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EPITOME OF NEWS, BRITISH AND FOREIGN. The subscriptions for the familyof Secretary Stantcn now amount to 150,000 dols. Thirty-two War Office clerks have applied for the retirement offered by the Secretary of State. Ten steamers leave Liverpool this week for the CDited States and Cmada, and it is expected that from the Mersey there will sail between 6,000 and 7,000 emigrants. It is authoritatively stated that Mr. John Bright will not attend to his parliamentary duties this session. He is now at Llandudno. The Belgian journals announce the death, at Brus- sels, of Charles de Beriot, the celebrated violinist, at the age of sixty-eight. It is a singular coincidence that at least four of the London morning papers used the same phraseology in writing of the Cambridge victory in the University boat-race—" At last the spell is broken A Corsican paper, UAvenir de Corse, publishes a letter from Prince Pierre Bonaparte, in which the writer ex- presses his gratitude for the expressions of sympathy he has received from numerous correspondents. "Railways are the favourite investment of the day. The sale by the Great Northern Company of £92,055 of their new ordinary stock, by tender, produced offers for £ 805,680 The prices ranged from £117 per cent. to par. A few only who tendered at. the highest prices got any allotment."— Railway News. In excavatirg on the site of the new buildings for the Post-office in London, a number of antiquities have been .found-piece3 of old pottery, metal, &c. The most interest- ing, however, is a Roman queen. the first that has yet been discovered complete in this country, the dipper and lower stones being found in situ, and in no way injured beyond a few dentf. The Choir pays that Mdlle. Marie Tayan, a young I lady violinist, will shortly make her debut in London. The first puty of emigrants sent out under the auspices of the Richmond Working Men's Emigration Society left England, on Sunday, by the ship Medway, for Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Howitt a-e about to leave England for a year in Switzerland and Italy. Mr. Howitt Is engaged on a volume of Quaker History and Biography. Mr. Stacey, the landlord of the inn which was burnt at Cardiff the o'her day, has died. This is the fifth death resulting from the sad calamity. At all tbe Roman Catholic chapels in Dublin, on Sunday, petitions against the inspection of convents pro- posed by Mr. Newdegate's motion were numerously signed. The city of Moscow has 399 public schools, attended by 15,0?9 children of both sexes, being one child for every 85 inhabitants. Dean Stanley, it is said, has a remarkable work in the press, in which he gives an account of, and comments upon, the ecclesiastical events of the last twenty years. At Salford, last week, a female vagrant tore all her clothes off while in the pol:ce-sta.tion, and was taken before the magistrates covered wi,h a blanket only. It J3 f-aid that a baronetcy is to be conferred upon Vr. Din>el Adolphus L=>.na-e, In consideration of the services fcudu'LLt by him in iiL,aia iu llm -ma CilML ^Vnruiw u ,m ym:>, was fomd mur- uered at Orakau, Auckland Province, New Zealand on January 13. lie hid been tomahawked. A-ist-vr (.ntra.'e la; talcii place in Mea-h, men blftckene^ hee, rave threatened a widow and her son with death if they do nOL leave their farm. The North Eastern Correspondence says that th" Crown Prince of Prussia is sutfimm: from the preliminary sjmpti ins of disease of tho liver, and will go to Carlsoua to take tile waters there A pamphlet of an alarming character is exposed for sale at a bookseller's in Paternoster-row. It is entitled Reasons why the World must Inevitably and Speedily be Destroyed bg Fire BAt h branches of tbe Legislature of Iowa have passed a resolution for a womr.n's suffrage amendment to the State Constitution. It m'nt he agreed to by the next Legislature and ratifies by the people in 1872 before it can be of effect. The Journal de Purines states that a workman set fire to the forest of Petre, a short distance from Vitré, when nearly 900 acres of wood were burnt down. The man was arreste J. On Good Friday, Sarah Pay died in Canterbury in the 104th year of her age. The deceased was born it Chartham, a village in Keut, in the early part of 1767, and has been in receipt cf parochial relief for Upwards of 50 years. A facetious suggestion has has been offered in Paris to the effect that no citizen should be allowed to vote on the plebiscite unless he should qualify by properly spelling and pronouncing the word. A correspendent of the Indian Daily News writes to that paper to say that he has seen in Cuttack a native chuprassie who measures a little over two feet in height. He is twenty-six years old, weighs 301b., and is pronounced by medical men to be perfectly proportioned. Early last Saturday morning a collision took place near Liverpool between a passenger and a coal train, owing to a misapprehension of signals on the part of the driver of the latter. Several passengers were injured, and the rolling stock suffered considerable damage. On Sunday night a little girl, five years old, named Margaret Burns, was maltreated by a man unknown, on a stair in Glasgow, in so dreadful a manner that she died next day. The supposed murderer is a man about 30 years of age, but the description given of him is very vague. Intelligence has been received in Dundee of the suc- cess of the seal fishery. Nine Dundee vessels have taken 740 tons of oil, value £30,000; seven Peterhead vessels, 238 tons; besides foreign and other sailing vessels. The catch is in advance of the usual time. It has been decided that the Lancashire memorial of the late Lord Derby shall take the form of a number of scholarships at Oxford, to be held by Lancashire men, with- out any restriction as to creed:" The fund at present amounts to about £8,000. The Russian Medical Archiv, in a paper on prosti- tution, states the number of licensed houses as amounting in bt. Petersburg alone to 710, with 4,320 prostitutes. Besides this, there are 5,177 women of a similar class living in their own homes, and 5,915 street women. There is a joker in Keswick who might visit Yankee- land and hold his own in that line. He lately placarded the following announcement" Extensive sale of live stock, comprising not less than one hundred and forty thousand head, and an unlimited right of pasturage." It turned out that the gentleman was in the bee line, and had several hives of them to dispose of. The progress of one of the most interesting of the Western States of the American Republic-viz. Illinois—is reflected in the receipts of the Illinois Central Riilroad 10 1862 the revenue of that undertaking was 3 445 827 dols in E63. 4,571,028 dolf. in 1864. 6,329,447 dollsrs'- in 1865' 7.181,208 dots. in 1866, 6,546,741 dols. in 1867.' 7100992 dols. in 1868, 7,827,629 dols. and in lS6d, 8,823,482 dols! In London, on Sunday, at South-place Chanel Finsbnry, the Indian religious reformer, Baboo Keshub Chunder Sen, preached before a densely crowded congrega- tion, among whom were several Oriental residents in London He took his text from the First Epistle of John, chap. iv., verse 16, God is love, and h e that dweUeth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." A vulgar mason, who had become rich by the recent demolition in Paris, was anxious to marry his only son to one of the daughters of a marquis. I wish you would let my son marry one of your girls," said he. Certainly," said the marquis, which does he want; the girl that waits in the kitchen, or the girl that washes ?" The steam flour mill belonging to Mrs. Hole, Carlton-on-Trent, seven miles north of Newark, and in the occupancy of Mr. Bannister, was for the third time on Sunday burnt down. It is reported that the property is wholly or partially insured, and that the damage done will amount to about £2,000. On Friday last the ratification of the Suffrage Amendment Act was celebrated at Washington by the en- franchised coloured citizens. There was a torchlight pro- cession, and the darkies paid a visit to President Grant, who addressed them in his usual brief manner, exhorting them to prove by their conduct their worthiness of their new privi- leges. The emigration from Liverpool during the next two or tnree months promises to exceed that of any previous Jear, and judging irom the number of steamers which have hem placed OIl the btrih tor Nova Scotia, the United States, and Canada, the emigration offices of the different steamship companies must hat e a busy time oi it. An overseer in the Public Works Department at X allpore, India, recently brought au action for breach of promise of marriage against a Mrs. Craddock, formerly Miss Cook, of Dublin. A verdict for the plaintiff was given, and damages, which were paid by the lady's husband, Mr. Crad- dock, were assessed at 491 rupees. A match at cricket between eleven pensioners with one arm against eleven pensioners with one leg took place at the Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Ground, Brixton, on Monday. The comparative novelty of the game attracted a large con- course of spectators Much amusement was afforded by the mishaps and downfalls of the players. The game was decided in favour of the one-legged men by twenty-eight runs. An official statement, published on Monday, an- nounces that since the opening of the Suez Canal in Novem- ber last 131 ships have passed through it, and that the receipts from transit dues have been 558,262 francs. The traffic con- tinues to show a steady increase. During March, 53 vessels passed through the Canal; from the 1st to the 8th of the present month the number has been 23. The total receipts since the opening amount to 1,529.338f. ( £ 61,173 ) St. Petersburg has fewer insane inhabitants in pro- portion to its population than any other European capital. One to every 1,043 is the ratio while in London it is one in every 200; in Paris, 1 in every 222 and in Milan, 1 in every 244. The absence of mental excitement from the high pres- sure competition of Western Europe is ascribed by Russian physicians as the cause of this low lunacy-rate. • The trial of Lezurier, the eccentric miser, who re- centlyassailed the Emperor Napoleon with cries of To Cayenne at a review of the Imperial Guard, was concluded last Saturday. The accused attributed his indiscretion to a temporary aberration of intellect, but the Court refused to admit the excuse, and sentenced him to a month's imprison- ment and 1,000 fr. fine. M. Raapail has written a letter to the Washer- women Mutual Aid Society, at Lyons, in which he tells the citizenesses that he will accept the position they ask him to take, of honorary member of their society, if they will Dem°cratic and Republican opinions. With the letter M. Raspail encloses a post-office erder lor 25 francs. A well-known fashionable boot and shoe maker in Paris has formed an interesting collection of boots and shoes worn by his illustrious patrons for many years. These are arranged on shelves affixed to the walls of a vast salon To each pair is affixed the wearer's name, and they vary in size from the diminutive slipper of Cinderella to the seven- leagued boots of the giant of the nursery legends. In a paper addressed to the Academy of Sciences, MM. Mille and Durand Claye discuss the advantages that might accrue to agriculture were the filth of Paris properly employed. All the organic matter which infects the Seine, and is ultimately washed into the sea, annually represents 1,500,000 tons of manure. At present, by a very simple system, between 5,000 and 6,000 cubic metres of the foul waters of the Clichy collector are daily raised and let flow to the beginning of the plain of Geneviiliers, where they con- stantly fertilise about 40 hectares (105 acres) of otherwise unprofitable land. M. Henri Rochefort's confinement in Ste. Pelagie has certainly not damaged his talent as a writer of political Equibs. Advocating abstention the other day when writing on the subject of the coming appeal to the people, he advised his friends to allow the Emperor to wash his plebiscitum at home and In the Marseillaise he says that his Majesty re- minds him of a sick man painting his face before looking in the glass." He cannot imagine why Napoleon III. should try and get the people to vote except to delude himself with the idea of his popularity in the country. A sharp shock of earthquake occurred at San Fran- cieco on the 2nd of April. Its duration was six seconds; the direction, from south-east to north-west, and the motion vortical. There was no damage to life, limb, or property, but there was intense excitement for a few momenta All animals were terribly frightened. The City Hall, where the Courts were in session, the Merchants' Exchange, the Mer- cantile Library, the Custom-house and other large buildings were instantly vacated, and a panic was created at the hotels. The streets swarmed with people in a moment. It was raining at the time. Before the shock the barometer was observed to fall very rapidly. A telegram from Athens mentions that one of the party recently captured by brigands at Marathon has been set at liberty, in order that he may obtain the ransom of 10,000 livres, which is demanded for himself and his com- panions. In the fisst telegrams announcing the occurrence, it was stated that a son of the Duke of Manchester was one of the party. The Duke himself writes to say that this is a mistake, as neither of his sons Is in Greece. It is now said that Lord Munpaster is the English nobleman who has fallen into the brigands' hands. About seven o'clock last Saturday morning a lady, eighty-four years of age, was brutally murdered in the Rue du Tapis Vert, Marseilles. The lady, who belongs to a family engaged in mercantile pursuits in the town, was seized as she was going out of the bouse, and kicked to death. Her cries brought in the neighbours, who immediately secured the murderer and lodged him in the custody of the police. He sai l, in explanation of his crime, that he believed the old lady was a witch, and that he was suffering from her spells, Of the whole number of births in the month of October in the province of Novgorod, Russia, and the greater part of Northern, Central, and Bistern RUssla-S6 per cent, do not survive. The proportion ef deaths rises auriniz the winter till, in April, 61 per cent of the children born die In May the proportion falls to 50 per cent. In June it rises again to 69 per {Jl'^es tne enormous figure of 75 per cent. Even tbis is surpassea in August, when 76 per cent of the p^Wchndren tn ? i!16 latter mr'mh the women have to leave their children to labour m the fields. Sime years ago a Lazy Man's Society was organised in Philadelphia, and one of the articles required that no man belonging to the society should ever be in a hurry. If he violated this article he was to stand treat to the other members. A ow it happened on a time that the village doctor W5?Jnt ThVlDg PuSt haste through the streets to visit a ,i members ot the society saw him and chuckled °y? ,e fde,a of a treat, and on his return reminded him ° J ILUIN8- and violation of the rules. Not at all saw the doctor, determined not to be done "the truth h my horse was determined to go, and I felt too lazy to ston him." They did not catch him that time. At Eimbeck, in Hanover, the Catholic cure pro. tested, in writing, against the soldiers being exercised on ffite days. The following is the answer he received: Military service on holidays, as well as during the week days, is the principal duty of the soldier. According to the uses aud customs of the Prussian army, the requirements of the service take precedence over the divine office." The reply was signed by the supreme military commander. The priest afterwards having chosen as the text for his sermon the passage in the Gospel: Render therefore unto Ctesar the things which are Csssar's, and unto God the things that are God's," he was sent away from his parish, because the choice of the verse was considered as an excitation to dis- obedience.. The Marquis of Bath ia seriously ill at his residenoe in Berkeley-square, London. This year's harvest in Ireland is expected to be a most favourable one. During the past week 27 wrecks have been reported, making for the present year a total of 599. Two men have been committed for trial at the Tipperary assizes on a charge of using seditious expressions. The advertisements in the first number of The Mys'ery of Edwin Drood are said to have brought £600. Mr. Spurgeon described Mr. Magregor of the Rob Roy, the .ther evening, as one who can serve his God," and at the same time" paddle hil own canoe." It is expected that the accouchment of her Royal Highness Princess Christian will take place during next month. Three peers are a.t present engaged in preaching in various parts of the country—Lord Radstock, Lord Farn- ham, and Lord Teynham. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has acknowledged the receipt of £2 from" Recalculation," on account of in- come-tax. The first examination for women was held in the University of Dublin last week, when twenty-three candi- dates presented themselves. .Last week, air. Harris. Rurgeon. of -Klham. near LanteiDiiry, whüe visit'ng his patiei-ts on horseback, was thrown from his seat and killed instantaneously. M. Gu z it is verv unwell, and bas kept his room for snme days. No immediate danger is apprehended but, consider- he the vei.erahie statesman's age, his iriends are naturally anx:ous about him. T :e corporation of Rochester has acquired from the Elrl of Jersey a leape of the Castle and adj icent grounds of ti;e ancieut CIty, and iurends to expend about £ 2,000 in lay- ing out the litier as a public recreation ground. A pa an, styling himself "Prdessor Allen, vegetable chemist, lecturer or. medical botany, anatomy, etc., has been sentenced in Glasgow to sixty days' imprisonment, for ra- presenting himself to be a duly qualified practitioner. According to the Budget, the income-tax for the year commencing on the G:h of 4pril is 4d. in the pound, and the Act to ensure the collection in due time," as declared by the preamble, was passed ou the 125"h ult. The Swedenborgians, English and American, have raised upwards of £ 3,o00 towards photo-lithographing Swedenborg's manuscripts, preserved in the library of the Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. The Sporting Gazette hears that Sir Edwin Land- seer's large picture of Voltigeur, upon which he has been to long engaged, will form one of the principal attractions at the forthcoming Exhibition of the Royal Academy. An annotfbeement is going the round of the French press that the Emperor Napoleon intends to send a canvas- sing letter by post to every one of the ten millions of electors about to be called upon to vote for the Plebiscitum. Another of the Pope's household has gone mad. This new sufferer is Monseignor Casale, Participant of the Privy Chamber; that is, one of those officers who are in perpetual attendance on the Holy Father. On Saturday, at midnight, the fishing lugger General Lee, of Lowestoft, Captain Capps, master, struck upon the North Rocks, near Sennen Cove, Land's End, during a dense fog. The crew of nine were safely assisted on shore by the coastguard. "A lady correspondent is in a state of great excite- ment. She wants to know whatever is going to happen next, now that ritualism has penetrated even the walla of W estminster ?" Pressing her for further explanations, the in- forms us that she understands the Chancellor of the Exche- quer has got a "surplice."—Court Journal. It is said that in consequence of a violentaltercation which took place the other day between the Grand Duke Constantine and General Fleury, the French Ambassador had demanded his passports. The Czar, however, interfered, asked General Fleury not to make known the details of the quarrel, and insisted on his brother apologizing. Advertising will shortlv become more than ever one of the necessities of life. Witness the following" Wanted," cut from the Jersey Times:—" Wanted, on Tuesday evening next, a handsome, tall, and highly respectable unmarried gentleman, to escort a young lady to an entertainment.— Address, inclosing carte, Constance, Post Office, St. Heliers.* Mdme. V odovosov has just delivered at St. Peters- burg, a lecture on the education of children. This, says the Visit, is the first time in Russia that a lady has spoken or delivered an address in public. Mdme. Yodovosov was very nervous, but her lecture is said to have been good, and the subject for a lady of strong mind was entirely new. A parliamentary return issued on Saturday sheww that in the year ending the 30th of September last 362,465 cwt. of hops were imported into the United Kingdom 3,820 cwt. of foreign hops exported; and 14,266 cwt. of British hops exported. Last week the Glasgow Herald alluded to the finding of a gold wedding risg in a cow's stomach. The ring has since been claimed by Mrs. James Mather, Eaglesham, who, five years since missed her ring one day after she had been feeding the chaffer, a machine for preparing hay and straw for the boiler. It is supposed the cow had swallowed the ring about that time, and that during the five years follow- ing it remained in the animal's stomach. A fearful catastrophe occurred a few days since, in the works of the Linen Manufacturing Company at St. Oilles, in the environs of Brussels, by the explosion of a boiler in the drying house. Nearly twenty men or women were killed or frightfully scalded by the steam, and eight had already died at the moment of the last accounts. The factory was at the same time set on fire, but the flames did not extend beyond the building in which they had commenced, but which was entirely destroyed. A sub-committee of the Manchester Education run Committee have published a report on the amendments pro- posed on the Elementary Education Bill Introduced into the House of Commons by her Majesty's Government. The re- port indicates the phrases and words in the various alauses which should be made to the contents of the measure. Great care has manifestly been exercised in the drawing up of the document, which conta1m, in addition to the matter described, lucid explanations of the meaning of the various, clauses. The brig loboatia, which arrived at New York ma March 25, from Pernambnch, has the following entry in her log:—" March 22, at 6 p.m., passed through a large quantity of wreck stuff, consisting of panel works, desk houses, <fcc., which appeared to have been not long in the water. Also passed a boat bottom up; the boat was varnished. The wreck stuff extended for a distance of two miles." Regret is expressed that the captain did not make an eff ort to secure the boat or obúain some other proof of identity. A respectably dressed woman applied to one of the London m8ginrate" on Siturdr.y to assist her in the recovery of her little boy. She had leased her child to a travelling showman for £ 12 a year, on conditioll that the boy wrote to her once a nunta when the caravan was in the provinces^ which she understoood was not to be of ten. The showman, however, had not fulfilled his engagements, and the mother now wishej to know whether she could demand the restora- tion of the chi'd. The magistrate stated that, under the cir- cumstances, he could give her no assistance. A Bermonasey waterman made a singular statement before a London magistrate on Saturday. He said that while rowing up the river that morning he caught an alligator, and no sooner had the beast been conveyed ashore thaa two young men carried it off to Mr. Jamrach's establishment in Itatcliff Highway. The proprietor of that plate of entertain- ment refused to part with the alligator, which was about four feet in length. The applicant was inform6d that he waa entitled to a summons if Mr. Jamrach persisted in detaining the creature. At a recent examination of the Windsor Infant School, a little boy was asked to explain his idea of "bearing. false witness against your neighbour." After hesitating, he; said it was "telling tales," on which the examiner said* That's not exactly an answer. What do you say 1" ad- dressing a little girl. She immediately replied, It waa whenjiobody did nothing, and somebody went and told ot it." Quite right," said the examiner, amidst irrepressible roars of laughter, in which he could not help joining. Further investigation has led to the opinion that the recently discovered Roman amphitheatre at Paris was. built in the reign of the Emperor Adrian, the adopted son. of Trajan. It seems to have been in use down to a compara- tively recent period. King Chilperic had games performed within its wats for the amusement of hil subjects, anel Alexander Neckham. an English professor at Paris, gave a description of it in 1180. For a long time it had been made a pertect quarry of, and part of its mateiials were used in the construction of the walls of the Cite of Paris. The educated classes of Paris are loudly demanding that this splendid relic of the ancient Lutece shall be preserved, and if possible restored at any cost. "A Liberal Clergyman" in a letter to the Spec- tator suggests that if Lord Russell's plan be carried out, of a chapter of the Bible being read before school to impart a religious odour to the business of the day, it would be de- sirable to read it in the original Hebrew or Greek. The reasons for this are obvious. 1. The direct moral effect upon the children would be the same as if it were read in English. 2. The indirect moral effect would be far greater, from the greatly increased sense of awe and mystery. 2. All need of a conscience clause would be entirely done away with."—Pall Mall Gazette. The Queen has just lost another of her most value personal friends and attached servants in the person of the Dowager Lady Lyttelton, whose death happened at Hagley- park, her son's seat, near Stourbridge, Worcestershire, in the eighty-third year of her age. Her ladyship was by birth lAdr Sarah Spencer, eldest daughter of George John, second Earit Spencer, by Lady Lavinia Bingham, daughter of Charles* first Earl of Lucan, and was born on the 28th of July 178Z. She married, on the 4th of March, 1813, William Henry, third Lord Lyttelton, but was left a widow in April, 1837. He Ladyship was for many years governess to the children of her Majesty, and was an especial favourite with the Prin- cesses, both as children and as they have severally grown up to womanhood. Her Ladyship was sister of Joan Charles,, third Earl Spencer, better known by his former title of Lord Althorp, and of the late Captain the Hon. Sir Robert Caven- dish Spencer, K.C.H., the late Lady Geøqe Quin, and of th* late Hon. and Rev. George Spencer, the "Father Ignatius" of the Passionist Order in the Roman Catholic Church. She was the mother of four other children—two sons and two daughters—besides the present Lord Lyttelton.