Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

20 erthygl ar y dudalen hon










----- ---j EPITOME OF NEWS,




IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. I The House of Common* reassembled after the Barter '•<» tn Monday, April 2S, when the Caledonian _d tional Power*) Bill was read a third time and pawed, an several other bills were read a second time. Treasury Mr. Beresford Hope asked the First Loirdo[ which whether he could inform the House of *ke ]neas of he propose* to adopt to secure the continued enj Ipping Forest to the public? in nrosress, but Mr. Gladstone said that arrangements werein ^e ™ bad not yet reached such an advanced stage as w tffy their announcement. Board of Trade if «■» tommm treaty now in force ? ,„e(»,stion had been made Mr. Otway replied that eucu a Hnwn unnn but no sprcui principle had been laid down upon which to ■elect these witnesses. „ to THE MURDER OF ENGLISH CAPTI S IN GREECE. Mr. Monk asfced whether the Und«v!3ecrei Affairs ceuld ssy if any .•"SSJus intelligence wWh fc H Foreign Office of the disastrous uuemgenoe which had reMre0tV%P^1s,r^thGv«y deep regret that I have to state to the House that information has been received that thXglUhcipt^ ^Vdeath ^^ndS <»?*<>»in OrnpoB have been Put *fy 'hem; that is, the camives who rem*ined a'te^ Lord Munoas-ter—who had been one of ,hem j18*1 beenj dispatched to make terms for their release, and whose depar'ure had been pre- ceded by that of ^yj^"?ca?ter ,411(1 Mrs. Ll«yd and her child who were also in the hands of the brigands. No endeavour has been wanting on the part of of her Majesty's Ministers to avert tee fa'e which appeared to have fallen upon tnese persons. There has been no difficulty with regard to the payment of the sums demanded by the brigands as ransom ter the persons in their power nor have efforts been wanting on the part of her Majesty's Minister to induce the Greek Government to grant that amnesty which the brigands demanded as a condition of the release of the cap- tiyes. UIJfortunatt-ly that concession was not made, and it appears that the brigands being attacked by the Gret k troopt, proceeded to carry in to effect the menace which they had previously made and put the captives to death. The intelli- gence was received at the Foreign Office on the afternoon of •T h Y?' ^'r- Herbert, the Secretary of the Italian Legation, «■ u death by the brigands under tbe pressure of the attack made by the troops upon them that Mr. Tyner had been carried off by them; and that nothing was known of Mr. Lloyd. That telegram was despatched from Athens at two a.m, on the same day (the 22nd), and later a telegram was despatched at 7.30 a m. from Athens, by which we learned the further sad intelligence that Mr. VynerandMr. lloyd had shared the fate 00 their companions. We are wait- ing with great anxiety for the details of this affair. We do not expect to receive them before Friday week, and in the mean- time the Secretary of State has power to lay upon the table ..11 communications that pus between him and her Majesty's representative at Athens, relating to the subject. Mr. iNewdegate entered into a personal explanation as to the aspersions thrown on his conduct in connexion with the Committee on Monastic Institutions by Sir C. Clifford and other representatives of Roman Catholic opinion during the recess. These he designated not only as libellous, but M gross breaches of privilege. He proceeded to state that he was perfectly "ready to substantiate all the statements he had made, but the House having been pleased to appoint a committee, nothing would induce him to derogate from the frivileges of the Hoipe by taking notice of these accusations efore any other tribunal. The House went into Committee of Ways and Means, and the Newspaper and Stamps Resolutions of the Budget were agreed to. The Naturalisation Bill was also passed through committee, after a desultory discussion of its various clauses. Jbut without amendment. On the third reading of the War Office Bill, Mr. J. Fielden moved its rejection, objecting strongly to the creation of two new Under-Secretaries as being untimely, nnneeesfary, and ill-judged. If the Department was under- handed, the appointment of additional clerks was, he main- tained, the proper means by which the work would be better done. The dockyard labourers and the soldiers who had been dismissed by hundreds would conclude the present plan was a Whig job;" and, seeing that these two officials were to have sellt, in Parliament, !t was natural to presume that a main object of the bill was to secure tre votes for the Government. A discussion followed, in which Lord Elcho, Mr. Stansfield SirJ. Pakington, Mr Newdezate, and Mr. Cu-dwell took part, after which the bill was read a third time, and passed by iM to 6. On the second reading of the Poor Relief (Metropolis) Bill, Dr. Brewer moved its rejection, urging that it was an abro- gation of the connexion between representation and taxation, and that it separated the collection from the administration of the rates; and he was supported by Mr. Torrens, who argued that the bill would disfranchise the ratepayers and give inordinate power to the Poor Law Board; and by Mr. T. Chambers, who maintained that it was in direct opposition to the* ordinary coui se pursued by the House of Commons, of bringing all matters of taxation within the control of the tax p ,yers' representatives. Mr. W. H. Smith and Mr. Harvey Lewis also spoke against the till. After remarks from other hon. members in favour of the bill, it was read a second time. The Attorney-General then moved the second reading of his Bill lor Disfranchising Bridgewater and Beverley, sup- porting his motion by copious extracts from the past elec- toral history of these two peccant boroughs. He defended the composition and conduct of the Commissions, and im- pressed on the House the futility of addressing the Crown to usue these Commissions if it declined to follow them up by •meciaea action when corruption was proved. Several hon. members expressed themselves adverse to the ? }f> but *fter a brief reply from the Attorney-General, the BU'*ai read a second time. T ,e N°rwlch Voters Disfranchisement Bill was also time after a short conversation, which was caseanf i° .? <lose by an understanding that individual mittee. p or injustice may be discussed in Com- rMr.hBroce°gi?«??iaHtJn Bil1 WM committed pro/ormd and Slope, In answer t„ next stage for May 26, expressed a tthen be aula to pres^if ,rom LordElcho> that be would The Wine and. Beerhouael Act (1569) Amendment Bill was a Ifcond tidle. ^h,rce1^ being a Government measure, and by makSn* {t-*6* y both,on the Universities and the Colleg^ now in °<,n?pu) 8°^ dispense hereafter with religious test?Z difnotTut It forward as a measure of couciiiation, frem which he felt h ♦ Jed- a,ter the action the House of Lords list « ?wd t,fcat u would injure the Church ot Eng- dyJaDd Walpole made some observations t»l A against the misapprehension smggested at he thought by the Solicitor-General, that Cambridge eral, paired such a measure, and the bill w« then read a firct ofeniKl,^8^ by Mr C?rdweU,t0 shorten the term amend th«r ai, ,w w ??d > the Lord-Advocate, to amend the Law of Entail (Scotland) and the Criminal Cnnrta Procedure (Scotland), and the House adjourned "I* ST °/ Commons, April 26, Mr Watkin Williams be should postpone his motion, on the StU toe 2tt™ M ay nd Distindovrnient ot the Church in Wales, m]!tfm!*oneth0r(^H^pe int:mated that he would postpone his Rir H^rv w atl°"^ °sl,h!rJ> &<= Until the 20th May. ,the Postmaster General whether p ad caJled a meeting of their bedy'or •Good Friday were menaced by circular with dismi"*1 u attended the same and, if true, under what atatute sucn •circular was issued and whether the Po»tmaster-Oeneral ■would introduce a bill to repeal the same t The Marquis of Hartington «atd that the letter-carriers bad announced their intention of holding a meeting on Good Friday for the object, among others, of hearing a paper on the position and prospects of the Post Office employes, and of dis- cussing Uw Matter afterwards. This would have been in direct violation rule laid down by the late Lord Stanley of -AWeriey, which, iiince it had been in force, had been attended T^thAgutttr°" °V y t0 the department, but also -1 AllemsehM- There had been nothing prevent the tuip!oy>'s of the department making any complaints or npresentations they might think proper their superior officers; and if couched in respectful lan- page these would be carefully considered. He had no in- tention of rescinding the rule laid duwn by his predecessor. Mr. J or.ens asked the Under-Secretary for the Colonies whether there was any truth in the statement that In view _lntended expeditionary f^rce to Red River, the Cana- HitS. 03 were not to disbanded" that this expe- force was to consist of not less than 2,000 men, of <«a*Calr Proportion are to be Imperial troop*; and jSfgland mUlery required is to be furnished from >if™8r!!L,tated that so tar ag the Imperial Goverment ^ere ^^ned, an order had been issued fi r the disband- a*;4,Measurf 8 for vindicating law and •order In the Eed River Settlement had been under the con- sideration of the Govertment, hut had not yet reached the ■tage at which it would be expedient for the interests of the public service that they should be publicly discussed.



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