuous residences in Paris is the hotel of the Countess de Paiva, in the Champs Elys^es. The most celebrated artists have been employed in the execution of the embellishments the ceiling of the grand draw- ing room, painted by Paul Baudry, being one of the finest, specimens of modern decorative art. The ceil- °f a boudoir, executed by Mr. Thirion, a Great n—?Sf-:Rome> ^aa j118'' given rise a su^ bef°re the Oivil Tribunal. The artist claimed a balance of £ 40 on a sum of £ 120, which he maintained was the price agreed on for the work. The countess of Paiva, on, the contrary, affirmed that the contract was for £80, which sum has already been paid. The court, in the absence ot any document to show the terms of the engagement, nommated M. Perignon, an artist, an ex- pert, to examine the work and report to the Tribunal, which would then nx the amount of the remuneration. A LONG-LIVED FAMILY. -Eighty-one years- ago, when the United states began to frame their Con- stitution, and the first convict colonists left England for New South Wales, three Penzance boys and a girl followed their father to his grave. All are yet alive and well, and mav be seen in our streets (says the Cornish Telegraph). Susan I ren is James, 89; Henry, 86 and John, 84. For fifty years Husan was in the tin refinery, and Henryin the tanyard of Messrs. T. Bolitho & Sons. The mother and father of these four died comparatively young, but their Mjanlmot ler lived to be 111, and reaped at the age of 101. the family of John Uren, the youngest of this vigorous quaternity, consisted of seven boys and two girls the eldest 60, the youngest 40—all living and in good "health. Two sons, William and Joseph, fought throughout the recent American struggle-Joseph for the South and William for the North, endured many hardships, but gave up soldiering with unimpaired energy, and one is now engaged in saving life, instead of destroying it, for he is at work on the Wolf Rock Lighthouse. The family are tall and spare. We need not point out the changes its older members have wit- nessed in European, English, and local history since the French Revolution, the days of Pitt, Fox, and Burke, and the time when Wesley stirred the half- civilized tinners of Cornwall. A FATAL MISTAKE !—The inquest on the body of the young man who threw himself from the Crystal Palace tower the other night (reported in the papers last week) was held before Mr. Carter, the coroner for East Surrey, on Friday. The name of the deceased was Edward Thomas Lea. He was only seventeen years of age. The circumstances which led to the suicide were very distressing. The deceased youth was a draper's assistant, and had been for some time out of a situation. At length he got one, and entered upon his duties, but on inquiry being made of the person whom he named for reference, a former employer, hereceived such a bad character that he was told he coiild not remain. This weighed upon his mind, and there was no doubt led him to destroy himself. Upon inquiry being made it was found that there had been two young men in the employ of the person who gave the character named Lea, and it was of the other, and not of the deceased, that he intended to speak. There was no doubt that the latter had borne an irreproachable character. The jury found that he was temporarily insane. On the part of the Crystal Palace authorities it was stated that no per- son would be allowed to ascend the towers till a rail- ing had been erected which would effectually prevent persons throwing themselves down. MR. DICKENS AND PRESIDENT JOHNSON.— The New York Tribune reports Mr. Dickens's recep- tion by the President. At eleven o'clock on the 7th inst. Mr. Dickens called at the Executive Mansion to pay his respects to President Johnson. The Presi- dent received Mr. Dickens with great cordiality. He expressed his thanks to Mr. Dickens for his courtesy in inviting the President and family to his readings, and regretted that he had not been able to attend him- self. Mr. Dickens replied that he would have felt highly honoured to have the Chief Magistrate of the nation present, and regretted that the public business was so pressing as to prevent his attendance. After a very pleasant conversation, in which the President paid Mr. Dickens a graceful compliment, the latter withdrew, highly gratified with his call. UNFORTUNATE EMPEROR I-It appears that the misfortunes of the Emperor Maximilian were not destined to terminate at Queretaro. The Figaro (a Paris paper) asserta that he was put into a coffin that was too small, and that the Emperor of Austria had ordered a magnificent wreath of immortelles from a celebrated house in Paris, which he intended to have laid himself on his brother's coffin. The wreath, properly packed, and duly despatched by the Eastern Railroad, not only never reached its destination, but is nowhere to be found, whereupon a trial is to ensue, the Emperor refusing to pay for a couronne which never arrived at Vienna. A CHANCE FOR THE THIEVES. The muni- cipality of the city of Paris," says the Presse, has just determined, for reasons of economy, to have every other gas lamp in the streets of the capital extinguished after midnight. The measure is to come into operation next month. The saving is incontestable, but the police, when informed of the intention, have made some just observations as to the difficulties which the arrangements will introduce into their surveil- lance. GAMBLING IN PARIS.-One of the topics of the day is the heavy gambling which takes place nightly at a certain fashionable cercle, or club, fre- quented by the (saya the Paris corres- pondent of the Standard). Well may these ingenuous youths be golden, for no baser metal could possibly enable them to pay their debts of honour. The average gain and losses in one night, the Nain Jaune tells us, are never less than £ 20,000 sterling. No money is placed on the tables, but each player signs an I Ö U for 100, 200, or 1,000 louis, in exchange for which he receives counters, the value of each varying from lOOf. to 10,000f., and he may renew his supply (of course giving his bond) as often as he pleases during the evening. The game over, the transaction is settled in hard cash at the special office of the cercle, over which a cashier presides. Every player is obliged to cash his I O U's within a fortnight. The favourite game is baccarat-whist is voted slow. For a wonder dice are not popular. Of course there are a few very large fortunes in France, but as a rule men with a couple of thousand a year are not very numerous even among the frequenters of these fashionable hells. The puzzle to the public is how in the world this sort of thing can go on year after year without some gigantic smash. A PRINTER'S ERROR !-The following extraor- dinary printer's error appeared the other day in the columns of a London daily. TheEarl of Shaftesbury, it will be remembered, prosecuted his land steward for certain alleged inaccuracies in his accounts, and the man became bankrupt through inability to pay the costs of these proceedings. He applied the other day for his order of discharge, and the application was op- posed on behalf of Lord Shaftesbury. At the end of the report of the case there came the following startling announcement:—"The cruelty was proved, and the Court pronounced a decree of judicial sepam- tion." AN UNLUCKY PAUSE !-Most readers must have observed this phenomenon among the thousand and one vagaries of talk, that it will sometimes cease in one moment and without the slightest warning, a very tempest of voices dropping suddenly, and a dead silence supervening and this sometimes at the very moment when some unhappy person is in the act of delivering himself of a phrase or sentiment which is not in the least calculated for publicity. As an in- stance of this the writer (in Comhill Magazine) may mention that he was once present when a. sudden pause of this kind took place without warning inst when a certain young man was in the act of informing the lady who was seated beside him that the ex-nrl* sion of her countenance indicated a strong muZl capacity. And yet there is music in your fare "bp was saying just at the moment when the accom™^ ment of voices ceased. The words were uttered by the young gentleman in a loud key, in 0Xr tW they might be audible to his partner above the gene- ral ain, and were consequently heard bv evervbodv of th?F' 1° + ?XTREr conffusion of the speaker and or the lady to whom the sentence was addressed. A PRISONER TURNING THE KEY ON HIS GAOLER.—A laughable incident has occurred in Poole gaol. On Monday morning, while Mr. Whitehill, the governor was visiting the prisoners, he had occa- sion to go to the further end of the cell of a man named Allen, incarcerated for housebreaking, when the prisoner, seizing the opportunity, sprana- forward and succeeded in reaching the right riCT tlSZj before his captor, on whom he at once turned the key. Allen lost no time in endeavouring to run away, but had not proceeded many yards along a (lark passage ere he found himself in the unwelcome embrace of a policeman. The result of his escapade is that the visaing justices have ordered him a bread and water diet for seven days. THE SINGULARITY IN THE CALENDAR.-It has been remarked that in 1868 there are five Saturdays in I ebruary. By a rough guess as it would seem, it has been added that this has not taken place for a s^ore of vears. Exactly 28 years, amounting to a solar cycle, have elapsed since the same thing occurred. During that period each day of the week has enjoyed the honour of appearing five times in February in its own leap year. The calendar of the present century con- tains 24 leap years, which may be arranged in seven i8a«neair ^rUa/y ^«LS^ays in 1824, 1852, 1880; five Mondays in 1808, 1836, 1864 1892 • fiv* Tuesdays in 1820, 1848, 1876 five Wednesdays in 1804, 1832, 1860, 1888 five Thursdays in 1816 1844 1872 five Fridays in 1828, 1856, 1884 five Saturdays in 1812, 1840, 1868,1896. e ^aturdayB WILLS AND SUCCESSIONS.—A Parliamentary return shows that in the financial year 1866-67 duty was paid in the United Kingdom on 42,173 probates of wills, letters of administration, and testamentary in- ventories. 1 he number of deaths in the year may be would raa ST ,111^700^' but more than ^]f n, J„^FohaMe be deaths of minors. It would appear, about ?ne ln ei°'ht of the adults dying must Sfc™ pe™0™1 property worth at least £ 100-tlie CI ,W7^ o^o6 auty commences; and as the tax pro- uced £ 1,73.868, the duty would average more than 1 or each caso. But this is the gross sum pro- at T:? Probably be understood as pai<? on an estimate of the property before deducting for debts A stricter test is supplied by the legacy duty imid Legacy and succession duty was paid in the year on £ 74WfrqT°UntlUlg t0 £ L0fi'27V124' duty on and succession duty on £ 31,893 431. Legacy duty is not paid on property bequeathed by husband to wife, or the converse but atill the amount of property paying legacy duty in the year exceeded an average of JE100 for every death, reckoning the deaths of men, women, and children. FATAL ACCIDENT AT A FIRE.-On Monday, between two and three o'clock a.m., a great portion of the woollen mill of Messrs. Jonathan Crawford and Sons, East-street, Leeds, was on fire from some cause which as yet has not been ascertained. The Corpora- tion Fire Brigade, with Mr. Wetherell, chief constable, at their head, were soon in attendance, and the flames Were confined to that portion of the building in which they had broken out. About four o'clock the roof fell in, but it was not until eight o'clock that the fire- engines ceased playing. In a short time after one of the outer walls fell, and a portion which then remained in a dangerous state was pulled down purposely. The workmen little thought that they were adding to a pile of ruins that had already fallen upon and killed one of their fellow-workmen. About eleven o'clock it became known that a man named James Stockdale was mis- sing, and after a search his lifeless and mutilated body was found among the ruins. He had been absent from work a fortnight through illness. The damage done at the mill is estimated at more than £1,000, but Messrs. Crawford are insured. WAGES AND No WAGES.—Messrs. Pontifex and Wood, of Farringdon Works, Shoe Lane, London write as follows to a London contemporary It may interest the contributors to the fund for the relief of tho disti ess in the E ixt of Loudon to learn that 30 car- penters employed temporarily by us at our works at Mill- wall, upon tlie ngreed wages of 5s. Cd. per day, to which we offered to add an additional Is. on Saturdays as an induce- ment to them not to require a half-holiday on that day, but to work till four o'clock in common with our regular hands have this day struck work. Tliey gave us no previous notice of their intention, but simply intimated that they will not resume work unless they are paid 8d. per hour and have the Saturday half-holiday. Some of these men were unable to come to work until we had advanced them money to enable them to get their tools out of pawn. AN-EXCITING CHASE !—It is not often we read of a chase after burglars over housetops, yet an ex- citing run of this kind took place at Bristol early last Saturday morning, and though the thieves showed all the cunning of the fox, they were caught at last. A smart police-constable learning that some thieves were on the roof of the premises ( f Messrs. Payne and inompson, dealers in Birmingham goods, proceeded, with another officer, to follow, first stationing some fellow-constaVilt s below. He spied the two burglars crouching in the shade of a chimney stack, but getting at them was another matter, for they had eight or ten ) yards' start. They took different directions, and after a breakneck scamper over the roofs of about a dozen houses, and a drop of a dozen feet, one of the thieves forced an entrance into a warehouse, where he was captured. How to dispose of his prisoner was the next consideration for the policeman. He could not take him out by the ordinary entrance to the ware- house. for the premises were locked up, hnd he did not think it prudent, to retrace his steps over the house-tops. The officer was a man of expedients. He sent for the fire-escape, and, putting his man m the bag, they both glided to the ground. The other thief was captured in an adjoining house. The thieves had taken about J625 in money and three watches. AFTER A FRENCH DEBATE.—Though the Eng- lish House of Commons presents occasionally an ex- citing scene during debate, the orators can scarcely be said to work themselves up to that pitch of fervour which distinguishes some members of the French Corps Legislatif. These gentlemen get so hot and excited that, on finishing their speeches, they rush off to wash and change in the dressing-rooms. The following good anecdote apropos of this is told of M. Rouher :— One day last week he had been making a lollg and ex- hausting speech, and at its close he went off to his private dressing room, and found that his valet had left no change for him he then tried the dressing-rooms of the other ministers, but all "blank," till he came to the Interior," where he found clothes for the exterior, for- getting that they wore those of little M. Pinard, who, though a giant in debate, is very "limited" in the, f' Pinard's turn came to speak, and, having got into a ieauui state of perspiration himself, he, too, needed a cnan^e, and went off to seek it. Imagine his horror on c'scovrtring that 11. Uouher, wlio is something of a giant, had pis^t ioicea his flannel waistcoat and torn his shirt in two Report does not say how they finally arranged matters. RABBITS VERSUS SHEEP.—At a recent meeting of the Staindrop Farmers' Club a paper was read on the comparative appetites of sheep and rabbits. two hoggett sheep and twelve full-grown rabbits had been put up, and fed for six weeks on oats, cut clover, bran, and roots. At the end of that time it was found that nine rabbits in captivity ate as much as two sheep, and of course, when free, they destroy much more than they consume. Some estimate may thus be formed of the injury done to tenant farmers by rabbits. A farm on which nine hundred rabbits are shot yearly is taxed far more heavily than if its tenant had to maintain a flock of 200 of his landlord's sheep, The sheep, too, would be useful in fertilizing the land, whilst rabbits are of no use at all in that capacity. A BRUTAL ACT.-At Bolton, on Monday, Richard Barrow was charged with wilfully scalding his wife and two children. The prisoner is a boatman, and the occurrence took place at Blackrod, near >V igan. Barrow entered the cabin of the boat late on Satur- day evening in a state of intoxication, his wife and children being then in bed. His wife reproached him with his conduct, on which he deliberately took a kettle off the fire, and poured its boiling contents upon them. The wife was badly scalded on one side of her face and arms. The youngest cluld, a baby only twelve months old, lies in a very dangerous con- dition, and as its life is depaired of, the magistrate re- manded the prisoner for a few days, to await the result of the injuries. SINGULAR CONDITIONS IN A WILL.-The fol- lowing is an extract from the will of Stephen Girard, the founder of the Girard College, Philadelphia There are, however, some restrictions which I consider it my duty to prescribe, and to be, amongst conditions on which my bequest for said college is to he en- joyed. 2. I enjoin and requtre that no eccle- siastic, missionary, or minister, of any sect whatever, shall ever hold or exercise any station or duty whatever in the said college. Nor shall any such person ever be admitted for any purpose, or as a visitor, within the plemlses, appro- priated to the purposes of the said college, in making this restriction I do not mean to cast any n,. uP°i' any sect or person whatever; but, as there w >.ncn a diversity of a. opinion amongst them, I desire to keep the tender minds of the orphans, who are to derive advantage from this bequest, free from the excitement which clashing doctrines and sectarian controversy are so apt to produce. My desire Is that all the instructors and teachers in the college shall take pains to instil into the minds of the scholars the purest principles of morality, so that, on their entrance into active life, they may from inclination and habit evince benevolence towards their fellow-creatures, and a l°ve J™"}> sobriety, and industry, adopting at the sametim6 sucn religious tenets as their natural reason may enable them to prefer. A DESCENDANT OF THE M'IANS OF GLENCOE —On Monday, at the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, Anthony M'Intyre was charged with ob- taining money from two ladies in Edinburgh on false pretences, alleging that he was an Irish clergyman, and that he was collecting money for his church. At the close of the evidence the prisoner made a long speech. In his defence he stated, amid the laughter of the audience, that he was descended from the M'lans of Glencoe that he had been esteemed a very pious child that his conversion was like that of Saul of Tarsus; that lie was at one time connected with the Moravian Church and he concluded by asking the court to say to him, as Christ said on one occasion Go in peace and sin no more." The jury, however, returned a verdict of guilty, and the prisoner was sen- tenced to- seven years' penal servitude, there being three previous convictions recorded against him.




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